random networks, graphical models and...

Exchangeability A finite deFinetti theorem Bidirected graphical models Random Networks, Graphical Models and Exchangeability Alessandro Rinaldo Carnegie Mellon University joint work with Steffen Lauritzen and Kayvan Sadeghi October 4, 2015 AMS Central Fall Sectional Meeting Loyola University Special Session on Algebraic Statistics and its Interactions with Combinatorics, Computation, and Network Science A. Rinaldo Random Networks, Exchangeability and Graphical Models 1/21

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Random Networks, Graphical Models and Exchangeability

    Alessandro RinaldoCarnegie Mellon University

    joint work with Steffen Lauritzen and Kayvan Sadeghi

    October 4, 2015AMS Central Fall Sectional Meeting

    Loyola University

    Special Session on Algebraic Statistics and its Interactions with Combinatorics,Computation, and Network Science

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models


    Exchangeability of (infinite) networks.

    A finite deFinetti theorem and the dissociated property.

    Exchangeable and extendable finite networks are (mixtures of)bidirected graphical models.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Statistical Network (Random Graph) Analysis

    Let Ln be the set of simple labeled graphs on n nodes: ∣Ln∣ = 2(n2).

    The nodes represent agents in some population of interest and theedges encode the relationships among them.

    Statistical Network Analysis

    Pose and estimate probability distributions on Lnby modeling the joint occurrence of the (n2) random edges.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Statistical Network (Random Graph) Analysis

    Let Ln be the set of simple labeled graphs on n nodes: ∣Ln∣ = 2(n2).

    The nodes represent agents in some population of interest and theedges encode the relationships among them.

    Statistical Network Analysis

    Pose and estimate probability distributions on Lnby modeling the joint occurrence of the (n2) random edges.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Statistical Network (Random Graph) Analysis

    Let Ln be the set of simple labeled graphs on n nodes: ∣Ln∣ = 2(n2).

    The nodes represent agents in some population of interest and theedges encode the relationships among them.

    Statistical Network Analysis

    Pose and estimate probability distributions on Lnby modeling the joint occurrence of the (n2) random edges.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Motivation: asymptotics of networks

    Let L = ⋃n L, be the set of all finite (labeled, simple) graphs.A statistical model for L is a sequence {pn}n∈N of probabilitydistributions, where pn is a probability distribution on Ln.

    For n < m, let pnm denote the marginal of pm over Ln.

    Consistency and Extendability

    A statistical model {pn}n∈N on L is consistent when, for any pair n < m,

    pn = pnm. (1)

    A probability distribution pn on Ln is extendable when (1) holds ∀m > n.

    Most network models are not consistent!

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Motivation: asymptotics of networks

    Let L = ⋃n L, be the set of all finite (labeled, simple) graphs.A statistical model for L is a sequence {pn}n∈N of probabilitydistributions, where pn is a probability distribution on Ln.

    For n < m, let pnm denote the marginal of pm over Ln.

    Consistency and Extendability

    A statistical model {pn}n∈N on L is consistent when, for any pair n < m,

    pn = pnm. (1)

    A probability distribution pn on Ln is extendable when (1) holds ∀m > n.

    Most network models are not consistent!

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Consistency via Exchangeability

    Let L∞ be the set of (countably) infinite lableled, simple graphs.Every probability distrbution on L∞ trivially specifies one consistentmodel!We impose one further restriction...


    A probability distribution on L∞ is exchangeable when all finite isomorphicgraphs have the same probabilities.

    Exchangeability is a most basic form of invariance, suitable to describethe "shape" of networks (large scale property).

    Labeled vs unlabeled. The exchangeability assumption is equivalent todefine models on Un, the set of unlabaled graohs on n nodes, for all n.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Consistency via Exchangeability

    Let L∞ be the set of (countably) infinite lableled, simple graphs.Every probability distrbution on L∞ trivially specifies one consistentmodel!We impose one further restriction...


    A probability distribution on L∞ is exchangeable when all finite isomorphicgraphs have the same probabilities.

    Exchangeability is a most basic form of invariance, suitable to describethe "shape" of networks (large scale property).

