radiation detection and measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 1 Radiation Detection and Measurement Radiation Charged particles (α, β, other ions) Neutral particles (neutrons) Electromagnetic radiation (γ, x rays) Detection Confirm the presence of radiation Measurement Quantification of radiation Nature Energy Intensity

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This lecture on radiation detection and measurement has been given to university college students


Page 1: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 1

Radiation Detection and Measurement


• Charged particles (αααα, ββββ, other ions)• Neutral particles (neutrons)• Electromagnetic radiation (γγγγ, x rays)


• Confirm the presence of radiation


• Quantification of radiation— Nature— Energy— Intensity

Page 2: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 2

Radiation Detection and MeasurementDetection systems : Different

Why so ?

αααα particles, ββββ particles

Heavy ions, fission fragments


γγγγ Ray photons

X-ray photons

Each interacts in a different way

with matter

That is why!!!

Page 3: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 3

Radiation Detection and Measurement

DetectorRadiation MS

Grossly simplified steps

— Radiation falls, enters detector

— Radiation interacts with the detector material (interaction of radiation with matter)

— Charge carriers (signatures of radiation) are produced

—The intensity is then measured

Typical Detector Configuration

Page 4: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 4

Radiation Detection and Measurement

Types of radiation detectors

Depends on detector material

— Gas

— Liquid

— Solid

Depends on the radiation

— Heavy charged particles

— Light charged particles

— Neutral particles

— Electromagnetic radiation

Page 5: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Modes of detector Operation

Current mode

Detector I

Time average of current signal




Time dependent fluctuating component superimposed on steady state signal

Random nature of radiation events in the detector

Radiation dosimetry instruments

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Modes of Detector Operation

Mean Square Voltage Mode

Ion ChamberSquaring


Steady state average current is blocked

Fluctuating component is passed and squared

(It – I0) is measured,squared and

integrated αααα rQ2/T

Used in mixed radiation environments (neutrons and gamma radiation)

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Modes of Detector Operation

Pulse Mode

Detector C R V(t)

Time constant

RC <<< tcV(t)


V(t) = R.I(t)


Current through R = Current flowing in the detector

Mode useful for high event rates when timing information and not energy information is important

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Pulse mode of detector operation

Time constantRC >>> tc


tcVmax = Q/C

Each pulse is the result of interaction of a single radiation within the detector

Pulse amplitude α Q

Q α Energy of incident radiation

(Capacitance assumed constant)

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Advantages of Pulse Mode of Operation

Each quantum of radiation is detected as individual pulse signal

(Lower LOD set by background radiation level)

Sensitivity far greater than that in current mode

Each individual pulse amplitude carries useful information (energy of radiation)

Pulse mode is widely employed

Page 10: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


Channel number


Page 11: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


Channel number

In tensity

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


Channel number


Page 13: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


Channel number


Page 14: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


Channel number


Page 15: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and MeasurementIntensity

Channel number

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Radiation Detection and MeasurementIn tensity

Channel number

Page 17: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 17

Radiation Detection and Measurement

Applications of ion chambers

• Gamma ray exposure measurement

• Absorbed dose measurement

• Radiation survey instruments

• Radiation source calibrators

• Measurement of radioactive gases

• Smoke detectors

All are used in current mode operation

Charged particle spectroscopy measurements require pulse mode

Advantages over semiconductor detectors

Alpha spectroscopy 11.5 keVresolution (Bertolini,NIMM223(1984))

Page 18: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Applications of ion chambers

Gamma ray exposure measurements

Exposure: Amount of ionisationcharge created in air.

Air-filled ionisation chamber is suited for this purpose.

Ionisation charge gives the measure of exposure

Ionisation current indicates exposure rate.

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Applications of ion chambers

Absorbed dose measurement

Measurement of absorbed dose

Energy absorbed per unit mass of material

Bragg-Gray Principle

Dm = WSmP

Dose measurements in biological tissues:

Tissue equivalent ion chambers with walls made from material with similar composition as tissue

Page 20: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Radiation survey meter

Closed air volume

Saturation current is measured using a battery powered electrometer

Walls are air-equivalent (Al or plastic)

Measurement of radioactive gases

Radioactive gas (e.g. tritium) can itself be filled gas

(Tritium ionisation chambers)

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Proportional Counters

Gas-filled radiation detectors

Almost always operated in pulse mode

Gas multiplication to amplify the signal due to original ion pairs

Hence small signals can also be measured

Used in low-energy x-ray spectroscopy

Alpha, beta, neutron detection

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Fill gases

Gas multiplication is dependent on the migration of electrons rather than negative ions

(Negative ion formation should be negligible)

Air is not suitable (Oxygen !!!)

