rare cancers in children

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  • 8/4/2019 Rare Cancers in Children


    Rare Cancers In Children

    By Kyle J. Norton

    All article and E books written by Kyle J. Norton are for information and education only,

    please consult with your doctor and related field specialist before applying.

    Rare cancer in childhoodCancer in childhood are rare, approximately 1 in every 600 children willdevelop any type of cancer before the age of 15 due to abnormal cells

    growth in part of a child body.

    Wilms' tumor of kidney

    Wilm's tumor of kidney also known as nephroblastoma is rare cancer of the

    kidneys that only occurs in children. About 75% occurs in normal children

    and only (25%) is associated with other developmental abnormalities.

    Symptoms1. Abdominal swelling

    2. An abdominal mass you can feel

    It happens to approximate 15% of all cases

    3. Fever

    A general cause of cancer

    4. Blood in the urine

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    Due to cancer has caused damage to the kidney

    5. Loss of appetite

    A general cause of cancer

    6. Weight loss

    Unintentional weight loss over 10% is common symptom of cancer

    7. Anemia

    Due to the cancer has affected the function of erythropoietin in production of


    8. Hypertension

    Due to secretion of renin by the tumor.

    9. Etc

    Causes and risk factors

    1. Gene mutation

    a. Mutations of the WT1 gene on chromosome 11 p 13 are found inapproximately 20% of Wilms' tumors.

    b. A inactivated gene on the X chromosome, WTX, is found in

    approximately 30% of Wilms' tumor cases.

    2. Race

    People of African descent have the higher risk of Wilms' tumor.

    3. Gender

    Female are also more at risk than male to develop Wilms' tumors.

    4. Age

    Increased risk of Wilms' tumor if the children is under 5 of ages

    5. Family history

    Approximately less than 3% of children with Wilms' tumor have at least one

    relative with the same cancer

    6. Heredity

    Birth defects such as Aniridia, Hemihypertrophy, Cryptorchidism, etc.,

    according to statistic has a strong link to Wilms' tumor

    7. Etc.

    Diagnosis and test

    1. Abdominal swelling2. An abdominal mass you can feel

    It happens to approximate 15% of all cases

    3. Fever

    A general cause of cancer

    4. Blood in the urine

    Due to cancer has caused damage to the kidney

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    5. Loss of appetite

    A general cause of cancer

    6. Weight loss

    Unintentional weight loss over 10% is common symptom of cancer

    7. Anemia

    Due to the cancer has affected the function of erythropoietin in production of


    8. Hypertension

    Due to secretion of renin by the tumor.

    9. Etc


    The Grades of Wilms' Tumor of Kidney are depending to the tendency of

    spreading. Low grade cancers usually grow more slowly and are less likely

    to spread while high grade cancer indicates otherwise.


    Wilms' Tumor of Kidney is classified as 5 stages

    1. Stage 0

    If the cancerous cell have not penetrated in deeper tissue but in the surface

    of the kidney.

    2. Stage I

    In stage I, the cancerous cells are no longer in the surface but have invaded

    into deep the prostate lining, but still completely inside the kidney.

    a. Stage IA

    The cancer is not 3 mm (1/8 inch) deep and 7 mm (1/4 inch) wide.

    a.1. Stage IA1:

    The invasion area is 3mm(1/8 inch) deep and & less than 7mm (1/4 inch)


    a.2. Stage IA2:

    The invasion area is 3 mm but 5 mm (about 1/5 inch) deep and & less

    than 7 mm (about 1/4 inch) wide.b. Stage IB:

    The cancer in this stage have invaded the connective tissue but less than 5cm

    (2 inch)

    b.1. Stage IB1:

    Cancer is 4 cm large (1 3/4 inches).

    b.2. Stage IB2:

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    Cancer is 4 cm (1 3/4 inches) but less than 5cm (2 inch)

    3. Stage II

    In stage II, the cancerous cells have spread to distant tissues, but is still

    within the kidney.

    4. Stage III

    In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately

    surrounding the kidney.

    5. Stage IV

    In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately outside of

    the affected kidney into other distant parts of the body.

