rafs senior project 2002 siue department of computer science this is a text box!!!! pdd – problem...

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D. Pohlman Brad White http://csfs2.siue.edu/sp/s02g2

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Page 1: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!PDD – Problem Definition Document

Matt Allen

Peter Motykowski

J.D. Pohlman

Brad White


Page 2: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!What is FengShui?

NOUN: The Chinese art or practice of positioning objects, especially graves, buildings, and furniturefurniture, based on a belief in patterns of yin and yang and the flow of chi that have positive and negative effects.

ETYMOLOGY: Chinese (Mandarin) : fng, wind + shu, water.

Page 3: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!1.0 Project Summary

•The RAFS project will consist of a hardware/software solution to a problem set of physical objects.

•In our case, these objects are rolling chairs that are often scattered around the SIUE senior project laboratory (EB2029).

•Ideally, the robot(s) will be able to identify unorganized chair placement and move the chairs to open computer desks.

•While doing this, the robot(s) may be required to deal with unexpected objects or situations.

Page 4: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!2.0 Project Overview

Throughout the document terms are used to refer to specific situations, items and concepts. The following section clarifies the precise meaning of such dictionary items.

•Robot – The use of this word throughout the document will serve the same purpose as the notation robot(s). This distinction is made to avoid awkward subject verb agreement in sentences.

•Ordinary operation cycle – This term shall represent the following cycle of operation.

1. Robot executes startup procedure, default chair arrangement procedure selected.

2. Robot identifies misplaced chairs and empty desks.

3. Robot places each chair, one at a time, into empty desks.

4. Robot executes shutdown procedure.

• Desk – An empty or chair occupied computer station.

Page 5: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!3.0 Project Objective

3.1 Functional Requirements

• Enable robot to recognize an object and determine appropriate behavior.

• Advanced object analysis leading to the recognition of specific objects such as chairs, tables and desks.

• An appropriate level of error handling is needed to cope with unexpected objects or situations.

• Facilities for variable levels of accuracy and speed of chair organization.

Page 6: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!3.0 Project Objective ( continued )

3.2 Nonfunctional Requirements

• Development Will Take Place in the Linux Environment.

• At this time we are aware of two robotics APIs that are available for this project. We will be reviewing each to determine the appropriate API for our project.

Page 7: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!4.0 Project Scope

• Primary concerns involve object recognition and placement• Accommodate as many exceptions as possible given our time restraints

4.1.1 In Scope / Goals• Recognizing an object and being able to determine whether or not it is a chair or desk.• Maneuvering in an area and being able to avoid objects.• Identifying an empty desk.• Enabling the robot to grasp and move chairs.

4.1.2 Deliverables• Standalone Software Modules Resulting From Each Goal / Milestone.

Page 8: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!4.0 Project Scope ( continued )

4.1.3 Exceptional Conditions Dynamic Objects/Situations

• Dynamic Objects – Objects not in original layout of EB2029• Collapsing wall dividers• Rolling tables• Loose cables/wires• Book bags• Boxes

• In order to address these objects/situations we may scan the layout of the room before the operation cycle begins.

• Worst case scenarios would cause the robot to power down and operation cycle to terminate.

Page 9: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!4.0 Project Scope ( continued )

4.1.3 Exceptional Conditions, Cont Static Objects/Situations• desks• ceiling support poles• center tables ( marked do not move )• wire covers• unrecognizable objects ( avoid, idle if necessary ) Random Objects/Situations• foreign matter ( something unrecognizable )• water and other liquids Environment Issues• Floor Wax• Lighting• Temperature

Page 10: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!4.0 Project Scope ( continued )

4.2.1 Out of Scope

• It would be ideal to accommodate all exceptional conditions.

• We will only be able to handle conditions that are of the highest priority.

• High priority situations put any of the following in immediate danger.

• Robot• SIUE equipment• Spectators or operator

Page 11: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!5.0 Estimated Cost/Effort/Duration

5.1 Estimated Cost No additional cost (robots already purchased). However, a visual development environment would be helpful.

5.2 Estimated Efforthours per week = 10 – (3*2) = 4 hrs,

4 hrs/person*4 people = 16 hrs/week. (low estimate)

hours per week = 10 = 10 hrs,

10 hrs/person*4 people = 40 hrs/week. (high estimate)

5.3 Estimated Duration2 semesters and some possible summer work yields a total duration of 8 months (non-consecutive).

Page 12: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!6.0 Project Assumptions

•The project will be performed in the Engineering Building (EB2029).

Page 13: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!

Page 14: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!6.0 Project Assumptions

•The project will be performed in the Engineering Building (EB2029).

•The door to EB2029 will be closed during the ordinary operational cycle.

•There will be a limited amount of people in the room during the ordinary operation cycle.

•The square tables in the middle of the room will remain stationary.

•The computer desks will remain stationary.

Page 15: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!7.0 Project Risk

• Project too complicated for time allotted ( Risk Assessment: HIGH )

• Shared resource issue( Risk Assessment: HIGH )

• Unattainable Goals( Risk Assessment: MEDIUM )

Page 16: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!7.0 Project Risks ( continued )

• Damage Risk to SIUE property( Risk Assessment: MEDIUM )

• Physical Risk to SIUE students( Risk Assessment: LOW )

Page 17: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!8.0 Project Approach

Different Subsystems

1. Laser

2. Camera

3. Bumpers

4. Gripper

5. Sonar

Page 18: RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science This is a text box!!!! PDD – Problem Definition Document Matt Allen Peter Motykowski J.D

RAFS Senior Project 2002 SIUE Department of Computer Science

This is a text box!!!!9.0 Project Organization

Peter Motykowski•Primary Role: Team Leader•Secondary Role: Website Designer/Analyst

Matt Allen•Primary Role: Unassigned•Secondary Role: Analyst

Brad White•Primary Role: Unassigned•Secondary Role: Diagram artist/Analyst

J.D. Pohlman•Primary Role: Unassigned•Secondary Role: Documentation/Analyst