ramsey theory on the integers - american … theory on the integers has several unique features. no...

STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 24 Ramsey Theory on the Integers Bruce M. Landman Aaron Robertson

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Page 1: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey


Ramsey Theory on the Integers

Bruce M. LandmanAaron Robertson

Page 2: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Ramsey Theoryon the Integers


Page 3: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey
Page 4: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Ramsey Theoryon the Integers

Bruce M. LandmanAaron Robertson


Page 5: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Editorial Board

David Bressoud, ChairDaniel L. Goroff

Davide P. CervoneCarl Pomerance

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05D10.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Landman, Bruce M., 1951–Ramsey theory on the integers / Bruce M. Landman, Aaron Robertson.

p. cm. — (Student mathematical library, ISSN 1520-9121 ; v. 24)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-8218-3199-2 (softcover : alk. paper)1. Ramsey theory. I. Robertson, Aaron, 1971– II. Title. III. Series.

QA166.L34 2003511′.66—dc22 2003062937

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Page 6: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

To To

Eleanor Elisa

Emma and Sarah Quinn and Ava

–Bruce –aaron

Page 7: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey
Page 8: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey


List of Tables xi

Preface xiii

Chapter 1. Preliminaries 1

§1.1. The Pigeonhole Principle 3

§1.2. Ramsey’s Theorem 5

§1.3. Some Notation 9

§1.4. Three Classical Theorems 11

§1.5. A Little More Notation 14

§1.6. Exercises 16

§1.7. Research Problems 19

§1.8. References 20

Chapter 2. Van der Waerden’s Theorem 21

§2.1. The Compactness Principle 25

§2.2. Alternate Forms of van der Waerden’s Theorem 27

§2.3. Computing van der Waerden Numbers 29


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viii Contents

§2.4. Bounds on van der Waerden Numbers 35

§2.5. The Erdos and Turan Function 41

§2.6. Proof of van der Waerden’s Theorem 43

§2.7. Exercises 49

§2.8. Research Problems 51

§2.9. References 52

Chapter 3. Supersets of AP 55

§3.1. Quasi-progressions 56

§3.2. Generalized Quasi-progressions 66

§3.3. Descending Waves 70

§3.4. Semi-progressions 72

§3.5. Iterated Polynomials 81

§3.6. Arithmetic Progressions as Recurrence Solutions 91

§3.7. Exercises 93

§3.8. Research Problems 96

§3.9. References 100

Chapter 4. Subsets of AP 103

§4.1. Finite Gap Sets 105

§4.2. Infinite Gap Sets 111

§4.3. Exercises 129

§4.4. Research Problems 131

§4.5. References 133

Chapter 5. Other Generalizations of w(k; r) 135

§5.1. Sequences of Type x, ax+ d, bx+ 2d 135

§5.2. Homothetic Copies of Sequences 147

Page 10: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Contents ix

§5.3. Sequences of Type x, x+ d, x+ 2d+ b 152

§5.4. Exercises 158

§5.5. Research Problems 159

§5.6. References 160

Chapter 6. Arithmetic Progressions (modm) 163

§6.1. The Family of Arithmetic Progressions (modm) 164

§6.2. A Seemingly Smaller Family is More Regular 167

§6.3. The Degree of Regularity 173

§6.4. Exercises 176

§6.5. Research Problems 178

§6.6. References 180

Chapter 7. Other Variations on van der Waerden’s Theorem 181

§7.1. The Function Γm(k) 181

§7.2. Monochromatic Sets a(S + b) 185

§7.3. Having Most Elements Monochromatic 187

§7.4. Permutations Avoiding Arithmetic Progressions 191

§7.5. Exercises 195

§7.6. Research Problems 196

§7.7. References 197

Chapter 8. Schur’s Theorem 199

§8.1. The Basic Theorem 200

§8.2. A Generalization of Schur’s Theorem 211

§8.3. Refinements of Schur’s Theorem 216

§8.4. Exercises 219

§8.5. Research Problems 221

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x Contents

§8.6. References 222

Chapter 9. Rado’s Theorem 225

§9.1. Rado’s Single Equation Theorem 225

§9.2. Some Rado Numbers 239

§9.3. Generalizations of the Single Equation Theorem 249

§9.4. Exercises 255

§9.5. Research Problems 257

§9.6. References 258

Chapter 10. Other Topics 261

§10.1. Folkman’s Theorem 261

