rare earth element geochemistry of ordovician an silurian shales in lithuania

7/28/2019 Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Ordovician an Silurian Shales in Lithuania http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/rare-earth-element-geochemistry-of-ordovician-an-silurian-shales-in-lithuania 1/17 ! Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study ISSN 1392110X. G e o l o g i j a . 2002. Nr. 37 Geochemija Geochemistry Ãåîõèìèÿ Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study Saulius Ðliaupa Ðliaupa S. Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: a provenance study. Geologija. Vilnius. 2002. N. 37. P. 319. ISSN 1392110X. The Baltic basin is a part of the DnieprBaltic system of marginal basins established in Vendian Early Palaeozoic time due to continent breaking along the Baltica margin. The Vendian Middle Ordovician evolution of the basin is described in terms of passive con- tinental margin. In Late OrdovicianSilurian time the subsidence of the basin drastically increased; that is related to the docking of Eastern Avalonia to the western margin of Baltica, associated with a gradual increase in terrigenous supply to the basin. The Ordo-  vician and the former part of the Silurian are described in terms of starved basin which evolved into an overfilled foreland basin by the end of the Silurian Earliest Devonian. Deep water graptolithic shales dominate over the western and central parts of the basin. In the east they grade into shallow-water carbonates. Close to the North GermanPolish Caledonides (NGRC) siltstones were deposited since Llandovery and Wenlock. The previous lithofacies studies suggest the domination of the eastern (platform) provenance during the Ordovician and the former part of the Silurian, while the western (orogenic) area supplied the major part of terrigens in the middle and late Silurian. Seeking to map the spatial distribution of differently sourced shales and to reveal the temporal trends in the provenance, rare-earth and trace elements were studied in shale and marlstone sampled in one Ordovician section and three representative Silurian wells located in eastern, central and western Lithuania, thus examining the three major lithofacies belts recognised in the central and eastern parts of the Baltic basin. Because REE are not easily fractionated during sedimentation, sedimentary REE patterns provide an index to the average composition of the provenance. Ordovician and Silurian shales show different REE patterns, pointing to different sources. The Silurian shows a strong similarity of all samples, thus pointing to the domination of one source during the Silurian. Comparison with sediments of different tectonic setting indicates the strongest affinity to source rocks deposited on the passive continen- tal margins. This might be alternatively interpreted as an indication of (1) dominating influx of terrigens from the eastern SarmatiaFennoscandia platform or (2) recycled orogen type of the western Caledonides. The similarity of the REE patterns for all samples points to a domination of one terrigenic source in the territory of Lithuania during the Silurian. Yet, a miserable addition of the mafic component in the late Silurian, recognised in the western and central lithofacies, is likely to reflect the advancement of mafic sources. Also, Archean-sourced-like shales were reported from the easternmost part of the basin from Ludlow and Pridoli rocks, which strongly suggests an increased influx from the east in the latter part of the Silurian, which is explained in terms of the basin regression and advancement of the eastern shore line. Keywords: Silurian, Ordovician, provenance, REE, foreland, geochemistry Received 18 February 2002, accepted 30 February 2002 Saulius Ðliaupa, Institute of Geology, T. Ðevèenkos 13, LT-2600 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Ordovician sediments are only a few hundred meters thick, while Silurian deposits represent the main bulk of the sedimentary pile of the Baltic basin. The thick- ness of Silurian sediments increases to the south-  west, towards the edge of the East European Cra- ton, while Ordovician sediments show an opposite trend referred to non-compensated sedimentation. Close to the Tornquist Zone the thickness of Silu- rian deposits exceeds 3.5 km (Grigelis, 1994), and palaeoreconstructions indicate an originally thicker

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

ISSN 1392110X. G e o l o g i j a . 2002. Nr. 37

Geochemija Geochemistry Ãåîõèìèÿ

Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician andSilurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

Saulius Ðliaupa Ðliaupa S. Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania:a provenance study. Geologija. Vilnius. 2002. N. 37. P. 319. ISSN 1392110X.The Baltic basin is a part of the DnieprBaltic system of marginal basins established inVendian Early Palaeozoic time due to continent breaking along the Baltica margin. The

Vendian Middle Ordovician evolution of the basin is described in terms of passive con-tinental margin. In Late OrdovicianSilurian time the subsidence of the basin drasticallyincreased; that is related to the docking of Eastern Avalonia to the western margin of Baltica, associated with a gradual increase in terrigenous supply to the basin. The Ordo- vician and the former part of the Silurian are described in terms of starved basin whichevolved into an overfilled foreland basin by the end of the Silurian Earliest Devonian.Deep water graptolithic shales dominate over the western and central parts of the basin.In the east they grade into shallow-water carbonates. Close to the North GermanPolishCaledonides (NGRC) siltstones were deposited since Llandovery and Wenlock.

The previous lithofacies studies suggest the domination of the eastern (platform) provenance during the Ordovicianand the former part of the Silurian, while the western (orogenic) area supplied the major part of terrigens in the middleand late Silurian. Seeking to map the spatial distribution of differently sourced shales and to reveal the temporal trendsin the provenance, rare-earth and trace elements were studied in shale and marlstone sampled in one Ordovician section

and three representative Silurian wells located in eastern, central and western Lithuania, thus examining the three majorlithofacies belts recognised in the central and eastern parts of the Baltic basin. Because REE are not easily fractionatedduring sedimentation, sedimentary REE patterns provide an index to the average composition of the provenance.

Ordovician and Silurian shales show different REE patterns, pointing to different sources. The Silurian shows astrong similarity of all samples, thus pointing to the domination of one source during the Silurian. Comparison withsediments of different tectonic setting indicates the strongest affinity to source rocks deposited on the passive continen-tal margins. This might be alternatively interpreted as an indication of (1) dominating influx of terrigens from theeastern SarmatiaFennoscandia platform or (2) recycled orogen type of the western Caledonides. The similarity of theREE patterns for all samples points to a domination of one terrigenic source in the territory of Lithuania during theSilurian. Yet, a miserable addition of the mafic component in the late Silurian, recognised in the western and centrallithofacies, is likely to reflect the advancement of mafic sources. Also, Archean-sourced-like shales were reported fromthe easternmost part of the basin from Ludlow and Pridoli rocks, which strongly suggests an increased influx from theeast in the latter part of the Silurian, which is explained in terms of the basin regression and advancement of the easternshore line.

Keywords: Silurian, Ordovician, provenance, REE, foreland, geochemistry

Received 18 February 2002, accepted 30 February 2002Saulius Ðliaupa, Institute of Geology, T. Ðevèenkos 13, LT-2600 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected]


Ordovician sediments are only a few hundred metersthick, while Silurian deposits represent the main bulkof the sedimentary pile of the Baltic basin. The thick-

ness of Silurian sediments increases to the south-

 west, towards the edge of the East European Cra-ton, while Ordovician sediments show an oppositetrend referred to non-compensated sedimentation.Close to the Tornquist Zone the thickness of Silu-rian deposits exceeds 3.5 km (Grigelis, 1994), and

palaeoreconstructions indicate an originally thicker

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Silurian pile (Vejbaeck, 1994). In the Fjerritslevtrough located close to the Starslund-Tornquist zo-ne, the preserved Lower Palaeozoic sediments aresuggested to be as thick as 67 km (Lie, Andersson,1998). The backstripping showed a drastic accelera-tion of the subsidence during the Silurian, preceded

by a slow Late CambrianOrdovician subsidence(respectively more than 100 m/Ma and 23 m/Ma).This was related to the onset of the collision regi-me along the south-western margin of the Balticacontinent due to docking of Eastern Avalonia tothe western margin of the Baltica continent, whichearlier presented a passive continental margin (Sliau-pa et al., 1997; Poprawa et al., 1997). The over-thrusting of the North GermanPolish Caledonidesonto the craton margin evoked the subsidence of the marginal Baltic basin. Obduction of orogenic wedges onto the platform was confirmed by com-