    Diagnosis and tests1. Blood test of creatinine

    a. A blood test measures the level of creatinine in the blood.

    b. Creatinine clearance

    Collection of the samples of urine to compare the level of creatinine from

    the urine with the one from the blood.

    2 Ultrasound

    Ultrasound allows your doctor to visualize and assess the size and to check

    for any abnormality and surrounding area with image taken from the test.

    3. CT Scan (computerized tomography)

    A CT scan generates a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken

    around a single axis of rotation, to create a three-dimensional picture of the

    inside of the body in details. The pictures are viewed by your doctor to see

    the extent of the tumors abnormalities, such as spreading of cancer to the

    nearby structure and lymph nodes.

    4. MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging)

    MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is one of many advanced technologyused to visualize internal structures cross sectional imaging of your body

    used effectively in providing the better details of the metastasis of cancer in

    the lymph nodes and surrounding areas.

    4. Chest X ray

    Check X ray is to check the lung for spreading of the cancer.

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    5. Biopsy

    A sample of the effected area is taken by a thin tube-like instrument, under

    local anesthesia or general anesthesia examined by a pathologist under

    microscopy to view the type and stage of the cancer.

    6. Etc.


    Once the location, stage and grade of the cancer is determined, treatments

    are include

    1. Surgery and chemotherapy

    Surgery is the first treatment used to remove as much of cancer as possible

    and to accurate determine if there is any spread.

    2. Chemotherapy

    a. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy with use of drugs such as

    vinristine, actinomycin,adrianycin, platinum drugs, etc. The cure of Wilm's

    cancer is very high, even the cancer has spread to distant part of the body.

    Chemotherapy is most use to treat with advance stage of cancer combined

    with radio therapy. Chemo is recommended to shrink the tumor if surgery is

    not possible.

    b. Side effects

    b.1. Nausea

    b.2. Vomiting

    b.3. Hair loss

    b.4. Fatigue

    b.5. Anemia

    b.6. Mouth sores taste and smell changes

    b.7. Infection

    b.8. Etc.

    3. Radiotherapy

    a. Sometime doctors give radiation for kidney tumors after surgery andbefore chemotherapy. Radiation may be used to kill any cancer cells

    remaining in the body locally. By using high-energy x-rays or other types of

    radiation, radiation therapy kills the cancer cells and keep them from

    growing or regrowing.

    b. Side effects

    b.1. Fatigue

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    b.2. Chest pain

    b.3. Heart problem

    b.4. Short of breath

    b.5. Skin discoloration or pinkness, irritation.

    b.6. Etc.

    4. Etc.

    Rare Cancers In Childhood - Retinoblastoma

    Retinoblastoma is an uncommonly rapid spreading cancer arises from cells

    of eye of retina, the light-detecting tissue of the eye. It is rare caver in

    childhood, in US approximately 300 children are diagnosed withretinoblastoma each year. About 3 out of 4 children with retinoblastoma

    have a tumor in only one eye and 1 in 4, both eyes are affected. Although the

    cancer can develop quickly, can be cured in most cases. 90% of

    Retinoblastoma diagnosed within the first three years of the child's life.

    Types of retinoblastoma

    1. Hereditary Retinoblastoma

    Is caused by the mutation of gene Rd at birth. it can affect not only the cells

    of the eye, but in all of the body's cells- If multiple tumors are present in

    both eyes, the term assigned is multi-focal retinoblastoma. Retinoblastomaeffects approximately 70% of patient in all cases.

    2. Sporadic Retinoblastoma

    Retinoblastoma is caused abnormal cells growth in the retina other than

    hereditary .

    Causes and risk factors

    1. Gene

    Retinoblastoma is caused by changes in or absence of a gene called RB1located on chromosome 13q14 resulting in the inability of RB1 to produce a

    tumor suppressor protein that normally helps to regulate the cell cycle of

    cells of the retina, causing retinoblastoma. Chikdren with inherited

    retinoblastomas are more likely to be bilateral.

    2. Radiation therapy

    Children who had radiation to treat other cancer are at increased risk of

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    3. Family history

    Increased risk of retinoblastoma if you have a family history of the disease.

    4. Age

    The cancer tends to develop in children before age of 3.

