rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation of

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64, Winter 2008 ISSN: 1735-1472 © IRSEN, CEERS, IAU Received 5 June 2007; revised 28 August 2007; accepted 26 October 2007; available online 26 December 2007 *Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Tel.:+603 5543 6358; Fax: +603 5543 6300 Rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation of chemical industrial accidents software package 1 *M. El Harbawi; 2 S. Mustapha; 2 T. S. Y. Choong, 3 S. Abdul Rashid, 1 S. A. S. A. Kadir; 1 Z. Abdul Rashid 1 Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University Technology MARA, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia 3 Department of Biology and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia ABSTRACT: The environmental consequences are defined as consequences of accidental release of hazardous substances to the natural environment. This release can lead to many hazards depending on the material stored. The consequences of these hazards to the environment are widespread and have significant importance to human communities living in the surroundings. The mathematical models are extremely useful tools to predict the impacts of chemical process accidents. The objective of this paper is to develop a software package for accident simulation and damage potential estimation. The software is coded in visual basic and is compatible with windows working environments. The software is called Simulation of chemical industrial accident. This application is a comprehensive software package which can be integrated with geographical information system to predict and display the consequence of chemical hazards. The software is a user-friendly and effective tool for evaluating the consequences of major chemical accidents, process decision making for land-use planning, namely locating suitable hazardous installations, hazardous waste disposal areas and emergency response plan. Key words: Chemical process accident, mathematical models, visual basic, geographical information system INTRODUCTION In recent years there has been a significant increase in public awareness of the potential dangers posed by the usage of chemicals and their effects to both human beings and the environment. Operational mistakes (such as elevated pressure and temperature beyond critical limits) in chemical industries can cause catastrophic consequences to life and the environment leading to financial loss. Major industrial hazards are generally associated with the potential for fire, explosion or dispersion of toxic chemicals. These usually involve the release of material from containment, that is, in case of volatile materials, followed by its evaporization and dispersion (Lees, 1996). Consequences or impacts of the chemical accidents depend on the properties of the substances involved and their physical states (gas, liquid, solid, temperature, pressure, etc.), the equipment used (vessels, piping, valves, etc.) and the operations involved (storage, transport, chemical reaction, etc.). The most gruesome toxic gas release accident occurred at Bhopal which claimed over 20,000 lives (Khan and Abbasi, 1999). Whereas the most serious accident by flammable gases stored took place at Mexico city in 1984. Approximately, 500 people were killed and over 7,000 were seriously injured. The surrounding area was truly dramatic (Pietersen, 1984). There are several ways to evaluate the risk assessment for chemical hazards accidents. The traditional way works via using mathematical models. The Mathematical models are extremely useful tools to simulate the consequences of possible industrial accidents. It is essential to know that it is difficult to implement manually the risk assessment through mathematical techniques. Therefore, the complex development of the accidents scenarios can be achieved by using the consequential modeling combined with various computer software. The computer programs or codes must be able to evaluate the consequences of the hazards. This is to assist those

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Page 1: Rapid Analysis of Risk Assessment Using Developed Simulation Of

M. El Harbawi, et al.Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64, Winter 2008ISSN: 1735-1472© IRSEN, CEERS, IAU

Received 5 June 2007; revised 28 August 2007; accepted 26 October 2007; available online 26 December 2007

*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Tel.:+603 5543 6358; Fax: +603 5543 6300

Rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation of chemical industrial accidents software package

1*M. El Harbawi; 2S. Mustapha; 2T. S. Y. Choong, 3S. Abdul Rashid, 1S. A. S. A. Kadir; 1Z. Abdul Rashid

1Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University Technology MARA, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

2Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400

UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia

3Department of Biology and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia

ABSTRACT: The environmental consequences are defined as consequences of accidental release of hazardous substancesto the natural environment. This release can lead to many hazards depending on the material stored. The consequencesof these hazards to the environment are widespread and have significant importance to human communities living in thesurroundings. The mathematical models are extremely useful tools to predict the impacts of chemical process accidents.The objective of this paper is to develop a software package for accident simulation and damage potential estimation.The software is coded in visual basic and is compatible with windows working environments. The software is calledSimulation of chemical industrial accident. This application is a comprehensive software package which can be integratedwith geographical information system to predict and display the consequence of chemical hazards. The software is auser-friendly and effective tool for evaluating the consequences of major chemical accidents, process decision makingfor land-use planning, namely locating suitable hazardous installations, hazardous waste disposal areas and emergencyresponse plan.

Key words: Chemical process accident, mathematical models, visual basic, geographical information system

INTRODUCTIONIn recent years there has been a significant increase

in public awareness of the potential dangers posed bythe usage of chemicals and their effects to both humanbeings and the environment. Operational mistakes(such as elevated pressure and temperature beyondcritical limits) in chemical industries can causecatastrophic consequences to life and the environmentleading to financial loss. Major industrial hazards aregenerally associated with the potential for fire,explosion or dispersion of toxic chemicals. Theseusually involve the release of material from containment,that is, in case of volatile materials, followed by itsevaporization and dispersion (Lees, 1996).

