radmenu radmenu skinning whitepaperstandards.corkscrew.vg/portals/0/catalook/radmenu.pdf · to...

Page 1 of 17 RadMenu Date: 5/3/2013 Copyright © 2005-2007 – Telerik – All Rights Reserved RadMenu Skinning Whitepaper Date Version Description Author June 2005 1.0 Initial version Stoyan Stratev June 2006 2.0 RadMenu v4.0 update Stoyan Stratev January 2007 2.1 RadMenu v4.2 update Stoyan Stratev April 2007 2.2 Updated control name Stoyan Stratev August 2007 / parameter names and descriptions updated to use this control in the CATALooK menu module CAT_MenuNF.

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RadMenu Date: 5/3/2013

Copyright © 2005-2007 – Telerik – All Rights Reserved

RadMenu Skinning Whitepaper

Date Version Description Author

June 2005 1.0 Initial version Stoyan Stratev

June 2006 2.0 RadMenu v4.0 update Stoyan Stratev

January 2007 2.1 RadMenu v4.2 update Stoyan Stratev

April 2007 2.2 Updated control name Stoyan Stratev

August 2007 / parameter names and descriptions updated to use this control in the

CATALooK menu module CAT_MenuNF.

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Table of Contents

RadMenu Skinning Whitepaper ..................................................................................... 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3 Installation Instructions .............................................................................................. 3 Skin Object and Menu module control signatures ........................................................... 5 Skin Object and Menu module control Attributes ............................................................ 7

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This whitepaper will explain how to add RadMenu parameters to the skin of module


To select the Telerik RAD menu control for the menu module (CAT_MenuNF), select 'View

Options' from the module menu and set: [Category System] = [Advanced] and [Control Type] =

[Telerik RAD Menu].

This menu control can be used with advanced categories and ASCX skins (blue, blue-neutral,

theme-grey etc.; file menu.ascx must be included) only.

Installation Instructions

1. Login into your Portal with host account

2. If you have updated to a CATALooK.netStore version >=v05.04.01 and use an older

CATALooK.netStore skin from a CATALooK.netStore version <v05.04.01 and not the

default ‘blue’ CATALooK skin, you must reload this skin from folder

\CATALooK_SkinPackages of the currently installed CATALooK.netStore package via

module CAT_StoreSettings (CATALooK.netStore -> Store Settings) -> Skins to get this


If you use a custom skin you can use the menu.ascx skin file from one of the included

CATALooK skins for your skin (copy this file into folder:

\Desktopmodules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Your currently selected CATALooK skin or select

‘Edit Skin’ from the module action menu of module CAT_MenuNF and add the red marked

section below to the menu.ascx skin file of your CATALooK.netStore skin:

<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnldropdownlistcontrol" Visible="False">

<tr valign="top">

<td class="CATRow" valign="top" width="100%">

<cat:DROPDOWNLISTCONTROL id="catdropdownlistcontrol" Runat="server"





<tr id="rowRadMenuControl" runat="server" valign="top" visible="False">

<td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%">

<cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server"


Skin="CATCssBlue" style="float: left;" />



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<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlDemo" Visible="False">


<td class="CATRowHighLight" valign="bottom" width="100%">

<!-- DO NOT DELETE -->


<asp:Label ID="lblDemo" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label><br>

<asp:HyperLink ID="hypCATALooK" runat="server" Visible="False"




3. The Telerik RadMenu control can not change the width of the menu module automatically to

match it to the length of the category names.

Therfore you must add a width parameter to the menu module skin:

Select ‘Edit Skin’ from the module menu of module CAT_MenuNF and change:

<table class="CATContainerBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">


<table class="CATContainerBorder" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="200">

This will change the width to a fixed value of 200px.

Or add a width parameter to the css file of the RadMenu in the currently selected

CATALooK.netStore skin: e.g. if your currently selected CATALooK skin is the default

‘blue’ skin and the name of the RadMenu skin is ‘CATCssBlue’, open


in a text editor and add the red marked text below to change it to a fixed width of 200px:



background: #a7cfe8;

font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma;


width: 200px;


(This changing is also necessary to display the menu with the full width in Firefox browsers.

To display also sub menu items with the full width in Firefox, also all other: ‘width: 100%;’

parameters must be changed to a fixed value e.g.: ‘width=200px;’)

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Skin Object and Menu module control signatures

CAT_MenuNF / menu.ascx Skin Object Description <td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top"



id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server"


Skin="CATCssBlue" style="float: left;"






Displays the


navigation menu

Notes: - Values starting with “RootItem” apply only for the root group of menu items. For example “RootItemImageUrl”, “RootItemCssClass”.

