reachi y1 g,orexrortati0n.. - university of...

0 . . VIN REACHI Y1 G,OREXRORTATI0N.. By DEB n H P RCE, 01' P&llIll, 0 II)A. COU TY, STA. Tt: 0", ]fcw·Yon", " For 1 am not ruhnmed of the Ga.pel of ChrUI. for it II tfle /JQTJ)t1' God.unto ait1Qii,n u Ruman .. 1: 16. CC F",,' aur I(o.pel came not nto ou in word 011'9 but al,o ita P ,t", in 'he Uo/y GILO.', and in &lell ura ce} j Tbl 1',,11311 1: 5. wo"', hi. e it J;It! in the ff"}lel." L: "oi\ippilln , 4 ,·S. ROBER'}' ,. l\f R VB! T 8.

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Page 1: REACHI Y1 G,OREXRORTATI0N.. - University of · 2014-05-05 · the po II , the 'h all r mUll 18 brist. 'rhea if !:l Ulan

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01' P&llIll, 0 II)A. COU TY, STA. Tt: 0", ]fcw·Yon",

" For 1 am not ruhnmed of the Ga.pel of ChrUI. for it II tfle /JQTJ)t1' God.unto ait1Qii,n u

Ruman .. 1: 16.

CC F",,' aur I(o.pel came not nto ou in word 011'9 but al,o ita P ,t", in 'he Uo/y GILO.', and in &lell ura ce}

• j Tbl 1',,11311 1 : 5.

wo"', hi. e it J;It! in the ff"}lel."

CAR~1 L:

"oi\ippilln , 4 ,·S.

~ ROBER'}'

, . l\f R (Ht;B~ VB! T 8.

Page 2: REACHI Y1 G,OREXRORTATI0N.. - University of · 2014-05-05 · the po II , the 'h all r mUll 18 brist. 'rhea if !:l Ulan

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j; ~7fo TO THE REA nER. :? 4-

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JlIT ,pJ tpll theID fill ht' enfered the tomh ; 8RIt a t the end ,r v ry nt .. nee" lllel pronounc • \I thi8 for Ihy soul, Ott innflr! Ind will you not believe nntl llh y?" His worlls

1 t ru h me into the c>nrth, And to pierce througb to ",y port of my body Anti spirit, Rod it 8Pf>mpd my Of'sh

IUroNI to corruption. Wlwtlu'r I loal my eeo ell or 110t, ('ann t 1,.11 ; hyt it lIt'emed 10 rnA I nwokt> from n deep

I .. ~,,~ nn,l hf' rd I'l oice lIayin~, " bo of l'!:OOO comlo..l, arise, II fI til tht'e, I Rnd m • lIoul reillied., U l\1y Llml antl my

it unto m .. f'VPIl I\B thou wilt. It &c>emf'd I could iliult face nOll hell' hiB pracloui words. All hea· rlh 8e mt>t1 to sing for joy, aDd my j!;tl\d lIoul j"io'!

nr:. nel UO\V reader I hav(> ~iypn you hut 1\ few of III t 8u(fprine: AnI' joys h~ro,t' I gave my Boul D[)­

l bolly I flo uri ufft'r Ih will f od.

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fluId J u pot rut yoor flr in thf' place or onp that put bi hl'lo.110 , ... ,Hly thf' ark. and thf' anger of Ihe Lord "n kindl d Itg'''Det him, and hf IImole bim tbat be dit'd ? me­l, if tbffe sbouhl bold th"ir the lIonel "ould cry out. But, It 8 on~, Ih .. IRU and prOJlhf'II ,.ere until Jobn: since that, "II t pn anel ,hlldo". a," done 8uay. Bring me an ex­.ample fr m th oN I'U Tf'stftml'ot that ever a woman w" 8'4 10 d to lIpl'IIk 11'1 public or the thin~8 of God. If you will .,ot ('line Molt' allll rh .. propbels, ynu uill Dot btlicve Cbri , nor hill posllfB. Do Dol Wf' r .. au of Anna the proph­.tell.. bo Clime inlo tht ter.lple hen ' imeoD wa. blesting

08U e hi" eyn bad lepn bis 8slvation, 8nd shf' gave II .Ii 'f! \1 t ad llnd '\lske of bim 10 all tbllt looked , 'on in J ruulc-m? Luke ii, 36, S1, 38. AmI

