randall assessment plan 2016-2017

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  • 8/16/2019 Randall Assessment Plan 2016-2017




    2016 - 2017 



  • 8/16/2019 Randall Assessment Plan 2016-2017


    Randall University Assessment Plan 

    (Including Policies and Procedures)Revised 5/26/2016


    Section Page

    Faculty Evaluations ........................................................................................................ 3Employee evaluation Policy and Schedule Chart…………………………………………...3

    Evaluation purpose and descriptions…………………………………………………………4Program Evaluations (includes General Education Program)..……………………………5

     Assessment of Students and Student Life…………………………………………………...6

     Assessment of Service to the church and the community……………………………….…7

     Assessment day and the Evaluation of the Assessment process………………………....7

    Purpose and Procedure for the Student evaluation of Instruction………………………....8

    Evaluation of Publications……………………………………………………………………...9

    Financial Operations Assessment and Timetables...........................................................9Policies and Procedures..................................................................................................10Systematic Review of Programs………………………………………………………………11


    NOTE: The data collected by the Assessment Committee is a driving force for the Strategic LongRange Plan.

    Randall Assessment Plan

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    1. Professional Development Forms are collected in May – these forms are collectedand reviewed by the Chief Academic Officer (CAO).

    2. Student Evaluation of Instruction – Students are required to complete these forms(for each course) through the campus Mysaints (Populi ) system. Data is reviewedby the CAO and forwarded to each instructor (See p 8. for procedure)

    3. Course Syllabi Evaluations – Each faculty member is required to submit a syllabi foreach course using the required format. The CAO will, periodically, review a syllabusfor each instructor.

    4. Classroom evaluations –  A CAO and/or School Chairs will observe and evaluate classroom instruction to

    promote improvement.b. The CAO will determine how often instructors need to have classroom


    5. The Full-time faculty members will schedule an end of the year evaluation with theCAO during the Spring Semester. This will involve either a self -evaluation formand/or an evaluation form completed by the CAO.


    The Institution conducts regular evaluations of its employees against the responsibilities in the

    approved job description.

    Employee Category/ What When Who

    President Job Description and Spring Board of Board of Trustees(Trustee Manual) Presidential Trustee Meeting

    Evaluation form

    Senior Administrators Job Description June PresidentProfessors Job Description May Chief Academic

    Course Evaluations Officer and SchoolSelected Syllabi Chair or Degree


    Full-time Staff and Job Description May-June Direct SupervisorTeaching Assistants(i.e., Coaches)

    Full-time Instructors Job Description Semester (at least School Chair orCourse Evaluations one element from the Degree DirectorSelected Syllabi list to the left)

    Part-time Instructors Job Description Rotating Direct SupervisorCourse EvaluationsSelected Syllabi

    Part-time Staff Job Description Rotating Direct Supervisor

    The President is evaluated each spring by the Board of Trustees in regular session. The jobdescription and evaluation are available in the Trustee Manual.

    Randall Assessment Plan

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    Purpose: The faculty evaluation program is to improve the quality of instruction. Evaluation resultsmay be used when considering faculty for rehire or advancement, but should not constitute thesole determining factor. The administration reserves the right to sit in on any classroom session forthe purpose of evaluation. Other factors could include service to the institution, involvement inprofessional organizations, and progressive scholarship. Methods of evaluation are as follows:

    1. Personal Evaluations: This evaluation will be done by the instructor in conjunction with thepreparation or revision of the course to improve their own teaching performance. 

    2. Student Evaluations: Student evaluations will be done in all the courses the instructorteaches. Evaluation forms will be distributed to the students to be collected and analyzedfor future improvement. Frequency distributions and group means will be compared across

    the faculty, as well as individual item analysis. (Procedure is on p. 8) 

    3. Syllabus Analysis: The Curriculum and Instruction Committee in cooperation with the CAOwill review a sample of each instructor's course syllabus to insure that proper attention hasbeen given to meeting published syllabus requirements (see Syllabi template on Populi - shared files). 

