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RADIANCE 2017The Official Extension Service Journal of Mapúa University

Consistent with its Mission and Vision, Mapúa University has, through the years, createdprograms to address the needs of its adopted communities. Below are the key areas ofextension service that the University has focused on.

Research-Based Extension Service

Health and Environment

Livelihood and Cooperative Building


Values Formation, Sports, Recreation, Culture and the Arts Program

Aid and Infrastructure

Consultancy Program


Guided by the Commission on Higher Education’s triad on rendering quality education, the integration of research,instruction and extension will give relevance in addressing the needs of the community. The learning provided throughinstruction will brought about the use of research that brings output in terms of extension service.


Global issues on health and environment has become alarming. Such issues and concerns shall be addressed throughthe technical capabilities and human resources of the Institute. Modes of prevention, assessments and solutions shallbe done to create a healthy community and clean environment.

Livelihood programs shall be introduced to the community. Building a cooperative shall serve as venue to market andsustain the products of the community as a result of the livelihood programs introduced. It shall ensure that products ofthe community beat par with the market in terms of quality but at lower cost. The cooperative shall be an access tobasic commodities to address basic needs.

The University shall develop programs in education. The program for education shall empower the community to makeintelligent decisions. It shall in its capacity, address the needs of out-of-school youth and adults. It shall foster teachingand learning by conducting trainings/seminar/workshops that are current in content especially for public schoolteachers and students.

Programs on values formation, sports, recreation, culture and the arts shall help the community spend their time in more relevant activities.

The University’s extension services shall be made available to quickly respond to calamity stricken areas and addressreal time community requests and needs. It shall in its capacity, mobilize and prepare its people and resources torespond and administer any aid that maybe delivered to the community.

The University shall help improve the conditions of the community through visible infrastructure related projects. Provisions for assessingstructure’s electrical wiring, structure rigidity and overall safety shall be done. Design of infrastructure for public use can be addressed bythe faculty at the comforts of the four walls of a room. Direct contact with the community need not be observed for design and conceptmaking shall be done using Mapúa’s facilities.

Aside from the provisional budget allocated by the University for extension services, the school shall find ways tooutsource fund and resources to achieve its extension service initiatives. Outsourcing includes funding, manpower,materials, skills and knowledge and technology transfer.

Consultancy shall be used to address community needs either on regional or national level. The University’s technicalexpertise shall be utilized on-site and off-site to assess and find recommendations and solutions for the community.

Table of ContentsSchool of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering 2-4

School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry 5-6

School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering 7-9

ET Yunchengco School of Business and Management 10-11

School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering 12-14

School of Multimedia and Visual Arts 15-16

Department of PE and Athletics 17-19

Department of Physics 20-21

School of Information Technology 22-23

Department of Mathematics 24-26

School of Architecture, Industrial Design and the Built Environment


School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences 30-31

School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management


Institutional 34-38

Students 39-43

School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering


The School of Civil,Environmental, andGeological Engineeringcontinues its build projectsby helping Gawad Kalinga, anon-governmentorganization, in its severalhousing sites in MetroManila. The activities wereconducted on differentdates for the year 2017. Theactivities were joint effortswith some of the studentsof SCEGE.

Activities involved duringthe visits were hauling ofhollow blocks to theconstruction site, sievingand painting of houses.


The School of Civil,Environmental andGeologicalEngineering togetherwith the studentmembers of thePhilippine Society ofSanitary Engineers –Mapua StudentChapter and theCEGE Thinkersorganized a TreePlanting Activity atthe La Mesa DamEco Park in QuezonCity.

The activity wasinitiated to promotesocial awareness,sense ofresponsibility, andvolunteerism for theprotection andconservation of theenvironment.


School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry


The School of ChemicalEngineering and Chemistryheld a series ofseminar/workshops on thePreparation of Perfume,Cologne, Dishwashing Liquid,Fabric Conditioner and Multi-Purpose Cleaner for theresidents of Mapua’sadopted communities. Theseminars were held at one ofthe laboratory rooms ofMapúa University last March2017.

The activities aim to give theparticipants an alternativesource of income which canhelp them support theirfinancial needs.

Handouts enumerating thematerials needed,procedures and samplecosting were provided to theparticipants after the activity.


School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering


The School of Electrical,Electronics and ComputerEngineering held an AndroidMobile App Developmentusing Phyton Extension tothe senior high schoolstudents of Claro M. RectoHigh School. The activity washeld at Mapua University lastMarch 2017.

