real world ionic development

Real World Ionic Development @chrisgriffith

Upload: chris-griffith

Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Real World

Ionic Development


Ionic Generator

Ionic Generator

Ionic Generator



Platform Specific Styles

<ion-app class="md">

Platform Mode Details

ios ios Viewing on an iphone, ipad, or ipod will use the iOS styles.

android md Viewing on any android device will use the Material Design styles.

windows wp Viewing on any windows device inside cordova or electron uses the Windows styles.

core md Any platform that doesn’t fit any of the above platforms will use the Material Design styles.







$control-height: 40px;

.header {

height: $control-height;


.sub-header {

height: $control-height;}


SASS Variables


CSS Utilities

<div text-center>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Sed ac vehicula lorem. </div>


CSS Utilities

<div text-capitalize>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Sed ac vehicula lorem. </div>


Responsive Float Attributes

Attribute Description

float-{modifier} Applies the modifier to the element on all screen sizes.

float-sm-{modifier} Applies the modifier to the element when min-width: 576px.

float-md-{modifier} Applies the modifier to the element when min-width: 768px.

float-lg-{modifier} Applies the modifier to the element when min-width: 992px.

float-xl-{modifier} Applies the modifier to the element when min-width: 1200px.


Element Padding

Attribute Style Rule Description

padding padding: 16px Applies padding to all sides.

padding-top padding-top: 16px Applies padding to the top.

padding-left padding-left: 16px Applies padding to the left.

padding-right padding-right: 16px Applies padding to the right.

padding-bottom padding-bottom: 16px Applies padding to the bottom.

padding-vertical padding: 16px 0 Applies padding to the top and botttom.

padding-horizontal padding: 0 16px Applies padding to the left and right.

no-padding padding: 0 Applies no padding to all sides.


Element Margin

Attribute Style Rule Description

margin margin: 16px Applies margin to all sides.

margin-top margin-top: 16px Applies margin to the top.

margin-left margin-left: 16px Applies margin to the left.

margin-right margin-right: 16px Applies margin to the right.

margin-bottom margin-bottom: 16px Applies margin to the bottom.

margin-vertical margin: 16px 0 Applies margin to the top and botttom.

margin-horizontal margin: 0 16px Applies margin to the left and right.

no-margin margin: 0 Applies no margin to all sides.


Hidden Gems


no-border – Removes the border from the header element

transparent – Adds transparent background to header


detail-none, detail-push – These can be used to hide or display the arrow icon on a list item

item-left, item-right, item-content – These attributes decide where, in relation to other

elements, that the item should be placed

text-wrap – Will force text inside of item to wrap onto next line

Ionic Native Mocks


Ionic Native Mocks are designed to be used as placeholders during development for the actual Ionic Native modules. Ionic Native is a curated set of wrappers for Apache Cordova plugins that make adding any native functionality you need to your Ionic mobile application easier.

Ionic Native Mocks

$ npm install @ionic-native-mocks/[plug-in] --save

// app.module.tsimport { Camera } from '@ionic-native/camera';import { CameraMock } from '@ionic-native-mocks/camera';...


providers: [...{ provide: Camera, useClass: CameraMock }...


})export class AppModule { }


This repository is an example project that gives guidance on setting up your Ionic application

for unit testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps

• Enable gzip• Improving iOS support <meta>

tags• App Icons• Updating the BODY tag• Handling the no JavaScript case• Removing Cordova

• Image Paths• Enabling Serviceworker.js• Updating the manifest.json file



A compiler for web componentsBased on TypeScript, uses JSXBuilds optimized Custom Elements

Virtual DOM, Server Side, Pre-compilation, AsyncRendering, One-way data-binding, JSX

Inspired by the best parts of Angular, React, Vue, Preact, Polymer, etc.Driven entirely to take full advantage of the browser.


Built for PWAs

• Blazin' fast startup• Focused on first-paint and Time-To-Interactive (TTI)• Tiny file sizes (faster startup)• Instead of sending runtime code to client, let the browser do the work• Animations and gestures not required for first paint• (What's good for PWAs, is just as good for Cordova apps, too)


import { Component, Prop } from '@stencil/core';


tag: 'my-first-component',

styleUrl: 'my-first-component.scss'


export class MyComponent {

// Indicate that name should be a public property on the component

@Prop() name: string;

render() {

return (


My name is {}






Dev App

Dev App



Rapid app prototyping

Visually build high-fidelity apps in minutes. Drag and drop

core Ionic UI components, add themes, animations, design

files, and even custom code to create real, interactive Ionic

mobile apps.


Realtime app updates

Push hot code updates, content changes, A/B tests, and bug fixes in real time before and after your app is in the app stores, with Ionic Deploy.


Live updates

Push live app updates directly to

users and testers in realtime. No

approvals, no delays.

Automatic updating

Keep users on the latest version,

with updates that works

seamlessly in the background.

Split testing

Run A/B tests and target the

distribution of new changes using

multiple update channels.

App store compliant

Safely update your Ionic apps while

staying compliant with Apple and

Android requirements.


Native builds in the cloud

Create native apps in the cloud with Ionic Package to get from code to app store with no platform dependencies or complicated build steps.


Turn web assets into native SDKs

Upload your Ionic project files and turn web assets into

native SDKs for iOS and Android. Ionic Package

configures, compiles, and packages it all in the cloud, and

gives you everything you need to submit to the app stores.


Real-time error reporting

Track issues in development and catch bugs before they ship. Quickly pinpoint and resolve runtime errors by drilling into your core codebase, down to the TypesSript level.


Realtime alerts & notifications

Be the first to know whenever and wherever your app

crashes, or when unexpected errors occur.

Built for Ionic apps

Track runtime errors in your Ionic apps with full web layer visibility

and JavaScript stack traces. No setup. It will Just Work.

TypeScript sourcemaps

Know exactly where to push fixes by identifying offending

code in your app’s original TypeScript.