.b~lI ell oc:1f'lcflod fo make • ~ msle tbe molher of bis pNt'i u t- dy, lIod caul a 8~orll to ,il!fCU through her out, Ihat th tb ughl of m oy be8r~ may be rev ale,', and mAy sb or.t N'velll ber 0\\ 0 tbought. conct!rning the bh d Jf.UI, BOrl the lUY oflir~ and lolvation? Again, 'Wb 0 our Lord muetnet-d. go thr ugh amaria, be sent R ~ man to call bt't hatband, hf'D he blld nono, and she. un. -duttood tb m 8ftg.e, and 'flnt Hod called Ih~ men or tho city Ind meDI bt'li y d n him, for tbe saying of the womao wbi("h tHhfifll he told m "II thiug Ibat liver I did. John 1'" Iook ' for ,8 moment, the "omato , 81 inatrum "tid (If br n tog d alh lind 8Orrow ioto ttlft \l'orld, and of POlicing tnan to .in agltinll G d,and (Jot! hath made ht'r inslrumt'llted

f b,in~iog lir .. lIod ulVfttion ioto tbe DrIll, Ind or per u 1I­in mf'O ' .0 belie e 00 th - ort! J )U8 Christ. Glory ~to h~ flF iou. Damt', in ttlt L rd we may md, ODr boall; Ihe

umble boll brre tb r. fend be gl8d. Will not tbal prf-CiOUB 8U. bo commem!t'd lbe poor wi O\T for caltiog t\\O mites

into the tr &fur pprnve oltb~ (f'mal s telling aU tht') know 1h.1 v 80d m rey orG d? Abd II!; io-Wh .. o.ourLorc.1

at pin« to tbe hooBe of Jairus, tht> {If'Ollle thronged him. Del ftc.rtaio UlaD c rna hehind him ·and louched too

tI(m ofbia arOlf'ol ~od fou d imm diate , Ii r: .and it ap-!IT ,h i hrd 10 b in Itcr I but Juu. $ttid, \\bo looch­

(( rot't od h~n aU <Ifni d . P tt'r, Itt Ib ., Ihat 1\ere "ilb • 1m laid mHlf'r, tht' multilude , 11 tb~, and prf't.8 til "," d In .. ~t I u, ho too h .. d m~ 1 And htD Ihe "'0·

b ~8 U1;, t~ "'8 of id became frf'UlbHng, aDd (t'll do n fot bim " d tit 11m d l (f re 8.11 the JlfoJlle for ,hat c u st. .\ I Uf d l, im Luke ,!,iii. \\ hI tiki

00 om Lotd I t 11(1' go anI! ,and D ttling 06111 on:et 1Itj.

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clitl.olllfl men tha. he heAled ~ Why t1Jd 0 r Lo,4 .-1lraea&. IIp.r ignorl'lnc .. hAfore 80 I rg ao "., .. mbl • if it w hi,. , ill thai ~ malp8 IIhouhl kp.f'p 8i1en~tI io the coner.. tion; for he eh.~ed orne mf'n hom he ht-8re.' to ~o Ih .. ir "'''y and IIf nolhing 108ny mao: hul Ihill \ oman, thotl~h it appear he would gladly have rpceivl'd Ibe hlp in~ and eo ,ilflnf. rdu t nol ? I 80 wpr, our L rd t. II It riitht to cbOOIe wOOm he woull' to declare hi, wonllt' rful "orkll. a., "no"i~ whIt URI in m 0, 101' "hat would h. in m.n. (Q aot 10 tli.eoy r 10 Ihe woman h r duty, Ilop the rncu t of~lin'8yer,., BOO h." il on r('cord for the ri io~ gent'rationl, rhn' th rehy they might ltno\\, it i8 his willihat malf" and fem",1 "hoold unite to llIakt- known hi, power. and decler 'hi, \looderful or~. to the cbildren of 10 o. A~ain "hfOO our Lord W8' ri n, the anJ! I appeRrel' 10 th women 10 iog. f .. ar 001,. g ten hi Iii ci,,1 81hnl he ·Hi.en Rnd R81hey ,-nt, Je u met tbern, ami aid unto Ih,.m, be not afraid; ao tell my brethren that the go into Glllil.e, aoll tbere .hall tbey me. Malh· viii. 9, 10. But, 8y you, Ihi8 il 001 preaching. I tbiuk it i Ih foundali n of all trut' (If acbio , to declare a ri,ell 8l'1viour; for if Cbrist be not ri eo pr , biD i vain, lind faitb il al 0 vaio. If thi. i Dot pre hiD. \ hal it ?-

m ill 8"1 (0 tajje a partiel1l r t xt from tb bible, narn Ihe hook, baptt'r and VNee, aDd divide into par· ti ulftr heall" 80d ,x(ll io lh m by coure.. 1 aD \ er. WCt bR ~ 00 Recount of 8ucb pretichio r iu ri"lur. t ut 1n tho day. came Juho the b plitt, vr 8chio io lb. wll· t! ro ... l, 8"yin~, repent, for the kin .lom of h vea i. at hand. AmI whttn OUt Lord beltaD 10 preaelr bb 0 o. elf he I id Ihe .. me \.or~. So, if 10U warn io08r. to f' {)(m'r

