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Digital Media Marketing 3rd year seminar 1 0f 2 2012 Max Ramaciotti Creative Commons — Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0

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Digital MediaMarketing

3rd year seminar 1 0f 22012 Max Ramaciotti Creative Commons — Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0

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The Course - WHAT


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Introducing RACE = A practical framework to improve your digital

The RACE Digital Marketing Improvement Framework

Dave Chaffey.

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Internet Usage Predictions [infographic] | Daily Infographic

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Gartner Hype cycle

Gartner Hype Cycle for 2012 — Motiviti

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The Gartner Hype Cycle 2012 | social business development

Gartner Hype cycle 2012

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The Gamified World - YouTube

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Gamification Wiki | Gamification.org

15 Brand Examples of Gamification « iMediaConnection Blog

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as new technologies continue to develop, including gesture-based systems, augmented reality, and real-world game environments, fashion brands and retailers will have more reason to participate, especially in more “natural” ways.

Level Up! Gamification and the Fashion Industry - SF FASHION+TEC

So if you’re a fashion brand, retailer, or startup, dip your toe in the gamified world. Start small by offering exclusive content and other access points to those who engage with your brand or company. Or go big and create a multi-faceted game level approach that addresses your engagement, brand, loyalty, and sales objectives. Fashion and gaming are meeting and interacting in different ways and there are plenty of platforms to support it. Level up, and don’t be left behind.


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Consumerization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consumerization is an increasingly accepted term used to describe the growing tendency for new information technology to emerge first in the consumer market and then spread into business and government organizations. The emergence of consumer markets as the primary driver of information technology innovation is seen as a major IT industry shift, as large business and government organizations dominated the early decades of computer usage and development.