readiness knowledge and skills exploration & social...

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX Readiness Knowledge and Skills Social Studies 8STAAR Review Exploration & Colonial Era 1492-1763 Reasons for Exploration God – spread Christianity Gold – gain wealth Glory – fame and international recognition, nationalism Leads to discovery of North America and its colonization Important Dates 1607Jamestown founded: 1st permanent English settlement 1620Plymouth founded: Pilgrims traveled to Plymouth and signed the Mayflower Compact to establish self-government Early Representative Government Virginia House of Burgesses—1 st representative assembly in North America Mayflower Compact—signed by Pilgrim men, who agreed to self-government through a social contract Establishing Colonies Religious and Political freedom Economic Opportunity (Mercantilism and land ownership) Settlement of the American Colonies New England: settled by Pilgrims and Puritans to escape religious persecution in England Mid-Atlantic: Diversity & religious tolerance; NY—key trading area; Quakers led by William Penn founded Pennsylvania Lower South: Maryland founded by persecuted Catholics; Georgia was created for outcasts and debtors Slavery Established The need for cheap laborers to grow cash crops encouraged white settlers to use African slaves Farmers grew cash crops on plantations in the South and used slaves so they could practice commercial agriculture cheaply. Invention of the cotton gin made it even easier and cheaper to grow cotton. This led to a higher demand for cotton and thus, more slaves. As America acquired more territory, the issue of slavery became a controversial issue. People of the Colonies Thomas Hooker—founder of Connecticut, who adopted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, America’s first written Constitution. William Penn—founded Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers. He supported freedom of worship, welcomed immigrants, and sought peace with Native Americans. Anne Hutchinson—banished from Massachusetts for preaching; one of the founders of Rhode Island. French and Indian War British colonists wanted French land in North America British fought against French and Native American allies Native Americans fought against the British because they were afraid the British would take their land Treaty of Paris, 1763—Ended the French and Indian War Britain was left in debt and began taxing the colonists to pay for the war and the Proclamation of 1763 was established to keep colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mts. Triangular Trade New England Middle Southern Mercantilism benefits Britain

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Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review

Exploration & Colonial Era 1492-1763


Reasons for Exploration

God – spread Christianity

Gold – gain wealth

Glory – fame and international recognition, nationalism

Leads to discovery of North America and its colonization

Important Dates

1607—Jamestown founded: 1st permanent English settlement

1620—Plymouth founded: Pilgrims traveled to Plymouth and

signed the Mayflower Compact to establish self-government

Early Representative Government

Virginia House of Burgesses—1st representative assembly in

North America

Mayflower Compact—signed by Pilgrim men, who agreed to

self-government through a social contract

Establishing Colonies

Religious and Political freedom

Economic Opportunity (Mercantilism and land ownership)

Settlement of the American Colonies

New England: settled by Pilgrims and Puritans to escape

religious persecution in England

Mid-Atlantic: Diversity & religious tolerance; NY—key trading

area; Quakers led by William Penn founded Pennsylvania

Lower South: Maryland founded by persecuted Catholics;

Georgia was created for outcasts and debtors

New England New England

Slavery Established

The need for cheap laborers to grow cash crops encouraged

white settlers to use African slaves

Farmers grew cash crops on plantations in the South and used

slaves so they could practice commercial agriculture cheaply.

Invention of the cotton gin made it even easier and cheaper

to grow cotton. This led to a higher demand for cotton and

thus, more slaves.

As America acquired more territory, the issue of slavery

became a controversial issue.

People of the Colonies

Thomas Hooker—founder of Connecticut, who adopted the

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, America’s first written


William Penn—founded Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers.

He supported freedom of worship, welcomed immigrants, and

sought peace with Native Americans.

Anne Hutchinson—banished from Massachusetts for preaching;

one of the founders of Rhode Island.

French and Indian War

British colonists wanted French land in North America

British fought against French and Native American allies

Native Americans fought against the British because they

were afraid the British would take their land

Treaty of Paris, 1763—Ended the French and Indian War

Britain was left in debt and began taxing the colonists to pay

for the war and the Proclamation of 1763 was established to

keep colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mts.