Each session was handled bydifferent faculty groups toteach different topics tostudents. Topics discussedwere Arrays and Functions,Graphical User Interface(GUI) using Python as well asusing the software PyQt,Introduction to SPYDER(Python-IDE), Data types,Operators, Expressions,Decision statementsand Loops.


The School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering held an Electronics ExitReview Program for the students of Mapua University as part of its effort to assist thestudents in their exit exam.

The review program covered the topics on Operational Amplifers, Comparators,Summing amplifiers, integrators and differentiators, Instrumentation amplifiersOTA, Oscillators, Regulators, Solid state devices (SCR, triacs, UJT, diacs), Input devices(sensors), Output devices (valves, relays, contactors), Industrial logic circuits and PLC. Itwas held on January 2017.


ET Yuchengco School of Business and Management


A livelihood seminar onButchi Making wasconducted at Barangay872, Pandacan, Manilalast February 2017.

The faculty members ofthe ET Yuchengco Schoolof Business andManagement describedthe activity as a livelihoodopportunity in order forthe residents to earnmoney through means ofestablishing a smallbusiness. Part of theactivity also was a shortlecture on how tomanage a home-basedbusiness.

After the activity, theparticipants were givenhandouts.


School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering


The School of Mechanicaland ManufacturingEngineering conducted aBasic Welding seminarlast February 2017. Itwas attended by theresidents from Mapua’sadopted communities inPandacan, Manila.

The activity was held intwo sessions to cover thelecture and the hands-onapplication.

The lecture activitycovered the discussion ofbasic arc welding on itsgeneral concept, basicterminologies in ArcWelding, Safety inWelding activities, severalmethods/techniques inwelding andcharacteristics of goodand acceptable welds.


The School of Mechanical andManufacturing Engineering wentto Hospicio De San Jose togetherwith the student members ofthe American Society ofMechanical Engineers lastFebruary 2017. The activityaimed to assess the safety of theplayground, and provide anappropriate recommendationfor the hazard. The group alsotook the opportunity to discussthe relevance and significance ofScience, Technology, Engineeringand Mathematics to the dailylife.

After the activity, the Mapúanshad a short interaction with thekids of Hospicio by playinggames, singing and dancing withthem.


School of Multimedia and Visual Arts


The School of Multimedia andVisual Arts conducted aresearch-based project whichinvolved the creation of anarrative documentary andmarketing collaterals forPandacan, Manila that willpromote its cultural, artistic andhistorical heritage.

The following are the objectivesof the research-based study:

1. To create a documentary andmarketing collaterals tocommunicate the artistic,historical and culturalsignificance of Pandacan,Manila.2. To integrate Cultural Studiesand Perception Theory in theprocess of creating thedocumentary and collaterals.3. To use Structuralism andSemiology of Film Theory tocommunicate the message ofthe documentary and collaterals.


Department of PE and Athletics


Last March 25, 2017, the PE and Athletics Dept. in cooperation with coach Randy Alcantara and some Mapúa Cardinals basketball players conducted an extension service activity entitled “ Basketball Clinic” at Bgy. 859 Zone 93 in Pandacan Manila.

The said activity aimed to impart knowledge on basic basketball skills like dribbling, shooting and defensive stance.

The kids were so grateful and thankful to Mapúa for teaching them basic basketball skills.


The PE and AthleticsDepartment conductedan extension serviceactivity entitled “StreetCrisis Management:Women Enpowered” onNovember 11, 2017 at St.Theresa’s College inQuezon City. It wasattended by the facultymembers and staff of thesaid school.

The activity aimed toteach the participantsbasic self defense andsome techniques on howto get free when tiedusing a duct tape or a ziptie on a kidnap or hostagesituation.


Department of Physics


The Department of Physicsconducted a series of PhysicsExit Review Program for theyear 2017 for the studentsMapúa University. The activityaimed to guide the students onthe topics that they need toreview in a particular physicscourse and somehow helpthem make a recall on thedifferent physics concepts andimprove their understanding byapplying the said concepts insolving problems. The facultyinvolved consolidated thetopics covered in their chosenphysics course, also preparedthe review materials andconducted the review class.


School of Information Technology


Selected faculty members from theSchool of Information Technologytaught the advance topics ofMicrosoft Excel and PowerPoint tochosen students and teachers ofClaro M. Recto High School. Thetraining was conducted for two (2)Saturdays of March 2017.

