reading copy - marist collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltodtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .and now i ~ilk...


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Page 1: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


Page 2: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


Page 3: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer




OCTOBS:R 21 1 Ul38

I am etMtUng on the etepl of the Ca:;1tol of a !State

eo 1nde:;endent th&t it di d not raUfy the Const1tut1on of the

United Statu until t-wo years atter 1t wu 1n effeot. Around .:.e

11ee the ..o ~t h1ghly 1.."lduetr1al. ar.~ deneel:y popu1a ted State 1n

the country .

I could apeak to no people who bette,. understand the

interdependence of IDOdern eocnc!!l1o lite .

I have said that what the pl;'eeent National Ad&1nlltrat1on

hae tried t:) do w.11.e to adJuet etateoraft to rea lity -- the reality

or forty- eicht Ststee which han aareed to live together 1n a

.. oh1ne age,

~en this Adm1n11!trat1on Cll.l'le to 'l!'ashlngton l.Aroh 4 1 19~3,

the ~~~act.1ne of our na.t1onal eoono:cy' had completely broken down.

Page 4: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

- 2-

For twehe :reare lt had been neglected by thou W'ho bel1e•ed that

qoh1nea 414 not nud ten41ng, 'lf'e tried to r ebuild thftt qchlne ,

to 110dern1:te it and to turn on the purobul ns power,

I t was the b 1.ggeet peaoet1a~e job ever attempted, I t

oalled tor energy in a hundred dlreotlone at once, for 1ml'\s lnat1on,

tor 1rU l1ngneu to taoe taoh.

Beoeuse 1t wae a 110dern .llllOhlne lt needed 1t0ney in

o1.roula t1on to get it go1ng and keep 1t Theret:>re, we had

to obtain puroMsL"44 power tor the , work for the une!:':ployfd,

U to industry , eat ety and oourr(Se t or banks.


How much dU we ependt &nough to get reeul t1 - - enough

to be eure not to taU , There would have been no aeoond oha.noa lf

re had f !1 1led O:'loe.

You Md I are uee4 to •ent;urlnz oapl tal to gain prot1 h .

And in these three and a halt yetlre our venture hae euoceeded ,

Prosperity meaaured 1n dollars 1e oom1ns baok. 'l'h~re are

none amor.= you to deny 1t. But there 18 a higher rceaeure tor

proaper1t7 - - the Jteaaure of permanency- the measure or .. our1t1.

Page 5: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer




We seek not the p:roeperl ty ot 1929 but the kind whloh

" 111 menn to every Amerloan ta.m1ly an •asuranoe of 1atety of the

hors.e , safety of old O.f:e, aa.tety of Nvlnga, eo.fety of employment,

You hATe been told of regimentation. I aa opposed to

the kind of reglJtentatlon under whl oh you labored and eutfered ln

the daye of the f alse prosperity and ln the ~P.ya of the great


We believe that people ere nen ~re ~ortant thj,n

m..ohlnee. \fe believe that the llltlterlal resourou of A.merloa should

eerve the hunan r eaouroee of Amerloa.

':fe will not ago.ln allow people to be regi mented by eelfl e.."l.

mlnorltl"''~ into 'oankrl.tptoles ant~~ breadll1'!u.

I wlah that on thlc v1elt I might ata7 lonser. But I know

Rhode Island, ltl o1t1ea 1 lte to.r~e, lh waters and lta vo.lleye.

I C!lrry to you the aame .aU!IIIBAgll I ".!lYf' given ln the ':feet and 1n ~e

Soutl: -- you are a T1tal and neoenary part o! a unlted whole.

Your Federa.l Govertll"'ent seeks your well-being for your O'll'n

and !or the sake of your s1P tsr •tatee.

.... _"/-,~_~/...P?~ (~»~ ···./.Y ,~.) _..

Page 6: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer



October 21, 1936, 9 . JO A.M.

(The President was introduced b)' GOYernor Greene)

MY friends , here I am back in Rhode Island and gled to

be here. (Applause)

I am glad that Governor Greene spoke or Rhode

Island a nd Providence Plantation as being the cradle of

religious liberty.