mercial seismic data (Hoffman, Franke, 1997) andDSS profiling (Krawchik et al., 1999; Abramovitz etal., 1998). A concave shape of backstripped curvesindicating acceleration of the basin subsidence isthought to be related to the advancement of theaccretionary wedge and to an increasing orogenicload onto the craton margin during the Silurian(Sliaupa et al., 1997; Poprawa et al., 1997). This isin accordance with the sedimentation trend, indica-ting the starvation stage of the Baltic basin in thebeginning of the Silurian (Lapinskas, 1987) to itsoverfilling in the beginning of the Devonian (Su-

 veizdis, Sliaupa, 1999). The lithofacies distributionsuggests the prevalence of the eastern source duringthe Ordovician and the former part of the Siluriantime, whereas the western provenance became do-minant since late Wenlock (Lapinskas, 1987; Laðko- vas, 2001). The role of the western sources is advo-cated by sedimentation of siltstones since the Llan-dovery and Wenlock close to the deformation frontof the North GermanPolish Caledonides (McCann,1992). Also, there are indications of western sourc-ing in the Late Ordovician, evidenced by occurrenceof siltstones in the westernmost part of the Baltic

basin. The dominant clastic sedimentation started inthe German sector of the foreland;  e.g ., siltstones,sandstones and mudstones constitute the Llandove-ry section of the G14-1/86 well (Maletz, 1997), andgradually progressed to the south and south-east re-lating to the oblique convergence of Eastern Avalo-nia (Jaworowski, 2000). Beier et al. (1999) inter-preted these facts in terms of the domination of theterrigenic influx from the Avalonian orogen to theforeland. Still, the fine-grained composition of Silu-rian sediments in the Baltic foreland implies a ratherlow topography of the adjacent Caledonides which

provided terrigens into the basin. The soft dockingof Avalonia to the Baltica continent implied from

the structural evolution in the foreland also sug-gests a rather low-topography orogen (Sliaupa, 1999).

In this way, both geodynamic reconstructions andlithological studies imply a strong correlation of thegeological evolution of the Silurian Baltic basin tothe build-up of the adjacent Caledonides, while the

Ordovician passive margin sedimentation was linkedto the adjacent platform. It is still not clear to whatextent the western (Avalonian) provenance influ-enced the sedimentation processes in the basin com-peting with the eastern sources during the Silurian(Fig. 1) and in what time exactly the redistributionin provenances took place. Furthermore, the Scan-dinavian Caledonides might have been the thirdpartner, as is indicated by occurrence of Burgsviksandstones in the Gotland area (Kershaw, 1993), pro-bably transported from the Scandinavian provenance.However, its contribution should not have been very

extensive, taking into consideration the onset of theSilurian forebulge separating the Scandinavian fore-land from the Baltic depression (Baarly, 1990).

Both palaeontological ( e.g ., Cocks et al., 1997)and palaeomagnetic data (Torsvik, 1998) suggest aconsiderable attenuation of the Tornquist Sea sepa-rating the Baltica margin from the East Avalonianmicroplate by the Late Ordovician. However, theage of the Caledonian deformation and consequent-ly the growth of the topography of the provenanceare still questionable. South of the Ringkobing-FynHigh the low-metamorphic rocks yielded 440 Ma

(Frost et al., 1981), which was interpreted as anevidence of the Caledonian deformation. Maletz etal. (1997), by studying the Lower Palaeozoic sedi-ments of the DanishRügen area, dated the firstphases of the deformation along the North German Polish CDF as the Llanvirnian. Following theseauthors, the overthrusting of the accretional wedgesled to downwarping of the Baltica margin, whichresulted in a suppression of sedimentation in theforeland. McCann and Negendank (1997) suggestedthat tectonic activity in the German Caledonides as well as in its foreland increased significantly in the

Ordovician. The succeeding strong overthrustingevent triggered the fast overfilling of the forelandbasin in the Llandovery (Maletz et al., 1997). Thisprocess continued into the Wenlock, what is indica-ted by an extensive deposition of shallow-water clas-tics in the RügenDanish area. In Western Pomera-nia, undeformed Pridoli shales and siltstones reston the strongly tectonised older Silurian sediments(Milaczewski, Modlinski, 1998). Giese et al. (1997)documented Silurian tectonic structures in the RügenIsland, indicating an overthrusting of the northernmargin of the Avalonian wedges onto the marginal

foredeep lithofacies. Isotope studies from the RügenIsland point to the onset of deformations in the

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

Early Silurian (Giese et al., 1995). In the G14-1/86 well the whole section of Silurian deposits shows

evidences of compressional deformation, thus imply-ing collisional processes during the Silurian, still theintensity of deformation decreases up the section(Beier, Katzung, 1997). In the foredeep the Silurianigneous activity was just minor (Berthelsen, 1992).

The intensity of deposition and lithology of theforeland infill depends much on the distance to thedeformation front and topography of the fold-belt. A most drastic change in the orogen topographyoccurs while accretional wedges straddle the conti-nental slope of the foreland. For a long time theboundary between Baltica and Eastern Avalonia was

considered to be confined to the Caledonian Defo-mation Front (CDF), which was encountered in wellsin Denmark, NE Germany, NW Poland. However,since EUGENO-S deep seismic survey in the eigh-ties it has been clearly realised that the major tec-tonic boundary between the two plates is locatedfurther to the south and west. This was supportedby DSS studies BABEL (Meissner et al., 1994),DEKORP (Krawzhik et al., 1999), MONA LIZA (MONA LIZA Working Group, 1998; Abramovitzet al., 1998). Furthermore, the major suture has beensuggested to be related to the Elbe Zone (Abra-

mowitz et al., 1998; Kind et al., 1999), which islocated 200300 km west and south of the CDF,

thus conflicting with the original idea of Cocks andFortey (1982) relating the Baltic margin to the Torn-

quist lineament. Some palaeontological studies arealso in favour of the Elbe zone as the major line-ament separating the Baltica continent from East-ern Avalonia (McKerrow, van Staal, 1997). Otherinvestigators place the major line inbetween thesetwo,  e.g ., the Starslund-Anklam Fault passing to theSchleswig-Holstein Fault (Hoffman, Franke, 1997).

Only scarce information is available on the CDFlithologies, which is important in provenance stu-dies. Ordovician deep water rift-related sediments were preserved only in the NE German basin, where-as Silurian deposits were likely deposited and later

eroded (McCann, 1996; Giese et al., 1994). Stronglydeformed Middle OrdovicianSilurian rocks weredrilled in Western Pomerania, west of the CDF (Mi-laczewski, Modlinski, 1998). Caradocian sedimentsare represented here by siltstones with some sand-stones and piroclasts. Siltstones and shales domina-te the Silurian succession.

The recent provenance studies consider just the westernmost part of the Caledonian foreland. It wasshown that the deep water Ordovician sediments of the Rügen Island were derived from a volcanic pro- venance. The ophiolitic and volcanic arc sources are

evidenced by sediment lithologies, and this was in-terpreted as the indicator of the southern polarity




       S       A        R        M       A        T        I       A

        C       O        N        T        I        N        E        N        T

Akmen -70ë

Fig. 1. Ordovician (left) and Silurian (right) lithofacies distribution in the western margin of East European Platform,following from the east to the west: carbonate, mixed carbonate and shale, shale, silty lithofacies. Arrows indicatesourcing of terrigens from different provenances. Broken line marks recent distribution of Silurian sediments. Loca-tions of studied wells are indicated1 pav. Ordoviko (kairëje) ir silûro (deðinëje) litofacijø pasiskirstymas vakariniame Rytø Europos platformos pakraðtyjeeinant ið rytø á vakarus: karbonatinës, karbonatinës molingos, molingos, aleuritingos. Rodyklës rodo terigeninës me-dþiagos prineðimà ið skirtingø ðaltiniø. Punktyrinë linija þymi dabartinio silûro uolienø paplitimo ribà. Paþymëti tirtigræþiniai

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Saulius Ðliaupa

of the subduction which later on changed into thenorthern one (Franke et al., 1996). The greywackesprovide information on the source lithologies, as theyare least subjected to chemical weathering. Minera-logical studies in the Rügen area revealed ophioliticsources of the Ordovician sediments (Giese, Katzung,

Walter, 1994). Isotopic studies indicate that sedimentsof the Rügen Caledonides and the adjacent fore-deep were sourced from different provenances(Tschernoster et al., 1997), having respectively Gond- vana and Baltica affinities. A mixture of two sour-ces took place in the Late Ordovician, suggesting aconsiderable narrowing of the Tornquist Sea.