- Values starting with “Item” or “Group’’ apply to all items not in the root group. For

example “GroupFlow”, “ItemCssClass”.

Special tokens: *SkinPath* - refers to the location of the current skin. For example: /DesktopModules/CATALooKStore/Skins/My Skin

*CatgoryName* - represents the name of the advanced category, which the menu item

represents(this is the value used for the menu item’s text). For example: books *target* - If you set the Link Url of a new page to an external resource using this token, the link will be opened in a new window. You can use this scheme to set targets to external links in a way that matches your needs. For example: *_blank*http://www.telerik.com/

Additional sample skins

1. Unzip the skin package from folder: \RadControls of the CATALooK.netStore package into folder: \DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Currently selected CATALooK.netStore skin\RadControls\Menu of your DNN installation.

2. Login into your Portal with host account 3. Select [Edit Skin] from the module action menu of module CAT_MenuNF and change the [Skin] parameter to any other folder name of a skin package in folder: \DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Currently selected CATALooK.netStore

skin\RadControls\Menu. e.g. change:

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<td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%"> <cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server" SkinsPath="*SkinPath*/RadControls/Menu/" Skin="CATCssBlue" style="float: left;" /> </td> to:

<td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%"> <cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server" SkinsPath="*SkinPath*/RadControls/Menu/" Skin="Vista" style="float: left;" /> </td>

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Skin Object and Menu module control Attributes Skin Attributes (used in Skin.xml or added to the control signature e.g.


Token Attribute Value Description



RadControlsDir The location of the RadControls folder for RadMenu

ExpandAnimationType and ExpandAnimationDuration

AnnimationSettings that represent the expand animation.

Gets the settings for the animation played when an item opens.

CollapseAnimationType and CollapseAnimationDuration

An AnnimationSettings that represents the collapse animation.

Gets the settings for the animation played when an item closes.

IsContext False a value indicating whether the menu is context or not.


a value indicating whether the screen boundary detection will be applied when expanded.

ContextMenuElementID the ID of the html element which if right-clicked will display the context menu.


True if the root items open on mouse click; otherwise false. The default value is false.

a value indicating whether root items should open on mouse click.


A string specifying the relative path to the folder which contains RadMenu skins. The default value is "~/RadControls/Menu/Skins".

the relative path of the folder containing the skins. This property accepts the *SkinPath* token.

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A String specifying the skin. The default value is Default.

The skin used by RadMenu. 1. Unzip the skin package from folder: \RadControls of the CATALooK.netStore package into folder: \DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Currently selected CATALooK.netStore skin\RadControls\Menu of your DNN installation. 2. Login into your Portal with host account 3. Select [Edit Skin] from the module action menu of module CAT_MenuNF and change the [Skin] parameter to any other folder name of a skin package in folder: \DesktopModules\CATALooKStore\Skins\Currently selected CATALooK.netStore skin\RadControls\Menu. e.g. change: <td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%"> <cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server" SkinsPath="*SkinPath*/RadControls/Menu/" Skin="CATCssBlue" style="float: left;" /> </td> to: <td class="CATMenuBG" valign="top" width="100%"> <cat:RADMENUCONTROL id="catRadMenuControl" Runat="server" SkinsPath="*SkinPath*/RadControls/Menu/" Skin="Vista" style="float: left;" /> </td>


true if validation is performed when an item is selected; otherwise, false. The default value is true.

a value indicating whether validation is performed when an item within the RadMenu control is selected.


An integer specifying the timeout measured in milliseconds. The default value is 0 which means that menu items open immediately.

a value indicating the timeout after which a menu item starts to open.


One of the ItemFlow values. The default value for top level items is Horizontal. a value indicating the way top level items will flow.

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An integer specifying the timeout measured in milliseconds. The default value is 500 (half a second).

a value indicating the timeout after which a menu item starts to close.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse moves over a menu item in the RadMenu control.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the mouse moves out of a menu item in the RadMenu control.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item gets focus.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after an item loses focus.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a menu item is clicked.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after a menu item is clicked.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items opens.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when a group of child items closes.


A string specifying the name of the JavaScript function that will handle the event. The default value is empty string.

a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after the RadMenu client-side object is initialized.