Consequences or impacts of the chemical accidentsdepend on the properties of the substances involvedand their physical states (gas, liquid, solid, temperature,pressure, etc.), the equipment used (vessels, piping,valves, etc.) and the operations involved (storage,

transport, chemical reaction, etc.). The most gruesometoxic gas release accident occurred at Bhopal whichclaimed over 20,000 lives (Khan and Abbasi, 1999).Whereas the most serious accident by flammable gasesstored took place at Mexico city in 1984. Approximately,500 people were killed and over 7,000 were seriouslyinjured. The surrounding area was truly dramatic(Pietersen, 1984). There are several ways to evaluatethe risk assessment for chemical hazards accidents.The traditional way works via using mathematicalmodels. The Mathematical models are extremely usefultools to simulate the consequences of possibleindustrial accidents. It is essential to know that it isdifficult to implement manually the risk assessmentthrough mathematical techniques. Therefore, thecomplex development of the accidents scenarios canbe achieved by using the consequential modelingcombined with various computer software. Thecomputer programs or codes must be able to evaluatethe consequences of the hazards. This is to assist those

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who are not specialists in the physical and chemicalphenomena associated with such release. Since theevolution of geographic information systems (GIS)which supports various fields of study including riskassessment, GIS has become a useful tool to explorethe consequences of chemical hazards. GIS providespowerful tools for spatial analysis whereby theircapabilities for complex and dynamic analysis arelimited. Although traditional simulation models arepowerful tools for complex and dynamic situations, theyoften lack the intuitive visualization and spatial analysisfunctions that GIS offers. Obviously, the integrationof GIS and simulation models, together with thenecessary databases and expert systems, within acommon and interactive graphical user interface (GUI),should make more powerful and easy to use andunderstand risk information systems. Based on adedicated GIS as the central tool and user interface,the databases of hazardous installations and hazardouschemicals are linked in a hypertext structure. Theseinclude tools for spatial risk assessment based onexternally generated risk contours and link to the modelsdescribing accidental and continuous atmosphericreleases, fire and explosion risk analyses. All the modelsutilized are fully integrated with the underlying GISlayer and include an embedded rule-based expertsystem to help with the model input specifications andthe interpretation of the model results. Model resultstake the form of interactive graphics and animatedtopical maps for an intuitive understanding and amore efficient interactive analysis. Widespreadcomputer software were used in the past to evaluatethe consequences of the major accident hazards.These software are coded in different computerlanguages, such as C++, visual basic, fortran, delphiand pascal (or any other code which may run under themicrosoft windows operating system) and can beconnected to other computer tools to provide anattractive user-friendly “front-end platform”. There areseveral available commercial software in the market forsafety and risk assessment. Areal locations ofhazardous atmospheres (ALOHA) is a computerprogram designed specially for use by peopleresponding to chemical accidents. Process hazardanalysis software tool (PHAST) by det norske veritas(DNV) is designed for fire, explosion and dispersionaccidents. The fire, release, explosion and dispersion(FRED) software, created by Shell Company, is used tocalculate some effects such as blast waves from high

pressure vessel failure, blowdown of two-phasepipelines and subsea gas releases. The safety abroadfirst educational travel information (SAFETI) packagewas developed by Technica for the risk assessment ofchemical process industry facilities. The world bankhazard analysis (WHAZAN) consequential analysispackage calculates the consequences and hazard zonesresulting from incidents involving toxic and flammablechemicals (Pietersen, 1984). It was developed byTechnica to implement methods described in manualof industr ial hazard assessment techniquescommissioned by the World Bank (Technica, 1985).hazardous dispersion of gases (HAZDIG) software wasdeveloped by Khan and Abbasi for generatingscenarios for the emission and gaseous dispersion ofhazardous chemicals (Khan and Abbasi, 1999). yonseiautomatic generator of accidental scenarios (YAGAS)was developed by Kim, et al., (2001). This systemautomatically formulates a list of accidental events andgeneric hazardous substances which yields aqualitative description of accident events related tothe process hazards. However, users such asengineers, physicists etc. engaged in hazardassessment are no longer satisfied with programs thatonly accept input from a file or that only produce lineprinter output. Instead, they expect the code writer toexploit the full capabilities of modern programminglanguages and operating environments to provideuser-friendliness and enable the output to be presentedin a variety of formats (screen, printer, plotter and disc)Kinsman, et al., (1994). Inspirational ideas and proposalsto create, design and develop software can be used inaccident stimulation to determine potential damages.The software allows the users to overcome theirweaknesses in using computer programming andinstead enables them to analyze their study throughthe probable way through probability method. Thesoftware can run under the microsoft windowsoperating system and can be connected to othercomputer tools to provide an attractive user-friendly“front-end platform”. The main objective of thedevelopment of this software was initially to trainpeople who are involved with the emergency responseplan by helping them through the provision of asimulator that is capable of simulating differentaccidental scenarios such as scenarios of toxicgaseous dispersion, fire and explosion of hazardouschemicals and then by customizing the results for riskanalysis and emergency response management.