    4. Classroom Performance: 

    a. The Chief Academic Officer and the school chair or degree director will visit thelargest class taught by the instructor at a prearranged time to evaluate classroomperformance. 

    b.  A final consultation with the Chief Academic Officer and the school chair or degreedirector will be held to formulate goals for implementing a positive plan to improveinstruction. 

    Faculty Classroom Evaluation Schedule  – will be determined by the CAO.

    Supporting Staff Evaluations :Each staff member is evaluated against their job description by their immediate supervisor.Job descriptions are revised, regularly, to accurately reflect the expectations.

    Evaluation of the President: The President will be evaluated, annually, by the Board of Trustees.

    Board Evaluations:  Each member of the board of Trustees completes a self- evaluation to helpimprove their duties (as described in their job description).

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    1. Comparative Curricular Analysis –each program director is responsible forcomparing their program requirements to similar institutions.

    2. Senior Focus Groups – Conducted, annually, by Program Directors during Assessment Day.

    3. Student Surveys – Administered during Assessment Day. (The IT department putsthe survey on line for assessment Day and leaves it up for one week, the

     Assessment Committee Reviews and Quantifies the Data, then forwards it tomembers of the Administrative Committee)

    4. Program (Curricular) Development Review  – Annual reviews and revisions takeplace during monthly Departmental meetings. Proposed changes are submitted toCurriculum and Instruction then to the general faculty for final approval. (Seeprogram Development Review – Policies and Procedures Manual) 

    5. Alumni Surveys – Surveys are sent to graduates (Both AA graduates and BA or BS

    graduates) of five years back. Purpose: Five years gives the student sufficient timeto complete most mission requirements, to complete graduate school, and/or havesome experience in their field of study thus giving them better insight to theirexperience at Randall University.

    Procedures for Program Directors: Program Directors need to be actively involved in the Assessment of their Programs.

    Program Directors should:1. Participate in Assessment Day (Each program director is responsible for

    contacting each Senior. (Inform the student of the date, time and place oftheir program’s focus group)

    2. Keep an assessment binder, in their office, with data that has been collected..This may include data collected during senior focus groups, advisement,mentoring, comparative curricular analysis, letters from employers, or anyother method pertinent to that particular program evaluation.

    3. Include changes that are made to the program as a result of informationcollected.

    4. Track Graduates: Keep a list of graduates, year of graduation, and currentoccupation and/or graduate school attended. This will help assess theprogram by evaluating the student’s vocation as it is linked to their program of

    study.5. Documented data collection and any proposed changes to the program

    should be discussed in Departmental meetings then submitted to the

    Curriculum and Instruction Committee and finally, voted on by the faculty.6. Four Year Systematic Rotation schedule for the assessment of degree

    programs – Include Direct and indirect measures. (ex. Comparative Curricular Analysis, Interviews with Program Directors of similar Institutions of higherlearning

    Please refer to Systematic Review of Programs on page 11.

    General Education Program Assessment:1. Junior Focus Groups – Annual assessment on assessment day.( Each

    student who is classified as a junior is notified in advance of date, time, andplace).. Two members of the Assessment Committee ask specific questions

    Randall Assessment Plan

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    about each course taught in the general education program. Data is compiledand given to the various instructors who teach in the General EducationProgram.

    2. Alumni Surveys – questions or comments about the general education

    program are discussed during assessment committee and forwarded to thefaculty.


    1. Entry Level Placement – 1) course placement for entering freshmen is based on ACT Scores (see catalog for institution requirements for ACT scores). 2) If a studenthas not taken the ACT by the time they register, then they will be asked to take theCompass which will be administered by the or the Admissions Office. The cost is

    $5.00 per subject tested. These scores are analyzed and placement is based onthat information.

    Compass placement Scores are as follows:Writing: below 65 =Fundamentals of Grammar

    65 and above = English Comp IReading: Below 80 = Reading DevelopmentMath: Below 45 = Basic Math

    45-65 = Intermediate Algebra or Math Concepts

    2. Classroom Evaluations – Each Instructor lists academic requirements in their coursesyllabus and assigns grades according to the student’s academic performance.