Noble gase (Ar, Kr, Xe)

90%Ar + 10% CH4 (P-10 gas)

Low energy x-rays: Kr, Xe

Thermal neutrons: BF3, 3He

Fast neutrons: H2, CH2, He

Dosimetry (biological tissues): 64.4% CH4 + 32.4% CO2 + 3.2% N2

Ethylene to enhance Penning effect

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Radiation Detection and Measurement




Anode wire


Charge collected : proportional to the number of ion-pairs created by the incident radiation

Multiplication needs high electric

field εεεε(r)

εεεε(r) = Vr ln(b/a)

V = voltage 2000 V

a = anode radius 0.008 cm

b = cathode radius 1 cm

Parallel plate geometry : 50000 V/cm

εεεε(r) = 50000 V/cm

Page 24: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Counting curve


αααα + ββββ


Count rate


Page 25: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Geiger-Muller Counters

One of the oldest and third general category of gas-filled radiation detectors

Gas multiplication employed to enhance the charge.

All pulses from a G-M counter have same amplitude (history of the radiation is lost).

G-M tube functions simply as a counter of radiation induced events and is not suitable for radiation spectroscopy

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Radiation Detection and Measurement


G-M tubeR



Fill Gases : Same as in the case of proportional counters

Possibility of emission of electron from cathode surface when positive ions get neutralised

This electron triggers avalanche

Process repeats resulting continuous pulses

Quenchers added to prevent this

Ethyl alcohol/formate or Cl/Br)

Page 27: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Dead Time in G-M Counters




Anode wireCathode

+ ve ions massive drift slowly towards cathode

Electrons move fast towards anode wire

Decrease in electric field below critical point

Subsequent discharges cannot occur

Counter is “dead”

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Dead time

Recovery time

Dead time of a GM-Counter

Dead time : Period between the initial pulse and the time at which a second pulse can be detected.

(a few hundreds of microseconds)

During dead time, any radiation interactions within the detector are lost (not detected)

Page 29: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Scintillation Detectors

One of the oldest radiation detection techniques

(Rutherford’s αααα scattering experiment)

Ideal scintillation material

o High scintillation efficiency

o Linear conversion : Light output αdeposited energy

o Transparent medium to the wavelength

o Short decay time for fast signal generation

o Refractive index similar to glass

o Good physical properties

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Scintillation detection systems

Organic scintillation detectors

Liquids Plastics

Fast response timeFluorescence process independent of physical state

Low light output, Low Z, poor efficiency for γγγγ

Inorganic scintillation detectors

ZnS NaI(Tl)

Best light output, best linearity,High z, Good efficiency for γγγγ

Long response timeRegular crystalline lattice for fluorescence

Page 31: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Gamma ray detection and measurement

Three main types of interaction

Photoelectric absorptionCompton scatteringPair production

All the three interactions lead to different peaks in a gamma spectrum

Three types of hypothetical gamma ray detectors

Small size (< 2 cm)Large size ( > 10 cm) Medium size ( >2 cm < 10 cm)

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Small size detector

Photoelectric absorption




Compton scattering





Double escape peak



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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Large size detector



Medium size detector


Double escape peak



Page 34: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Gamma ray spectrum

Influence of surrounding material






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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Suggested Reading

1. Glenn F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley & Sons, New York

2. G.Friedlander, J.W.Kennedy, E.S.Macias, and J.M.Miller, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York

3. R.D.Evans, The Atomic Nucleus, Mc Graw Hill Inc., New York

4. S.S.Kapoor and V.S. Ramamurthy, Radiation Detection and Measurement, Wiley (Eastern), New Delhi

5. H.J.Arnikar, Essentials of Nuclear Chemistry, Wiley (Eastern), New Delhi

Page 36: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 36

Radiation Detection and Measurement

Usage of radiation detectors and understanding of signal measurement

Detectors as simple countersNumber of pulses (signals) per unit time

No information about the radiation (neither type nor energy but only the intensity)

Detectors in pulse modePulse (signal) amplitude (height [volts]) distribution

Useful to deduce information about the incident radiation (type, energy as well as intensity)

Page 37: Radiation Detection and Measurement

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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Detectors as simple counters

Example: G-M counter

Each pulse is registered as a signal output (counts)

Count rate is measured

Operating voltage is found out by establishing counting plateau

Counti ng rate



No energy information. All are counted and bunched together

Page 38: Radiation Detection and Measurement

K.L.Ramakumar 38

Radiation Detection and Measurement

Detectors in pulse mode

Each pulse amplitude (height) carried important information about the incident radiation

(Type, energy and strength)

Pulse amplitude information is obtained by differential pulse height distribution

Detector has a facility to accept only pulses of certain amplitude (height)

(Pulse height discriminator)

This is a variable discriminator



H1 H2




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Radiation Detection and Measurement



H1 H2




Typical pulse height spectrum

dN/dH has no physical significance

Number of pulses between H1 and H2 is given by

Integral givesnumber of pulsesunder the curve






For mono-energetic radiation, a line is expected. But broad peak is seen.


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Radiation Detection and Measurement

Thank you