real estate transactions - nys historic...

THS EAST HAMPTON STAR, EAST HAMPTON, N. Y., DECEMBER 26, 1968 FIVE 4r> tlaa U George Con 668-2339 School Program Students of the Public School pre sented their Christmas program on Dec. 18, with band music, carols, and a “Christmas Around the World” presentation by the first three grades. The narrators were Theresa Ceslow. Brooks King, Kim Waldron, Glenis Lyon, Janet Justad, Judy Joyce, Ruth Newman, Robert Niel son, Jeanne Nielsen, and Gary Jack son. In other school news, a 66-name honor roll was released last week, and 53 students were sin: ’ .d out for perfect attendance. The Community Church Sunday School Christmas party was held Sunday evening. That evening at 8, over 30 members of the Youth Fel lowship started to go carol-singing, but were drenched by rain after four stops and returned to the church, led by the Rev. Howard Friend. The Rev. and Mrs. Friend and their sons David and Eric are spend ing the holidays in Philadelphia, Pa. They will return Jan. 4. There was a candlelight service at 7 p.m. Christmas Eve. This Sun day, the Rev. Charles Cozadd, for merly of the Center Moriches church, will preach. Miss Phyllis Wells is still in the Southampton Hospital, and looking forward to her return home. Mrs. Sidney Goddard, who under went minor surgery in the South ampton Hospital last week, returned to her home Friday and is conva lescing. Mrs. Ebba Peterson, who was taken to the Southampton Hospital, is now in the Todd Nursing Home, South ampton, and is progressing nicely. Montauk’s trees and places of busi ness, homes, and many prominent spots such as the Circle have been dressed up for the season very at tractively. Inviting an after-dark drive around, but don’t get lost in the fog. Mrs. Helen Belmont and Mrs. Lynn Greene were the winners Saturday evening with the East Deck Duplicate Bridge Club. Pauline Craft and Stella Bruhn were second, followed by Louise and Edward Edwardes. John Snowden of Kingston, N. Y., was visiting his brother, Robert Snowden, and Mrs. Snowden, Edge- mere Road, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore are the parents of a son, Edward Richard, born Dec. 17 in the Southampton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Rutkow- ski are the parents of a daughter, born there Dec. 20. Sergeant and Mrs. Russell Sanders are the parents of a son, Russell Raye Jr., born Dec. 16 at Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moss of Larch- mont, N. Y., were out visiting friends over the weekend. Darlene and Jeannie Ritchie are spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Maine Barletta, Surfside Estate. They now have an infant sister, bom in Queens Dec. 15. Catherine Rae, South Elroy Drive, celebrated her fourth birthday on Dec. 20 with a party for nine friends. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lang of the Bronx and Montauk are on a Carib bean cruise. Captain and Mrs. Gus Pitts were visiting relatives and friends in Nova Scotia when they were in volved in an auto accident in St. John’s there on Dec. 19. They were READ THE STAB CLASSIFIED ADS bruised, but received no broken bones. Their daughter, Mrs. David Mc Mahon, and Mr. McMahon, drove up that night to drive them home. They stopped in Boston, Mass. en route back. Some 225 children from one through eight years of age came to the Fire House Sunday afternoon to see Santa Claus, receive gifts, and watch movies. There were only two calls for the Fire Department ambulance last week, and no fires. There was a power failure here Wednesday night from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. MONTAUK r'ISH NOTES Uihlein’s Dock reports things quiet for the holidays. The larger boats still sailing do bring in an “astonish ing” amount of cod, many from near shore waters. Gosman’s Dock has no boats working, and all is reported quiet. Capt. Paul Forsberg has had good fishing, but anglers are scarce. He sailed most days last week and weekend. Capt. Lester Behan’s Peconic Queen is sailing every day the weather permits. One weekend day, a few anglers had 500 cod on deck. It takes a rugged angler to face the elements. The Captains Rade of the Marlin III fished both days of the weekend for cod, pollack, and blackfish. E. V. Conway Bank President Al 39 E. Virgil Conway, 39, a native of Montauk, has been elected chairman and president of the Seaman’s Bank for Savings, a New York institution with assets of over one billion dol lars. Mr. Conway, an attorney, lives in Brooklyn Heights. He was