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rate card 2013

about cosmetic beauty & surgery

Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty Indonesia magazine is a must-read for today’s clued-up and classy Indonesian lady, as well as those involved in the beauty and aesthetic industries.

Combining cutting-edge tips and techniques on beauty enhancement, as well as advances in cosmetic and beauty surgery, beauty products and women’s health, the magazine is an indispensible guide for the young and the young at heart.

First published in 2008, the magazine is produced by Mobiliari Group, which also produces other market-leading brands such as the ultimate high-society guide, Indonesia Tatler,

as well as Indonesia Tatler Homes, Indonesia Tatler Society, MillionaireAsia Indonesia and Indonesia’s Best Restaurant Guide.

Importantly, the magazine has established itself as the market-leader among its competitors by providing no-nonsense, practical tips in Bahasa Indonesia, extending its market reach beyond other magazines.

Addressing popular subjects like skin care, hair care, aesthetics, wellness, nutrition, dental care and even psychology, Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty Indonesia is absolutely essential reading with a high retention and pass-along rate.

How Do we Reach Out?

Cosmetic surgery & Beauty Indonesia

is published 6 times a year

Secondary market extends

to 60 years old, given advances in beauty and aesthetics that see more mature women seek out products, services and

advice to maintain their grace and


The majority of readers will be career-

oriented women

Affluent, well educated, and are able to purchase beauty

products, services and procedures at

premium prices

Distribution of 15,040 in the key

markets of Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan,

Makasar and Bali

Controlled circulations are

circulated through selected sites such as clinics, cafés, gyms

and spas

Value-adds to you

Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty Indonesia is the perfect advertising medium for:our clients

Primarily targets women in the 25–45

age bracket

our taRget

The full range of beauty products, from skincare to hair care to

dental care

Practitioners in the beauty-enhancement

industry, cosmetic surgeons,

dermatologists, dentist/orthodontists and medical practitioners

Distributors and/or

manufacturers of upmarket beauty and wellness products and

services; gyms, spas and those targeting the

medical tourism industry

Cosmetic Surgery &

Beauty Indonesia can cross-sell for

clients in Indonesia, Singapore and


Taking your message

to more readers across the region through our sister

publications in those markets

Nutrition and wellness supplement manufacturers and


Distributors and/or manufacturers of

equipment and tools for the beauty industry

New Products

Beauty Products

Ask the Hair expert

Make Me Over

Beauty Spa

Beauty Fitness

Closing Thought

Ask the Beauty Expert


Psychology &


Odd news






In the news

magazine editORialAsk the Plastic


CS&B Event

Cover Story



Ask the Dentist

Ask the Dermatologist Article

post event coverage



Talkshow diawali oleh Dr. Dedi Wahyudi dari B30 Lifestyle Medical Clinic yang menguraikan tentang Terapi sulih hormon untuk mengatasi tanda-tanda penuaan. Menurutnya, penuaan atau proses menjadi tua disebabkan oleh dua faktor, yakni internal dan eksternal. Dari faktor internal ditandai dengan menurunnya hormon, radikal bebas, serta menurunnya daya tahan tubuh. Sementara dari faktor eksternal ada sinar UV matahari, polusi dan gaya hidup.

Oleh karena itu, setiap orang perlu menyiasatinya sejak awal. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan terapi sulih hormon untuk menggantikan hormon yang telah berkurang guna menghindari keluhan-keluhan yang timbul seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Dengan terapi ini, di-harapkan kualitas hidup seseorang dapat kembali mening-kat seperti saat usia 30 tahunan.

Dr. Marco Faria-Correa, ahli bedah plastik ternama dari Singapura lalu mengajak pengunjung untuk sama-sama mencari tahu apa saja prosedur bedah plastik yang Dr. Marco Faria-Correa dan Dr. Dedi Wahyudi

sekarang tengah diminati, khususnya treatment yang membuat tampilan lebih muda dalam sekejap tapi juga aman dijalani.

Diantaranya dia mengupas tuntas soal facelift tanpa bekas luka, injeksi botox dan filler, chemical peels, mikrodermabrasi dan laser. Di samping itu, dia juga menekankan kalau saat ini jaringan lemak atau fat bukan lagi satu hal yang menakutkan. Karena, ada fat transfer yang justru di dunia estetik bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membentuk tubuh jadi lebih ideal.

Sesi bincang-bincang ringan menjadi lebih hidup ketika Caroline sebagai MC membuka sesi tanya jawab, lalu memberikan sejumlah hadiah pada para penanya dan yang beruntung mendapatkan doorprize dari sponsor.

Suasana menjadi lebih seru ketika Ovie Wu membuka gelaran fashion show-nya dengan 10 koleksi baju rancangan yang glamor, elegan dan sangat menggoda penuh warna. Warna-warna cerah seperti merah, biru, hingga hijau serta potongan gaun panjang yang sensual.

