re. published c. r. tinan only moral...than thn ordinary kind?*, and cannot bo sold ii compi'li'ion...

/' i - - >~i\ 4 f ^s 1 w ^r r ?\> s *X*fev rr>C ? ^ v -' ,/* jk* s ? * i - ' fsilli life £v* & - X !jr 0 $ 11 L .<*' \ - I "r *a fi . "f^ "" ' V> 4 •- 4" . it—-. c vK, "S> J ivS THE Git API 110 HhUcb bats fow months ot bomg t>ia nrinpaper in Brnlo county. MTAiunuWumiK mwlinin it in not oxcnllcd b}u>7 newspaper in Buutli Dakota. M> HM A rapidly inoreAaing circulation nmnnfr Ml mtxt intelligent class of people in Drulu and A* adjoining coontiea. WHai a oironlntios tueoni to nono in thin or adjoinining counties, and a paid up subscription list it ia believed superior. IVIi li»elr, spioy, independent, and tl'volp,] folel/to the interests of Kimball ami Hrulo (;„ CrMfbody onjoyoa reading it. Giro it u Ir'ml Published C. R. TINAN ONLY MORAL {jRraphit. DAKOTA. $2.00 Per Year. $1.50 in Avnce. SEVENTH YE All KIMBALL, BRULE COUNTY, DAKOTA, FRIDAY, JI LY 6, 1888. WHOLE NUMBER *27. THE GRAPHIC. ? ; pip-Terms of advertising and* known oo ration. iST*Job work ot trer; description •stcuUdiii the host style and at the loveet rates. t^fAdvortiawnentB not accompanied by instrno. ttona will b* inserted until ordered out mad cli.irgod for accordingly. ty Short communications on any subject of in- ere accoptable if ftoeompanied by the iwme el tho author. fcST"All matter intended for the next iesae mart ho in tho ofSoe u eerly u Wednesday •tsaing insuro publication. THE KIMBALL IxEAPHI OFFICIAL DtRECTORV^_ G&'VXT'3rsr ©x\r xcraxws. Bhwitt 'iMUrer jU.tor qt Deeds ODi &ttf Judito ; pt. of Hchnolii,.,.' foriot Attorney.. 1 ........ k'ountfr Stlrreyor .... —rier Justices..,.* ........ Constables Commissioners .... K. P. OVNSM-JI. J. K. Jknki "•*. J. W. Oi-aiv. .VV.O. ... AL.H K J. I?•?;.;»».: 1. J.A.Kva fckor «• H A Utt. 1. Ifrtl.UMlWl. JKLBKKT I'KT/.JS.IOS. V. C. Monuow. JOHN MOONY. JOHN J'NVS. John JOHN Tit u. LT. JAMF I MONO \\. I II \S {'AJ.I.AIMN, l*t Pi- 2nd 11 Brd ' 4th » 5th ' ;;KU nr. :s t i. v. a^CTTX'TSC IPAI (5Iork t M HHuror, A •furior,... MHr-lml, Justice, .... AMermon,. | 1, I W'.rrt J, -1 Wa «l ? Vmu-.I I, IWanl IS. W.: h. s. C. S\. Ars Kiw\n :.!• .... A K. R i'.U. WUONN!. (he! PJ'i.s. W. K. J. H. \ \ .S. IT, ( '. TI N V N, .1. N. II VKL.KK, I-'. II. '11 I.I.KU, S.ii. Iluy.'r. TOWiTSixir 0irirxcx:xvs. U W..I. ili; w>y .... I .mis Kii'ii \hi> . }>. <i. ti 1:1 J l'h'. J. H. (,(ivn, I'l.NMS KVAS. JACOU It SMMKt,, .1. Iv 1.1 NOAM VN. I: IT. T. W1I.U1X.] ChrU Treasurer,,... A'S.'dw^r, Jaelicrft Constable tiuporv's >rs, s i RELIG-IO XTG. P UK8BYTKH1AN- 801 10JM) a. ni. hiul 7:30 I>. lay o ty meets weekly. orvHH'h ov«-ry Snbhalh ut . . i:30i>. "»• Sal»l<nlh M'ltonl nf. tor morning hcrvico. HiMo ('orr»>|)oiuio:u:t gonool (union) and prnyor niffiine Omion) i«verj wmreday ovoning. lluv. J. M. WOJJKB, Pantor. \r£W 0,J lS T —Jjnrviccs ovrrj aTLttabbath at 10:30 a.m. and 1M p. in. Sab- k>ath nrhool after morning nervier. J>iblo (.Virn-» ponuonco Scliool (nniun) arid prny^r nx^ting <»nuig. LIKIIOH' rhitrrli ' Roy J. \V. iJell, Puftur. GT. MAKOARET'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. o©ryic<?Po v ery aUernutu bumlay. Rev. rather Stack, Pustor. soeir TIES. B RULE LODHIC, NO -II. A. F. A A. M. lar commutiicatitm Friday rvoning on or be- fore the full moon of each uluuth. C. U. Carvl, W. ML; 8. W. Kent, Bee. VIM BALL LODGE, NO. 1*. K of 1. Mocti **-etery Thurgday evening at Masonic Hall. R ENO PO8T.NO.85, O. AH. ic Hall the Booth. Moet« at Ma«nn- rst and third Weduotduy in inch K IMBALL LODGE, NOOI. I. O. O. P. afery Montluy evening nt Odd !d FOIIOWH' MW-T, Hull. BLACKS MBTH 8 NC llOKSE-SnOKING, PLOW REPAIRING, —AND- GENEHAL BLACKSMITH WOHK Douo in a tirat-claas tnann»r, GEO. A. SMITH. Oiiposite Caryl's Stable. 2»'>3tf Palace Restaurant BUYAN COFFEE. Prop. ICE CREAM, CAKE, LEMONADE, Temperance Drinks. Fresh Bread, Pastry, eto Meals at. all Hours. PIONEERLIVERY. LODIS RICHARDS, Proprietor, Good Rigs at all hours of tlic Day or NigliL Feed, Board and Sale Stable. Rear of Kimball Ilonse. Mi Shoes 1 have just pat into my shoe shop complete line of these goods, which 1 propose to offer very CHEAP FOR CASH. PATRICK QUIRK. ' CHICAGO (MILWAUKEE } ^stpauL RftYM, lit m OWDER Absolutely Pure. Thif j- 'wdcr nnror varies. A marrol of pari' $ h nud wlioloaomenees. More economic than thn ordinary kind?*, and cannot bo sold ii compi'li'ion with the mnltitude of low te»t wight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in CNUIR. KOYAL RAKIMO ro>N3BB Co., 101 Wall 8t. N. Y. rltji licaj NDBTHWESTERN ITEMS. TO n 15 14 ankers ! KIMBALL, D. T. il. D. ilKMiV. I'lvsi.lcnt. A. C. WIIITIUH'K. ('HBLIICT - v ^ Morscy loaned on Lar\d and Chattel WotV fa"Tos. IIig}»Rft market |irioe paid for Coun^ '^jirrrntA and tohoul orders. Interest p.'iiil oa :aue dejionits. Exchange bought and ool-l •V G):XK1?\JiANKrNG BU3- 1M:SS TI{A>SACTJiI>. W. C. MOREIS' n^VELEIl & OPTICIAN. EI iilBALL. - ~ DAKOTA THE BEST THING OUT FRUIT AND ABATE VEGETABLE.!