born in Montauk and at tended East Hampton High School, Colgate University, and Yale Uni versity Law School. He served in the Air Force during the Korean War, and is a Captain in the Air Force Reserve. Mr. Conway, who succeeds James H. Evans, had been executive vice president and a trustee of the Man hattan Savings Bank. Before that, he had been first deputy superin tendent of banks of the State of New York, and secretary of the State Banking Board. He is on a number of committees and boards, and is a member of the Union League Club. Mr. Conway was active at one time in Young Repub lican Club activities in New York. WATCH OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY Irim Defeoshretyf MONTAUK MARINE BASIN CONTINUES TO OFFER BOAT BROKERAGE AND SALES RESERVE NOW FOR WINTER STORAGE WET OR DRY Fishing is our forte We specialize In boats, equip ment for the cruising, fishing sportsmen. & TeL 516-668-5900 DARENBERG & WEIT, INC. Dock Building and Bulkheading Dealer8 and Builder$ Styrofoam Floats and Dock* Vuelta Del Mundo Gastronomico 4%0uNP THE This Sunday, December 29th, in our Dining Around The World Program the accent will be on Central America. There will be a serving of all things Central American— Sangria Wine — Cebiche — Guacamole — Olla Podrida — Escabeche — Tasajo — Manchego Cheese, Cabralos Cheese — and Montana De Santos. The Buffet will be served from 1 :00-4:00 P.M. There will be a charge of $5.50 which will include the Cheese and the Sangria. Buen Apetito Gurney’s Inn Nick Monte Keeper of the Inn On Sunday, January 5th, we have scheduled a visit to Greece. Rooied To The Spol Sale To Minor pml s s Montauk Hgwy, Bridgehamp- ton, $18,000. Anna Pirko to J Piotrowicz &w, j 111 1 pci n s Noyac Rd., Eag Harbor, $38,- AiiGCIGCl 000. 3 EdrtS1 E Sanger to R S DeSanti, Joseph McNally, 62, of Milina pci s s Newton Lane. East Hampton, Drive, East Hampton was arrested $28,000. Tuesday at about 3 p.m. by East Emjay Properties to C R Monticone Hampton Town Patrolman Brace lw . lot 112. Rolling Hills Estates. Lyon and charged with selling liquor Promoted Noyac, $4,500. to a minor after the patrolman re- ,, ,, , TT , . ported he saw a 17-year-old coming Margaret Hobler to H R Ellis lot out of ,he T Uus Li S(ore PaQpn I*irflnlorfl 758, Clearwater Beach, Fireplace, East Hampton, $4,500. Helen C. Halsted to T N Carey &w, pci ss Harbor Drive, Southamp ton, $11,000. K Schneider to J Degen, pci es Water Mill-Towd Rd., Water Mill, $ 8, 000. on Springs-Fireplace Road with a pint bottle of Old Crow whiskey. Mr. McNally, a salesman for the liquor store, after questioning by Patrolman Lyon, admitted he had sold the liquor to the minor, the police said. He appeared before East F B anner &w to A Ceccon &w, Hampton Town Justice R. Thomas Strong and was released on $25 to await a hearing today at 10 a.m. Car Hits Truck A Bistrian Gravel Corporation Caterpillar truck was struck by a A G ' DeUysse &w to L Hertfield 1665 Bulck sedan as il Prepared to lot 12, Soundview Estates, Montauk, $ 11, 000. S Garzone &w to Marie T. Gallo, lot 11, Soundview Estates, Montauk, $ 11, 000. E D Holder to Dorothy C Espach, lot 72, Mount Misery Estates, Sag Harbor, $5,000. A G Dellysst &w, lot 30, Seaside Shores, Montauk, turn int0 the Bistrian Gravel firm’s bida Qn a Jet Hopper Spreader, or WAYNE M. HULSE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royce J. Hulse of 24 Cross Highway, East Hp.mpton. has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He has been stationed for the last eight months with the Army ir. South Vietnam. equal, at his office at No. 258 Springs-Fireplace Road, East Hamp- $3 000. property off the Springs-Fireplace Emjay Properties to K P Hughes R°ad M Friday at 4:10 p.m. &w, lot 138, Rolling Hills Estates, The truck, driven by Joseph ton, New York until 3:00 p.m. Janu- Noyac, $3,500. Olszewski of 85 Cove Hollow Road, ary io, 1969 at which time and place Harbor Homes of Sag Harbor to East Hampton, and the car driven bids will be publicly opened and V Rigaud & ors, lot 82, Sag Harbor by William Johnston of Hog Creek reacj Hills, Sag Harbor, $3,500. Montauk Development Inc to Gilia &w, lot 118, Hither Woods, when the accident occurred. Montauk, $12,000. Lane, East Hampton, were headed Specl,lc>UoM for ^ equipment in a northerly direction on the road m ovajlable „ fte o(fice o[ said Superintendent of Highways during ... , Damage to the car was estimated regular office hours. ,The Superintcn- F Brullo &w to Cecilia K Karol, at $300. Mrs. Anna Mae Johnston, dent