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8 THE T.TFTl. March 9. WALDO I, CLAFLII, 831 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. We are prepared to make to order our Adjustable Lacing Base Ball Shoes with the Claflin Improved Plate. Read the Following Testimonials: New Orleans, La., Jan, 24, '87. HR. WALDO M. CLAFLIN. Dear'Sir: I wish to express to you the ex- treme satisfaction I have had with your Base Ball Shoes. I can play better ball in them. While they are very light and soft, they wear me better than any yet worn, and when it comes to running bases, can't understand how a player can do without them. Yours truly, N. F. PFEFFER, ____2d Baseman Chicago B, B, Club. WALDO M. CLAFLIN, Phila., Pa. Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that I unequivocally endorse your Base Ball Shoes. Having worn them two seasons, I find them satisfactory in every way. Yours truly, C. J. FERGUSON. WALDO M. CLAFLiN. Dear Sir: The Adjustable Lacing Base .Ball Shoes are still, in my opinion, the best in the business. M. J. KELLY, BASE BALL UNIFORMS, COMPLETE, OSLY $4.00 PKR MAS. Oonsistinp1 of White or Gray Flannel Caps any biyle; Shirts, with. Initial of Club cm Breast; ^ Pants, Extra Long Stockings, and Bolts, a any Color; Shoes, with Bieel Plates. i Gray's Patent Catchers' Body Protector. I CATCHERS' MASKS, $1.50, .,-; SENB FOR CATALOGUE. C H. H. KIFF'K, 318 FULTON ST., Brooklyn, N. Y. THE TURF. Track Talk. Racing will begin at Clifton, N. J., on St. Pat- rick's Day. 'Macon, Oa., is about organizing a gentlemen's tfriviiig club. Kx-Maror Nolan's stoljlo of jumpers are expected in Washnj,[ton, March 11. Caiit:iin Sam Browu has parchwed Gertie V., sister la Lillle Winch, for a brood mure. H. J. Woodford, owner of Barnum, has engaged Jockey Camp for the season of 1S87. Maryland's Ststo Fair will be held this year at Kastou', Seplcnib(|f 19, SO, 21, 22 and 23. B. A. Swigcrt has engaged Isaa^: Lewis, a clew colored jock, to rido for him this season. Watchword i.i the nnme given to the two-year-old eolt by Nil Itcsperaudnm, dam Diisydale. (k>un;o Tyler. «n Englbh jockey, bus been engaged to rld<Tfor W. I!. Jenoiiigs during the season. Jordan, the pacer, 2:17Ji, is now owned by B. F. Orth, of Minneapolis. He paid J3.000 for him. Tho winmire at New Orleans last week were: Kevoko, Ligan, Badge, Favor and Sister Marie. Little Em., the noted nacinz mure, record 2:18'i, Is to »"ld al auction iu Indianapolis tliia mouth. Crooked horso races and bad management have kill, d tho Aqnidncck (It. I.) Agricultural Society. arliii Hogan, tho light-weight j.irkey, has illi li ^BBI^t 1 '^ ' " "" "' ' LS ' tor«i,ouO. Oohen ^WBBhnfcagod tho light-weiaht colored jot*ey I'harlebton, and they are also after Vincent. Yon can breed to Joe Basset!, sire of Johmt.ro, SKX;;<. the fastest harnoea horao iu the world, for t2T>. The CMr of RUSM'H raring colors are black body, dark yellow sleeves, white cup, gold buttons and hinge. AriinzB, sold at Pierre Lorillard's sale last October, » barren to Mortemer. She will bo bred to Baden- Bwleu. Mr. Case, the owner of Jay-Eye-See, believes the Jittle black homo will be a greater wonder than ever (his year. The New York Driving Club, through Mr. David Bonner, liaa secured a new lease of tho grounds to run ttrte years. Oimpl)«ll and rental's Jim Gray ia suffering from tsfloecza at Memphis. Tho attack, it Is said, is not Mrionn, however. The Rockaway gteeplechaso Apaociationlms changed the date* of Its spring meeting at Cedarhnnt, L. I., to April :>u, Hay 1, 7 and 11. The February st«epl«chue, ran at Kempton Park, Ing., and won by Magpie, has been declared void, aa the lull distance vr.is not run. Tbo fastest mile on the Ice this winter was made by the mare Fannie H., who trotted a third heat In 2:19'^ «* Burlington, Vt., on Feb. 17. Hant Boy, sou uf Nobby, dam Fergnson mare, was pm-chafi'd by W. J. (Jordon, tit Cleveland, for $l,(h!5, at action in Islington, on Feb. 1!5. A nice between Billy Btrtton and Iriih Lad has been huctt settled npon. It will occur rame time in Uay, probably on the uOth Decoration Day. Fuvcrlte Willies, who was bonght for 810,000 under the hammer lu-rnUy by Jacob Knppcrt, of Xew York, ta to do etnd service »t Poughkeepsio, N. Y. The question of Col. Wood's breeding is as far off a olntion a;j ever, &s far as tho owuera of tho stallions Billy I'attomm and Charley B. are concerned. Janica (I. Kmve, tho well-known trainer of thorough- brtdn, \vaa niitiried to Mias Annie Piliiou, a handsome and cs!imul>!o young lady of Hartford, Conn., on Feb. su. Tiio oM brood mnre ^klppor, 27 years old, by Daniel, Iho Prophet, cut of l\Iary, by Imp. Birmingham, died (be property of Marah Mddous, Columbus, 0., on Feb. K. ClmrlesNolen.of this city, brought home from the 6..1<lsmilh salo tho bay mure Kmilie, fo:i!ed 18SO, by Pickeij'!!;.', duui Nolly llandet. Tho price paid was ftl'il). Fura'lox, the cr;iek Enjiliih race liorso who broko RIM uff f-ire-lep l:tft s-nnmer while doing a go-xl gallop, 6ns i»'en fixed up and sent to Brodurick Cloete's stud pudd.Kk. The Vi'euc.h and (lerman Ooyernment agents are Tisiii' s -nil Ilia fairs in Iho North of Knglaud, and nliing large purch«9e> of !i< rjcs tuitublc fur military pi.r;>.*e«. The I'roviuco of Quebec Turf Club was organiwd in IR-t^ with 70 nH'ml'crJ, of whom only two now survive. Tin. lir. «t woo meeting was held in September of the lame ;*ar. i hei<t- ut Liill won tho second nnuiiiil champion St. Albion Slake* :it tho Ottawa Winter Trotting Club's »e<'tin-_' it L< amj's Lake on t'eh. 23. His b^t timo ««i2:"i'i!i. The t >tat«iuiibcr of li'.rsos thus f»r dfrlarod out of the ('if lunili.-si!.' is as lullowf: .Sill.i'rlwn, IS; Steeps- hehd [ :.-. . si; |Uj Hidge, 7; Urooklyn Jockey Club. : Brnok'aaJ-.', I'.i. 1 l ,i" d.-olanui >nN fr^m the raeific coast are: >J. J. 'ilv. iu's Voliintr ;ind JVI^HJB BlcCartby's Liist, arid J. 12: .i. , . B. ll:i:.",'in'H Pieciojy, iVom the Suburban and from the B;;J liit!;;fl Ilanilicrtl*. 1 he V.tlltj.) r.iee track, one of the best and fastest Biile i ri.ra<« in tlte .State of California, was sold on F«!