    3. Program Specific Requirements – B.A. and B.S. Degree students are required tofulfill certain academic, internship, and program specific requirements as areoutlined in their program of study and are evaluated upon on the completion of eachrequirement. Key assessments have been identified, for specific courses andwill be evaluated using grading rubrics, “Live Text,” and alignment to


    4. Capstone Courses and portfolio are required of seniors in most degree programs.This course assesses the overall skills and knowledge that has been acquired, in aparticular program, throughout the student’s educational experience.

    Library Assessment: (Full assessment program on file in the Office of the Director of the

    LRC) 1. Student Surveys -

    2. Library Surveys

    3. Circulation

     Assessment of Student Services:1. Student Surveys

    2. Alumni Surveys

     Assessment of Student Life:1. Student Surveys

    2. Alumni Surveys

    Randall Assessment Plan

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    1. Community Service Forms

    2. Church Service Forms

    Strategic Long Range Plan: SWOT Analysis is conducted every 5 years to gather data forthe Strategic Long Range Plan (all employees are asked to parti cipate).

    Data compiled by the Assessment Committee and the SWOT analysis is distributed to the Administrative Committee and is used in the planning and implementing of the Strategic LongRange Plan.


    Evaluating the Assessment Process: Each year, the assessment committee will choose anarea of assessment to be evaluated. The committee and/or the administration will evaluate thefollowing:

    1. Any forms or instruments being used in this particular area of assessment.2. The percentage or ratio of participants from the targeted population.3. The Procedure for administering these assessment tools and the success in

    gathering data.4. The effective distribution of the data.

    Procedure:1. Committee members will evaluate the assessment tool -A form will be provided to

    the committee members to evaluate the instrument being utilized. (i.e. form, survey)

    2. The assessment committee will evaluate the participation rate.

    3. The assessment committee will make suggestions for improvements and they will bediscussed.

    4. The assessment committee will decide what changes should be made andimplemented.

    *Assessment Day is held, annually, during the Spring Semester.1. Freshmen Survey – Freshmen meet with the President (usually 9:00 a.m.).

    2. Junior Focus Groups – meet (usually 10:00 a.m.) in a classroom with twoassessment committee members. The primary purpose of the junior focus group isto evaluate the general education program. This data is compiled and forwarded tothe instructors in the General Education department.

    3. Student Satisfaction Surveys – All Students Meet in Chapel, on a specified day, forthe survey instructions. Then students are sent to various computers on campus tocomplete the on-line survey. An instructor must sign a confirmation slip to be turnedinto the Director of the LRC. This counts toward the student’s chapel attendance. In

    order to meet the needs of the on campus students, they are allowed additional timeto complete the on-line student surveys. This survey includes questions whichassess the entire campus.

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    4. Senior Focus Groups- Seniors meet at various scheduled times, with programdirectors, to assess their experience in their particular program.

    5. Assessment Day is evaluated by the assessment committee at the next committeemeeting. All data is reviewed, quantified, and forwarded to the administrative




    The student evaluation of instruction is an important assessment instrument for the evaluation (by

    students) of the instruction of the individual courses. The results can indicate to the instructor, theareas that they are doing well and/or the areas that need improvement either in course content orinstruction.

    Procedure:1. The evaluation instrument will be made available on MySaints (Populi) at the end of

    the semester and should be completed by the last day of classes.2. The instructor needs to explain to their class the importance of the student

    evaluation of instruction.a. An instructor may make it a part of the requirements for the course in your


    b. An instructor may provide incentives such as extra credit, class assignmentetc.3. Instructors need to announce, in class, your timeline and procedure for your

    particular course: options:a. Allow time in class to access campus computers (reserve computer lab(room

    request) or reserve library computers with Director of the LRC)

    b. Allow the students to complete the evaluation on their own time (with adeadline).

    4. Students may turn in a printout showing that they have completed the survey orinstructor may check for names of students who have completed the survey.)