The present study is aimed at the inspection of the REE and trace-element geochemistry of the Or-dovician and Silurian shales of Lithuania to tracethe major trends in the provenance. REE is a ratheruseful tool in studying shale provenance lithologies,because they may provide an information on theaverage composition of the exposed terranes supply-ing sediments to the sedimentary basin (McLennanet al., 1980; Bhatia and Taylor, 1981; Andre et al.,1986, etc.; Cullers, Podkovyrov, 2000; Nath et al.,2000). Despite some fractionation of REE during weathering, transportation and sorting, it is believedthat the element contents is a function of the pro- venance lithologies (Bhatia, Taylor, 1981; Andre etal., 1986; McLennan, 1990; Condie, 1991; Johnsson,2000). REE are characterised by low solubility du-

ring weathering, they have short residence times (<1ka) in seawater (McLennan, 1982), consequentlyREE abundances in low temperature surface waterare exceedingly low (McLennan, 1989). Furthermo-re, REE are relatively immobile during most post-depositional processes such as diagenesis and meta-morphism.

The most important factors that determine theREE content in shales are source rocks geochemist-ry (Andre et al., 1986), and it is less controlled by weathering conditions (Brown et al., 1955; Duddy,1980; Ronov et al., 1967), depositional environment

(Tlig, Steinberg, 1982), diagenesis (Lev et al., 1999).It is well established that REE are carried mostlyas suspended loads rather than in dissolved form(McLennan, 1989). Therefore, they may be trans-ported almost in bulk from the parent rock to thebasin. Some mobility of rare-earth elements during weathering processes were reported by Ronov et al.(1967), Roaldset (1973), etc. Following Schieber(1986), weathering conditions as well as conditionsof deposition influence the REE patterns in shales.This can help in stratigraphic correlation of diffe-rent basin lithofacies.

REE abundances were studied in the Ordovicianshale and Silurian shales (Figs. 1, 2) seeking to ob-

tain the evolutionary trend in the provenance areas,as well as to determine the tectonic scenario in theSilurian Baltic basin, since the tectonic setting of asedimentary basin and the surrounding source areastrongly imprint the REE patterns of the terrigens.Sediments deposited in the passive margin setting

commonly show more differentiated rare-earth ele-ment patterns than those deposited near young vol-canic arcs (McLennan, 1989). Bhatia and Taylor(1981) have studied REE differences in arc-derivedand continental margin sediments in Australia, i.e.an attempt has been undertaken to examine the re-lationship between REE patterns and the tectonicsetting of sediments. Totten and Weaver (2000) ana-lysed the geochemical features of shales, seeking toidentify their tectonic setting. Following J. Murphy

Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphy and sampling scheme of the wellsstudied2 pav. Tirtø græþiniø litostratigrafinës kolonëlës, nurodytibandiniø paëmimo gyliai






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     a     r     a    -

       d     o     c



       L       l     a     n    -

     v       i     r     n

       A     r     e     n       i     g

Trema -






clay/ marl







Nida-1 Bliûdþiai-96 Jaèionys-299

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

(2000), gechemical signatures of clastic sedimentshardly reveal the tectonic environment of the accu-mulating basin, showing rather the tectonic settingof the provenance.


The thickness of Ordovician deposits ranges from40 m in paleouplifts to 260 m in the deepest Jelga- va depression. They are represented by carbonates(limestones, dolomites) intercalating with shales. AllOrdovician stages are present in the succession of the Baltic basin. Breaks of sedimentation were rathershort-term and restricted mainly to the marginalparts of the basin (Laðkovas, 2001), indicating a per-sistent though low-rate subsidence of the Ordovi-cian basin. Carbonates are more abundant on the

basin flanks, while shales dominate the central and western portions of the Baltic basin.

The thickness of the Silurian succession increa-ses westward, exceeding 3.5 km close to the Pome-ranian CDF. Compared to the underlying Ordovi-cian succession, the rate of deposition during theSilurian was one-two orders higher, indicating a dras-tically increased subsidence and an influx of fineclastics to the basin. The sedimentation was ratherpersistent in the Baltic basin during the Silurian,resulting in stratigraphic completeness, with no ba-sin-wide hiatuses recognised. Breaks in the sedimen-

tation are documented only on the periphery of thebasin due to low-amplitude tectonic movements andsea level oscillations. The rate of sedimentation in-creased in the course of the Silurian. The thicknessof the Llandovery does not exceed 60 m across thebasin, whereas the Wenlock sediments are as thickas 600 m close to the Tornquist Zone (Ëàïèíñêàñ,1987). The overlying Ludlow sediments are up to2400 m thick. The Pridoli does not exceed 700 m inthe west, and the original thickness was much larger.

The sedimentation environment of the Silurianbasin deepened towards the western margin of Baltica

(Ïàøêÿâè÷þñ, 1982). Graptolite shales dominatethe western and central parts of the Silurian basin(Ëàïèíñêàñ, 1987). They gradually give way to marl-stones, limestones and dolomites in the east. Closestto the NGPC, deposition of siltstones started sincethe Llandovery to the middle Wenlock. The Llando- very middle Wenlock sedimentation is consideredin terms of a starvation stage, which was followed bycompensated deposition during the Late Silurian.Increase in the terrigenous supply, inferred from thesediment thickness, is associated with a gradual shal-lowing of the depositional environment (Lapinskas

1996). This is associated with an increase in carbonatedeposition (Musteikis, Kaminskas, 1996).


The Ordovician samples were obtained from the Ak-menë-70 well located in NW Lituhania, on the south-ern flank of the Jelgava depression, which resultedin abundance of shaly lithologies (Fig. 1). Five shale

samples were collected from the Arenig, Johvi, Mos-sen, Fjacka and Porkuni stratigraphic levels (Fig. 2).The aim of the study was to recognise temporalchanges in terrigen sourcing during the Ordovicianand to compare them to Silurian provenance signa-tures.

Thirteen samples were collected from three rep-resentative wells (Jaèionys-299, Bliûdþiai-96 and Ni-da-1) located respectively in eastern, middle and wes-tern Lithuania (Figs. 1, 2). These wells representthree major lithofacies zones of the Silurian basin(Fig. 1). The Jaèionys-299 well penetrated marginal

lithofacies composed of shallow-water shales, marl-stones, limestones, dolomites, with domination of thelatter two. Sediments were deposited in open shal-low marine and lagoonal environments. Four samples were obtained from the Llandovery shale, Wenlock,Ludlow and Pridoli dolomitic marlstones (Fig. 2).The Bliûdþiai-96 well is located within the transi-tion zone separating shallow-water carbonates in theeast and deep shelf shales in the west. As comparedto the Jaèionys-299 well, the succession is of a moreclayey composition, the Lower Silurian is dominatedby graptolitic shales, whereas the Upper Silurian is

largely composed of marlstones with limestones in-creasing upward. Four samples were collected fromthe Bliûdþiai-96 well, representing Llandovery andWenlock shales, Ludlow and Pridoli marlstones(Fig. 2). The westernmost well Nida-1 penetrateddeep-shelf graptolitic shales. Each stage was charac-terized by one sample, except Wenlock shales repre-sented by two samples obtained from the lower andupper portions (Fig. 2) in order to register the geo-chemical trends associated with the most dramaticchanges in the sediment supply to the basin. Six samples were collected for bulk chemistry analysis

from the Kurtuvënai-166 well located in central Li-thuania. One sample represents Llandovery grapto-litic shale, two samples were obtained from Wen-lock clayey marlstone, two samples characterise Lud-low marlstone, one sample was taken from Pridoli.