(ben you preach. ~aio-W8 r ad the gosp.1 WAS pr cia­ed t A raham;. laYlo 11 io tlHe aod .hy ,b II all the famili ... oflhe earLh be hi .. ed. 'l'beo iF you d 0' r there are bl ing: in Cbri I for all mankind. if tb Y "m ~ec ive bim it i, oot preacbing . ~8in-\Ve Fe d ao 8ng J 8y­in througb heaven b viog tbe " ria lifl~' pet 't pr Bcb, 881iog, rear God BDd give glory to hiro btl ./10 i. preAcb­in. Again, when Puilip bard -tbe Eooucb read tbpropb .. el he begao at tbe lalue scripture and Jlreach .<1 unl0 bim J e­lUI. Then, if we prove hy lhe aeripture Ih t Jt:.IU i. a cam .. pI f RYiour, who 8u(f~red Co .stilfy jUlIliee. lUlll redt: .. m­J , innera; ill it aot preaching 1 Again. When our Lord eat ou hi ap tie-, th ir onl 1"1 ere to tesGh all nltio • to ob .. &ene al1 I hjn~ tbey bad comm oded th m. ' I~h 0 jf we 1~1I aiODent they muat r {lent' and ~p G~'8 Domma be

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e prr oh. It i, ool the ~,ord pr~8cb, 1 am e al.odiog IIr, but [ w ulll ho\, som~ tbnl Ihey be \Vist: above "hat il3

riUrn, "Ileltha. fhey contt'nd more for th abell .han Ihu mil'. II i lib r.y f cOllscieuce I am IlIt'Ruing fM. Hut h r IS an tht!r tumbling block; ev ry mun prlJyiog or projlh yin with his h.,ad covt'red dishoooreth his head;

v ,> womllO Ibat pr ly~lh or Pl'OI)hflllyeth wltb ber head uu­cov~r tl. tlf'r 11~l\d . '1 his, some eay IlH'Y be­lieve, rot'lm!!, Ih I lUt!U 81100141 pray and pr ch in public, (\nd "om 0 io tht'if clo,ets, aod by private eOllver:latioo. Jt ill e vil! DI Paul meltnt the drUB of lhtl beatl, beau 6 be leith, tht'l bllir Il gw 0 t 10 woman for 8 eoveriu!t; but it'

ou \ ill b VQ it tb t It mf'ftllll PI' !lolling a,?') prltyillg in pub· lie Bod private, th u IQt UII k el> close to the scriptures. Now' mind wbat 8 'ri",ture ailh; 1 \ oulll h!:lve you know. euilil the po II , the 'h all r mUll 18 brist. 'rhea if !:l Ulan pm r proph y th, and dotb not k~ p Christ oPlJermost, olr a ku ~I t1g hiw 68 a 'avlor abte AOU wlllio T to eQve allihut

ill \'om to oll tbroug.b him, cd de Jare bim in all his of· fie tll' overetn bis htmd !:lud isb oorel h Christ; 'anti I bo 11 atlol tb woman is (b mtin; ery womao (bill pr/ty~lh or proph('syeth "Hb "b r b a(\ uoaov red, diltiouoretb her b au. 'l'b 0 if II omao believtf it ber duty to pray or propb y aDd e81C Ih" m 0 pr nt,nd is afrltid Roll dotb I) I d ber duty, she diahoooretb tbl' mao, and makes him

PI r 'tk Ii proud, domioe riua gracele'5 wretch, thnt oulll ralb r tbe "omao ould grieve Ihespint of G d, and