>. Cllol). C. llawley, of Culorado, a large and wtiiltlt.v gtotk raistr. \Vi !iiii{;ti"ih Levnii, a well -known citt/.on of Uendic^, pia-d i^ed a v**jr pr* niiBinx trotting mare, by tJreeu's B.v.hA\v, I.M wee';, whtth Ue intends to place in ti train T'S hui>Jii th: ( ; spring. .\n.!;ler Park, wit'i its ,half-railo trnck and thirty- foHr :o-rcs of I:ILU, has been puTchas^-d 1-y General J >lni K. Tcriu r, the noti d traint-r of tiottera. The price c^l' ;-U'Chaso » »» S15,(XX). AV K'lhrh.nk, cf Etillwattr, Miun., las fold the ««i:t [i.iter Mike Wilkes, 2:lii'^, to Samuel Itowe, IIu I;- : . \Vis.. Imt. I'.ohrback will have the manage- inet.t ni hiiji die eoniiiig season. A:uo!i^ t!ie articl-.t soM of Fred Art;her's effects was tl.e Si.-witri'» Cr.p, won by Ciunt Battbyairt'n T.v|.' n-n in IS70. mlil to ho worth £:»>. A propritbr «f H L-'ii-joti niuaic bull bought it for 65 guineas. thu V'nnsand well-bred million Corinthian, by Fnyrr's harry Cl»y Nr« of tho dam of St. Jlllien, 2:1 1 ? .0 ilnni Coricnp, ly Vcilm'tecr. hjis lieen placed in the tlii'l at Ilie Cf^lletoii Stvck K»rm, Leilngton, Ky. T'.LI; ilri-.inj: fratercity of Montclair. N. J., and Ticiiiity an^ery auxioiia to have a track built either 1 Oi-.i'ig", S rjth (IrJn^e or Rotevilie, and they are nil.ri;; l> Hnl;acvilje a neat amount toward that objoct. UK: Prince of V.'tiTes l.as purchased the Irish bred gelsiiiii Il«'liaiuv, by Ascetir, (bin Lady«ell, the dnm of 11 n^let. H;B Jtoya.1 llighneHs is said to havo been nxii-iH to pnrchaso this promibir-g gelding for some lim.\ Thn fir4 f.'al at Mr. Shnlts' nev.- Pnkvillo Stock Fa'n; wan ili-i.ppet) in the midgt of tho heavy thnnder ftoir.i'n Feb. IS. Tho youngster is highly bred, bdiii; by Nut wood, dam Maggie Wilkca, by Georgo Vilkt-s. KrjlisilV pi-rat rsm horse, Crinoiulo, has tiiitied roarer. The PiiUc uf T\\-a!m!u«tcr is nmch upsei AMUSKMMNTS. 'CAULL'S OPERA HOUSE. BKOAD STREET. JNO. A. McCAULL..... ........ Proprietor and Manager. W. H. MORTON..............................Acliu£ Manager. TEE EVENT OF THE SEASON! RUDDYGOllE A CHEAT SUCCESS. UNPRECEDENTED ENTHUSIASM. THE LIBRETTO IS EXCELLENT THE MUSIC CHARMING. HOUSE CROWDF.D TO THE DOOB, AHD EVERY- BODY DELICIITED WITH GREATEST OPERA, RDDDK60RL A QBAND FBODtCTIOS BY THB The McCaull Opera Comique Co. (JNO. A. McCAULL, Proprietor and Manager.) Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2 O'Clock. BEATS SOLD ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. / AI.NUT STKEET THEATRE. EXTRA. 1. ri,EifiHiiAN......Hulo Leaseo aud Manager. Week March 7 Only Matinee next Saturday. TlIK GREAT ACTRESS MARGARET MATHER AND HUB COMPANY IN ROMEO AND JULIET. game Costumes. Scenery and Company aa in the run of 17 wethe nt Vnion Square Theatre, N. Y. 120 MKN. WOMEN AN1> CUILDKKff IN CAST. GHKATIMT PlioDUCTION EVKU GIVEN. SOUVKNII1 M ATI NEK Salurday, 2 P. M., March 12. 80x40 inches Colored Plate Hull iiuom Scene. Saturday Eveninif, March 12, (only time) MISS MATHER M JULIANA In* THE HONEYMOON, SEATS ON SALE I'd It ANY DATK. NEXT WEEK BOBT. 1!. MANTELL IN TANGLED L1V»S. the circumstance, an the horse is not only the pet of the family, hut thu Puke recently received an ofler of .-£20,1)00 for him. "Lucky" Baldwin (a confident that ho made no mistake iu engaging Mur];by to ride for him for $10,- 000 for the senaon, as be considers him the peer of any rider iu this country, while there in no doubt as to his honesty and integrity. L«Jio Coomhs anil R. A. Swlgert, of Lexington, Ky., have pnrchucd from C. S. Kellogg, of Kanras, the thoroughbred stallion Bannach Lath, foaled 1874, by Australian, twelve brood marea and a number of yearlings and two-yenr-oldc". The Buffalo Driving Pork Association, at a recent meeting elected C. J. Ituinlin president and D. W. Bnrt secretary. Tho Association hits opened a auhwcription list to iai-o ¥200,000 for tho purpose of holdius a fair similar to that held at St Louis. Charles f. Caffroy, the lijtht carriage builder of Cam- den, N. J., has purchased of Uenry A. Bichman.Wnods- town, N. .f.. qnito a promising two-year-old colt, full brother to Sweetness, 2::UV£, by young Volunteer, the sire of Jenoy Buy, 'l-.'lV/i, for ?4oO. Simon Dunttie, of An nan. Scotland, formerly » resi- dent of Markhnm, Ont., arrived at Montreal on Feb. 10 from England, with the thoroughbred stallion Glyudou, foaletl ISN-j, by RosiciucijtD. dam TJrnbria. He u to be Uied eufiroly for bleeding purposes. The Billot Committee of the Paris Municipality has not only refused an offer_of £30,000 from a book- maker for the exclusive right of laying the odds at Loncchami1-. l;ut has adopted a motion for the sup- pression in future of cvtry form ol1 betting there. Bichar.l R. Owings, of the late firm of Williams .t Owings, turfmen, died in Lexington, Ky., on Feb. 17. aged 3S years. Among tho gwd horfcea handled auf owned by the firm were Somerset. Creodmoor, Vera Cru/.. Fairplay, Checkmate and Luke Blackburn. Ed. Corrlgan has had a rather iiar.1 tnu of ill-luck at Memphis. He lost on Feb. 24 the Bve-year-uld chestnut gelding Ha^rus, by King Ban, dam Ha/on, from lung fever, and now the two-year-old filly by Hindoo, out of EfBo L., down witli the same diseiise. Waltarl'iraf*, nf this city, purchased recently of J. J. Carraher. Na«hvillo, Teuu., Bonnlo Harold, ch m, foaled 1877. by Donuio Scotland, dam Mary Qowan, by Childe Harold. The mare is the dam of f'letch Taylor, with whom Mn Gratz began his saccessful career upon the turf. Breeding thoroughbred stock In Neve Zealand Is a paying business. On Jan. 5, the Auckland Stud Com- pany sold twenty-one youngsters for 8,."Go guinea-?, an averago of 403 guineas each. A brother to Nordtn- feldt brought 1,040 guineas and a sifter to Martini- Hcni-y sold lor 1,100 guinea*. A Gentlemen's Driving Association was organized in BosUn recently. The tallowing: offiet rs were elected: PreoiJeut, George II. Warren: vice president, Mr. Curtis; socretaiy. Jo'.ia II. Bobbins; treasurer, George G. Hall; directors, George G. Hall, Captain W. Rodgers J. 0. Vhilun am! II. 1.. Uibbard. Tl)e