*!! A 1 t IOWA. A movement ift on fodt at Battle Creek to orgitui&G a horrc brigade /or tii*» purpoif* of matching and takluK active pari iu the coin- ing campalgu. Th*i case of the grain shippers of northwest- ern Iowa before the interstate commerce cora- itil^lob fcbt Meerlug July 23, at Vu\-h- infrton, D. C. The platform on which Ollraore's band was performing at Davenport gave way and fell a distance of eight feet. A few slight bruises was the only result. The Congregational society of R<*d Oak is figuring ou remodeling Its church cdlilce at a rost of $3,000 or more, the groater part of which has already bech pledged. The city council at Algofitt is CdnsideHng putting a windmill ftnd tank ou the vvt'il in the court yafrd and securing a supply of water for Are and sprinkling pilrjjoseS. Black Hawk county is becoming a great horse county. It Is no unusual thing to lind from eight to a doxen head in a fanner's Held with half a dozen colts In addition. The placing of injunctions on law violators nt D«a Moines is proceeding with considerable haste In the district court, and under the new law the Injunction will mean more than form- erly. Theodore Thomas, who had engaged to give a concert at Dubuque this summer, has writ teu that he has coucluded to cancel all dates intervening between his Ckioftgo and St. Louis cngageriientfli liVo. Lucas of Dubu^tle committed suicide l»*t Monday by khooting himself through the hepd ut the residence of bis mother in that city. He was intoxicated at the time. He was about H5 years old and leaves a wife. A man recently drove up to<the city hall in Dubuque with a basket full of seventeen year locusts which bis boy had caught. He wanted the city to pay a bouuty of 1 cent per head which he said some one told fciui would be paid. The bucket shop at ROone "folded Its tent liU* the Arab and silently stole away* 1 a few days since, leaving a number of the citizens worse off by several thousand dollars thun they were before the "Chicago board of trade" moved to Boono. NEBRASKA. An euterprising dealer at Rushvillc manu- factures ice cream by horse power. The Rushvilie Lumber company is an or- ganisation of the people and for the people. At a the records of Dmidy county have been examined aud a deffoieucy of $570 discovered. The organization of a flouring mill com- pany at Hastings was completed last Monday. The capital stoek *50,0ft>. The tuuln building oi the Nebraska Sol- •iiers 1 and Sailors 1 home at Grand Islaud Is at last completed and will be dedicated today. Little Johnnie Brown Is the latest victim •it Cresco of swimming on 8iindH<. tfe took n dive * ti faU-ri' pohd ahil cime up across the Sty T. The citizens of Ord are trjing to persuade (he base ball team of that town not to in- dulge In a Sunday game with the Grand Tslnnd ****** i'awhee's canning factory is no more. Fire took it unawares. The factory has been a protltablc Inveftincut and will doubtless be promptly rebuilt. According fO Agreement the newspapers of Arllngtou have decided to charge for all ••burch notices, etc., that have heretofore been printed tree, one-half regular rates, and job work at regular price. Ewlng-is hi. ssed with a large number of ac tors who po?RPs* «etiVe be surcharged with histrionic talent. All she requires now to fully develop stare of the first magnitude in the theatrical coustellatlou is an epera house. ®|for several months past there has been considerable stealing in South Fork settle- ment, Cheyenne county. The settlers, wearied of raising horses to be appropriated by other people, organized a vigilance committee. Suspecting Patrick McLaughlin of being im- plicated in the thefts, they strung him up to a tree Wednesday night and extorted a confession which will lead to the capture of the gang. McLaughlin was badly strangled but will live. HARRISON AND MORTON The Standard Bearers of the Republican PaFty for 1888. Harrison Received the Nomination on Uio flight )• Ballot. Hon. liovi 1*. Morton, oi' New York, Cho.sfii for Vice I'ri*Kiilont. The Nomlnnt JOHH Miwlo CnnnimoiiH Afnitl Oront ftMtbusiasm. OntcAno, asftcmMcd by tho tisuii! by Kev. l)r. Northwcstein June 25.—The ftffiv'ntiofi ttfilay Jtnd was opened omyer delivcnd Kdwnnls, editor tff Christiiin Advocatc. A FIFTIETH CONGRESS ballot WPS immediately onlereu which re- sulted with hut little or nodini^e ttio lifih. As the roll was called for the seventh ballot it was evident that Harri- son was gaining ground, and at the con- clusion of the roll mil on the eighth bid- lot it wua announced that ilul'i'isoti hail received 510 votes and was the liomined. Aflei* iho ntinoinicemcHt wiisi»ijidc fiagfl and pictures of llarrison Were W.Hvitig iii the air and delegates cheered lustily for nine minutes. On motion the nomina- tion of Uiurison was made unanimous. EX-SBNATOR HAJLLUSOW was horn at Morth liend, Haml!ton coontvj O , August 20, ISM: received a claselejil edu cation, graduating at Malmi university, Ohio, 1S5'2: studied law; renioved to Tndianapolis, Ind., aud settled In the practice of his profes s'"n: lu !!*»0 was elected reported of tho su- preme court of in* siiitej enteral th® Union army ISti'j as a private and rose to tne ran'fl of e(»lonel and brigadier general, hCrvlng un- til 1.SI5; while in service waft re-eh-el'-tl j t ». porter (if the Mipreme court and,after leaving the army, served four vears in that position; w<is tin unsu-'tM'v^ful candidate, for governor Iu 1SUJ. In was tlpjtolruesl ii ivrtber of the. Mississippi river comhiissiou; was electetl a senator of tin; I'nitcd States from Indiana Jor the U'rm of e-ix years from March 4, 1V-S1. POIT VU-^HLKSIJWN-I* Levi 1\ Morion, of Xow York, reccive<l the nomination, which was made un.m inious. 