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REAL Man Fitness and this product’s creators, advisors, consultants,

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 Above, your author, Zach Even – Esh, about to take you through the short, No

B.S., intense workouts tailor made for Busy Men. Prepare to transform

yourself into the best shape of your life.

A Special Message from Your REAL

Man Fitness Coach…

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your purchase of The RMF Program. I know this system will prove to

be invaluable for your success in life from more than just a physical standpoint.The brevity of these workouts will add more time for you in other important

areas of your life.

The results you’re about to experience will improve your confidence and provide

you with an understanding of the power of focused intensity.

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These workouts are NOT easy. Yes, they are short, but if you aren’t feeling the

intensity after 10 minutes then you need to ramp up your intensity. This book

and the several counterparts I have organized to supplement one another are

about getting back to heavy, hard, basic training.No fancy scientific talk trying to impress you, just 100 % focus on getting pure

results. No excuses, no bull shit, good ol’ fashioned hard work.

You will test yourself physically and mentally through these workouts. Don’t

ever quit. Make sure you use ALL the information here in addition to your

bonus materials. I hate to be the motivator, things seem to never work out when I

am the more motivated person in the relationship, so take massive action withyour newfound materials and find motivation from within.

Intrinsic motivation will set you apart from the typical weak, lazy, fat man. I’m

here to change the way you view “fitness” by letting you know that any small

amount of time is enough time to get an intense workout completed while

getting fantastic results.

It doesn’t matter how busy you are. The stories you have heard of needing at

least 45 minutes to workout are NOT true. I have been following these 15 minute

workouts ever since I have gotten married. Oddly enough, once I got married

and became a father, my desire to become stronger, more fit and a better

representative for busy men dramatically skyrocketed.

I wanted to be much better in every aspect of my life: in fitness, health, in

business and as a father and husband.

As you know, this is the opposite of what happens to the majority of married

men and even single, hard working, busy men. They lose their edge, lose their

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strength, lose their muscles and lose anything else that personifies being a

“REAL Man.”

With this fitness system and all the accompanying information the excuses areerased and there are only answers and solutions. So now it’s time to get busy and

start sweating. I’m with you every step of the way so no more hesitating, no

more waiting and no more B.S. Let’s kick some serious ass!!!!

Dedicated to Your Sucess,

Zach Even – Esh

PS: Keep me posted with your success. E mail me and send me action pics or

transformation pics of yourself. In fact, taking before / after pics is the best way

to motivate yourself and track progress. Photos never lie. I look forward to

hearing about your success! [email protected] 

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Chapter 1

The Building Blocks of

‘REAL Man Muscle Building’

So, it’s your early stages of training and you’re already jumping head first into

‘REAL Man Fitness’, I applaud you and respect you immensely! Most people

drop their exercise program within a few short weeks. They’re probably too busy

for 1 hour workouts and don’t realize that they can get so much done in 15

minutes or less.

I don’t blame them for giving up on those long exercise sessions. Once you

become a busy man those long workouts emotionally drain you because you’re

always thinking about all the time you’re wasting! When you’re finally done

with your 1 hour work out, you’re wasting time driving home from the gym,then getting in your post workout meal, then showering, and then…..where the

heck did your entire day go? It’s already gone.

This is exactly why I created REAL Man Fitness (RMF)! The 15 minutes it takes to

drive to the gym is the maximum time you’ll need to complete your workout.

Exercise, working out or whatever you want to call it must be a staple in your

life. So if I took it away from you, you would not be able to function properly.

This is how you need to “feel” about exercising if you want powerful results.

When your mind and body are connected with a powerful emotional charge

your results will come so fast you will literally be in shock.

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This is when you get maximum results in minimum time. When you truly love

the feeling you get from working out, making it easy to stay committed and

making it even easier to get results.

No doubt about it, our workouts are tough. Shorter workouts often mean harder

workouts since we are getting more work done in less time than usual. Don’t

wear your fancy workout gear either. You will probably be better off wearing

that old college t shirt that you won’t worry about getting sweaty and dirty

thanks to your e bay dumbbells and sweat drenching workouts.

There are going to be some key movements you must practice regularly to builda solid foundation of strength. These movements will be necessary for allowing

you to perform the loaded movements correctly and safely.

By loaded movements I mean the dumbbell movements and eventually adding

weight to calisthenics such as weighted pull ups and weighted push ups.

Bodyweight training  is the staple behind the development of a solid foundation

of strength. Your body is the ultimate go anywhere, use anytime gym! There are

no times or places that stop you from performing a bodyweight workout. In fact,

when I go on vacation, I make sure to get in some bodyweight training. I need to

perform some form of exercise at all times to keep my sanity, especially while on


It helps keep the body “tuned up”, especially while you are eating out more than

normal which is what most will do while on vacation. My body doesn’t feel as

energetic as normal thanks to the restaurant food that I consume while on

vacation but some simple bodyweight exercises performed in a circuit mixed in

with some sprints for a few minutes each day helps keep the digestive system

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and your emotional well being in tune. While away on vacation I still try to eat

clean, but nothing beats a home cooked meal!

Here are the bodyweight movements you will work hard at on a regular basis:


squat variations


lunge variations


pull up and chin up variations


push up variations


leg raise variations


short distance sprints

You must be freaking out right now saying, “Holy sh*t there are only 6

movements listed here to focus on. This going to be boring as all heck.” Have

you ever seen Herschel Walker? He was notorious for calisthenics and resisted

sprints using a tire (which you’ll see how to do yourself soon enough).

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Now, this may not seem like a lot of movements and you are correct my friend,

it’s only 6 movements but wait until you see how many variations we have for

each of these movements. It’s truly staggering! These are the basic movements,

and yes, there are endless variations to the basics, all of which are listed in laterchapters and your accompanying materials.

You can easily create more than 15 variations for each movement so you will

never get bored. Just remember, the basics must be practiced regularly. The

basics always work so don’t neglect them. You must respect them and take

action with them.

Look at the guys locked up in prison. They do pull ups, handstand push ups, sit

ups, squats, hindu squats and they do this for years and years on a daily basis.

They leave prison with physiques better than most gym goers with all their

fancy, high tech equipment. The difference is consistency and focus. These

inmates never stray from the basics and they don’t skip workouts.

These basic movements are the building blocks of your program, especially for

the beginner. Intermediates and Advanced athletes will use these basics as well,

 just with a few added twists and variations to increase the difficulty of each

movement. The ironic thing is that you will find highly experienced and

advanced men using the basics most of the time as well. Through experience

they have learned that these basic exercises are the most effective ways to

developing muscle and burning fat.

These movements can help you get stronger, more powerful and develop

muscular endurance. With a healthy diet your body will have the lean and

rugged look that only REAL men have.

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As you increase your reps on each movement and can perform more work in the

same amount of time, you will find that you are quickly adding muscle to your

frame. Adding muscle helps burn fat around the clock, which is the most critical

aspect when it comes to fat burning. If you have a body that has a racingmetabolism you will be a fat burning machine, 24 – 7.

To create a strong, powerful athletic body you must attack your weak areas,

develop them into strong areas by adding muscle and developing strength. Men

have a tendency to work only what they are good at or only what they can see in

the mirror. I call these the beach muscles. This means lots of bench presses and

curls. These are two great exercises, but the largest muscles of your body: thelegs and the back, must be worked intensely because when you carry more

muscle, as mentioned before, your body becomes much more efficient at burning


The best way to work on a weak area is by “working the groove”. So if any of

these body weight movements are too difficult for you to perform for several sets

through a single workout then you should work the groove on these movements

and perform a few sets throughout the course of the day.

 Working the groove simply means training while you are physically and

mentally fresh several times a day, several times a week, but not actually going

through a full blown work out. In a nut shell, you are doing one set

sporadically through the day and week.

You can focus on one movement for up to 3 weeks in a row if you want to. You’ll

know when it’s time to stop working the groove on that particular movement

when you get bored or you simply feel that you are no longer responding from

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the extra work. 3 weeks tends to be the time period where progress halts from

performing a specific program over and over. Variety should be used frequently.

For example, let’s say you want to improve in the pull up, here is a sampleweekly program of working the groove on pull ups:

Day Time /reps Time /reps Time / reps


9 am / 3 reps 12 pm / 3 reps 7 pm / 3 reps

Tuesday 9 am / 4 reps 12 pm / 4 reps 7 pm / 4 reps

Wednesday 9 am / 3 reps 12 pm / 4 reps 7 pm / 5 reps

Thursday 9 am / 6 reps 12 pm / 6 reps 7 pm / 6 reps

Friday 9 am / 6 rep 12 pm / 7 rep 7 pm / 8 rep

Saturday 9 am / 8 reps 12 pm / 8 reps 7 pm / 8 reps

You are not training to muscular failure on the above sets or at any time when

working the groove. You want to perform what is called a submax effort set,

which means you leave anywhere from 1 – 3 reps in the tank.

If the above program of pull ups is too easy or too hard for you, then you can

decrease the reps or add weight with a backpack, ankle weights or by squeezing

a medicine ball between your legs. This is a simple, yet very effective way to

improve strength in any exercise as well as adding muscle.