Missouri Valley Trolling Circuit, comprising the cities of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Omaha, was fernittl in Oniahrt, on Feb. 25. Tho ftport opens at Omnha, £ept. 5. M. J. Pavne, Kansas City, waa elected president of tho now association, and Charles Tf. Ernest, of St. Joseph, secretary. Mr. Wilihui Disston has recently purchased fur the "Pleasant Valley Stock Farm" the hay mare Myrtilla, by Trouble, sire of Liirale II, 2:23'X, in foal to Ten- nessee WilUeR; the eh. f. t'orauKi, fun dster to Annie W., 2:20, liy Boatick'i) Almont, Jr.; b. f. Caftanet, by Enfitld. SOD of Old Hambletonitin, iu foal to Tennessee Willies: the b. f. Wononah, by Hlackwood, Jr., t'J&fa the black mare Jessie P., by Trouble, and the brown mire Ironette, sinter <o Hardwood, 2:24%, in foal to Enliehi. Mr. Diaston has sold tho h. f. Glitter, by Happy Medium, to Austin K. Whoolotk, of Boston, fur S2,00'J. He h.is aliio pcrchased of Amos Petersun a hay colt, twenty months old, nr>im-d Et. Elmo, by Sam I'rciv.-h's TiUli'i'.. ^ QgNUINg SPRATTS PATENT ^ " S* K? tf 9 : PRIZE MEDALS. The Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest 9O,OOO Dogs Consume 2OO tons Weekly, and eat no other Food. ISO COOTvINQ! NO TKOTirJLE 1 ISTO MESS I PATENT MEAT " FIBRIN E" VEGETABLE DOG CAKES WITH 8TAMPE& M'K ATI'S BF.WAKE OP WOinWJKSS IMITATIONS ! See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X." COD LIVER OII,1)OG CAKES, Especially beDtficul for Pupvifs recovering fiom Distemper, and for Itainty Jeeders and Sick or Pet Dogs. O A T KOOT3. ID 6c. half-po!in<i packets. Snflit'ie'.it to feed a Cat for two days. FORAGK BISCUITS- Invaluable for conditioning Horses, and rs a change of tood, especially in the rase f bad feeders. Puppy Biscuits, Pla'n Bound Di-g Biscuit a, Pet Dog Bis- cuits, B' una Out Meal Dog Biscuits, BoneWea for Puppies. PREPARED PUPPY FOOD A Boon to lifteJsra: Bears rujipica from Birth! " FIBRIN E" VEGETABLE SPKATTS PATENT ORIGINAL ENGLISH MEDICINES. Mange Cure, BO c's. j A Iterative Cooling Pow- Linimt-nt for Sprains 50 cts. ders. 50 ct.s. Cure for Canker of tlxe Ear, Cure for Rheumatism, etc., 50 cts. 5d cts. 'Btimulaut for Growth of Hair Cure for Jaundice, 60 cts. 50 eta. jTonic (JoriditionPills, 50c'S. Cure for Worms, EO cts. [Cure for .Distemper. 81.OO. Purging Fills, Cough Pillsvliiarrhcea and Dveentery 50 cts. ! Curd, $1.00. Non-Pol*onou3 am Aeld. Instantly d~stniys Vrruiin iu exhibition eouditu>n. DOG SOAP, i free li-cm tlie d:n-ffer utreiiuinj!; ' j!; tlie use of r.'irbolic tho skin, and keeps the co;it "THE fOVIMON' SENSK OK' DOfi 25 VJiNTS, OK 1'OHT FJt&E, 38 .lnl & "Crissel," ; A T..\n<iB AS'U FERTILK bTui.'K UF iiiityU'a ;md Fuil I'ariu ulars, Post li'ree. GROUND OYSTEftSHELiS, BONE MEAL FOR POUL- TRY OR CHICK. CARBIAC, A TOXIC FOR POULTRY. ou« » aste 6O cts Touio Condition fa'ite 50 eta. Gape Cure for Chicks, 5Oc s. Disi ,ftc aatfor Poultry Koas-8 per packet. <£5 cts. lusaot Powcl-T, p«r t u, 25 cts, VIGEON FOOH VOltJlHAltl^G YOTJX(t SQUABS, Pamphlet on Pigeuu Rt-aiing, Post Free. POTIURY ANi» PIGEO V SOAP. "The Common Srnse of Vuiillry Kfvpiu.-," lOo , p:i.it free, 19c. "Tho Common Sense uf Pheasant Kt-aring," loc., posi fioo, l:ie. Pnmphlet on Canine Diseases, antl Full List of Medicines, Po=t Free. SPRATTS PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Fifty-sixth Street, N. Y, DOWN-TOWN DEPOT: 18 South William Street, New York. CANADIAN DEPOT: 518 S. James Street, Montreal. AMUSEMENTS. - Bidue AT-DHO, Tenth and Callowhill Streets. BESEKVED ORnriESTKA CnAIliSONl.Y 50 CENTS PKICES AL * AYS THE SAME. MONDAY KVKNINi}, MARCH 7, MATINEES TUESDAY, THL'KSDAY AKD SAT0P.- DAY. First Time In This Th(«itre of the Peoi lem Comedienne, A.IM EE, Under the Direction of SIMMONDS & BROWN. Tho Brightest aurl Most Artistic Comedienne of the Present Day, in Jessop & Gill's Puimao Abanrttiiy, FULL OF THE BBTGEITEST t UN! A TBEAT BEYOND DKSf'lUt'TlVK POWERS. NOTHING EQUALS IT ON THE STAGE. SOMETHING WORTH LAUGHIN-i ABour. NEW, DUIUIIT, KAPID, FHEStt FUN*. A Charmlnfr, Kvery-day Story Acteil t > Terfection. In- genious, Enterprising and Delightful. ATMEE appears in Enelitli, French and Spanish songs. During ench act aelections will be mmltJ from the following: "Fairly CaTiglit," ' {teintlintiBr.*,' 1 "Creep Into Beil, Bahy," "liip, Kip," "Lea Canards Tvnliens." Her gre.it euccewjca, "(jhii-ken Pie," autl ttio ever-popu- lar song an J daueo, ''Pretty in a Picture." Secure Seats During the Day, ;1 to 6. Branc!i ticket offices: 8wantierg's Cigar Store, 8ir» Chestnut strevt, anil Sews Stand, Continental Hotel. NEXT WEEK. MAltCH 14 THE WAGKS OS' SIN. K " "INTH AND~AiK;if"DI'ME' MUSEUM^ C. i. BRADK^BURGH..................MANAOIK. WEEK BGniNNINIi MONDAY, MAKl'II 7. PIIloT APPEAKANCE IN THIS CITV OF BIG MINNIE, THE BIGGEST WOMAN IN Tf?C WOULD. A LIVING MOUNTAIN OF HUMAN FLKSII. Her Arms ore 3(i inches iu circumt'erenco, her lower Liiiibd, 3ii iiiches! fiHK IS DIGGER THAN EIGHT ORDINARY WOMEN! A BOX CAK BRINGS HKR! A DERRICK LIFTS HER! She Sleasurea 8 Feet arouml tho Bnet, 30 Inches around the Noch, 53 Inches aroninl tho Thigh, is 5 Feet 8 1 ,;; Inches High and WEIGHS 741 POUNDS. The House fchakes when she lauyhs; tho Karth trembles when she walks. She la growing bijrgor every day. IMMENSE POPULAR HIT OF GIDEON'S BAND. Five Princess and Ilojal Family. Martin Sisters, the Albino Twins. Barnello, Fire King;. Eli Cowen. Waltf r Stuart, horn without Icga or arms. CHANGE OK BILL ON CUKIO STAGU. IN THE THEATRE: THK FAVdlllTE LO.JAL DRAMA. LITTLE SUNSHINE; OH, Thfl Working (jirl* of Fliiladelplila. Excellent Cast. Now CobtumeB. New SceDerv. DOCKS OPES I to .5. 