(I aa standing on the steps of the Capitol or a)

I remember also that this State !:!!.!. so independent that it

d i d not ratify the Constitution or the United States until

two years after it was in effect . And I remember also that

Rhode Island h verY much a part of the United States tor

a round •• lies the most highly industrial and densel)'

populated State in the .Y.n1.2.D.· (country)

I could speak to no people who better understand

the inter-dependence of modern economic lite.

I have said that what the present Nationa.l Admin­

istration haa tried to do was to adjust statecraft to

reality -- the reality or forty-eight States wh1eh have agreed

to liYe together in a u ehine •&•• When this Administration C&:le to Washtnat on on the

fourth or March, 19JJ, the ma chine of our national economy

had completely broken down. For tYielve lQns. years it had

been nealectad by those who be lieved that lll&ehinea did not

Page 7: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

~ltn D. Rooee-re~t Llb:ruf

fllh tl a tra.""11cr; 'P~ - , by tbe Ybl u Koo.ll • u:-.o~ ~ ~~ .b~•!ln4 Mt .. t&."'•r. Ill , U:. lhl 1,..eb lPN

.. 4.. r.~1cate1 wol'iH Ntt'"'" :!.dN!. to fbi pN•tOUilJ' pr ~r"I4T •n opr t r1 t'od• l tlo · ptl1"61"lttlll• or• .,,.,_. tbat • e r e a.1 ~tell

•hen ~ll• ap.ecb ra• ll7i1J'I4, tbOUTb \bey apr~ar 1 n the pt"l"' 01.1.1!11 pl'llp&rod r e!ldhu : r-f'rJ' teH.

Page 8: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

- 2 -

need tendin&. We tried to rebuild that machine, to

modernize it and t o t urn on the purchasing power.

It was the biggest peace-time Job ever attempted.

It called tor energy in a hundred cUrectiona at once, ll

~ tor iaagination (to~ W willin&:nesa to race !acts.

Because it was a 111od.ern uchine it needed ~:~oney

in circulation to get it going and keep it going . (Applause)

Therefore, we had t o obtain purchaain& power . (tor the

Carmer, work tor the unemployed, loans to industry, safety

and courage tor banks. )

How 11uch did we spend.? Enough to get results -­

enough t o be sure not to tail . There would have been no

second ch&nce if we had tailed once.

You and I are used to venturing capital t o gain

profits. And in these three and a hal! year s our venture

has succeeded .

Prosperity r:aeuured in dollars is cOta1n& back.

There (are) 1.t none amon&: you to deny it. But there 1s a

higher measure tor pr osperity -- the measure of per manency -­

the measure or security.

We seek not the prosperity of 1929 but the kind

which Will •••n to wery Al!lerican !aaily an assurance or

safety or the hoae , safety ot old ase, safety or savtna:s,

safety or empl o)'lllent . (Applause)

You have been (told or) talked to about regi menta­

tion. I u opposed to the kind or regimentation under which

Page 9: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

- ) -you ~ labored and suttered in the days ot the false

pr osper ity and in the days or the gr eat depr ession.

We believe that people a re even •or e important

than machines. (Applawe) We believe th&.t the uterial

resources ot America shou.ld sene the human rasoureu ot

America .

We will not again allow people to be re11mented

by selfish minorities into bankruptcies and breadlines .


I willb that (on this visit) I • i cht s t ay lonser.

But I know Rhode Island, its cities, its t arma, ita waters

and its valleys. I carry to you t he same mesaage I have

given in the West and in the South -- you are a vital and

necessary part or a united whole . Your Federal OoTernment

seeks your wall-bains tor your own sake and tor the sake

ot your sister States . (Prolonged applause)

Page 10: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

eno• ot .od1M1 •ooncato 11r1. I oould 1p.U: to no p10pb -.ho would 1110r.

