reading skills 2

TSL 591 Hudson, Chapter 4

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Page 1: Reading Skills 2

TSL 591Hudson, Chapter 4

Page 2: Reading Skills 2

Describe roughly as a cognitive ability which a person is able to use when interacting with written texts.

Seen as a part of the generalized reading process

Reading skills have been used to structure reading syllabi and for test construction.

Urquhart, S. & Weir, C. (1998). Reading in a second language: Process, product and practice.

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In general reading skills are presented in categories or taxonomies: ◦ Word attack skills◦ Comprehension skills◦ Fluency skills◦ Critical reading skills

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Word attack skills (aka decoding skills)◦ Skills necessary to convert orthographic symbols

into language◦ Requires readers to recognize that the script

represents units of language, e.g. phonemes, syllable and words

◦ Sub-skills include, recognizing syllable pattern, converting strings to sound, recognizing word boundaries

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Comprehension skills◦ Represent the ability use context and knowledge

to derive meaning from text◦ Examples:

Grammatical skills, knowledge of syntax, mechanics, Using context to gain meaning, using schemata as

aids Using metacognitive knowledge Recognizing text structure Predicting what will come next in text

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Fluency skills◦ Skills that allow a reader to see larger sentences

and phrases as wholes A process that aids in reading more quickly

◦ Examples: Sight word recognition and recognizing high-

frequency letter cluster Rapid reading Possessing extensive vocabulary

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Critical reading skills ◦ Skills to analyze, synthesize and evaluate what is

read◦ Involve the activities such as determining cause-

effect or comparison relationship (types of organization) or adopting a critical stance toward the text

◦ Examples: Detecting bias Making inferences Predicting bias Distinguishing fact and opinion Generalization

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Reading skills have been a major area of reading research over recent years (Urquhart & Weir, 1998)

As such there is a great variety of the specific skills identified by various teachers and researchers

Rosenshine (1980) examined the comprehension skills identified by five authoritative educational sources

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The examination revealed 3 general types of skills associated with comprehension◦ Locating details

Simplest skills – recognition, paraphrase, matching◦ Simple inferential skills

Understanding words in context, recognizing sequence of events, recognizing cause-effect relationship

◦ Complex inferential skills Recognizing main idea, drawing conclusions,

predicting outcomes

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Rosenshine discovered 7 sub-skills across the 3 general reading skills◦ Recognizing sequence◦ Recognizing words in context◦ Identifying the main ideas◦ Decoding detail◦ Drawing inferences◦ Recognizing cause and effect◦ Comparing and contrast

Analysis of all college reading textbooks for L2 learners will show the inclusion of all the above skills.

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Reading skills fall into a continuum of hierarchies

In many models of skill, focus of attention may change from lower-level skills to higher level skills as reading ability is acquired

The lower level skills involving visual perception and phonic analysis become automatic with practice and require less conscious monitoring

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Many educators and researchers have identified reading skills at different levels of details

Clymer (1968) presented a taxonomy, developed by Barret (N.D), which is divided into 5 ordered skill levels:a) Literal comprehensionb) Reorganizationc) Inferential comprehensiond) Evaluatione) AppreciationRefer Hudson, p. 86 for details of skills

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Research on skills in second language has taken 2 primary orientations:

1. Examination on the role of traditionally termed lower-level word processing skills

2. Examination on the role of comprehension skills in 2nd language reading

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Several studies have been carried out the lower-level processing, i.e. word processing skills, in the 2nd language especially on 2nd language learners of different writing systems – Arabic, Japanese, Chinese

(Brown & Hayes, 1985; Koda, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1997; Haynes & Carr, 1990, pp 91-96 Hudson)

All studies indicate that lower-level processing in 2nd language is affected by visual and orthographic coding

If a learner is at the low-level of word processing, comprehension will be impeded

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Munby (1978) presents a taxonomy across 2nd language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

The taxonomy was developed to provide teachers and materials writers with a basis form to select skills appropriate for students with differing goals and needs

However, the taxonomy was not based on any empirical framework

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Taxonomy of reading skills (Mundy,1978) (p.97, Hudson)

◦ Recognizing the script of language◦ Deducing the meaning and use of unfamiliar

lexical items, through understanding word formation Stems/ roots, affixation etc

◦ Understanding explicitly stated information◦ Understanding information in the text, not

explicitly stated through Making inference, figurative language

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Understanding relations between parts of a text through grammatical cohesion devices of◦ Reference, comparison, substitution

Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details, by differentiating◦ Primary from secondary significance etc

Basic reference skills: understanding and use of◦ Graphic presentation etc

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Skimming to obtain◦ The gist of the text◦ General impression of the text

Relaying information◦ Directly and indirectly

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Generally, L1 and L2 literature argue against the existence of strictly hierarchically ordered reading skills

There are broad categories of skills which are mediated by text, purpose and content

These skills helped in curriculum development and scope and sequence charts associated with textbooks and series

Nevertheless, these skills are not unitary in their structure

Thus, it is the teaching of multiple skills would be appropriate

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In groups of maximum 3, choose a study presented in Hudson, Chapter 4, p 91 – 103

Identify the objective of the study, methods and the main findings.

Present the study to the class