read these excerpts now!...“sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister,...

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Page 1: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run

Read These Excerpts Now!

Page 2: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run



More Glimpses of Heaven

“God is making your place in heaven, and you will be with Him

today. ”

As part of my church ministry, I take Holy Communion to those

who are sick and unable to get to church on Sunday. I visit them

in their own homes, nursing homes, hospice centers, or wherever

they are living. Christians find great meaning and comfort in Je-

sus’s words, “Take and eat, this is My body; take and drink, this is

My blood.”

One Sunday morning, I was visiting an assisted-living facility

to bring Holy Communion to Evelyn, who had made her home

there for many years. She had no living relatives and had been

alone in the world for more years than she wanted to remember.

She never complained and was a sweet soul, but you could tell that

the feeling of being alone never left her. She longed to belong and

to feel loved again.

When I entered the room, Evelyn smiled at me, knowing why

I was there. She seemed quite pale and a good bit frailer than the

week before. She was resting on her side and speaking barely above

a whisper.

Often there appears in a dying person’s eyes a look that I call


The person reflecting that look is often trying hard to see if you

Page 3: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


“see” what is happening to them. Their eyes are searching your

eyes, and when they “see” that you understand and are with them,

the relief they reflect is unmistakable.

Evelyn had that look in her eyes that morning, and so the words

of the prayers said during this special time took on new meaning.

The prayers are always from the New Testament, with Matthew,

Mark, Luke, and John telling us about Jesus offering us salvation

and inviting us to follow Him. These prayers express enormous

compassion, forgiveness, and love and provide great comfort to

anyone hearing them, especially a person who is dying.

That particular day, the New Testament words became for Ev-

elyn more alive and meaningful than they ever had before. They

held new understanding and promise, and she took each one in as

I read them slowly to her. It seemed that Jesus had spoken them

just for her today.

The readings spoke to Evelyn of God’s plans for those who love

and follow Him. Evelyn had tried to do that all her life and had

taken to heart His teachings when He said, “I will not leave you

orphans; I will come to you” (John 14:18 NKJV).

She understood and believed, too, that when we are sorry for

doing wrong and repent, Jesus forgives us entirely “as far as the

east is from the west, so far has he put our transgressions from us.”

says the Lord (Psalm 103:12 NIV). She learned early to always take

Him at His word, and it gave great peace to her soul now.

“She looked so peaceful, just like an angel.”

Page 4: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


After the prayers were said and she’d had a quiet time with her

Lord, I felt prompted to tell her that the very words Jesus had spo-

ken two thousand years ago were about to come true for her . I

reminded her that He said, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I

will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am

you also may be” (John 14:3 AMP).

I told her I felt He had chosen these special New Testament

readings for her to hear today so she could be comforted and pre-

pared to meet Him. “God is making your place in heaven,” I said to

her, “and you will be with Him today.” Her eyes lit up, and a sweet

“knowing” smile crossed her lips as she nodded in agreement. I

told her I would pray for her all day long until I heard she was

safely in heaven with Him. As I left the room, Evelyn squeezed my

hand gently.

It never ceases to amaze me how the Holy Spirit speaks through

us clearly in instances like this one. On my own, I would not have

had the insight or the courage to tell Evelyn that she would die that

very day.

When the Holy Spirit works through you, you know it. You step

out boldly, knowing it is not you but Him working through you to

comfort His children.

I stopped at the nurses’ station just outside her door to tell the

nurse that Evelyn was dying.

“Oh, we’re all dying, honey,” she said, “we just never know


Page 5: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


The nurse was none too happy when I insisted that Evelyn was

in the process of dying now. I asked if someone could go in and be

with her. She promised she would go herself, and headed toward

Evelyn’s room as I turned to leave.

When I arrived home twenty minutes later, the phone rang. It

was the nurse who had gone into Evelyn’s room. “She died,” she

said. “She looked so peaceful, just like an angel. How did you

know?” I told her about the Holy Spirit and about praying for and

listening to His promptings. It is a gift He makes available to us,

just as

Jesus promised, and no one should go through life without it.

Simply say, “Come, Holy Spirit, be with me,” and the words will be

given to you.