    Labeled vs unlabeled. The exchangeability assumption is equivalent todefine models on Un, the set of unlabaled graohs on n nodes, for all n.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Consistency via Exchangeability

    Let L∞ be the set of (countably) infinite lableled, simple graphs.Every probability distrbution on L∞ trivially specifies one consistentmodel!We impose one further restriction...


    A probability distribution on L∞ is exchangeable when all finite isomorphicgraphs have the same probabilities.

    Exchangeability is a most basic form of invariance, suitable to describethe "shape" of networks (large scale property).

    Labeled vs unlabeled. The exchangeability assumption is equivalent todefine models on Un, the set of unlabaled graohs on n nodes, for all n.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Exchangeability and graphons

    Analytic representation of exchangeable distributions

    The set of exchangeable distributions, with the topology of weakconvergence, is a (Bauer) simplex. Denote its extreme points with E∞.

    p∞ ∈ E∞ if and only if, for every n and G ∈ Ln

    pn∞(G) = ∫[0,1]n


    f (zi , zj) ∏(i,j)/∈E(G)

    (1 − f (zi , zj))dz1 . . . zn,

    where f ∶ [0,1]2 → [0,1] is a (measurable) symmetric function, called agraphon.

    Graphons are unique up to measure preserving transformations of [0,1].

    Vast literature: Aldous, Hoover, Kallenberg, Diaconis and Freedman,Chayes, Borgs and Lovász, etc ect...

    Key point: only the finite marginals of p∞ ∈ E∞ can be realized. Generalexchangeable models are mixtures of such distributions.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Exchangeability and graphons

    Analytic representation of exchangeable distributions

    The set of exchangeable distributions, with the topology of weakconvergence, is a (Bauer) simplex. Denote its extreme points with E∞.

    p∞ ∈ E∞ if and only if, for every n and G ∈ Ln

    pn∞(G) = ∫[0,1]n


    f (zi , zj) ∏(i,j)/∈E(G)

    (1 − f (zi , zj))dz1 . . . zn,

    where f ∶ [0,1]2 → [0,1] is a (measurable) symmetric function, called agraphon.

    Graphons are unique up to measure preserving transformations of [0,1].

    Vast literature: Aldous, Hoover, Kallenberg, Diaconis and Freedman,Chayes, Borgs and Lovász, etc ect...

    Key point: only the finite marginals of p∞ ∈ E∞ can be realized. Generalexchangeable models are mixtures of such distributions.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Graphons and homomorphism densities

    For G ∈ Ln and H ∈ Lk with k ≤ n, the density homomorphism of H in G is

    t(H,G) =∣hom(H,G)∣


    Convergence of graph sequences = convergence of marginal probabilities

    A sequence {Gn}n∈N converges if and only if, for some graphon f andeach H ∈ L with k nodes,


    t(H,Gn) = ∫[0,1]k


    f (zi , zj) dz1 . . . zk = P (H ⊆ G′) ,

    G′ a random graph distributed like the pk∞, p∞ ∈ E∞ defined by f .

    The sequence {t(H, f )}H∈L of density homomorphisms uniquelyspecifies p∞.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Graphons and homomorphism densities

    For G ∈ Ln and H ∈ Lk with k ≤ n, the density homomorphism of H in G is

    t(H,G) =∣hom(H,G)∣


    Convergence of graph sequences = convergence of marginal probabilities

    A sequence {Gn}n∈N converges if and only if, for some graphon f andeach H ∈ L with k nodes,


    t(H,Gn) = ∫[0,1]k


    f (zi , zj) dz1 . . . zk = P (H ⊆ G′) ,

    G′ a random graph distributed like the pk∞, p∞ ∈ E∞ defined by f .

    The sequence {t(H, f )}H∈L of density homomorphisms uniquelyspecifies p∞.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Finite Exchangeability

    But real networks are finite! So, what can be said about the set Pn ofexchangeable distribution on Ln?

    Finite exchangeability does not yield consistent models

    Finite exchangeable probability distributions marginalize to but need not beextendable to exchangeable distributions.