1.RVt eAU.'OKS b^ru n t inborn. *'t.;.. May. eeived au ain-b'itiiv e.I'icn'feii' 'VM ^jp'e »*! morehanl in Hanover, N. 11., in 181.>; re- moved to Bo-ton, Mass., It'- !S">4: in en- gaged in tiie business of banking lu New Toik and Loudop, England; he was ap- F oiutMi nn honqrapv eoromlsnioncr to the at!* e.*!lib!lit'n |Mti repiy,- sentative from Now York to the Korty-rixin eongresp; resigmd in March, ISsi, to accept the appointment of minister plenipoten- tiary to Franco, to which place he was ap- pointed by President Arthur. Killed Hor Hustmno. EAYCLAJKK, Wis., June 2$.—About two weeks ago a myst« rl'.»us veiled woman arrived- I'ootiis at one VIH3T SK8«*«W SHAATH. WASIIINUTON, .lube The fenr.te pro- ceeded with the. consideration of the legisla- tive, executive and judicial appropriation bill. After some debate, there tiling no Quorum j»ree(;nt, the senate adjoufued. WASHINGTON, June 27.—In the rcnate the house aniLudments to the senate bill aoibot- i/.lng the construetiou of bridges iieross the ilissrss^ppi river a? Muscatine, lo.; the Mis- souri river at. Srb*<t?ka City, Neb.; the Mis- souri river at Parkville, Mo.; the Mississippi river at (Jquawka, 111., and the Mi.wia.-lpp river at ClinUm, lo., were severally concurreii in. The senate theu proceeded to theeousid- eratl >n of the river aud harbor appropriation 1411. After adopting several amendments in- creasing and decreasing the impropriation for mij'fov»'inents al dillereiit j'oints the senate adjourned. WASHINGTON', June Mr. Davis, from the p«"nr!»m committer, reporteil hack ei^ht vetoed pension bills with the recommenda- tion that, they be passed notwithstanding the fir^frldent's 0hjc'5ti ». , m», "'id they were {daeed on the cale:t!l»r S'-nator Allison reii'frftfO 'he rmm ap]»ro- priation hill, and furthereonfirietti(to'i on 'he tisherv treaty was postponoti till Monday. THE SENAT TII.-II resumed CONI jderatlon of the river and h.l' bor appropiintlun bill. 1 ov * eral Uetn? ^.-re «trlcl'en out ntel a number of ini r'':t?e« ami d'vhwses of »)»projn iatloi;" agreed td. Among the amendments a'lffe'e.l to \tas one. appntp''iating ^10,0{>0 for the Yadkin Hv< r. in North Car.'hna, by a vote of :\7 to 8. Tlie bill was tiieu iuiil atide, after Hl'ly-fevcu pjtffes had l»'f!ii di.-poted of. Qina'ors Sherman, Allison, Manderson, 0«"'lij'«'lti d'\'\ Herrv wens designate.! a com* mitt'.e to a< teed the cw'rite^niri exposition at Cincinnati. The conference report on the diplomatic and e uisular bill «as presented by Senator Hide and a^tved to. Adj jurned. NV'^i^JTrTo^j June *30.—The senate i\'~ sunred eon.-i leFatlo'i 'be fit"') ft[»pro))rhl- tioe l.'jH, 1 be pending question oehir ?«.«n^tor iJawb v'jn amendment olTi-red yesterday. After a debate at tome length the discus- sion was suspended for the transact ion of oihei* lrusi!ic.s>. (.ommitiee of '•onfercBce we.te ;.'pj)' f le lt *d th'» legislative, tho dlp.'omatfe jfnd consular ji'id 1 *ir-ti '*• ? of oluifib ? a fpproptiation bills. 8enat-»r Allison rrporteu fvicii 'o';n^ j'cs ;luti«>u extending the appropriations Jof ihe prtsent li>ial year for thirty days from June H0 in the department*, of the government for Which the appioprlatlon bills for the next yea' fdiali U'Vi ha^e befoul Jaw.-, and th^- n-nat.u procecdl'^ >0 ^Df-dc* it. After a long discussion the joiut resoiHtidn w«g passed without divbicMi, and the. senate resumed con" sblcration of th* aruiy appropriation bill, the •jt'v fi t^«fi I'elt ff on the amendment i»!i>red bj Senator Haw icy. A lengthy discussion ensued and wilho^l having co m e to a vote on the bill or amcud- the senate adjourned. into committee of the whole on the taritl bill. Mr. DiugJey moved to strike from the free list rags aud the uiotieu was 1o?t. l'aintings ID oil or water colors and statu- ary not otherwise provided for were stricken from the free ii?t. A* motion to strike front the free list jdones, unmanufactured or undressed, free- stone, granite, sandstone ami nil bui!din;;or monumental stone was rej eled. Motion to add photographic print paper uot albumenized or sensitized to the free list was lost. It was agreed to put primuline on the free list. The cb-rk then proceeded to read the duti- able portion of the bill. Mr. Dinglev of Maine moved to levy a duty of 15 cents a cask on hnieund itwashnt. Mr. Adams of Illinois moved to Ms ike out. th » clause llxlng tin rate of dutv uu letlm d gl/cerlne at eeiitfl a poun.l. This led to a long discussion and Mr. Adams 1 amendment was finally rejected and the committee rose. The house concurred in the senate amend- ment to the joint resolution extending the appropriations for thirty days and then ad journed. 00HSNEB BEOS., LAUGH A50 COMPLECT 8TOGJC OV lift <»Ot Hi» J Svu VCTSK, Kan., June ell had his preliminary tilal Wnngoncr yestetday. He. pi the murder of Oscar JOIJUM si Ouos. f.--\Yalbiec Mitch- before Justice aded guilty to 1 and the at- h«*re from MlUv:uike. , and look iTIsnsedhygroccrymen in displaying end do- ;oocts, by farmers to gather and store vegetables, and m ' ' transport products to market. I frail aiui Owns and operates nearly 5,500 miles of thor- oughly equipped road iu Illinois, Wisconsin, lows, Missouri, Miuoerota and Dakota. It Is the Best Direct Hotito Itotwcftn nil prla- dpsl points la the KortUttcst, Suiithuest ami West. for maps, time tables, rates of prtc'M'jti, freight,ete., apj lv to the nearest stnti.