reserves the right to reject all lot 70, Lion Head Beach, Fireplace, 62, a passenger in the car, was taken bids. East Hampton, $7,500. to the Southampton Hospital for A PUZZLED JACK WILLIAMS, an East Hampton Lions Club member, finds himself hypnotized in a seated position by Rief Spano, a profes sional hypnotist from East Marion. Mr. Spano hypnotized several ether Lions al the Club's Christmas dinner last Thursday at Chez Labbal. Equally entrancing was the Christmas music performed by a nine-man Lions Club band: Bob Osborne, flute; Mike Laspia, piano; Gene Lester, bass horn; Harold McMahon, Tony Cangiolosi and Kennell Schenck, saxophones; Dick Herrlin, drums; Frank Brill, violin and William Lycke, trumpet. George Osterberg Photo Real Estate Transactions S Miller Jr to June H Fits, pci treatment of shoulder injuries, and ws Davis Drive, Montauk, $8,000. was later released. J M Strong Jr to J Kourtakis, pci ns Oak View Hgwy., East Hampton, $16,000. NOTICE TO BIDDERS All bids must bo accompanied by a non-collusion certificate as required by Section 103 "D of the General ----- Municipal Law. Dated: December 26, 1968 Prices Indicated Are Estimated From Tax Stamps H Foster &w to Helen S Barbis, lot 124, Oceanside at Montauk, Montauk, $3,000. Hampton Dune Associates to Beverly Cole &ano, lot 60, Hamp ton Dunes, Amagansett, $7,500. O H Justad &w to Vera L Mc Gowan, lot 19, Surfside Estates, Mon tauk, $23,000. N Kanter to S Ross &w pci w s Springs Fireplace Hgwy., East Hamp ton, $5,000. Northampton Colony Inc to W D Sherwood &w, pci e s Harrys Lane, Noyac, $15,000. Alice R McFaull to Diane Seiden- berg, lot 345, Clearwater Beach, Springs, East Hampton, $3,500. J Musarra &w to G Justin &w, lot 36, Clearwater Beach, Fireplace, East Hampton, $22,000. J E Weidert to L M Kinsey &w, lot 4689, Conklin Terrace, North Haven, $5,000. North Country Builders Inc to Katheryn W Rader, pci es s Gerard Dr., Fireplace, East Hampton, $3,000. C Baum to V Jacobs, pci s s San- dune Court, Sagaponack, Southamp ton, $12,500. H D Golightly to C P Giel &ano, pci s s Sagaport'ack Rd., Sagaponack, Southampton, $37,000. Bellport Realty Co Inc to M P Lendino &w, pci w s Essex St., Mon tauk, $1,500. Emjay Properties to W A Spets &w, lot 90, Rolling Hills Estates, Noyac, $4,000. Helen L Niles to J M Richey &w, J Nadelman &w to G G Lum &w, Notice is hereby given that lots 4-6 inc., Barnes Landing, Springs, Francis R. Smith, Superintendent of East Hampton, $8,000. Highways, of the Town of East A Pallotta &w to C Ancona, lot Hampton, New York will receive 15-1 129, Montauk On Sea, Montauk, $37,000. J R Louttit &w to L Fisher, lot 8, Hampton Dunes, Amagansett, $8,500. Waldorf Equity Research Inc to Margery Harnick, lot 9, Egypt Close, East Hampton, $28,000. R R Rash to S S Brody & ano, pci es Newlight Lane, Hay Ground, Southampton, $60,000. Emjay Properties to A J Barreca &w, lot 139, Rolling Hills Estates, Noyac, $3,500. F L Ward &w to Martha B Balfour, pci es West Lake Drive, Montauk, $5,000. H K Dreisbach &w to Ethel Cleve land, lots 269-272 inc., Bay Point, Southampton, $24,000. F Catania to M Staller, pci ns Montauk Hgwy., East Hampton, $42,- 500. Montauk Improvement Inc to Mary F. Schoenberger, lot 103, Oceanside at Montauk, Montauk, $3,500. Montauk Improvement Inc to P Maggio &w, lots 175-179 inc., Hither Hills, Montauk, $3,500. FRANCIS R. SMITH Supt. of Highways Town of East Hampton, N. Y. [cctctcteKtCictetctctcvtctctctctctctcxicvtocietctctctctctcvcEctciatc-ctctcictctcteictcic Here comes little ’69. May his bright and happy landing be just the beginning of a pro sperous, pleasing year for you. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberls and The Staff The Irving Garage THE OLD B a r n OOK SHOP Consult The Star Business Directory Southampton, L. I. Open Through December 31sl New Books for Adults and Children Sale on Christmas Cards ............................................................. - ................ .. ........................ .. ............. A "Twinkle, twinkle little Star How I wonder where you are?" Still in East Hampton, Professor, but w ell mail il to you anywhere in the worlc for just SS a year. Simply fill out the coupon below and return it to us: I understand you will send the Star anywhere in the world for SS a year. Please enter a subscription for: Street Addresa —— ...... ................. ................ City _______________________________________________ ____ Zip Code---- SS enclosed -- Bill -------------- The Star. P.O. Box E. East Hampton. N. Y. 11937