    The responses from the student evaluations will be sent to each instructor after grades are turnedin! The Chief Academic Officer will, also receive a copy.


    Courses with less than 4 students will not be recorded in order to protect student identityand insure confidentiality.

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     All publications are evaluated, revised, and updated on a regular basis. The principal publication isthe catalog which is revised and updated annually under the leadership of the registrar. Prior toinclusion in the catalog, all curriculum changes must be approved by the faculty, administration,and Board under the guidelines outlined in Curriculum Development Review. The StudentHandbook is revised and updated each year by the Dean of Students and other employeesinvolved in student affairs.

    The Board of Trustees has the final authority for policies published in the catalog and thehandbooks of the institution. In order to allow a reasonable time for review and questions,members of the Board of Trustees will be provided the proposed catalog or handbook at least oneweek prior to any vote for its approval. The existing publications remain in force until newpublications are approved by the Board.


    The financial stability and health of the institution is assessed with the following mechanisms:


    1. Budget Reports are provided to the Administrators and to Budget Directors to assist them in

    managing and controlling the spending in their respective areas.2. Revenue and Expenditure reports are provided to the Administration and Board of Trustees

    for the purpose of accountability of the finances of the institution.3. Financial Position Report is provided to the Administration and Board of Trustees or the

    purpose of accountability of the finances of the institution.


    1. The Composite Score is Evaluated at Mid-year (December 31) to ascertain relative financialstability (internal).

    2. The Composite Score is evaluated at the end of the year (June 30) to ascertain financialstability (external by auditors).


    1. An annual audit is conducted by an outside firm to evaluate the processes, financialstability, and health of the institution.

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    For the Administration and Evaluation of the CAAP

    1. The CAAP – The Collegiate assessment of Academic Proficiency is administered to thesophomore class on assessment day (if funds are available).

    2. These scores are reviewed, each year, by the Administration, Faculty, and AssessmentCommittee.

    3. The Objective:

    a. To compare and contrast our students’ sophomore test scores to 2 year private, 2year public, 4 year private, and 4 year public Institutions

    b. Our goal is to stay within 1 standard deviation of the institutions listed above.

    c. If our students composite score falls below 1 standard deviation then an evaluationof the courses taught in that particular area would be evaluated.

    d. If an individual drops below 1 standard deviation of the national average and theyare seeking a Bachelor’s degree, academic Intervention is recommended.

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    The Programs at Randall will be evaluated systematically and regularly according to the followingplan. Each Program Director is responsible for leading their faculty in this review. Each schoolshould then review the evaluation and forward it to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee andthen to the full Faculty, and finally, to the Administration and Board. Although data will be obtainedeach year, each degree will be fully evaluated every four years.

    Cycle of Review:

    1. Year 1-3: Collect student assessment data by direct and indirect measures.2. Fall, Year 4: Evaluate purpose and learning aim.3. Spring, Year 4: Present findings4. Year 1: Changes initiated from program review.


    1. The purpose, learning aims, and curriculum of the program should be evaluated.a. These should be evaluated against other institutions. Support from the other

    institutions should be provided in the evaluation.i. What do they have in this degree?ii. Is the field too crowded?iii. Compare content of classes with other schools

    1. Transfer Equivalency2. Course Descriptions

    b. The Scope and Sequence of the program should be evaluated, as well. Attention

    should be given to insure that the Scope and Sequence connects clearly with theprogram learning outcomes.

    c. Marketability - do students want this? Can they get a job with this degree? What arethe possible jobs they can get with this degree?

    d. Outside input – experts and practitioners in the field

    2. During the review process, programs that are offered online and on campus will beevaluated to insure that the two programs are comparable. The courses required areidentical, therefore attention must be paid to rigor and content of the individual classes.