—Trudy Harris


More Glimpses of Heaven

“A goat named Daisy followed the horse into the room.”

I was assigned to care for Dorothy, an independent woman in

her early sixties who lived by herself with the animals she dearly

loved. Breast cancer was quickly taking her life, despite the fact she

had much more living to do.

Page 6: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


As I reached her home, a bull suddenly came out of left field,

bouncing along like a frisky dog. Dorothy let me in with a big

smile and said, “I see you have met Brutus!” Both of us laughed as

she headed for her small family room with me in tow.

We were talking about her need for independence when the

sliding glass door opened, and to my immense surprise, in walked

a big white horse. Dorothy introduced me to Princess, who nuz-

zled her with affection and familiarity. I was stunned when a goat

named Daisy followed the horse into the family room. Dorothy

said it was really hard to keep her beloved animals outside since

they just wanted to be near her.

—Bonnie Tingley, RN, Hospice nurse

On page 48, you’ll meet two earthly angels who put

Dorothy’s mind at ease about her wonderful animals, so she

could let go without any stress.


More Glimpses of Heaven

“I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me in a way I had never experienced


Henry had lost his wife of many years and was now living alone.

Page 7: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


He was one of the sweetest and gentlest men Trudy had ever met.

“While I was on vacation, I asked my dear friend and fellow

hospice nurse Jackie to care for Henry in my absence,” says Tru-

dy. “Jackie did it well and loved Henry as much as I did.” Newly

divorced and suffering terribly, Jackie was seeking God’s presence

in her life. So, after her vacation ended, Trudy asked Jackie if she

would work with her and they could both be Henry’s nurses.

Just as they were about to meet with Henry’s son…

The Holy Spirit prompted Trudy to leave the room and walk


That’s when Henry’s son told Jackie how grateful he was to her

for all the love and support she had given to his father. Hugging

her, he told her that he loved her in such a way that Jackie knew the

words were not his.

It was as though Jesus Himself was loving and reassuring her

—no one else could possibly know how much that would mean to

Jackie right now.

Be uplifted by the tender story of Henry and his devoted

hospice nurses on page 54 of More Glimpses of Heaven.

Page 8: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run


Amazing Stories of Life After Death

“She’s gonna be OK.”

And this is the message [the message of promise], which we

have heard from Him and now are reporting to you: God is Light,

and there is no darkness in Him at all [no, not in any way]. —1


Eight-year-old Sandra was excited to be going home for the

weekend. Her sister was twelve years older, and Sandra loved

spending time with her. She loved the freedom of summer and the

fun times they had together.

They decided to go to the community pool. Neither knew how

to swim, but her sister loved lying by the pool while Sandra played

in the shallow water.

“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-

nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone.

Sandra had run on the ledge of the pool to the nine-foot-deep end

where she jumped. She went down deep into the water.

With no lifeguards on duty to save her, Sandra struggled to get

back to the surface. She broke the surface again but only for a sec-

ond . Her lungs aching, she scrambled back to the top again but

quickly slipped back under—into a dark tunnel.

She was going down a dark tunnel. She continued along the

path toward beams of intense bright light. A large group of chil-


Page 9: Read These Excerpts Now!...“Sandra, don’t you go into the deep water,” said her sister, Gay-nell, as she settled into the chair and looked up. Sandra was gone. Sandra had run

dren waited for her at the end of the tunnel. They smiled and held

out their hands . Hoping they could help her, Sandra reached out

and almost touched one of the children’s hands when she felt the

horrible pain of something pressing into her chest wall.

She looked up and saw people dressed in emergency uniforms

standing over her. She heard her sister crying. “She’s gonna be

OK,” said a man in a uniform leaning over her. Water poured from

Sandra’s throat and nose as she choked and coughed. The chlorine

smelled and hurt. She wanted to throw up. She felt herself being

lifted onto a stretcher. A bag was placed over her mouth and nose

as she was rushed to the back of the ambulance. She could hear

more people crying and orders for people to get out of the way

being shouted. Sandra only wanted to close her eyes and never

wake up.

See how God pulled Sandra out of the darkness on page 145 of

your FREE BOOK, Amazing Stories of Life After Death.


PO Box 5815, Harlan, IA 51593

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of life after death