Ole bero Q Boul, tbuo to bear tiJecro88orCbrist,lioli elrosa her i~uorltDee hefor a,ing mortals; r gurdiog more Ibe 81'· plaule 0\ men tbao the bonor th8't cometh from Go~ ; but leI b r bOllor her beatl, y keeping Goll in view Boll tke m 0 out 0 mind; e tbat ahe cao do ber dUly 8S freely 8S

if tber \ a uo' a m DOll the cartb. But. 98),' OU", all Ibis avail. you Dothiol7, since Paul hatb

decJar tl it is 8 Ibame or a w mao to.p all. 10 the churcb. ubliesl 'l is D sbamlll, in tbe e,ea f tbe ungodly. for he

Ib t repro elll n scora r gettetb 10 bim elhb me, but not i!1 he e II oCGO<! i for tbe lbiu , tbat ar highly esteemed

am · ug m 11 are 80 abomination in tbe .eight of Ood. But hal 18 tb~ ehurcbl ... am 88y it is 8 bous built for tbe \Yor·

.bip ot God. 1f so,Bnd a woman may Dot speak io tb" house of oU it teems tbat ADoa trtlnegrused. rOf sbe 8pake in the b~ t od; 8Dll we baye DO accouot that 80Y one dhl

e 11 r Olbers lay, the cburcll ii a body of Cbris· if ao, and a \lOlllIW may not speak of Christ among

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.J • N"Allrll anw wa lINl th,. Ir .. ~r.her,,"clothe., anli mlulY' other gOOtl work.. A ''Iio, S (ule TrYI,heolJ, "od /rr nho. ea, who lahored in III .. L rd; lute the belovtlcJ Persis '''ho labored much in the Lord But saya ooe, we do oot know .IUll ,hpl., "'fOre womt'll. I anlwer. we have R much re080U Co Ihiok they were womell ft Wtl h va (0 think the levt'oly our Lord .ont.oul to pr Rrh wt're lo .. n. Altllin, we read of Philip the eno.r;eli I. who hall four tlllu~htarl, and UUllY llill propheBY. A. ·t. Sll g .\nd it D[lp .. arl Ihat jnullhesyiug w a lJot hlud labor for it il 8!lid thaI Judll9 amI Silae them elvt'i!, Ilejn~ prop'''-'., "'horred th .. peorle with mBny words ROI' Gom5rmt',1 th m. Acta. xv. 52. gain, it il eaiu. thtl t~stimo· n1 of Je@u~ il lhe 'pidt of proph ... y Again, Pauluitb, he that prophl'8ieth sl'snkl'th 10 men to editiclttioo aUlI tlxhorill .. ion Ilnd comfort. Cor. xiv. 3. gRin '': m8Y all propbesy

one by one, that .11 m. y learn and all may be comfurttd. 31. 0 il f\rp"I"'~ frtlm criplure "hat 'bey ttlrm~cJ prol)bf'~y mightju Ity lie t rOlf'1 pre ohing and uhor!utioo, for it is ."iel, Philip wpnl ,I wo I 8t\m Tilt "od vrtll\ched Christ UII­to them. Acla "iii. 5. As»in II i 8!tid, many other lbings io 11i t bartation prf>8ched be llnlo the ptojlle. Luke iii. 18 So it apreeN th., femuJt's m y propbelY or preach Christ to .he p opl ,and e hort inner. fo r{'prot Qod believe the gOB· pt'l. But doth f101 PtlulllRY, I autli r 001 a woman 10 tpRch 11 r f u urp tluth rily over (he mlln? Truly he dol'S; but did Panl tnt-HilMI! w men, or did he ··.meao such 88 JPZ btl,.

ho ruled h .. r bu bAnd, aotl (<tU ht Bum 10 s\Vel\r fuls .. ly, ODd. duc tllbe 8er an fa ot G d (ocommit rornicatiou i aod l.ho l' \\orottO 1\hOO1lhe J \,"s 81rrr ,I up sud raie cJ p reeeu .. lion 8gainst Pllut Rnll BftTllil 8, I\m1 xp lied lht!m ou, of lh ir al'? it is evit.l nf it \Va ueh 88 the e PauI8utft!rt'd 1101 (0 teach, and (\lh8li h who \Vi hed to rult! in tbe king'e bou e. or ill the church: but wou rt bave them ItJ8ro first t Bbo\ pit'ly at h me. It i~ pI in Ptlul did Dol mtl80 that \, m n \l1'Or~1l iog (Hiuess, uoct~r tbe impression or tbe n Iy piril,8h uld not t' bart aod WRrn~ sinnert to repeut

od b lit' e 0 tbe preci u nllm r J esu ; for he, in gh·jog directi.oDS to '1 itU3, &8ltb, the ~at'd \Y man lik~",i8e that he in b havlor 88 b cometh holiot'sa 1101 fl:ll~e arocu era, DOt

i ~n Co much win. tel\cbers of oDd thin ,thai they may tto" ·b Ihe youon" ' wowt!o to be s er to love their husbaods, to Jove their childreu, Lo be discreet, cbaste, k epera ot h we, g ,obedient to their o"n husbands; Ihat I he word of (I d be not blaspbl'mec1. 'fitu ii. au will say tbeD, it ia tb !!mftle'e dUly to leach each 0 ber by private co,, ·

