rar · t.....* * *., •..... f)()(',

Federal Register/Vol. 78. No. 40/Thurs(lav. Februar\' 28. 2013/Ruh,,• and Regulations 13493 (b) l:or,(l waste.s shall cmlv he discharged while Ihe ship is en rtmh: iln(.]-- (1) As rar as l)rl,cth:i,I)h: from Ihe nt:ilrt.)sl bind ()r nt.)iirHs[ i(:t.; sh,I f. I)ul nl)t less than 12 nuutival miles fmn'l the rit:art;sl lund ,,r rmaresl it:•; shrill: (2} Afh:r having been pr.t:e, ssecl with a griruh;r or comminuter spt;citled in § 151.75: and (3) Not contaminated hv any other garbage lvpr;. (4) '1"|1•i dist:hargc: o1' inlroclucl;d avian produc'is, includino poultry arid poult W paris, is not pt;rmitie, ct in the, Antarctic: are:;l un]t:ss it has bt;t;n Irc, alt:d Io h(; ramie sterile. (:) CaJ74o residues Ihat c;i-tnlll'lt be; rt;(:• )\,•:rt;(i usi xlg c:omm• m ly avlli hlblt; melhods thr unloading may be: disdmrgod wllt;re ull lilt: foll(•wing c:(.tldilions art; salisfiecl: [1) "l'he :argc. residut;s, c:h;aning age;hiS c)r addilivt:s coillaim:d in Ihe cargo hold washing watt;r do nol ctmtain an,,' substan(:es that art,, harmt'u] tr) the marl'he t,nvir•.mme;nt. (2) lhllh the putt tff eh;parture und Iht: next w,rt (.ff(leslinaliorl musl lip, wilhin the special area and the ship will riot Irunsil •lutsidt; eJf the spt:cial area wht;ri moving l)elwt:t.,n those ptlrts. (3) No mh;q ualt: rt;cuplion l.,ci]ilies aru availabh: at those ports. {4) When the conctilions tit' paragraphs (c}(l) lhrough {:)(3) of lhis sct:liurl ha\'t; be;tin fulfilled, discharge; o1 cltrRil htlhl washing waler c:ontaining residues shall he made its I'ur its l)rut:licabh; from the ntlart,•sl larid or the nuaresl i(:e shelf and t'lol less than 12 nautical mile:s fr•un tim nearest huld or Iht: nvart;sl ice; she;If. (d) (]loaning aRe;nls or additivc, s (:(mtaint;d irl deck and •;xh•.rnal surl, i(:{:s wash watt;r may lit; dischargt;d only if th(Js( I subshmces lift; nl)l hiirmfu] I(J the marine; environment. ({;} Mi×lurt;s 111" gltl'liilgtJ hliving differ•:ni discharge; requirt:menls must be- (1) Retaint:d on board fiJr httor disposal ushore;: or (2) Dischm'gt;d in ;l(:(:ordan(:t; wilh the; m-rv' slringt;nl rt;quirt:mt,nt prt;scribt;d hy paragraphs (b) through (d) of Ihis se(:li•ln. ¯ 14. Revise § 1'51.73(h) to read as tbllows: §151.73 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage from fixed or floaling platforms. (b) Food wltste mav lie discharged into the; surrounding waters from a ship ,ir fixed i•r floating plldform rt,guhtte.d by prmtgraph (it) .f Ibis scc:lion if- (1 ) It is processt;d with a orintl,•'r t)i' (:omrninult;r m0,(;lillg Ih0 slai]dar(is il1 § 151.75; and (2} Thai ship or fixt.'(l or fllmling clrilling rig or idalfi•rm is hevlmd 12 nautical mih;s from nearest ]mad. §151.75 [Amended] ¯ 1,5. Am(:rid § 1,51.75 l)y removii-lg Ihe, h!xt 1 51 .Irlg(il)(2)" and ii(itiirlo, ill its pluto, the' text 1'51.60(b)(1 ), § 1,51.71 {b)[2),". ¯ 16. l(o\,ise § 151.77 tu road as follows: § 151.77 Exceptions for emergencies and health risks. St;eliotis 1,51.67. 151 .f;{). 151.71. arid 151.771 (ill n(ll apply I11 the t'o]h)wing: [,t) L)lsllhilrgt:s qll" garll;lgc t'l'•lm ii shi p nilct;ssltrv for lht / purptise (if sei:urin• Ihe sill'el•.', ol'ii ship anti Ihusl; on hoard i)r saving lift; tit sell, (il) The iit:l:i(ll;illill hiss tlfgariiagt; re;suiting t'rtml tlitrlliige 1(• ;t ship llr its equipment, provided thai all reas<mabh; prt;(:uulh.Jns have [)con taken lit;it)re, and till\n" lhtJ tJ(Xll.trronc0 tJf the di.tma,gt:, Io lirllvenl lir i/liilinlizc Ih, I il(:t:i(hlelil] hiss, ((:) "rh0 a('c:hh;nla] loss ill" fishing gear from •, ship. provided all reasonable i)r(!l'aulions hllvt; I)l;t;ll lakeri Io l)l'•;V(;lll su(:h loss. {d) The ilischlu'gt' •!t" fishing gi::.ir fronl a ship t'cir the proh;cliorl •![" lh(; marital environmerlt or fi,r lht; safi;ty of that ship i•r ils (:re, w. (e') The un rtmh, requirements •ff §§ I,51.Ii.q and 151.71 do I1(11 ill!Ill%.' Ill lhi.' (lischarg,.