Scacltl.JH 1f8C1 I .. 14 1n a ap••ch that •hat the pruent Dlll!ocrat 1o

v no &•er oan oTen mer• unlea• 1t mellhea 1nW al.l th• othera. When th1

Ull::a the one-horaa ahaJ. Thia j,dm1n1atret1on triad to p1ek up the part,

that - at1U ,.,._ Ulltul, put t~ t og1tblr with new parh that 1t bad

Page 11: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

-·-to tabrloau aDd 'lUl"D. on the puN}:Iaa1DC ~ar.


oallad to r ensrsr in e bunl!nd d1Hot1oD.a at once , tor 1J:Iag1n..Uon hi r•-

J tba tao'la that built to t'unoticm ,-rtaotl.,- at tha ~P-4,.,ot Olll huni!Hd

'T 1•er• .,o aitlpl,y o.mot tUIIC'tion at th4l ~ed ot to4a:J. -.hen u took up

dared to put private t\Uidl in otroulo.'t1Dn. \HI t hDreto:re hell '110 use IJ)nm-

\0 1:14\ll'tl"J' 1tlel1'--to &in the bmll:e oour•S' to make purcb .. lns power­

able to oth_.,.9 t.o• ~eh 414 w •pc4? ~ to sec retu.lU, aQOU&b to

Page 12: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

_, _

b1U1ou liON tb&D u toolr. i.D. 'l'h11 "'17 yeu 11U 11111.t1on 11 1 wbol• 11

'* ot tbl Jli"'fiu that han ben diltrit..lted to you in Rhode bla.o4. In

J' ment in tuPUtaotur1J18 •Ubliellllellta haTe 1Dor.aeed by 1111 aYOl'l&l ot ~

111 l'i:S6 ••• due to the 1Doreu1D& .trength ot eoouonio tactore, 'lllb.ioh ln the

Page 13: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

-. -tr1t.l OlroducUon in Rbode Illa114 naobM ita low pol~ 1D Ka;r , u;,a. 'l'be

'!'be •-=- Serrice ehowe tb&tl

bllo• tbe boca. lenll ot 1~~ azul Ui 3~ abon that. ot 1~28 wh1ob ••• tteelt

(3) '1'!:1.1 ponr CO:IIUIIpUOn ttsur-u tor tl-1 Rhode Island w>ol.:~ and

Page 14: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

-.-lt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r, lk-3. 1\..

.And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a

on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer tour-flttha or the ot the

GOWltry wu concentrated 1n a sa tb&II on ... tiftb. ot 'the populet ion. On ... hal1'

ot the corporau wealth in the oountrJ 11 oono&Dtr.te4 in two hundred oorpora~

Uon... ~·• two bu.ndred oorpore.tio~U~ are ~u.te4 by a few bwu:tnd .. n.

t.lweya buru a O.apea, In a deooeratio countTy there is a »er1o41oU obanoa

at alaction tU. to obaok and oha~e pollt1oal acblnhtraUona.

all the ir r e.-ouroaa of lnterlook1IIS 41raoto:r.., 1nterlook11l8 bankare , and

Page 15: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


their ton. 'l'bey menace political and aooiiOilio tr.edCJJl alike,

'l'b.l iU'CU'OOl"pp:r.U dbicl.e..ll •-..., the &ra4Ua'tld oorporat1on tu:, tM

,,~ .. J •• , .. i.~-1 .. J ~"~j~·-l~ ,.,.~ r. .. ., tu pell&liZirlg tba HhnUon o t Will J a with whi ch biC t:tu.inaaa

aae.lloaa up little buli.DOaa, thllo !nOMa .. 1A illOQM IJU%'t&Ua I.IId ntata tu.a,

w.a ~; ~.:,, tha Ubo:r- 1•• • the eocial .. ourity q-'•• all e.uaoted


"' That ' • wb¥/ktnca or 1110nopo11" ot thaaa ~·don't l1.c. t.ha n..ooratto

Page 16: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


Page 17: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

reeu\7 ... 'i'-'~ .. (,..f,,.,- 7 '1< ... ')o..- ~l. ..... r.J' .... 4."1"o- ..... .lo.

h lin ill .p:" eoo~ 'lift 1• tNl7 • -~ - olliM b wb.lob

., :J.. •• e.-. •Y. lUll••• u -•• ~ othwt~. lbo \M

Page 18: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

~ \btl taote thet pute bull\ to t'wao\10«1. p-.rtM\17 n \be JIJ•d or aaa lwAUod

,.,.,., -co ·~ 0.11110\ t\ao\loa •• ~.rot 1o41.T• ftlohea " \OWC up


.... ....... ~ 1.-J . ..:...

