ratifying the constitution. i.the _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the...

the Constitut ion

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Page 1: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

Ratifying the


Page 2: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

Ratifying the ConstitutionI. The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________ Central Government.

A. The key Federalists that did most of the pushing for the Constitution were George Washington, Alexander _____________________ and James ___________________

B. To get the states to accept the Constitution as our government, Hamilton and Madison wrote the ________________________ Papers.


Hamilton Madison

Federalist - R

Page 3: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

1. The Federalist papers promised that the _________________ would rule the Nation.

2. The Papers also stated that the strong central government was needed to act as a referee so that no one faction (or __________________ interest group) would gain control for too long.

3. The Papers also explained how the system of __________________ and _________________, along with

______________ would keep the central government from gaining too much ________________



Checks Balances

Federalism Power

Page 4: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

EXAMPLE: Federalist 51 – TO WHAT expedient, then, shall we finally resort, for maintaining in practice the necessary partition of power among the several departments, as laid down in the Constitution? The only answer that can be given is, that as all these exterior provisions are found to be inadequate, the defect must be supplied, by so contriving the interior structure of the government as that its several constituent parts may, by their mutual relations, be the means of keeping each other in their proper places. Without presuming to undertake a full development of this important idea, I will hazard a few general observations, which may perhaps place it in a clearer light, and enable us to form a more correct judgment of the principles and structure of the government planned by the convention. What is Madison Explaining?: _______________________________________ Example: Federalist 10 – AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction. The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate, as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice. What is Madison saying the Constitution will stop?: End _______________ _________________, which means:

CHECKS AND BALANCES will allow the government to control itself

Majority Tyranny

The majority of people could vote to take away the rights of the minority…They were thinking the poor (majority) could take away the power of the wealthy (minority). Madison wants to “control” the will ofDemocracy.

Page 5: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

II. The _______ ___________________ were against the Constitution because they felt that the new government under the Constitution would destroy _______________.

A. One of their greatest spokesmen was the great Revolutionary ________________ ________________, who once stated, “Give me _______________ or give me ____________.”

B. They thought the President would be like a ___________.

C. They also feared that ________________ and ________________ governments would have no power in this new system.

Anti FederalistsDemocracy

Patrick HenryLiberty Death


Local State

Page 6: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

III. Deals that made ratification of the Constitution possible

A. The Federalist __________________ promised the people that the government would not be all ________________

B. The ____________ of ______________ were promised to be created and literally was the turning point for the Constitution. Many claim that this was the greatest contribution to the Constitution by the ________ _______________. What did the ____________ of ______________ guarantee? ______________________________

C. New York voted yes due to the fact that at the Convention they promised the new capital would be in __________ __________ ___________


Bill Rights

Anti Federalists Bill RightsOur Basic Freedoms

New York City

Page 7: Ratifying the Constitution. I.The _______________________ pushed for the acceptance of the Constitution, mainly because they believed in a ___________________

IV. The New Government

A. George Washington was elected __________________ by the first _____________ ______________

B. Washington recognized right away that he would need help to handle all the responsibilities of the Executive Branch and created the first ___________________.

1. _____________ ______________will be the first Secretary of State and will become a huge critic of how Washington handled his Presidency.

2. ____________ _______________ was made Secretary of the Treasury. He will use the new government’s power to help get the nation out of _____________

C. How should we address the new President (technically the only position with a title: ______ President

D. Almost right away, Washington realized New York City was too far north and began the process of placing the Capital in a more central region. It will eventually be moved to ___________________ ____. ____.

unanimously Electoral College


Thomas Jefferson

Alexander HamiltonDebt


Washington D C