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Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64, Winter 2008

MATERIALS AND METHODSSCIA is a software package for evaluating and

analyzing any likely hazards from industrial accidents.The performance of developing this software wasperformed through simulation of several mathematicalmodels for different types of hazards. It includes varioushazard models such as fire, explosion and toxic releasemodels. These models can be used to examine radiation,overpressure and toxic dispersion hazards from variousscenarios. The simulation system helps to estimate theconsequences of possible accidents in a fast and reliableway. SCIA is a software running on Windows operatingsystem (95, 98, NT and XP) and the codes are builtusing visual basic language (VB). The simulationsystem helps to estimate the consequences of possibleaccidents in a fast and reliable way. All the programshave been written and designed within an object-orientated framework using VB. SCIA is designed towork as a stand-alone user-fr iendly software.Furthermore, the software enables users to use GIStechnology for screening/scenario assessment. Theadvantages of using the GIS software for chemical riskassessment applications are immense and theseapplications are gradually being utilized by a widevariety of users. With the availability of GIS technology,it becomes increasingly possible to develop suchsoftware in an efficient and timely manner. The mappingfunctionality has been developed to allow users to useSCIA as an effective graphical tool. Users will be ableto define the cases by locating them on maps andediting them by selecting from the map view. The resultscan be saved using different formats, exported toMicrosoft Excel and later plotted using Microsoft Excelor VB itself. The application is supported by the usefuloptions to make the software increasingly user-friendly,such as MSDS for each material to help the usersunderstand and acquire some knowledge about thematerials and conversion units to convert the unitswithout using any external references, internal help toguide the users on how to use the software and variouslists of symbols to give a clearer explanation for theshort names. This software allows the users to viewthe results as GUI and then saves them in either text orword format and lastly prints them. Furthermore, thesoftware is designed in such a way that whenever theusers make a mistake while utilizing the application,the error message will prompt them on the fault.Therefore, the SCIA software makes it easy for theenvironmental and safety professionals to identify the

hazards associated with accidental releases, fires,explosions and then describes the potential impacts ofthose risks.

The SCIA consists of four main modules, namelyoutflow, explosion, fire and toxic release. Each moduleconsists of a few sub-modules which enable the usersto perform hazard analysis calculations and obtain resultbased on case studies. The recent works reported inthis paper will discuss the outflow release, vapour cloudexplosion (VCE), boiling liquid expanding vapourexplosion (BLEVE), fire and fragmentation hazards.

Outflow models are the first stage in developing themajority of consequence estimates used in the SCIAsoftware. Identification of property of the outflow isimportant because it affects the flow rate estimated fora given hole in vessels, pipes, or other containmentdevices. Outflow phenomena can exist in threescenarios, i.e. liquid outflow, gas outflow and two phaseoutflow. Various models have been developed toestimate the outflow scenarios, e.g. model of Bernoulliand Torricelli to estimate the discharge of pure liquidsand vapour through a sharp-edged orifice and the modelof Chemical Industry Union developed to estimate theoutflow for a two-phase discharge (Perry and Green,1984; UIC, 1987).

An explosion arises due to extremely rapidcombustion and expansion of gases which generate asudden violent release of energy, this violence dependson the rate at which the energy is released. Theexplosion is usually classified as VCE, BLEVE andmissiles.

VCE is defined as explosion within tanks, processequipment, pipes in culverts, sewage systems, closedrooms and underground installations. A vapour cloudexplosion is one of the most serious hazards in theprocess industries because a vapour cloud may driftsome distance from the point where the leak hasoccurred before exploding; it may thus threaten areaslying far away from the source of the vapour cloud.Researchers have developed numerous models suchas the TNT and TNO models to calculate the peakoverpressure from the explosion hazard. The TNTequivalent model is the simplest model and is used toestimate the consequences of vapour cloud explosionhazards (Brasie and Simpson, 1968). This method isbased on the assumption of equivalence between theflammable material and TNT, factored by an explosionyield term (Baker, et al., 1983). The principal parametersof the blast wave from the TNT explosion are the peak

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overpressure and the impulse of the positive phaseduration. The descriptions for these parameters havebeen given by a number of authors (Baker, et al., 1983;TNO, 1990; Lees, 1996). According to the TNO model,the explosions are classified as either deflagrationsor detonations, and different models are used for eachcase. This model allows the peak overpressure andthe duration time of the explosion to be estimated.Various mathematical models to estimate theseparameters are discussed by Wiekema, (1980) andTNO, (1990).