_, ~I' power 1o the tc:.r, the oUy •orlou' on, ~

lO 1DituftZ7 ibelt-10 &11'e the ....U to~ \o .a pUJ'Obutac pooWer u•ll- j

n.., r ~ ... l .... .r "' M ....,.. liO\ W teU-beoauoo ne1\bc yeN ~ ol.H Well to r1et./'l~

'-~ ......... .... .(.~ .... ~' (l . .. J J ..... i- )'"'~ .h ...,,J ~l .... ,~,r" )."' "an •• .J,sht: teU. ~.,.. uoe 11:t HOOII4 oblnGM att.r et.,.,.uon and Gll•o.

+ M\ l.Do Tou Rb:)rt. fel...S.n han ha4 a llllrew4 110M tor pfl:l.t1h• ~ the U711

Page 19: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


..[ ... )1'0\1 0 deaoea.d&r:lh r4 IU @Ol U Dl•Qr.10 ~:~Gl"'lwwl CitU'IIOI"'Uaaq0

doe a ' 1. 1h•' ~11 to )'0\l UP soo4 bllliha.;=n-JA'l' • brtlo!c do'lftl. the ~~~ or '*- prot h1 •n.• han bMQ 4UU'1'bu tlold 'k you 111 lll:o4. X.l andJ' I n

s M ilt h ~aa•ur1Jie: enebU.tlm1a\1 lul)'t' mon ... 4 b7 u n•N&• o.t ~

Mt .. lllo ' he U .cm.•bl e.n41JI& ltaJ'Oh, 1~ tm4 \hi 1,3 -\b.l C41JII 1"~'

~ •-• ,._ •t.. 14Uor1al ot \hatl 8u"t1.M1 •u -~ ..- that 1Jae riM

.U 1~ • u WI W U. ia~t.i l4fta~Ul td etO*I<li l teoton, wM•Js 1a 'Ull

Page 20: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


~ 1D. ~ teJ. .. cl 1A4uab1el aoUYiV, pu&1CM1wl.7 • illoo S.Jw:tbv,

100<, hu >oe my oooolnon• "' ,., ~ Tho •me 3en Jo• .-.o ... thU1

Page 21: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

~:.,.., :: .J, ....... ~

-·- ' [')).). I

lil6 thu iJ1 Uaa 11 110a~ba end1116 ~.~q, u .,:s,. y ·'-"" - ! 4')eak \0 7""' • li .. oe:ulant. ot b - 1lbo Wft..t 1.11•

Page 22: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


... ftat'• G¥/'kU&• ot ..oJ1017 ot 1~ .,, doa''l llb t;be I*mnw.\11

Page 23: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

_, _

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lllitHh 11•/ <--'"""'-" (

\;J'/I.liL (<(/(L'


t I .-( I'< I•


Page 25: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


..... !.o.l:12n·'""'y:".cnnee I run stftnding on the steps of the Capitol of 1:1 State so in-

that it d i d not utlfy dependent tilt W.~ m:n: j ak:::: fi ca the Conat1 tutlon of the

until two years after l t wus in ~ • United ~tatu,.._ Around~ s the raost h i ghly lmiustrlnl nnd

densely populat&d ~.Jt"l the country.

people I coulci speak to no ... who better understo.nd the inter-

depenUence of .. odern econo:alc life.

'il.t ... .J. I h~ve S£ 14 th: t what t!~f/rreEcnt Ado1n1strat1on h ~ tried to


do ~'" ~ W~>S to t..d just statecraft to redlty -- the ret.lity

L _.l """ll.....' '1,'-"J. of forty-el t;hl to live be;cther in "'!l.chlne tge .

.. hen th1!: Ad!Dinlstr e.tlon camo to -'ashlngton on lolorch " ' l9Z3,

t.!:.e "Zt: CiiL"l.e or our nc.tional econooy lu.d a:~t••)- com;')letely roken

yer rs Ci.O\,n . For tflelvf' x-.r.axl t hid been noLlectcC. J::y tho~e · .. hi) bel it-ved

th· t ml'c!::lincs ultl not need tending. ~re tried to rel'>ulld: thc.t

::r~.:•c:hlne , to mOCernlzc i t a.'1d to turn on the "11J'C;.I'!!'.ln~; OO' .. er.

f'or energy tn n hundred d i recti ons c.t ' onc:e,for buginlltion, for

will in~nf'-!'1!'1 to !"•ce ftc:ts .