    5. Etc.


    1. Abnormal appearance of the pupil

    The pupil located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to enter

    the retina. In retinoblastoma, the cells of the retina have become cancerous,

    causing abnormal appearance of the pupil.

    2. Leukocoria

    Leukocoria is an abnormal white reflection from the retina of the eye caused

    by abnomal cells growth in the retina.3. Deterioration of vision

    4. Faltering growth or delayed development.

    5. A red and irritated eye

    6. Cross-eyed

    7. Eye enlargement

    8. Etc.


    Stages of Retinoblastoma depends to the size and location of the tumor.

    1. Intraocular retinoblastoma

    Cancer is inside one or both eyes and has not spreading to the surrounding

    tissue and nearby lymph node.

    2. Extraocular retinoblastoma

    Cancer has spread to the surrounding tissue, lymph node and distant parts of

    the body

    Diagnosis and tests

    After recording the family history and complete physical exams includingeye exam with with dilated pupils to allow the doctor to look through the

    lens and pupil to the retina.

    1. Eye exams

    If the child has some of the above symptoms, the first test which you doctor

    order is the eye exam with a ophthalmologist including including the retina

    and the optic nerve with the use of general anesthesia.

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    1. Blood test

    Blood test to check for the nonavailability of the RB1 gene.

    2. Ultrasound

    Ultrasound allows your doctor to visualize and assess the size and to check

    for any abnormality and surrounding area with image taken from the test.

    3. CT Scan (computerized tomography)

    A CT scan generates a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken

    around a single axis of rotation, to create a three-dimensional picture of the

    inside of the body in details.The pictures are viewed by your doctor to see

    the extent of the tumors abnormalities, such as spreading of cancer to the

    nearby structure and lymph nodes.

    4. MRI scan (magnetic resonance imaging)MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is one of many advanced technology

    used to visualize internal structures cross sectional imaging of your body

    used effectively in providing the better details of the metastasis of cancer in

    the lymph nodes and surrounding areas.

    5. Etc.


    If your family carry a genetic passing through of mutation of gene RB1, it is

    for the best interest of the child to have a genetic testing to assess the risk of

    retinoblastoma, so it can be diagnosed early for cure and with preservation

    of the child vision.


    1. Surgery

    a. The aims of surgery is to cure and to preserve vision, if the tumor small.

    Otherwise, surgery is to remove as much of cancer as possible. Sometimes

    the tumor is very large and the vision in the eye is lost, enucleation may be

    necessary.b. Risks and side effects

    Surgical and anesthesia risks

    2. Radiotherapy

    a. Sometime doctors give radiation for retinoblastoma after surgery and

    before chemotherapy. In retinoblastoma Radiation may be used as treatment

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    of retina with photocagulation with the use of high-energy x-rays or other

    types of radiation, radiation therapy kills the cancer cells and keep them

    from growing or regrowing.

    b. Side effects

    b.1. Fatigue

    b.2. Chest pain

    b.3. Heart problem

    b.4. Short of breath

    b.5. Skin discoloration or pinkness, irritation.

    b.6. Etc.although there will be some effect on the surrounding tissue.

    Radiotherapy for retinoblastoma is usually used in situations when other

    treatments have not been successful.

    3. Chemotherapy

    a. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy with use of drugs to cureretinoblastoma even the cancer has spread to distant part of the body.

    Chemotherapy is most use to treat with advance stage of cancer combined

    with radio therapy. Chemo is recommended to shrink the tumor if surgery is

    not possible.

    b. Side effects

    b.1. Nausea

    b.2. Vomiting

    b.3. Hair loss

    b.4. Fatigue

    b.5. Anemia

    b.6. Mouth sores taste and smell changes

    b.7. Infection

    b.8. Etc.

    4. Photocoagulation

    a. In retinoblastoma, photocoagulation is used to destroy abnormal blood

    vessels with aim to treat tumors in the eye by using a laser which produces

    light in the visible green wavelength that can be absorbed by hemoglobin in

    red blood cells.b. Risks and side effects

    b.1. Loss of vision, worsening visual acuity,

    b. 2. Reduced night vision, and

    b.3. Hemorrhaging in the eye

    b.4. Etc.

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    5. Etc.