Triangular Trade

New England




benefits Britain

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review Revolutionary Era


Increasing Tension with Britain

British Policy Definition Colonial Reaction

Proclamation of 1763

Forbade settlement west of Appalachians

Angry; ignored it, moved anyway

Sugar Act Tax on sugar “Taxation without representation”

Stamp Act Tax on documents Protests; formed the Sons of Liberty

Townshend Acts Tax on imports Boycotts; riots

Tea Act Tax on tea Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts Closed Boston Harbor

First Continental Congress

Revolutionary War

Lexington & Concord—first battles of the Revolution

British planned to arrest colonial leaders and seize weapons

Paul Revere made famous Midnight Ride to warn the militia

Known as the “shot heard ‘round the world”

Second Continental Congress

Chose Washington as commander of the Continental Army

Approved the creation of a Declaration of Independence

Became the nation’s first acting government

Declaration of Independence—July 4, 1776

written primarily by Thomas Jefferson

listed grievances against George III and claimed independence

from Britain based on the philosophies of John Locke

Saratoga—turning point of the war

convinced the French king to recognize and aide Americans

Valley Forge—harsh winter endured by Continental Army

Many deserted, Washington had to motivate his troops to stay

Marquis de Lafayette and Baron von Stueben arrive from

Europe to help train the army

Yorktown—last major battle of the war

French ships prevent British supplies from reaching Yorktown

British General Cornwallis is forced to surrender

Treaty of Paris, 1783—ended the American Revolution

The 13 colonies become independent from England

The boundary of the U.S. extends to the Mississippi River

Key Individuals of the American Revolution

George Washington—Commander-in-Chief of the Continental

Army; despite loses, kept his army together and motivated

Crispus Attucks—African American who was the first man to die

at the Boston Massacre

Samuel Adams—Boston patriot who established the

Committees of Correspondence to keep colonists informed of

British actions; Leader of the Sons of Liberty

Benjamin Franklin—author, publisher, inventor and diplomat

Patrick Henry—Virginia patriot who gave his famous speech

ending in, “give me liberty, or give me death!”

Thomas Paine—wrote Common Sense to justify the colonists’

independence; wrote American Crisis to motivate soldiers to

keep fighting despite losses and a hard winter at Valley Forge

Abigail Adams—wife of John Adams, known for her support of

women’s rights from letters to her husband

Wentworth Cheswell—African-American patriot; rode with Paul

Revere during the Midnight Ride; fought at Saratoga

Mercy Otis Warren—Patriot writer who supported

independence and convinced other to join the cause. First

woman historian of the American Revolution

James Armistead—African-American spy during the war; spied

on General Cornwallis’ camp

Bernardo de Galvez—Spaniard sailor who held off the British

fleet in New Orleans during the war

Haym Salomon—Jewish banker who spied on the British and

also helped finance the war

Marquis de Lafayette—French nobleman who helped train

American soldiers during the war

John Paul Jones—“father of the U.S. Navy”; Led raids on British

ships and famously said, “I have not yet begun to fight!”

King George III—King of England during the Revolutionary War

Constitutional Convention, 1787

Also called the Philadelphia Convention—Delegates met to

revise the Articles of Confederation; instead they wrote an

entirely new constitution and formed a new government.

Articles of Confederation

Adopted by the states in 1781 as the nation’s 1st constitution

Loose Confederation of states, each with one vote in Congress

Northwest Land Ordinance—set procedure for orderly

expansion of the U.S.

Weaknesses: no power to tax or raise an army; states printed

own money; Shay’s Rebellion was stopped by a state militia

New Ways of Thinking

The Enlightenment—belief that government’s sole purpose is to

protect the rights of its people; questioned Kings’ authority

First Great Awakening—religious revival; belief that God speaks

to all people, not just the wealthy or elite; questioned authority

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review Forming a New Nation


People and Documents that influenced American Government

Magna Carta, 1215—limited the power of the King; guaranteed

the right to a trial by jury

English Bill of Rights—frequent elections; guaranteed right to

bear arms, forbade cruel and unusual punishment; trial by jury

John Locke—wrote that govt is a social contract. Govt exists by

the consent of the people and must protect unalienable rights:

Life, Liberty, and Property

Charles de Montesquieu—French philosopher who defined the

principle of separation of powers and checks & balances in govt.

