read about monica, a cm from zoobe who uses socialbro to track her progress


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Post on 10-May-2015




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Monica has been working as a successful community manager in Berlin for over 4 years and is currently working for See how she uses SocialBro to understand their followers and track how she is doing in regards to targeting and engagement


Page 1: Read about Monica, a CM from Zoobe who uses SocialBro to track her progress

Monica Zaldivar has been working as a successful

community manager for a variety of startups for over

four years.

She is currently working for, which

develops mobile apps to “express feelings (happi-

ness, anger,love etc) with video messages on the

go”. “These videos created with Zoobe Cam and

Zoobe Eve can then be sent to surprise someone in

a fast, fun and free way or shared with the world”,

explains Monica.


At the moment I have shifted a bit from Community

Management to Communications and Social Media,

but like many other CMs, my job involves a bit of

everything. I write texts for the blog and our Social

Media channels, I monitor our brand, I gather

feedback from our users and pass it on to the team,

I work on reaching out to our potential users and

reviewers, I check with whom we should be starting

conversations and cooperations and where to invest

our efforts and time.

What Monica does on a daily basis as a community manager...

Monica Zaldivar from Zoobe

As I said, lots of multitasking and having to have

everything under control all the time. That is why I

need useful and easy to understand tools like

SocialBro on a daily basis.

“My job is not so much about fostering an existing

community, but about showcasing all the possibili-

ties our apps offer and spreading the word in a

sweet and charming way”.

Find out how Monica uses SocialBro and the value

she deprives from it...

Page 2: Read about Monica, a CM from Zoobe who uses SocialBro to track her progress


I have worked mostly with startups, which means

tight budgets, big workloads and developing as

many skills as possible in the shortest time. So as

you can imagine, SocialBro saved me plenty of

times. As a Community Manager you also need to

understand what everyone in your company is doing

and have a visual and easy way to show them what

you are doing. That is where SocialBro is so helpful:

I can showcase to others in 5 minutes what has

been our progress in the last weeks, how I can

effectively listen and understand who are our

followers, and even more importantly, what other

things these people find interesting apart from us.

On top of that, the SocialBro team understood us

Community Managers and gave us the option to

pack all this information into a PDF that I can send

as a report in less than 2 minutes.


I would say after the first minutes playing with

SocialBro I was totally sold. When you sign up, you

get to see a very visual overview of who your

followers are and the ones you follow. The insights

that SocialBro provides me and our team with have

been invaluable. What are the topics they are

interested in, location, age, languages and when are

they active and engaging with you. That is exactly

what I always wanted to know and Twitter was

never providing me with.

With that information, SocialBro allows me to adapt

my texts and messages to the audience I know I

have, find inspiration of topics that I know are useful

to them and maybe the feature I use the most,

make the timing of my posts each time closer to

perfect. I also appreciate the open and collaborative

mindset of the SocialBro team, which seeks coope-

rations with other teams I admire, such as Buffer

app. Thanks to their work together, I can choose the

best way and time to post Zoobe updates and tweak

it every week.


Page 3: Read about Monica, a CM from Zoobe who uses SocialBro to track her progress



The first result I achieved with SocialBro was

without a doubt wowing my workmates. They can

see now how Twitter is not only about just tweeting

and realise that the possibilities to connect with

people are there waiting for us to make the most of.

In the long run, keeping track of how you are doing

and your growth is something all companies I have

been in were demanding. On a personal level,

SocialBro is my way to evaluate myself: what

worked, what I forgot to pay attention to, am I

moving in the right direction? I never lose sight of

what is really important to my followers thanks to the

reminders SocialBro sends me with their reports

and analysis.

I truly believe that the key to success of the Social-

Bro team has been that they understand the needs

of anyone taking their social media channels

seriously. They make it easy for everyone to know

the important aspects to take into account when

deciding what and when to post. They understood

us CMs and made it easy for us to get understood

out there. And for all of that, I am thankful.