 3.1. Ordovician

Concentration of REE in Ordovician rocks from the Akmenë-70 well ranges from 134 to 174 ppm, whilemaximum abundance was documented in Porkuni

shale, which is characterized by a minimum contentof carbonates (LOI is only 6%, while other samples

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Saulius Ðliaupa

show 1222%). The pattern of chondrite-normalisedREE is rather similar in all samples (Fig. 5), sho- wing enrichment in LREE and only miserable diffe-rentiation of HREE. The Lan /Smn ratio is 3.54.4(minimum in Mossen shale and maximum in Fjackashale). Gdn /Ybn ratio, which describes HREE dif-

ferentiation, ranges in the order 1.141.65. TheLREE / HREE ratio expressed as Lan /Ybn variesfrom 7.2 to 10.5. The Eu/Eu* anomaly is around0.7, which is close to the standard shales, except

Fjacka shale (0.55). The REE patterns normalisedto standard shales (NASC) show similar trends, witha characteristic positive Pr-to-Eu anomaly (Fig. 7).The main differences are related to background le- vels, relating to carbonate dillution. The Johvi shaleshows some higher concentration of HREE. The

Fjacka shale stays apart from the other Ordoviciansamples, indicating a gradual decrease in relativeconcentration from LREE to HREE. This possiblyindicates different sourcing during Fjacka time.

Nida-1 Bliûdþiai-96 Jaèionys-299Elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

 ppmLa 32.3 31.9 33.1 33.1 37.6 28.2 28.9 28.2 37.3 13 5.8 20.9 29.8Ce 60 68 66.7 66.6 74.3 53.1 53.7 55 73.3 26.1 12 44.6 60Pr 8.01 9.23 8.91 8.5 10.33 6.75 7.13 7.63 10.29 3.56 1.7 6.17 7.91Nd 28.5 32.5 31 30.9 36.7 24.2 25.8 26.5 36.4 12.4 6.5 22.1 27.5Sm 5.2 6.9 6.0 5.9 7.0 4.6 5.0 5.3 6.7 2.3 1.1 4.5 5.2Eu 1.2 1.44 1.35 1.31 1.55 1.06 1.12 1.25 1.5 0.61 0.44 1.01 1.17Gd 5.58 6.61 6.09 5.96 7.28 4.65 4.97 5.61 6.72 2.38 1.47 4.52 5.05Tb 0.82 1.06 0.94 0.92 1.16 0.71 0.77 0.84 1.02 0.34 0.20 0.63 0.79Dy 4.18 5.21 4.73 4.39 5.94 3.61 3.79 4.18 5.13 1.74 1.04 3.13 3.89

Ho 0.87 1.05 1.00 0.89 1.19 0.75 0.78 0.87 1.04 0.36 0.20 0.66 0.84Er 2.45 3.08 2.90 2.74 3.42 2.30 2.42 2.46 3.11 1.06 0.63 1.77 2.48Tm 0.38 0.45 0.43 0.42 0.54 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.50 0.15 0.07 0.26 0.40Yb 2.21 2.69 2.43 2.46 3.05 2.22 2.118 2.23 2.62 0.79 0.46 1.61 2.37Lu 0.38 0.46 0.43 0.39 0.52 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.47 0.15 0.07 0.26 0.40

ΣREE 152 171 166 164 191 133 137 141 186 65 32 112 148

Lan /Ybn 9.77 7.93 9.11 9.00 8.24 8.49 8.86 8.46 9.52 11.00 8.43 8.68 8.41Lan /Smn 3.83 2.85 3.40 3.46 3.31 3.78 3.57 3.28 3.44 3.49 3.25 2.87 3.54Gdn /Ybn 2.01 1.96 2.00 1.93 1.90 1.67 1.82 2.01 2.04 2.40 2.55 2.24 1.70Eu/Eu* 0.685 0.655 0.687 0.679 0.667 0.705 0.691 0.705 0.687 0.801 1.06 0.688 0.702Ta/Ta* 0.26 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.23 0.26 0.23 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.13 0.23 0.22

La/Th 2.86 2.80 2.93 3.15 2.96 2.71 2.49 3.00 3.06 3.02 5.27 2.94 2.87%Ca 2.66 4.12 4.43 3.78 2.82 4.12 4.99 7.90 2.79 13.31 19.04 9.95 5.41Mg 2.85 1.98 2.47 2.40 2.25 3.06 3.10 3.00 2.39 7.97 9.86 6.49 3.57Fe 4.77 3.93 3.76 3.47 3.94 4.02 3.26 2.87 3.44 1.39 0.71 2.20 3.06Ti 0.38 0.32 0.35 0.32 0.39 0.36 0.33 0.28 0.40 0.13 0.05 0.21 0.32

 Al 8.15 6.78 7.06 6.41 7.04 7.37 5.75 5.49 7.23 2.83 1.10 4.07 5.27Na 0.62 0.60 0.62 0.45 0.41 0.25 0.58 0.54 0.51 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.09K 3.71 2.72 3.01 2.74 2.96 3.90 3.30 2.72 3.16 1.61 0.75 2.60 3.55P 0.036 0.06 0.032 0.037 0.037 0.023 0.028 0.038 0.039 0.020 0.005 0.038 0.008

Samples: well Nida-1: 1 1286 m (S2pr);  2 1797 m (S2ld);  3 1940 m (S1w); 4 1992 m (S1w);  5 2030 m

(S1lnd); well Blûdþiai-96: 6 889 m (S2pr); 7  1069 m (S2ld); 8 1165 m (S1w); 9 1274 m (S1lnd); wellJaèionys-299: 10 99 m (S2pr); 11 118 m (S2ld); 12 165 m (S1w); 13 223 m (S1lnd)

Table 1. REE concentrations (ppm) in Silurian shaly rocks, Lithuania. Indicatory ratios and abundances (%) of major elements are given bellow 1 lentelë. RÞE kiekis (ppm) silûro molingose uolienose (Lietuva). Toliau pateikti indikatoriniai elementø santykiaiir pagrindiniø elementø koncentracija (%)

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

 3.2. Silurian

 A content of rare-earth elements in Silurian sam-ples vary in a wide range (from 32 to 190 ppm)(Table 1). A trend of REE increase from the shal-low-water lithofacies of the Jaèionys-299 well in the

east to the deep-shelf shales of the Nida-1 well inthe west is distinct. An average content of REE inSilurian shales of the Nida-1 well, estimated for 5samples, is 168 ppm, whereas shales and marlstonesof the Bliûdþiai-96 well average to 149 ppm and toonly 89 ppm in Jaèionys-299. Moreover, an upwarddecrease of REE abundances is reported from allthe wells. These trends are explained in terms of carbonate dilution effect. Carbonate sediments typi-cally have substantially lower total REE abundancesthan do clastic sediments (McLennan, 1989). There-fore, admixture of dolomite and calcite results in a

lower content of REE in the rock. It is seen inFig. 3 that contents of Ca and Mg sistematically in-crease from Nida-1 to Jaèionys-299. The verticaltrends are more complex, though the general up- ward increase is quite obvious. Figure 4 illustratesthis strong invert correlation of REE to Ma and Ca(0.96 and 0.94, respectively), which are the consti-tuents of the carbonate admixture in Silurian shales.Clay minerals contain the major bulk of REE, as isseen in REE  vs. aluminium and REE  vs. potassiumdiagrams (Fig. 4). The lowest content of REE(32 ppm) was registered in the sample taken from

the Ludlow dolomitic marsltone in the Jaèionys-299 well, which shows the highest admixture of Ca andMg (Fig. 4). The highest value was measured in theLlandovery shale in the Nida-1 well (190 ppm).Furthermore, the Llandovery shales are most en-riched in REE in all the wells (147190 ppm). TheWenlock deposits contain remarkably lower amountsof REE (112164 ppm), which are slightly higherthan those reported from Ludlow (32171 ppm) andPridoli (65152 ppm).

