ravenstone · pdf file · 2016-09-09ravenstone record!! ..the monthly newsletter...

RAVENSTONE RECORD …..The Monthly Newsletter Issue 5: JUNE 2015 OUR MISSION We are committed to providing an education for the children of Ravenstone which will equip them for the future A Review and Celebration of Ravenstone School for May 2015 & forward planning for June Dear Parents, A warm welcome to our 5 TH Edition of the ‘Ravenstone Monthly Record’. As you are aware this newsletter contains reminders as well as dates for your information. Please take time to read it. You can also find up to the minute information on our school website http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/home/ We hope that the ‘Review of May’ gives the highlights of the school for the previous month and the ‘Looking Ahead to June…’ keeps you informed for future planning. A great deal took place during May and indeed a great deal is planned for June…it is non stop at Ravenstone! It is hard to believe that we have been here for a term and a half and so much has been done. The staff and pupils have been amazing working with us to move the school further. For that we are thankful. At the end of the Summer term 1 we set the challenge of creating a school motto that can be used by all and sums up what Ravenstone stands for. This is really fitting as the school approaches its centenary this month we are mindful and reflective of what the school stood for 100 years ago when it was built in 1915 and what it stands for now in 2015….a school for the community. We will share the ideas with you as they come in. Once again, thank you for your ongoing support. Best wishes AMG & RD Ann-Marie Grant & Rachel Davies Executive Head Associate Head ACHIEVEMENTS FOR THE MONTH Another month of sporting success! With only a week’s notice Year 5 competed in Wandsworth Schools’ Football Championships and reached the semi-finals before being knocked out. Morris reports that they played brilliantly and were very unlucky not to go all the way. Saturday was the heat for the Wandsworth Primary Schools’ Gala. The team competed against 9 other schools and swam magnificently and returned as winners! It was very close between us and the runners up and we are looking forward to competing against them again on June 6 th . The finals are at Putney Swimming Pool, come along and cheer on our swimming superstars! A huge thank you to our amazing coaches – who needs Jose Mourinho when you have Sarah, Laura and Morris coaching our sporting superstars? STARS OF THE WEEK Take a look at our school website to see who the ‘Stars of the Week were for the month of May 2015. It may be only 4 weeks, but they are 4 important weeks for the ‘Stars’ http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/news/show /stars_of_the_week SPECIAL MENTIONS…. A huge thank you to the Playground Committee and so many other parents who gave up their Saturday to tidy the playground – the sun even shone on the day! Thank you to all of you who have brought in your Sainsbury’s vouchers, please send in any you might still have.

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…..The Monthly Newsletter Issue 5: JUNE 2015


We are committed to providing an education for the children of Ravenstone which will equip them for the future

A Review and Celebration of Ravenstone School for May 2015 & forward planning for June

Dear Parents, A warm welcome to our 5TH Edition of the ‘Ravenstone Monthly Record’. As you are aware this newsletter contains reminders as well as dates for your information. Please take time to read it. You can also find up to the minute information on our school website http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/home/ We hope that the ‘Review of May’ gives the highlights of the school for the previous month and the ‘Looking Ahead to June…’ keeps you informed for future planning. A great deal took place during May and indeed a great deal is planned for June…it is non stop at Ravenstone! It is hard to believe that we have been here for a term and a half and so much has been done. The staff and pupils have been amazing working with us to move the school further. For that we are thankful. At the end of the Summer term 1 we set the challenge of creating a school motto that can be used by all and sums up what Ravenstone stands for. This is really fitting as the school approaches its centenary this month we are mindful and reflective of what the school stood for 100 years ago when it was built in 1915 and what it stands for now in 2015….a school for the community. We will share the ideas with you as they come in. Once again, thank you for your ongoing support.

Best wishes AMG & RD

   Ann-Marie Grant & Rachel Davies Executive Head Associate Head


Another month of sporting success! With only a week’s notice Year 5 competed in Wandsworth Schools’ Football Championships and reached the semi-finals before being knocked out. Morris reports that they played brilliantly and were very unlucky not to go all the way. Saturday was the heat for the Wandsworth Primary Schools’ Gala. The team competed against 9 other schools and swam magnificently and returned as winners! It was very close between us and the runners up and we are looking forward to competing against them again on June 6th. The finals are at Putney Swimming Pool, come along and cheer on our swimming superstars! A huge thank you to our amazing coaches – who needs Jose Mourinho when you have Sarah, Laura and Morris coaching our sporting superstars?

STARS OF THE WEEK Take a look at our school website to see who the

‘Stars of the Week were for the month of May 2015. It may be only 4 weeks, but they are 4

important weeks for the ‘Stars’ http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/news/show



A huge thank you to the Playground Committee and so many other parents who

gave up their Saturday to tidy the playground – the sun even shone on the

day! Thank you to all of you who have brought in your Sainsbury’s vouchers, please send

in any you might still have.

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Year 6 SATs tests were completed well by all children. We were so impressed by the maturity they all showed and the level of focus and concentration. We were joined by three governors

who all commented on how conscientious the children were and the children commented on how fun the week was. We are all very proud of Year 6 and we are sure they will achieve the results they deserve!