    3. An evaluation will be conducted on how well the students are achieving the goals of theprogram. The evaluation will include both direct and indirect measures.a. Direct Measure: samples of student work completed at the end of the course of

    study will be analyzed by faculty to find strengths and weaknesses of the studentsas a group. Every program needs to identify what will be used for thiscomprehensive evaluation of a student’s success in meeting the Program

    Objectives.b. Indirect Measures:

    i. Senior Focus Group1. Suggested Questions (Assessment Committee should formalize these

    as a minimum.) These are from Walvoord, Assessment Clear andSimple

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    a. How well did you achieve each of the following programlearning objectives (list each of the program objectives/aims)?

    b. What aspects of your education in this program helped youwith your learning, and why they were helpful?

    c. What might the program do differently that would help youlearn more effectively, and why would these actions help?

    ii. Alumni Surveys (Assessment Committee needs to seek a review by theSchool Chairs and Administration)

    iii. Retention Ratesiv. Graduation Ratesv. Job Placement/Graduate School Rates

    c. Each Program Director will then present findings to Curriculum and Instruction forobjectivity and accountability.


    Program Responsible Party

    ScheduledEvaluation(every four


    General Education Requirements Curriculum & Instruction 2013-2014

    School of Arts and Science

     Associate in Arts Concentration - BusinessBusiness Program


     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Business Business Program2015-2016Emphasis Director

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Psychology Program2014-2015Psychology Concentration Director

     Associate in Arts Concentration - English

    English Faculty

    2013-2014(Coordinated by Chair of Arts and Sciences)

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Science Science Faculty

    2016-2017(Coordinated by Chair ofConcentration

     Arts and Sciences) Associate in Arts - General Studies - Social Social Studies Faculty

    2016-2017(Coordinated by Chair ofStudies Concentration Arts and Sciences)

    Bachelor of Science in BusinessBusiness Program


    Bachelor of Science in Exercise ScienceExercise Science

    2014-2015Program Director

    Bachelor of Arts in Multi-Disciplinary Studies

    Liberal Studies ConcentrationChair of Arts and


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    Program  Responsible Party 

    ScheduledEvaluation(every four


    Bachelor of Arts in Letters Letters Program Director 2016-2017

    Bachelor of Science PsychologyPsychology Program


    School of Christian Ministry

     Associate in Arts Concentration - Biblical Chair of School of2016-2017Studies Christian Ministry

     Associate in Arts Concentration - Christian Chair of School of2014-2015Ministry Christian Ministry

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Christian Chair of School of2015-2016Ministry Emphasis Christian Ministry

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - MusicProgram Director of

    2015-2016Worship and MusicConcentrationStudies

    Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry

    Educational Ministry ConcentrationChair of School of

    2015-2016Christian Ministry

    Integrated Ministry ConcentrationChair of School of

    2016-2017Christian Ministry

    Missions ConcentrationProgram Director of


    Pastoral Ministry ConcentrationChair of School of

    2016-2017Christian Ministry

    Theology ConcentrationChair of School of

    2014-2015Christian Ministry

    Youth Ministry ConcentrationChair of School ofChristian Ministry

    Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural StudiesProgram Director of


    Bachelor of Arts Worship and Music Studies

    Program Director of

    2013-2014Worship and MusicStudies

    School of Education

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Physical Chair of School of 2015-2016Education Concentration Education

     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Pre-  Chair of School of2016-2017Education Concentration Education

    Bachelor of Science in Teacher EducationChair of School of


    Elementary Emphasis Chair of School of


    Secondary Emphasis -- Business ConcentrationChair of School of


    Secondary Emphasis -- English ConcentrationChair of School of


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    Program  Responsible Party 

    ScheduledEvaluation(every four


    Secondary Emphasis -- Physical Education Chair of School of 2016-2017Concentration Education

    Secondary Emphasis -- Social Sciences Chair of School of2014-2015Concentration Education

    Randall Graduate School

    Master of Arts in MinistryProgram Director of

    2015-2016Master of Arts in Ministry

    Master of Public Administration

    Program Director of

    2013-2014Master of Public Administration


     Associate in Arts - General Studies - Christian Chair of Christian

    2014-2015Ministries and ProgramMinistry & Business EmphasisDirector of Business

    Bachelor of Arts in MInistry and Business

    Chair of Christian

    2014-2015Ministries and ProgramDirector of Business