>: 1 '<a o! the CHICAGO. MILWAITKKH A ST. I'.U L \\ wai^ok to any Railroad Agent anywhere in.the ft. MILLER, General Manager. A. T. H. ('Alll'KSTKH, Gen'l Pa-ss. Tkt. Agt I. r. TCCKFE, AM^Oen'l Manager. 0K0. n.llK.lFFOItn, As$*t Gca'i Pas*, an,I i'kt. Apt, MILWACKES, WISCONSIN. 4^For Information in reference to Lanu* ft'ul Towns owned by the CHICAGO. MU.WAC.ICI:K <T ST PAUL HAU-WAVCOMPANY. writ-e T•« H. 0. HAUOAN. Laud Commissioner. Mi!\v;;ukee Wiscoi - : .;i. MEAT S For fresh and sa Ited Meats, Fish, et 1. oall at BYRNES MARKLT. Th. Iiljliwl —riatpric* pMd tor liid. i , and market gardeners to market. AS A BERRY CRATE It Is made in twopizes to hold twenty-fowr and thirty-six tjaart baskets respectively, with hinged cover and rucks te k<?ep the naskets eepar.'ited, and bein^ oiren aliowtt free circulation of air, so frnlt is less liable to decay. Made of be^t material, are light, durable, and superior to baskets, or any other crate uiudo. SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND PRICE LIST. L. P. ROGERS, WARREN, PA O The BUYEHfJ'nUiB*: is issued March aud »>upt., \oaeh year. It no ency- •'opndia ot usetiil infov- riput.ion lor all who pur- chase the luxuries tl>o necertsitios of lits. Wc can clotho you antl iut'oish yen with all the neersyary and unnccewary uppHanccM to ride, walk, d.aneo. slecr. . cat, tbh, hunt, work, KO to church or »tr.y at hon .', and in various Kirscf styles and quantities. Just Jinuro cv what is requ': ,r *d to do all the^.o 'hirp COWFORTftSLY. und you can mal.c.- a t'tii: estimate ul' tho value of the ilUYiOb, -* GU1DK, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cent* to pay postige, MONTGOMERY WARD fit CO. 111..U4. ilichigan A veiiue, Chicago, 111. 1SURANCE, TllK I'AUMKUS MliLAL l.VsUUANCR ASSOCIA rr'^N of Hrnlo e«mnty, Dakota, now have their aianks and printinu, and are ready to write pi>li- d'.s on ileal and Personal proj>ert;y of farmers, nisouti Farm Machinery and Stock at large. liy refermu to any one wiio is acquainted with 4s«ooiations <»f this kind in Iowa or ^Wisconsin, any farmer will busatiefied that tliis is tho only way to got safe insurance at it« actual cost. All ;oai!Uuii»eat.ioa« should bo addressed to tho Sec- retary at Kimball whore bla nk applications can b " Iliatt. l'roi. J. Muynard Sec Oppodt# H«wy b Orcutt's Hnttk. ^ Jj^lrVR Hf. BRA's ^viola-CREAM Tl'ilS preparation, w iihoiit injury,removes Freck- si* j ea| xAver-Moles, Pim- ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and Tan. A few applications will render the most stubbornly red skin Bofa, smooth and white. Viola CJreain ia not a paint or powder tocovcr defects, but a remedy to cure. It is superior to all other preparations, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drug- gists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by G. C. BITTNKU & YOLKDO, OHIO. DAKOTA Meno wants an elcctrlc light plant. Boh Bnrdetle will leetare iu Bismarck July W. There Is corn In Turner county irblch Is said to be thirty inches high. The citizens of Arlington are talking strongly of procuring a street sprinkler. The small boys at DeSmefi make life miser- able for pedestrians by Indmlging In pony races on the streets. The Alexandria youth who can't curve a ball docsu't stand very high in the estimation of his companions. The slungshot nuisance Is abroad in Tyndall and the extermination of small birds will soon be accomplished. The Wcsleyan Methodists have pitched a large tent iti Aberdeen and will hold services therein every evening for three weeks. Planklntnn has all of the necessary ap paratus for extinguishingflrei aud now wants some one to organise a ?mpm&y. Yankton is In anotfcer song. A troupe of colored vocalists kasopened a scries of entertainments on the street. The Woonsoeket board of health Is waging war ou rubbish heaps and filthy pens. Ten orders to abate nuisances were Issued at one meeting. Horsemen at Rapid City arc busy preparing for the turf events to coine next fall, and all who own alleged flyers propose to have their animals in good shape for the races. MINNESOTA. Northfield, the town made notorious by th James and Younger brothers bank robbery raid years ago, U now the seat of the annual convention of the State Sunday School asso- elation. The Duluth Typographical union has called a meeting of all industrial associations of that city for the purpose of securing a concert of action in rclatfou to the trouble HOT* exist- ing between the TypogranMftal twi« and the livening Herald. Dan Crawford, the murderer confined In jail at Memphis, Tenn , was given chloroform Sunday by Dr. Wellford, who was about to perform uu operation on him. He died from Its effects. John (Jrant, near Faribault, lost n valuable mare by lightning aud had lLree other horses badly burnt Weduesdav night. They were in a pasture In Jewc,tt Valley. The loss iB$2i'H). The bursts were ne»r a wire fence. The wa- ter fell in torrents for about thirty minutes. Much damage was done to growing crop* by beating oi the tc.tding hotels. Shu retu«ed to remo\e her heavy black veil cveu when at meisN and would speak to nobody unless obliged to. aud dually