reach out fathers information pack feb 2014

Reach Out Fathers Information Pack Supporting Fathers Together

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Information Pack on the organisation and the services we provide.


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Reach Out Fathers

Information Pack

Suppo r t i n g Fa t h e rs To g e t h e r

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Our Aims

Services We Provide

Outreach Support

Got Something To Offer?

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Hi there, my name is Martin and I am the Chairman of Reach Out Fathers a Voluntary Organisation with Charitable Aims. In this information pack you will find out about our aims and the services we provide.

Reach Out Fathers was founded on 24th January 2014. We aim to offer support to fathers, from being there to listen and help through hard times, to doing research, having support groups available and running our outreach service.

We bring fathers together, offering advice and support both in groups in Scotland and to anyone online. We will work alongside partners to campaign for fathers’ rights and provide a wide range of services available to fathers.


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Reach Out Fathers

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To have a fathers worker attend appointments, hearings and conferences with fa-thers to offer support and assistance.

To create a network of charities and organisations available to give fathers the help and support they require.

To campaign for stronger and clearer policies and laws in regard to equality for fathers, their rights and the rights of their children.

To campaign for a better service from professionals. and a wider range of support


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Our Aims

Suppo r t i n g Fa t h e rs To g e t h e r

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Our Facebook Page and groupWe run a facebook page where fathers can share experiences and access support through the private group or through the facebook messaging facility. All messages will be treated within our confidentiality policy.

We will post and share relevent material, research, organisations, charities and contacts and encourage discussions on our news feed.

Information and researchWe understand it can be hard to find the information that is relative to your circumstances. We aim to direct you to sources of information and research, helping to simplify the jargon.

We provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for anyone who needs a listening ear. We will aim to help with additional information or contacts which will help you to decide what is best for yourself or your family. Why not join us for a chat, we’re here to help in anyway we can.

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Services We Provide..

Reach Out Fathers

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Our Support GroupWe currently have a support group in West Lothian and we are looking at providing more of these support groups across Scotland. These groups offers fathers the chance to meet other fathers, share experiences and advice or you are welcome to just come along for a cuppa and chat.

Telephone SupportWe have a mobile number which you can call or text if you feel you need to speak with someone or if you just need a quick bit of advice or guidance. No matter what your enquiry is we will be there. This service will be available between 9am and 3pm.


Our ForumOn our website is a forum that, if you register as a member, you can use to air your views, issues and opinions and gain advice, answers and guidance, You may even gain a new contacts and friends.

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H a v e Y o u G o t

S o m e t h i n g t o O f f e r ?

Outreach SupportSupport for MeetingsWe are able to have a fathers worker attend hearings and meetings in Central Scotland to be there as someone to support you, go over reports and assist you

Reach Out Fathers will do their best to support as many fathers as possible with Central Scotlandbeing the first area to have this service available.

Follow us on twitter or like us on Facebook to check for updates on where or outreach support becomes available.

Reach Out Fathers

In a article from 2012 entitled ‘listening to fathers’ a fathers worker carried out research. The findings suggested that the presence of a fathers worker at meetings can have a beneficial effect on the fathers and the professionals views.

Running and Establishing GroupsWe aim to work with other people, charities and organisations to helpestablish more support groups across Scotland.

We would welcome suggestions on villages towns and cities in Scotland that are in need of this service.

Become part of our support network and

appear on our Reach Out Map! Help us

offerr support to as much of the fathers

out there as possible.

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Volunteer With UsWe will always welcome someone who is willing to give us some of their time from being a moderator in our forum to being more involved in supporting fathers who come to us, also helping to run the organisation. We are looking for volunteers from across the UK, to create a good strong network and so that fathers get the help and support they need, wherever they are. If you are interested in volunteering, would like more information on becoming a volunteer and to find out the volunteer positions that are available please get in touch.

Donate To UsWe are always happy to receive donations from anyone that would like to support the services we provide. This includes being able to offer outreach services, provide support groups and establish new groups across Scotland. If you would like to donate to us then please visit our website ‘Support Us’ page and click on the donate button. If you wish to donate using a different method please get in touch and we will be glad to help .

H a v e Y o u G o t

S o m e t h i n g t o O f f e r ?

Suppo r t i n g Fa t h e rs To g e t h e r

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Contact us:

Reach Out Fathers



Twitter: @reachoutfathers

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 07432779910 (9am - 3pm)

Suppo r t i n g Fa t h e rs To g e t h e r