rails is not just ruby

Rails is not just Ruby

Upload: marco-otte-witte

Post on 06-May-2015




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Talk on Rails and JavaScript and how JavaScript should be written, structured, separated from the HTML etc.


Page 1: Rails is not just Ruby

Rails is not just Ruby

Page 2: Rails is not just Ruby

Software Engineer, Consultant, Trainer


Open Source


Marco Otte-Witte

Page 3: Rails is not just Ruby

JavaScript is serious


Page 4: Rails is not just Ruby

It‘s not just adding lib after

lib after lib!

Page 5: Rails is not just Ruby

Give your JavaScript the

same love your Ruby code


Page 6: Rails is not just Ruby

Know your tools!

Page 7: Rails is not just Ruby

Know your tools!

var inputs = $$('input');for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { alert(inputs[i].name);}

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Know your tools!

var inputs = $$('input');for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { alert(inputs[i].name);} X

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Know your tools!

$$('input').each(function(input) { alert(input.name);});


$.each('input', function() { alert(this.name);});


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Know your tools!

function setupPage() { $('userName').update( readUserName(); );} function readUserName() { //read user's name from cookie}

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Know your tools!

function setupPage() { $('userName').update( readUserName(); );} function readUserName() { //read user's name from cookie}


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Know your tools!var Application = (function() { //private var readUserName = function() { //read user's name from cookie };

return { //public setupPage: function() { $('userName').update( readUserName(); ); }



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Know your tools!

var timeout = window.setTimeout( "element.update(" + someContent + ");", 1000);

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Know your tools!

var timeout = window.setTimeout( "element.update(" + someContent + ");", 1000); X

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Know your tools!

element.update.bind(element).curry( someContent).delay(1)


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Know your tools!

var loginField = document.getElementById('#user_login');alert(loginField.value);

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Know your tools!

var loginField = document.getElementById('#user_login');alert(loginField.value);X

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Know your tools!



Page 19: Rails is not just Ruby

Know your tools!

var loginField = document.getElementById('#user_login');loginField.style.display = 'none';

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Know your tools!

var loginField = document.getElementById('#user_login');loginField.style.display = 'none';X

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Know your tools!



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Know your tools!var loginField = document.getElementById('user_login');function loginChanged() { alert(loginField.value);}if (loginField.addEventListener) { loginField.addEventListener( 'change', loginChanged, false);} else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('onchange', loginChanged);}

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Know your tools!var loginField = document.getElementById('user_login');function loginChanged() { alert(loginField.value);}if (loginField.addEventListener) { loginField.addEventListener( 'change', loginChanged, false);} else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('onchange', loginChanged);}


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Know your tools!

$('user_login').observe( 'change', function(event) { alert($F('user_login'));});


$('#user_login').change(function() { alert(this.val());});


Page 25: Rails is not just Ruby

Write valid JavaScript!

Page 26: Rails is not just Ruby

Write valid JavaScript!

someValue = 0;anotherValue = 1; function fun(param) { alert(param)}

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Write valid JavaScript!

someValue = 0;anotherValue = 1; function fun(param) { alert(param)} X

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Write valid JavaScript!

var someValue = 0;var anotherValue = 1;

function fun(param) { alert(param);}

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Write valid JavaScript!

someValue = 0;anotherValue = 1; function fun(param) { alert(param)}

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Write valid JavaScript!

someValue = 0;anotherValue = 1; function fun(param) { alert(param)}

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Write valid JavaScript!

someValue = 0;anotherValue = 1; function fun(param) { alert(param)}

Missing semicolon.