William Blackstone—defined individual rights in English law

that could not be violated, even by a king

Debate and Compromise over Representation in Congress

The Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise)

The 3/5ths Compromise—slaves were counted as 3/5ths (60%) of a white citizen for purposes of representation and taxation

7 Principles of the Constitution

Limited Government—everyone, even govt officials, are subject to the law

Popular Sovereignty—the government was created by the people in order to govern themselves; majority rules

Republicanism—the desires of the people are represented in government by elected representatives

Federalism—power of the government is shared between the states and the national government

7 Principles of the Constitution (cont’d)

Separation of Powers—splits the powers of govt into 3 branches

Checks and Balances—each branch makes sure the others are

working the way they are supposed to

Individual Rights—Bill of Rights protects personal freedoms

against the powers of the government

Ratification Debates

Federalists—support ratification (approval) of the Constitution

Anti-Federalist—oppose ratification of the Constitution

Federalists Anti-Federalists

Led by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison

Led by Patrick Henry and George Mason

Favored a strong nat’l govt Favored strong state govt’s

Wrote Federalist Papers to gain support from the people

Wrote Anti-Federalist papers to gain support from people

Separation of Powers will safeguard against tyranny

Only a Bill of Rights will safeguard against tyranny

The Constitution was ratified in 1788 and the Bill of Rights were added in 1791.

Bill of Rights—first 10 Amendments to the Constitution

1st—Freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly

2nd—right to bear arms

3rd—protection from quartering of troops

4th—protection from unreasonable searches and seizures

5th—protection from double jeopardy and self-incrimination

6th—right to a speedy and public trial by jury in criminal cases

7th—right to a jury in civil cases

8th—No cruel or unusual punishment or excessive bail

9th—Protection of rights not stated in the Constitution

10th—Powers not listed belong to the states and/or people

Virginia Plan Representation based on


New Jersey Plan Equal representation for

all states

The Great Compromise

U.S. Congress

One house based on population (House of Representatives)

One house based on equal representation (Senate)

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review Early Republic


Development of Political Parties



Leaders Alexander Hamilton John Adams

Thomas Jefferson James Madison

Government Strong nat’l govt Weak nat’l govt

Constitution Loose interpretation Strict interpretation

Economy Based on industry Based on agriculture

Democracy Fear of mob rule Fear of rule by one or a few

Foreign Affairs Favored England Favored France

First 5 Presidents

George Washington—no Political Party

Hamilton’s Financial Plan—create a national bank; place a tariff on imported goods

Farewell address encouraged isolationism and no forming of political parties

John Adams—Federalist Party

XYZ Affair; Alien and Sedition Acts

Thomas Jefferson—Democratic-Republican

Marbury v. Madison (1803)—said that the Supreme Court had right to review all laws made by Congress; established the principle of Judicial Review

Louisiana Purchase (1803)—purchased from France for $15 million, doubled the size of the U.S.

James Madison—Democratic-Republican

War of 1812

James Monroe—Democratic-Republican

Monroe Doctrine—stated that Europe can no longer establish colonies in North or South America

U.S. promised to stay out of European affairs

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)—said that a state could not tax a national bank; increased the power of the Federal Govt.

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)—said that federal government had the power to regulate trade between states

**John Marshall—One of the most influential Supreme Court Chief Justices; rulings increased the power of the national Govt.