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Page 1: Real Estate Transactions - NYS Historic · Real Estate Transactions S Miller Jr to June H Fits, pci treatment


4r> tlaa U George C on 668-2339

School ProgramStudents of the Public School pre­

sented their Christmas program on Dec. 18, with band music, carols, and a “ Christmas Around the W orld” presentation by the first three grades. The narrators were Theresa Ceslow. Brooks King, Kim Waldron, Glenis Lyon, Janet Justad, Judy Joyce, Ruth Newman, Robert Niel­son, Jeanne Nielsen, and Gary Jack­son.

In other school news, a 66-name honor roll was released last week, and 53 students were sin: ’ .d out for perfect attendance.

The Community Church Sunday School Christmas party was held Sunday evening. That evening at 8, over 30 members of the Youth Fel­lowship started to go carol-singing, but were drenched by rain after four stops and returned to the church, led by the Rev. Howard Friend.

The Rev. and Mrs. Friend and their sons David and Eric are spend­ing the holidays in Philadelphia, Pa. They will return Jan. 4.

There was a candlelight service at 7 p.m. Christmas Eve. This Sun­day, the Rev. Charles Cozadd, for­merly o f the Center Moriches church, will preach.

Miss Phyllis Wells is still in the Southampton Hospital, and looking forward to her return home.

Mrs. Sidney Goddard, who under­went minor surgery in the South­ampton Hospital last week, returned to her home Friday and is conva­lescing.

Mrs. Ebba Peterson, who was taken to the Southampton Hospital, is now in the Todd Nursing Home, South­ampton, and is progressing nicely.

Montauk’s trees and places of busi­ness, homes, and many prominent spots such as the Circle have been dressed up for the season very at­tractively. Inviting an after-dark drive around, but don’t get lost in the fog.

Mrs. Helen Belmont and Mrs. Lynn Greene were the winners Saturday evening with the East Deck Duplicate Bridge Club. Pauline Craft and Stella Bruhn were second, followed by Louise and Edward Edwardes.