Jef; the holel. After living In two or three hous-. s she settled down ia a cottage iu one nf the principal residence portions of the cliv, lllllng thy hoi>*e with costly furniture It Whlefi appears to ! and dispiliylng a li».rge roil of greonbticksiu making putchases. She sat regularly all night ou the front porch in a large red chair, and In the morning went into the house, closed the bli .ds and lighted lamps in each room, leaving them burning all day. Her peculiar conduct had become the talk of tic* town, when this e\etiing she Mas heard shrieking about the hou^c that she had mur- dered her husoand and that ills spirit was pursuing her. The neighbors could endure It no longer, and complaint was made to the county judge. Two physlehns visited the house to-nighc and reported the woman in- sane. She has been placed In charge <»f the slierilf. It appears she is Mrs. Jamts Bennett of Milwaukee. She enys she had lived there seventeen years and lots a son and daughter there. No one here had seen her face till to- night. She is a good looking woman of Cherokow Indian Lands. LITTI.B 11O<K, Ark, June 2S. A spcelal from the Indian territory says: The Chero- kee legislature met in extra session at Tahle- quah yesterday. The uuetlng is called to consider the lease of the Cherokee strip, a body of laud embracing <>,000,000acres, which In 18$l was leased to a eatile syndlentc for $100,000 yearly. The laud will probably be leased for a term of years at $15(1,000, several parties being anxious to secure ti. The Indians'council at Fort Gibson. Cherokee Nation, adjourned yesterday afterno n. Tt was the most important gathering of Indians in many years. The resolution which wa? taken up Thursday last, relative to the ur.iil- eation of all civlll/.ed nations, was fully eon sldered for four days and unanimously adopted. The principal ehunplon of the measure, which was proposed three days ago. Is the Hon. Pleas Porter, one of the ablest Indian etatesmeu of the day. The treasure provides for one common council, with com- mon hiws and ofllelals, in which all tlie tribes shall h iVi ut 1 .-presentation. The l*rC8byt«ri«n Council. LONDON, June 2(».—The Presbyterian ecumenical council which was announced would open here today has linen post- poned until July Ji, upon the request, it is understood, nn<l out of courtesy to the American delegates, many of whom found it impracticable to arrive here at the time originally fixed. There are. however, a large number of the delegates already here. Grief CatiseH a Suicide. FKEMOST, Neb,, June 2'}.—Mrs. George Powers, living at F.yerett, a few miles horth- west of this city, committed suicide about neon yesterday by cutting her throat with a 90Vtff< WASHINGTON*, June iiti.—Tne IKNJFR RE*UM* ed consideration of the public land bill, Mr. lieriT^ann, of Oregon, offered an amend- ment, which as fitTe^ti'd? a'do^ing eulrv- mcn six Instead of three months In Chichi.'-' er« ct a habitable dwelling. There was a lo? ; g discussion over an amend- ment offered by Mr. Weaver, of Iowa, reserv- ing the title hi the government to alternate strip* Of public land ulbng Water u>Mr?e* aud seashore. Mr. Laird, of Nebraska, Indignantly resent- ed the attacks which !:>>d bM.n n'ide 011 the cattle breeders ami other western el»l/eu«. lie said they were held up to the public as were the thieves of the cross, only there were three in 8 tead of two of them. The settlers were thieves, the cattle men were thUvcs and the FWidU ate we r e thieves. Mr. \l'eaver, (if Iowa, replied tii^t the thieves on the cross repented, and these peo- ple. did not. Mr. Laird ret'»rted that tbev did not repent, for they did not admit that they were thl -ves Mr. Wt aver wanted to know what ailed Laird. Was it worms? But the gcuthmau made no reply. The amendment was rejected. r<? were also several others. No quorum being present, tldjiuauod. WASHINGTON, June 27.—The bouse re- sumed consideration (if Hie Pacific land bill, the ayesan.l nays being taken on Mr. Hol- mau's amendment relating to the title of the #>vcvument to coal inline found on publie lands, but allowing cntrymen to mine such coal deposits until eongnss acta furtln-r in the mn' tei". The ameiiilment was adojited and the bill then passed. The houic theu went into eommlttec* of the whole ou the tariff bill. A debate on tin' subject ensued till 5 o'clock when the com inlttee rose and the heu*e adjourned. WASHINGTON, June 2-S.—Mr. Blount, of Georgia, was elected speaker pro U*m. in the absence of Speaker Carlisle. The house then went into committee of the whole 011 the tai ilT bill. Mr Farker, of New York, moved to strike from the free list, vegetables In their natural state, or in salt brine, not spec ially enumer- ated or provided for. After an extended dis- eusyion the motion was defeated and the com- mittee! rose. Ou motion of Mr. Bandall a joint resolu- tion was passed extending for thirty days froiu Jue ,'U) the provisions of the existing ap- propriation laws in ease tin* pending appro- piiation bills aie not passed before the end of the fheal year. The committee having resumed considera- tion of the tarifT bill, Mr. Mill* presided amendment*, placing on the free lNt German lo^kingulass plat 1 s, hhnvn and silvered, and striking out plums and prunes, which M\ re adopted. A motion to strike out chicory root, acorns, dandelion root and cocoa was defeated-. "Pulp for papcrrn.