    Rare Cancers In Childhood - Neuroblastoma

    Rare cancer in childhood

    Cancer in childhood are rare, approximately 1 in every 600 children will

    develop any type of cancer before the age of 15 due to abnormal cells

    growth in part of a child body.


    An extracranial solid cancer arises from nerve tissue found in infants and

    children as a result of untrollable cells growth caused by genetic mutation. Itis classified into 3 risk categories: low, intermediate, and high risk. The

    disease occurs in 1 out of 100,000 children.


    1. Fever

    Abnormally consistent fever symptoms may be a symptoms of

    neuroblastoma, it happens to about approximately 25 percent of patients.

    2. Pain

    Complained about constant abdomen pain may also be a symptom of

    neuroblastoma as over 65% neuroblastoma center at the abdomen.3. Loss of appetite

    A general symptom of any form of cancer

    4. Weight loss

    Any unintentional weight loss over 10% is a sign of cancer.

    5. Bone pain or tenderness

    if the cancer has spreads to the bone

    6. Difficulty breathing or a chronic cough

    if the cancer has spread to the lung

    7. Enlarged abdomenAs a result from a large tumor or excess fluid accumulation.

    8. Pale skin

    Cancer has interfered with production of red blood cells

    9. Paralysis of the hips, legs, or feet

    It may be caused the enlarge tumor has interfered with nerve function in

    controlling the movement of lower extremities

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    10. Loss of body balance

    May be due to the cancer has interfered with function of vestibulocochlear


    11. Uncontrolled eye movements

    AS cancer has interfered with one or all cranial nerves


    Causes and risk factors

    1. Gene

    Neuroblastoma arises from nerve tissue found in infants and children, as a

    result of uncontrollable cells growth caused by genetic mutation. Children

    with below genetic disorders are at risk of the cancer

    a. Neurofibromatosis

    Neurofibromatosis is a genetically-inherited disorder of nerve tissue grows

    benign tumors.b. Fetal hydantoin syndrome

    Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome is a rare disorder caused by exposure of a fetus to

    the anticonvulsant drug phenytoin (Dilantin).

    c. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome

    BeckwithWiedemann syndrome (BWS) is an overgrowth disorder affecting

    many parts of the body an unusual rate.

    d. Etc.

    4. Family history

    Risk of the cancer increases if you have a family history of the cancer.

    5. Age

    Children below 15 years of age are at increased risk of neuroblastoma

    6. Heredity

    The cancer may be genetic passing through from your parent affecting

    approximately 2% of all cases.

    7. Etc.

    Diagnosis and tests

    After recording the family history and physical exam, including lumps,

    sweeling, and any other signs of the disease1. 24 hours urine tests

    If you doctor suspected that it may be Neuroblastoma, the first tesrt will be

    24 hours urine test for level of the markers - homovanillic acid (HMA) and

    vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA). A sign of Neuroblastoma if higher than

    normal amount of homovanillic acid (HMA) and vanillyl mandelic acid

    (VMA) is found.

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    2. Blood chemistry test

    A sign of neuroblastoma if the blood chemitry test came back with elevation

    of markers of hormones dopamine and norepinephrine.

    3. CT Scan (computerized tomography)

    A CT scan generates a large series of two-dimensional X-ray images taken

    around a single axis of rotation, to create a three-dimensional picture of the

    inside of the body in details.The pictures are viewed by your doctor to see

    the extent of the tumors abnormalities, such as spreading of cancer to the

    nearby structure and lymph nodes.

    4. Ultrasound

    Ultrasound allows your doctor to visualize and assess the size and to check

    for any abnormality and surrounding area with image taken from the test.

    5. Biopsy

    A sample of the effected area is taken by a thin tube-like instrument, under

    local anesthesia or general anesthesia examined by a pathologist under

    microscopy to view the type and stage of the cancer.

    6. Chest X ray

    Check X ray is to check the lung for spreading of the cancer.

    7. Etc.


    The Grades of Neuroblastoma are depending to the tendency of spreading.

    Low grade cancers usually grow more slowly and are less likely to spread

    while high grade cancer indicates otherwise.


    Neuroblastoma is classified as 5 stages

    1. Stage 0If the cancerous cell have not penetrated in deeper tissue but in the surface

    of the nerve tissue.