You can vary the above program somewhat by performing the movement of

choice more than 3 times each day. You might perform the movement at 9 am, 12

pm, 3 pm, 6 pm and 9 pm. This will give you five practice sessions all in one day.

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How long will it take you, maybe 30 seconds at a clip? You do have 30 seconds to

spare don’t you? Try working the groove on exercises such as pull ups,

handstand push ups, regular push ups, v ups, 1 legged squats and 1 handed

push ups.

I personally used the groove method to improve my pull ups several times

through the course of the year. This was done in a 2 week time period, where I

would walk to the near by playground during my work day. I did pull ups

during my lunch break and again during my 2nd break of the day. One set of max

repetitions is how I worked the pull ups, and in 2 weeks I went from 15 pull ups

to 25 pull ups in a row.

Pull ups are considered squats for the upper body in my opinion. They must beperformed on a regular basis. If you can not perform pull ups, try performing

negative only reps: Jump up to the top position in the pull up, chin over the bar,

lower yourself as slowly as possible. Eventually, you will build enough strength

to perform regular pull ups.

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 When I was 12 years old, I was working the groove on push ups without

even knowing it. I was able to perform 2 push ups in a row back then! So every

morning and every night I did a set of push ups and simply added 1 rep to my

total every workout. In less than 2 weeks I was performing 20 push ups in a rowand beating my friends in arm wrestling! Not bad for a 12 year old!

You should want your weak exercises to become strong exercises. Everyone has

their own starting points / weak points, so individualize this program for

yourself according to what YOU need.

In addition to the strength exercises, one of the long, lost, forgotten movements

for developing lower body power, muscular legs and overall conditioning is by

performing short distance Sprints, especially Hill Sprints. You can perform

these up small hills or by sprinting from telephone pole to telephone pole, then

walking to the next pole, sprint to the next, etc.

Sprinting is a great way to incorporate interval training  to your overall

workout. You can sprint for 10 seconds followed by speed walking for 30

seconds. Continue this interval work for 3 – 5 sets at first and then eventually

build up to greater time periods and more sets slowly. I usually sprint when

running with my dog or while training at the nearby playground. My dog never

slows down so the entire time is a sprint or jog. If I’m lucky he stops to take care

of “business” and I get a quick rest!

Your progression can eventually become the Tabata Method, where you sprint

for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds and repeat these work:rest periods for a 4 minute

round. This is brutal yet very effective.

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If you have a pet dog, you should definitely be doing more than walking with

your dog. If you live in the city, you may not have the freedom to go out and

sprint. Your other option is to run the stairs which is another phenomenal


 While running the stairs, here is what you want to do:

•  Sprint up the stairs as fast as possible, running up every other stair.

•   Walk back down. Perform a set of calisthenics when you reach the

bottom of the stair case, and then hit the sprints again. Push Ups or an

abdominal exercise works best since you are already training the legs.

Squatting or lunging will interfere with your ability to explode up the


Set your stop watch for 5 minutes…

1A) Sprint up stairs

1B) walk down stairs

1C) push ups x 15

1D) plank x 30 seconds

1E) repeat

Try the above sprint / calisthenics workout for 5 minutes the first time around.

Eventually you will progress to 10 - 15 minutes of this stair workout by adding 1

minute to the workout each time.

Even if you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast, be prepared for a wake up when we

take you through intense bodyweight circuits. If you’re an absolute beginner

with our RMF training (or any training for that matter), take a 30 – 60 second rest

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period after each bodyweight movement. I have noticed that many typical gym

goers are much weaker than they anticipated because they have been so used to

machines allowing them to sit down and lay down.

How Long to Rest?

The easiest and most sensible way to determine how long you should rest is by

gauging how you personally feel. The goal is to slowly reduce rest periods and

REALLY push the pace, never allowing complete recovery. You will begin your

next sprint when you are feeling approximately 75 % recuperated. Every week

you should be feeling stronger and more conditioned so keep pushing the pace.

If you feel nauseous then take a few minutes break and reduce the intensity a

little bit. I don’t want you getting discouraged because you felt like you were

gonna lose your cookies.

As you get tougher and stronger you will see our advanced sprinting protocols

using a tire sled. This will add incredible strength and muscle to your lower

body as well as amplifying your body’s fat burning rate.

Train with Excellent Technique

I don’t encourage training while form is poor. Poor technique leads to injuries as

well as lack of results. Resting gives your body and mind a chance to recover

which is often what you’ll need to keep perfect form on your movements. I want

you to stop the set before you reach the point of less than perfect technique on all

exercises. Do NOT perform any movements with incorrect form.

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Feel free to start slowly with the circuits by resting long enough / short enough

to meet your current fitness level. In time, you’ll be cranking out the bodyweight

and free weight circuits with little to no rest.

Here is a sample beginner bodyweight program:

1)  squats x 15

2)  recline pull ups x 15

3)  push ups x 15

4)  reverse lunges x 20 (10 ea. Leg)


seated knee tucks x 15

Rest 30 seconds after each exercise. Repeat the above circuit for a total of 2

rounds. Every week add one more round until you are doing 4 rounds by the

end of the 4 week time period.

The next month you’ll be doing different bodyweight movements, and you can

also start performing two exercises in a row followed by the 30 second rest

period. From here, you will learn to progress on your own by honestly gauging

your own fitness ability and following the RMF 1 Year Blue Print.


Eventually you’ll be able to perform 5 bodyweight movements in a row for 10

reps minimum of each movement. If you plan to progress and get stronger, more

muscular and leaner, then you must progress as often as possible during each

workout. Progression is one of the critical steps to achieving success with your


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I say “as often as possible” as opposed to stating you must improve “every work

out” because honestly, improving during every single workout is not always


The mind and body fluctuate so often that you must learn to listen and take

advantage of the messages your mind and body are sending. If you feel strong,

then push hard and aim to do more work than you did last time. Try to do more

reps or sets in the same time period, or use a heavier weight for the same reps

than you did last work out.

Because time is limited for guys like ourselves, we want to keep the training timethe same, which is no more than 15 minutes. Will it be bad to train for 20 or 30

minutes? Absolutely not, there will be times you may find the available time or

the urge to do so.

Listening to Your Body….

 Just make sure you focus on intensity with your training first and foremost. Half

hearted workouts do not produce results. On the flip side, on days you feel tired 

you must go lighter and use less volume. Don’t spend long time periods training

with little intensity which is the mistake most people make nowadays which is

exactly why they never see results.

If you feel tired and weak for more than a few days in a row, you need to go

lighter and cut overall workout volume down. Or, this might be your body

sending you a signal to take a few days off. Every 3 months I encourage a full 7

day break from the strength work.

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Regarding Time: One can easily do more work by spending more time working

out, but many of us can’t afford to spend more time training if we have a full

blown schedule. Try resting less in between sets to get more work done.

Adding Resistance / Increasing Intensity

Once you are cranking out our basic body weight movements with perfect form

than it’s time to progress and start moving some weights with dumbbells. But,

don’t think we’re done with the basic body weight movements altogether. They

will always be a staple in our work outs and you’ll see that with all the variations

of the basic bodyweight movements we can easily create 100 different

movements or more.

Your immediate goal is to use calisthenics to wake up your body and mind, get

the mind and body working together, start feeling good, improve energy and feel

the desire to exercise regularly. Starting off your training with high intensity

work may discourage you if you are kicking your own ass from the get go. I

prefer to begin others with their first few weeks of training easy and gradually

building up the intensity.

Leave a little in the tank…

I like to leave the beginner with a little left in the tank when he is done. This

makes him want to come back for more. If you get smashed every workout and

finish crawling out the door on your knees than you’ve gone a few steps too far.

You’ll probably burn out quickly and not be too excited to work out again. Then

again, some people like that feeling, but in case you’re not one of those people,

take the above advice.

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One way to add this hunger and desire is to only train 3 x week. This ends up

being every other day with an eventual 2 days in a row break, which is often

times the weekend. If you’re feeling strong and psyched up to train, add a 4th 

workout any day during the week you are feeling highly energetic. The ideabehind training only 3 x week is that you finish each workout with a little bit of

energy left in the tank which in turn leaves you wanting more the next time.

Your body and mind will crave to exercise again after a rest day, especially after

2 rest days! This planned style of training slightly less than the norm will be

important for you to stick with for your first 6 weeks or so. Being on a regular

exercise program will transform your exercising into a habit. Habits usually take3 – 4 weeks to form.

Plan and Schedule to exercise…

The successful business man always plans his work day, work week, month and

often his year to ensure he remains on target and disciplined. Without a plan you

will wake up every morning fussing and fumbling over what to do and how to

do it, ultimately leading to more time wasting.

You already have your first year of workout planned out for you in The REAL

Man Fitness Blue Print. But, you must pencil it in to your day. I suggest making

it at the same time, all the time. For busy men, this usually means early before

work, during a lunch break or when you arrive home. Choose a time that works

best for your schedule and personality.

I am not into training at 5 or 6 AM, I prefer during the day or evening. I worry

about most pushing their workouts to the late evening at the end of their day

because it becomes too easy to skip late at night. Pick a time and stick to it!

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We all know how difficult it is to break habits, right? But, I’m not here to baby

you, or try to persuade you into doing what you need to do to improve the

quality of your life. Motivation must come from within, and that means

stomping on excuses that you or anyone else might make for you.