"' e,..U!'l' 1 wcs .zodern ar.chi ne it nee<!.ed m:.ney ln circulation

Page 26: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


keep to get i t goin~~: and td i t goi ng. Tborefor e , we hs~.<

ches1n5 power for the rrmer, ... ork ro::.- the une:n loyed. , loans t.o

• • J.,t;""c-.1 , .... .,~ inciUstry, ~ for[=!J be!l;'<(S.

Hln much 1C. l<e !JP€00.? Fnou~il to get result~ -- enou~h t., be

~ ~,..u.. ""'-"-k-- .«... J..u~.L ehv-«- ;_f- .wc-t....A.f~ I "urc not to fuil . ~ou und 1 are u::~ed to venturing Cltpit.&l to 6c.tllt l'rlu,

ro!'i ts. /tnu in h ae t~U'ee Wld b. .:&lf years i.t.P.. .1.ta.te. af. :tQ

XU112Jl our ve!ltt:re h:.::: succ~ .... ec..

PrO:':'lt:rlty :~et.::urea. L"1 uoll&rs 1!: co::~ln~ back . Th.'re ~re none

Mon·· you to deny it . But tli• ro i:s l· il1..;hr ... mea!lure for )·l"O:::T~er1ty --

taot c&zt:re or pfr:lllnency -- the .=ettsure 0r security •

. ie :::ee!t n.,t the prospt::r!.ty '1.-:t~<:-9 but. t::.C !ti!ld 'IOhlcl; 111!\

rrfety o!' ol<.. ag• , r.a.fety ':If ~·v1ll6s, s~. rety of employment .

You hrvc bC'en tol1..0 of rcJlm• ·nt: Uon. 11ii I 1.11 oppOH ... -d to t.e idnci

ot regil:!-:ntation under 1\'b.ich you lrbore<i. suffered in the days

~ , ,., C" ¥9£ oC...J.:M> llii!O 51 IeJi ntt .. ClUB :,men ) PC I ~Q2_

,...,.., ·- t q- 6 t uchinE,P....

Page 27: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer


~lO!CdeS@ 1 a ! 1 b " ·~· We believe th::.t people are even more important than I!I&Chinea .

o:~ belin e that the mater1a.l resource.9 of J..mer1ca4 should serve 7i:;:-

hw:nn r esource!: of America.

oJl.uw. ¥ to ue ...-111 not again"\ be regim.vnted by selfish minorities into

bt~.n~ruptcles ~d breadlines.

Rllo~e l!'lf...nd , its c1t1tos , it~ farms, its v<ters ant:. its vnlleys.

I ccrry to you the sa~:~e 1'1C5St>.ge I h~vc ~.iven in ~he .. eet urx. in

':lu fouth -- you ere a vital n• ncce!l! ry pt-rt of b un1 tee wi\Ol(:.

Your Federc.l Governoent !ec'<s your well~being for yow oo.n sn;.:~

ancl fo.· t~-..., !ll!te of your ::ister stc te£ ,

Page 28: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

I . ..:1ce

n..roll<l'-t,...~ortbt"""1<'•t toMhllnNd

at t• Stu~ ~ll.ol, I'Nn'ld-o, llooH 1d ... , 011. ~~.

Oe~r n ~o.~!!.-Hl!at'..l!!!:!!.!l!!ll~..!:,<l-·

ltl..,..'Olp<:~~~delln.ry , •~;~:•n.,. ... _ , , ,l&A, Iof, .,;, :;,T.