Normalised to chondrite, REE abundances indi-cate that despite considerable variations in contents,

the samples studied have striking similarities in REEpatterns (Fig. 5). They show a steep LREE slopeand a rather flat HREE trend. The Lan /Smn ratio,indicating the fractionation of light REE, is fairlyuniform for all samples, ranging from 2.85 to 3.83.No regular trend has been stated for both lateraland vertical variations. The Bliûdþiai-96 and Jaèio-nys-299 wells show similar Lan /Smn patterns with aminimum in Wenlock rocks and increasing ratiosthrough the Ludlow to Pridoli. Pridoli shows themaximum ratio in all the wells. Heavy REE aremuch less fractionated, as is indicated by low ratiosof Gdn /Ybn varying from 1.67 to 2.55. The LREE /  / HREE ratios expressed as Lan /Ybn are quite va-

Fig. 3. Bulk chemical composition of Silurian samples(see Table 1 for sample numbering)3 pav. Silûro bandiniø pagrindiniø elemetø procentinë su-dëtis (bandiniø numeracija nurodyta 1 lentelëje)

Fig. 4. Correlation of bulk and rare-earth elements inSilurian rocks4 pav. Silûro uolienø pagrindiniø ir retøjø þemës elemetødiagramos

riable (8.2411.0). The highest values were obtain-ed from the Pridoli shales of the Nida-1 and Jaèio-nys-299 wells. No regular trends were recognised.

The most distinct feature recorded in the chon-drite-normalised REE patterns is the Eu anomaly,distinct in all Silurian samples studied, except Lud-low and Pridoli of the Jaèionys-299 well (Fig. 5).This fact might reflect the geochemical signaturesof the parental rocks in the provenance. Variousfactors control the distribution of Eu in igneousrocks. Eu anomalies are generated during meltingevents at fairly shallow depths (McLennan, 1982).

Here feldspar, particularly plagioclase, is of primaryimportance. Liquids that have formed where pla-


K (%)




   A   l   (   %   )


 Al (%)



    R   E   E   (  p  p  m



Mg (%)



   R   E   E   (  p  p  m   )

# #

Ca (%)



   R   E   E   (  p  p  m   )

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Saulius Ðliaupa

gioclase is a stabile residual phase, or from whichplagioclase is crystallised and lost, will tend to bedepleted in Eu. The fact that there is no correlationbetween either Al or Zr and Eu/Eu* (correlation isrespectively 0.24 and 0.19) indicates that neitherclays nor zircon are solely responsible for Eu ano-malies in shales. It is likely that detritus is tho-roughly mixed during sediment transport. The sam-ples indicate the ratios of 0.650.7, i.e. comparableto most shales worldwide, typically showing 0.60.7.

Two contrasting maximums recognised in the Jaèio-nys-299 Pridoli and Ludlow dolomitic marlstone areinterpreted as an indication of a significant changein the provenance.

Because of a great difference of REE contentsin sediments  vs. chondrites, interpretation of REEdistribution is somewhat better aided by normalisa-tion to shales. Normalisation of samples to standardshales makes chemical features more obvious. Forthis purpose different standards are used,  e.g ., NASCand PAAS (North American Shale Composite, Post- Archean Australian Average Shale McLennan,

1989), Sco-1 shale (Jarvis, Jarvis, 1985). The gene-ral trends of chondrite-normalised NASC, PAAN andNida-1 shales (other Lithuanian samples were notcompared because of carbonate dillution effect) arerather uniform, showing the same steep LREE slo-pe and low HREE differentiation (Fig. 6). Actually,most post-Archean sedimentary rocks have fairly uni-form REE patterns with (La/Yb)n < 15 and Gd/Yb within the range of 12 (McLennan, 1989). StrongEu and Tm anomalies are defined in all the curves, while negative Ce and positive Gd and Tb anoma-lies are a peculiar feature of the Nida-1 shales. The-

se anomalies are recognised in all Lithunian sam-ples when normalised to NASC shale (Fig. 7). The

shape of the curves is strikingly similar, only therock/NASC ratios are controlled by carbonate dilu-tion. The REE abundances of the Nida-1 rocks arecompatible to standard shales, while Bliûdþiai andJaèionys rocks are depleted in REE contents (influ-ence of carbonates). The Ce negative anomaly is acharacteristic feature of Lithuanian samples (Figs.5, 7). Tlig and Steinberg (1982) reported three ty-pes of REE patterns in terrigens with regard to ce-rium, which are: (1) no Ce anomaly, (2) negative

Ce anomaly, (3) Ce enriched in sediments such asmanganese nodules. The negative anomaly is thoughtto be related to authigenic phases, because Ce isstrongly depleted in seawater relative to other REE.If carbonate minerals precipitate in equilibrium withseawater, they typically possess a negative Ce ano-

Fig. 5. Chondrite normalised REE patterns of Orodovician (left) and Silurian (right) shales and marlstones5 pav. Chondrito normalizuoto RÞE kiekio pasiskirstymas ordoviko (kairëje) ir silûro (deðinëje) molyje ir mergelyje





Fig. 6. Comparison of chondrite-normalised REE patternsof Nida-1 shales with standard NASC and PAAN shales6 pav. Chondrito normalizuoto RÞE kiekio Nidos-1græþinio molyje palyginimas su standartiniu Ðiaurës Ame-rikos ir Australijos moliu

La Ce Pr Nd S m Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Y b Lu



   R   E   E  s  a  m  p   l  e   /  c

   h  o  n   d  r   i   t  e






Nida-1, Sil(for comparison)






B1 B2B3






  c   h  o  n   d  r   i   t  e   /  s  a  m  p   l  e


La Ce Pr Nd S m E u Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

maly (McLennan, 1989). Ce is more or less deple-ted in calcareous organisms (Tlig, Steinberg, 1982).Yet, the mineralogical composition of clays is alsoof importance. A large proportion of smectite maylead to Ce enrichment.

 A comparison of Silurian and Ordovician REEpatterns normalised to NASC indicates that theycompose two different groups (Fig. 7). The charac-teristic feature of Silurian shales is enrichment inMREE, while Ordovician clayey rocks show a maxi-mum enrichment in LREE. This points to differen-

ces in sourcing of the Baltic basin during the Ordo- vician and Silurian times.

Similarly to REE contents, the diluting effect of carbonates in Silurian clayey sediments is obvious with regard of other trace elements. Almost all tra-ce elements measured (Table 2) indicate decreasedabundances from the west to the east. Commonly,Lower Silurian sediments are more enriched thanthe Upper Silurian clayey rocks. It should be conc-luded that most of trace elements were transportedto the Silurian basin with terrigenous material. Still,the influence of the sedimentation environment mustnot be neglected. The low content of Ga reported

from Lithuanian samples (1116 ppm) points to anormal salinity of the marine water. This is in ac-

Fig. 7. NASC-normalised REE patterns of Ordovician (left) and Silurian (right) shales and marlstones7 pav. NASC normalizuotas RÞE kiekis ordoviko (kairëje) ir silûro (deðinëje) molyje ir mergelyje

Nida-1 Bliûdþiai-96 Jaèionys-299Elements

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mo 0.5 3 7 15 4 0.5 0.5 6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Cu 37 47 37 43 141 25 21 29 82 10 43 7 13Pb 4 19 28 33 18 5 4 28 9 2 2 2 2

Zn 62 69 65 156 394 52 51 39 113 27 10 23 37Ni 57 55 52 58 49 56 34 35 54 12 5 19 32Co 17.7 19.6 16.3 16.7 13.9 16.9 13.0 11.2 12.2 6.2 3.1 7.0 14.3Mn 558 368 382 345 341 386 342 358 321 244 323 328 405 As 5 15 10 16 12 3 3 7 3 2 1 1 11Cr 103 75 73 71 78 81 67 51 86 28 12 37 56Ba 392 480 406 327 325 371 444 335 352 170 52 205 313Be 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 0.5 1 2Sc 11 9 9 9 10 10 8 7 10 4 1 5 8Cd 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.7 2.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 1 0.1 0.1Sb 0.4 1 0.9 3.2 1.8 1.6 3.4 2.5 3 3.2 2 4.6 2.4