John Snowden of Kingston, N. Y., was visiting his brother, Robert Snowden, and Mrs. Snowden, Edge- mere Road, over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore are the parents of a son, Edward Richard, born Dec. 17 in the Southampton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Rutkow- ski are the parents of a daughter, born there Dec. 20.

Sergeant and Mrs. Russell Sanders are the parents o f a son, Russell Raye Jr., born Dec. 16 at Southampton.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moss of Larch- mont, N. Y., were out visiting friends over the weekend.

Darlene and Jeannie Ritchie are spending the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Maine Barletta, Surfside Estate. They now have an infant sister, bom in Queens Dec. 15.

Catherine Rae, South Elroy Drive, celebrated her fourth birthday on Dec. 20 with a party for nine friends. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lang o f the Bronx and Montauk are on a Carib­bean cruise.

Captain and Mrs. Gus Pitts were visiting relatives and friends in Nova Scotia when they were in­volved in an auto accident in St. John’s there on Dec. 19. They were


bruised, but received no broken bones.

Their daughter, Mrs. David M c­Mahon, and Mr. McMahon, drove up that night to drive them home. They stopped in Boston, Mass. en route back.

Some 225 children from one through eight years o f age came to the Fire House Sunday afternoon to see Santa Claus, receive gifts, and watch movies.

There were only two calls for the Fire Department ambulance last week, and no fires.

There was a power failure here Wednesday night from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

MONTAUK r'ISH NOTESUihlein’s Dock reports things quiet

for the holidays. The larger boats still sailing do bring in an “astonish­ing” amount of cod, many from near­shore waters.

Gosman’s Dock has no boats working, and all is reported quiet.

Capt. Paul Forsberg has had good fishing, but anglers are scarce. He sailed most days last week and weekend.

Capt. Lester Behan’s Peconic Queen is sailing every day the weather permits. One weekend day, a few anglers had 500 cod on deck. It takes a rugged angler to face the elements.

The Captains Rade of the Marlin III fished both days of the weekend for cod, pollack, and blackfish.

E. V. Conway Bank President

A l 39E. Virgil Conway, 39, a native of

Montauk, has been elected chairman and president o f the Seaman’s Bank for Savings, a New York institution with assets o f over one billion dol­lars. Mr. Conway, an attorney, lives in Brooklyn Heights.

He was born in Montauk and at­tended East Hampton High School, Colgate University, and Yale Uni­versity Law School. He served in the Air Force during the Korean War, and is a Captain in the A ir Force Reserve.

Mr. Conway, who succeeds James H. Evans, had been executive vice president and a trustee of the Man­hattan Savings Bank. Before that, he had been first deputy superin­tendent of banks of the State of New York, and secretary of the State Banking Board.

He is on a number o f committees and boards, and is a member of the Union League Club. Mr. Conway was active at one time in Young Repub­lican Club activities in New York.


I r i m D e fe o sh r e ty f





Fishing is our forteWe specialize In boats, equip­ment for the cruising, fishing sportsmen. &TeL 516-668-5900

DARENBERG & WEIT, INC.Dock Building and Bulkheading

Dealer8 and Builder$ Styrofoam Floats and Dock*

Vuelta D el Mundo Gastronomico

4%0uNP THE

This Sunday, December 29th, in our Dining Around The W orld Program the accent will be on Central America.

There will be a serving o f all things Central American— Sangria W ine — Cebiche — Guacamole — Olla Podrida — Escabeche — Tasajo — Manchego Cheese, Cabralos Cheese — and Montana De Santos.

The B u ffet will be served from 1 :00-4:00 P.M. There will be a charge o f $5.50 which will include the Cheese and the Sangria.

Buen Apetito Gurney’s Inn N ick Monte K eeper o f the Inn

On Sunday, January 5th, w e have scheduled a visit to Greece.

Rooied To The Spol Sale To Minorpml s s Montauk Hgwy, Bridgehamp- ton, $18,000.