§10.2. Doublefree Sets 265

§10.3. Diffsequences 266

§10.4. Brown’s Lemma 276

§10.5. Patterns in Colorings 279

§10.6. Zero-sums 281

§10.7. Exercises 288

§10.8. Research Problems 289

§10.9. References 291

Notation 293

Bibliography 297

Index 315

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List of Tables

Table 2.1: Mixed van der Waerden values 34

Table 2.2: Lower bounds and values for w(k; r) 38

Table 3.1: Values and lower bounds for Qk−i(k) 66

Table 3.2: Values and lower bounds for GQf(x)(k) 69

Table 3.3: Values and lower bounds for SPm(k) 81

Table 3.4: Values of R(Sn, k; r) and R(AP ∪ Pn, k) 91

Table 4.1: Values of w(f(x), 3; 2) 121

Table 5.1: Values and lower bounds for T (a, b) 146

Table 5.2: Degree of regularity of (a, b)-triples 147

Table 5.3: Values of R(c, AUGb, 3) 157

Table 6.1: Values and lower bounds for R(AP(m), k; 2) 166

Table 6.2: Degree of regularity of families of type AP(m) 176

Table 10.1: Values of Δ(D, k) 276

Table 10.2: Number of squarefree and cubefree colorings 281


Page 13: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey
Page 14: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey


Ramsey Theory on the Integers covers a variety of topics from the

field of Ramsey theory, limiting its focus to the set of integers – an

area that has seen a remarkable burst of research activity during the

past twenty years.

The book has two primary purposes: (1) to provide students with

a gentle, but meaningful, introduction to mathematical research – to

give them an appreciation for the essence of mathematical research

and its inescapable allure and also to get them started on their own

research work; (2) to be a resource for all mathematicians who are

interested in combinatorial or number theoretical problems, particu-

larly “Erdos-type” problems.

Many results in Ramsey theory sound rather complicated and

can be hard to follow; they tend to have a lot of quantifiers and may

well involve objects whose elements are sets whose elements are sets

(that is not a misprint). However, when the objects under consider-

ation are sets of integers, the situation is much simpler. The student

need not be intimidated by the words “Ramsey theory,” thinking that

the subject matter is too deep or complex – it is not! The material

in this book is, in fact, quite accessible. This accessibility, together

with the fact that scores of questions in the subject are still to be

answered, makes Ramsey theory on the integers an ideal subject for

a student’s first research experience. To help students find suitable


Page 15: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

xiv Preface

projects for their own research, every chapter includes a section of

“Research Problems,” where we present a variety of unsolved prob-

lems, along with a list of suggested readings for each problem.

Ramsey Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No

other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive

study of Ramsey theory on the integers. Among several excellent

books on Ramsey theory, probably the most well-known, and what

may be considered the Ramsey theory book, is by Graham, Roth-

schild, and Spencer (Ramsey Theory, 2nd Edition [127]). Other im-

portant books are by Graham (Rudiments of Ramsey Theory [122]),

McCutcheon (Elemental Methods in Ergodic Ramsey Theory [184]),

Nesetril and Rodl (Mathematics of Ramsey Theory [199]), Promel

and Voigt (Aspects of Ramsey Theory [207]), Furstenberg (Dynami-

cal Methods in Ramsey Theory [111]), and Winn (Asymptotic Bounds

for Classical Ramsey Numbers [274]). These books, however, gener-

ally cover a broad range of subject matter of which Ramsey theory

on the integers is a relatively small part. Furthermore, the vast ma-

jority of the material in the present book is not found in any other

book. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the only

Ramsey theory book that is accessible to the typical undergraduate

mathematics major. It is structured as a textbook, with numerous

(over 150) exercises, and the background needed to read the book

is rather minimal: a course in elementary linear algebra and a 1-

semester junior-level course in abstract algebra would be sufficient;

an undergraduate course in elementary number theory or combina-

torics would be helpful, but not necessary. Finally, Ramsey Theory on

the Integers offers something new in terms of its potential appeal to

the research community in general. Books offering a survey of solved

and unsolved problems in combinatorics or number theory have been

quite popular among researchers; they have also proven beneficial by

serving as catalysts for new research in these fields. Examples include

Old and New Problems and Results in Combinatorial Number Theory

[92] by Erdos and Graham, Unsolved Problems in Number Theory

[135] by Guy, and The New Book of Prime Number Records [220]

by Ribenboim. With our text we hope to offer mathematicians an

additional resource for intriguing unsolved problems. Although not

Page 16: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Preface xv

nearly exhaustive, the present book contains perhaps the most sub-

stantial account of solved and unsolved problems in Ramsey theory

on the integers.

This text may be used in a variety of ways:

• as an undergraduate or graduate textbook for a second course

in combinatorics or number theory;

• in an undergraduate or graduate seminar, a capstone course

for undergraduates, or an independent study course;

• by students working under an REU program, or who are en-

gaged in some other type of research experience;

• by graduate students looking for potential thesis topics;

• by the established researcher seeking a worthwhile resource

in its material, its list of open research problems, and its

somewhat enormous (often a fitting word when discussing

Ramsey theory) bibliography.

Chapter 1 provides preliminary material (for example, the pi-

geonhole principle) and a brief introduction to the subject, including

statements of three classical theorems of Ramsey theory: van der

Waerden’s theorem, Schur’s theorem, and Rado’s theorem. Chapter

2 covers van der Waerden’s theorem; Chapters 3–7 deal with various

topics related to van der Waerden’s theorem; Chapter 8 is devoted to

Schur’s theorem and a generalization; Chapter 9 explores Rado’s the-

orem; and Chapter 10 presents several other topics involving Ramsey

theory on the integers.

The text provides significant latitude for those designing a syl-

labus for a course. The only material in the book on which other

chapters depend is that through Section 2.2. Thus, other chapters or

sections may be included or omitted as desired, since they are essen-

tially independent of one another (except for an occasional reference

to a previous definition or theorem). We do, however, recommend

that all sections included in a course be studied in the same order in

which they appear in the book.

Each chapter concludes with a section of exercises, a section of

research problems, and a reference section. Since the questions con-

tained in the Research Problem sections are still open, we cannot say

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xvi Preface

with certainty how difficult a particular one will be to solve; some

may actually be quite simple and inconsequential. The problems

that we deem most difficult, however, are labeled with the symbol

∗. The reference section of each chapter is organized by section num-

bers (including the exercise section). The specifics of each reference

are provided in the bibliography at the end of the book.

The material covered in this book represents only a portion of

the subject area indicated by the book’s title. Many additional topics

have been investigated, and we have attempted to include at least ref-

erences for these in the reference sections. Yet, for every problem that

has been thought of in Ramsey theory, there are many more which

that problem will generate and, given the great variety of combina-

torial structures and patterns that lie in the set of integers, countless

new problems wait to be explored.

We would like to thank Dr. Edward Dunne and the members of

the AMS production staff for their assistance in producing this book.

We also thank Tom Brown, Scott Gordon, Jane Hill, Dan Saracino,

Dan Schaal, Ralph Sizer, and the AMS reviewers for their helpful com-

ments and advice, which greatly improved the manuscript. We also

express our gratitude to Ron Graham and Doron Zeilberger for their

support of this project. We owe a big debt to the pioneers and masters

of the field, especially Ron Graham, Jarik Nesetril, Joel Spencer, Neil

Hindman, Tom Brown, Timothy Gowers, Hillel Furstenberg, Vitaly

Bergelson, Vojtech Rodl, Endre Szemeredi, Laszlo Lovasz (we had to

stop somewhere), and of course Bartel van der Waerden, Issai Schur,

Richard Rado, and Frank Ramsey. To all of the others who have con-

tributed to the field of Ramsey theory on the integers, we extend our

sincere appreciation. Finally, we want to acknowledge that this book

would not exist without the essential contributions of the late Paul

Erdos. But beyond the content of his achievements, he has personally

inspired the authors as mathematicians. Our professional lives would

have had far less meaning and fulfillment without his work and his

presence in our field. For that pervasive, though perhaps indirect,

contribution to this text, we are in his debt.

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Notation Description Page

· Ceiling function 10

�·� Floor function 10

⊕ Modular addition 107

[a, b] {a, a + 1, . . . , b} 9

A − B {x ∈ A : x �∈ B} 9

AD Family of arithmetic progressions with gaps 104

in D

AP Family of arithmetic progressions 14

APa(m) Family of arithmetic progressions with gaps 163

congruent to a (mod m)

AP ∗a(m) APa(m) ∪ A{m} 168

AP(m) Set of arithmetic progressions (mod m) 164

AUGb Family of augmented progressions with tail b 152

B(f ; r) Brown number 278

culj Culprit of color j 32

Δ{a,b,c} Triangle on vertices a, b, c 205

Δ(D,k; r) Diffsequence Ramsey-type number 266

doa Degree of accessibility 270

dor Degree of regularity 138

dork Degree of regularity for Tk−1(a) 145

DW (k) Descending wave 2-color Ramsey-type number 70

F (k; r) Folkman number 262

Γm(k) Least s guaranteeing k-term arithmetic 73

progressions in all s-term [1,m]-gap


GQδ(k) 2-color Ramsey-type function for generalized 67



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294 Notation

Notation Description Page

g(r, k) Least integer such that for all S with |S| = g 286

and all χ : S → {0, . . . , r − 1}, whenever

|χ(S)| = k there exist t1, t2, . . . , tr ∈ S with

(t1, t2, . . . , tr) zero-sum

gs Gap size 278

(k, n, d)-progression k-term quasi-progression with diameter n 57

and low-difference d

H(s1, . . . , sk) 2-color Ramsey-type function for homothetic 147

copies of {1, 1 + s1, . . . , 1 + s1 + · · · + sk}λ(c, k; r) Special r-coloring of [1, cr(k − 1)2] that 112

avoids monochromatic k-term c-a.p.’s

L(t) Equation x1 + · · · + xt−1 = xt 212

μ(k) min{|E| : Γ = (V, E) is a hypergraph not 36

satisfying Property B and |E| = k

for all E ∈ E}Mχ(n) Number of monochromatic Schur triples 205

in [1, n] under χ

ν(k) Erdos and Turan function 41

Ωm(k) Least n so that every {x1, . . . , xn} with 182

xi ∈ [(i − 1)m, im − 1] contains a k-term

arithmetic progression

Pn Family of sequences generated by iteration 81

of a polynomial of degree n

Pn,k Family of k-term members of Pn 81

Qn(k) 2-color Ramsey-type function for 57


R(AP ∗a(m), k, l; r) Generalization of R(AP ∗

a(m), k; r) 168

r(E; s) Rado number for equation E 230

R(F , k; r) Ramsey-type number for family F 14

R(k1, . . . , kr) r-color (classical) Ramsey number 8

Rr(k) R(k, . . . , k� �� �


) 8

RR(S; r) Reverse r-regular number 185

S(k1, . . . , kr) Generalized Schur number 212

S(k1, . . . , kr) Strict generalized Schur number 218

Sn Family of sequences generated by iteration 82

of a polynomial of degree at most n

Sn,k Family of k-term members of Sn 82

SPm(k) Ramsey-type number for semi-progressions 72

s(r) Schur number 201

s(r) Strict Schur number 217

Ta,b Set of (a, b)-triples 136

T (a, b; r) Ramsey-type number for (a, b)-triples 136

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Notation 295

Notation Description Page

T (a1, . . . , ak−1) Ramsey-type function for generalization 145

of (a, b)-triples

Θ(n) Set of permutations of [1, n] with no 3-term 194

arithmetic progression

θ(n) |Θ(n)| 193

Vm {x ∈ Z+ : m � x} 273

Vm,n {x ∈ Z+ : m � x, n � x} 289

w(k) w(k; 2) 25

w(k; r) van der Waerden number 11

w(k1, . . . , kr; r) Mixed van der Waerden number 33

w′(c, k; r) Ramsey-type number for arithmetic progressions 111

with gaps at least c

w′(f(x), k; r) Ramsey-type number for f-a.p.’s 116

w∗(k, j) Ramsey-type number for arithmetic progressions 187

with color discrepancy at least j

Z+ Positive integers 9

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Page 22: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey


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(a, b)-triple: 135Abbott, H.: 292Accessible set: 266Ackermann, W.: 39Ackermann function: 39, 40, 53Alon, N.: 185, 197a (modm)-progression: 163Arithmetic progression: 11

Monotone: 191Arithmetic progression (mod m): 163Ascending wave: 100Asymptotic notation: 10

Big-O notation: 10Little-o notation: 10

Augmented progression: 152

Baudet’s conjecture: 54Baumgartner, J.: 291Bergelson, V.: 134, 222, 258, 291Berlekamp, E.: 35Bialostocki, A.: 223Big-O notation: 10Brakemeier, W.: 291Brown’s lemma: 276, 278, 291Brown, T.: 100, 134, 291Burr, S.: 258

Cantor’s diagonal argument: 25Ceiling function: 10Coloring

edge-coloring: 7r-coloring: 9

Columns condition: 252Compactness principle: 25Complete graph: 7Composition function: 38, 117

Cubefree coloring: 279Culprit: 31

Datskovsky, B.: 222Degree of accessibility: 269Degree of regularity: 138, 139, 147,

176Derived coloring: 44Descending wave: 70, 100, 176Deuber, W.: 258Difference coloring: 19Diffsequence: 267, 276Doublefree set: 265

Edge: 6Edge-coloring: 7Equation

Homogeneous: 226Nonhomogeneous: 229Regular: 13, 219, 226

Erdos, P.: 18, 19, 20, 35, 40, 41, 43,51, 52, 53, 54, 100, 134, 200, 222,264

Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem: 283, 291Erdos and Turan function: 41, 53, 100Ergodic theory: 53, 128, 134, 222Everts, F.: 53Exoo, G.: 222

Fermat’s last theorem: 200, 222Fibonacci numbers: 275, 288, 290Fields medal: 38Floor function: 10Folkman number: 264Folkman’s theorem: 261, 262, 291Folkman-Rado-Sanders theorem: 261


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316 Index

Fredricksen, H.: 222Freedman, A.: 100Furstenburg, H.: 53

Gap set: 104Finite: 105Infinite: 111

Gap size: 278Generalized quasi-progression: 66Generalized Schur number: 212

Strict: 221Geometric progression: 125Gleason, A.: 20Goodman, A.: 222Gowers, T.: 38, 40, 41, 50, 53, 176,