Cs 6.7 5 4.8 5.3 5.9 6.2 5.1 4.5 6 2.4 0.5 3.7 5.7Ga 16 15.6 13.9 13 14.6 15.2 13.9 11.5 14.4 6.7 1.5 8.6 12.7

Table 2. Trace element concentrations (ppm) in Silurian shaly rocks, Lithuania2 Lentelë. Retøjø elementø kiekis (ppm) silûro molingose uolienose (Lietuva)

La C e Pr Nd Sm Eu G d Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu















 Arenig Fjacka

   R   E   E  r  o  c   k   /   N

   A   S   C


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cordance with assumptions made by Wigforss-Lange

and Buchardt (1997) based on the carbon and oxy-gen isotope studies of Ludlow-Pridoli rocks in Sca-nia. A pronounced attenuation of Ga content in theJaèionys-299 well (1.58.6 ppm) mirrors a lagoonalsedimentation environment inferred from lithofacies. Also, organic matter influences the trace elementsabundance in shaly rocks. Clay minerals are capableof adsorbing large quantities of trace elements oncation exchange sites (ca. 150 meq/100 g), but traceelements are more readily adsorbed by organic mat-ter due to the higher cation exchange capacity of organic matter (500 meq/100 g) (Kelepertsis, 1981).

 Ag, Mo, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, V, U, Zn, Hg, As areusually enhanced in organic-rich shales (Leventhal,Hosterman, 1982; Glikson et al., 1985). In Lithua-nian samples this process is most pronounced forCu, Ni, V, U, Zn.


The Ordovician succession is represented by carbo-nates and shales, while the Silurian one is domina-ted by clayey lithologies. It is rather amazing that ahuge amount of fine clastic sediments was provided

in a short time as is the Silurian period. Felsic rocks,containing a high proportion of quartz, usually pro-

duce significantly more sand and mafic rocks gene-

rate significantly more mud (Cox, Lowe, 1995), whichmight be a case in the Baltic basin. Still, Siluriansediments may represent recycled sedimentary ma-terial accumulated in the foreland.

Clay minerals act as collectors and concentratorsof many trace elements, which may be either sorbedonto their surfaces or included in interlayer cationsites. Insoluble trace elements remain associated withclays and transported from the outcrop by mechani-cal processes. As a result, their abundance in mud-rocks generally reflects the composition of the sour-ce rocks (Cox, Lowe, 1995). REE are essentially

not easily fractionated during sedimentation, there-fore sedimentary REE patterns provide the mostreliable index to the average composition of a pro- venance (McLennan, 1989). The investigated REEabundances in the Ordovician and Silurian shalesmay provide also important information on the tec-tonic setting of the basin and its surroundings. Se-diments deposited in different tectonic settings com-monly show different REE and trace element pat-terns ( e.g ., McLennan, 1989; Bhatia, 1985) than do volcanic rocks ( e.g ., Deng, Yang, 1996). Sedimentsof the basins developed on the passive margin con-

sist of recycled deposits and igneous/metamorphicrocks, and REE patterns are similar to those of 

Hf 4.1 4.9 5 4.3 5.4 4.2 4.3 4.1 5.4 1.6 0.4 2.7 5.1Nb 11.28 11.72 11.3 10.46 12.05 10.82 10.62 10.07 12.15 4.48 1.11 6.86 10.81Rb 148 131 128 120 131 148 132 108 132 64 15 97 128Sn 2.6 1.8 2.3 8.9 2.2 2.1 2.1 2 2.5 1 0.4 1.4 1.6Sr 119 152 168 114 116 118 106 277 110 83 102 73 86Ta 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.7Th 11.3 11.4 11.3 10.5 12.7 10.4 11.6 9.4 12.2 4.3 1.1 7.1 10.4U 2.3 4.6 6.3 8.1 6.2 2.7 3.7 3.7 4.7 1.6 0.6 1.4 2.3V 98 134 159 157 187 96 76 99 111 42 16 53 86W 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.3 17.3 0.04 0.7 1.4Zr 120 158 155 133 178 125 132 131 244 33 0.4 77 172Y 19.3 24.6 23.3 22.2 27.9 17.6 18.8 20.7 23.9 8.6 5.8 15 19.9

Yb 2.21 2.69 2.43 2.46 3.05 2.22 2.18 2.23 2.62 0.79 0.46 1.61 2.37

Th/U 4.91 2.48 1.79 1.30 2.05 3.85 3.14 2.54 2.60 2.69 1.83 5.07 4.52Cr/V 0.93 0.57 0.45 0.38 0.39 0.82 0.84 0.54 0.69 0.74 0.71 0.77 0.67Zr/Y 5.47 4.39 5.63 5.12 5.32 6.17 6.54 4.88 5.89 4.83 2.60 4.67 6.43

Ba/Co 23.8 40.1 25.2 21.4 25.3 21.4 40.6 35.6 36.6 33.5 61.0 67.0 19.8

Samples: well Nida-1: 1 1286 m (S2pr);  2 1797 m (S2ld);  3 1940 m (S1w); 4 1992 m (S1w);  5 2030 m(S1lnd); well Blûdþiai-96: 6 889 m (S2pr); 7  1069 m (S2ld); 8 1165 m (S1w); 9 1274 m (S1lnd); wellJaèionys-299: 10 99 m (S2pr); 11 118 m (S2ld); 12 165 m (S1w); 13 223 m (S1lnd)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Table 2 (continue)2 lentelës tæsinys

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

PAAS, while active margin sediments show strongsimilarities to undifferentiated volcanic arc rocks,they have lower REE abundances, La/Sm and La/Ybratios and are devoid of Eu-anomaly (McLennan,1989). However, quite often active margin depositsshow REE patterns intermediate between a low-dif-

ferentiated arc pattern and PAAS, the Eu/Eu* ratioranging from 0.60 to 1.0, which points to a mixtureof sediments derived from an old cratonic crust and younger volcanic arc-related rocks.

 A comparison of REE patterns obtained fromthe Nida-1 well (other Silurian samples were notused for comparison because of a strong dilutioneffect) to those reported from sediments depositedin the basins of different tectonic setting indicates astrongest resemblance to the passive margin turbi-dates (Fig. 8), though the difference from the activemargin sediments is not significant. At large, it sug-

gests a miserable amount of low-differentiated ma-fic rocks in the source area that provided sedimentsinto the Baltic basin.

 As was mentioned, no distinct trend in LREEslope evolution was recognised in Silurian sampleseither in vertical or horizontal scales, as otherwiseshould be expected assuming the change in the pro-

 venance from the old Precambrian platform to youn-ger volcanic arcs. The Lan /Ybn of the Silurian sedi-ments studied is in the range of 7.911 characteris-tic of felsic rocks, which is comparable, for instance,to Ordovician sediments of the Brabant massif (8.913.9) supplied from an exposed Precambrian felsic

crust (Andre et al., 1986). Th and La abundancesare also rather high, respectively 1012 and 2837ppm, i.e. much higher than those in sediments witha considerable mafic input. The La/Th ratio is 2.83.1, and this is just slightly less than the La/Th ra-tio registered for most post-Archean sedimentaryrocks from Australia (2.7) (McLennan, 1982). Fol-lowing Condy and Martell (1983), sediments derivedfrom a granitic source have a low La/Th ratio (1.53.5), while mafic rocks show higher ratios (4.510). Arc-derived sediments usually show the La/Th of 67, while granitoid-dominated derived deposits 2.6,

and recycled sediments show the lowest value (2.5)(Bathia, Taylor, 1981). The uranium content in Li-thuanian samples (2.38.1 ppm, and it is less ineastern carbonate-diluted samples) is also more ty-pical for a passive margin setting. Arc-derived sedi-ments contain low levels of U (0.52 ppm), whereassediments of the passive continental margin setting

are more mature (U = 3.4 ppm)mirroring higher levels in graniticand sedimentary source rocks. TheHf content in Lithuanian shales(1.65 ppm) is inbetween of typical

granites (410 ppm) and mafic rocks(03.5 ppm), and it is slightly lessthan in recycled sediments (5 ppm)(Condy, Maretel, 1983; Bathia, Tay-lor, 1981). The Hf maximum is con-fined to Llandovery shales, and itsminimum levels are found in the Pri-doli samples. Ta also provides valu-able information on provenance com-position. The deepening of Ta nega-tive anomaly is usually related to anincreasing granitic component in the

source area. Also, Ta depletion istypical of subduction-related igneousrocks (Totten, Weaver, 2000). InLithuanian samples Ta is stronglydepleted relative to Th and La, theestimated Ta/Ta* ratio is 0.210.26ppm, i.e. much less than in mafic-sourced deposits (Andre et al.,1986). However, a slight maximumis recognised in Pridoli deposits inall the three wells studied, while thelowest values are reported from the