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• for n f Lorcl hnlh mlul .. thi8 Jordno a border heh"f!en U8 nd Y' u; ) P hll\'p no j1nrl in .tt" Lor" ; flO shall your children

mali .. Ollr childrf'" ('P811" (ro,.. r"flr ' n~ God. fDo would un­godly rnf'n mnl f' th .. \\orclp f Pflul 8 bordpr !>etwef>o mal .. "oel f, mlllf': 'hu8" ul.1 th" ITIRk .. nur ("mill,,!, ce'Ul1l from oheyiD~ G~, hnrt not Chris' OIl1el,. himllel( "wilnf'lI8 hy hi, \lord, 81 d 10 (' "firm the (fmel,." thpy hnd ft right to 8prve blm ocrordin,: to Ihp c1iet8Ipl\ of hi, word nnel IIpirit. II is pJAjn Ihft' "iad m ill Chritlt. thp brandl (If ri,:hteonsoe., is

lui I ; DDd tht.> Lord our ri~hff'ou6(\"88 i8 ehri r; fo~ aul eaiCh, he is 'he frIC) of Ih .. lew for ri~hleoueoe81 10 every one that hf'lif'Vl'th; 80 then if Christ ie th wisdom, 'he churrh is Ihl' hnue .. ; whollf' houBP f\rf' '''', if we hoM raftt (he

ginninp; of our confidf'nce firm (Q Iht' end. What are 'he f ,'po Jlil"",,? lIom 1''', Ih .. y 11ft' tbe l1f\1f (lppirils of

tl' ur Itl se ot'f'd n h .. \\ ing, hut Ihese pillflrs were be ul b jolt "ild AOfI crook ri Ily narurp; which must be the Bt> en wrilf'rtI ; r.1nllh~w., l\l/lfk , Luke. Jot}n Pelfr, JamE's IInll Juclf'. which were hI" 0 by tbf' propb t •. -

(:1m f .hue Paul ,not uot afttor his CODV r8ioo, snd he .Aid thEY ~f't'med 10 be pilla,.. Ael1in, it ia BRid if 80Y mftn ov f( 'om .. him ,~ill I makf II pHilir in minl' huef'. find it ill vitllt'Dt thes did overcomt>, ItIld fhollf?;h Ihey art> dt'DtI, ,..,1 tb.,y "11 at< And 8rt> Ilt'come pill8ra io flip hnust' f 000; Ib .. ir "riring if ,I)f're "88 flO mN ",rillen, heing eufficitlot 10 lurh II!' our duty 10\ ard GQd Rod mop. Bul "hat are fh b 8,1? {mt' "ill (lay the e 11 propl'oeili eor orrur-1i n, or Ih heftft. If he hRlh furoi hf't.1 hi IsblE' wilh these, I do flol wood r Ihey ried. th I&hie of Hw Lord ia coo-­temptible j hut il is plain the be S 8 lire Ihe preciouil body of bri·t; ht' is r prest'olt>d by 8 Ol\t that bort> tbe siu8 of lbe I>t'ol'le; h i Cllllfd the Lion f hl' tribe of J u-d ·b· h i oallf'd Ih Lamb slain r In t h~ ~ ul1dation r the " rll: "ot! II ut th I 88 t~. How halh

ur ord saHh. n man t!lh my lift> frf)(n n • I h \' po r (0 lay do\~n my

lift' and (I \yl'r 10 lnk t' it · ~I\lfl. UI doth [Jot Ihe , 'rip ure l\ ttifll h{tY ~ t' Illk tl fwd by "icktld hfloda hay crucified

aod "'em' Trut il duth, tuul t\110 It r a1lh, lht' WI I t'd lire I le 8 r ot Lure!; llJ d ftnoth r 8aith, "wahl' 0 s\'ord, 8 ai[J t n y ~ "b~fll and 8ghlll, t Iht' m 11 that it my frllO\ , 1\ dIet IbiDe h rill bt> UpOIi th m i\ 1I I; by right hftotJ III

upon thl" enol mtln that 1 lt V m lflte 8trong for m,fl!t'lf. Aud " ben lit , d' rill rc ', hi. :-:1I1 r rlhwitl:l CRm out bl; and ,,~.t r " Lith iii {he min I d ~ine. nel he sailb,

