recee for the short film lol

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Page 2: Recee for the short film lol

For our short film we only needed two locations, which is in a house and outside a house. For this we had to decide on whose house would be more appropriate to film as we had to look into the noise structure. We tested out Emmanuel's house for our short film and decided that it was not suitable for the following reasons; There is too much noise going on outside as there is a park round the corner which means that you can hear children in the park also occasionally hear dogs barking as they will be walking pass including their dog owners when they dogs are being called. There is also a local school nearby which means students would often have to walk this way to get to the bus stop, which means there would be even more noise. There is not a lot of wildlife to be seen as Emmanuel's house is not allocated in the woods however there is birds, which means that you can hear the chirping in the background. We also looked into the inside of Emmanuel’s house as a bedroom is needed for the first person, we then discovered that there would be a few issues in filming inside as Emmanuel has a baby brother which means that we will be able to hear noises from him as we cannot predict when he will start crying also the room had to be a teenagers girl room fortunately Emanuel doesn’t have a teenage sister so if we did film in their it wouldn’t be realistic.

We then decided that Emmanuel’s house wasn’t appropriate and moved on to my house we discovered that when filming outside we would end up hearing trains going pass every 5-10 minutes which means that we have to be weary of the time scale when filming outside. There is a road nearby but it is hardly used which means we will not hear constant car engines driving pass, however it is mainly used around 7 in the morning then 3 in the afternoon as there is a primary school down the road this will not affect us recording as we have too recorded during the evening time when its dark. Also there is street lights which is perfect as we don’t want to film when is too dark as you won’t be able to see anything on camera. When looking inside of my house we had to focus on the noise and how good the lighting would be in the house the first room was the computer room which rarely quiet only having problems as the lighting is not good so we have to bring in lamps to improve the lighting as we cannot get natural light as there is no windows in the room. The next room where the film will be filmed is my bedroom as the room will represent the character as it is a teenage girl’s room. As the room has a powerful light the can be used to help with lighting however you cannot adjust the light and may have to result in only using natural light when filming.

The best location that we have all agreed on was my house. This is because of numerous factors, one main point was because of the noise level in the area is quiet which means that we will have no unwanted sound in the film, also when filming outside the lighting is ideal having the street lamps be located around the part we are filming.

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Potential Hazard Location Who is at Risk? How are you going to make sure it

doesn’t happen?

Who’s Responsibility? 

 falling on the stairs


 Cast and Crew     Cast

Tripping over as the concrete is unleavened

  Outside; on a long road  

 The actor Making sure the actor is aware of the ground but still being in character while shooting.


 Walking in the dark; May trip over equipment as it will be difficult to see what is happening

 Long walk home  

 The Cast and Crew When filming making sure that there are street lamps so the cast and crew will be able to see what they're doing and there wont be any accidents occurring.

 cast and crew

Damaging equipment when the weather is bad and not suitable

 Outside the house   

 - When its raining we are going to bring umbrellas to protect the equipment so it don’t get damaged, however if its raining heavily we would have to film another time as sometime umbrellas will not help protect the equipment.


 Mirror on side in living room

  Inside the House

Cast  Make sure the mirror is stable and is not going to fall on any of the actors and smash on the floor






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Location Reece

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Actors Name; SashaAge; 17Location; London

Sasha Is acting as one of the min characters called ‘Mel’ The reason why Sasha is acting as this character is that she is very like he character so she can relate and understand the person.

Name; Alanah Age; 16Location; London

Alanah is the back up actor the reason why alanah is the back up character is because she is very reliable so incase one of the actors cant make it she will be able to come and act, also her personality fits well in all of the characters.

Name; AlanahAge; 17Location; London

Michelle is acting the role as ‘Molly’ the reason why I chose Alana to portray ‘Molly’ is because she is able to relate to the character as she has knew someone who has been through what ‘ molly has gone through’ So she will know how to act and feel when filming

Name; SammiAge; 17Location; London

Sammi is playing the character ‘ Gina’ the reason why I chose Isobel to be Mel's best friend is because sammi and Sasha are very close which means that they don’t have to act the friendship its genuine so the audience will be able to relate and become attach and understand the friendship bond they have.

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The only prop that we will need is the phone as the phone is the main key for the audience to understand what life was life before all this through pictures. The equipment that we will be needed would be cameras, tripod, lighting equipment. Also the other prop that would be needed is a kettle and a cup.

Props and equipment

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Moly's outfit is just a white gown that’s dirty this is because she has escaped form the asylum so that the cloths she wears are smoke and plain. This reflects her personality as she is very quiet and not confident at all. However if we can t get a white gown the alternative Is having the character wear all black this is because black is more dull and sinister so it will still create the same affect

Gina is wearing a girly outfit this is because she is very popular which means that she keeps up with the latest trends. The red lipstick shows how confident she is and it also makes her stand out as well. This means that we don’t have to pay for Gina costumes as Sasha clothes that’s fits the personality and character of Gina

Mel outfit is complete different to mels as her outfit is tom boyish, this is why they're best friends because they are totally opposite, The reason why she is wearing these specific clothes is because it shows she is into fashion and is different form others showing her creative side. . The outfit she will wear is more casual so just jeans and a top