Ph• .. eod'..,ue.r"(! o>t:d,..,t ,,_,.,~,.. ,...1 ......


llT._..,:r.:l;.oRLY ~onht""t'""''•t"J totl>o?,...•l d<tDt

1 • 1 ~ . .._ "~ ot 1M Oe;lttol ..r o ._~eo t..•·••&•t LL•~ tt <ltd""~ r•tit')' n .• c-tu .. u oa ot '"" U»it.a aut ...... ut - 1...,.. art.-r It-.. 111 t.HMit. """"""' ... u .. U.• _, t.l~ 1.-! .... trLl ... cl.-.... 1)' ropllU .. Stolle I• ~e~.-

1 e...Ud ·~ to .., pcpl•- ~~;tu.., ....S.ut&lod tloe IIIUI"­• .,..,r.~e.ot...:.lane:oo.:.a:Scltft,

1 ,_..._ -.• U...t *' , ... ~...,..,, •:..u.....u. ~alnnU<X lou trtoool 1.< .,c,..,_.•o..!j•ost .:,to~e~t IIO·•tu:r -- U.•:'Ml.H rct tortJ-•tt;at st 1.-.........., • ... ~to u ... to.,;.t""~r ta• ~~tu - ·

••~ t~u • .dll.laiHf'lt\Qn •- to '-•U.It le>s ~ ' • 1~.

t tt •cMM or ou xnc::.:U teo~ tAd o~~~-;olutelr ~ro~n •-· tor '"hi',...,.. H r...<~ ".,.. ...,oJAOuot tor thoe• wtoo •~uu...t tht •clllDu ~U aot n..- Hn<II QE;. t·• trl~ t o rebullcl t "->t ... ebl -.. , to -•"'lu ltllMtotum.oDthopur<:l. ... toc-r.

It,.. tb• ~h.&"' pnuttu Joto ew~'l' ou_.,... n ctalled

!:.!::"~ ~:.,: ~u~ <lt r ... uou • • or.ctt\ tor t~MUoa, tO*' .-.u-a.e- u.,.. el004~"' -lllae It ........ - t• et....,.u.­

tiOOito .,..t tt~~:olflt&:>CI:.O• ttcotlllol:, ~...tore,-ll.eol.toobtab

""""'bu!QC_r.r .... -,~~.~ ,_, ... ~, 1-. "'>

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l'r<>"''..,.H7 _,.,.. Ia doll•n h oc.i""i ltold:, Ttlor<t ­_. _.,.1,.. t o d""71t. Bo.>t 111..,. h • hlt:/l<lr •uu.-.. rcr pro~rUt -- tlwo ""'••ur• or r_u, --tile •uo.:to ot Mellritt,

Page 29: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer

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Page 30: READING COPY - Marist Collegelt36 the in t.ha l2 ltODtha en41na w..:r , lk-3. 1\.. .And now I ~Ilk to you u detcanilallta of U. men wbo bUrDed tb.a on a&nh. It wu eat1aaud that oTer



"'• Met ""t Ur.o ,.....,P*rl\7 of l rt.'!t but t1w kUd ""'lc:b. .. t.u- to ...,ry '""-rl""" t...S\7 • a.:•- or Mto\7 of the "-11 ..roq o: oW •• Mt'ot.J or M¥\.Jit.l, l&to\7 ot ~t.

TOll ba"l bef'll \eU-.,. NI~U.t\011. t .. _....s to \l>oUAdof~-t.<>Uoaw.du'll:lc:b.7011"'1.abomond ... th...tta t.MdofootU.ofor.lMp..,.pal'l.Q'<W>diA\hodqaot U>o &t111lt de;>ronlon.

"- b•Ht,.tbl.tpiO!Ill a .. ..-..,_,,..liiJ)OriMitt.han o~IMt.'~,.t beli'l"ft that tilt Ut.4orlal NIIO\II'CII Of AAt rlctl lhould. '''"'' l.b~ti!.-.No.wr<:u of.I.OMirlc.,

" ' .. tu 110t a,alJI aU.oo- .-fle to "- ... 1t.M...S tr,. .. utili oWorlUoo l.ntob:&nlr.l"'lj>tdu anc!b.....Ut ... o, G\.diLI'A7100VIr. lutl "-'" lllocle hl..-1 U,a cUJ ... , l U r ..,_, lU ,.WIN llld UAI •t~.llqo.

I C.M'J' \o7"" U.o ,__aMp 111Wn>t;1....,1n tlw""t....tll> u.. s~ - Nil"" • nw .-1 ,..~....,. ,._n ot • Wllw.d oe:.o~ . J""r ,..,Nil o.w. ....... t ...U rour ~be for 701&1' D"'D Nke Md for tho Mll:o o' 'fOIIJJr oUter ot.oo\M.