• of l'oud wastes whun it is (:h:ur Ihe retenlion on board of thuse food 'W;tSII;s llrt:senl •-tl'l imminent health risk it, fiat: i)(;(lplt: (ill bc,ard. ¯ l 7. R(•movu At)pmldix A tu §§ 1,51.51 Ihrough 1 ,% .77--Summary ,ff(birbage. Discharg(: Reslric:liilns. I )ah'.d: l-',hruaty 20, .201J. I.(;- Lanlz, l)irt:t:lor of Cotntm;tv'htl lh•gtdolions trod Sl•lmlm'ds. I r. S, (:•,(tst (hmrd. [FR l)o(', dl) l 3"4141)'1 ti Fik•d 2-27-1.1:1:1:43 an'll •111 I.IG eel) Im 9110-04-• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 40 CFR Part 52 [E PA-RO3-OAR-2012-0378: FRL-9783-8] Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Revision to Allegheny County Regulations for Prevention of Significant Deterioration AGENCY: En\,irllrimt;ntal ])roh,(:lion Agency (EPA). ACTION: Final rub, >. SUMMARY: ErA is aplm)ving a ,•,late hrlldem+mlalil ul Plarl (SIP) r-visb m submill0d hv the; (]ommoctweallh of P!:nnsvlvunJa. This revision pertains Io lhu Air Pol]uticm Control portion of the Alh:ghi:ny (l(,uniy Himllh D,qmi'hnunl {-\CHD) Rule's :.ll'ld Regulations. relating tl• ACHD's l)re\'e, ntitm (if Significant D¢ll:rioriili(ln (PSD} prc)griun. Addiliomdly, EPA is als,! approving this re;\'ision for the p urpl ise of determ inlng lhal ACHD hits mcl ils statutory i)liligltli(ins wilh ri!siit;cl Ill Ihl; in.frastruclure rt;quirements of the (Sl(.•iul Ah" A(:I (CAA) whic:h relate to ACHD's P,qD imrmitling pr(igram tend are ne(.'essurv to inlplvmunt, maintain, and ent•,re-e \'he. 1{){)7 tizon0 Nalionul Amhient Air Quality Slandard (NAAQS} as well ;is the 19{t7 and 2006 NAAQS for particulah; mallt;r less than 2.,5 microns (I'M_,.5). El),'\ is aplir(iving lht;se revisions lha| incl)rporah.,, by reft,,rence lhl; F'ell•:ral PSD prl)gram in ils enlire:lv in m:cordanct! with th0 re.quire.me.clts <if the: CAA. DATES: This [inul ruh; is effective on April 1,2111:1. AODRESSES: EPA hits e,stahlished at c.h.wk0t bJr this action under Dock\it ID Nunihe;r EPA-RI)3-OAR-2012-0378. All (Jl):umellls in tho (h)ckel are listed in the wWW.l'O.f.?,iiJolion,q.gov VV(;b sillJ. ;\llhliugh lisit:cl in Ihe ehx:trtmic dl)(skt;l. some infclrmaliol] is riol publicly a\'ailallh.,', i.e., confidential Imsiness informati(,n (CRI} or .Iher inf•,rmalion whose ¢lisclosuro is rcslrich;d by slalule. Certain other material, such as c:opyrighled matm'ial, is nol. placed tJll the, lnlernel and will he publii:ly availabh: italy in hard i:i..ipy f•lrill. I'ulflh:lv itvaillihh; doc:kei nllllerhlls are ;,,\'ailaLl]e either eh;ctronically through wlvw.t•:guhitions.gov or in hlird (:, q,y lilr publie: inspec:ti(in during normal husin•:ss hours al Ihe Air lh'oleclie.l Division. l !..q. Envircu'ime;nlal Prclh:clion Agency, Region Ill, 1650 Arch Slmel. I)hilmh;Iphia, Pl.;nnsylvlmia 1!i10:1. (:epics eJf lht; .'gl.alc submilhd arc a\'ai]abh; al the Pennsylvania Dt:l)ai'hnenl of Enviroiln]t,mta] ]lr(ih;clit)ll, Bureau o[" Air Qua]ily Conlr•ll, P.O, rhlx 8468, 41)1) Mar\el •h'ect. Hai'risburg, Perinsy]vliniri 1 710,5; Alh,'ghenv Counlv Ht;allh Dl'.partmt,,nl. Btm:au of Envimnme, ntal Qualiiy, Division of Air Quulilv, :/I)1 3.qth Slrecl. l'ittsburgh, Pcnnsv]vaniu 15201. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT" Plml T. Wt,ntv¢orth. (21'5} 814-2183, ,r by e:mail tel [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Ba(:kground ()n ]uric 11. 21}12 (77 I;R 343(10}, EPA I..lublishud a n,,tic:e of pr, q.),_,sed ruh.,making (NPR) fi•r the: C(unm(uiweallh ,ff Peril)sylvania. The