Notice I said excuses that others might make for you. It’s amazing how friends

and family will actually persuade you into eating junk food or skipping a


“Just do it tomorrow.”

 Just eat it, it’s not gonna kill you.”

Why should you skip a workout, it’s only going to take 15 minutes or less, plus,

you’ll feel one hundred times better when you’re done.

Why eat junk food? What’s the excuse for that? So you can do damage to your

body and convince yourself that it’s ok to feed your body unhealthy alternatives?

Even worst, eating junk food and straying from your healthy lifestyle allows you

to quit. Start quitting on a regular basis and you will be the poster boy for being a


Sure, once or twice a week you can have a cheat meal, but if this becomes a daily

habit with the guys at work every day, then you’re not going to make the

changes necessary towards becoming the REAL man you want to be.

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Successful Surroundings

Surround yourself with like minded people. Other fat, lazy, procrastinators will

try to stop you from achieving your goals while highly motivated, success

oriented people will encourage you to achieve your goals. You know who’s

bringing you down, they’re obvious to pin point. X them out now and immerse

yourself into a new world of motivation, success, fitness and health.

Let’s get started with the training and see how you can begin mapping out your

workouts and your success.

From this point on, I’ll deliver the information and you’ll be in charge of taking

action. I can’t force you to do anything, I will, however, tell you how I use these

methods to continually get myself stronger and more muscular as well as

allowing me to live a more fulfilling life as a family man and a business man.

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The REAL Man Warm Up

No matter how busy we are, there must always be a warm up involved to get the

mind and body ready for what is about to happen. The stress of a tough work

out requires a few minutes of warming up optimally prep the mind and body.

 Jumping straight into a tough work out without a warm up can lead to injury

which can lead to an interruption in your training for longer than you want to

imagine. Ultimately, this can lead to lack of training progress, halting your goals

and bringing your progress to a dead end.

Injuries can halt progress quickly so this should be your motivation to include a

warm up every single time prior to training. Wouldn’t you rather be working on

improving your body as opposed to rehabbing injuries? Not only will the warm

up reduce chances of injury greatly, you will be more likely to have a more

productive work out.

Sometimes the body and mind are not on the same page. You know you have to

get in that workout, but you’re exhausted from a long day at work and a

sleepless night as you took care of your baby girl or boy, or possibly you’ve been

up late working on a new business project.

The warm up helps you get that mind – body connection that you hear about so

often. With out this connection your workout will not give you that feeling and

vibration of great energy and vitality. Instead you’ll continue to feel exhausted

mentally and physically. Your workouts should energize and vitalize you, not

exhaust you and bring you down.

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Our warm up will generally include movement patterns to get the entire body

working and warming up together. We don’t just want to warm up the core, or

 just the lower body or just the upper body. We want the entire body feeling

warmed up and ready to go.

The movement patterns to use for warm ups AND workouts are

pretty much the same:

•  squatting (BW squat variation)

•  upper body push (push up variation)


upper body pull (rowing with TNT bands or light DB’s)

•  abdominal movement (power wheel or V ups)

•  lunging movement (BW lunge variation)

Individual differences will certainly come into play, so please take your own

individual needs into account during the warm up (and during the work outs).

Individual differences may come into play for you on different days and / or for

different reasons. This simply means that some days you’ll feel the need to work

on certain movements more so than other days if you are sore, tight or feeling the

psychological need to work one area more than another.

For example, if my shoulders are aching me a bit, I’ll be sure to incorporate more

mobility work for the shoulders and upper back along with some band work for

the shoulders.

If my hips feel tight I’ll be sure to use the foam roller or medicine ball on my hips

for a few minutes before performing my regular warm up. I have no problem

spending an extra few minutes on “needy areas” no matter how busy I am. Why

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don’t I mind? I don’t mind because my focus is on longevity, not just immediate

results. I want to be able to exercise until my very last breath on earth. I have

experienced injuries that have sidelined me for up to 6 months and it really

affected me physically and emotionally in a negative manner.

Learning to listen to your body is one of the most difficult skills one can learn.

Especially for men, who tend to push through pain and injuries when they truly

should not. Start listening to your body and you will start having more effective

workouts immediately.

** Note ** - You will find health / mobility movements in your

Advanced BW Training E Book.

Your ego should be ‘checked at the door” and you must start training by feel.

This is when you start becoming the master of your own body. This is an art

form and required discipline of mind and body. I have gotten the best gains of

my life by training as hard as my body needs to and wants to. My mind might

want to go hard because it makes me “feel” like a Gladiator but if I physically

feel run down I know what is best and follow suit.

Sample Warm Ups:

The warm up includes much of the same movements like the regular work out,

but at much lesser intensity levels.

1)  upper body pull movement

2)  upper body push movement

3)  squatting movement

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4)  lunging movement

5)  abdominal movement or prehab / rehab movement

The warm up should be done in circuit fashion, using minimal loads andcontrolled movements. Here’s a typical warm up with specific exercises: 

1)  band rows (attach a band to your pull up bar or the door) x 20 reps

2)  push up variation x 20 reps

3)  1 arm dumbbell swings x 10 reps per hand

4)  mobility movement (s)


abdominal movement x 20 reps

TNT Bands are very inexpensive and should be purchased so you can perform

variations of rowing and pressing and even mobility work for the upper body

and lower body.

We also sometimes add in light jumping rope for 1 minute and perhaps a low rep

set of pull ups and dips, 5 – 8 reps are plenty for the warm up.

I like to perform one round for 15 – 20 reps per movement to really get the body

primed and ready, but sometimes I hit two rounds of the warm up and then feel

ready to go. The prehab work is done more by feel or time under tension, not by

counting reps. Once I’ve gone through 1 - 2 warm up rounds I’m feeling ready to


Here is one more warm up sample:

1)  reverse lunges x 20 reps

2)  band rows x 20 reps

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3)  band chest presses x 20 reps

4)  upper body prehab stretching with bands x 2 minutes

Now that we’re finished with the warm up it’s time to get into our workout andblast for 15 minutes! Once you have finished your workout, you can take a few

minutes to cool down and perform some more prehab / rehab and mobility


You should perform any or all of the following after your workout:


band mobility

2.  self massage on medicine ball or foam roller

3.  static and dynamic stretching

Yes, we do use static stretching after a workout if there are tight areas that need

some flexibility. It’s pretty rare we perform static stretching before the workout

since it doesn’t seem to excite our nervous system enough to prepare us for a fast

paced workout.

Sometimes though, we will use static stretching on an area that may have excess

tightness. The hips tend to be the area we most commonly would use static

stretching on prior to workout but only if necessary.

 Warming Up Outdoors

If I am exercising outdoors then I use a movement based warm up, this is usually

the most effective warm up method to get the body excited for training. Here is

where you can move like a kid again, play and do exactly what you would

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normally see kids doing if you saw them at a playground or during recess at

elementary school.

Movements such as galloping, skipping, hopping, climbing – all of these “play”movements make for a GREAT warm up and even a great workout! This is also

why a playground workout can be so effective. Also, outdoor training gives you

a much different vibe compared to indoor training.

The fresh air, the sun shine, the cool breeze. This is why people love the beach, it

relaxes the mind and allows them to enjoy life. Outdoor training helps create

what I call “Fitness from the Inside”. Creating fitness from within gives you adeep rooted connection with overall health which will give you greater results! I

use my backyard and the playground down the street regularly.

Outdoor Warm Up:

1.  Forwards / backwards jog x 100’ each

2.  Galloping left / right x 100’ each


Running forwards / backwards x 100’ each

4.  push ups x 15

5.  climb across monkey bars x 2 rounds

6.  walking lunges x 50’

If you are a member of you will see

videos of my playground workouts as well as me touring you through some of

the old playgrounds I used to train it using the swing sets, picnic tables, stones

and more! This is great stuff ☺ 

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Chapter 2

Intensifying ‘REAL Man Fitness’

So, you’ve made it through the first few months of RMF and you’re feeling like a

stud. You’ve gained muscle, burned fat, and gained confidence big time. You’ve

been doing pull ups, push ups, one legged squats and extra playground

workouts on your own.

If you have extra time during the week feel free to crank out an extra 5 – 10

minutes with a quick circuit or simply spend 5 – 10 minutes performing low reps

with heavy weight using a dumbbell (snatches, push pressing, rows, swings,

etc.). These extra mini workouts will help “disturb your metabolism” as Alwyn

Cosgrove says, and will improve the way your body burns fat for a longer period

of time AFTER your workout!

During my lunch breaks at work, if I have extra time I run up the street to the

near by playground and crank out 3 – 5 rounds of pull ups and push ups and

maybe some hanging leg raises. It has helped me gain strength, add muscle and

it raises my energy levels mid day when I would normally start feeling a bit


Still, your goal is to keep things short and consistent, 15 minutes maximum, three- four times per week is what you need, and for those who are really gung ho,

you can train 4 or 5 times per week. Three is the minimum in RMF.

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Program Design Variations

There are many variations available for organizing your own workouts. Most of

my workouts are full body workouts but sometimes I split them into upper /

lower workouts allowing me to get more volume in for those muscles.