CssClass A CSS class to be applied to the menu

Style A list of style properties for the menu

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Height sets the height of RadMenu

Width sets the width of RadMenu


If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is disabled. The default value is "disabled".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is disabled. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is opened. The default value is "expanded".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is opened (its child items are visible). If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is focused. The default value is "focused".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is focused. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is clicked. The default value is "clicked".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is clicked. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The path to the image to display for the item. The default value is empty string.

the path to an image to display for the item. This property accepts the special tokens *SkinPath* and *CategoryName*.


The path to the image to display when the user moves the mouse over the item. The default value is empty string.

the path to an image to display for the item when the user moves the mouse over the item. This property accepts the special tokens *SkinPath* and *CatgoryName*.


The target window or frame to load the Web page linked to when the Item is selected

the target window or frame to display the Web page content linked to when the menu item is clicked.

ItemBackColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemBorderColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemBorderWidth inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemBorderStyle inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemForeColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemHeight inherited from the default webcontrol class

ItemWidth inherited from the default webcontrol class


If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.

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The CSS class applied when the menu item is disabled. The default value is "disabled".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is disabled. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is opened. The default value is "expanded".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is opened (its child items are visible). If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is focused. The default value is "focused".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is focused. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The CSS class applied when the menu item is clicked. The default value is "clicked".

the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the menu item is clicked. If using the item or level css options of the skinobject then the level and item number will be added to the name of the CSS class.


The path to the image to display for the item. The default value is empty string.

the path to an image to display for the item. This property accepts the special tokens *SkinPath* and *CategoryName*.


The path to the image to display when the user moves the mouse over the item. The default value is empty string.

the path to an image to display for the item when the user moves the mouse over the item. This property accepts the special tokens *SkinPath* and *CategoryName*.


The target window or frame to load the Web page linked to when the Item is selected

the target window or frame to display the Web page content linked to when the menu item is clicked.

RootItemBackColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemBorderColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemBorderWidth inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemBorderStyle inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemForeColor inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemHeight inherited from the default webcontrol class

RootItemWidth inherited from the default webcontrol class


One of the ItemFlow enumeration values. The default value is Vertical. the flow of child items.


One of the ExpandDirection enumeration values. The default value is Auto. the direction in which child items will open.


An integer specifying the horizontal offset of child menu items (measured in pixels). The default value is 0 (no offset).

a value indicating the horizontal offset of child menu items considering their parent.

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An integer specifying the vertical offset of child menu items (measured in pixels). The default value is 0 (no offset).

a value indicating the vertical offset of child menu items considering their parent.


A Unit that represents the width of the child item group. The default value is Unit.Empty.

a value indicating the width of child menu items (the whole item group).


A Unit that represents the height of the child item group. The default value is Unit.Empty.

a value indicating the height of child menu items (the whole item group).



The CSS class for the root group item

that is currently selected or one of

it’s children is currently selected

SelectedPathItemCss The CSS class for the item that is

currently selected or one of its

children is selected. Note: does not

apply to the root menu group. See




This image(breadcrumb) will be shown

if the menu item or one of its

children items is selected. The image

accepts the tokens *CategoryName* and




This image(breadcrumb) will be shown

if the menu item or one of its

children items is selected. The image

accepts the tokens *CategoryName* and


EnableToolTips False If set to true, the category

description will be displayed as a

tooltip when you hover over the menu


ImagesOnlyMenu False The menu item uses the icon file

specified for the category instead of

the category name. However, if no

icon file is specified, then the

category name is used as the item


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False If set to true, “Level” and the level

of the menuitem will be added to the

beginning of its CSS class. Works for

ItemCssClass, ItemCssClassOver,



For example: if ItemCssClass =

“menu_item” then the menu will use

“Level0menu_item” for the root group

of items, “Level1menu_item” for the

level 1 items and so on.

EnableItemCss False If set to true, each item in the menu

that is not in the root group will

have its CSS class changed according

to the position of that item in the

menu group. The number will be

appended in the end of the CSS

classes ItemCssClass,




For example: if ItemCssClass =

“menu_item” then the menu will use

“menu_item1” for the first item,

“menu_item2” for the second and so

on. This property can be combined

with EnableLevelCss.