BLEVEs occur when a sudden release of a large massof pressurized superheated liquid in the atmospheretakes place. The resulting fireball actually derives fromthe atmospheric burning of a fuel-air cloud in whichenergy is mostly emitted in the form of radiant heat.Various models have been developed to calculate theBLEVE behaviour. All the models use a power lawcorrelation to relate the BLEVE diameter and durationto mass (CPQRA, 2000). Useful formulas for BLEVE areused to calculate peak fireball diameter, fireball durationand the center height of fireball (Hardee, et al., 1978;Roberts, 1982; TNO, 1990; CCPS, 1994; Lees, 1996;DiNenno, et al., 2002). In order to characterize theradiation from fireballs, it is necessary to define thesize and dynamics of fireball, and then, to assess theradiation based on these results. One of the simplestpractical models for evaluating the thermal radiationfrom fireball hazards is the point source model. Thismodel has been used to estimate the intensity ofthermal radiation from the resulting fireball (Roberts,1982; Hymes, 1983; Papazoglou and Aneziris, 1999).

When a vessel containing a pressurized gas ruptures,the resulting stored energy is released. This energycan produce a shock wave and accelerate vessel energyfragments (CCPS, 1994). An important consideration inthe analysis of the hazard associated with an accidentalexplosion is the effect of the fragments generated bythe explosion. When the explosion occurs in a closedsystem, the fragments of the containment may formmissiles. The problem is considered under the followingaspects: size, number, velocity, energy and range. Thetotal number of fragments is approximately a functionof the vessel size (Holden and Reeves, 1985). Thetechnique for predicting initial fragment velocities frompressure vessel ruptured was introduced by (Moore,1967). The velocities have been estimated from empiricaldata on the assumption that any size charge will propelthe fragments the same distance. The empirical

calculation to estimate the fragments velocity range isgiven by Clancey (1972). A crude approximation toestimate the projectile ranges can be related to thefireball radius (Birk, 1995).

Fire is the release of energy during the oxidation ofa fuel with most of the energy being in the form of heat.When a flammable gas is released into the atmosphere,different kinds of fires may occur depending on therelease mode and the degree of delayed ignition. Threecomponents must be present if a fire is to occur: fuel,oxygen and heat. If one of the components is missing,fire does not occur and if one of them is removed, fireis extinguished (Lees, 1996). It is convenient to dividegas fires into the following types: flash fire, jet fire,pool fire and fireball. The thermal radiation hazard froma fire depends on a number of parameters, includingthe composition of the fuel, the size and the shape ofthe fire, its duration, proximity to the object at risk, andthermal characteristics of the object exposed to the fire.

A flash fire occurs when a vapour cloud, formedfrom a leak, is ignited without any significantoverpressure. The major hazard of flash fires is theheat effect from thermal radiation affecting objects inthe nearby vicinity of the flash fire or in the path of theflash fire whether on land or water (Ashe and Rew,2003). The important parameters in a flash fire are flameshape, heat transfer assessment and duration. Themodels to estimate these parameters are given by theauthors: Eisenberg, et al., (1975); TNO, (1990);Andereassen, et al., (1992) and Lees, (1996).

A jet fire occurs when the flammable gas emittingfrom a pipe or equipment is ignited and burns on theorifice (Lees, 1996). Jet fire modelling incorporates manymechanisms, similar to those considered for flash fires.The important calculations in a jet fire are flame shape,flame tilt, flame dimensions and heat transferassessment. The models for estimating theseparameters are described and discussed in details bythe authors: Kent, (1968); Howerton, (1969); Eisenberg,et al., (1975); TNO, (1990); Andereassen, et al., (1992)and Lees, (1996).

Pool fires can occur when a significant quantity ofliquid is released and immediately ignited. A pool firemay also occur on the surface of a flammable liquidspilled onto water (Petrolekasa and Andreoub, 1999).Pool fire models are composed of several sub-modelcomponents. The important parameters which can beconsidered when the pool fire is estimated are: burningrate, pool size and flame height, flame tilt, flame drag

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and flame sag, flame surface emitted power, geometricview factor, atmospheric transmissivity and heattransfer. These parameters are described in detail bythe following authors: Burgess and Hertzberg, (1974);Moorhouse, (1982); Babrauskas, (1983); TNO, (1990);Andereassen, et al., (1992); Lees, (1996); Rew andHulbert, (1996); Cuchi and Casal, (1998) and Kashef, etal., (2002).

A fireball occurs when there is a release of someconsiderable violence and when vigorous mixing andrapid ignition take place. The fire is burning withsufficient rapidity as to cause the burning mass to riseinto the air as a cloud or ball (ERM, 1996). Fireballincidents are generally associated with the BLEVEincidents.