    2. Stage I

    In stage I, the cancerous cells are no longer in the surface but have invaded

    into deep the prostate lining, but still completely inside the nerve tissue.

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    a. Stage IA

    The cancer is not 3 mm (1/8 inch) deep and 7 mm (1/4 inch) wide.

    a.1. Stage IA1:

    The invasion area is 3mm(1/8 inch) deep and & less than 7mm (1/4 inch)


    a.2. Stage IA2:

    The invasion area is 3 mm but 5 mm (about 1/5 inch) deep and & less

    than 7 mm (about 1/4 inch) wide.

    b. Stage IB:

    The cancer in this stage have invaded the connective tissue but less than 5cm

    (2 inch)

    b.1. Stage IB1:

    Cancer is 4 cm large (1 3/4 inches).

    b.2. Stage IB2:

    Cancer is 4 cm (1 3/4 inches) but less than 5cm (2 inch)

    3. Stage II

    In stage II, the cancerous cells have spread to distant tissues, but is still

    within the nerve tissue.

    4. Stage III

    In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately

    surrounding the nerve tissue.

    5. Stage IV

    In this stage, cancerous cells has spread to the tissues immediately outside of

    the affected nerve tissue into other distant parts of the body.


    Treatment depends to the location, grade and stage of the cancer.

    1. Surgery

    a. The aim of the surgery is to cure, if the cancer has not spread and the

    location is fieasible for operation. your surgeon will remove as much of the

    tumor as possible. If cancer can not remove completely then radiotherapy tokill cells locally or chemotherapy to kill the remaining cancerous cells in the


    b. Risks and Side effects

    Surgical and anesthesia risk

    2. Radiotherapy

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    a. Sometime doctors give radiation for kidney tumors after surgery and

    before chemotherapy. Radiation may be used to kill any cancer cells

    remaining in the body locally. By using high-energy x-rays or other types of

    radiation, radiation therapy kills the cancer cells and keep them from

    growing or regrowing.

    b. Side effects

    b.1. Fatigue

    b.2. Chest pain

    b.3. Heart problem

    b.4. Short of breath

    b.5. Skin discoloration or pinkness, irritation.

    b.6. Etc.

    3. Chemotherapy

    a. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy with use of drugs very effectivelyto cure neuroblastoma, even the cancer has spread to distant part of the body.

    Chemotherapy is mostly used to treat with advance stage of cancer

    combined with radio therapy. Chemo is recommended to shrink the tumor if

    surgery is not possible. In some cases, high doses of chemotherapy may be


    b. Side effects

    b.1. Nausea

    b.2. Vomiting

    b.3. Hair loss

    b.4. Fatigue

    b.5. Anemia

    b.6. Mouth sores taste and smell changes

    b.7. Infection

    b.8. Etc.

    4. Monoclonal antibody therapy

    a. Monoclonal antibody therapy is the use of antibodies attach to the

    substances by killing the cancer cells, keeping them from spreading given by

    infusion.b. Most common risks and side effects

    b.1. Heart problem and low blood pressure

    b.2. Skin rashes, itching and infection

    b.3. Fever and muscle pain

    b.4. Fatigue, tiredness and headache

    b.5. Diarrhea

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    b.6. Nausea and vomiting

    b.7. Etc.

    5. Stem cell transplant

    a. In Neuroblastoma, stem cells of a donor or are removed from the blood or

    bone marrow of the patient are frozen and stored. After other treatments are

    completed, the stored cells are infused back to the body.

    b. Risks and side effects

    b.1. Bone marrow suppression

    b.2. Infection

    b.3. Graft-Versus-Host Disease

    b.a. Graft Failure

    b.5. Cancer Relapse

    b.6. Etc.

    6. Etc.

    Recommended Reading: Super Food Library

    The Nature Super Food For Health Living and Longevity

    And Look 10-20 Years Younger Than Your Biological Age

    For other cancer articles visit



    For more health article, visithttp://medicaladvisorjournals.blogspot.com

    Or follow me on http://twitter.com/kylejnorton

    Author biography

    kyle J. Norton - I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention

    for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Health

    Researcher and Article Writer. Master in Mathematics and BA in World

    Literature and Literary criticism.
