recapitalizing america’s strength in science and technology tom kowalczyk office of university...

Download Recapitalizing America’s Strength in Science and Technology Tom Kowalczyk Office of University Programs, Science and Technology Directorate Department

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Recapitalizing Americas Strength in Science and Technology Tom Kowalczyk Office of University Programs, Science and Technology Directorate Department of Homeland Security June 4, 2010 VACCINE Visualization and Data Analysis Workshop Slide 2 In conjunction with other public and private institutions, proactively provide leadership, opportunities and resources to maintain and develop the necessary intellectual basis for a national S&T workforce and focused research disciplines that will ensure the safety of our homeland. DHS S&T Directorate Strategic Goal #3 Slide 3 Energizing and Empowering America for a Brighter Economic Future National Academies Report Increase Americas talent pool by vastly improving K-12 science and mathematics education. Sustain and strengthen the nations traditional commitment to long-term basic research. Make the United States the most attractive setting in which to study and perform research. Ensure that the United States is the premier place in the world to innovate. Slide 4 National Academies STEM Workforce Development Strategy Elementary School Middle School High School UndergraduateGraduate School Post Doctoral Programs Government, Academia and Industry Employment Time Excite Attract Educate and Assist Recruit Continually Monitor and Assess Retain Slide 5 Recapitalizing Americas Strength in Science and Technology is a big job we need a team effort. For further information about partnering with DHS please contact Tom Kowalczyk at [email protected] 202-262-7940 Summary -