Anna Pirko to J Piotrowicz &w, j 1 1 1 1pci n s Noyac Rd., Eag Harbor, $38,- AiiGCIGCl 000. 3

EdrtS1 E Sanger to R S DeSanti, Joseph McNally, 62, of Milina pci s s Newton Lane. East Hampton, Drive, East Hampton was arrested $28,000. Tuesday at about 3 p.m. by East

Emjay Properties to C R Monticone Hampton Town Patrolman Brace l w . lot 112. Rolling Hills Estates. Lyon and charged with selling liquor


Noyac, $4,500. to a minor after the patrolman re- , , , , , TT , . ported he saw a 17-year-old coming

Margaret Hobler to H R Ellis lot out of ,he T Uus Li S(orePaQpn I* irflnlorfl758, Clearwater Beach, Fireplace,

East Hampton, $4,500.Helen C. Halsted to T N Carey

&w, pci ss Harbor Drive, Southamp­ton, $11,000.

K Schneider to J Degen, pci es Water Mill-Towd Rd., Water Mill, $8,000.

on Springs-Fireplace Road with a pint bottle of Old Crow whiskey.

Mr. McNally, a salesman for the liquor store, after questioning by Patrolman Lyon, admitted he had sold the liquor to the minor, the police said. He appeared before East

F B a n n e r &w to A Ceccon &w, Hampton Town Justice R. ThomasStrong and was released on $25 to await a hearing today at 10 a.m.

Car Hits TruckA Bistrian Gravel Corporation

Caterpillar truck was struck by a A G ' DeUysse &w to L Hertfield 1665 B u lck sedan as i l Prepared to

lot 12, Soundview Estates, Montauk,$ 11,000.

S Garzone &w to Marie T. Gallo, lot 11, Soundview Estates, Montauk,$ 11,000.

E D Holder to Dorothy C Espach, lot 72, Mount Misery Estates, Sag Harbor, $5,000.

A G Dellysst&w, lot 30, Seaside Shores, Montauk, turn int0 the Bistrian Gravel firm’s bida Qn a Jet Hopper Spreader, or

WAYNE M. HULSE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royce J. Hulse of 24 Cross Highway, East Hp.mpton. has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He has been stationed for the last eight months with the Army ir. South Vietnam.

equal, at his office at No. 258 Springs-Fireplace Road, East Hamp-

$3 000. property off the Springs-FireplaceEmjay Properties to K P Hughes R ° ad M Friday at 4:10 p.m.

&w, lot 138, Rolling Hills Estates, The truck, driven by Joseph ton, New York until 3:00 p.m. Janu- Noyac, $3,500. Olszewski of 85 Cove Hollow Road, ary io, 1969 at which time and place

Harbor Homes o f Sag Harbor to East Hampton, and the car driven bids will be publicly opened and V Rigaud & ors, lot 82, Sag Harbor by William Johnston of Hog Creek reacjHills, Sag Harbor, $3,500.

Montauk Development Inc toGilia &w, lot 118, Hither Woods, when the accident occurred. Montauk, $12,000.

Lane, East Hampton, were headed Specl, lc>UoM for ^ equipment in a northerly direction on the road m ovajlable „ fte o(fice o[ said

Superintendent of Highways during ... „ „ , Damage to the car was estimated regular office hours. ,The Superintcn-

F Brullo &w to Cecilia K Karol, at $300. Mrs. Anna Mae Johnston, dent reserves the right to reject all lot 70, Lion Head Beach, Fireplace, 62, a passenger in the car, was taken bids.East Hampton, $7,500. to the Southampton Hospital for

A PUZZLED JACK WILLIAMS, an East Hampton Lions Club member, finds himself hypnotized in a seated position by Rief Spano, a profes­sional hypnotist from East Marion. Mr. Spano hypnotized several ether Lions al the Club's Christmas dinner last Thursday at Chez Labbal. Equally entrancing was the Christmas music performed by a nine-man Lions Club band: Bob Osborne, flute; Mike Laspia, piano; Gene Lester, bass horn; Harold McMahon, Tony Cangiolosi and Kennell Schenck, saxophones; Dick Herrlin, drums; Frank Brill, violin and William Lycke, trumpet. George Osterberg Photo

Real Estate Transactions

S Miller Jr to June H Fits, pci treatment o f shoulder injuries, and ws Davis Drive, Montauk, $8,000. was later released.