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1"11 woultl b4t "1nte un;t." in If'ninl' aod. find the womlD ,.. ufel mort" iflit'ltE1y nhf'Y. Iou fltflel r .. ", you; 811,1 you "(Iuld )iVf' "Jr .. ,h.r fill th, h. in 0' 'h, g'8t:' of fir .. 8Dd yllur pnt.' r ould not flf' hindr d. But th.. ", .. ak"el,. of. the

mil" ho~' .hp flulrht no' '0 .peak in public. 'or .b" .,8n. DOl "fW k to f"t1i6"l'tion, •• y on... Ab mit"! Who mllkf'lb Chf''' to diD'",r 1 t\. hal h. t thou tbat Ihou did., pol rf'cf'ivp r

r forf thf'D doel thou glory 8e ,houlth .hou 'rf'cf'ive.lel it nOlI Ha th not , d cbO@f'n ,h .. \\ .. "k thing of hil worJf4 Chflrf'hy to (iilflovfr hill ,,0\\ .. ,1 elvin Dot Ihe day of ,matt tbin~ ; ir Goo h8th ~}Yf'D yoo fiv4" laleotl, Bod to the wo­mil ODf', r Chri.t , lAb do no. make bfr bury it in tbe e"rth. 1 at it bf' ff)quir~' lit J our Nod.; for tbe Lord 1s not on,iu." aDd (loth "oC r"'luirr thllt he hatb 1K>t given; bUI Ihe imp' vt'mt'nt of whal b .. hath ginn. (;8 nor God mltnirt'at b it po f'r hy 8 ""Rk io,'rUmf'Dt , I in" 8t you bff'tber~n,do ItOt hilld hf'lIvy burdt>D8 ; for hil .. you W8rn u. to obpy od

od fo)/ow Ih .. Holy Spirit, Bod ~bf'o e feel impre88ed to "fpf'flk of tb, IhiD~ (GOO, ftod you oharge u.'o holel our JM'flCf't y u ind h 81/J bUrdt'D'. ~ieyou. to bt> bttrne. But, 811 on, ir it is thr. ill ofod tbl'll womeo ·tpeak io pub. lk-. wby hne they been t!0 long lilf'olof I aDI' ~" bt'c8ule ill qui y hfllb ahoundt" th love of Blflny balh w8st'd culd, 8 dfODM' b8V 80 littl of tbe 1&Vf' of God, and Ibe crOll of Chrtf.t ppf"8re so foolish to cbt'm the) arf' Il:Iad of af11 tbing for ~n (> (,uu, aO£l thUlk i. 8tJ..,nrlaeling thame t bt! bf'8rd t 811 upoo tbe ewt' t and preci nam of Jf't!u" Olh 1'1 tbt're are h se tlpirH. "N' wHli • 1\ till 'r ftf'lIb is w IE: tbf'yoot u dt'l'lIlandi g !-Criplurt" III mU)"'I. bave goot> '0 Hit' tDfln fOr inahu tioo, ADd th .. y hll t' told tbem they reu.t n , !flt'8k in public; and thus tb 1 hav wept 8W81 a di •• t r ~ .. d IIf ... and beeo aU tbeir Jirelime .ubjpct 10 bootl l1ge "htl u~h feflT or mao; amI no ~ ubI tb if leart 8re remt'1Bo* b r d III heft flO , and will appear iDjUfl~mf'ot again.t lb e that first pr vented the w rds of 8t. Paul aod mac.Je thf'm • l-mcl r btl' een m,,'" lind ~ male. 0 thiot me not rash fot'

thd 810'1~t 100M> my poor 80ul 00 rhi, v r, ground 1 bot bilh rl Ill,. Lord halh be'pfu mt' .• acd bavingobteilled b Jp of oct aontil1uf\d unto Ibe prell 01 dl\y witlJt!8tljar; Done o h{'r tbillgllh8D the Jlfophet. did 181 tbould come. ADd DOlt'

bnlhr~D, m8Y I flot uae tbe Il\v ungt' of J remiab, Consider ~f , tlnd 8t'Dfl for tbe mouroin \\ me,D tbat Iht'y may come ~;J1 ' Ibp unoioe WlJmt'D that Ihe mlty comp, am' tsk.l' up a Jbmentation for U I hat Uf Y 8 m y run down wi tb tt-an and ODf (,Jet tl! gusb oat ".itb \'tUltls, for if lbou altogetbet