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Page 1: rar · t.....* * *., •..... F)()(',

Federal Register/Vol. 78. No. 40/Thurs(lav. Februar\' 28. 2013/Ruh,,• and Regulations 13493

(b) l:or,(l waste.s shall cmlv hedischarged while Ihe ship is en rtmh:iln(.]--

(1) As rar as l)rl,cth:i,I)h: from Ihent:ilrt.)sl bind ()r nt.)iirHs[ i(:t.; sh,I f. I)ul nl)t

less than 12 nuutival miles fmn'l therit:art;sl lund ,,r rmaresl it:•; shrill:

(2} Afh:r having been pr.t:e,ssecl witha griruh;r or comminuter spt;citled in§ 151.75: and

(3) Not contaminated hv any othergarbage lvpr;.

(4) '1"|1•i dist:hargc: o1' inlroclucl;d avianproduc'is, includino poultry arid poult Wparis, is not pt;rmitie,ct in the, Antarctic:are:;l un]t:ss it has bt;t;n Irc,alt:d Io h(;

ramie sterile.(�:) CaJ74o residues Ihat c;i-tnlll'lt be;

rt;(:• )\,•:rt;(i usi xlg c:omm• m ly avlli hlblt;melhods thr unloading may be:disdmrgod wllt;re ull lilt: foll(•wingc:(.tldilions art; salisfiecl:

[1) "l'he �:argc. residut;s, c:h;aningage;hiS c)r addilivt:s coillaim:d in Ihecargo hold washing watt;r do nolctmtain an,,' substan(:es that art,, harmt'u]tr) the marl'he t,nvir•.mme;nt.

(2) lhllh the putt tff eh;parture und Iht:next w,rt (.ff(leslinaliorl musl lip, wilhinthe special area and the ship will riotIrunsil •lutsidt; eJf the spt:cial area wht;rimoving l)elwt:t.,n those ptlrts.

(3) No mh;q ualt: rt;cuplion l.,ci]ilies

aru availabh: at those ports.{4) When the conctilions tit' paragraphs

(c}(l) lhrough {�:)(3) of lhis sct:liurl ha\'t;be;tin fulfilled, discharge; o1 cltrRil htlhlwashing waler c:ontaining residues shallhe made its I'ur its l)rut:licabh; from thentlart,•sl larid or the nuaresl i(:e shelf andt'lol less than 12 nautical mile:s fr•un timnearest huld or Iht: nvart;sl ice; she;If.

(d) (]loaning aRe;nls or additivc,s(:(mtaint;d irl deck and •;xh•.rnal surl, i(:{:s

wash watt;r may lit; dischargt;d only ifth(Js( I subshmces lift; nl)l hiirmfu] I(J themarine; environment.