J M Strong Jr to J Kourtakis, pci ns Oak View Hgwy., East Hampton,$16,000. NOTICE TO BIDDERS

All bids must b o accompanied by a non-collusion certificate as required by Section 103 "D o f the General

----- Municipal Law.Dated: December 26, 1968

Prices Indicated Are Estimated From Tax Stamps

H Foster &w to Helen S Barbis, lot 124, Oceanside at Montauk, Montauk, $3,000.

Hampton Dune Associates to Beverly Cole &ano, lot 60, Hamp­ton Dunes, Amagansett, $7,500.

O H Justad &w to Vera L Mc­Gowan, lot 19, Surfside Estates, Mon­tauk, $23,000.

N Kanter to S Ross &w pci w s Springs Fireplace Hgwy., East Hamp­ton, $5,000.

Northampton Colony Inc to W D Sherwood &w, pci e s Harrys Lane, Noyac, $15,000.

Alice R McFaull to Diane Seiden- berg, lot 345, Clearwater Beach, Springs, East Hampton, $3,500.

J Musarra &w to G Justin &w,

lot 36, Clearwater Beach, Fireplace, East Hampton, $22,000.

J E Weidert to L M Kinsey &w, lot 4689, Conklin Terrace, North Haven, $5,000.

North Country Builders Inc to Katheryn W Rader, pci es s Gerard Dr., Fireplace, East Hampton, $3,000.

C Baum to V Jacobs, pci s s San- dune Court, Sagaponack, Southamp­ton, $12,500.

H D Golightly to C P Giel &ano, pci s s Sagaport'ack Rd., Sagaponack, Southampton, $37,000.

Bellport Realty Co Inc to M P Lendino &w, pci w s Essex St., Mon­tauk, $1,500.

Emjay Properties to W A Spets &w, lot 90, Rolling Hills Estates, Noyac, $4,000.

Helen L Niles to J M Richey &w,

J Nadelman &w to G G Lum &w, Notice is hereby given that lots 4-6 inc., Barnes Landing, Springs, Francis R. Smith, Superintendent of East Hampton, $8,000. Highways, o f the Town of East

A Pallotta &w to C Ancona, lot Hampton, New York will receive 15-1 129, Montauk On Sea, Montauk,$37,000.

J R Louttit &w to L Fisher, lot 8, Hampton Dunes, Amagansett,$8,500.

Waldorf Equity Research Inc to Margery Harnick, lot 9, Egypt Close,East Hampton, $28,000.

R R Rash to S S Brody & ano, pci es Newlight Lane, Hay Ground,Southampton, $60,000.

Emjay Properties to A J Barreca &w, lot 139, Rolling Hills Estates,Noyac, $3,500.

F L Ward &w to Martha B Balfour, pci es West Lake Drive, Montauk,$5,000.

H K Dreisbach &w to Ethel Cleve­land, lots 269-272 inc., Bay Point,Southampton, $24,000.

F Catania to M Staller, pci ns Montauk Hgwy., East Hampton, $42,- 500.

Montauk Improvement Inc to Mary F. Schoenberger, lot 103, Oceanside at Montauk, Montauk, $3,500.

Montauk Improvement Inc to P Maggio &w, lots 175-179 inc., Hither Hills, Montauk, $3,500.

FRANCIS R. SMITHSupt. of HighwaysTown of East Hampton, N. Y.


Here comes little ’69. May his bright and happy landing be just the beginning of a pro­sperous, pleasing year for you.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Roberls

and The Staff

The Irving Garage


OOK SHOPConsult The Star

Business Directory

Southampton, L. I.

Open Through December 31slNew Books for Adults and Children

Sale on Christmas Cards ............................................................. - .................. ........................ .. ............. A

"Twinkle, twinkle little Star How I wonder where you are?"

Still in East Hampton, Professor, but w e ll mail il to you anywhere in the worlc for just SS a year. Simply fill out the coupon below and return it to us:

I understand you will send the Star anywhere in the world for SS a year. Please enter a subscription for:

Street Addresa — — ...... ................. ................City _______________________________________________ ____ Zip Code----

SS enclosed -- Bill --------------

The Star. P.O. Box E. East Hampton. N. Y. 11937