EnableRootItemCss False If set to true, each item in the root

menu will have its CSS class changed

according to the position of that

item in the group. The number will be

appended in the end of the CSS

classes ItemCssClass,




For example: if ItemCssClass =

“menu_item” then the menu will use

“menu_item1” for the first item,

“menu_item2” for the second and so

on. This property can be combined

with EnableLevelCss.

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MaxLevelNumber 10 If EnableGroupLevelCss or

EnableLevelCss are set to True, this

property limits the number of levels

that will use the modified CSS

classes. If there are more levels

after MaxLevelNumber, their CSS

classes will be the default ones. For

example when MaxLevelNumber = 3 and

ItemCssClass = “menu_item” all items

after level 3 will have their

ItemCssClass set to “menu_item”,

while all items below level 3 will

have the ItemCssClass and the value

of the level “Level0menu_item”,”

Level0menu_item” etc.

MaxItemNumber 20 If EnableItemCss or EnableRootItemCss

are set to True, this property limits

the number of items that will use the

modified CSS classes. If there are

more levels after MaxLevelNumber,

their CSS classes will be the default

ones. For example when MaxItemNumber

= 3 and ItemCssClass = “menu_item”

all items after the third one will

have their ItemCssClass set to

“menu_item”, while the first three

will have the ItemCssClass and the

order of the item -



MaxLevel The maximum number of levels to

display. Useful if you have a big

menu and would like to show only a

part of it. If set to 0 only the root

group will be shown.

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ShowOnlyCurrent If set to “ChildItems” the menu will

render only the child items of the

current category. If set to

“CurrentItem” it will render child

items plus the current category. If

set to “RootItem” then the menu will

render all child items of the root

group item that is selected or is a

part of the path to the currently

selected menu item. If you specify a

Category ID, the menu will display

only the child items of the specified

category. You can also specify a the

name of the category instead of its

ID- the format is

“CategoryItem:Home”(where “Home” is

the category name).

Allowed values are “CurrentItem”,

“RootItem”, and the ID or name of a


EnableItemId False If set to “True”, the menu will

generate an ID property for each menu

item. The ID will have a value “M_” +

the database ID of the category. For

example “M_36”



True Specifies whether to show the

category icons as a left logo of the

menu item.

HeaderFirstItem An image to be displayed at the start

of the header menu group. Can contain

the token *SkinPath*, which will be

replaced with the current skin’s



An image to be displayed between the

menu items in the header group. Can

contain the token *SkinPath*, which

will be replaced with the current

skin’s path.


An image to be displayed at the end

of the header menu group. Can contain

the token *SkinPath*, which will be

replaced with the current skin’s




A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderFirstItem.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderFirstItem when the

user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderFirstItem when the

mouse hovers over it.

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A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderSeparator




A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderSeparator

when the user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderSeparator

when the mouse hovers over it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderLastItem .



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderLastItem when the

user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to HeaderLastItem when the

mouse hovers over it.

childGroupFirstItem An image to be displayed at the start

of a child menu group. Can contain

the token *SkinPath*, which will be

replaced with the current skin’s



An image to be displayed between the

menu items in a child group. Can

contain the token *SkinPath*, which

will be replaced with the current

skin’s path.


An image to be displayed at the end

of a child menu group. Can contain

the token *SkinPath*, which will be

replaced with the current skin’s




A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupFirstItem.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupFirstItem when

the user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupFirstItem when

the mouse hovers over it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupSeparator.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupSeparator

when the user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupSeparator

when the mouse hovers over it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupLastItem.

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A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupLastItem when

the user clicks on it.



A CSS class name, which will be

applied to childGroupLastItem when

the mouse hovers over it.

EnableUserMenus True A Boolean parameter, specifying

whether or not to show the

normal(non-admin) menu categories in

the menu.

EnableAdminMenus True A Boolean parameter, specifying

whether or not to show the

admin(Admin and Host) categories in

the menu.

CopyChildItemLink False Some menu items have disabled

links(for example “Admin”, “Host”

etc.). If you have a menu with

MaxLevel=0, then these menus will be

inaccessible because you cannot click

on “Admin” or “Host” items. With this

option set to True, all menu items

that do not correspond to a category

will point to their first child item.

For example clicking on the Admin

menu will redirect the user to

“Admin>Site Settings”(the first child

category in the admin menu).

ShowPath False If set to true, the current category

item and its parents will be

displayed as focused. You can change

the default CSS class using the

SelectedPath skinobject attributes.

CategoriesToExclude A comma-separated list of category

IDs OR Names that will NOT be

included in the menu navigation