The assessment of accidental release and dispersionof hazardous chemicals have necessitated thedevelopment of a number of techniques andmethodologies. There are more than severalmathematical models of varying degrees ofsophistication that attempt to address most of thephysical processes that can potentially be involved inpostulated accident scenarios (Howerton, 1969;Simmons, et al., 1973; Eisenberg, et al., 1975; Solomon,et al., 1976; Kletz, 1988; Lees, 1996). Gaussian modelsare widely used for regulatory purposes. The basis forthe Pasquill-Gifford model is Gaussian dispersion inboth the horizontal and vertical axes (Hanna, 1982;Pasquill and Smith, 1983)

RESULTS AND DICCUSSIONIn order to estimate the consequences of an accident

involving people and constructions, usually themethod used is probit analysis. Usually, the estimationof the number of people affected by a given accident isachieved through the conversion from the probitvariable to the percentage of people affected by meansof tables and figures. There is a significant problemwhen the calculations are done by means of a computerprogram or by manual calculating, which requiresaccess to a numerical library and significant errors, canbe introduced; computer tools operate much better withanalytical expressions than with tabulated data.

Human beings are capable of withstanding relativelyhigh dynamic pressures: if the pressure is static, thehuman body is capable of withstanding evenconsiderably higher pressures (Andersson, 1997). Thedirect effects of overpressure on humans are eardrumrupture, lung haemorrhage, whole body displacement

injury and injury from shatter glasses. People who arekilled due to blast waves are usually subject to objectsfalling on them. In order to estimate the consequencesof an accident on people, a function relating theoverpressure to the magnitude of the impact isrequired. Probit analysis has been widely used in hazardassessment. The probit equation for eardrum rupture,particularly lung haemorrhage, lethality, bodytranslation to impulse, glasses breakage andstructures damage have been suggested by a numberof people introduced as Fugelso, et al., 1972;Eisenberg, et al., 1975. Structural damage caused byblast waves from explosions has traditionally beencorrelated in terms of the peak overpressure of theexplosion. The effects of the blast damage on theconstruction are based on the determination of thepeak overpressure resulting from the pressure waves.Good estimates of blast damage can however beobtained using just the peak overpressure. It isimportant to know that the small structures suffer lessfrom diffraction loading because the time interval inwhich the shock wave that envelopes the object maybe less than the plastic response of the object todifferential loading. For very large buildings andstructures, differential loading may cause damageranging up to complete destruction. Damage to abuilding in case of an accidental gas explosion is not aserious problem as long as the building is not collapsingor dangerous fragments are not thrown out within orfrom the building. The method for estimating the impactof overpressure and blast wave on humans andconstructions are discussed briefly by several studies(Fugelso, et al., 1972; Eisenberg, et al., 1975; Baker, etal., 1983; TNO, 1990; Lees, 1996).

The damage potential of a fire in terms of heat loadgenerated by the fire is a function of the type of release,flammability and the quantity of the chemicalsinvolved, strength of the ignition source and finallythe type of fire. The assessment of the hazards of amajor fire event requires a relationship between thethermal load (a function of the radiation intensity andexposure time) and the effects on people. Theestimation of the effects of thermal radiation on humansand construction is a key step in the assessment ofhazard for installation where flammable liquids or gasesare stored. Heat from thermal radiation can causevarious harms to human body. People may becomecasualties as a result of receiving large thermal radiationdoses. If excessive heat is conducted rapidly to the

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lungs, a serious decline in blood pressure may beresulted alongside capillary blood vessel collapse,leading to circulatory failure. Skin tissue burns arecommonly classified as the first, second and third-degree burns. The first-degree burns involve just theouter layer of skin. The second-degree burns penetratemore deeply into skin. The third-degree burns usuallyare dry, charred, or pearly white. The probit equationsare used to estimate the probability of an impact (e.g.fatality and/or injury) for a specified harm dose fromthermal radiation. Various probit equations to estimatethe probability of injuries or death due to high thermalradiation have been suggested by the followingauthors: Baker, et al., (1983) and TNO, (1990). Theeffects of thermal radiation on structures depends onwhether they are combustible or not and the natureand duration of the exposure. All structural materialsclassified as combustible or non-combustible. Woodenmaterials will fail due to combustion, whereas steel willfail due to thermal lowering of the yield stress. Thedegree of damage may vary with the basic material andbuilding configuration. The building materials and thedesign of the details of construction have alwaysplayed an important role in building fire-safety. Highradiation from fires, such as the BLEVE fireballs, mayrise a considerable distance above the ground and thismakes them relatively difficult to be avoided (Tsao andPerry, 1979; Roberts, 1982; Baker, et al., 1983; TNO,1990; Lees, 1996).

The fragmentation zone safety distance should becalculated to reduce the risk of harm from fragmentationthrown out from the explosion to those working on theworksite and to the local population. Theoreticalmethods can be used to estimate the impact offragmentation hazards (Tsao and Perry, 1979; Baker, etal., 1983; Holden and Reeves, 1985; Brown, 1986; TNO,1990; Lees, 1996; Baum, 1998; TNMA, 2001; Zhang, etal., 2003).

The toxic substance can cause immediate fatality tohuman life at very high concentration. Toxic materialsin contact with any part of the body will result in afreeze burn of varying severity depending on the lengthof exposure. Different probit functions have beenproposed by Ten Berge and van Heemst, (1983);Withers and Lees, (1985) and Lees, (1996) to obtain thefatality from toxic release. SCIA is a software packagefor evaluating and analyzing any probable hazards fromindustrial accidents. The performance of developingthis software was done through simulation of several

mathematical models for different types of hazards. Thesimulation system helps to estimate the consequencesof possible accidents in a fast and reliable way. SCIA isa software running under Windows operating system(95, 98, NT and XP) and the codes are built using visualbasic (VB) language. VB is an event-driven languagewhich helps programmers easily create programs thatmust constantly check for and respond to a set ofevents, such as key presses or mouse actions. VBlanguage can perform various functions such as scrollbars, dialogue boxes, buttons, icons etc. included in auser interface and events such as scrolling and clickingand has double-clicking in the form of the objects.Although other languages can be used to develop suchsoftware, VB was chosen because it is easy to use andhas the ability to interface with other applications inthe windows operating systems such as microsoftaccess for database storage, VB itself or microsoft excelfor plotting, hyper text marking language (HTML) tobuild the hint and explanation forms, Help tools to buildthe internal help and the GIS mapping tool to providegeographical locations of the affected areas. The SCIAsoftware is designed to help and train people who donot have a strong background in evaluating the hazardsusing computer language. The users will not have tospend weeks or months to study chemical hazards.The user will only have to click a few buttons that willdo the job. Furthermore, there is no possibility to makemistakes in the computation, which usually happensdue to manual calculation. It was developed using VBlanguage whose state of art consists of a GUI as frontend (the visual interface which allows the user tointerface with the system) and mathematical models asback end (the programming code). The results ofcalculations using the codes can be presented intabulated or graphical forms, then saved andtransferred (exported) to the GIS software for riskpresentation. The computation of the mathematicalmodels for outflow, explosion, fire and toxic releaseshas been written in the VB program, following theflowchart illustrated in Fig. 1. The development of this software was divided intoseven distinct stages to enhance effective coordinationof the various relevant activities:• Planning the application• Designing the database• Building GUI• Writing the computer program

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• Embedding the ArcGIS controls with the SCIA application• Testing and debugging the application through using case studies• Deploying the project into a distribution package

Fig. 2. illustrates the main front page of the SCIApackage (i.e. general interface). The general interfaceis used to obtain selections from the user for evaluatingthe hazard. It consists of eight menus: file, edit, view,scenario, security, help, run and tools. These menusconsist more submenus which can be used to make theSCIA work as a user-friendly software. Other menuscan be easily added in the future based on the systemrequirement. The SCIA software is designed to beflexible for any further additions or modifications. Ifthe product is not listed in the database, SCIA willenable the users to register new chemical product andrun the system under similar conditions. Fig. 3illustrates how the users can key in material names,types and properties and start running SCIA in thenormal way. All the properties necessary to register amaterial in the database must be through this interface.The compound field requires the chemical name of amaterial or product type, density of material, molecularweight and combustion heat. Once the users key in theinput data (i.e. inputs available in the interface presentedin Fig. 3), the new material will be automatically storedin the database.

GIS provides the accessibility for software users toview all of the necessary deployment data in placeconcerning hazards of chemical materials. Data can beadded, subtracted, or modified by using computermouse operations. Alternative plans can be created,analysed and modelled by using GIS. The Arc-GISengine is a comprehensive library of embeddable GIScomponents for developers to build customapplications. Using the Arc-GIS engine, developers canintegrate GIS functionality into an application with thedata being available for calculations in non-GIScomponents. Developers need much less than the full-featured the GIS products, yet they may require accessto sophisticated GIS logic in their application (ESRI,2004). VB developers can build a focused the GISmapping application by adding a map control, a tableof contents control and selected toolbars to theapplication. The finished application can then beinstalled on any Arc-GIS engine runtime seat fordeployment. The Arc-GIS controls can be used to buildapplications in two ways. First, the Arc-GIS controls Fig. 1: Main structure of SCIA software

can be embedded into an existing application to addadditional mapping capability. Second, the Arc-GIScontrols can be used to create a new stand-aloneapplication. The Arc-GIS controls can be loaded fromthe VB environment by displaying the VB componentsdialog box, where you can add the Arc-GIS controls byselecting the control name. In SCIA, the GIS form hasbeen designed by adding the Arc-GIS controls: Map-control, Page-layout-control, ArcReader-control, TOC-control and Toolbar-control. The Map-control andPage-layout-control provided with Arc-GIS engine canwork with the map documents. Users can load mapdocuments and other files with different formats.Toolbar control and TOC-control are designed to workwith all other controls. The Toolbar-control along withthe other Arc-GIS controls offers a rich developmentenvironment such as feature selection, graphics, mapnavigation, etc. The Toolbar-control works in

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64, Winter 2008


Initial events


Liquid release Gas release Liquid release

Fire Explosion Toxic release

Final events Final events Final events

Jet fire

Flash fire

Pool fire







New calculation Final event analysis Output save or print

Mapping visualization


Data input chemical properties

meteorological conditions operating conditions

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Fig. 2: Main Front page of SCIA Package

Fig. 3: SCIA option for add new material

conjunction with a ‘buddy control’. The ‘buddycontrol’ can be a Map-control, Page-layout-control,Reader-control, Scene-control or Globe-control. TheToolbar-control hosts a panel of commands, tools andmenus that work with the display of the ‘buddy control’.The Arc-GIS system is built and extended using Arc-objects software components and has multipledeveloper application programming interfaces (APIs).Arc-objects is at the core of all the Arc-GIS products(e.g., Arc-GIS engine) providing a common developerexperience across all the Arc-GIS products. There aresome subroutines that are common to the Arc-GISinterface. The “Map-control-On Map- replaced” eventprocedure to set some of the information display mapunits. The “Open-itm-Click” is an event to enable theusers to open maps with certain formats (.mxd, .mxt,.pmf, .dxf). The “Map-control-itm-Click” is an event toactivate the Map-control tool and hides the currentlyactivated tool. In order to provide spatial solutions tonon-GIS users, the developers need the ability to builddomain-specific, easy-to-use applications that canincorporate the power of a comprehensive GIS systeminto a user-friendly experience. These applications, ifbuilt from scratch, can be an overwhelmingdevelopment effort and may not be time- or cost-effective. The developers can use the Arc-GIS enginedeveloper kit to build standalone applicationssuccessfully. GIS allows spatial relationships betweenthe population and hazards to be examined and it canbe useful for the hazard identification and exposureassessment phases of risk assessment. The SCIAsoftware provides tools for mapping and identifiespotential risks of chemical hazards occurrencesaround the community. The users utilizing the SCIA

software can start the screening/scenario assessmentby clicking on the GIS icon in the main toolbar andthen can link the results to the GIS form. In the GISform, the users have various options such as loadmaps, create buffer zones, zoom in and out, write text,save map, etc. In addition, several hazard zones areoverlaid onto the facility map in order to demonstratethe possible public exposure to the defined hazardlevels. The method presents the hazard zone as a circlearound the point of release from the source. Thispresentation, referred to as a vulnerability zone, ismisleading, since everyone within the circle would beexposed to the impact of the accident. Hazard zonescan easily be displayed graphically on local maps thatshow vulnerable populations, such as nearby homes,schools, nursing homes, businesses, parks andrecreational areas. A more realistic illustration of thepotential hazard zone around the accident point isgiven by the darkened cloud in Fig. 4. The cloud areaillustrates the hazard footprint that would be expectedwhen a rupture of the 9119 kg propane tank occurs.

SCIA is a comprehensive suite for modellingflammable and toxic chemical accidental releases. Itincludes various hazard models such as fire, explosionand toxic release models. These models can be used toexamine radiation, overpressure and toxic dispersionhazards from various scenarios. The software consistsof various formulas for evaluating chemical hazardconsequences from explosion, fire and toxic release.All models share one windows interface that includesa comprehensive chemical database containing about100 industrial chemicals. These materials are stored inthe database using a smart and flexible method.Therefore, users can add, delete and update them when

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Fig. 4: Potential hazard zone from VCE around the accident center

needed. The evaluation of a scenario can becharacterised as a dialogue between the user and thecomputer whereby the system asks some questionsand then runs the calculation program after the answershave been provided. Depending on the result, newquestions can be asked and so on. Several calculationprograms are included in the accidental release part ofthe system. The software evaluates the consequencesof released flammable and/or toxic gases outdoors. Thecalculations of the consequence for both humans andcomponents in the vicinity of the fire and release havebeen provided by this software. The models includedin the package are well established whereby many ofthem are based on empirical equations. Evaluating theconsequences of a discharged hazardous substanceis a rather complicated process. The software providessolutions for different scenarios, for example, methodsto evaluate explosion hazards such as the TNT andTNO methods. Also, the software consists of methodsto estimate the hazards from fire, such as theconsequences of flash fire, jet fire, pool fire and fireball.There are many different mathematical models that wereused with all these types of chemical hazards. Thesoftware also includes methods to evaluate thefragmentation hazards and toxic dispersion. Thesemathematical models have been successfully simulatedand implemented in an interactive VB environment.Using this comprehensive software, the resultsobtained from simulating the mathematical models forchemical risk assessment can be used in different ways,

for example, for comparative (or relative) risk analysis,scenario analysis, probabilistic analysis and screening/scenario assessment. The results can then be shownas GUI forms (Fig. 5), saved with different formats,exported to Microsoft Excel, plotted using MicrosoftExcel or VB application (Fig. 6) and then can be linkedto GIS for hazard screening. Furthermore, the softwareis designed in such a way that whenever the usersmake a mistake while using the application, the errormessage will prompt them on the fault. Therefore, theSCIA software makes it easy for environmental andsafety professionals to identify hazards associatedwith accidental releases, fires and explosions and, afterthat, describe the potential impacts of those risks. Thus,the SCIA software is a good computation tool for theconsequences of major chemical accidents.