-vkers' use" was ordered ! stricken out;; an aviendnu'nt offered to slrike tempted nnirder of Augu-t Johnson. He re- peated the story of his eritue v; 1th the utmost sang froi.l and as if it was an every day oc- currence. At the conclusion of tiie letstiuiony he was roi».J' n, ' ,M ' t--» jail until the rwprember t. rlti of court. TP* ^"'d hi >nd.-d rocicd uf his (iendl>h deed by the prlwoitet ''.id an e\ i it'ng effect t»n the people «nd eVerywln re th-- sticetS knot*" of men WCJO gathered, ^itii him as the thcrne eoi»Versiiihm. Ti was- vary ti» see that a storm was !n«C Hie! that summary justice w to ».»,* visited on lie- man. After dark matter* came more lo a focus, and i:br*':» mMntghta b<».h o' men numbering » hundred or moiY f gathered around the water tank, aud under the lend oi" ii <':»pi»dn ]»ro- cccded to the vi inity of the ju'l and de- manded ailmittance of tin sh^nt'i. This he fu«ed and declared hii: Inlentton to pr'i\e* hi 5 ? priR-ner at all hazards. The (;itir .«rrs reefned loth to make any a*sault on the sheriff; bijt ^ere none the ie?s leLcrmiued to have their ruii!, Two»»ten were again s-eiit to demand the keys, but the | vhet riT was gone. A number of i he iu-.s.u!w nts starie-l In hot pursuit while others weni for raiboad iron to halter in the doors. The >herif*, however, was soon owrhaule*!, but anotle f dtd'fty ocOurfed. He had thrown the keyp awav. After a shuif deday they were fouad, the doors unlocked and the culprit brought out. He was taken dmetiy to the place where tin 1 murder was committed and given fill 1hc time he desired I;;r prayer and cohfcsM'T*. ii. -"tirelv eroncrafed Oscai Johnson from complicity in the lhi.'id4 r Mud ?«M the shcttil of I.os Aithnas county, C->i., helj'ed )i!in to tuiike up the story. He then made his iftf.t prat IT «*»d "t aboiit the hour be killed the boy—I :30 a. lij.—V:'** « lifeless corpse from ih'», cioss tree o' a tele^rnpii pr.'lOi >li*«»helPs tu'lme wss tin* murder of a littb boy Y.i v< urs old and the attempted mun'er of his latin r money and the endi avo! to Impli- cate nno'her uisll ill the hideous crime. The ver«:iet of t he pi epic suelalr.s the lynching. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS THE BEST IN TUB MABKKT. Tinware, Pumps and Barbed Wire, Acorn and Superior Stoves A SPECIALTY. TRICES GUARANTEED TO BE THE LOWEST. OVIX MOTTOi "SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SALES AKDVA1B dealer." KtMBALL, OCHSNEa BROTHERS, J DAKOTA- prioo fi?2,00>. Ad.lruMS, hi-fi l«l' THAJf NtWE-TUKTHS of s juid Condiments nro adulterated, ue-. Ptiro Spices every home, wo aro eetuling ail over t* ,# 5 country (charges p;ii<l) our "PUBLAT"^" Klu-ana SPICE BOXES, omu- tuining full WL-ight, qnatt;u- p.iuiul cm cncli of ground AII .-IJHK.', C!i;imimou, Cloves, Ginger, Pcjipcr and Mustp.I'iI. Ssut li.v iniiil lorcxprcuH) to any nditrcKci in tlio IT. S or Camuli., upon roucipt (.-i fVlARKELL BROTHERS, PACA SPICE MiU.S, BAI.'innoftr. wo. tr v ~'ssM -r m- IMTERIOR VlfcVi IITOHY WAYNE WASHER. WQ$T PERFECT ON EARTH. THOUSANDS IN USE. WASHES !N A QUARTER OF THE Tf?.!S THAN BV HAND. Is a heel 4 ' sacef.ihd easiest machine te work ev- r made, wl'l not injure tho nr 1 dco. oafy *.o ctcan. no wasob-ecr J ;icvc!«d tocotr.plcte washing Can Ii3 operated liy a cliM 12 years oil ^ tobuwidl made 0 do p>oii i 6HABAS3TEEU.,4 ? :i v.-ork i/ r.iic'l ac.~:>r<!-"•/ In Ja |a or i..o;u:y will be tciti. di S SEND FOR CHCULA8 ANTH'.ifiY WAYNE M'F ? G CO., FORT WAYNE. SND. Tlif'- raph'i. LONDOS*, June 'Jt».- -The Intelllgecce from Suakim recently that » white p:wh» had ma le his appearance in the 13ohr-Kh(ihazel pro- vinces with a large force, of men has given rlf»e ti;endless «pccuhition In Knghvnd. It h suggested by sd:n''. who have ocver been con- vinced of tin* death of Oefi. Cioii'oh. that that c». ,,J e«r has e>eaptd from Kl*..;rSoum, and that the white paf'nt't' e««injtjg the nia^di so much anxit ty if he. Others incohi the beu-L'l that Ivhnund O'Donovan, the famous r^r corre. c |,ondeut of the London I>aPy New.«, who Is generally supposed to havo perished with the hl-fMed expedition of < b*a. Hicks, or pop.aibiy petite ' i4 embc^' (.'f I'asha Hii hrt' force, which has been kepi in confinement by the natives', and who has now escaped tiie hew found posha. ST ill another, ntul perhaps more plausible explanatitMi of the c\^ten?e of this white man is that Stanley has jour- neyed to Emin Hey, and that logetiu r I he ex- plorers are forcing their v.nv westward. Further Hews of this mv.-ti- al personage is awaited with the greatest interest. Letters ret'idved from Herbert ^Vard. ivho has been with Major Bartelloi, and who {? now on hi? way home, state, that, th-re has been feorftd eaU'crlng aiming all of M:.jor lbirtellot*s force, and at one time they were near deaths door, on account of the scarcity of provisions. Sixty-nine men, AVard said, actually did starve. PALACE PROG STORE F S. MILLER, Proprietor. ; Pur© Drugs and Medicines Books and .Stationery, i Latest designs in Wall Paper and in Ceiling Decorations. The only complete line of Hanging Lamps iu the city. Glass, Paints, Oils, Putty, * / Dye-stuffs, Toilet nml Fancy Artidos. Choicc t*ands of Cigars, And ivery tiling that is usually found in a lirst-class drug store, Call and eeo me jy-— IV!'•*<'ri jit ion.-- ( .utfi:tly Coxopounded llay or ?Viglit. DAKOPOLIS HOTEL, C. P. LEAVITT, Prop. 30 New Booms, Newly Furnished ITpnaii'.'arters for Commercial Travelers. mmtoaU, Dakota. A. Strnti^c DiHnpp^afuiiiOf?. Cuit'i'iiWA Wis.. June 28.—T. K. tiroes, of Vortlaml, Ore.. left that c!ly for t!hippewa KHIIH about a week ogo„ and up to last niirht he had cot made bis appearance. Several telegrams from Portland have been received by his br«thfr, Kugene Circes, of this ellv, impiliing whether o,- no; he had ar- rived. Mr. (.irons thiuks hi* bvr»sher ha« been foully dealt with, as tho bod> «*f an unknown man was found in Minneapolis ycKterWny answering to the «lc^eriptiou of the mltying man. « +v- -- split Ills Ilciul Willi u Ch'ftver, H«'>oK, Ariz., June A sheep her-'cr named Jome* Itailey becaaie involved In a ipiarrel with Sam Ferguson, a young son of the owner ef the ranch, and cha^tisi.d the jouth. Young Ferguft/ii wuit lo the cabin and got a cleaver, with which he split Bailey's head, who died this* morning. The murderer escaped and went to Ve>tco. KIMBALL HOUSE. Recently Enlarged & Refurnished FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. S. W. KENT^ Proprietor. THE PLACE10BDY -^YOUR^ Dry Goods $ Groceries ^ IS AT ^ label Suit lor$2."»,000. IXIHAXAI ' OU.-, Ind., June &>.—A. J. Scar- has sued the In llanapolJe Sun for $-2.%,000 damage.H for libel. .Mr. Scarlett came here here lately from Florida, on his way to the Chicago convention, claiming he wa* a dele- gate. The 3un prlnteda telegram from Flor- ida accusing him of falsehood In repreHcntinc himself a»su<'h, ra/.or. She was the. wife of well to do farmer, and the cause of the act. is supposed to bo the report of the Improbable recovery ftf her daughter, who is an inmate of the Norfolk ! insane asylum. The deceased wan 04 years old - On Account of a Girl. INDIANACOI-I*, June fiO.— (icurge i^oug shot aud killed Henry Baker on the farm of the latter just north of this c'ty this evening. Long, who in a joruig man with a rather bad reputation, had been courting Baker's daugh- ter for several years, the old man .vehesuent>y oppo- the frb iid'-.Idjj. Baker caught the two 'out tonight and attempted to kill Long. He ftbot him in the side and back, when Long got the voiver away from Baker and klilcd hhn. out hookb and pamphlot:'« printed in o'.be.r languages tlrtn Ih*u'li<h n lo- t. The committee ann ieln.tentn agreed to ru the. free list hatters' fnrt, uot on tho frkiu, nud liriie. linseed or {las seed, and'marble of all k«i;dfc( in block, rough or squared. Mr. Haruicr, of l\'nn\v]vauia, eeht. to the clerk 1 s d? sk nr.d hud lea l a protect «?»"nst thepnWifl^of the MfP« t»i;l sigfieii l.y over Our young friend Asa ,\d«nis who ht s just gra<lunted ut Klliol's UiiHiner-s Col lege, Turlington. ]«>., has aeeured ;i li: e position m H'irliiigloii. £00 mnniif-tetureff-ra isnd hu.-i.te.-.? men-of' IMilhidelphirt. vmple^nic 1 > A:r»\'-dmer;t iue./ *r.cii to f- fri.nt ; tb-j free li.t j ll>N r ef i'vi ^rourd <W I eaU'ii;ed. . - The eommHlv); theu r >.i-. ! The conference report on the consular and diplomatic bill was. agreed to.- ft' report* the | eoiiourn'rice f»n all the amendincnts except.: that appropriatli^^VKM) for a commission- to explore the Conc«> basin. The houac then adjournod. w i viiiHC'tiMC. JUIIM A Jie house vnni An Inhuman Unite. Si'HtNGFiKLU, Mo., June 2S.- Lawrence Russell is under arrest for enclosing hi* 10- year-old grn iu a box four feet high and making him stand on hi&leettivc hours b* position; also for tytm;" h'm a plank am! smearing molasses over his *a»-e to attr«^L Cleb to torture the lad. Neighbors interfered and caused his arrest. must RO Into Aoilvc Servioc. IRAKIS, June ^7. 'i'J.MT tho P;ieilie ftjN-'uranres of the tinrman wi** % siro not implu:Hely relied upon by "J duct is shown in h's t-rd- v of ing ujs**n the f.otninand'int^ i tury schools lo j^repnu*. *he»-. ortive service. A g"!i?r.d o. war departmetd lu:** directing ji Ihorn-jyh ir,.fp: 4 ( froutior forti(b'«lioD-3. . Iv. D. Bardin's. The Largest Stock of General Merchandise in Brule County. >My Prices are always the Lowest.® Read my local notices in another oart of this paper. ti. fry. call- i I i i i i - City Property tV FOR. S-A.I j E. . s- j. phnlP st-.i !, foj;;fug h»rr :»t rr.r- n .'l :• : : -p If really loo rr.n'h tr- n'-b: ..V.• vdni hiti;; b- 's as eeo* a-* a. , rt; ' :• ' <S liU ; '.e h-id a mouthful o' niu-h I> }i,- hawks and spita is . / i'.i fie engagement for ti' d ; |e-i m 1 i •.» Nt^eV Catarrh Ih'nieilv. h ejjr eoinpietely." ^SVell, I'll tdi h'ih . T do b ..'e to br.-nk it off, for in all other n -pect:- ne'h ouite t(»o charm ntr.^ Of cour:^-. it run d lit* eatnrrh. f 1 have for sale in the ORIGINAL TOWN-S1TB OF KTMBAT.L Mid in the 1st. 2nd and 3rd additions to the same, a large number of the most desirable Ken-, dent and Business Lots which will be sold at reasonable prices and on term* tr. suit the p.nruhnser. Kimball is the largest and most important town In Brule County and one ;f the beil. localcd towns in all Dakota, viistiuiiil can be made than in these lota. It U growing rapidly and no better In- Oall on or address C. R. TINAN, (Qnaiduw of Poor V. Ttewv > irre. \jr A \ la S A j# -*: JV-<- .te /t A V

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    L . 4 •- 4" . it—-. c vK, "S>

    J ivS

    THE Git API 110 HhUcb bats fow months ot bomg t>ia nrinpaper in Brnlo county.

    MTAiunuWumiK mwlinin it in not oxcnllcd b}u>7 newspaper in Buutli Dakota.

    M> HM A rapidly inoreAaing circulation nmnnfr Ml mtxt intelligent class of people in Drulu and A* adjoining coontiea.

    WHai a oironlntios tueoni to nono in thin or adjoinining counties, and a paid up subscription list it ia believed superior.

    IVIi li»elr, spioy, independent, and tl'volp,] folel/to the interests of Kimball ami Hrulo (;„ CrMfbody onjoyoa reading it. Giro it u Ir'ml

    Published C. R. TINAN ONLY MORAL

    {jRraphit. DAKOTA. $2.00 Per Year. $1.50 in Avnce.


    THE GRAPHIC.? ; pip-Terms of advertising and* known oo ration.

    iST*Job work ot trer; description •stcuUdiii the host style and at the loveet rates.

    t^fAdvortiawnentB not accompanied by instrno. ttona will b* inserted until ordered out mad cli.irgod for accordingly.

    ty Short communications on any subject of in-ere accoptable if ftoeompanied by the iwme el tho author.

    fcST"All matter intended for the next iesae mart ho in tho ofSoe u eerly u Wednesday •tsaing t« insuro publication.


    G&'VXT'3rsr ©x\r xcraxws. Bhwitt

    ' iMUrer jU.tor qt Deeds ODi&ttf Judito ; pt. of Hchnolii , . , . ' foriot Attorney.. 1.. . . . . . .

    k'ountfr Stlrreyor.... —rier

    Justices.. , .*.. . . . . . .



    ....K. P. OVNSM-JI. J . K. Jknki "•*. J . W. Oi-aiv.

    .VV.O. . . . AL.H K J. I?•?; . ;»».: 1.

    J .A.Kva fckor «• H A

    Utt. 1. Ifrtl.UMlWl. JKLBKKT I 'KT/.JS.IOS.

    V. C. Monuow. JOHN MOONY. JOHN J 'NVS.


    JOHN Tit u. LT. JAMF I MONO \ \ .

    I II \S { 'AJ.I .AIMN,

    l*t Pi-2nd 1 1 Brd ' 4th » 5th '

    ;;KU nr. :s t i . v.

    a^CTTX'TSC IPAI (5Iork t M HHuror, A •furior,. . . MHr-lml, Justice,. . . .


    | 1, I W'.rrt J,

    -1 Wa «l ? Vmu-.I I, IWanl

    IS. W.:

    h. s. C. S\. Ars Kiw\n :.!•

    ....A K. R i ' .U. WUONN!.

    (he! PJ'i.s. W. K.

    J. H. \ \ .S. IT, ( ' . TI N V N, .1. N. II VKL.KK, I- ' . I I . '11 I .I .KU, S.ii . Iluy. 'r .

    TOWiTSixir 0irirxcx:xvs. U W..I. ili; w>y

    . . . . I .mis Kii ' i i \hi> . }>. rs, s i


    PUK8BYTKH1AN- 801 10JM) a. ni. hiul 7:30 I>.

    lay o ty meets weekly.

    orvHH'h ov«-ry Snbhalh ut . . i:30i>. "»• Sal»l|)oiuio:u:t gonool (union) and prnyor niffiine Omion) i«verj wmreday ovoning. lluv. J. M. WOJJKB, Pantor.

    \r£W0 , JlST —Jjnrviccs ovrrj aTLttabbath at 10:30 a.m. and 1M p. in. Sab-k>ath nrhool after morning nervier. J>iblo (.Virn-» ponuonco Scliool (nniun) arid prny^r nx^ting