Your first exercise should be the most challenging movement so you can train

heavy and / or run fast (sprints might be first!). This will likely be a heavy DB

deadlift, sprints, handstand push ups, weighted pull ups, DB snatch, DB zercher

squat or the like.

Do Not repeat this core exercise for more than 3 weeks in a row as your nervous

system will adapt and stop responding. The variety in the core exercise every 2 –

3 weeks should be the norm. A highly advanced lifter can vary the core exercise

every week.

I prefer every 2 weeks for the intermediate and beginner so they can break

personal records on week 2 and if they choose to repeat the core lift on weak 3,

they can aim to break a personal record again.

How to Vary Your Exercises for Maximum Effect 

Consistently switch your exercises yet still work the same movements.

An exercise is the push up, the pull up, the hindu squat, v ups, etc.Movements pertain to the list given to you in the beginning of the e course:

-  Squat

-  Push

-  Pull

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-  Lunge

-  Abs & Rotation

Variety of movements, sets, reps, rest patterns, speed of the movement (tempo),etc are also key to keeping the progress flowing. The body is amazing in the way

it adapts to stressors and exercise is one of those stressors. We’re going to

constantly change the way you train to ensure you’re getting results quickly and

having tons of fun while training. So you can expect a lot of variety in your

workouts, nothing will be repetitive!

We don’t want your body becoming accustomed to the stress of exercise so YOUcan keep on getting the results you want! If you always feel burnt out and

exhausted you’re efforts will diminish as will your motivation to train. Always

remember that we emphasize rest and recuperation so take the day(s) off if

you’re feeling the need to.

If you varied your push up every week you can literally go for over half a year

never doing the same push up! Your own body is the most amazing training tool

so use it for all it’s worth! I personally perform a different push up variation for

every set when I work push ups.

I have been training with weights since the age of 13 so my need for variety will

be much greater than the person who has been training for 1 – 2 years.

Keys to Progress

The way to progress (add muscle) is by doing more work. Work can be increased

by the following manners:

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1.  Increase total reps

2.  Increase total sets

3.  Less rest between sets (more work, less time)


Same reps & sets, but add resistance / weight (more work, same time)5.  More total work, same amount of time

The simplest of all ways is to keep getting stronger. It is the most straight

forward, confusion free method for adding muscle and burning fat. Keep getting

stronger and you will add muscle. Add more muscle to your frame and you will

have a faster metabolism.

You can vary the above principles still by lessening rest periods, adding weight,

or adding reps all within the same set. Being a busy man forces you to use certain

options over others, your best options are to get more work done in the same or

less amount of time, plain and simple. Do not expect progress if you are not

progressing while training.

Adding sets to a workout, which adds more time to the workout is not the way

we want to go unless we are resting little or none at all. This would equate to

doing more in the same amount of time. This is a good goal to shoot for and

accomplish if you are progressing through your circuits quickly (but not easily).

Convenient Circuits

Convenient Circuits allow you to flow from one movement to another without

running from here to there just to find that dumbbell or bench, etc. This is

especially good for those of you training in a commercial gym. This allows you to

minimize setting up or moving around equipment, etc.

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For example, if you are performing the dumbbell row, once finished, flow into

the overhead press, and from there, flow into T stabilization push ups holding

the dumbbells. Don’t let go of the dumbbell, just flow straight into the next

movement, which is essentially performing a circuit or complex, you’ve simplyremoved the hassle of finding what you need for that next exercise.

Most people perform circuits by moving from one station to the next. No need to

place the dumbbells down when you can simply keep holding onto the

dumbbells or grab the heavier dumbbell next to you and just flow into the next

exercise, and the next, the next and the next!

If you only have one dumbbell then your basic / core lifts

can be chosen from the following list:

•  1 arm farmer walk (dumbbell held at side)

•  1 arm overhead walk / carry


1 arm dead lift (held down middle of body)•  suit case dead lift (dumbbell held at side of body)

•  1 arm military press / push press

•  1 arm row

•  1 arm snatch

•  1 arm clean and press

•  1 arm floor press


1 arm swings

•  1 arm high pull

•  2 hand zercher squat

•  2 hand lunge

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These are movements in which you can go pretty heavy on and they are great for

building muscle. As you can see, you are not short on variety with the list above.

Training with heavy weights will get the job done by building strength, burning

fat, and improving your conditioning all at the same time.

You can also vary the way you arrange your total body workouts. You might

focus on the lower body first in the workout for two weeks in a row, followed by

an upper body focus the next 2 weeks, so a work out may look like this:

 Weeks 1 - 2

1)  dumbbell squat 2 x 10 reps

2A) pull ups 2 x max reps

2B) standing dumbbell military press 2 x 10 reps

3A) forward dumbbell lunges 2 x 20 (10 reps ea. Leg)

3B) dumbbell farmer walks 2 x 200 ft. each trip

 Weeks 3 - 4

1A) bent over dumbbell row 3 x 10 reps

1B) flat dumbbell bench 3 x 10 reps

2A) dumbbell split squat (back foot elevated) 2 x 8 per leg

2B) dumbbell swings 2 x 8


abdominal circuit: choose 3 abdominal movements and perform all three of

them in a row for 12 reps each

As you can see, the first two weeks of the month you started your workout with

a lower body focused movement (although many may argue deadlifts and squats

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are a full body movement, which in essence they are, but they focus heavily on

the lower body). The last 2 weeks of the month we started out with an upper

body push / pull superset.

The reason behind this switch is so you can divide up equal intensity between

upper and lower body through the month. If you always start with lower body,

then usually you get a bit of a butt whoopin’ and lose some energy when it

comes to the upper body. This might result in less than optimal effort for the

upper body. Balance, as always, is the key.

You’ll see in time that we may devote entire workouts just for lower body and just for upper body. We’ll do this for variety, which is always a good thing to

help keep progress moving along as well as keeping the workouts fun. In

addition to variety, these upper / lower body splits allow you to get more

volume in for movements and muscles which can often speed up your increases

in strength and muscle gain.

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Chapter 3

How to Develop REAL Man

Strength and Muscle

You may or may not be limited to just dumbbells and bodyweight. If you have a

barbell in your home, as I once did from Costco, then go ahead use the basic

barbell lifts as well. But, if you are limited to DBs and bodyweight, you want to

maximize your training by performing all movements correctly. Below is a list of

critical dumbbell movements that will become a staple in your training program.

They deliver results and are highly economical, which simply means they get a

lot of work done in minimal time. As I mentioned previously, we want to choose

movements that get a lot of work done in a short amount of time because they

deliver the most bang for your buck.

I much prefer to work on 3 – 5 movements max during one workout, focus

intensely on them, as opposed to performing 1 or 2 sets of 10 different

movements. It’s tough to get stronger if you constantly change movements and

 jump around from one movement to the next because there is no focus.

Workouts require laser-like focus all the time or the results will not be there.

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The REAL Man Fitness Top Basic Movements: (Performed

with one or two dumbbells)

Farmer Walk (dumbbells held at side):

Deadlift the weights up, hold the dumbbells at your side, keep your chest high

and your shoulders back, NOT hunched over. Begin walking and slowly increase

the speed of the walk taking shorter, quicker steps. When you complete the set

squat the weights down under control.

For variety you can carry the dumbbells between cones or in a figure 8 pattern.

This will stress the core to a greater degree.

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Overhead Walk:

Press one or two dumbbells overhead. Lock out the arms and walk slowly and

carefully. The overhead walk stresses the entire back and the core as well. This is

NOT a movement to be done quickly! Keep the arms close to your head sogravity doesn’t pull the weights down.

Do not allow yourself to go too heavy and lose control. If you find yourself

losing control, lower the dumbbells to your shoulders and then down to the

ground with your squat technique.

This movement can also be done in figure 8 patterns or with 1 arm at a time for

variation. The 1 arm variation is great because it forces the opposing side to work

in a stabilization manner.

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1 Arm Dead lift (held down middle of body)

Place a dumbbell in between your feet. Feet should be shoulder width apart or

slightly wider. Squat down and grab the dumbbell tightly. Keep your chest highand shoulders back. Do not allow the upper or lower back to round out.

Lift upward explosively while keeping the arm straight. Your free arm does not

touch your body or assist the lifting in any manner. On the way down, push the

hips and butt back, stay on your heels, and only go down to the point right

before the dumbbell hits the ground.

You can add extra range of motion by standing on two a few pieces of plywood

or rubber flooring. The extra range of motion will place added stress on the legsand is a great variation to this movement. Add a greater challenge by standing

on two boxes or chairs so the DB travels lower than your feet.

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Suit Case Dead lift (dumbbell held at side of body)

This is a great variation of the dead lift. Following the same form as the 1 arm

deadlift, you now hold the dumbbell at the side of your body. Your opposite side

will be working over time to stabilize against being pulled to the side by the

dumbbell. Go as low as possible without losing form or allowing the dumbbell to

touch the floor. Do not fear going heavy on this exercise!

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Military Press

We love ground based movements here at REAL Man Fitness. Sitting down and

laying down rarely happen here. Ground based movements work the core, back

and legs in addition to working the muscles targeted during the specific


For the military press you can use one or two dumbbells. We also allow a slight

push press here to use heavier weights. If you do use the push press, don’t turn

your push into a half squat! Our focus is on the upper body here, not the legs.