({;} Mi×lurt;s 111" gltl'liilgtJ hlivingdiffer•:ni discharge; requirt:menls mustbe-

(1) Retaint:d on board fiJr httordisposal ushore;: or

(2) Dischm'gt;d in ;l(:(:ordan(:t; wilh the;m-rv' slringt;nl rt;quirt:mt,nt prt;scribt;dhy paragraphs (b) through (d) of Ihisse(:li•ln.

¯ 14. Revise § 1'51.73(h) to read astbllows:

§151.73 Operating requirements:Discharge of garbage from fixed or floalingplatforms.

(b) Food wltste mav lie discharged intothe; surrounding waters from a ship ,ir

fixed i•r floating plldform rt,guhtte.d by

prmtgraph (it) .f Ibis scc:lion if-(1 ) It is processt;d with a orintl,•'r t)i'

(:omrninult;r m0,(;lillg Ih0 slai]dar(is il1§ 151.75; and

(2} Thai ship or fixt.'(l or fllmlingclrilling rig or idalfi•rm is hevlmd 12nautical mih;s from nearest ]mad.

§151.75 [Amended]

¯ 1,5. Am(:rid § 1,51.75 l)y removii-lg Ihe,h!xt "§ 1 51 .Irlg(il)(2)" and ii(itiirlo, ill itspluto, the' text "§ 1'51.60(b)(1 ),§ 1,51.71 {b)[2),".¯ 16. l(o\,ise § 151.77 tu road as follows:

§ 151.77 Exceptions for emergencies andhealth risks.

St;eliotis 1,51.67. 151 .f;{). 151.71. arid151.771 (ill n(ll apply I11 the t'o]h)wing:

[,t) L)lsllhilrgt:s qll" garll;lgc t'l'•lm ii shi pnilct;ssltrv for lht / purptise (if sei:urin•Ihe sill'el•.', ol'ii ship anti Ihusl; on hoardi)r saving lift; tit sell,

(il) The iit:l:i(ll;illill hiss tlfgariiagt;re;suiting t'rtml tlitrlliige 1(• ;t ship llr itsequipment, provided thai all reas<mabh;

prt;(:uulh.Jns have [)con taken lit;it)re, andtill\n" lhtJ tJ(Xll.trronc0 tJf the di.tma,gt:, Io

lirllvenl lir i/liilinlizc Ih, I il(:t:i(hlelil] hiss,((:) "rh0 a('c:hh;nla] loss ill" fishing gear

from •, ship. provided all reasonablei)r(!l'aulions hllvt; I)l;t;ll lakeri Io l)l'•;V(;lllsu(:h loss.

{d) The ilischlu'gt' •!t" fishing gi::.ir fronla ship t'cir the proh;cliorl •![" lh(; maritalenvironmerlt or fi,r lht; safi;ty of thatship i•r ils (:re, w.

(e') The un rtmh, requirements •ff§§ I,51.Ii.q and 151.71 do I1(11 ill!Ill%.' Ill lhi.'(lischarg,.• of l'oud wastes whun it is (:h:ur

Ihe retenlion on board of thuse food'W;tSII;s llrt:senl •-tl'l imminent health riskit, fiat: i)(;(lplt: (ill bc,ard.

¯ l 7. R(•movu At)pmldix A tu §§ 1,51.51

Ihrough 1 ,% .77--Summary ,ff(birbage.Discharg(: Reslric:liilns.

I )ah'.d: l-',hruaty 20, .201J.I.(;- Lanlz,

l)irt:t:lor of Cotntm;tv'htl lh•gtdolions trodSl•lmlm'ds. I r. S, (:•,(tst (hmrd.

[FR l)o(', dl) l 3"4141)'1 ti Fik•d 2-27-1.1:1:1:43 an'll•111 I.IG eel)Im 9110-04-•


40 CFR Part 52

[EPA-RO3-OAR-2012-0378: FRL-9783-8]

Approval and Promulgation of AirQuality Implementation Plans;Pennsylvania; Revision to AlleghenyCounty Regulations for Prevention ofSignificant Deterioration

AGENCY: En\,irllrimt;ntal ])roh,(:lion

Agency (EPA).ACTION: Final rub,>.