Riuh acara ditutup dengan tepuk tangan yang membahana memenuhi ruangan Negev dimana semua yang hadir tampak bahagia.

Sampai jumpa lagi di event serupa yang tak kalah serunya!

Salam Cosmetic Surgery & Beauty Indonesia.

Beau-Tea PartyWith CS&B

Dr. MMV. Lianywati Batihalim., M. Biomed (AAM)., ABAARM, Dipl. ECARE, Dipl. CIDESCO, Dipl. CIBTAC (SPA)

Levita Supit, Diana Pungky, Ovie Wu, Annie Savitri dan Fifi Buntaran

produk terkini yang mendukung perkembangan dunia estetika, kecantikan, dan kesehatan.

Hari pertama event diisi dengan berbagai talk show informatif dengan tema-tema seperti First Class Lifestyle Privileges From MegaFirst, Full of Beauty, Me, Myself, and I, An Afternoon Tea to Celebrate the Fair, Beauty & Fabulous with Indonesia Tatler & Friends, Fashionable Beauty, Be Beautiful with PMR & Friends, dan An Afternoon Tea. Pada sesi

Full of Beauty, Prof. Coco Alex dari Empro dan Dr. Evangelina dari Andaru Anti Aging & Spa terlihat meramaikan acara dengan talk show yang sangat inovatif. Prof. Coco Alex dari EMPRO yang menyajikan talk show bertema Beauty in Art pun memperagakan cara membentuk alis mata yang indah, karena menurutnya mata adalah jendela utama dari kecantikan seorang wanita. Oleh karena itu, dengan membentuk alis mata yang indah, maka kecantikan seorang wanita pun akan semakin terpancar. Yang menarik dari talk show Prof. Coco adalah selain menyampaikan materi, ia pun mengundang beberapa pengunjung yang hadir untuk mendapatkan pembentukan alis secara gratis yang langsung ditangani olehnya. Di sesi

lain diisi talk show dari Andaru Anti Aging & Spa yang dibawakan oleh Dr. Evangelina. Talkshow tersebut membahas Derma Lifting Solution Against Age Signed. Oleh karena pengobatan anti-aging saat ini berkembang dengan sangat pesat, maka Dr. Evangelina pun membahas tentang solusi Derma Lifting untuk mengatasi tanda-tanda penuaan. Pada sesi Me, Myself, and I, Dr. Deby Vinski, AAMS dari Perfect Beauty menjelaskan tentang terapi stem cell yang digunakan sebagai terapi anti-aging.

Salah satu klinik terkemuka di Jerman, yaitu Villa Medica memberikan talk show yang bertemakan reverse aging dari dalam, melalui terobosan medis yang mengembalikan fungsi biologis organ

Rosaline Lie & Herlina Perdana Devina Dewi Mariana & Sonia Wibisono Perwakilan VIP Premium Cosmetic Surgery CenterIna Thomas & Vitha Rusdie Windy Hartanto

Irene Lovela, Firda Zhang, Merry Sjarifudin dan Fanny Iskandar

Mien Uno, Dr. Deby Vinski & Mooryati Soedibyo

Highlight Mobiliari Aesthetic & Luxury Beauty Fair 2012Acara bertajuk Mobiliari Aesthetic & Luxury Beauty Fair 2012 atau MALBF 2012 diselenggarakan selama tiga hari (27-29 November) di Grand Hyatt Jakarta. Kegiatan pameran dan talkshow tentang dunia kecantikan estetika ini adalah yang pertama diselenggarakan di Jakarta. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan oleh Mobiliari Group. Beauty Fair ini diikuti oleh berbagai pakar medis, brand, dan industri terkemuka di bidang estetika dan kecantikan.


Untuk mengetahui kemeriahan MALBF 2012, simak liputan lengkap CS&B berikut ini.

DAY 1Di hari pertama MALBF 2012, para pengunjung dimanjakan dengan sejumlah talkshow menarik dari berbagai provider produk estetika dan kecantikan terpilih dari dalam dan luar negeri. Para provider ini menawarkan berbagai terobosan teknologi medis maupun


tubuh manusia ke kondisi yang lebih baik. Villa Medica memperkenalkan fresh cells therapy, yaitu terapi alamiah yang sudah terbukti secara ilmiah di mana sel yang masih hidup dan baru dari janin domba disuntikkan ke tubuh dengan tujuan penyembuhan dan anti-aging.

Selain itu, hari pertama dimeriah-kan dengan berbagai talk show dari berbagai klinik kecantikan seperti Premiére Clinique oleh Dr. R. Wisnu Hidayat SpKo tentang Regeneration & Rejuvenation towards Longetivity.