Anushka and Mary gave an assembly about the disaster in Nepal. Anushka explained the effect the earthquake had had on her own family in Nepal and the damage it had caused. The

Ravenstone Community very generously donated £227.90 which we

will be sending to Nepal via DEC . Through Anushka we will keep the children updated with news from



We will be holding a meeting on Thursday 18th June at 7pm for parents whose chidren are currently in Year 5. The presentation by the Executive and Associate Headteachers will outline the process for secondary transfer and give advice to parents…a letter will follow for signing up.


We will be holding a meeting on Monday 29th June at 7pm for parents whose children are scheduled to join us in September. The presentation by the Executive and Associate Headteachers will outline the process for induction and will also give advice to parents. We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting.

Class photo taken in 1948! Do you know anyone who has any artefacts we could borrow for our centenary?

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We are constantly improving the website to ensure parents are kept up to date. Please regularly check for important information. This month we have updated our pages on Reception Enrolment, Secondary Transfer, leaflets on: Anti-bullying, Attendance and Punctuality, Behaviour for Learning, Charters, e-Safety and School Meals and information on our Centenary.


This photo was taken in 1953 when

Ravenstone was celebrating the Coronation.

This photo was taken in 2012 when Ravenstone was celebrating the Golden

Jubilee We will be fundraising at the end of the school day FRIDAY, 5th JUNE, with scones and drinks on sale, a special puzzle playground trail sheet to follow (for all ages), live music and a stall

which will involve some teachers getting VERY wet indeed!

Please come along and support this fun event with your children and contribute to help us make our CENTENARY DAY on June 19th a

great success.

SCHOOL MOTTO Key Stage 2 - don't forget to enter the

Motto Competition that Miss Davies spoke about in Assembly this week. If

you have an idea for a new school motto that sums up what we believe in and aspire to as a school - put it in the

School Council Box by 3:30pm on Monday 1st June. The Governors have

set this challenge and we know you will have some great ideas. Remember to write your name and class on your slip

of paper.


The advert is out for a new Headteacher. We hope to have many prospective candidates this time around. By visiting the school we are sure the visual impact will play a key role in attracting the right candidate to the post. Fingers crossed.

We will keep you informed of developments here.



June 27th

Please contact your class reps if you can help!

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ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY Our published Attendance Target for the forthcoming academic year is 96.5%. For the month of MAY we achieved 96.5% as a school.

A special ‘Well done’ to the following classes who achieved the highest attendance for the 4 weeks in May:

WEEK END: CLASSES 1st MAY KS1& R = Y1 KA KS2 = Y5 JL 8TH MAY KS1 & R = Y1 IM KS2 = Y5 JL 15TH MAY KS1 &R = Y2 JS KS2 = Y6 PH 22ND MAY KS1 & R= R JD KS2 = Y3 MC

Well done to all classes and keep up the good attendance!

Punctuality Thank you to everyone who has made a concerted effort to be punctual. There has been a HUGE improvement. Well done. http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/parent_informat


For the month of May there were 86 ‘Late Arrivals’ registered.

TERM DATES FOR 2015-2016 The term Dates for 2015-2016 have been published on the school ‘Dates’ tab so that you can forward plan any holidays!



We have carried out a review of the new induction arrangements and have sent out information to new parents. We urge parents whose child is due to join us this September in Reception to go to the new page where the forms for enrolment are to be found and completed. Please refer to the Reception tab on the website for the all-important dates for your diary if your child is scheduled to join us in September. http://www.ravenstoneschool.co.uk/parent_information/show/reception_2015_enrolment



We are planning ahead! Dates have been added to the school website. Please note

the following dates:

DATE EVENT 1/6 School reopens for school 5/6 Fundraising for the Centenary 16/6 School Photo 17/6 Sports Day 18-19/6 Book Fair 19/6 Centenary Day 27/6 Ravenstock 29/6 New Reception Parents’ Evening 1/7 Celebration Evening 9-10/7 Production 13-14/7


17/7 Children finish for the holidays  


FOR…… As you are aware we are now up and running as a cashless dinner system. Parents can now pay online and in advance via this portal. Please ensure that you have signed up and registered. The majority of all primary and secondary schools use this form of Payment system. Please support Ravenstone with the development of this system and to be a ‘school keeping up with the times’! If you have not yet registered, please do so. The Office will help you with the registration. Thank you

PARENTMAIL IS THE WAY FORWARD…. As a forward thinking and developing school we are keen to keep all stakeholders informed. We can only achieve this if the school community works with us…. We send out the following information via ‘Parentmail’:

- Weekly web updates; - Monthly newsletter; - School trip and events information; - Friends of Ravenstone Information; - PLUS LOTS MORE……

We hope as many as possible will sign up ASAP and join the Parentmail Team! Thank you!

SUMMER 2: Weekly: £10 Half term: £70


MOVING ON?????? If you are intending to move on at the end of the academic year, please let the School Office know so that we can allocate places to others. Thank you.