Using a neutral grip (palms in), press the bells upward and lock out the arms.

Keep the arms fairly close to your head, don’t allow the bells to travel outward ina Y shape. Lower under control and repeat for desired reps. I prefer low reps on

this movement, usually in the 3 – 6 range.

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1 Arm Row

Hold the dumbbell firmly in one hand, place that same side leg straight back.

Place your other arm to rest on your opposite thigh as it is bent forward for

support. Keeping your back flat and chest held high, row the dumbbell back

towards your hip and then return under control. Lower the dumbbell so it

travels slightly forward towards your support foot on the opposite side. This

keeps the focus on good technique and proper range of motion.

The legs should not aid in the lift and there should be very little, if any, rotation

of the body during the pulling of the dumbbell. If you are rotating excessively or

driving off of the legs use a lighter dumbbell.

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1 Arm Snatch

Place the dumbbell on the floor between your feet and stand shoulder width

apart. Squat down with proper form and firmly grasp the dumbbell. Deadlift the

dumbbell and stand tall with your hips extended and shoulders pulled back.

Perform a half squat so the dumbbell reaches just below the knees, once the

weight is just below the knees, explode upward through the legs while

simultaneously pulling the weight vertically. Once the weight is pulled as high

as possible (usually around chin height) you will punch the weight upward

transitioning smoothly. There should be no hesitation during the transition of the

“pull and punch”.Once the dumbbell is locked out over head for a second, return slowly to the

shoulder (just as you would a military press), then sit back and have the

dumbbell travel down vertically again until it reaches just below knee level.

Repeat for desired number of reps.

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1 Arm Clean and Press

An excellent movement to improve full body strength and athleticism, the 1 arm

clean and press can be performed with the weight beginning in the center of thebody (just like the snatch) or from the side of the body. Both options offer variety

and you can alternate each variation from one workout to the next.

Perform a half squat with the weight hanging between the legs or on the side of

the legs. Once the weight reaches approximately knee level, explode up with a

squat and vertical pull of the dumbbell. The pull of the dumbbell should be fast

and as the weight nears your shoulder, quickly dip under the weight and place it

on the shoulder.Keeping the entire body tight, press the weight overhead and lock out the arm.

Lower slowly down to the shoulder and then sit back as if squatting while

returning the dumbbell to the start position (either between the legs or on the

side of the legs).

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Dumbbell Squat

Clean a pair of dumbbells (or only 1 dumbbell) to the shoulders. Keep your chest

high, pressure on the heels, sit back and then squat down. The hips should

always push back first to keep tension on the legs while allowing the heels to

stay flat. If your knees are moving forwards you are NOT sitting back.

If you need assistance, place a chair behind you and sit back (as if someone is

pulling the chair out from behind you). Gently touch the chair with your butt

and then drive upward. Keep a slight bend in the knees at the top. Feet should be

shoulder width or slightly wider.

You can also perform the zercher squat, which is where you hold one dumbbellwith two hands right under your chin. All the same principles apply here

regarding technique.

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You can use one dumbbell here and hold the dumbbell under your chin or at

your side (at your side is a great change and works the core heavily). You can

also hold two dumbbells at your side. Take a large step forwards landing softly

on your heel, then flat foot. Once your foot is flat, do NOT continue lunging

forward, instead, travel down. Your front leg should be at a 90 degree angle and

your back knee almost touching the floor.

These can also be done reverse. Simply extend the back leg and squat down at

the same time. Once again, front leg is at a 90 degree angle and the back knee

almost touches the ground.Your front leg will do all the work, controlling you on the way down and

pushing you back to the start position. You should not be afraid to become

strong or go heavy on these movements. If you have a weight which makes it

tough to achieve 6 – 8 reps this is fine, and if form is perfect there is nothing

wrong with only performing sets as low as 3 – 5 reps with very heavy dumbbells.

Lighter weights which allow you to accomplish reps in the 10 – 20 range are also

great. These high reps help build muscle as well and are a great change of pace

from struggling with heavy weights.

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Chapter 4

How to Harness the Power of Your Mind for Lightning

Fast Results and Success!

I stumbled upon the power of the mind back when I was 18 years old, but

unfortunately, I never TRULY learned the power and the capacity of the mind

and how it can impact everything in my life until I was about 30 years old.

Nonetheless, I am still very much learning the power of the mind. There will

never be a time where I have learned it all, especially when it comes to tapping

into the ever growing powers of the mind. First and foremost, if you are always a

student, as I am, you will continually grow in mind and body. Stop learning and

you will stop growing.

My Painful Past…

When I was a teen I was constantly battling with my mind, always teetering fromhappy to sad and simply had no clue on how to harness the power of the mind to

become a successful athlete. If something didn’t go my way I would be stuck in a

rut, focusing on what I didn’t have, or didn’t achieve.

“What you focus on grows”

~ Dr. Joe Vitale ~ 

Little did I know back then that “What you focus on grows”. The law of

attraction states that whatever we think about most is what we bring about. I

kept creating / attracting negative circumstances into my life simply by focusing

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on them. I focused so much on the things that I was NOT doing good at and it

only made things worst.

Eventually, I came to a point in my life where I realized I wasn’t truly alive, I wasmerely existing, going through the day to day motions, allowing circumstances

to bring me down and wasting away years of life!

I recall the exact day this truly hit me, when I finally came to the realization that I

was allowing circumstances to control me and bring me down. I was 18 at this

time, staying in another country for the summer, and I woke up on that specific

morning with the sun shining in my face.

I rose from bed that morning and I was buzzing with energy unlike ever before. I

stood up, stretched out and had this huge grin on my face. I felt power from

within that I never had before. I asked myself a simple yet very powerful

question, ‘What beautiful things will the world bring me today?”

Many years later, I recall Tony Robbins saying similar words, “For the man who

asks a beautiful question, always the more beautiful answer!”

Your mind can change the way you feel in a second’s notice. I have interviewed

 John Harricharan on harnessing the power of the mind with his 3 minute power

pause with my Russian Lion Power Course

( You do have the power, but, just

like your physical, you must also exercise the mental AND emotional. To become

“strong” at any skill requires regular practice. The mind will require regular

training just as your body does.

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Think for a moment to yourself, what thoughts are you thinking about most on a

daily basis? Are these thoughts contributing in a negative or positive way to your


“As with most things in life, there’s little to be afraid of and wealth

and glory await right around the corner. All you have to do is step

forward and do the things you’re being nudged from within to do”

~ Dr. Joe Vitale ~ 

The above quote by Joe Vitale may or may not strike a chord inside of you. If you

are reading this course, it is more than likely that your mind and body want a

change. Right now, they may not be in harmony with one another. You must find

a way for the mind and body to meet half way and begin working together.

When the mind and body work together, you become a VERY powerful human

being capable of many things you never thought possible! REAL Man Fitness

focuses and begins from the inside First. You will be creating physical and

mental excellence from the inside out. This will not be easy. Just like exercise,

your mind will need regular training.

I have harped on this before but must say it again, “If you fall in love with

fitness, exercising your body and mind and how it feels to be fit and healthy you

will never stop exercising.” I love to exercise so much that I would literally go

insane without it!

If you have trouble being consistent with your fitness program, chances are you

have a long laundry list of excuses for not exercising. It is likely your mind is one

that has many fleeing thoughts and can never focus on one thing.

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In addition, you MUST get absolutely clear about what you want , how you

want to feel, how you want to look, how long it will take to achieve these goals

and start feeling like this immediately. You will be living from your future once

you begin this powerful form of feeling and visualization.

During exercise, you must focus on the task at hand. It’s 15 minutes (or less) of

your time to make yourself better, inside and out. I discovered how focusing on

my workouts can speed progress infinitely.

As mentioned before, when I spoke of my times of depression, I recall how I

went to the gym religiously, as I always did from day 1. But, during myextended time of depression, I worked hard in the gym and ate great but my

mind was always wandering off somewhere else, somewhere negative,

somewhere that sapped me of my energy and interrupted my mind and body

connection. I was basically exercising my body but my mind put up a road block

to results because of this “lack mentality”.

This interruption of mind – body connection caused the elimination of all the

feelings I needed to experience regularly. Because I was not feeling or thinking

great and was not sending out those positive messages to my body, my body

simply never responded in a positive manner.

It comes back to this: “Energy goes where attention flows.” My attention was

spent on the negative times in my life, so my body responded negatively to


I especially recall the 6 month period when I was at the bottom of the barrel. I

was so down, so depressed, that those 6 months of exercise were actually wasted.

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I did not gain one pound of muscle or experience any increases in strength in any

movements. It was like I wasn’t even alive and my body was shut down.

But, what happened when I made that solid decision to control my feelings andemotions and became connected to my inner spirit was amazing. I must have

gained 13 lbs. in one month, most of which was muscle!

My strength literally skyrocketed overnight! I had so much energy during

training sessions I literally wiped out every training partner that tried to train

with me! My sleep became much better, yet I slept less. My digestive system was

working smoothly and my normal flu like symptoms every winter havedisappeared ever since my mind has “gained muscle.”

Dis-ease simply can NOT live in an emotionally healthy body. The constant flow

of positive feelings and thoughts wipe out any dis-ease that tries to live inside of

you! They simply can not co exist! The benefits of greater health: physical and

mental, were priceless once my mind and body connection formed a powerful

solid bond.