Llandovery samples. This mightpoint to some increase of the mafic

Fig. 8. Chondrite-normalised REE patterns of various geotectonic settings(Guldenpfennig, 1998) in comparison with the REE distribution of Ni-da-1 Silurian shales8 pav. Skirtingoje tektoninëje aplinkoje susidariusiø uolienø chondrito nor-malizuoto RÞE kiekio palyginimas su Nidos-1 græþinio silûro molio RÞEpasiskirstymu

Silurian shales

passive continental marginactive continental marginfore arc

active continental marginback arcfore arc

passive continental marginactive continental marginoceanic iseland

continental iseland

Silurian shales

passive continental margincollisional orogen

Silurian shalesSilurian shales

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Saulius Ðliaupa

portion in the provenance from the Early to LateSilurian. It is in accordance with aforementioned Hf trend. The contents of U and Th also decrease fromthe Lower Silurian to Upper Silurian shales andmarlstones, what might be interpreted in terms of an increasing influence of the mafic source. The Th/ 

 /Sc, Th/Sr, Ti/Zr ratios which reflect source rockcomposition (Lahtinen, 1996) also support this sug-gestion. Figure 9 illustrates a sharp increase of Ti/  /Zr in Pridoli samples, associated with a drasticdecrease of Th/Sc and Th/Sr. These trends stronglysuggest an increase in mafic component in the pro- venance in the latest Silurian. The shapes of curvesare identical for all the samples, except two UpperSilurian samples from the Jaèionys-299 well, show-ing a drastic decrease of Th/Sc and Th/Sr in Ludlowrocks and an increase in Pridoli marlstone.

Europium is stable under diagenetic conditionsand is not fractionated relative to the other REE.Eu/Eu* values for mudrocks would therefore notchange as a consequence of recycling (Cox, Lowe,1995). Felsic igneous rocks generally have smaller values of Eu/Eu* than mafic rocks. Eu anomaly isstrongly negative in Silurian shales. Samples indica-te the ratios 0.650.7, i.e. comparable to shales worl-dwide, sourced from post-Archean provenances. Still,Pridoli and Ludlow dolomitic marlstones of Jaèio-nys-299 contrast the general Eu trend, the Eu/Eu*of the Ludlow is higher than that of the Lower

Silurian, and the ratio in the Pridoli is >1, implyinga possible input of the cratonic Archean materialduring the Late Silurian. This comes in agreement with the affore-described trends of Th/Sc, Th/Sr, Ti/  /Zr in the Jaèionys-299 well. For instance, a similarEu/Eu* ratio close to 1 was confirmed by Samson

et al. (2000) for recent sediments derived from theSW Indian Archean craton.

The other trace elements might be of help indecoding the source lithologies. It should be kept inmind, however, that clay minerals go through a com-plex history of transportation, deposition, diagenetictransformations, and in each stage the new environ-ment exerts an influence on the trace-element bud-get of clays, which partly obliterates the records of previous chemical events. The Sn concentration inclays can be used to determine parent rocks (Mos-ser, 1983). This element has a strong affinity to oc-tahedral or tetrahedral sites of clay minerals and isless prone to ionic exchange. Its content in Silurianshales (22.5 ppm) is higher than in average clay(1.5 ppm), pointing to a sialic provenance. On theother hand, Cr, Co and Ni concentrations are ra-ther high, inferring a possible input of mafic litho-logies (70100, 1218, 5065 ppm) (Tottten, Weaver,2000). The Zr/Y, Ba/Co ratios, which are least su-sceptible to modification by secondary processes(Zhang et al., 1998), are inbetween mafites and gra-nites, though closer to the latter.

 Analysis of bulk chemical elements measured forSilurian shales of the Kurtuvënai-166 well also sup-port the aforementioned implications. The calcula-ted discriminant coefficients indicate a sourcing fromeither sedimentary rocks or felsic igneous province(Fig. 10). The Al2O3  vs. TiO2 diagram also indicatesa high chemical maturity of the parent rocks (Fig.10). Similar trends were recorded also for Ordovi-cian samples from the Akmenë-70 well (Fig. 10).The ThLaSc plot (Fig. 11) indicates that the ave-rage composition of Ordovician and Silurian sourcerocks was close to that of granodiorites. The avera-

ge felsic source is indicated also by the HfLa/Thplot (Fig. 11). The Ordovician samples are slightlyshifted towards a more mafic provenance. The dif-ferences in Ordovician and Silurian provenances are well reflected in the Th/ScLa/Sc diagram showingthat Silurian shales are of more felsic compositionthat those Ordovician. This is in accordance withdata obtained from the G-14 well (Rügen sector),showing that the composition of Rügen Ordovicianshales is close to that of Akmenë-70 clayey depo-sits, while Silurian shales in the Rügen sector indi-cate an extremely acid composition of the prove-

nance (Ðliaupa et al., 2000). The acidity of RügenSilurian shales is much higher than of Lithuanian

Fig. 9. Th/Sc, Th/Zr and Ti/Zr ratios in Silurian shales,Nida-1, Bliûdþiai-96, Jaèionys-299 wells (see Table 1 forsample numbering)9 pav. Th/Sc, Th/Zr and Ti/Zr santykiai Nidos-1, Bliû-dþiø-96 ir Jaèioniø-299 græþiniø molingose uolienose (pa- vyzdþiø numeriai nurodyti 1 lentelëje)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14










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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

samples, still the common trend of Silurian rocksgrowing more acid both in the western and centralparts of the Baltic basin is evident, pointing to acommon tectonic-sedimentary scenario.


Based on the study of the REE and trace elements,a significant rearrangement in provenance providing

clastic material to the eastern and central parts of the Baltic basin seems to have taken place at thetransition from the Ordovician to Silurian times. Thischange is a few million years younger than the dras-tic change registered close to the German Caledo-nides in Rügen sector (Ðliaupa et al., 2000), whichindicates a progressing advancement of orogenic

build-up to the east, the erosional products first af-fecting the westernmost part of the basin and fur-

Fig. 10. Provenance lithologies of Ordovician and Silurian clayey rocksLeft: DF3-DF4 plot. Coefficients after Roser & Korsch (1988). DF3 = [30.638 TiO2 12.541 Fe2O3 (total) + 7.32MgO ++ 12.031 Na2O + 35.402 K 2O] / Al2O3 6.382. DF4 = [56.50 TiO2 10.879 Fe2O3 (total) + 30.875 MgO 5.404 Na2O ++ 11.112 K 2O] / Al2O3 3.89.Right: Al2O3 / TiO2 binary plot. Fields for source rocks according to Amajor (1987).10 pav. Silûro ir ordoviko molingø uolienø denudacinës zonos diskriminantinës diagramos.Kairëje: DF3-DF4 diagrama. Koeficientai DF3, DF4 pagal Roser & Korsch (1988).Deðinëje: Al2O3 / TiO2 diagrama. Denudacinës medþiagos ðaltiniø laukai pagal Amajor (1987)

Fig. 11. Provenance discrimination of Ordovician and Silurian clayey rocks. La/ScTh/Sc, HfLa/Th, ThLaSc plots11 pav. Ordoviko ir silûro molingø uolienø denudaciniø ðaltiniø diskriminantinës diagramos La/ScTh/Sc, HfLa/Th,ThLaSc