6::iil TO 10 P. M. DAILY. ADMISSION AND A SEAT, ONE DIME. HCH~STREETl r OPEllA HOl'SK, ^* TENTH AS I) ARCH STREETS. AMERICA'S ONE COMIC OPERA, THE LITTLE TYCOON. EVEBY EVENING AT 8. WKDNE^DAY AND SATURDAY 3IATINKE1 AT 2. POPULAR PKICES, i'jc.. r,0c., 75c. and SI. THIRD ANNUAL BENCH SHOW OF DOGS APIJIL 5, 0, 7 anil 8. Jlechanios' Hall, Huot- ingt'm avenue. Over W3,OOO In money, besides Special Pri/e;*. I'reniiura Li^ts and Entrj- Blanks to be obtained of D«udi Show. Committee, Hotel Boylcston, Boston, Maa. Entries Close March 19. "THIRD BENCH SHOW OF TUK TO Eft HELD AT THE METROPOLITAN RINK, Newark, N. J. MARCH 22, S3, 24 and 25, 1S87 ENTRIES CLOSE MARCH 8. PATENT ENGLISH BENCHING (I'acil for the first timo in this country) AMERICAN SI'ANIKI. CLl'B r-WEEPSTAKES, COLI.IK (I-ri; SUEEPSTAKKS, FOX TKIIR1 Ell Ot.UB I'TiKKS, And Otbtr AtlriCtions. For Enlry Blanks and Premium Lists apply to A. CLINTON WILlllTiDING, Secretary, 17 Murray Street, Now York. RHODE ISLAND KENNEL CLUB'S Infantry Hall, Providence, R. I. A. H. \VAKEi.'u:i.D, Superintendent. MARCH 29, 30, 31 and APRIL 1. For Frcminin Lists, F.nlrv Blanks, Etc., Apply to N. SKABl'KV, Secretary, I'roTldooce, U. 1., Box 1333. The Western Pennsylvania Poultry Society's THIRTEENTH ANNUAL BENCH SHOW OF DOGS WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE GRAND CENTRAL SKATING RINK, Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. . APRIL 12, 13, 14 and 15. 1887. The usual large number of prizes are offered. Send for Premium List ami Entry Blanhs to C. B. KI.bEN. Secretary, Hex 30", Pittsburgli, Pp.. ' L. F. WIUTMAN, Snperintvntknt. YORK £45 BROAJJWAY IQ8 MADISON PORTING 6000 !|> v Vff n. "t \\ />. *&,. F OK the purpose of bringing our complete lino of Athletic ana Sporting Goods more prumlucniijr bcforo those interested in out. i doorsv»orts, wre haveeatabliftie'J tfcoi'ollo-.vingDepotsof Supplies in tho leading cities throughout tfc? United States, whero will bj found a complete lino prRpaldlng'3 B£» Ball Supplloj. Lawn Tennia, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, Foot Balls,Lacrosse, Cricket.Eoxing Gloves, \l \ line of good;* and si*»ciuities on equally as favorahie terms as if j derc'l direct from our Oliic^Bo and New York HOULCS, Ortli.'i'a i'or | odd can be cent to A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ! 108 Mailisou St., Chicago. 341 Broadway, New folk, j Orr.ny or the follotvineDepots otGuppliea: |S| IE. DENVER, i OU., <»eo. F. Hi^slus * Co., 354 Ifitll St. I>UBL'«JUK, IA., «. K. Grusvenor, 7.J4-7S3 Main St. MIST >A«tJNAVV, SUCH., V. Kiudliir, 418 Geiie8«« Av. OKANDi KAJ'Ii.S. M1«JH., K.t-.StaUIey & Co.,4 Moliroc KAN -A,4 ITY,MO..!:.'.'k.1vii;njfes&rc£,5i-ti) Iteluwlire'st. J.OC1SVII.LE, KV., ,».W. Kec-fillB i llro , 304 AliirketSt. i P ... .,eauar.!K,:JOIc<,Uet. OMAHA, M-;!!., Coliinaci Gordon, 1313 Douglas St. PHIL i!)EI,i-HIA, PA., K.K. Trjon & <'o., HIGtuSt. i'lTTSBUilHH, 1'A., A. «. Fratt&C:o., 7{> Sth Av. J-OKT1.AN1), OUK., \Viii. IsL-.:k & Son, 105-167 'M St. FKCmUENCI?. 1C. 1., It. I. News Co. - ' - . . ., . . . KOC iil-JS I'KK, M. Y..8rrantoiu. Wetiuoi-e & Co. 1O State Sl'KINUL'1lELJ> ST. tOSris. MO SYRACUSE, N. WASHINGTON mail the following Department Catalogues FKEK: No. 2. Guns, &c.; Ho, 4. Fishmg Tack!a; Mo. (6. Summer Sports; He. it. Bicyies. Spalding's Complote Illustrated Catalogrue No. 22, of al! kinds of Sporting Goods, Containing Official Rules, governing over 5O different Sports and Pastimes, mailed upon receipt of 25 cents, which amount will be refunded upon a purchase of goods amounting to $!.OO or more. Old Frames Re-gilded COLUMBIA BICYCLES and TRICYCLES. HIGHEST GRADEOF MACHINES MADE. The Test of tho Ko;ids for 8 Year;* Ua* Not Worn Out a Single CoUuoljm. Tlicir Blderii Hold tho BUST World's Ilccoi'ds. In :Ma- jority at E\?ry Leaciio Meot.*-Alinost invariably Ridden by Long I>istanco Tourists. Every 1'art In- terchangeable. POP"E" ;/MFG.'C'O., Bosluii, New York, I! ' Chicago, Hartford. " ATHLETIC BASE BALL CLUB Headquarters and Sample Eoom, No. 139 North Eighth Street. Importer and Doalfir in all Kinds of Sport- ing Goods, Base Ball Goods, Bto. CHARLES MASON, PEOriUKTOK. Also Imported and Domrstlc Cigars and TO'-M-JOO. Athletic Club Piciurcs fit Sule. 60c. prcpaW. , It 14. TriK-ift- [Hiiii^talrccilons. Sead to Faciinr. ft CO., MfrHco, C«in. HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST-CLASS BASE BALL FROM $5,50 TO $18,50, Samples of Fianne's and Direc- tions for Self-measurement Bent on Application. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED IEWII CATCHERS' AND BNFIELDERS' &LOYE, A:. J. REACH &c CO., NO. 23 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. NOISE SUBDUERS. "J,.>lm Ci-eohan, r.-f th^- Couti^-.ntsil Iloii;!, Philii-lcl- pbti, has (lc\ ised a inucli-iit'C«.i(«J appliiincu for reduc- ing tLy noiso in rooms, uiid n paloat has been granted him for it. Aluiost every player, wLo LRS con- ti'loration for others, will recall how much ho has been m.ado to suftVr in consf,'*jtjci]Cflof tha mnnia his oeighboriiig pioyfrd have had fur hininuTtnjj their cucrt upon the floor, as if to beat timo when thi-y hnd failed to beat iheir antagooist. Cix-^lmii stops thi«) racket by a simple device that he attaches to the Imtt of the cue. As he dt-Hcribcn it in A letter, his inven- tion, despite i!ri amusing simplicity, ia something wo never before heard of or saw. doaiian conot-ivcd tlie idea bac:tuso he had failed to gtt tho thin^ itbelf, or substitute for if, from the hilifard nmrjtifactuver^. He hng decided to fix the price at OHP -kllar e. dozen." Now York Clipper. W M. J.BOYLE WOVLD LIKE KNUAGK- ineut with some minur Icaguo chib aa fir^t lia^e- nian or inficUcr. Played with »*HiU'rsoo Club iu 'SG. lUconl Fidding, .0/57; tatting, .:):». Address 217 N. Bivadway, Baliiunro, MJ. BtLtSARDS. IIKAIXJVAHTKRS FOR THE. Bvnna\viclc-Bali!«-O >1 pnder Co. Billitird Tables, l/'arom Oombinution and 3?ool. Biiiiarij (joot'.B ot cverv ili-ri'.'fi; t'on a!\v::ya on hanJ. lltvj' 5<>(>,<l(l<> 'Xoine-fiiiliiliii-i-H Sold. Orders fiom all iwr.snf tlin woriairoMiv^iyattj-iileitto. JOHK CKBAHA^, Ccrxtinontal Hotoi. PJ H. J BERGM AN, DKAMlll IS The lh'ii-,isw!('k-!!a!kc.rollunk>r TO Billiard aod fool lablos, JJar Fix- tures, Saloon Fnraitare, < 'heck and ( ash Kcgislnrs, Etc. looa AKOH STI:: i:r, r!in,,u>KLi'iiTA. W ANTED. Eiijp.scmcm with some Eistei L*>aj(ii? club. Can j i:sv in j j t any liO-i'lau excel " ritclK.T. ISst. O.'lMTis, Jr., W7 i;. -ISth S:.. K. Y. City. tern COft

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8 THE T.TFTl. March 9.


Philadelphia, Pa.We are prepared to make to order

our Adjustable Lacing Base Ball Shoes with the Claflin Improved Plate.

Read the Following Testimonials:New Orleans, La., Jan, 24, '87.


Dear'Sir: I wish to express to you the ex­ treme satisfaction I have had with your Base Ball Shoes. I can play better ball in them. While they are very light and soft, they wear me better than any yet worn, and when it comes to running bases, can't understand how a player can do without them.

Yours truly, N. F. PFEFFER, ____2d Baseman Chicago B, B, Club.


Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that

I unequivocally endorse your Base Ball

Shoes. Having worn them two seasons, I

find them satisfactory in every way.

Yours truly, C. J. FERGUSON.

WALDO M. CLAFLiN.Dear Sir: The Adjustable Lacing Base

.Ball Shoes are still, in my opinion, the best in the business. M. J. KELLY,


Oonsistinp1 of White or Gray Flannel Caps anybiyle; Shirts, with. Initial of Club cm Breast;

^ Pants, Extra Long Stockings, and Bolts, a any Color; Shoes, with Bieel Plates.

i Gray's Patent Catchers' Body Protector. I CATCHERS' MASKS, $1.50,


C H. H. KIFF'K,318 FULTON ST., Brooklyn, N. Y.

THE TURF.Track Talk.

Racing will begin at Clifton, N. J., on St. Pat­ rick's Day.

'Macon, Oa., is about organizing a gentlemen's tfriviiig club.

Kx-Maror Nolan's stoljlo of jumpers are expected in Washnj,[ton, March 11.

Caiit:iin Sam Browu has parchwed Gertie V., sister la Lillle Winch, for a brood mure.

H. J. Woodford, owner of Barnum, has engaged Jockey Camp for the season of 1S87.

Maryland's Ststo Fair will be held this year at Kastou', Seplcnib(|f 19, SO, 21, 22 and 23.

B. A. Swigcrt has engaged Isaa^: Lewis, a clew colored jock, to rido for him this season.

Watchword i.i the nnme given to the two-year-old eolt by Nil Itcsperaudnm, dam Diisydale.

(k>un;o Tyler. «n Englbh jockey, bus been engaged to rld<Tfor W. I!. Jenoiiigs during the season.

Jordan, the pacer, 2:17Ji, is now owned by B. F. Orth, of Minneapolis. He paid J3.000 for him.

Tho winmire at New Orleans last week were: Kevoko, Ligan, Badge, Favor and Sister Marie.

Little Em., the noted nacinz mure, record 2:18'i, Is to b« »"ld al auction iu Indianapolis tliia mouth.

Crooked horso races and bad management have kill, d tho Aqnidncck (It. I.) Agricultural Society.

arliii Hogan, tho light-weight j.irkey, has illi li ^BBI^t 1 '^ ' " "" "' ' LS ' tor«i,ouO.

Oohen ^WBBhnfcagod tho light-weiaht colored jot*ey I'harlebton, and they are also after Vincent.

Yon can breed to Joe Basset!, sire of Johmt.ro,SKX;;<. the fastest harnoea horao iu the world, for t2T>.

The CMr of RUSM'H raring colors are black body,dark yellow sleeves, white cup, gold buttons andhinge.

AriinzB, sold at Pierre Lorillard's sale last October, » barren to Mortemer. She will bo bred to Baden- Bwleu.

Mr. Case, the owner of Jay-Eye-See, believes the Jittle black homo will be a greater wonder than ever (his year.

The New York Driving Club, through Mr. David Bonner, liaa secured a new lease of tho grounds to run ttrte years.

Oimpl)«ll and rental's Jim Gray ia suffering from tsfloecza at Memphis. Tho attack, it Is said, is not Mrionn, however.

The Rockaway gteeplechaso Apaociationlms changed the date* of Its spring meeting at Cedarhnnt, L. I., to April :>u, Hay 1, 7 and 11.

The February st«epl«chue, ran at Kempton Park, Ing., and won by Magpie, has been declared void, aa the lull distance vr.is not run.

Tbo fastest mile on the Ice this winter was made by the mare Fannie H., who trotted a third heat In 2:19'^ «* Burlington, Vt., on Feb. 17.

Hant Boy, sou uf Nobby, dam Fergnson mare, was pm-chafi'd by W. J. (Jordon, tit Cleveland, for $l,(h!5, at action in Islington, on Feb. 1!5.

A nice between Billy Btrtton and Iriih Lad has been huctt settled npon. It will occur rame time in Uay, probably on the uOth Decoration Day.

Fuvcrlte Willies, who was bonght for 810,000 under the hammer lu-rnUy by Jacob Knppcrt, of Xew York, ta to do etnd service »t Poughkeepsio, N. Y.

The question of Col. Wood's breeding is as far off a olntion a;j ever, &s far as tho owuera of tho stallions Billy I'attomm and Charley B. are concerned.

Janica (I. Kmve, tho well-known trainer of thorough- brtdn, \vaa niitiried to Mias Annie Piliiou, a handsome and cs!imul>!o young lady of Hartford, Conn., on Feb.su.

Tiio oM brood mnre ^klppor, 27 years old, by Daniel, Iho Prophet, cut of l\Iary, by Imp. Birmingham, died (be property of Marah Mddous, Columbus, 0., on Feb. K.

ClmrlesNolen.of this city, brought home from the 6..1<lsmilh salo tho bay mure Kmilie, fo:i!ed 18SO, by Pickeij'!!;.', duui Nolly llandet. Tho price paid was ftl'il).

Fura'lox, the cr;iek Enjiliih race liorso who broko RIM uff f-ire-lep l:tft s-nnmer while doing a go-xl gallop, 6ns i»'en fixed up and sent to Brodurick Cloete's stud pudd.Kk.

