reaction paper

YAMSON, Eirry Rose Anne R. Engr. Nidea BS CpE 4 – 1 November 21, 2015 REACTION PAPER CpE Student Congress 2015 The seminar entitled CpE Student Congress 2015 was initiated by ICpEP (Institute of Computer Engineering Students of the Philippines) – NCR on the 14 th of November 2015 and was held at the Asia Pacific College, Makati City. The seminar covered various range of topics related to our field of learning, namely Technopreneurship 101, Embedded Systems, Cloud Computing 101 and Career Talk tackled by four different speakers. I would not elaborate on all of the topics, but the ones that really interested me. The first topic on Technopreneurship discussed by Errole Guttierez, a Technopreneur easily got my attention well, first because the speaker is really good looking and got this air of charm and confidence in him. Second, is that I don’t quite hear a lot about Technopreneurship, and he got fascinating stories to go well with his talk. I learned that Technopreneurship is a technology based business innovation. Technopreneur is someone who perceives an opportunity and creates an organization to pursue it. A person who undertakes risks that has the chance of profit. It is certainly nice to hear that even though he did not take formal Programming classes, he still pursued it and tried hard to master on his own. Then a simple experience in his life triggered him to create a business of his own related to Technology which is something that he fell in love with. I got excited thinking about building my own business with something I’m passionate about, with something that makes me happy and something that I love. The last speaker who is Herald Uy, a Cloud Evangelist is the most interesting of all of the speakers. He got this poker face on his entire talk, but still managed to make the listeners laugh. He said there were only two kinds of people for him when it comes to business; Evangelists and Engineers. He goes on to say that an evangelist educates while an engineer builds. You have to figure out what type of

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YAMSON, Eirry Rose Anne R. Engr. Nidea

BS CpE 4 – 1 November 21, 2015


CpE Student Congress 2015

The seminar entitled CpE Student Congress 2015 was initiated by ICpEP (Institute of Computer Engineering Students of the Philippines) – NCR on the 14 th of November 2015 and was held at the Asia Pacific College, Makati City. The seminar covered various range of topics related to our field of learning, namely Technopreneurship 101, Embedded Systems, Cloud Computing 101 and Career Talk tackled by four different speakers.

I would not elaborate on all of the topics, but the ones that really interested me. The first topic on Technopreneurship discussed by Errole Guttierez, a Technopreneur easily got my attention well, first because the speaker is really good looking and got this air of charm and confidence in him. Second, is that I don’t quite hear a lot about Technopreneurship, and he got fascinating stories to go well with his talk. I learned that Technopreneurship is a technology based business innovation. Technopreneur is someone who perceives an opportunity and creates an organization to pursue it. A person who undertakes risks that has the chance of profit. It is certainly nice to hear that even though he did not take formal Programming classes, he still pursued it and tried hard to master on his own. Then a simple experience in his life triggered him to create a business of his own related to Technology which is something that he fell in love with. I got excited thinking about building my own business with something I’m passionate about, with something that makes me happy and something that I love.

The last speaker who is Herald Uy, a Cloud Evangelist is the most interesting of all of the speakers. He got this poker face on his entire talk, but still managed to make the listeners laugh. He said there were only two kinds of people for him when it comes to business; Evangelists and Engineers. He goes on to say that an evangelist educates while an engineer builds. You have to figure out what type of businessman you are and then partner with someone you are not. He discussed about Career Talk, oh well specifically How to not fuck up your career? He talk over his ABCDEFs of not fucking up your career. A for “Attitude first, then Ability”, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best if you do not have a good character, then you’re on the pitfall of failure. B for “Believing is half the battle”, if you do not believe you can succeed to the core of your body, then you will never succeed and vice versa. C is for “Consistency id the only way to win deals”, because consistency creates accountability, establishes your reputation, makes you relevant and maintains your message. D is for “Dynamism means today, not tomorrow”, don’t procrastinate, and arm yourself with the right ability to make things happen right away. E is for “Evangelize”, if you want to sell you must preach and tell your “story”. Selling is science, it follows certain procedures to make a sale, evangelism, on the other hand, is an art. If you made people believe your story and buy it, that’s art! Lastly, F is for “Fun” (thought it was the infamous “F” word though). He went on to say “Are you having fun with what you are doing? If not then why on earth are you still doing it?”


That sums most the principles I’ve learned from the seminar. The seminar sparked something in me, the discussions made me think of what I should, would and could do with my career and for my future. Though I’m still confuse of what path I’m going to take, the road seems brighter now.