To confirm the validity of the fire, explosion and gasdispersion procedures, the SCIA software has beenextensively validated. The results from these methodsare extensively validated with other commercialsoftwares such as FRED, (2004), BIS, (2003), EFFECT,(1987) and MAXCRED (Khan and Abbasi, 1998) orwith the established data. In order to compare theresults from the SCIA software with other commercialsoftware, the research took an example to study arelease of 9119 kg of propane gas.

The discussion here is done to study the impact ofthe VCE hazards to humans from the current software.

Then, the results were compared with the otherresults that were predicted by Lees, (1996) and


Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64, Winter 2008

Hazard zone around propane tank

205.99 kpa (99% fatality) atdistance 56.96 m from VCE

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Eisenberg, et al., (1975). The direct effects ofoverpressure on humans are eardrum rupture, lunghaemorrhage, whole body displacement injury andharm from shatter classes. The SCIA software hasproduced a graphical plot of the percentage of lunghaemorrhage vs. distance from the explosion center(Fig. 6). Fig. 6 reveals that for 10% and 99% humanlung haemorrhage cases, the distance would be56.96 m, 44.88 m and the overpressure would be122.13 kPa, 205.98 kPa, respectively. The personnel ata distance of 44.88 m or closer will be killed by lunghaemorrhage. The results from Lees, (1996) andEisenberg, et al., (1975) for the same material typeand amount of release are presented in the same figure(Fig. 6). It is useful to know that the results arethoroughly tested and compared between bothsoftwares whereby no significant deviation can arise.The results from the SCIA software are found to beconsistent with no significant deviation arising forall trials. These results confirm two facts: First, thecoding of the mathematical models for computing theconsequences of chemical accidents has beensuccessfully completed. Second, the software isconsidered as a stand-alone application; therefore,the users can run the software on Windowsenvironments without having to preinstall VB orArc-GIS engine on that machine.

Assessment of the hazards posed by the storageof flammable or toxic liquids in large tanks can beassisted by the use of mathematical models tocalculate the consequences of leakages. Theseconsequences may include fires or explosions fromdispersion of flammable vapours, or harm to personsfrom inhalation of toxic vapours. The mathematicalmodels are difficult to implement manually for anumber of reasons, such as the fact that thecalculations involved are difficult and time-consumingto perform; a large number of these calculations arerequired; there are many event outcomes to followand it is hard to keep track of these. For these reasons,the best estimation can be done by using chemicalr isk assessment software. The framework fordeveloping chemical risk assessment softwareapplications for chemical hazards has been describedin this paper. The software is called SCIA and wasdeveloped using the VB programming language. Allthe programs have been written and designed withinan object-orientated framework using VB. Thesoftware is developed to run under Windows platform

installed on a PC and designed to work as a stand-alone user-friendly software. Furthermore, thesoftware enables the users to use the GIS technology.The mapping functionality has been developed toallow the users to utilize SCIA as an effective graphicaltool. The users will be able to define cases by locatingthem on maps and then to edit them by selecting fromthe map perspective. As a conclusion, the product isideal for real-world applications, such as the decisionmaking process for land-use planning, namely to locatesuitable hazardous installations, hazardous wastedisposal areas and emergency response plan (ERP).It can also be used for teaching “process safety” and“environmental risk assessment”.


Fig. 5: Input values as a textbox and display results as alistbox

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Fig. 6: Comparison of the probabilities of lung haemorrhageby VCE hazard (release of 9119 kg propane tank)

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ty o

f fa


y (%


Distance (m.)


1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0

8 09 0

4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 100

Lees method

SCIA method

Eisenberg method

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AUTHOR (S) BIOSKETCHESEl Harbawi, M., Ph.D., Lecturer in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University Technology MARA, 40200Shah Alam, Selangor. Malaysia. Email: [email protected]

Mustapha S., Ph.D., Lecturer in Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia.Email: [email protected]

Thomas S. Y. C., Ph.D., Lecturer in Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia.Email: [email protected]

Abdul Rashid S., Ph.D., Lecturer in Department of Biology and Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor D. E., Malaysia.Email: [email protected]

Sharifah Aishah S. A. K., Ph.D., Lecturer in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University TechnologyMARA, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor. Malaysia. Email: [email protected]

Zulkifli A. R., M.Sc., Lecturer in Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University Technology MARA, 40200Shah Alam, Selangor. Malaysia. Email: [email protected]

This article should be referenced as follows:El Harbawi, M.; Mustapha S.; Thomas S. Y. C.; Abdul Rashid S.; Sharifah Aishah S. A. K.; Zulkifli A. R., (2008).Rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation of chemical industrial accidents software package.Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1), 53-64.

Rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation ...