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Rapid product design in the wild Agile Iceland 2014 Michele Ide-Smith | @micheleidesmith

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Rapid product design in the wild!Agile Iceland 2014!Michele Ide-Smith | @micheleidesmith

Red Gate makes tooling for .NET, SQL and Oracle databases @micheleidesmith

“To  make  excellent  products  that  truly  understand  our  users’  contexts,  we  must  look  further,  and  inves:gate  context  first-­‐hand” Cennydd Bowles! @micheleidesmith

agilemanifesto.org @micheleidesmith


What makes you visit an exhibition stand at a conference? @micheleidesmith

agilemanifesto.org @micheleidesmith

“By the time the product is ! “Marketing that itself !ready, it will already have! improves peoples lives.”!established customers.”! ! Bob Gilbreath!Eric Ries @micheleidesmith

“We wanted to make sure we were getting customer feedback as we worked so that we were never working on anything that wasn’t valued by the customer.”!Nordstrom Innovation Lab @micheleidesmith

“if you’ve struggled to figure out how UX design can work in an Agile environment, Lean UX can help.” Jeff Gothelf, author of Lean UX



• Continuous discovery!• Shared understanding!• GOOB (Get Out Of the Building)!• Externalising your work


Lean UX principles we followed@micheleidesmith

Hypothesis: Oracle Developers & DBAs need a better way to source control their database schemas !>70% interest – develop a tool a.s.a.p.!


9 (mini) sprints, 3 days, 1 prototype@micheleidesmith

Making our processes transparent@micheleidesmith

25 feedback sessions with users@micheleidesmith

Easy to get feedback and quick to change

Paper prototyping

Lo-fi prototypes are quick and easy to change before you commit to code! @micheleidesmith

Feedback went directly into the HTML/CSS prototype, using Twitter Bootstrap @micheleidesmith

Helped build personas and a talking point!People returned to see the feedback throughout the conference @micheleidesmith

The Empathy Map helped us understand customer needs @micheleidesmith

We fixed pain points and learned about customer needs continuously @micheleidesmith

Sketching out processes and environments identified real-world scenarios and pain points


It’s was all about communication…@micheleidesmith

…and collaboration@micheleidesmith

Keep the conversation going @micheleidesmith

Surveys to test hypotheses @micheleidesmith

Remote usability testing and interviews @micheleidesmith

Releasing functionality early and getting feedback @micheleidesmith


“Source Control for Oracle is a huge time saver… It doesn't remove the need to version control, but it takes the tedious steps out of the picture. I am blown away! “!Lewis Cunningham, Oracle ACE Director

Testing the prototype

“The live lab was a wonderful idea. I enjoyed participating in it and can't wait to see the finished product. Let me know if you need a beta tester.”!Christoph Ruepprich, Oracle Developer @micheleidesmith


We worked collaboratively, as a ‘balanced’ team. @micheleidesmith


We made great things happen!@micheleidesmith

October 2013 - I joined the University of Cambridge and Lean UX principles were introduced @micheleidesmith

The team collaborated on user research and design @micheleidesmith

But I noticed a few things weren’t going so well…



Hat tip to @billwscott

Beware Lean UX anti-patterns!


w w w. s l i d e s h a r e . n e t / b i l l w s c o t t /antipatterns-that-stifle-lean-ux-teams


Too many cooks. Keep the team small to ensure collaboration and team focus. @micheleidesmith


Tribalism. Boundaries between separate functions start to creep back into the team. @micheleidesmith


Going dark. Sometimes you need to work alone. But not at the expense of team collaboration. @micheleidesmith


• Continuous discovery!• Shared understanding!• GOOB (Get Out Of the Building)!• Externalising your work


Lean UX principles we followed

Continuous discovery@micheleidesmith

Shared understanding@micheleidesmith

Getting out of the building@micheleidesmith

Helped build personas and a talking point!Externalising your work@micheleidesmith


Michele Ide-Smith!Design Team Manager!University of Cambridge!! @micheleidesmith

Thank you!


Flickr User Image Credits !!Kevin.Cochran: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevincochran/4276052636!Wonderlane: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wonderlane/2907868429!Prayitno: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34128007@N04/5279860498!Paigggeyy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paigggeyy/5533236567!Lolly man: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lollyman/4424552903!Lolly man: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lollyman/4424553767!Notix: https://www.flickr.com/photos/notix/383037676!Kaptain Kobold: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaptainkobold/5181464194!Nur Hussein https://www.flickr.com/photos/nhussein/3863456505!Dave Ware: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickwares/3899001922!mac_filko: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mac_filko/5471039165!Chris: https://www.flickr.com/photos/oblongpictures/5250948891!