SUMMARY: ErA is aplm)ving a ,•,late

hrlldem+mlalil ul Plarl (SIP) r-visb m

submill0d hv the; (]ommoctweallh ofP!:nnsvlvunJa. This revision pertains Iolhu Air Pol]uticm Control portion of theAlh:ghi:ny (l(,uniy Himllh D,qmi'hnunl{-\CHD) Rule's :.ll'ld Regulations. relatingtl• ACHD's l)re\'e,ntitm (if SignificantD¢ll:rioriili(ln (PSD} prc)griun.Addiliomdly, EPA is als,! approving thisre;\'ision for the p urpl ise of determ inlnglhal ACHD hits mcl ils statutory

i)liligltli(ins wilh ri!siit;cl Ill Ihl;

in.frastruclure rt;quirements of the (Sl(.•iulAh" A(:I (CAA) whic:h relate to ACHD'sP,qD imrmitling pr(igram tend arene(.'essurv to inlplvmunt, maintain, andent•,re-e \'he. 1{){)7 tizon0 NalionulAmhient Air Quality Slandard (NAAQS}as well ;is the 19{t7 and 2006 NAAQSfor particulah; mallt;r less than 2.,5

microns (I'M_,.5). El),'\ is aplir(iving lht;serevisions lha| incl)rporah.,, by reft,,rencelhl; F'ell•:ral PSD prl)gram in ils enlire:lvin m:cordanct! with th0 re.quire.me.clts <ifthe: CAA.DATES: This [inul ruh; is effective onApril 1,2111:1.

AODRESSES: EPA hits e,stahlished at

c.h.wk0t bJr this action under Dock\it IDNunihe;r EPA-RI)3-OAR-2012-0378. All(Jl)�:umellls in tho (h)ckel are listed inthe wWW.l'O.f.?,iiJolion,q.gov VV(;b sillJ.;\llhliugh lisit:cl in Ihe ehx:trtmic dl)(skt;l.some infclrmaliol] is riol publiclya\'ailallh.,', i.e., confidential Imsinessinformati(,n (CRI} or .Iher inf•,rmalionwhose ¢lisclosuro is rcslrich;d by slalule.Certain other material, such asc:opyrighled matm'ial, is nol. placed tJllthe, lnlernel and will he publii:lyavailabh: italy in hard i:i..ipy f•lrill.I'ulflh:lv itvaillihh; doc:kei nllllerhlls are;,,\'ailaLl]e either eh;ctronically throughwlvw.t•:guhitions.gov or in hlird (:, q,y lilrpublie: inspec:ti(in during normalhusin•:ss hours al Ihe Air lh'oleclie.lDivision. l !..q. Envircu'ime;nlal Prclh:clionAgency, Region Ill, 1650 Arch Slmel.I)hilmh;Iphia, Pl.;nnsylvlmia 1!i10:1.(:epics eJf lht; .'gl.alc submilhd arca\'ai]abh; al the PennsylvaniaDt:l)ai'hnenl of Enviroiln]t,mta]]lr(ih;clit)ll, Bureau o[" Air Qua]ilyConlr•ll, P.O, rhlx 8468, 41)1) Mar\el•h'ect. Hai'risburg, Perinsy]vliniri 1 710,5;Alh,'ghenv Counlv Ht;allh Dl'.partmt,,nl.Btm:au of Envimnme,ntal Qualiiy,Division of Air Quulilv, :/I)1 3.qth Slrecl.l'ittsburgh, Pcnnsv]vaniu 15201.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT" PlmlT. Wt,ntv¢orth. (21'5} 814-2183, ,r by

e:mail tel [email protected] INFORMATION:

I. Ba(:kground()n ]uric 11. 21}12 (77 I;R 343(10}, EPA

I..lublishud a n,,tic:e of pr, q.),_,sedruh.,making (NPR) fi•r the:C(unm(uiweallh ,ff Peril)sylvania. The

Page 2: rar · t.....* * *., •..... F)()(',

13494 Federal Register/Vtfl. 78, No. 40/Thursday, February 28, 2013/Ruh,'s ancl Regulations

NPR I)rol)oS(,•d approval of a SIPn;visi(m porlaining Io the Air PollutionCentred portiere of thv A]legheny CountyHeallh Dt;l)art ment (ACHD) Ruh;s andRegulations, rehiting to ACHD's PSDira)gram. The formal SIP revision wassuhmilled by Comnmnweallh ofP(;nnsylvania on July 1,21)08.

II. Summary of SIP Revision"I'h,: SIP n;vision suhmilh:d hy

I'enns\,lvania on behal f of ACHDconsists of regulations pertaining toA(]HD's If'event;on cff SignificaritDeh,,ri,walion [PSD) pr,)gram. Theserugulations in(:(wporaie by ref(;renc(; thetL'th;ral I)SD prog]'am ;it 40 CFR st;el;on52.21. Any changes in the Federalpr.gram •)ccurring alter the dale theACHD regulations were promulgated areauh)malic:ally incarl)araled inla ACHD'sregulalions and into its SIP. ll\,apl)roving this SIP revision. Ei'A isf( wm al ly al)l)r• wi ng A(]HD's PSDira)gram, which had previously he(;nopending under a delegation agrt:emeni.