Cosmed Wellness, Aesthetic, & Anti-Aging Clinic mengetengahkan tema New Longetivity Paradigm in Wellness Aesthetic and Anti-Aging, Dr. David Loh yang membahas Hair Restoration: Medical vs Surgical, dan Ultimo.

Wulan Guritno, Millie Stephanie, Lis Purnomo, Dra. Maura Linda Sitanggang, Ph.D., & Maria Lukito

post event coverage

Size 297 mm (H) x 210 mm (W)

Full Bleed Ads Add 5mm all around

Printing Full color

on quality art paper

Frequency 6 (six) times a year

Linescreen 150

Emulsion Side Down

aDvertisingrates in iDr

210mm (w) x 297mm (h) 420mm (w) x 297mm (h)


PT. MOBILIARI STEPHINDOE-Trade Building Lt. 8 & 9 Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 55Menteng, Jakarta 10350 IndonesiaTelp. : (+62 21) 3190 6838 Fax. : (+62 21) 3190 6839Email : [email protected]

One Full Page Full Color Regular

Rp 25,800,000

Double Page Spread (Before Contents)

Rp 51,600,000

Double Page Spread (ROP)

Rp 37,000,000

Inside Back Cover

Rp 31,200,000

Outside Back Cover

Rp 49,500,000

Advertorial - Full Page

Rp 30,800,000

Advertorial - 2 Pages

Rp 49,500,000

DistributionsNewsstand distribution in 10,910primary markets

Subscriptions 1,120

Controlled circulation 660(cafes, salons, etc.)

Distribution to VVIP list 2,350

Total distribution 15,040

February / April / June / August / October / December

publication specifications

publication scHeDule

4 weeks before publication date

booking DeaDline

aDvertorial guiDelines

For advertorial and other promotional content, we request that clients work with us to get the very best results they can. This means close collaboration on text, images and layout. The process outlined below means that we will get the quality demanded in the time allocated, and we respectfully request that all clients follow these.

1. What do you want to communicate through the advertorial? What exact message are you trying to convey?

2. Is there a specific product, service, or technology (or more) that you’d like to highlight?

3. To assist us in developing the timeline, please let us know if: (a) You require text generated by us either as running text or as interview (depending on the contract details, we may charge for this); OR (b) You will provide text.

Please note that in the case of (a) we will need full sources sent to us in .doc format, such as press releases, etc. Please do not direct us to a website and note that this option will take more time. In the case of (b), text supplied may be edited for style/clarity/length.

4. Note that our text may be sent to you for early approval, pre-layout.

5. To assist us in developing the timeline, please let us know if: (a) You will be supplying photos, logos, etc. (b) We have to source images (depending on the contract details, we may charge for photo shoots and other expense items).

Please supply a design brief outlining the look and feel of the advertorial. Indicate font preferences, if any; background (light, dark, white, black) and any sort of concept you wish us to follow.

Please note that in the case of (a) we need to know that all photos are cleared for use in a commercial context; they also need to be hi-res to 300dpi minimum and in PDF, TIFF or JPEG format. In case of (b) please indicate exactly what sort of photos you require.

6. Please supply all relevant details required in the advertorial at first stage, such as logos, addresses, telephone number, etc.

7. Our approvals process is as follows, although timeline varies depending on what is required of us and scope of project: (a) Pic selection/text sent for approval if prepared by us. (b) V1 of the advertorial sent to client with one round of changes indicated by client to this V1. (c) A revised V2 is sent following client feedback with one round of changes indicated by client to this V2. (d) A final draft for approval and sign off.

Please also note that ONE point of contact at the client side is absolutely necessary; mixed messages from more than one person lead to confusion and wasted time.

tHank you!

about mobilari groupFounded more than 20 years ago by budding entrepreneur Millie Stephanie, Mobiliari Group started life as a custom publishing company—the first of its kind in Indonesia. From these humble beginnings, the company has grown into a regional publishing powerhouse, acquiring high-profile titles and becoming recognised as one of the most sought-after media partners in the region. Focusing on high-end licensed consumer magazines, like brand-leader Indonesia Tatler, as well as custom publishing magazines (clients have included Mercedes-Benz, UOB bank and other regional heavyweights), the company’s core values are quality, integrity and sophistication. Mobiliari Group also specialises in organising events that reflect these values. Past successes have included Jakarta’s first contemporary art exhibition that combined both graphical and fashion-inspired art pieces, as well as events for prestigious names like Lamborghini, Lanvin, and Porsche.

With new launches and acquisitions constantly in the pipeline and a programme of continuing media expansion, Mobiliari Group is led by an experienced management team.

Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia—one of the world's most economically dynamic locations—and with branch offices in Bali and Singapore, the company is also uniquely positioned for fast growth and continuing market dominance.