    Our goal

    We would like to characterize the distributions in Pn that are extendable.We seek to establish a parametric (finite dimensional) representation of allthe distributions {pn∞,p∞ ∈ E∞}.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Finite Exchangeability

    But real networks are finite! So, what can be said about the set Pn ofexchangeable distribution on Ln?

    Finite exchangeability does not yield consistent models

    Finite exchangeable probability distributions marginalize to but need not beextendable to exchangeable distributions.

    Our goal

    We would like to characterize the distributions in Pn that are extendable.We seek to establish a parametric (finite dimensional) representation of allthe distributions {pn∞,p∞ ∈ E∞}.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Finite Exchangeability

    But real networks are finite! So, what can be said about the set Pn ofexchangeable distribution on Ln?

    Finite exchangeability does not yield consistent models

    Finite exchangeable probability distributions marginalize to but need not beextendable to exchangeable distributions.

    Our goal

    We would like to characterize the distributions in Pn that are extendable.We seek to establish a parametric (finite dimensional) representation of allthe distributions {pn∞,p∞ ∈ E∞}.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The Möius parametrization

    It turns out it is convenient to work with maginal instead of jointprobabilities.

    Möbius parameters

    For any pn ∈ Pn, let zn the vector with entries indexed by subgraphs H of Knwithout isolated nodes of the form

    zn(H) = P (H ⊆ Gn) ,

    where Gn is the random graph with distribution pn. In particular, zn(∅) = 1.

    Invertible linear transformation:

    pn(G) = ∑H ∶E(H)⊇E(G)

    (−1)E(H)−E(G)zn(H), ∀G ∈ Ln.

    By exchangeability, zn(H) = zn(H ′) if H and H are isomorphic.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The Möius parametrization

    It turns out it is convenient to work with maginal instead of jointprobabilities.

    Möbius parameters

    For any pn ∈ Pn, let zn the vector with entries indexed by subgraphs H of Knwithout isolated nodes of the form

    zn(H) = P (H ⊆ Gn) ,

    where Gn is the random graph with distribution pn. In particular, zn(∅) = 1.

    Invertible linear transformation:

    pn(G) = ∑H ∶E(H)⊇E(G)

    (−1)E(H)−E(G)zn(H), ∀G ∈ Ln.

    By exchangeability, zn(H) = zn(H ′) if H and H are isomorphic.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    A finite deFinetti Theorem

    We can describe now the relationships among Möbius parameters ofconsistent finitely exchangeable distributions.

    A deFinetti’s theorem for finitely exchageable graphs

    Assume m > n. Let pm an exchangeable distribution on Lm and znm theMöbius parameters corresponding to pnm. Then,


    ∣znm(H) − ∑G∈Gm

    t(H,G)pm(G)∣ ≤ 1 −(m)nmn


    A similar guarantee holds for the pn’s.

    See also Matúš for more general statements.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The dissociated property

    Corollary (The dissociated property)

    If pn ∈ Pn is extendable to an (infinite) exchangeable distribution in E∞,then it satisfies the dissociated property:

    zn∞(H) = zn(H) = zn(H1)zn(H2)

    for all subgraphs H = H1 ⊎H2 of Kn without isolated nodes.

    Extendable distributions in Pn are mixtures of dissociated distributions inPn.

    A distribution p∞ on L∞ is in E∞ if and only if pn∞ satisfies thedissociated property for all n.

    Thus, finitely exchangeable distribution must be dissociated in order tobe extendable to extremal distributions in E∞.

    Result is not new, but derivation via finite exchangeability is.

    ...so what does dissociated distribution in Pn looks like?

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The dissociated property

    Corollary (The dissociated property)

    If pn ∈ Pn is extendable to an (infinite) exchangeable distribution in E∞,then it satisfies the dissociated property:

    zn∞(H) = zn(H) = zn(H1)zn(H2)

    for all subgraphs H = H1 ⊎H2 of Kn without isolated nodes.

    Extendable distributions in Pn are mixtures of dissociated distributions inPn.