To say that the rest of my life and the success I attracted skyrocketed would be

an understatement. That same year in college, during my depression at age 18, I

was also on academic “probation” for my poor grades and was not allowed to

take courses in my declared major until I raised my GPA. The last 3 years of

college found me on the Dean’s list every semester.

I am only one example of how using the law of attraction and taking action with

positive thinking and massive action towards achieving success can benefit

someone and literally transform one’s life, although I can guarantee you that no

great feat was ever achieved without concentrating thoughts on that specific

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task! Throughout your day you should always focus on greater strength and

health as it will positively influence other critical areas of your life: family, work,

business, relationships and more!

Once you are on the track of full focus and believe in yourself and everything

you do, you must release your intentions to the universe. Some might say, “Let

go and and let God.” I am not here to get religious on you, but, there is a very

spiritual aspect to fitness and life. The two are intertwined. I am more spiritual

than religious, but to each his own.

You must simply trust the universe that your efforts and your thoughts willyield amazing results in all aspects of your life. This “letting go” allows you to

become harmonious with everything around you, and you will feel much less

resistance (if any at all) to what you do, especially with exercising and living

your healthy lifestyle.

Have you ever noticed what happens when you hold on to a grudge? The

thoughts consistently haunt your mind and bring up anger within. Once you “let

it go” and release attachment to this grudge you begin to open up possibilities to

more good in your life. This is where you must trust the universe and know that

if you focus on good, more good will come about!

It is your choice to decide whether or not you want to optimize your health and

sculpt an awesome body. If you choose this path, action must be taken

immediately and regularly. Never allow yourself to move backwards, reverting

back in time to your old flabby self. It is your time to move onward and upward.

A man of REAL strength also has mighty will power which allows him to

accomplish anything he desires! This means you must walk the walk and work

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hard during your exercise sessions. Your perfect body will not manifest itself

without a regular fitness regime as we know all too well.

What your body will do, is speed up progress much faster if you focus andconstantly keep that mind – body connection flowing. In addition, if you are

forcing yourself to exercise or you dislike exercise, you can bet every dollar in

your bank account that your results will be NOTHING compared to the man

who has truly fallen in love with the healthy lifestyle.

Anything you love to do always brings results faster and greater. The opposite

law works here as well. Hate to exercise? You’ll never have the mind – bodyconnection and you’ll never even look like you exercise. Your body will literally

shut down and put up a road block so the process of building muscle and

burning fat will never kick start itself into high gear.

Fall in love with what you do, put all your passion into being healthy and stay in

the moment! Follow these three simple rules and most everything will fall into

place. You’ll find it easy to eat healthy and pass up junk foods that tempt most

others, you’ll also find ways to make sure you don’t skip any of your workouts!

As always, the power resides within you, it is only you who can make the

change, all you need to do is believe and take the first step!

Take a look at my daily actions which will help YOU

create more and more success inside and out.

-  Vision Board: This is a bulletin board which contains photos and

powerful words. My vision board has homes that I have seen in

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magazines such as Robb Report, various travel magazines, Millionaire

Blueprints, Inc., Forbes, etc… I love reading the business and success

magazines because it gets the mind focusing in the right direction. You see

success and start to visualize and feel it as your own. At least once amonth head to Barnes & Noble and pick out 2 magazines or more to read

and cut photos from to add to your vision board. And YES, you can have

more than one vision board!

-  Feed Your Brain: Just like you need to feed your body healthy foods to

become stronger, you must feed your brain high powered information to

keep improving in your knowledge and outlook on success. I recommend

authors such as Dan Kennedy, Ryan Lee, Joe Vitale, Gene Landrum, Mark Joyner, Yanik Silver, Tim Ferriss, Randy Gage, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins,

Christine Comaford – Lynch, Donald Trump and Jack Canfield. But let

me add this: You can read all you want about making it big and thinking

big, but if you act very little and do not go out and take risks and kick ass,

you will NEVER achieve anything worth while. Success in mind and body

and in anything else requires hard, hard work. I don’t care what anyone

else says, if we look at the very, very successful people in the world they

are working VERY hard. The difference is, they love what they do so

much that it never feels like work to them.

-  Masterminding : Create a mastermind group where you are surrounded

by like minded people who will help raise your level of creativity,

enthusiasm and productivity. A great book on Masterminding is titled

‘Meet and Grow Rich’. These can be in person or phone meetings, but in

person is much more powerful. I highly encourage you to find a way to at

least meet in person every 3 months, and once a week by phone.

Successful people hang around other successful people. They share

wisdom, share strategies and share in creativity. The majority of the

people you encounter will be lack minded and will try to bring you down.

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Trust me on this one, even your own family will try to bring you down.

Do yourself a favor and begin connecting immediately with like minded,

success oriented people!

Goal Setting : Every day I write down my daily tasks in a Franklin CoveyPlanner as well as my immediate goal. My vision board has my future

goals and I am always revising them and sharing them with other people.

I share my goals because I believe in them so much. I think about my

destiny, what I was born to do, and I take action to make this happen. You

must ask yourself this question to get started: “If I knew I could not fail

what would I do?”

Challenge / Scare Yourself: The things worth doing, the thing you havealways wanted to do, these are often challenging and scary things. You

don’t want to be 75, sitting in your rocking chair wishing you would have

had the balls to have done what you always dreamt about. If it’s not a life

or death situation, go for it! You must explore the unthinkable. At times of

toughness and difficulty, do not crawl into a corner and wait for life to

happen, instead, you need to grow and expand! 

Attitude / mind set is the most powerful weapon a man can have. The steps I

have encouraged you to take are simple, but NOT easy. Just like our fitness

workouts, they will be tough and challenging. Most people quit. It will be tough

to go against the grind, especially when your closest friends and family members

are not on the same page as you are. You will perhaps feel as if you are betraying

them or hurting them and might want to return back to being “normal”. Do NOT

allow this to happen. Life has a top 5 %. I suggest you say “Screw it” and just go

for it with the passion and fire of an Olympian!

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Chapter 5

NO B.S. Time Management

for REAL Men!

Most men don’t exercise because they have either convinced themselves they

don’t have the time or they pack their day with time wasting activities that cause

you to keep pushing off your health.

You can probably look back only a few years and see all the new, time wasting

crap you have in your life now. Think about the endless & unnecessary cell

phone usage, checking e mails countless times throughout your day, watching

unnecessary time wasting TV shows, letting other guys (probably single guys

with a 9 – 5 job, no family / kids and no obligations) call you and just “catch up”

with you.

First, take a look at these energy wasting, time wasting activities. Do they need to

be part of your life? Keep your cell phone on only for your family, stop

answering every single phone call, if it’s a number you don’t recognize let them

leave a voice mail. If the call wasn’t important then they won’t leave a voice mail.

Don’t waste 15 minutes on the phone with your buddy who has “just one

question for you” when you could have cranked out a REAL Man workout in 15


Do you really need to catch that episode of that negative reality show? Why not

spend that time playing with your kids, do something with your wife, read a

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powerful / motivational book or get to bed earlier than normal giving your mind

and body some much needed rest?

Spend your time productively by eliminating one nonproductive task everyweek. Practice absolute consistency each week. Every week you will eliminate

one thing that is sucking the time out of your day which could be spent more

productively doing something else.

Right now, fill in the lines below with the top 5 time

wasting activities that are causing you to skip workouts,

miss out on family time or doing something you love.











I want you to make a copy of your list and post it in several places throughout

your home so you can constantly be reminded of these time wasting, life wasting

activities. After being reminded of them enough, you’ll be able to better

recognize and better handle time wasting activities!

It’s time to stop watching Reality TV where you can see other people

experiencing success (or maybe you like the drama) and start creating your very

own reality of success.

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 What was my personal list? 

I had to stop taking phone calls from friends on week nights while working, and

politely told them I would call them on the weekend while I am NOT working or

simply e mail them. I shut off my cell phone once I got home and am with my

family, and, I never answer my phone unless I recognize the number. 99 % of the

time I don’t answer my phone anyway. If it’s important they can leave a voice

mail. I have grown tired of the over-connectedness of our day.

I stopped checking my e mail every time I am working on the computer. I

stopped wasting time searching nonsense on the internet that did not contribute

to the growth of my business. All internet time is spent building my business or

researching something business related so I can improve my life and business.

I was very aggressive with these actions, no holds barred, I went full force and

got rid of the “waste”. I am much happier, my business is more successful, I

spend more time with my family and have more time to read books or just chill

out (something I was unable to do before I took massive action).

“Time vampires will suck as much blood out of you as you permit.

If you’re drained dry at day’s end, it’s your fault”

~ Dan Kennedy ~

If you can’t find the time during the day to do what you want, and that includes

your high priority, 15 minute exercise session, then it truly is your fault, just like

Dan Kennedy says!

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So let’s take a look at what truly is wasting your time. You created your top 5 list

above and these activities should be viewed as negatives, things that take away

from your true potential and success in life.

You also want to condition yourself to a schedule. I know that scheduling is

tough when you have a family. You might even say it’s damn near impossible.