War of 1812


England prevented trade with other countries

Impressment of U.S. sailors (forced to work on British ships)

England encouraged Native Americans to attack settlers


Foreign Affairs—America proved it could protect itself

Economy—U.S. became more independent of foreign trade; created their own goods, sparked the Industrial Revolution

Nationalism—Americans felt more patriotic about their country

Mercantilism v. Free Enterprise

Free enterprise—economic system where the people decide

what to make, buy, and sell

Mercantilism Free Enterprise

British imposed strict control of colonial economy

Govt. does not control but regulates trade to make it fair

Colonies discouraged from manufacturing goods

Americans free to produce whatever goods we want

Colonies forced to buy British goods

Americans can buy goods from any country

Colonial trade with other countries is restricted

Free trade: Americans can trade with any country

British controlled prices of goods

Consumer controls price of goods with supply & demand

Key Inventions

Cotton gin—removes seeds from cotton fiber; faster production Power loom—weaves cotton into textiles (fabric); demand for cotton increases Interchangeable parts—identical parts that can easily replace another; allows for easy assembly and repair; low skilled jobs Bessemer process—inexpensive mass production of steal Telegraph—uses Morse Code to send messages across a cable Plow and reaper—tools that improved agricultural production

Improvements in Transportation

Canals—helped link western farms to northern cities and made it easier to transport people and goods: Erie Canal in NY Steam boat—allowed for goods to travel faster Railroads—helped expand the growth of cities, trade, and the migration of people


Factors that led to Industrialization:

War of 1812–America was forced to make their own goods

Inventions changed the way goods were produced

Improvements in transportation–made it easier, faster and

cheaper to send goods to buyers

Main features of Industrialization:

More people worked, including women, children, & immigrants

People moved to cities to be near their jobs = Urbanization

Protective tariffs encouraged Americans to buy domestic goods

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review

Age of Jackson & Antebellum Era


Key issues during Jackson’s Presidency:

Election of 1828—Jackson defeats incumbent John Q. Adams; prior to the election, the Democratic-Republican party splits

Jacksonian Democracy—as champion of the common man, Jackson supported increased male suffrage (right to vote)

Spoils System—where an elected official hires his supporters into public office; allows average people to work in govt. jobs

Nullification Crisis—South Carolina, led by Vice-President John C. Calhoun, threatened secession if they could not nullify the Tariff of Abominations because it hurt Southern interests o Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser, created a plan to

satisfy both S. Carolina and Jackson, and thus, avoided war

War on the Bank—Jackson vetoed the renewal of the 2nd Bank of the U.S. and transferred its deposits into state banks. This both killed the bank and led to an economic panic

Whig Party—Political Party that opposed the policies of Andrew Jackson; led by Daniel Webster and Henry Clay

Reasons for Westward Expansion:

Manifest Destiny—the idea that America is destined to expand from “Sea to shining Sea” - the Atlantic to the Pacific

Wealth from rich farm lands, timber, minerals and gold Belief that Americans should own their own piece of land

Native American Policies

Indian Removal Act—law that would relocate 5 southeastern Native American tribes to Oklahoma

Worcester v. Georgia—Cherokee nation sued Georgia to keep their lands and won; however, Jackson did not enforce the ruling

Trail of Tears—harsh journey of the Cherokee into Indian Territory; estimated 4,000 out of 16,000 died along the way

Reform in America

Second Great Awakening—religious revival that focused on change and repairing moral wrongs; launched the Age of Reform:

Public Education

Horace Mann—believed all children should have an education

Labor Workers protested to get better wages, hours and conditions


Social movement to stop the sale and consumption of alcohol


Dorothea Dix—fought to rehabilitate prisoners and to

improve conditions for the mentally ill


Ralph Waldo Emerson—stressed spiritual importance in life

Henry David Thoreau—wrote Civil Disobedience, refused to

pay tax that supported war with Mexico/expansion of slavery

Women’s Rights—sought equal treatment & suffrage for women

Susan B. Anthony—leader in women’s suffrage movement

Elizabeth Cady Stanton—author and women’s rights activist

Seneca Falls Convention—meeting in Seneca Falls, NY

Declaration of Sentiments drafted which defines the injustices of men toward women; demanded equal treatment in society

Abolition—the movement to end slavery

The North banned slavery and wanted the South to do the same

William Lloyd Garrison—published abolitionist newspaper The Liberator

Harriet Beecher Stowe—wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which portrayed the realities of slavery

Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth—both escaped slavery and became leading abolitionist speakers

Harriet Tubman—former slave and conductor of the Underground Railroad, escape routes into Canada

John Brown—militant abolitionist who killed slavery supporters in Kansas and led a raid on a federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry

Compromises on Slavery

As the nation expanded, the question of whether slavery would be allowed in newly acquired territories was a continuous debate:

Missouri Compromise (1820)

admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state

kept balance between free and slave states in Congress

prohibited slavery north of Missouri

Compromise of 1850

California becomes a free state

no slave trade in D.C.

popular sovereignty to determine slavery in Mexican Cession

Fugitive Slave Law helped slave owners recover their runaway

slaves from the North

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

replaced the Missouri Compromise

Slavery in each territory to be decided by popular sovereignty

“Bleeding Kansas”—Conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters in Kansas from 1854-1859

Adapted From Burnett Junior High, Wylie, TX

Readiness Knowledge and Skills

Social Studies 8—STAAR Review

Civil War & Reconstruction



Tension between the North and South as each “section” of the country placed its own interests above the nation as a whole

Factors that increased Sectionalism:

Different Economies Abolitionist Movement o Industry in the North “Bleeding Kansas” o Agriculture in the South Dred Scott v Sandford

States’ Rights

Tariffs/Nullification Crisis

John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry

People of the Civil War/Reconstruction Era

Ulysses S. Grant—Commanding General of the Union army

William Carney—1st African-American awarded the Medal of Honor while serving as the flag bearer in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment at the Battle of Fort Wagner

Philip Bazaar—Latino Navy Seaman who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor in the Battle for Fort Fisher

Robert E. Lee—Commanding General of the Confederate army

Stonewall Jackson—Confederate General who won many victories despite the odds; accidently shot by one of his own men

Hiram Rhodes Revels—first African American to be elected to Congress (Senate)

Election of 1860

Republican Abraham Lincoln wins the Election of 1860

South Carolina secedes (withdraws) from the Union o Within months, 10 other states secede and form the

Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis becomes President of the Confederacy o Based on the idea of States’ Rights, he argues that states

voluntarily joined the Union and thus had the right to leave

Civil War—1861-1865

Fort Sumter—first shots of the Civil War

No casualties, but Ft. Sumter falls to Confederate forces

Battle of Antietam—bloodiest battle in the Civil War

Battle was inconclusive, but had nearly 23,000 casualties

Emancipation Proclamation—Decreed by Lincoln on Jan 1st, 1863

Set the slaves free in the “rebellious” southern states

Battle of Gettysburg—turning point of the war

Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in honor of the dead soldiers stating the Union was worth fighting for

included ideas about liberty & equality; “new birth of freedom”

Siege of Vicksburg—Union gains control of the Mississippi River

Surrounds and splits Confederacy in two

Success of the Anaconda Plan

Election of 1864—Lincoln wins re-election

No punishment of the South; “with malice toward none...”

Promises to “bind up the nation’s wounds”

Civil War (cont’d)

Appomattox Courthouse—ends the Civil War

Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders to Union General Ulysses S. Grant

No prisoners taken; all soldiers sent home w food & supplies

Lincoln Assassinated

Five days after Lee’s surrender, Lincoln is shot in the head at

Ford’s Theater by John Wilkes Booth

Andrew Johnson, the Vice-President, becomes President


The process of re-admitting Southern States into the Union

Andrew Johnson—followed Lincoln’s goals Reconstruction

Ex-Confederates swore allegiance to the U.S. to avoid treason

States adopted the 13th Amendment to send members back to Congress

Freedman’s Bureau—established to help freed slaves (freedmen) with food, clothing, medical care, and education

“Black Codes”—series of laws in the South that limited the freedom of former slaves

Radical Republicans—Congressmen who sought reforms to:

punish and impose a new order on the South

grant citizenship rights to former slaves

Reconstruction Amendments to the Constitution

13th Amendment—Slavery outlawed; all current slaves set Free

14th Amendment—Made all former slaves American Citizens

15th Amendment—Citizens regardless of race allowed to Vote

Western Territories

Homestead Act—offered 160 acres of land, free to anyone who agreed to live on and improve the land for 5 years

Morrill Act—land grant that established universities that taught agriculture and the mechanical arts (Texas A&M)

Dawes Act—Indian policy that broke up Indian reservations into individual land plots; forced cultural assimilation