rails girls resources

Coding Resources! Tam Eastley @travelingtamm

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Post on 26-May-2015




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A couple resources for people starting off with ruby on rails.


Page 1: Rails Girls Resources

Coding Resources!Tam Eastley


Page 2: Rails Girls Resources

don’t worry about taking notes, this’ll all be online for you later somehow

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Tobi’s cheat sheet● http://www.pragtob.info/rails-beginner-cheatsheet/

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The very beginning...

● start off small

● don’t jump into anything crazy difficult

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Free Ruby Resources

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● http://tryruby.org○ takes about 45 min (not 15!!)○ in the browser

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● http://tutorials.jumpstartlab.com/projects/ruby_in_100_minutes.html○ takes 100 + minutes (the first time)○ in your terminal & text editor

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● codecademy (codecademy.com)○ all the basics○ cool badges you can tweet about

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Free Rails Resources

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http://guides.railsgirls.com/● keep going with your app! Do all the tutorials!

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The famous Hartl tutorial…● http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book

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A quick word about Github

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