0 10 20 30 40






TiO %

 Al O % !


    a    s    a

       l      t

    b   a   s   a    l   t

  -   g    r   a

   n    i   t


 g   r a  n

  i  t e -   b a  s a

   l  t

 g   r a  n  i  t


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16











     D     F     4

Quartzsedimentary rocks



     I   n    t   e

   r   m   e    d     i   a

    t   e

     i   g     n   e   o   u   s

   r   o   c

     k   s


Kurtuvënai-166 Silurian Akmenë-70 Ordovician


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0Th/Sc









      L    a      /      S    c

Island Arc



Island ArcsIntermediates



 ArenigM.CaradocMossenFjacka Asgill

Oceanic island source

 Andesitic islandsource

Mixed felsic-maficsource

Felsic source

Upper crustPAAS




0 5 10







O - Akmenë-71, Ordovician

N - Nida-1, Silûrian

B - Bliûdþiai-96, Silûrian

J - Jaèionys-299, Silûrian

      L    a      /      T      h

Hf (ppm)

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Saulius Ðliaupa

ther expanding to the east. Still, the REE trends inthe western and central parts of the Baltic basin are very different, implying that the western (German)sources might have influenced the central and east-ern parts of the basin only partly, while the bulk of the terrigens were received from other sources.

There are two alternatives regarding these sources:(i) the influence of the eastern (platform) prove-nance increased during the Silurian, and (ii) clasticmaterial was transported to the east from the Po-meranian Caledonides which were of different com-position than German orogen. The latter supposi-tion is rather convincing, taking into considerationrecent paleontological studies in the Pomeranianforedeep. Jachowicz (2000) reported Lower Ordovi-cian acritarchs of Mediterranean provincialism fromthe Pomeranian Silurian shales, which indicates thatthe foredeep has accumulated denudation products

of the Pomeranian orogen containing Ordovician se-dimentary rocks. By contrast, the G-14 well Silurianshale geochemistry points to domination of felsicigneous rocks in German Caledonian orogen. There-fore, the Silurian shales of the central part of theBaltic basin might be a result of a mixture of thesetwo provenances (German Igneous and PomeranianSedimentary).

 Alternatively, Lithuanian Silurian shales might bea product of the terrigens transported from theeastern platform. The Baltic basin regressed duringthe Silurian, and it was more narrow in the east

than during the Ordovician time. This regressionmight have led to exposure of the Precambrian (Ar-chean) crust and of the overlying VendianCambriandeposits in the east.

Both Ordovician and Silurian sediments show af-finity to average granodiorite. Ordovician shales rep-resent recycled sediments, while Lithuanian Silurianshales verge between recycled sediments and igne-ous rocks. The possible candidates of the Ordovi-cian provenance are the Fennoscandian Shield andthe Belarus Height, both composed of Early Prote-rozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks covered by

pre-Ordovician sediments. These two tectonic pro- vinces were covered by the marine basin during theSilurian, while the vast area of Archean craton wasexposed to denudaton in the east. Amazingly, nosignificant changes in the lithology of the provenan-ce in the course of Silurian sedimentation (i.e. nosignificant redistribution in the sourcing) were re-corded, except some hint recognised in the UpperSilurian easternmost lithofacies. Similarity of theREE patterns of all samples points to a dominationof one terrigenic source in the territory of Lithua-nia during the Silurian. Yet, a miserable addition of 

the mafic component in the late Silurian, most dis-tinct in the western and central lithofacies, is likely

to reflect the advancement of mafic sources. By con-trast, the Archean-sourced-like shales were reportedfrom the easternmost part of the basin in Ludlowand climaxed in Pridoli rocks, strongly suggestingan increasing influx from the east in the latest Silu-rian, which is explained in terms of the basin re-

gression and an advancement of the eastern shore-line and an associated active influx from the Arche-an Sarmatian platform in the east.


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Saulius Ðliaupa


S a n t r a u k aBaltijos sedimentacinis baseinas yra DnieproBaltijos pa-kraðtiniø baseinø sistemos dalis, kuri susiformavo suskilusþemynui vendokambro metu. Ordovike Baltijos baseinasbuvo pasyvaus þemyno pakraðèio tipo struktûra. Silûregrimzdimo greitis baseine gerokai paspartëjo, ir tai sieja-ma su Rytø Avalonijos ir Baltikos þemynø kolizija, o ðislaikotarpis apibrëþiamas kaip konvergentinio þemyno pa-kraðèio baseino stadija. Grimzdimo greitëjimà lydëjo su-intensyvëjæs nuogulø prineðimas á baseinà. Ordoviko lai-kotarpis ir pirmoji silûro pusë apibrëþiama kaip badau- janèio baseino stadija, antrojoje pusëje ásivyravo kom-pensuotos ir perpildymo sedimentacijos sàlygos. Baseine

ordoviko ir silûro metu klostësi molis ir karbonatai, pas-tarieji vyravo baseino rytinëje dalyje.

Remiantis litofacijø analize, ordoviko metu ir silûropradþioje Baltijos regione vyravo terigeninës medþiagosprineðimas ið rytø, tuo tarpu antrojoje silûro pusëje pa-gausëjo prineðimas ið gretimø kaledonidø vakaruose. Sie-kiant nustatyti terigeninës medþiagos ðaltiniø tendencijasbei iðryðkinti denudacinës zonos raidà ordoviko ir silûrometu, buvo tirti retieji ir retieji þemës (RÞE) elementaimolyje ir mergelyje keturiuose Lietuvos græþiniuose: Ak-menës-70, Jaèioniø-299, Bliûdþiø-96 ir Nidos-1; trys ið jøatstovauja 3 pagrindinëms silûro baseino litofacinëms zo-noms (rytinë ir centrinë Baltijos baseino dalys). Kadangi

RÞE sunkiai frakcionuoja sedimentacijos metu, jø pasi-skirstymas leidþia atkurti denudacinës zonos litologijà.

Ordoviko ir silûro geocheminiai trendai labai skiriasi,ir tai rodo nemaþus pokyèius denudacinëje zonoje ordo- vikosilûro riboje. Vidutinë denudacinës zonos sudëtis bu- vo artima granodioritui, ordoviko moliui bûdingas kiekpadidëjæs bazingumas. Pagal pagrindiniø cheminiø elemen-tø pasiskirstymà molis susidarë irstant anksèiau susiklos-èiusioms nuosëdinëms uolienoms.

RÞE kiekis tirtuose silûro pavyzdþiuose gerokai ski-riasi, taèiau normalizuotos (chondritas ir NASC molis) jøkreivës labai panaðios, ir tai rodo maþai kaièià denudaci-nës zonos litologijà, t. y. nebuvo ryðkesnio ðaltiniø persi-

skirstymo silûro metu. Galimos kelios terigeninio prineði-mo á rytinæ ir centrinæ Baltijos baseino dalá silûro metualternatyvos: 1) Sarmatijos-Fenoskandijos platforminio ðal-tinio vyravimas silûro sedimentacijoje; 2) vakariniai kale-donidai yra perdirbto (perklostyto) tipo, jø átaka rytineiprieðkalnës baseino pusei galëjo bûti dalinë. Paþymëtinostik nedidelës geocheminës variacijos, kurios leidþia numa-nyti neryðkø bazinio komponento padidëjimà vëlyvajamesilûre vakarinëse ir centrinëse litofacijose (o tai reikðtøkalnø priartëjimà), taèiau ðis padidëjimas yra labai nedi-delis. Kitas svarbus poþymis archëjinës komponentësatsiradimas virðutinio silûro rytinëse litofacijose yra sieja-mas su baseino regresija, rytinës kranto linijos priartëji-mu ir platforminës medþiagos prineðimo pagausëjimu ry-tuose.

Page 17: Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Ordovician an Silurian Shales in Lithuania

7/28/2019 Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Ordovician an Silurian Shales in Lithuania

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Rare-earth element geochemistry of Ordovician and Silurian shales in Lithuania: A provenance study

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