The Vi'euc.h and (lerman Ooyernment agents are Tisiii' s -nil Ilia fairs in Iho North of Knglaud, and nliing large purch«9e> of !i< rjcs tuitublc fur military pi.r;>.*e«.

The I'roviuco of Quebec Turf Club was organiwd in IR-t^ with 70 nH'ml'crJ, of whom only two now survive. Tin. lir. «t woo meeting was held in September of the lame ;*ar.

i hei<t- ut Liill won tho second nnuiiiil champion St. Albion Slake* :it tho Ottawa Winter Trotting Club's »e<'tin-_' it L< amj's Lake on t'eh. 23. His b^t timo ««i2:"i'i!i.

The t >tat«iuiibcr of li'.rsos thus f»r dfrlarod out of the ('if lunili.-si!.' is as lullowf: .Sill.i'rlwn, IS; Steeps- hehd [ :.-. . si; |Uj Hidge, 7; Urooklyn Jockey Club.

: Brnok'aaJ-.', I'.i.1 l,i" d.-olanui >nN fr^m the raeific coast are: >J. J. 'ilv. iu's Voliintr ;ind JVI^HJB BlcCartby's Liist, arid J.


.i. , . B. ll:i:.",'in'H Pieciojy, iVom the Suburban and from the B;;J liit!;;fl Ilanilicrtl*.

1 he V.tlltj.) r.iee track, one of the best and fastest Biile i ri.ra<« in tlte .State of California, was sold on F«!>. Cllol). C. llawley, of Culorado, a large and wtiiltlt.v gtotk raistr.

\Vi !iiii{;ti"ih Levnii, a well -known citt/.on of Uendic^, pia-d i^ed a v**jr pr* niiBinx trotting mare, by tJreeu's B.v.hA\v, I.M wee';, whtth Ue intends to place in ti train T'S hui>Jii th: ( ; spring.

.\n.!;ler Park, wit'i its ,half-railo trnck and thirty- foHr :o-rcs of I:ILU, has been puTchas^-d 1-y General J >lni K. Tcriu r, the noti d traint-r of tiottera. The price c^l' ;-U'Chaso » »» S15,(XX).

AV K'lhrh.nk, cf Etillwattr, Miun., las fold the ««i:t [i.iter Mike Wilkes, 2:lii'^, to Samuel Itowe, IIu I;- : . \Vis.. Imt. I'.ohrback will have the manage- inet.t ni hiiji die eoniiiig season.

A:uo!i^ t!ie articl-.t soM of Fred Art;her's effects was tl.e Si.-witri'» Cr.p, won by Ciunt Battbyairt'n T.v|.' n-n in IS70. mlil to ho worth £:»>. A propritbr «f H L-'ii-joti niuaic bull bought it for 65 guineas.

thu V'nnsand well-bred million Corinthian, by Fnyrr's harry Cl»y Nr« of tho dam of St. Jlllien, 2:1 1 ? .0 ilnni Coricnp, ly Vcilm'tecr. hjis lieen placed in the tlii'l at Ilie Cf^lletoii Stvck K»rm, Leilngton, Ky.

T'.LI; ilri-.inj: fratercity of Montclair. N. J., and Ticiiiity an^ery auxioiia to have a track built either 1 Oi-.i'ig", S rjth (IrJn^e or Rotevilie, and they are nil.ri;; l> Hnl;acvilje a neat amount toward that objoct.

UK: Prince of V.'tiTes l.as purchased the Irish bred gelsiiiii Il«'liaiuv, by Ascetir, (bin Lady«ell, the dnm of 11 n^let. H;B Jtoya.1 llighneHs is said to havo been nxii-iH to pnrchaso this promibir-g gelding for some lim.\

Thn fir4 f.'al at Mr. Shnlts' nev.- Pnkvillo Stock Fa'n; wan ili-i.ppet) in the midgt of tho heavy thnnder ftoir.i'n Feb. IS. Tho youngster is highly bred, bdiii; by Nut wood, dam Maggie Wilkca, by Georgo Vilkt-s.

KrjlisilV pi-rat rsm horse, Crinoiulo, has tiiitied roarer. The PiiUc uf T\\-a!m!u«tcr is nmch upsei b«



JNO. A. McCAULL..... ........ Proprietor and Manager.W. H. MORTON..............................Acliu£ Manager.







The McCaull Opera Comique Co.(JNO. A. McCAULL, Proprietor and Manager.)

Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2 O'Clock.


/AI.NUT STKEET THEATRE. EXTRA. 1. ri,EifiHiiAN......Hulo Leaseo aud Manager.

Week March 7 Only Matinee next Saturday. TlIK GREAT ACTRESS


ROMEO AND JULIET.game Costumes. Scenery and Company aa in the run

of 17 wethe nt Vnion Square Theatre, N. Y. 120 MKN. WOMEN AN1> CUILDKKff IN CAST.


80x40 inches Colored Plate Hull iiuom Scene.Saturday Eveninif, March 12, (only time) MISS




the circumstance, an the horse is not only the pet of the family, hut thu Puke recently received an ofler of .-£20,1)00 for him.

"Lucky" Baldwin (a confident that ho made no mistake iu engaging Mur];by to ride for him for $10,- 000 for the senaon, as be considers him the peer of any rider iu this country, while there in no doubt as to his honesty and integrity.

L«Jio Coomhs anil R. A. Swlgert, of Lexington, Ky., have pnrchucd from C. S. Kellogg, of Kanras, the thoroughbred stallion Bannach Lath, foaled 1874, by Australian, twelve brood marea and a number of yearlings and two-yenr-oldc".

The Buffalo Driving Pork Association, at a recent meeting elected C. J. Ituinlin president and D. W. Bnrt secretary. Tho Association hits opened a auhwcription list to iai-o ¥200,000 for tho purpose of holdius a fair similar to that held at St Louis.

Charles f. Caffroy, the lijtht carriage builder of Cam- den, N. J., has purchased of Uenry A. Bichman.Wnods- town, N. .f.. qnito a promising two-year-old colt, full brother to Sweetness, 2::UV£, by young Volunteer, the sire of Jenoy Buy, 'l-.'lV/i, for ?4oO.

Simon Dunttie, of An nan. Scotland, formerly » resi­ dent of Markhnm, Ont., arrived at Montreal on Feb. 10 from England, with the thoroughbred stallion Glyudou, foaletl ISN-j, by RosiciucijtD. dam TJrnbria. He u to be Uied eufiroly for bleeding purposes.

The Billot Committee of the Paris Municipality has not only refused an offer_of £30,000 from a book­ maker for the exclusive right of laying the odds at Loncchami1-. l;ut has adopted a motion for the sup­ pression in future of cvtry form ol1 betting there.

Bichar.l R. Owings, of the late firm of Williams .t Owings, turfmen, died in Lexington, Ky., on Feb. 17. aged 3S years. Among tho gwd horfcea handled auf owned by the firm were Somerset. Creodmoor, Vera Cru/.. Fairplay, Checkmate and Luke Blackburn.

Ed. Corrlgan has had a rather iiar.1 tnu of ill-luck at Memphis. He lost on Feb. 24 the Bve-year-uld chestnut gelding Ha^rus, by King Ban, dam Ha/on, from lung fever, and now the two-year-old filly by Hindoo, out of EfBo L., i« down witli the same diseiise.

Waltarl'iraf*, nf this city, purchased recently of J. J. Carraher. Na«hvillo, Teuu., Bonnlo Harold, ch m, foaled 1877. by Donuio Scotland, dam Mary Qowan, by Childe Harold. The mare is the dam of f'letch Taylor, with whom Mn Gratz began his saccessful career upon the turf.