264GQδ-progression: 66Graham, R.: 40, 41, 134, 198, 222Graph: 6

Complete graph: 7Subgraph: 6

Graver, J.: 20Greatest integer function: 10Greenwood, R.: 20Grinstead, C.: 20

Hajnal, A.: 53Hales-Jewett theorem: 162Harary, F.: 1, 20Harborth, H.: 258Hilbert, D.: 11, 20, 39, 223Hindman, N.: 258, 291Hindman’s theorem: 291Homogeneous: 226Homothetic copy: 147Hyperedge: 35Hypergraph: 35

Irving, R.: 222Isosceles triple: 242Iterated function: 81

Kalbfleisch, J.: 20Kery, G.: 20

Landman, B.: 180Large set: 124, 133, 266, 268, 272, 273,

274, 291r-large set: 124, 266, 274

Lattice point: 17, 53Least integer function: 10Lefmann, H.: 100Leibman, A.: 133, 134Linear homogeneous equation: 226Linear nonhomogeneous equation: 228Little-o notation: 10Liu, A.: 292Long, A.: 180Loo, S.: 258

Lovasz’s local lemma: 53Low-difference: 57

Maasberg, S.: 258McKay, B.: 20Min, Z.: 20Mixed van der Waerden number: 33,

34, 49, 51, 53Monochromatic: 7, 9Monotone arithmetic progression: 191Monotonic sequence: 4Morse-Hedlund sequence: 258, 280, 291

Nathanson, M.: 197Nonhomogeneous: 229

Off-diagonal Rado number: 250Off-diagonal Ramsey number: 250

Parrilo, P.: 222Party problem: 6Permutation: 191Piecewise syndetic: 276Pigeonhole principle: 3, 17pn-sequence: 81pn-function: 81Polynomial

Generating: 81Iterated: 81

Pomerance, C.: 54Probabilistic method: 18, 50, 54Product-set: 264Property B: 36, 53Prouhet-Thue-Morse sequence: 280

Quasi-progression: 56

Rabung, J.: 100, 197Rado, R.: 13, 53, 211, 225, 258, 277Rado numbers: 13, 230, 239, 257

Off-diagonal Rado numbers: 250Rado’s full theorem: 253, 258, 262Rado’s selection principle: 25

See compactness principle: 25Rado’s single equation theorem: 13,

225, 226Ramsey, F.: 1, 8, 20Ramsey number: 8, 15, 20, 202, 203,

218, 249, 250Off-diagonal: 250

Ramsey’s theorem: 2, 7, 19, 200, 202,222

Ramsey-type: 11, 14Rankin, R.: 53r-coloring: 9Recurrence relation: 91Refined triple: 45Regular: 13, 15, 138, 173, 219, 226

Regular system of equations: 226

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Index 317

r-regular: 13, 15, 138, 173, 226, 250Reverse regular: 185Riddell, J.: 54, 292Roberts, S.: 20Robertson, A.: 222Rodl, V.: 222Roth, K.: 43, 53, 197Rucinski, A.: 222

Sanders, J.: 291Schaal, D.: 223, 259Schmidt, W.: 35Schmidt’s lemma: 37, 53Schoen, T.: 222Schur, I.: 11, 12, 199, 200, 202, 222Schur number: 12, 19, 201, 214, 222

Generalized: 212, 222Strict: 221Strict generalized: 221

Schur’s theorem: 12, 19, 20, 200, 201Schur triple: 201, 222Scope: 72Semi-progression: 72Shelah, S.: 40Shiue, P.: 100Sidorenko, A.: 197Sos, V.: 19Spencer, J.: 20, 54, 197, 198, 262Squarefree coloring: 279Stirling’s formula: 18Strict generalized Schur numbers: 221Strict Schur numbers: 221Subgraph: 6Sumset: 261Superset: 56Sweet, M.: 222Syndetic: 276Szekeres, G.: 20, 100, 200, 222Szemeredi, E.: 43, 53Szemeredi’s theorem: 43

Tail: 152Thue-Morse sequence: 280, 289, 291Tic-tac-toe game: 245Tower function: 38, 39, 40, 53Turan, P.: 41, 43, 53, 99

