reboot democracy movement

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  • 8/9/2019 Reboot Democracy Movement


    Reboot Democracy MovementShort Version

    (note: we will soon change the name of this movement from "reboot")

    In 2008, millions of Americans pitched in to elect Barack Obama President and sent him to DC

    with a mandate to make Washington work again for ordinary Americans. Eight years of Bush hadleft our country with two wars, an economy in a downward spiral, and halls of Congress littered

    with lobbyists working overtime to make giant corporations even richer. The desperate state ofthe country inspired unprecedented participation in the historic election, and all over the country

    people worked overtime to win back Washington for struggling Americans.

    Two years later, we've learned that reclaiming our country requires more than just electing the

    right President. After the election the corporate special interests doubled down, making sure thattheir CEOs and profits are protected in every deal that goes down. The recent health care victory

    taught us wecan

    make progressive change, but it's still incredibly hard because corporatelobbyists hold power not just over Republicans but all of the Washington DC culture. OrdinaryAmericans have started to wake up and demand that the principles that founded our nation rule

    our democracy again.

    But now the Supreme Court has given corporations even more power by allowing unlimitedspending in elections, so they can try to buy their friends seats in Congress. As a result, in

    addition to facing more uphill battles to move forward, we now have a serious risk ofgoing backwards on the biggest issues confronting hard-working Americans: a bungled

    economy, an increasing wage disparity, and legislation full of giveaways to giant corporations atthe expense of everyone else. They're even talking about repealing the health care bill we just

    passed. And Wall Street is just gearing up to protect their massive profits--even as they are stillspending the tax payer bailout money.All this while so many Americans are struggling to make

    ends meet, provide for their families, and create a country that reflects American values of equalprotection under law. The disparity will only get worse if we don't act now to rewrite the

    rules by which Washington operates.

    Corporate special interests will always have more money than us, but when faced with a crisis indemocracy, Americans have shown time and again that people-power can triumph. Every hard-

    won progressive leap forward in this country has had a movements of committed people driving it.Winning women the right to vote, establishing a minimum wage, the Civil Rights Acts and

    establishing Clean Air standards--all of these monumental triumphs started with the actions ofcommitted communities around the country. As Barack Obama said when elected, "Change

    doesn't come from Washington, Change comes to Washington."

    Hard-working Americans are outraged at the revelation of just how deep the elite corporate

    interests have their tentacles in the halls of Power and Washington DC. And that outrage meanswe have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fundamentally rewrite the rules so our government

    works for us--the way our founders intended--and not for the corporate elites.

    It's time to take back our country, reboot our democracy, and kick corporate elites out

    of Washington once and for all by rewriting the rules that Washington plays by. To dothis, we're going to organize in our communities to build a giant and vibrant movement that

    our elected officials can't ignore. We'll work within that movement to beat back laws that putcorporations in the driver's seat of our democracy. And we'll hold elected leaders--

    Democrats and Republicans alike--accountable if they aren't willing to stand up to corporate

  • 8/9/2019 Reboot Democracy Movement


    interests and side with the people to create a level playing field in Washington and around the

    country. Finally, together we'll demand that progressive principles govern the politicalagenda in Washington so we have a country that rewards the middle class and working

    Americans over corporate elites.

    What will this actually look like?

    Within every movement in our nation's history were campaigns that sought to fulfill the justgoals of the movement. As an example, the civil rights movement main goal was an integrated

    society. Given the multipronged nature of the problem of legal segregation it required specificcampaigns- the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Greensboro, Nashville, and Tallahassee sit ins, the

    Birmingham summer, the Freedom rides, Selma, etc- each of which had specific goals meant toput a nail in the legal system that was Jim Crow. Sometimes these tactics were meant to

    overturn laws in courts, others were meant to expand voter rolls, and still others were meant topass legislation at the local, state, and national levels. The point is movements are made up of

    campaigns which are part of a broader strategy with often different tactics to achieve themovement's goals.

    With our Reboot movement, we will begin our efforts with a campaign that seeks first to raise the

    alarm of undue corporate influence in our politics.

    Corporate Influence Campaign

    1. The election The health care fight taught us that we can make progressive change, but it's

    super-hard because corporations and their lobbyists still have too much power in DC.

    2. Now, the Supreme Court has given corporations even more power and thrust Americainto a whole new world of unlimited corporate spending on elections.

    3. As a result, we face a serious risk of going backwards on the biggest issues facing hard-

    working Americans and repeating the mistakes of the past: a bungled economy, an increasingwage disparity, and legislation full of giveaways to giant corporations at the expense of everyone

    else. They're even talking about repealing the health care bill we just passed.

    4. To rescue our economy and save our democracy, the solution is a giant movement to putpeople back in charge of our government. Every time we have won something in this country

    for the people, it has been through movements (examples--women's right to vote, minimum


    How will this happen on the ground?

    a) organizing in our communities to identify and expose the problem and demand that our

    voices be heard (organizing and visibility events)

  • 8/9/2019 Reboot Democracy Movement


    b) beating back laws that increase the corporate influence over our democracy

    (constitutional amendment/legislation like the Fair Elections Act)

    c) electing leaders who are accountable and getting rid of ones who aren't (electoral strategies)


    d) constructing a progressive economic agenda that will level the playing field for hard

    working Americans