Breeding thoroughbred stock In Neve Zealand Is a paying business. On Jan. 5, the Auckland Stud Com­ pany sold twenty-one youngsters for 8,."Go guinea-?, an averago of 403 guineas each. A brother to Nordtn- feldt brought 1,040 guineas and a sifter to Martini- Hcni-y sold lor 1,100 guinea*.

A Gentlemen's Driving Association was organized in BosUn recently. The tallowing: offiet rs were elected: PreoiJeut, George II. Warren: vice president, Mr. Curtis; socretaiy. Jo'.ia II. Bobbins; treasurer, George G. Hall; directors, George G. Hall, Captain W. Rodgers J. 0. Vhilun am! II. 1.. Uibbard.

Tl)e Missouri Valley Trolling Circuit, comprising the cities of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Omaha, was fernittl in Oniahrt, on Feb. 25. Tho ftport opens at Omnha, £ept. 5. M. J. Pavne, Kansas City, waa elected president of tho now association, and Charles Tf. Ernest, of St. Joseph, secretary.

Mr. Wilihui Disston has recently purchased fur the "Pleasant Valley Stock Farm" the hay mare Myrtilla, by Trouble, sire of Liirale II, 2:23'X, in foal to Ten­ nessee WilUeR; the eh. f. t'orauKi, fun dster to Annie W., 2:20, liy Boatick'i) Almont, Jr.; b. f. Caftanet, by Enfitld. SOD of Old Hambletonitin, iu foal to Tennessee Willies: the b. f. Wononah, by Hlackwood, Jr., t'J&fa the black mare Jessie P., by Trouble, and the brown mire Ironette, sinter <o Hardwood, 2:24%, in foal to Enliehi. Mr. Diaston has sold tho h. f. Glitter, by Happy Medium, to Austin K. Whoolotk, of Boston, fur S2,00'J. He h.is aliio pcrchased of Amos Petersun a hay colt, twenty months old, nr>im-d Et. Elmo, by Sam I'rciv.-h's TiUli'i'..



PATENT ^ " S* K? tf 9 :

PRIZE MEDALS.The Original English Dog Food. Best and Cheapest 9O,OOO

Dogs Consume 2OO tons Weekly, and eat no other Food.ISO COOTvINQ! NO TKOTirJLE 1 ISTO MESS I



See each cake is stamped SPRATT'S PATENT and an "X."

COD LIVER OII,1)OG CAKES,Especially beDtficul for Pupvifs recovering fiom Distemper, and for

Itainty Jeeders and Sick or Pet Dogs.

O A T KOOT3.ID 6c. half-po!in<i packets. Snflit'ie'.it to feed a Cat for two days.

FORAGK BISCUITS-Invaluable for conditioning Horses, and rs a change of tood, especially

in the rase f bad feeders.

Puppy Biscuits, Pla'n Bound Di-g Biscuit a, Pet Dog Bis­cuits, B' una Out Meal Dog Biscuits,

BoneWea for Puppies.

PREPARED PUPPY FOODA Boon to lifteJsra: Bears rujipica from Birth!


ORIGINAL ENGLISH MEDICINES.Mange Cure, BO c's. j A Iterative Cooling Pow-Linimt-nt for Sprains 50 cts. ders. 50 ct.s.Cure for Canker of tlxe Ear, Cure for Rheumatism, etc.,

50 cts. 5d cts. 'Btimulaut for Growth of Hair Cure for Jaundice, 60 cts.

50 eta. jTonic (JoriditionPills, 50c'S. Cure for Worms, EO cts. [Cure for .Distemper. 81.OO. Purging Fills, Cough Pillsvliiarrhcea and Dveentery

50 cts. ! Curd, $1.00.

Non-Pol*onou3 amAeld. Instantly d~stniys Vrruiiniu exhibition eouditu>n.

DOG SOAP,i free li-cm tlie d:n-ffer utreiiuinj!; ' j!; tlie use of r.'irbolic

tho skin, and keeps the co;it


.lnl & "Crissel,"; A T..\n<iB AS'U FERTILK bTui.'K UF

iiiityU'a ;md Fuil I'ariu ulars, Post li'ree.


CARBIAC, A TOXIC FOR POULTRY.ou« » aste 6O cts Touio Condition fa'ite 50 eta. Gape Cure for Chicks, 5Oc s. Disi ,ftc aatfor

Poultry Koas-8 per packet. <£5 cts. lusaot Powcl-T, p«r t u, 25 cts,

VIGEON FOOH VOltJlHAltl^G YOTJX(t SQUABS,Pamphlet on Pigeuu Rt-aiing, Post Free.

POTIURY ANi» PIGEO V SOAP."The Common Srnse of Vuiillry Kfvpiu.-," lOo , p:i.it free, 19c. "Tho Common Sense uf Pheasant Kt-aring," loc., posi fioo, l:ie.Pnmphlet on Canine Diseases, antl Full List of Medicines, Po=t Free.

SPRATTS PATENT (AMERICA), Limited, 239, 241, 243 and 245 East Fifty-sixth Street, N. Y,DOWN-TOWN DEPOT: 18 South William Street, New York. CANADIAN DEPOT: 518 S. James Street, Montreal.


- Bidue AT-DHO, Tenth and Callowhill Streets.BESEKVED ORnriESTKA CnAIliSONl.Y 50 CENTS



First Time In This Th(«itre of the Peoi lem Comedienne,

A.IM EE,Under the Direction of SIMMONDS & BROWN.

Tho Brightest aurl Most Artistic Comedienne of thePresent Day, in Jessop & Gill's Puimao Abanrttiiy,



NEW, DUIUIIT, KAPID, FHEStt FUN*. A Charmlnfr, Kvery-day Story Acteil t > Terfection. In­

genious, Enterprising and Delightful. ATMEE appears in Enelitli, French and Spanish

songs. During ench act aelections will be mmltJ from the following: "Fairly CaTiglit," ' {teintlintiBr.*,'1 "Creep Into Beil, Bahy," "liip, Kip," "Lea Canards Tvnliens." Her gre.it euccewjca, "(jhii-ken Pie," autl ttio ever-popu­ lar song an J daueo, ''Pretty in a Picture."

Secure Seats During the Day, ;1 to 6. Branc!i ticket offices: 8wantierg's Cigar Store, 8ir»

Chestnut strevt, anil Sews Stand, Continental Hotel. NEXT WEEK. MAltCH 14 THE WAGKS OS' SIN.

K" "INTH AND~AiK;if"DI'ME' MUSEUM^ C. i. BRADK^BURGH..................MANAOIK.



A LIVING MOUNTAIN OF HUMAN FLKSII.Her Arms ore 3(i inches iu circumt'erenco, her lower


A DERRICK LIFTS HER!She Sleasurea 8 Feet arouml tho Bnet, 30 Inches

around the Noch, 53 Inches aroninl tho Thigh,is 5 Feet 8 1,;; Inches High and

WEIGHS 741 POUNDS.The House fchakes when she lauyhs; tho Karth

trembles when she walks. She lagrowing bijrgor every day.

IMMENSE POPULAR HIT OF GIDEON'S BAND.Five Princess and Ilojal Family. Martin Sisters, the

Albino Twins. Barnello, Fire King;. Eli Cowen.Waltf r Stuart, horn without Icga or arms.




Thfl Working (jirl* of Fliiladelplila.Excellent Cast. Now CobtumeB. New SceDerv.





SATURDAY 3IATINKE1 AT 2. POPULAR PKICES, i'jc.. r,0c., 75c. and SI.