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...,111 tby peaof!, then ,han df'IiYf'raD'~ Itnd lSol"Y'tfIfIIf'"t " from anolhllr nl8ce, for Goo will V rif I" .,,,, 1'\ 11 ho ,hall hioder 1 Do you not 8UJlP<> e h I thl)8 hi) ivf"d in thf' dftY. of Paul, flDd hf'8rd hi, "()fill und ntllOd Ih mat well '" thOle who livt' io our d"y.? 11 is plaio Plul \\,,\1 oot 10 incoDsistent RS to forbid it in one pillee, aod in anoth place approvp of the 88m.. tbingll. Ifhf'di".Pllroved r II Wnmf>D pf'aking, wby did 11 .. tUrr ... r 10 maDY of tb m to IpP8k 1 I heleecb you, hrptbren, 'f'Rrch Ih. cr"lh.~ ,"n~ do not put BToke on the necks of IhHf' diaeilliell. which n i. ther God nor his apoetles inteofled they IhClulri flar, Ie I ye bE' fouod to fieht agaiost Gr>d 1 but provt' all Ibin". Hod hold fasl tbat wbich ill good. 0 Lord, revin tby w rk. Y pt, 0 ye woman, bere the words of tbe L rd, lod I,"cb your daughter., 'Wailing, Bod ~Vf'ry oOP h r opighbor lam olation. Can yoo not drop a Itlar over tbp ruio d rl\ce of dsm; caQ you ootjnin wilb tbolle wbo wet'p b twef'n Ihp porcb lid altt'r, aDd lay, Lord spsre tby peoplp, and IIV llJ man b ... rC to ""reDl and n .. lievf' 9 Oh tbat my head ",,, "Ier end mine eyes a fountain of tearll that I rni~bl wepp da, bod oi bt for Ihe alaio of Ibe da~hter. of my l)Sople 1 bu wllltt v iI­etb all my tearll, if tbe tears and gr080 of 1\ eru ilif'tl J .. UI, wb laid dowo hil precioul lif., for our loul., c noot m va your hearlll, lurery my tear. will be in vain. Ri e up, Y. carele8s WOBleD Ibal are at ealle, aDd b ar m1 .. oice, ere· Jell dau bters, for many day •• h If ye be 'roubl d. (or ,e bave not bearkeof'd to the voice ofGud ,oun I and Ib tbat bave, ye bave deapi,ed, 8Dd 1.1 ttlachin your bildrf'Q 1hi' 8 m. uoboly practice; you bU'e Dever eh k .. d btlir UOOI 18 ~ful designll oor bridled tb ir uohol, p cticP; yo b ve never ch eked tbeir uulawful diD oor bridfed their unbo­Iy mp fI; but have oouri bed Ib e up in ride aDd I " 1ht'm 0 io all maDDer of carnel d Ii hI 8od · ad ttlll ~ qUIre tbl'lir blood at your b8D{lI; nd "ill Dot OU b Ir ub· ) d wben you ,ball bear tbe Judlt bid Y u d put into t r­m ala prepared for the devil an hi In ~J Y.r ~ Ice aDd YODr prt'cioUB 1001'8 like, , p nt of your IIUl t Ind r k ~ff Y rigbleoUJoe88, bt>fore YODr feet .to I OD & b~ r" mounlaios of dealh. 'rblOk, ror a mom Ol,

dor to lee your cbildreo duh d t8 pi or burn I to d a lb before your eyes? Ho" tbeD UD 1 u iodu,,. 10 rtMcb tbpm thO! tblDg! you know Mil WIt b ir I ,f Ir~ and o~uillb iD lim or .. roity? Bu ,00 • do til ok al worn u ar callt'd a G 1 to pN n S It JO pi? Perhaps tbel are DOt-but if JOu DO' ,.d to pab1~.

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I ,.ou are nil calf·

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SINOE lupel'tltitinn has grown bol A rul m~n d, p rt trom Goo.

The ft!mlli p r"Ct' th .. ) II Y(' b .... u lold Tbl'Y must DOt prt 8en th Old.

But Miriam the pro(lht't' II Aucripl ur d CII b r~('l)rd,

D.d Ipad lhf' r .. m"Jes nu' 10 "peak Tbe: goodne8s 0 'hI' Lord.