Valid coloring: 15, 29, 99, 117Valko, B.: 197Vandermonde determinant: 83Van der Waerden, B. L.: 11Van der Waerden number: 11, 12, 21,

34, 38, 52, 69Algorithms to compute: 30, 32Asymptotic bounds: 35, 37, 38General bounds: 35, 38, 41Mixed van der Waerden number: 19,

33, 34, 49, 52, 53

Van der Waerden’s theorem: 11, 12,20, 23, 43, 53

Equivalent statements: 27Finite version: 25Infinite version: 25

Vertices: 6

Walters, M.: 134Wave

Ascending: 100Descending: 70, 93, 100

Wiles, A.: 200, 222Witsenhausen, H.: 198Wow function: 39, 40, 53Wroblewski, J.: 53

Yackel, J.: 20

Zaks, A.: 185, 197Zeilberger, D.: 222Zero-sum sequence: 282

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Page 44: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey

Titles in This Series

24 Bruce M. Landman and Aaron Robertson, Ramsey theory on theintegers, 2004

23 S. K. Lando, Lectures on generating functions, 2003

22 Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos, An introduction to Lie groups and thegeometry of homogeneous spaces, 2003

21 W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak, Problems in mathematical analysisIII: Integration, 2003

20 Klaus Hulek, Elementary algebraic geometry, 2003

19 A. Shen and N. K. Vereshchagin, Computable functions, 2003

18 V. V. Yaschenko, Editor, Cryptography: An introduction, 2002

17 A. Shen and N. K. Vereshchagin, Basic set theory, 2002

16 Wolfgang Kuhnel, Differential geometry: curves - surfaces - manifolds,2002

15 Gerd Fischer, Plane algebraic curves, 2001

14 V. A. Vassiliev, Introduction to topology, 2001

13 Frederick J. Almgren, Jr., Plateau’s problem: An invitation to varifoldgeometry, 2001

12 W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak, Problems in mathematical analysisII: Continuity and differentiation, 2001

11 Michael Mesterton-Gibbons, An introduction to game-theoreticmodelling, 2000

10 John Oprea, The mathematics of soap films: Explorations with Maple�,


9 David E. Blair, Inversion theory and conformal mapping, 2000

8 Edward B. Burger, Exploring the number jungle: A journey intodiophantine analysis, 2000

7 Judy L. Walker, Codes and curves, 2000

6 Gerald Tenenbaum and Michel Mendes France, The prime numbersand their distribution, 2000

5 Alexander Mehlmann, The game’s afoot! Game theory in myth and

paradox, 2000

4 W. J. Kaczor and M. T. Nowak, Problems in mathematical analysisI: Real numbers, sequences and series, 2000

3 Roger Knobel, An introduction to the mathematical theory of waves,2000

2 Gregory F. Lawler and Lester N. Coyle, Lectures on contemporaryprobability, 1999

1 Charles Radin, Miles of tiles, 1999

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Page 46: Ramsey Theory on the Integers - American … Theory on the Integers has several unique features. No other book currently available on Ramsey theory offers a cohesive study of Ramsey


Ramsey theory is the study of the structure of mathematical objects that is preserved under partitions. In its full gener-ality, Ramsey theory is quite powerful, but can quickly become complicated. By limiting the focus of this book to Ramsey theory applied to the set of integers, the authors have produced a gentle, but meaningful, introduction to an important and enticing branch of modern mathematics. Ramsey Theory on the Integers offers students something quite rare for a book at this level: a glimpse into the world of mathe-matical research and the opportunity to begin pondering unsolved problems themselves.

In addition to being the fi rst truly accessible book on Ramsey theory, this innovative book also provides the fi rst cohesive study of Ramsey theory on the integers. It contains perhaps the most substantial account of solved and unsolved prob-lems in this blossoming subarea of Ramsey theory. The result is a breakthrough book that will engage students, teachers, and researchers alike.

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