THIRD ANNUAL BENCH SHOW OF DOGSAPIJIL 5, 0, 7 anil 8. Jlechanios' Hall, Huot- ingt'm avenue. Over W3,OOO In money, besides Special Pri/e;*. I'reniiura Li^ts and Entrj- Blanks to be obtained of D«udi Show. Committee, Hotel Boylcston, Boston, Maa.

Entries Close March 19.




MARCH 22, S3, 24 and 25, 1S87ENTRIES CLOSE MARCH 8.

PATENT ENGLISH BENCHING(I'acil for the first timo in this country)


And Otbtr AtlriCtions.For Enlry Blanks and Premium Lists apply to

A. CLINTON WILlllTiDING, Secretary,17 Murray Street, Now York.


Infantry Hall, Providence, R. I.

A. H. \VAKEi.'u:i.D, Superintendent.MARCH 29, 30, 31 and APRIL 1.

For Frcminin Lists, F.nlrv Blanks, Etc., Apply to N. SKABl'KV, Secretary,

I'roTldooce, U. 1., Box 1333.

The Western Pennsylvania Poultry Society's



GRAND CENTRAL SKATING RINK, Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. .

APRIL 12, 13, 14 and 15. 1887.The usual large number of prizes are offered. Send for

Premium List ami Entry Blanhs to C. B. KI.bEN. Secretary, Hex 30", Pittsburgli, Pp..

' L. F. WIUTMAN, Snperintvntknt.



!|>vVff n. "t

\\/>. *&,.

FOK the purpose of bringing our complete lino of Athletic ana Sporting Goods more prumlucniijr bcforo those interested in out.

i doorsv»orts, wre haveeatabliftie'J tfcoi'ollo-.vingDepotsof Supplies in tho leading cities throughout tfc? United States, whero will bj found a complete lino prRpaldlng'3 B£» Ball Supplloj. Lawn Tennia, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, Foot Balls,Lacrosse, Cricket.Eoxing Gloves,


\ line of good;* and si*»ciuities on equally as favorahie terms as if j derc'l direct from our Oliic^Bo and New York HOULCS, Ortli.'i'a i'or | odd can be cent to

A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,! 108 Mailisou St., Chicago. 341 Broadway, New folk, j

Orr.ny or the follotvineDepots otGuppliea:


DENVER, i OU., <»eo. F. Hi^slus * Co., 354 Ifitll St. I>UBL'«JUK, IA., «. K. Grusvenor, 7.J4-7S3 Main St. MIST >A«tJNAVV, SUCH., V. Kiudliir, 418 Geiie8«« Av. OKANDi KAJ'Ii.S. M1«JH., K.t-.StaUIey & Co.,4 Moliroc

KAN -A,4 ITY,MO..!:.'.'k.1vii;njfes&rc£,5i-ti) Iteluwlire'st. J.OC1SVII.LE, KV., ,».W. Kec-fillB i llro , 304 AliirketSt. i P... .,eauar.!K,:JOIc<,Uet. OMAHA, M-;!!., Coliinaci Gordon, 1313 Douglas St. PHIL i!)EI,i-HIA, PA., K.K. Trjon & <'o., HIGtuSt. i'lTTSBUilHH, 1'A., A. «. Fratt&C:o., 7{> Sth Av. J-OKT1.AN1), OUK., \Viii. IsL-.:k & Son, 105-167 'M St. FKCmUENCI?. 1C. 1., It. I. News Co. - ' -. . ., . . .KOC iil-JS I'KK, M. Y..8rrantoiu. Wetiuoi-e & Co. 1O State Sl'KINUL'1lELJ> ST. tOSris. MO SYRACUSE, N. WASHINGTON

mail the following Department Catalogues FKEK:

No. 2. Guns, &c.; Ho, 4. Fishmg Tack!a; Mo. (6. Summer Sports;He. it. Bicyies.

Spalding's Complote Illustrated Catalogrue No. 22, of al! kinds of Sporting Goods, Containing Official Rules, governing over 5O different Sports and Pastimes, mailed upon receipt of 25 cents, which amount will be refunded upon a purchase of goods amounting to $!.OO or more.

Old Frames Re-gilded


MACHINES MADE.The Test of tho Ko;ids for

8 Year;* Ua* Not Worn Out a Single CoUuoljm. Tlicir Blderii Hold tho BUST World's Ilccoi'ds. In :Ma- jority at E\?ry Leaciio Meot.*-Alinost invariably Ridden by Long I>istanco Tourists. Every 1'art In­ terchangeable.POP"E";/MFG.'C'O.,

Bosluii, New York, I! ' Chicago, Hartford.

" ATHLETIC BASE BALL CLUB Headquarters and Sample Eoom,

No. 139 North Eighth Street.Importer and Doalfir in all Kinds of Sport­

ing Goods, Base Ball Goods, Bto.


Also Imported and Domrstlc Cigars and TO'-M-JOO. Athletic Club Piciurcs fit Sule. 60c. prcpaW.

, It 14. TriK-ift-[Hiiii^talrccilons. Sead

to Faciinr. ft CO., MfrHco, C«in.




$18,50,Samples of Fianne's and Direc­

tions for Self-measurement Bent on Application.





&LOYE,A:. J. REACH &c CO.,


NOISE SUBDUERS."J,.>lm Ci-eohan, r.-f th^- Couti^-.ntsil Iloii;!, Philii-lcl-

pbti, has (lc\ ised a inucli-iit'C«.i(«J appliiincu for reduc­ ing tLy noiso in rooms, uiid n paloat has been granted him for it. Aluiost every player, wLo LRS con- ti'loration for others, will recall how much ho has been m.ado to suftVr in consf,'*jtjci]Cflof tha mnnia his oeighboriiig pioyfrd have had fur hininuTtnjj their cucrt upon the floor, as if to beat timo when thi-y hnd failed to beat iheir antagooist. Cix-^lmii stops thi«) racket by a simple device that he attaches to the Imtt of the cue. As he dt-Hcribcn it in A letter, his inven­ tion, despite i!ri amusing simplicity, ia something wo never before heard of or saw. doaiian conot-ivcd tlie idea bac:tuso he had failed to gtt tho thin^ itbelf, or substitute for if, from the hilifard nmrjtifactuver^. He hng decided to fix the price at OHP -kllar e. dozen." Now York Clipper.

WM. J.BOYLE WOVLD LIKE KNUAGK- ineut with some minur Icaguo chib aa fir^t lia^e-

nian or inficUcr. Played with »*HiU'rsoo Club iu 'SG. lUconl Fidding, .0/57; tatting, .:):».

Address 217 N. Bivadway, Baliiunro, MJ.


Bvnna\viclc-Bali!«-O >1 pnder Co. BillitirdTables, l/'arom Oombinution and 3?ool.

Biiiiarij (joot'.B ot cverv ili-ri'.'fi; t'on a!\v::ya on hanJ.lltvj' 5<>(>,<l(l<> 'Xoine-fiiiliiliii-i-H Sold.

Orders fiom all iwr.snf tlin woriairoMiv^iyattj-iileitto.JOHK CKBAHA^,

Ccrxtinontal Hotoi. PJ


The lh'ii-,isw!('k-!!a!kc.rollunk>r TO Billiard aod fool lablos, JJar Fix­

tures, Saloon Fnraitare, < 'heckand ( ash Kcgislnrs, Etc.

looa AKOH STI:: i:r, r!in,,u>KLi'iiTA.

WANTED. Eiijp.scmcm with some Eistei L*>aj(ii? club. Can j i:sv in j jt any liO-i'lau excel

" ritclK.T. ISst. O.'lMTis, Jr., W7 i;. -ISth S:.. K. Y. City.
