rash resturant buisness pl

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  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl




     Report on


    Presented to the Faculty of the

    School of Management & Entrepreneurship

    AURO University


    In Partial Fulfillment

    Of the Reuirements for the !egree of 

    Master of "usiness Administration

    Submitted by:

    PA#A$ MA%!'A%

    PA'A# A(AR)A#

    Submitted to:

    Prof* ROI+ SI%(

    Entrepreneurship !evelopment and ,enture Planning

    March -./0


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl




    Content Pae


    /*. E1ecutive Summary 2

    /*/ Mission statement 2/*- "usiness O34ectives 2

    -*/ 5ompany O6nership & Structure 2

    -*- Start up Funding and Source of Funds 2

    -*2 Use of funds 7

    -*7 5ompany #ocations and Facilities 7

    2*/ Service !escription 7

    2*- 5ompetitive #andscape 8

    2*2 !aily Operations and Production 0

    7*. 5ompetitive Edge 0

    7*/ +arget Mar9et 0

    7*- Positioning 0

    7*2 Advertising Strategy 0

    7*7 Mar9eting Programs 0

    7*8 Pricing Strategy :

    7*0 Sales Strategy :

    7*: Sales Forecast


    7*; Milestones ;

    7*< E1it Strategy ;

    8*. Organi=ation and Management ;

    8*/ Organi=ational Structure ;8*- Management team ;

    8*2 Personnel plan ;

    0*. Financial plan <

    0*/ Start up cost>? <

    0*- Pro4ected Profit and loss account and 3alance sheet /.

    0*2 Pay3ac9 period //

    0*7 "rea9 even Analysis //


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    "#$ E%e&uti'e Summa!y

    #e cuisine restaurant@ India 6ould 3e a restaurant located at ath6alines@ Surat@ 6ith a startup

    capital of Rs* ;. la9h cost of land not included as already o6ning a landB* )e 6ould 3e loo9ing

    to e1pand the e1isting operations of #e cuisine and also loo9 to open up to - more restaurants

    offering a delecta3le Indian cuisine that 3lends foods from all parts of the Indian su3continent*

    (iven the e1cellent management team and e1perience of the principals these ventures are sure to

     3e profita3le and generate employment and revenues in the communities they serve* +his

    e1pansion is of a latter discussion* +his plan 6ould deal 6ith the setting up a restaurant and all

    analysis related to finance@ mar9eting and other pro4ections*

    "#" (i))ion )tatement

    Our Mission is to provide a uniue and rela1ing dining e1perience similar to dining at home* )e

    6ill strive to achieve this goal 3y> /B 3y providing menu items incorporating uality ingredients

    at reasona3le prices@ and -B 6e 6ill 3e mindful of the 6ell 3eing of our customers and staff

    treating each and everyone 6ith dignity and respect 4ust li9e 6e 6ould at our o6n homeC

    "#* Bu)ine)) Ob+e&ti'e)

    +he primary o34ectives of the 3usiness plan for Restaurant are 3elo6>

    +o 3e the premier home style restaurant in Surat@ (u4arat@ India*

    +o provide uality meals at reasona3le prices 6ith e1emplary service Achieve 5over ratios of /*.. D at each lunch and dinner serving

    +o achieve Prime 5ost Ratios lo6er than08

    *#" Com,any O-ne!).i, / St!u&tu!e

    #e cuisine restaurant is an independent restaurant and one of its 9inds 3ased in the heart of Surat

    city* +he restaurant 6ill 3e co?o6ned 3y Ms Payal Agar6al and Pala9 Mandhyan 6ith a start?up

    capital of Rs ;. la9h*

    +he restaurant 6ill 3e open from morning // am* to night // pm*

    *#* Sta!t u, Fundin and Sou!&e o0 Fund)

    As the reuirement of start?up capital is Rs ;. la9h@ the o6ners 6ould in total 3ring out -8 of

    that reuired fund from their o6n poc9et@ 6hile the rest 6ould 3e ta9en from the 3an9 "an9 of



  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    Start up funding

    O6ners capital -8 Rs* -. la9h

    "an9 loan :8 Rs* 0. #a9h

    *#1 U)e o0 0und)

    o6 start up fund 6ill 3e utili=edG

    Furniture and interior 

    including chairs and ta3lesB

    8. la9h

    Initial advertisements - la9h

    $itchen euipments -7 la9h

    )or9ing capital 7 la9h

    *#2 Com,any Lo&ation) and Fa&i3itie)

    +he #e cuisine restaurant 6ould have its first 3ranch located in !r* Manshu9hlal +o6er@ %r*

    5ho6party@ Ath6alines@ Surat@ and (u4arat@ India* It 6ould 3e an /0.. s* ft restaurant 6ith an

    capacity of /8 ta3les and ma1imum capacity of :8?;. people* +he restaurant is located at ma4or

    traffic area*

    1#" Se!'i&e De)&!i,tion

    #e cuisine restaurant* through its investment 3y "an9 of "aroda* )ill 3e a3le to offer its clientele

    a uniue 3lend of Indian coo9ing different from the typical %orth or South Indian fare dished out 3y most restaurants* Using the concept of fusion coo9ing@ #e cuisine 6ill 3e a3le to present

    uniue and eclectic assortments of appeti=ers@ entrees and deserts that are rare to find in a typical