Implied globals: someValue, anotherValue

Page 32: Rails is not just Ruby

JavaScript and Rails

Page 33: Rails is not just Ruby

JavaScript and Rails

•RESTful actions (delete, put, post)




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the Demo App

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the Demo App


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the Demo App

POST/replaceCode is at http://github.com/marcoow/js-and-rails

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3 possible Solutions

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the classic Solution

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•Helpers (remote_form_for, link_to_remote etc.)



the classic Solution

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the classic Solution

<div id="someElement"> some text that's replaced later</div><%= link_to_remote 'Replace', :url => classic_solution_replace_path, :method => :post %>


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the classic Solution

class ClassicSolutionController < ApplicationController

def index end

def replace end


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the classic Solution

page.replace_html 'someElement', :partial => 'new_content'


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the classic Solution

<b>Fresh new content rendered at <%= Time.now %></b><%= link_to_remote 'Replace again', :url => classic_solution_replace_path, :method => :post %>


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•strong coupling

•hard to maintain

•no/ little code reuse

•bloated HTML

•code that actually belongs together is distributed over several places

•easy to write in the first place

the classic Solution

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Full Separation

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•define JavaScript controls that encapsulate all frontend logic

•mark elements with class, rel or HTML5‘s

data-* attributes

•full separation of HTML and JavaScript

•Initialization of controls on dom:loaded event

Full Separation

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•define JavaScript controls that encapsulate all frontend logic

•mark elements with class, rel or HTML5‘s

data-* attributes

•full separation of HTML and JavaScript

•Initialization of controls on dom:loaded event

Full Separation

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Full Separationvar Replacer = Class.create({

initialize: function(container, target) { this.container = $(container); this.target = $(target); this.container.observe('click', this.onClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); },

onClick: function(event) { event.stop(); new Ajax.Updater( this.target, this.container.href, { method: 'post', evalScripts: true } ); }



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Full Separationvar Application = (function() {

var initializeReplacers = function() { $$('a[data-replaces]').each(function(replacingLink) { if (!replacingLink._initializedReplacer) { new Replacer(replacingLink, replacingLink.readAttribute('data-replaces')); replacingLink._initializedReplacer = true; } }); };

return {

setupOnLoad: function() { initializeReplacers(); },

setupOnPageUpdate: function() { initializeReplacers(); }




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Full Separation

document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { Application.setupOnLoad(); Ajax.Responders.register({ onComplete: Application.setupOnPageUpdate });});


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Full Separation

document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { Application.setupOnLoad(); Ajax.Responders.register({ onComplete: Application.setupOnPageUpdate });});


Replacer controls are initialized on page load and after every AJAX request

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Full Separation

<div id="someElement"> some text that's replaced later</div><%= link_to 'Replace', full_separation_replace_path, :'data-replaces' => 'someElement' %>


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Full Separationclass FullSeparationController < ApplicationController

def index end

def replace respond_to do |format| format.js { render :partial => 'new_content' } end end


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Full Separation

<b>Fresh new content rendered at <%= Time.now %></b><%= link_to 'Replace again', full_separation_replace_path, :'data-replaces' => 'someElement' %>


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•clean, semantic HTML

•full separation of concerns

•clean HTML/CSS/JS is crucial

•Behaviour is (kind of) implicit

•discipline required

Full Separation

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explicit Controls

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•like Full Separation

•but controls are initialized in the templates

•more explicit/ obvious what‘s going on

explicit Controls

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explicit Controls

<div id="someElement"> some text that's replaced later</div><%= link_to 'Replace', controls_replace_path, :id => 'replacerLink' %><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { var replacer = new Replacer('replacerLink', 'someElement'); });</script>


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explicit Controlsclass ControlsController < ApplicationController

def index end

def replace respond_to do |format| format.js { render :partial => 'new_content' } end end


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explicit Controls

<b>Fresh new content rendered at <%= Time.now %></b><%= link_to 'Replace again', controls_replace_path, :id => 'secondReplacerLink' %><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> var newReplacer = new Replacer( 'secondReplacerLink', 'someElement' );</script>


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explicit Controls

<b>Fresh new content rendered at <%= Time.now %></b><%= link_to 'Replace again', controls_replace_path, :id => 'secondReplacerLink' %><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> var newReplacer = new Replacer( 'secondReplacerLink', 'someElement' );</script>


No initialization on dom:loaded here as this is the result of an AJAX request (dom:loaded not fired)

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•HTML is (mostly) clean and semantic

•Behaviour is explicit in the templates

•easier to grasp what‘s going on than with Full Separation

•though not as nice as full separation

explicit Controls

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Either go with Full Separation

or explicit Controls!

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Avoid the classic Solution when you can!

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