    A distribution p∞ on L∞ is in E∞ if and only if pn∞ satisfies thedissociated property for all n.

    Thus, finitely exchangeable distribution must be dissociated in order tobe extendable to extremal distributions in E∞.

    Result is not new, but derivation via finite exchangeability is.

    ...so what does dissociated distribution in Pn looks like?

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Bidirected Graphical Models for Binary Data

    Graphical models with bidirected edges, where the nodes of the graphrepresents the variables and lack of (bidirected) edges among nodessignify marginal independence among the corresponding variables.

    See Richardson (2003), Drton and Richardson (2008) and Roverato,Luparelli and LaRocca (2013).

    Global Markov property for bidirected (marginal) graphical models

    A á B ∣ C when every path between A and B has a node outside A ∪B ∪C. Inparticular, C may be empty.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Bidirected Graphical Models for Binary Data

    Example (Drton and Richardson, 2008)

    X1 X2


    X1 X2


    In the undirected graph (left), the global Markov property expresses, e.g., that

    X1 á X4 ∣ {X2,X3},

    whereas in the bidirected graph (right) the global Markov property expresses,e.g., that

    X1 á X4 {X1,X2} á X4 and X1 á X4 ∣ X3.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Bidirected Graphical Models for Binary Data

    Bidirected Markov models arise, e.g., as marginals of directed Markovmodels with unobserved variables.

    Example (by S. Lauritzen)

    X1 X2 X3





    In the graph above, the marginal distribution of (X1,X2,X3) will be bidirectedMarkov w.r.t. the graph

    X1 X2 X3


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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The canonical model for exchangeable and extendable networks

    Dissociated property and bidirected graphical models

    A distribution on Ln is dissociated if and only if it is Markov with respect to thebidirected line graph of Kn.


    X23 X24


    X13 X14

    Contrast this with the Markov graphs of Frank and Strauss (1986) which areMarkov w.r.t. the undirected line graph.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The benfits of Möbius parametrization

    Using the Möbius parameters are especially convenient because

    are marginalizable: for any m > n

    znm(H) = zn(H)

    for any ubgraph H of Kn without isolated nodes.

    expresses the bidirected Markov property in a simple way:

    (From Drton and Richardson, 2008)

    A distribution pn ∈ Pn is Markov with respect to the bidirected line graph of Knif and only if for any H = H1 ⊎H2 ⊎ . . . ⊎Hl ∈ Lk without isolated nodes,

    zn(H) = zn(H1) ×⋯ × zn(Hl).

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The Möbius parametrization

    Polynomial parametrization

    If a probability pn in Pn is extendable to some p∞ ∈ E∞, then

    pn(G) = ∑U∈Un ∶E(G)⊆E(U)

    (−1)E(U)−E(G)r(G,U) ∏C∈C(U)

    zn(C), G ∈ Ln,

    where D(U) denotes the maximal connected components of U and r(G,U)are the number of graphs in Ln that contain G as a subgraph and areisomorphic to U ∈ Un.

    This defines a smooth parametrization, described by a smooth manifoldinside Pn specified by polynomial equations. Its dimension is the numberof connected subgraphs of all unlabeled graphs on n nodes.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The curved exponential family parametrization

    Exponential parametrization

    If a probability pn in Pn is extendable to some p∞ ∈ E∞, then

    pn(G; ν) = exp⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩


    νUs(U,G) − ψ(ν)⎫⎪⎪⎬⎪⎪⎭

    , G ∈ Ln, ν ∈ V ⊂ R∣Un ∣−1,

    where s(U,G) is the number of non-empty subgraphs of G isomorphic toU ∈ Un and ψ a normalizing constant.

    Duality: the mean value parameters are (sums of) the Möbiusparameters.

    The natural parameters ν are not free to vary, as they need to enforcethe dissociated property. These are defined implicitly!

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    The curved exponential family parametrization

    Exponential parametrization

    If a probability pn in Pn is extendable to some p∞ ∈ E∞, then

    pn(G; ν) = exp⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩


    νUs(U,G) − ψ(ν)⎫⎪⎪⎬⎪⎪⎭

    , G ∈ Ln, ν ∈ V ⊂ R∣Un ∣−1,

    where s(U,G) is the number of non-empty subgraphs of G isomorphic toU ∈ Un and ψ a normalizing constant.