    Indian restaurant*

    1#* Com,etiti'e Land)&a,e

    )ith its incredi3ly diverse population Surat 5ity is a3le to support many restaurants serving up

    different varieties of foods* +he Indian full service restaurant is no different and Surat 5ity

    currently 3oasts around -.. restaurants that serve some 9ind of India fare* o6ever of the -..

    odd full service Indian restaurants the vast ma4ority of them focus on providing the traditional

    and dependa3le delicacies of %orth Indian coo9ingH around -. of the all Indian restaurants

    offer South India delicacies and very fe6 of them are true competitors to #e 5uisine* (iven the

    uniue 3lend of foods from the entire su3?continent* #e?5uisine 6ill 3e a3le to offer improved

    derivatives of classic Indian coo9ing*

    1#1 Dai3y O,e!ation) and P!odu&tion


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    #e cuisine restaurant 6ill 3e open : days a 6ee9 for lunch and dinner reuiring multiple shifts*

    Pala9 Mandhyan 6ill 6rite the schedules* +he schedules 6ill 3e 6ritten in a manner that 6ill

    allo6 the a3ility to increase or decrease hourly la3or according to sales volume in order to

    maintain a consistent la3or cost control* Proper la3eling and rotation techniues@ accompanied 3y

    ample storage facilities 6ill ensure that high uality prepared product 6ill 3e sufficientlyavaila3le to meet the demands during pea9 3usiness hours* Replenishment and ongoing

     preparation 6ill continue during off pea9 3usiness hours*

    Payal Agar6al 6ill 3e responsi3le for ordering@ receiving and maintaining sufficient inventory to

    meet production demands* Ordering schedules 6ill 3e staggered 6ith perisha3le products 3eing

    ordered multiple times per 6ee9 to preserve freshness* Standard grocery and supply orders 6ill

     3e ordered less often@ according to a predetermined schedule and storage capacity*

    +hey 6ill appoint a restaurant manager 6ho 6ill rely on operational chec9lists to verify that each

    6or9 shift has 3een properly prepared for and to insure the operational standards are follo6ed 3efore@ during and after 6or9 shifts*

    +he restaurant layout@ including the dining room@ 9itchen and serving line@ has 3een designed for

    efficiency and fle1i3ility to accommodate the fluctuation in customer traffic and pea9 meal


    Upon arrival@ guests 6ill 3e greeted immediately 3y either the assistant manager or a server and

    as9ed for the seating preference* !rin9 orders 6ill 3e ta9en and guests can munch on our

    complimentary rolls* Once the customers order is ta9en@ the order 6ill automatically 3e printed

    to a reuisition printer located in the grill area* +he grill coo9 6ill use the printed tic9et to 9eep

    trac9 of orders and place the meal under the heating lamps until the order is complete*

    +he 9itchen preparation line has 3een designed to 3e operated 3y a minimum staff of / line coo9

    and a ma1imum of 7 coo9s* +his design allo6s line staffing to 3e ad4usted to the 3usiness

    volume* Shift changes for all staff 6ill involve cleanup@ restoc9ing and preparation* All monies

    6ill 3e settled at the end of each shift* +he closing shift 6ill involve designated closing duties

    that 6ill leave the restaurant clean and fully prepared for the ne1t day*


    2#$ Com,etiti'e Ede

     +odays competitive full service restaurant 3usinesses there are three things that are 9eys to


    #ocation and #eases

    E1cellent and diverse menu priced reasona3ly


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    Am3ience and customer service

    +he choice of locations is the city of Surat* Its a city 6hose people are 9no6n to 3e food lovers*

    Our diverse menu selection during 3oth lunch and dinner hours has 3een developed after years of 

    e1perience in the industry 3y our chefs* 5are has 3een ta9en to pic9 cro6d pleasers and house

    specials that are not easy to find in Indian dining and the fare price delivery is reasona3le and inline 6ith local competitors*

    2#" Ta!et (a!4et:

    #o6er to upper middle class families staying in Surat city 6ould 3e the target mar9et

    2#* Po)itionin

    )e are positioning ourselves to mar9et to the lo6er to upper middle class clientele of 6ell heeled

    6or9ing professionals 6ho live and 6or9 in Surat 5ity* Our typical customer is 6ell educated

    having a graduate degree@ 6or9ing andor living in Surat city@ loo9ing for a tasteful and differentIndian dining e1perience than 6hat is offered 3y the local deli*

    2#1 Ad'e!ti)in St!atey

    #e cuisine restaurant 6ill advertise using all possi3le forms of media including print@ radio and


    Our print media advertising 6ill 3e focused on pu3lications li9e restaurants 4ournals and

    local ne6s paper li9e J(u4arat smacharK and in e1ceptional cases in J+imes of IndiaK*

    Social media advertisement li9e Face 3oo9@ Instagram@ 3logs*

    +elevision advertisements in local channels*

    Pub3i& Re3ation) 

    Survey 5ards 6ill 3e placed at each ta3le for patrons to collect data on the follo6ing>

    Luality of the Food & Service

    !emographic Information to target mar9eting efforts

    Sign In "oo9 #edger & Fish "o6l for "usiness 5ards to create an E?mail #ist

    2#2 (a!4etin P!o!am)

     Initial mar9eting campaign 6ill consist of contacting our data3ases clients and notifying

    them of our grand opening* )e 6ill see9 the use of a local mailing service program to

    assist us in the implementation of the campaign


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    Ongoing>? 6ill meticulously 9eep our data3ase current and use the 5onstant 5ontact


    #oyalty and "irthday 5lu3 mem3ers 6ill notified of upcoming special menu items and to

    alert them of our catering service*

    2#5 P!i&in St!atey

    5ost accounting is important@ since the profita3ility of individual dishes can vary significantly

    and 6ill initially determine the cost of the menu items* )e 6ill ta9e advantage of our e1cellent

    credit terms 6ith our suppliers and 6ill also update our menu to ta9e advantage of seasonality for 

    e1ample in local produce items* )e 6ill also closely monitor the Prime 5ost Report 6hich

    focuses on the controlla3le e1penses of 5ost of (oods Sold and #a3or* As a ne6 start up 6e can

    currently control employee cost 3y hiring family mem3ers 6ho 6ill 6or9 for lo6 and reduced


    2#6 Sa3e) St!atey

    5ustomer service is of the utmost importance* 5ustomer surveys estimate that only / in -.

    customers that have a pro3lem in a restaurant 6ill tell management a3out it* It 6ill 3e our goal to

     provide a 6onderful home style meal com3ined 6ith superior customer service* +raining

     programs 6ill include teaching materials to train our employees a3out service attitudes@ customer 

     perception and ho6 to handle guest complaints*

    Pala9 6ill conduct periodic staff meetings intended to revie6 policy@ increase guest satisfaction

    and to 9eep a general line of communication 3et6een staff and management* All guest

    complaints 6ill 3e ac9no6ledged 3y the staff and referred to management* Programs 6ill 3e in

     place for all types of guest complaints* More serious complaints 6ill 3e documented*

    2#7 Sa3e) Fo!e&a)t

    Sa3e) 0o!e&a)tin

    Sa3e) 8ea! " 8ea! * 8ea! 1





  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl





    ,!o0its 2691*2$ 51$*22 576756$

    2#9 (i3e)tone)

    Secure #ending for Initial Start Up@ )or9ing 5apital .8./-./:

    5omplete Interior !cor .2./-./:

    5omplete $itchen )ait Station %eeds .2./-./:

    ire "ac9 Staff .2./-./:

    ire Front Staff .2./-./:

    Secure a Point of Sale System .7./-./:

    Start of restaurant ./.7-./0

    5ash Flo6 2/.2-./:

    2# E%it St!atey

    !isposal of 9itchen euipment@ and restaurant furniture@ and fi1tures 6ould occur at auction* +he

    additional assets such as the staffs uniforms@ ta3le cloths@ and cutlery could"e sold at auction or on e3ay* Food inventory 3ecause of its uic9 perisha3le time 6ould 3e

    considered a 6rite off*

    5#$ O!ani;ation and (anaement

    5#" O!ani;ationa3 St!u&tu!e

    #e cuisine restaurant e1pects to hire -/ employees* +ogether@ Payal Agar6al and Pala9

    Mandhyan 6ill personally select each candidate* +heyve adopted an effective intervie6 process

    designed to staff the restaurant*

    5.2 Management team

     Le cuisine restaurant will be owned by Palak . He has worked previously in an local restaurant

    and after earning a degree, he has earned quite an experience and knowledge to be competitive.

     Jigarkumar Patel also has a masters degree and will be working here as an assistant manager.

    5#1 Pe!)onne3 ,3an

    Pe!)onne3 ,3an


  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    Sa3a!ie) 8ea! " 8ea! * 8ea! 1


    Assign manager /B per month Rs* /-... /77... /70;;. /7

  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    6#* P!o+e&ted P!o0it and 3o)) a&&ount and ba3an&e ).eet

    P!o0it and 3o)) a&&ount

    Pa!ti&u3a!) 8ea! " 8ea! * 8ea! 1


    !iiner /.20;... /.

  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    Tota3 a))et) 16"#5 11$#26 *95#95


    Liabi3itie) and Ca,ita3  

    5urrent #ia3ilities

    Accounts paya3le ; 0 :

      5urrent "orro6ings - . .

      Other current lia3ilities .*8 .*-8 .

    +otal 5urrent #ia3ilities /.*8 0*-8 :

    #ong term #ia3ilities 0. 8.*

  • 8/19/2019 Rash Resturant Buisness Pl



    "rea9 even uantity per



    < 8::-*;7:7:
