rbst is not safe for dairy cows and humans

By Melcolm Crutchfield rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans http://www.google.com/search?pg=PA243&dq=countries+that+ban+rBST%3F&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&q=countries%20that%20ban%20rBST%3F&sa=N&tab=pi&biw=1024&bih=510&sei=ETdrUZy9Jo_H4APy- oGwCA#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=countries+that+ban+rBST&oq=countries+that+ban+rBST&gs_l=img.3...421.9030.0.9518. 7o2gWCQ0&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45175338,d.dmg&fp=cf9a8fa28dfc124d&biw=1024&bih=510&imgrc=5f1AP7moMb0s1M%3A%3BqnMaj9GXp1zHNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.planetmattersandmore.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F08%252FrBGH-Health-Risks-for-Cows-and- Humans.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.planetmattersandmore.com%252Ffood-and-health-risks%252Fwhat-are-rbgh-and-rbst-and-are-they-bad-for-you%252F%3B500%3B307

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Page 1: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

By Melcolm Crutchfield

rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans





Page 2: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Convince the audience that rBST is unsafe to humans and dairy cows

1. What is rBST?

2. rBST can potentially cause breast cancer

3. rBST causes mastitis in cows

4. rBST is not profitable for farmers


Page 3: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Somatrotopin: a protein hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in all mammals

It regulates body growth, cell replication, lactation, and nutrient metabolism

During lactation, it mobilizes body fat for fuel and directs energy toward producing milk instead of tissue

Bovine somatrotopin occurs natural in small quantities within cattle

Recombinant DNA technology and gene splicing was used to produce synthetic BST or recombinant BST (rBST).

What is rBST?

Amidor, T. 2013. Milk and Diary Products. In Food Science: An Ecological Approach, pp 219-45 (Edited by Sari Edelstein).

Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA.



Page 4: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

All industrial countries ban rBST except for the United Stated

Where is rBST banned?

Amidor, T. 2013. Milk and Diary Products. In Food Science: An Ecological Approach, pp 219-45 (Edited by Sari Edelstein). Jones

& Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA.



Page 5: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans


Page 6: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Purpose of study: To observe follicle growth, which is influenced by insulin-

like growth factor (IGF-I). RBST was used because previous studies by Gong

et al concluded that daily injections of rBST doubled selectively the 2-5 mm

population of ovarian follicles.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-two heifers and 20 cows was used and the

cows was injected with 1000 mg of rBST. All animals were slaughtered 72h

after the injection of rBST. To measure the IGF-I in the blood collected from

the matched bST treated and control animals, radioimmunoassay kit was used.

Results: Average IGF-I levels of treated was 353.6 ± 22.8 ng ml-1 and the

controlled animals was 155.5 ± 24.2 ng ml-1.

rBST increases IGF-I

Slav, T. et al., 1996. Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin on follicular growth and quality of oocytes in

cattle. , 4320(95).

Page 7: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

According to a 1997 report, epidemiological studies (study of disease origin and spread) had indicated a positive correlation between diary product consumption and breast cancer risk. The paper references a study, Breast cancer anomalies by Stock P., which found areas where low diary product consumption and high intake of other fats had low death rates for breast cancer. Other studies concluded same result and others disagreed. According to the report, dairy products may have a breast cancer affect through the absorption of peptides called insulin-like growth factors I and II. Both IGF are found in untreated human and bovine milk. IGF-I is a normal component of the body but may be associated with malignant disease when present in excess amounts.

How can bovine IGF-I affect humans? Well human and bovine IGF-I are practically identical. IGF-I in milk is present in its unbound form while in human blood it forms a complex with binding proteins. IGF-I has growth-promoting effects in response to concentrations as low as 1 ng/mL while dairy milk contains app 30 ng/mL. Studies have shown that IGF-I in vitro had increased breast cancer cell count 4-5 fold. Moreover, it was concluded that cancer cells from fresh tumor biopsies have receptors for IGF-I. Highly malignant human breast cancer cells are known to produce and secrete IGF-I.

IGF-I in milk must be absorbed intact through the gastrointestinal mucosa or exert effects from within the gut to increase breast cancer risk.

No studies on IGF-I absorption has been conducted (to my knowledge)

Does IGF-I increase risks for breast cancer?

Outwater, J.L., Nicholson, a & Barnard, N., 1997. Dairy products and breast cancer: the IGF-I, estrogen, and bGH hypothesis. Medical

hypotheses, 48(6), pp.453–61. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9247884.

Page 8: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Inflammation of mammary gland and

udder tissue

Occurs as an immune response to

bacterial invasion of the teat canal

Can damage milk-secreting tissues

and various ducts throughout udder

from bacterial toxins

It is often transmitted by contact with

contaminate milking machines,

hands or other material, in housing,

bedding and other equipment.

Mastitis treatment and control

increases cost to the dairy industry.

What is mastitis?


DairyCo Technical Information. 2013. Mastitis in Dairy Cows. [http://www.dairyco.org.uk/technical-information/animal-


Page 9: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

According to “Regulations of rbST in the US,” by Collier, rBST increases milk

production, and it has been proven that milk production increase increases

cases of mastitis.

rBST results in mastitis

Collier, R. (2000). Regulation of rbST in the US. AgBioForum, 3(2&3), 156-163. Available on the World Wide Web:



Page 10: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

An expert panel established by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) conducted a series of meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials that had been published in peer-reviewed journals on dairy cow udder health.

•53 manuscripts and reports from Monsanto’s submission to Health Canada was reviewed

•a total of 546 outcome parameter estimates from 94 groups of cows were extracted and included in the database of production and health effects

•Effects of rBST on udder health were divided into effects on frequency of clinical and subclinical mastitis (measured by somatic cells)

• 24% to 27% increase in the risk of clinical mastitis due to rBST (information from Post Approval Monitoring Program (PAMP) study).

• rBST would be expected to produce an increase of app 19.4% in the total number cases of mastitis per cow.

• A question did come up on whether the increase was directly associated with the product or indirectly associated with the increased milk production.


Page 11: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Table II: Dohoo I.R., DesCoteaux L., Leslie K., Fredeen A., Shewfelt W., Preston A., and Dowling P. 2003. A meta-analysis review of

the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin. Can J Vet Res. 67(4): 252–264.

Incidence rate of clinical mastitis = (total number of clinical mastitis cases)/ (duration in days of treatments) Clinical mastitis risk= number of cows/ number of cows at risk

Page 12: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Purpose: Reasons to study the adverse effects of rBST on dairy cows was due to drastic reduction in fertility from extended periods of high ambient temperatures and intense solar radiation in Mexico. The constant fertility loss in such arid environment is the reason for requiring a higher number of heifers. A solution to the problem is to induce lactation in cows, which are unable to become pregnant, with rBST. Since this has become integrated into agricultural operations in Mexico, researchers wanted to find information on the factors affecting the lactation response of cows that are hormonally induced into lactation.

Methods: The study was conducted for four years in a large dairy herd, fed a set nutritional diet, milked 3 times daily, all cows subjected to rBST administration.

Results: Induced lactation had lowered milk yield and higher persistency compared with the cows without rBST. According to the authors, prolonged lactations would increase higher carcass as cows with long lactations end up with greater BW and BCS compared with cows undergoing 10-mo lactations.

BW=body weight aka cows end up with shorter lives

Inducing lactation can lead to….

Mellado, M. et al., 2011. Effect of lactation number, year, and season of initiation of lactation on milk yield of cows hormonally induced

into lactation and treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin. Journal of dairy science, 94(9), pp.4524–30. Available at:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21854924 [Accessed April 1, 2013].

Page 13: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

The Impact of bST on Farm Profit by Loren W. Tauer

Purpose: Find out whether or not rBST use is profitable to dairy farmers.

Materials and Methods: Data was collected from 138 New York dairy farms for the years 1994 through 1997. The data available for this study came from an ongoing farm business analysis program, New York Dairy Farm Business Summary Program, and the four years of data provides little temporal price variability. Only price of milk was included. The data presents self-selection biased inputs as farmers choose whether to use or not use rBST. Moreover, the farmers that used rBST may be more or less profitable as a group even without use of rBST.

Empirical results: The system regression of return over operating costs per cow showed an insignificant figure of rBST administration impacts.

Is rBST profitable?





Tauer, L.W., 2000. Working Paper THE IMPACT OF bST ON FARM PROFITS. , (July).

Page 14: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans
Page 15: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

What we learned today…

• rBST is unsafe for humans due to potential risk of breast cancer cell


• rBST causes mastitis in diary cows

• rBST is not profitable, so why take the risks.


Page 16: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Final Statement

http://www.organicconsumers.org/images/epsteinMilkbook.jpg http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=6tpw09w&s=1

Page 17: rBST is not safe for dairy cows and humans

Mellado, M. et al., 2011. Effect of lactation number, year, and season of initiation of lactation on milk yield of cows hormonally i nduced

into lactation and treated with recombinant bovine somatotropin. Journal of dairy science, 94(9), pp.4524–30. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21854924 [Accessed April 1, 2013].

Dohoo I.R., DesCoteaux L., Leslie K., Fredeen A., Shewfelt W., Preston A., and Dowling P. 2003. A meta-analysis review of the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin. Can J Vet Res. 67(4): 252–264.

Bauman, D.E., 1999. Bovine somatotropin and lactation: from basic science to commercial application. Domestic animal endocrinology, 17(2-3), pp.101–16. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10527114.

Outwater, J.L., Nicholson, a & Barnard, N., 1997. Dairy products and breast cancer: the IGF-I, estrogen, and bGH hypothesis. Medical hypotheses, 48(6), pp.453–61. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9247884.

Slav, T. et al., 1996. Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin on follicular growth and quality of oocytes in cattle. , 4320(95).

Macrina, a L., Kauf, a C.W. & Kensinger, R.S., 2011. Effect of bovine somatotropin administration during induction of lactation in 15-

month-old heifers on production and health. Journal of dairy science, 94(9), pp.4566–73. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21854929 [Accessed April 1, 2013].

ACS. 2011, “Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone”, American Cancer Society [online] available at http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/recombinant -bovine-growth-hormone

Amidor, T. 2013. Milk and Diary Products. In Food Science: An Ecological Approach, pp 219-45 (Edited by Sari Edelstein). Jones & Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA.

DairyCo Technical Information. 2013. Mastitis in Dairy Cows. [http://www.dairyco.org.uk/technical -information/animal-health-welfare/mastitis/]

Collier, R. (2000). Regulation of rbST in the US. AgBioForum, 3(2&3), 156-163. Available on the World Wide Web: http://www.agbioforum.org.

Tauer, L.W., 2000. Working Paper THE IMPACT OF bST ON FARM PROFITS. , (July).

Works Cited