Acc:on|ing]y. lhe SIP revisionin(:twp()nth:s the new PSD requirementsfi)r PM2.s pursuanl 1o the EPA's"Prevention of Significant Deterioration(PSD) fi)r Partit:ulate Mailer h,ss than 2.5Micrt)melers (PMz.s)--Incremenls,Significant Impa('l Levels [SILs) andSign;fit:ant Mc.lih)rifig Concerllraliori[SM(]) '' [PSD PM:.,• Rule), which waspromulgale(I on ()ctoher 20, 2010 [75 FR64864), inc:luding the provision al 4()

CFR set:lion 52.21 (k)(2) add;rig Ihe PMz.•S,ILs and Ihe l)rovision al seclion52.21(i)(5)(i)(c) adding the liM-.5 SMC.On lanuarv 22, 21)13, Ihu I I.S. Courl ofAl)ll(;als f()r the District f)f ColumbiaCirc:uil ["the Court") in SivnTr• Club v.EPA. No. 10--1413 (fih:(I Dec. 1 7. 2tJqll},issued a judgnmni lhal. inter aliu.vacated and remanded the provisions atst)(;liqna 52.21[k)[2)and vacah;d theira)visions at section 52.21(i}(5)[i)(c);hal were l)rr)mulgated as part of the()ch)lmr 20, 2010 PSD PMz.s Ruh;. ()nthis same �lale, the Court t)rdered thatissuanct; of the mandale shall bewithheld unlil seven days after anylimely petition f.r roh•;ari)lg ()r [mtiliofltbr rehearing i,n bane. See Fed. R. App.Pro[:. 40(a}[1}: Fed. R. App. P. 41(b).( Ilion issuafic(; of the man(hih;, theCourt's decisiiin will be(:,imt: final andIhe i)rovisions of sections 52.21 (k)(2)and (i)(5)(i)[c) will be vat:areal. At thatlime, ACHD's rt:gulalit)ns anti SIP willauhimalically up(lab; such Ihal lht;v i'.)

longer include lhal regulatory lo¾t, ;IS

lhe vm:alur will render those provisionswithout h;ga] effi)t:i. Although theC•)url's decision is not final unlil themandate issues, EPA expecls ACHD h..)

act (:onsistentlv wilh the (].urt's

()pinit)n in apl)lyirig Ihe Fedo,]-al PSD

r(:gulalions prior Io hn'mal issuance (:,f

the mandate. Thus. EPA is at)provingthe SIP revision as submitted.

(tiber specific requin;monls of Ihert;gulali.ns and lh,; rali.nale f-r EPA'spropost;d action are exphfinecl in tht;NPR anti will n.I l)e r(;siah;d h(:re. NopulHi,: coxnn'lenls wt;n: rt;ceiw:d on IheNPR.

111. Final ActionEPA is approving th0 July 1.21)1)8 SIP

revisirm as a revision to theComnmnweallh of lh;nnsvlvania SIlLEPA is alst• aplm)ving thi's revision fi)rtl'10 i)urlmse o1' delerminirig thai ACHDhas met its oblig:llions pursuant to thePSD l),Wlions ,)fCAA m;,:lions110(a)(2)[C), (D)(i)[]l), and [J) for lhc1997 ozone and PM_,.• NAAQS and the.2006 ]'Mz.• NAAQS.

IV. Statutory and Executive OrderReviews

A. (h:nem] RequiromenlsI !ndt,r th(; CAA. the Administralor is

required to approve a SIP submissionthai ct,ml)lies with lilt; pr,,visions of lilt;CAA and appli,:alfle l.'.deral regulations.42 11.S.(]. 7411)(k): 40 CFR 52.112(a).Thus. in reviewing ,";IP submissions.EPA's role is h) alq)r.ve stall; choices,provi(tt;d thai they meet the criteria ofIht; (]AA. A(:t:ordingly. this actionmen;IF ai)l)roves start) law us m(.:etingl'o(h:ra] requirements and (J(,(,s nolimpose additional rt:quirt;menls I)evondIhos,; imposed hv slab: law. F.r thaireason, lhis action:

¯ Is nol a "signifi(-anl n:gulatoryat:lion" subject It) review I)v Ih(; Offi(:e

of Management and Budgei underExe(:ut iw,. Or(le,r 12866 {58 FR 51 735.O(:hd)e.r 4.1 (`193);

¯ [•()(Lqq, [lilt itil[:'ti,U,(! arl inl'(lr,nalilfficolh;cticm Imr, h;n urlcler the lirovisic)nsof the Paperwork Re)duct;on Act (44if.S.C. 351)1 el st;q.):

¯ Is t:(;rlifi(;,I as n.l having aslgnific:anl t•cont)mic impacl on asuhsiantial numtmr ot'small .ntitiesunder the l!.egulahn'y Fh:xibilitv Ac:l (5( I.S,C. 607 t't s•/.):

¯ Does not contain any unfundedmandah: ,r significantly t)r uniquelyaffect small governments, as dcscribeclin the [ hffumh;d Mam|at(:s R(fform ActoJ" 1!105 (Pul). L. 11)4--4):

¯ Dims no{ ha)..',.• Federalismimplications its specified in Ext;cutive(..)rdt:r 131:12 Ill,-1 FR 4:1255, Augusl 11).

1 (.i(,)(,t);¯ Is not an economica]ly significant

r0gulah.)l.'y at:lion I)ast:(I till health in"sah;lv rinks subje(:l lo Executive Order13045 (62 I"R 1 (`1885. April 23.1(`1(,17);

¯ Is nol a significant reguhtir)ry actionsuhiecl hl Executiw: C)nter 13211 (66 FR28355, Ma\." 22, 21)1)1 ):

¯ Is nt)l suhju(;l Io n;quirmnenls ofSe(:th)n 12(el) of the Nali()nal"l'echnoh.)gy Tninsfer and Advanc:umm•lAc:l i)l" 19(,)5 (15 IJ.S.(]. 272 n()lt)) bt:,:ause

aplJIk:ali(in ()f theist' r(:(luir(;mi:rlls wi)uhtl)e inconsislenl with Iht; CAA; ancl

¯ Does not provide E/'A with thediscrt;ti(irntry aulhority Io address, asal)prol)rialt.., ciispr(Jp(wli(mah; humanhealth or environmental effects, using[)rac:li(:ahlv. and h-•ally [)ermissilih.>

methods, under Executive Order 12808(5(.1 FR 71129. February 111. 19!14}.In addition, this ruledoes not haw:;tribal impli(:alions as specifi(:(I byExc(:ulivt; ()r*h;r 13175 (65 I'R 6724.q,

N.v(:mher 9, 2000), because Ih(,) SIP isnol apl)row;d Io apply in Indian t:(luntrv

located in the state, and EPA n()tos that"il will m)t iml)•)st: subslanlbil directcosts on trib•fl g()vernmenis or preemptIribal law.

B. Submission to Congress ,nd theCorot)troller t;enera]

The Cc)ngressional Re\'iew Act, 5I I.S.(]. 801 t.'l st•q., as addt:d l;'\' th(; SmallBusiness Regulatory En for,zem(;lll

l,'aimess Act of 1996, generally providesIhaI I)(;l'ore a ruh; may lake efft.;,:l, theag(:n(:y promulga! inbi the rub: m ustsulimil a rule report, whic:h includes a(Stilly •lf the ruh;. Io each House of tht.;Congress and to the Comptroller General.fihe Ilnlh;d Slah)s. EllA will submil areporl containing this action and otherr(:quirnd infi)rmaliorl h) lhe I l..'q. Senale.lhe [ I.S. I-h)use of Represenlallvo.s, andthe (]ompimller (k;neral of lh(; l llliledSlaftt:s prior Io liulilicalitin t,f lh(.: rule inihl: Federal Register. A niajor rulecannot take effect until 60 (htvs aft(:r iiis i)ublished in ihe Federal Register.This action is not a "malor ruh;" ;is

defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2}.