    Duality: the mean value parameters are (sums of) the Möbiusparameters.

    The natural parameters ν are not free to vary, as they need to enforcethe dissociated property. These are defined implicitly!

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models


    Suppose we observe the following graph G:

    1 2 3


    Under the assumed bidirected model, the likelihood under the Mobiüsparametrization is

    p(G) = z⊵ − 2z + zK4 .

    and under the curved exponential model is

    P(G; ν) = exp{4ν− + 5ν∧ + ν∥ + ν△ + ν + 2ν⊓ + ν⊵ − ψ(ν)}.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Maximum Likelhood Estimation

    Given a observation G ∈ Ln, the maximum likelihood estimator of pn isthe dissociated point in Pn with positive coordinates that maximizes thelikelihood of G.

    Example 1

    For the previous network, the MLE is

    ẑ− = 1/2, ẑ∧ = 5/16, ẑ∥ = 1/4 ẑ△ = 3/16, ẑ = 3/16, ẑ⊓ = 1/8, ẑ⊵ = 1/16,

    This estimate represents a mixture of the uniform distribution of allnetworks isomorphic to G (there are 12), and the empty network, withweights 3/4 and 1/16, respectively.

    The MLE does not exist! In fact, we conjecture it never exists.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Maximum Likelhood Estimation

    Given a observation G ∈ Ln, the maximum likelihood estimator of pn isthe dissociated point in Pn with positive coordinates that maximizes thelikelihood of G.

    Example 1

    For the previous network, the MLE is

    ẑ− = 1/2, ẑ∧ = 5/16, ẑ∥ = 1/4 ẑ△ = 3/16, ẑ = 3/16, ẑ⊓ = 1/8, ẑ⊵ = 1/16,

    This estimate represents a mixture of the uniform distribution of allnetworks isomorphic to G (there are 12), and the empty network, withweights 3/4 and 1/16, respectively.

    The MLE does not exist! In fact, we conjecture it never exists.

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    Maximum Likelhood Estimation

    Example 2

    When the observed graph G is

    1 2 3 4

    the likelihood function is maximized for any value of λ satisfying0 ≤ λ ≤ 1/16 with

    ẑ− = 1/2, ẑ∧ = 3/16, ẑ∥ = 1/4, ẑ△ = 1/16 − λ, ẑ = λ, ẑ⊓ = 1/16,

    and all other z ’s equal to zero. This corresponds to a random networkthat has probability 3/4 of being isomorphic to G (12 cases) and theremaining probability mass of 1/4 is distributed arbitrarily between atriangle plus an isolated point (4 cases), and a 3-star (4 cases).

    The MLE does not exist and is not unique!

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    An open problem

    Does a dissociated exchenagble distribution on Ln always extend tosome p∞ ∈ E∞?

    No! Example 1 shows this not the case. So the dissociated property isonly necessary for extendability.

    Open problem

    Let EPn ⊂ Pn the set of exchenagble and extendable distributions on Ln andDPn ⊂ Pn the distributions that are exchangeable and dissociated. Then

    EPn ⊂ DPn.

    What does DPn ∖ EPn look like?

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    An open problem

    Does a dissociated exchenagble distribution on Ln always extend tosome p∞ ∈ E∞?

    No! Example 1 shows this not the case. So the dissociated property isonly necessary for extendability.

    Open problem

    Let EPn ⊂ Pn the set of exchenagble and extendable distributions on Ln andDPn ⊂ Pn the distributions that are exchangeable and dissociated. Then

    EPn ⊂ DPn.

    What does DPn ∖ EPn look like?

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  • ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theorem

    Bidirected graphical models

    More open problems...

    What are the algebraic and geometric properties of the proposedbidirected model for networks?

    How do we carry out maximum likelihood estimation in this curvedexponential family setting?

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    ExchangeabilityA finite deFinetti theoremBidirected graphical models