reading and literary appreciation


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Post on 07-Apr-2015




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ATTITUDE“We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our Attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our attitudes.”

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Marivic C. AlocTulay na Lupa National High School

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Just asking…

•How do we teach reading and literary appreciation in our


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What is literary appreciation?

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Literary appreciation . . .

refers to the evaluation of works of imaginative literature.

a process by which a reader interprets, evaluates and classifies a literary work in view of determining the merits and demerits of such a work

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Literary appreciation . . .

uses literary theories such as formalism, Marxism, feminism, structuralism, deconstruction, semiotics, etc.Is a positive exercise which aims to determine the merits and demerits of a literary production as a work of art.

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What is the aim of teaching literary appreciation in schools?

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To promote reading habit.

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To develop language proficiency

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To gain pleasure through reading

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To facilitate the acquisition of many structures and patterns of language

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To gain an understanding and inculcation of humanistic values

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Why do you think is the story classified as cliffhanger story?

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•Characterize:the princessthe kingthe young man

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•What personal gain would the king enjoy in sending the man to the arena?

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•How did the man regard his beloved princess? What did he believe she would do?

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•How much trust did he put in the strength of her love?

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•How did the princess feel about her beloved as he faced judgment?

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•What would happen to her if she sent him to the tiger?

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•What would happen to her if she sent him to the lady?

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•How do you think would the princess decide considering her motives?

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What insights about life did you gain from the narrative?

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If you were Mr. Behrman would you have painted the wall for Johnsy? Why or why not?

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What does the last leaf symbolize? Johnsy? Mr. Behrman?

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What is its message/theme?

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Is the ending logical? Why not? If so, how did O. Henry foreshadow it?

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What part of the story left a significant impact in your mind?

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Do you believe that each encounter we have with others is also a chance to meet god?

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Write a journal entry based on the story.

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Use a venn diagram to compare the two selections: (The Lady or the Tiger & The Last Leaf) in terms of the ff elements:

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Sample venn diagram

The Lady or The Tiger The Last Leaf

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ANYWAYBy: Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable,

Illogical and self centered,

Love them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you

of having selfish, ulterior motives

Be kind anyway

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If you are successful, you will win some false friends

and some true enemies

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you,

Be honest and frank anyway.

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What you spend years building,

Someone could destroy overnight,

Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness

Some may be jealous,

Be happy anyway.

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Give the world the best you have,

and it may never be enough

Give the world the best you’ve got


You see in the final analysis,

Its between you and God.

It is never between you and them