Well, as humans, you already know that we are creatures of habit. We tend to do

the same things at the same time in the same fashion every time we do “it”.

In order to get you on the fast track towards transforming your body, you can

now use your newfound free time to exercise, which came from eliminating onetime wasting activity. I would suggest making this exercise time one in which

you feel best emotionally and physically. Some prefer very early in the morning

before work, others when they get home from work, others on their lunch break.

You decide for yourself what works best. When we like something we find the

energy to do this “thing” much easier than if we were about to do something we

didn’t enjoy.

I KNOW when I am going to exercise every day without fail. It’s part of my

routine and if it doesn’t get done my day gets screwed up. So I make sure it gets

done because without my workout my natural, daily flow just isn’t there! If I was

truly unable to get my workout in that day, I make sure to perform 100 push ups

and 100 squats. I simply go non stop performing 50 reps of each and this takes no

more than a few minutes.

The people I know who are highly fit and highly successful all have schedules

for their workouts. They never skip workouts and you don’t see them training at

all different hours of the day each time they train. It’s like clock work, everything

is always on schedule.

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When you exercise, do NOT try to multi task now that you’ve eliminated some

of your time wasters. Remember, as I mentioned in previously, you must focus

on the workout 100%. Blindly going through your workout with no emotion or

focus leads to little, if any results. It has happened to me and my goal is toeducate you so it will not happen to you.

Delegate for Less Stress and More Success

There are many things you can have others do for you allowing you to free up

your time. You can probably tell by now what my priorities are. They are my

family, my health and having free time to do what I want, when I want.

Little things like mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, landscaping, cleaning your

house, washing your car, etc. – all these “little things” can take away 2 or more

hours from your day! What if that’s a weekend? Do you REALLY want to spend

your weekend working?

You’re exhausted by the time the evening rolls around and then you don’t have

the energy to enjoy your life if you mowed the lawn and cleaned the house. Hire

a teenager to mow the lawn, cruise through the drive thru car wash, hire a

landscaping company to fix up your lawn every 3 or 4 months and hire a

cleaning team to come in once a week.

Now you’ve just saved yourself hours and hours of work. Feel free to enjoy your

newfound free time as you wish. I guarantee you will love it. The choice is up to

you and REAL Man Fitness is about helping you create a life of REAL health –

which is a combination of physical, emotional and even material success.

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Relax in the Morning

Most men do the rush – rush morning routine. They jump out of bed, have a

quick shower, skip breakfast, maybe have some coffee and then they’re flying

out the door on the way to work.

This is NOT the best way to start your day off as you can probably tell. The way

your day starts off is often indicative of how the rest of your day will / can go.

Here’s what I do the night before heading to work. These little things have

improved my entire day in the physical and emotional sense.

The night before, I organize my work clothes, pack my lunch and snacks. This

way I am not rushing in the morning to make myself lunch, or, show up to work

without a healthy lunch and snack. This often leads you to head out for a quick

bite to eat of something which more often than not is unhealthy.

I also iron my clothes the night before. So when I wake up I can take it easy in the

morning. I play uplifting music while I shave and shower or listen to a business

or motivational CD, then enjoy a nice breakfast and a cup of coffee or green tea

with plenty of time to sit down and enjoy my meal and my morning.

I also write down my “To Do” list the night before so when I begin working the

next day I am not wasting time wondering what I will do. The wheels have

already been set in motion.

This will take discipline on your part and you’ll need to set aside a 15 minute

block of time at night so you’re ready for the next day. Rushing around in the

morning is horrible as it raises blood pressure, puts you in the wrong “mood”

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and mental state and for those who don’t know how to avoid this rush around,

their day tends to spiral downward since their day started so crazy.

Remember, you must be about creating the life you want, and this meansoptimizing your time available while exercising time management skills, which

in simple terms means you are leveraging your time better.

Scheduled Vacation Time

You can’t be very healthy if your life revolves around working and catching up

on everything all the time. Mentally and physically this will wear you down!

Health, in my opinion, begins from the inside and works its way outward.

One more thing you must do, I emphasize, MUST do! Take a mini vacation

(extended 3 or 4 day weekend) every 3 months. Go away somewhere with your

family or friends and recharge. No work should be done at all, and if its physical

activity, let it be something completely different than your normal program.

Above, the morning view from my deck in Lake George, NY.

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Maybe it’s playing golf, going surfing, hiking, snorkeling or cruising on wave

runners! The goal is to put the brakes on your mental gears and allow the entire

mind and body to have a vacation. It works like a charm and you’ll feel better

that you gave yourself the freedom to relax.

You’ll also find that as you accept the fact that you should treat yourself well and

relax, you will take off some time from your normal “extra” work time. It feels

great and you will gain more and more control of your life.

Kill the E Mails

This is a BIG lesson I learned from Tim Ferriss at 

(Get this Book, it’s a must read). He checks e mails once every 7 – 14 days. He

recommends NOT checking e mail frequently, instead, only check e mail before

lunch and before the work day ends when you are already LEAST productive.

My close friend and mentor Ryan Lee does the same. Checking e mail non stop

makes you less productive and wastes tons of valuable time. I have improved

efficiency tremendously by checking e mail once or twice a day, but most

importantly, I do not check e mail first thing in the morning. I use this time to get

work done because I have a ton of energy in the morning. Why waste it checking

e mails when the energy can be spent being creative and productive?

I now use to set the timer for 50 minutes. This way

I work for 50 minutes, take a quick 10 minute “active rest” and get back to

another 50 minute chunk of productive work. Ryan Lee taught me this and man

does it kick major ass! I also shut off my cell phone while working. No

interruptions should be allowed as these can become 30 minute time wasters.

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Chapter 6

REAL Men Must Move

It is not enough to simply “lift weights” (barbells and dumbbells). The REAL

man must be able to perform physically challenging tasks, things that actually

occur in the real world.

This is another reason why I love playground workouts and all outdoor fitness.

They get you moving more like an animal and less like a typical, immobile

human. Compare animals to humans: Animals run, jump, climb trees, vines (likeTarzan), wrestle and play all day! Animals eat whole grown foods from the earth

or other animal proteins: Yet they eat only enough for satisfaction, not over

eating as the typical man does.

Today’s man, on the other hand, eats all day long, much of which is processed /

unnatural foods. 99 % of men do not move their bodies rigorously on a daily

basis. Look at the difference between animals and humans.

Animals are lean, muscular and mobile. Most men, on the other hand, are

immobile, overweight, have nagging injuries from circumstances unknown to

them (likely to be inactivity and excessive sitting with poor posture) and most

men are Not lean and muscular.

What if we began moving more like animals and less like the typical man? One

way to develop this all around athleticism is by incorporating the movements

and activities we ALL once did when we were kids: Running, jumping, bike

riding through trails, running through trails, using the playground again,

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 jumping on and over picnic tables, hurdling over park benches, climbing poles

and crawling around, under and over playground equipment.

Who ever said exercise (or life) has to be boring and can only be done using freeweights. Bodyweight movements are fantastic and have no end to their

variations. Gymnastic type movements are awesome if you can go to a park or

playground and perform cartwheels, walk on your hands going up and down

stairs (bear crawl like you did in elementary Physical Education), wheel barrow

walking on hands (partner grabs your legs and you walk on hands), hand

walking on parallel bars, various leg raises and pull ups on the high bars.

When I was very young we lived in an apartment complex. I always remember

our winters where my Dad put my brother and I on the sled and then ran with

us through the snow. It was the best time ever and I can only imagine how hard

it was for my Dad running full speed through deep snow with his two boys on

the sleigh. Now that’s a workout!

My Dad had to be in tremendous shape for him to be able to handle such an

intense activity. If he was in poor physical shape he never would have been able

to play with us. This is a memory I have decades later and something only my

Dad was able to give to us because he was physically fit!

Imagine what you are robbing yourself and your family members of if you are

out of shape? Imagine what you and everyone else are missing out on!

Do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to play with your kids down the road? Or,

what if you’re in such horrible physical condition that you may not be able to

experience watching your kids graduate college, get married, or experience being

a Grandfather?

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Time flies fast, as you know all too well. You can not afford to keep putting

exercise off until tomorrow. Before you know it, 20 years have passed and you

don’t know where they went! Are you going to let this time pass you or are you

going to do something about your health? How about NOW would be the besttime to start your REAL Man Fitness program?

Outdoor Fitness

Spend as much time as possible outdoors exercising, fresh air is great for the

entire body. Fresh air will also elevate your mood and energy levels, as opposed

to training in dark, congested areas.

If you are able to go to a lake, pool or beach then be sure to incorporate some

swimming mixed in with your laying in the sun. Swimming is excellent for the

heart and lungs and your entire body will get a great workout without stress on

the joints.

If you can find a group playing beach soccer or beach volleyball then get

involved. You can often find groups playing these sports at the local park as

well. Moving your body improves agility, conditioning and strengthens the

 joints of the lower body in a manner that free weight training often does not do.

In addition, all the sprinting, jumping and fast paced moving will be a great

benefit to adding muscles to the lower body.

If you look back to the “strongmen” of the early 1900’s and before, almost all of

them had a solid background in gymnastics. I am not recommending you

become an expert gymnast but I am recommending that you explore the endless

opportunities you have that allow you to use your body for fitness and health.

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Eugene Sandow possessed an incredible physique which was built through a

combination of Gymnastics, dumbbell and barbell training.

If you have a playground close by, jog there, crank out a bodyweight circuit of

pull ups, inverted sit ups, walking lunges, jumps on and over the park benches /

picnic tables and push ups and then jog back. Once the jog becomes easy you can

perform running / walking / jogging intervals. This is great for improving your

fitness and slicing away unwanted body fat.

I am not a fan of distance running so the park should be close by for the fast

paced run there and back. Riding your bike to the park is also a good substitute

and can be a good variation or replacement if you have knee problems which do

not respond well to the impact of running.

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As you’ll discover from many of my online videos and photos, we use the Jungle

Gym a lot (found at! I throw on a backpack with a

water bottle and my jungle gym when I jog or ride my bike to the park.

I head straight to the playground area with monkey bars and swing sets and set

up my portable jungle gym right there. Your outdoor training will quickly

become your most effective and most enjoyable form of mental therapy you can


For example, over the weekend my wife had a wedding to go to. I was home

Friday and Saturday with my daughter. Instead of staying inside I took a fewtrips outside with the jogger to invigorate myself and revitalize my mind and

body. The fresh air was the best thing for me and it soothed my daughter as well.

There is a certain power found outdoors in fresh air that does the mind and body

a lot of good. My daughter would relax and fall asleep in the jogger while I ran

through my development, much of which are hills requiring intervals of sprints,

 jogging and walking.

The more you stay inside, the more likely you will have lower energy levels,

higher stress levels and higher incidence of illness. People who stay inside a lot

actually expose themselves to more germs compared to those who find the time

to get outside on a regular basis.

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Your Backyard = Your Gym

You have to take advantage of your backyard if you own a house. I know that

some of you might be living in the city in an apartment or in an expensive area

where land is a rarity and not the norm.

But, if you’re lucky enough to have free space in the backyard, then get out there

and mix in jogging/ sprinting with calisthenics. Take your jungle gym and toss

it over a thick branch and crank out various pulling, pushing and abdominal


If stones are available then use them as you would a dumbbell or barbell:

presses, squats, swings, curls, carries, rows, etc.

Man should be strong, Man is meant to be strong, period! So be strong and move

some heavy stones. I know, you think I’m crazy and many people said I am crazy

for trying to get other men into lifting stones.

Stone Lunges

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You want convenience and results. Stones can give you both of these and if you

find them in your yard, use them! Your neighbors will think you’ve watched

Rocky IV one too many times but blame it on me instead!

Stone Bent Over Rows

Train like an athlete and revitalize yourself. Jumping rope is excellent as well.

 Jump ropes cost only a few bucks or you can get some rope and knot a washer or

two in the center to add some weight to the rope. The extra weight helps the rope

swing smoothly and is great for outdoor jumping.

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Above center, Herschel Walker, was a BIG proponent of calisthenics and

 jumping rope. Herschel revolved his training around push ups, pull ups, sit ups,

sprints, jumping rope and resisted sprints with a tire strung around his waist.

Herschel routinely performed calisthenics during TV commercial breaks

regularly performing over 1,000 reps in each exercise almost daily.

You don’t have to perform thousands of reps, but calisthenics during

commercials all adds up. Simple training gets the results. Fancy training doesn’t

deliver powerful results. Never has, Never will.

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Chapter 7

Final Thoughts

You have the knowledge to get in the best shape of your life now. By now, you

have certainly noticed that there is nothing fancy here. The exercises and

workouts are basic movements coupled with hard work and sound nutrition.

The answers are here, everything from basic movements, to countless workouts

to training your mind.

The men of the past did it with meats, fish, eggs, milk, fruits and veggies. Theylifted heavy barbells and dumbbells and worked hard. The end result? They

looked great and lived long, healthy lives. There were also many lean, muscular

and strong vegetarians who lifted heavy weights. Meats were not always the

way but healthy eating will never leave the equation.

Today, we have greater knowledge than ever before regarding training and

nutrition, but too often we overcomplicate things. The training programs are

filled with fancy equipment and unnecessary actions. Perhaps we have acquired

TOO much information? People used to spend time training hard and now there

are new gimmicks out on the market every week or people giving advice when

they barely train themselves.

Instead of complicating and researching it all, simplify it to the bare necessities:

move like an animal, train with freedom and regularity, eat natural foods as

often as possible, just as animals did, use heavy weights, and harness the power

of your mind.

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What other traits did men of the past have that many men of today do not

posses? The men of the past felt great inside and out, they had high self esteem,

high energy levels and their success in the physical and mental areas carried over

to success in their work and family lives. It can do the same for you. I can’t do thework for you. Only you can. You have the tools and the knowledge, the next step

lies in your hands.

What I want you to come away with from reading this book is that you must take

action. Life is plain old chicken shit if you never progress in some shape or form.

A regular exercise program is part of the regime for all highly successful people,

even it’s just riding a stationary bike, the most successful people do somethingand they do it regularly..

Right now, you might be a busy man. In time, I hope you can attain a life that

gives you plenty of free time to spend doing what you want when you want.

I know what it’s like being that busy man working past midnight on weeknights

and sleeping a few hours a night to make ends meet or to get your business to

take off. I would never be tough enough to handle the hard work required to

kick start my business if I was always scared and never took the leap. All

successful men go through their initial stages of working their tails off to finally

get ahead.

If you want to keep your success rolling, then make sure you visit my Blog where

I post inspirational videos, articles, answer reader Q & A plus much, much more.

Go to  and tell all your friends about it

Get your hands on our Coaching programs and our fitness equipment to

skyrocket your success. The best athletes in the world have Coaches because they

know it is a necessary part of becoming your best.

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Now it’s your turn to do something great!

Dedicated to Your Success,

Zach Even – Esh 

PS: Don’t forget, send me your transformation pics and success stories, e mail

me at [email protected] 

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Chapter 8

REAL Man Muscle Building Workouts

 Workout 1

1A) 1 arm DB push press 5 x 1 rep (heavy singles)

1B) weighted pull ups 5 x 3 reps

2A) jump rope 4 x 30 seconds

2B) ab plank 4 x 30 seconds

 Workout 2

1A) incline DB press 3 x 3 reps

1B) 2 hand DB swings 3 x 6

2A) BW walking lunges 2 x 1 minute

2B) push ups 2 x 1 minute

 Workout 3

1A) 1 arm DB snatch 3 x 5

1B) 1 arm overhead squat 3 x 5

2A) double DB swings 3 x 6

2B) leg raise on dip bar 3 x 10

 Workout 4

1A) double DB military press 3 x 3

1B) recline row 3 x max reps

2A) walking DB lunges 2 x 100’

2B) push ups 2 x 50

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 Workout 5

1A) renegade row 3 x 6

1B) DB floor press 3 x 6

2A) jump squats 3 x 102B) v ups 3 x 10

 Workout 6

1A) handstand push ups 3 x max reps

1B) pull ups 3 x max reps

2A) BW squats 2 x 10

2B) hindu squats 2 x 102C) forward lunges 2 x 10

 Workout 7

1A) DB shoulder squats 2 x 15

1B) clapping push ups 2 x 5

1C) leg raise variation 2 x 10

2) jump rope tabata style: 20 seconds on / 10 seconds rest x 4 minutes total

 Workout 8

1A) 2 hand DB swings 3 x 6

1B) 1 arm DB row 3 x 6

2A) 1 arm push press 5 x 1 reps (heavy singles)

2B) weighted pull ups 5 x 3 reps

 Workout 9

1A) 1 arm DB clean & press 3 x 3

1B) 1 arm overhead walking lunges 3 x 12 (switch hand at 6th rep)

2A) close grip push ups 2 x max

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2B) jump rope 2 x 100 reps

 Workout 10

1A) farmer walk 2 x 150’1B) push ups 2 x 33

2A) 1 arm DB snatch 5 x 1 rep (heavy singles)

2B) leg raise on dip bar 5 x 5

 Workout 11

1A) lateral jumps over bench 3 x 12

1B) dips 3 x 12 ( add weight if possible)1C) jump rope 3 x 50

2A) recline rope climb 2 x max reps

2B) wall walk outs 2 x max reps

2C) power wheel kneeling roll out 2 x 10

 Workout 12

1A) walking DB lunges 3 x 20

1B) ring push ups 3 x 20

1C) dip bar leg raise 3 x 20

2A) jump rope 3 x 30 seconds

2B) clapping push ups 3 x 5

2C) weighted pull ups 3 x 5

 Workout 13

1A) DB swings 3 x 12

1B) HS push ups (handstand) 3 x max

1C) L seat rope climb 3 x 1 rep

2A) DB deadlift 3 x 3 reps

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2B) lateral bench jump 3 x 10

 Workout 14

1A) sprint with dragging tire 5 x 15 seconds1B) push ups 5 x 15

2A) 1 arm DB clean and press 3 x 5

2B) 1 arm DB row 3 x 5

3)  sit ups x 50 non stop

 Workout 15

1A) flat DB bench x 20, 15, 101B) recline rows x 20, 15, 10

1C) dip bar leg raise x 20, 15, 10

2A) 1 arm OH squat 2 x 5

2B) pull ups 2 x max reps

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