ADII n,.bo·'llh did proph"I" As WP. do undera'alld,

And dId (lechHP th .. word I G~, As well 81 lSoy lObO ,

Ann Huldah, who ft f .. mAl .. w •• , 01 GIld 8h" did t'oquirp,

And dui dechut Ihe \\onJ 01 God, 10 dlS1 r killg J08iah.

11 IhE' 18S1 days, 8ailb our d 8r Lurd, I' ll I,our my splril dow~

Upoo my 8t'rvanla and handmltidll, Your daughters and your 800

Your m n sball dream Bod vi ioD.l aee, our lhlUgbt ... ." prul'ht" Y ;

It is tbe work of G()(I 1181, And who caD it deoy_

If proor .. \ otio more fro 8811s1 your OlHUJ.

The scripturt>'8 8 bl.. d lou, Wbere plt'nl, 'OU itt find.

Thp womaD of am.aria,lbe Did t tbe cify ruo.

And said, com waD ·th t told All tbing that j ha ' dooe

A certain \\omao arne behiad, To toaeb our bleued r J

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And loon W1li hf:'olf() or ber di'e8I~ Accor<iiog to bie word.

Why did h. Dot let bpr alone. illct' .he would eileol be 7

Why psp08e bpr ieoorance 10 tbe ,.bote compaoy?

Nay, but abe might in public 0"0 'l'he work that he had don .. ,

'J'hftt oth.-r. might beltr antI bt:liev~, In God's Elernal 800,

Lf't luner&titioo give cODIPa!, or bint! U8 witb it, chftia,

For ~I ry . by Ibp Lord WI\ Mott fro publisb Cbris' lb L LOb.

Our Ii ler Phebe you "ill fiat]. If crillturt' you do. arch.

She W88 8 sprvan! true ~.d kiDd '1'0 tbe Corinlhian (Jbureb,

Tryphena and Trypbol8 too Did labor in the Lord;

PitIY Ipll me what they did c» But prueb bit boly word?

A UlDbttr more e fPad there we J

WhO ht.hor'd with t. Paul A JII) in th .. g spel be dOlb la1

Preachiug we way it eatl.

I ko \V tbe ~ male race is weR~, ut r lour God 18 ttrong;

Su \ e ",ill of bis goodoeM 8V Ilk, And tell wbat be hath done.

BarkeD ye penple. young sod" ol~ I truly do you teU,

That Jt'l'U Chrilt th .. liviog God Hatb 'ftv'd rnYlOul (rom bell.

E't mste aDd (emale .n combine '1'0 r iu bit bonor hi~b;

Ju~ ice and pit io him loin, For eiDDell be did die.


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'f}l'Sf' wortl .. , mAy not lhf femllle 1A1. Ap. Wf'tI 811 lin mRn,

Rf'p nl, b"linf" , ro .... kfo vnur lioa, Or y09 ",ill all be damo'd.

--A HYl\lN P. 4f.


f late I'Vf' bl'tD rftfl}E'l!h'" in ,i1eoc" ror to k .. p. B"~8U!f' 1'." gl'i I'd th Pall tor anl1likf'wl f! hi df'''' ,hee~ 'Eu ifmy 8avi(lur calls 10 .. 10 .pnk in biB d 81' nnOle, I can't obey the Pall lor, allhough a mao of ram 1

I do fflBpeet bis (lflrtOO, hi, fanlt. I can r. r~v"t BUT to refrain from IpeakiDe. I ClUluot do nlJ Ii". ; II I 8m callf'd to Ipeak for Je!lu' lind hi' raofP, J cuo"l obey tbe people which make lucb human law

Ny Saviour cl\lI"d Mary, a ('ommi aioo he di" jy", She went Rod did r .. lale it. aDd m oy a oul he liv ct, prillllilla ebp upoundf'd Ih fcrip ur UOIODE'

W bo afterwarda proohumed rbat Cbrillt 8 ad'. dtnr

• And Phebe W88 8 lerv80t c~mm oded by t. P aol, A I d if we waDt mor .. wilDes, we 00 Ib ,d mu I ra.Jl.

ho by rbe mouth of JOt'1 dill 111 ak. aod (lid no lie, That in tbe last d8Ys ~mlll • sbould pfoph r-And ADna in the temple, tbt Did spe&k to the people,lik And jril did offend Ihl Pasl in Ibltl da. ; , hy did Ihey uol r prove ber b 0.11 \Jill llray

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