raising achievement using ict history mexborough school by mr rj huggins

Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

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Page 1: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Raising AchievementUsing ICT


Mexborough School

By Mr RJ Huggins

Page 2: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Raising AchievementUsing ICT

ICT allow teachers to present

information in new and exciting


It encourages even experienced staff to experiment with new teaching styles and share good practice.

Packages like PowerPoint allow

teachers to animate pictures, diagrams,

photographs, maps & even mark schemes.

Pupils of all abilities, especially boys, find the

visual nature of PowerPoint a lot more


It gives pupils access to teaching materials

that would be normally far too expensive to


The media effects can help to add

pace, style and fun into a lesson.

Data projectors & PowerPoint

are tailor made for allowing students to

develop their oracy & literacy


Broadband access and interactive whiteboards

can bring CD ROMs and revision websites to life.

Page 3: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

The Battle of Hastings, 1066

Unsuitable for horsemen

Harold Army forms a shield


William’s Horsemen

William’s Archers

William’s Spearmen & Foot soldiers

Harold’s Housecarls

Fyrd: Part Time Soldiers

Page 4: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Final Stage: Death of Harold

William sends in a hit squad of Normans to kill King Harold

“Then it was with an arrow which was shot

towards the sky, struck Harold above

the right eye.”

Guy of Amein, 1067

“Receiving the fatal arrow from a distance, he died.

One of the Norman soldiers with a sword then cut off his leg as he lay.”

William of Mamesbury, 1125

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The Battlefield Today

King Harold was killed here

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Why was the Roman Army so



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Weapons & Armour






Page 8: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Causes of the Depression: Fear

Fewer goods are sold.


In order to stay in businesscompanies cut


People lose theirconfidence &

start saving their money

Demanddrops even


Companies are forced to cut costs

by laying people off

Even more peoplelose their confidenceand spend less money

People lose their jobs.

The Spiral Of


Page 9: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Unemployment in the USA


FDR becomes President

The First New Deal

Sick Chickens’ Case: The Supreme Court declares the New Deal as being Unconstitutional

The SecondNew Deal

Impact on the Spiral of


Start of the 2WW in Europe

Japanese Attack on

Pearl Harbor


Page 10: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Summary of key words

• In order to get a a grade ‘C’ upwards in exams, you must learn and use the key words & facts.

• These concepts will be awarded as key ‘knowledge.’

Spiral of Depression Fear / Confidence Fireside Chats Alphabet Agencies AAA, CCC, TVA, NRA,


Key Words

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Exam Question

How useful is this source to explain what action FDR took to end the Depression?

Page 12: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

Mark Scheme

Level Grade Description

1 E Simple undeveloped answer.

2 D Uses or combines information from the sources.

3 C/B Uses sources & own relevant knowledge / concepts.

4 A/A* Balanced answer covering both parts of the question

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Level 3

Fireside Chats’ introduced to tackle ‘Fear’ which was resulting in a loss of ‘confidence’ led to people not spending money & ‘Spiral of Depression.’

‘Banking Crisis,’ FDR used ‘Fireside chats’ to restore public ‘confidence’ in the reopened banks.

No mention of the Alphabet Agencies: CCC, AAA, TVA, NRA, PWA & WPA.

For Against

Level 4 = an answer which includes one from each column.

Page 14: Raising Achievement Using ICT History Mexborough School By Mr RJ Huggins

ICT can bring historical sources alive

The multimedia effects can add

style, pace and fun to a lesson.

It encourages experienced staff to experiment with new teaching styles & to share good practice.