C. Petilions.tbr Judh'ial lit'viewI. Irider seclion 307(h)(1) of the CAA.

petitions for judicial review of thisat:lion musl l)e filed in Ih(.; Ihaih)d Slales('our; ,,f Apl)ea]s fi•r iht; appropriat(:circ:uil by. April 2(,), 201"L Filing ai),:l ilion for rec()nsi(ierat ion hv I h(:

Adminish'alor of this final rut(: d()t:s notaffi.:ct the, finality of thls aciion for thel)Url),)ses ()f iu(lic:ial review n()r (h)os ilext()rid lhe lime within which a petitionI'.r iudit:ial review may be fih;d, andshall nol i)OSll)()nt, lh(; t;t'f(;(:tiv(.>nt;ss t)f

such rule or at:lion.This re:It(m, n:]aling Io ACHD's PSD

iw.gram, may in)| he challenged laler inpr,)co(;dings It) enfor,:e ils r(;quiremenls.(So.,,, sv,�:ti.n 3117{h)(2).)

List of Subje(.•s in 40 CFR Part 52Envirf)nm(;ntal proh)(:li()rl. Air

pol I u l ion control, (]arbon nl(-)lll )X ;de.ln('l )r[)( )ral if)ll bV ref(.;ren(:e,

Page 3: rar · t.....* * *., •..... F)()(',

Federal Register/Veil. 78. N(). 40/ThurMav. Fellruarv 28. 2013/Ruh;s unit Re,gulaticms 13495

lnh;r•o\'ornrnenhi[ r•;lalions, Lead.Nilrogt;n (liuxide, ()zt,m•. ])iirllc:ul;ih:math;r, bIclmrting ;il'll] rt:cc•rdket;pingruquirmimnls, Sulfur i,xidus. V,•lalile.organic t,tJill pOtlll (i,.'g.

l}•lli,d: F+•hru•lr\, 8.21)13.

W.C. Early.

Actin:3 tt.,,..,i.llul Administrufur. Ih:,,ion IlL

Thert,q'ore, 40 (3"R parl 52 is umcndedils t'o1 h Jws:


¯ 1, The ;iulhorilv. cilfilion for imrl 52coritinut;s hb mad as follt•ws:

Authority: 42 L!.S.(:. 7401 •1 s•'q.

Subpart NN--Pennsylvania

¯ 2. In § 52.2020:¯ a. "l'ho htlJh: ill i.)arllgriiph (C}(2) is;trntltlcll;d tiv adding an t;illr\, for st:('.lifm"21(12.117" in numt;ricul clrcilti".¯ b. 'I'hc tabh: in [laragr•lllh (t:)(l } isiirntuldu'd b\' adding Ihrt,; llt;w tnllrh!s

"Seclion 1 Ii)(a)(2) Infraslruclurt;Requirem,rnls for lht: 1 fl!17 lI-Htmr()zone NAAQS". ":qeclion 1 l I)l•l)(2)Int'rasl rucl uro Requir0mt:rlls fi •r the 1 !197PMz.s NAAQS", and "Section 1 llJ(a)(2}hi ti'ilsl ruc:l urt; Rt;q u irt:nlmlls 1'1 n" thll 201)ti

PM2.5 NAAQS" Ill Ih( t t,'nd ill" Ihc hll)h;.

Tht; re\'iscd and a&h;d It.,'xl reads ashJl]ows:

§ 52.2020 Identification of plan

Article XX or XXl citation Title/subject State effective Additional explanation/date EPA approval date § 52.2063 citation

Part B Permits Generally

2102.07 ........................................ Prevention of Significant Deteno- 3/31/98ration.

2/28/13 [insert page num-ber where the documentbegins].


..... (11" * *

(,:1 * . ,

Name of non-regulatory SIP Applicable geographic area State submittalrevision date EPA approval date Additional explanation

Section 110(a)(2) InfrastructureRequirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS.

Section 110(a)(2) InfrastructureRequirements for the 1997PM:.• NAAQS.

Section 110(a)(2) InfrastructureRequirements for the 2006PM: • NAAQS,

Allegheny County ........................ 7/1/08

Jl,llegheny County ........................ 7/1/08

Allegheny County ........................ 7/1!08

2/28/13 [insert page num-ber where the documentbegins],

2/28/13 [Insert page num-ber where the documentbegins].

2/28113 [Insert page num-ber where the documentbegins].

This action addresses thePSD related elements ofthe following CAA re-quirements:110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(ll).and (J)

This action addresses thePSD related elements ofthe following CAA re-quirements:110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(ll),and (J)

This action addresses thePSD related elements ofthe following CAA re-quirements:110(a)(2)(C), (D)(i)(ll),and (J)

[FR F)()(', 201.I-I14291 Fih•d 2-27-1 ,I; 11:45 ulillBILUNG CODE 6500-50-P

Page 4: rar · t.....* * *., •..... F)()(',