The participants from thementioned high school alsoattended the fundamental courseof MS Office last year of Novemberbefore they can pursue on the nextlevel of computer fundamentalshort term course (CFSTC).Advance topic of MS Excel wasoffered for those who alreadyknow the basic use of thespreadsheet which consists ofusing formula like VLookUp,conditional formatting, CountIf,and other useful functions likeFreeze Panes and standarddeviations.

Participants who attended thetopics on Basic Excel had adiscussion on solving system ofequations, visualization andeffective class exercises. For thePower Point discussion, topicsdiscussion focused on advanceanimation and transition.


Department of Mathematics


The Department of Mathematics continued its review program for the students ofMapua’s Alternative Learning Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ALEAP). Theactivity aimed to assist the learners in enhancing their mathematical skills to help thempass the national examination.

The program was conducted in coordination with the Office for Social Orientation andCommunity Involvement Programs (SOCIP).


The Department of Mathematics continued tostrengthen its initiative to assist the studentsof Mapúa University in passing their Math ExitExams.

For 2017, the department held its series ofMath review programs for subjects Math 23Xand Math23X-1. Topics covered weredifferent math courses such as Algebra,Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, SolidMensuration, and Calculus.


School of Architecture, Industrial Engineering and the Built Environment


The School of AR-ID iscurrently assisting theMunicipality of Macabebe,Pampanga in the design of itsproposed “Macabebe HiddenParadise”.

Mayor Annette Balganrequested Mapua for thedesigns of the buildings thatwill be included in the sitedevelopment plan ofMacabebe Hidden Paradise.

Through the efforts of thefaculty members and studentsof Mapua, several designswere provided to Macabebefor their final approval.


The School of AR-ID-BE wasrequested to make a design forthe barangay center ofBarangay 869 in Pandacan,Manila last February 2017.

Faculty members and somestudents went to the area foran ocular inspection.Following site inspection, theteam proceeded with thepreparation of the design ofthe Barangay Center inaccordance with therequirements discussed duringthe meeting. The teamprepared two schemes.


School of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences


In adherence to the school’scommitment in thepropagation of an extensionculture of caring, sharing andempowering, a barangayseminar-workshop wasconducted by selectedcompetent faculty members ofthe School of Languages,Humanities and Social Sciences(SLHS). This time, theextension activity is aligned toa paramount goal sharedamong developed anddeveloping nations –Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) espoused by theUnited Nations, which must becascaded to the localcommunity level -- thebarangay, in particular.


School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management


The School of IE-EMG continued itseffort in conducting research-based projects for Mapua’sadopted communities.

Last February-March of 2017, theSchool of IE-EMG conducted aresearch project entitled“COMPOSTING: A Multi-FacetedAssessment of Transforming aBarangay-Level Activity into aSustainable Livelihood Project” forthe barangay of Chairman LorenaEngracial at Barangay 872,Pandacan, Manila.

The research focused on thegarbage collection, disposal andcomposting activities of thebarangay. At the end of theresearch, the school shall provide arecommendation on a barangay-wide implementation plan for asustainable livelihood program oncomposting.


Institutional Activities


For the past years, MapuaUniversity has been activelyinvolved in Blood DonationProgram which is a tie-up projectwith Jose Reyes Memorial MedicalCenter.

Three blood donation activitieswere conducted for the year 2017in both Mapua Intramuros andMakati campuses. YGC’s House ofInvestment also participated lastOctober 2017 in Makati campus.



In support to thegovernment’s effort tostrengthen the facilities of itsMega Drug Abuse Treatmentand Rehabilitation Center(DATRC), the MapuaUniversity through its SOCIPOffice donated assorted goodsand supplies last March 2017to DATRC.

Hygiene supplies, shirts, tablesand chairs were distributed toDATRC.

The donation was graced bythe Assistant Secretary AuroraIgnacio of the Office of theSpecial Assistant to thePresident and DILGUndersecretary John R.Castriciones.


The English Camp is a yearlyactivity that the ELC, togetherwith CCS and SLHS, facilitates forstudents from CYCU. For 2017,five students took part in theprogram.

The aim of the English Camp is toprovide opportunities forparticipants to learn and use theEnglish language in meaningfulcontexts. Various learningactivities were designed towardthe achievement of the goal.

Students’ activities consisted ofattending lectures, immersing inSLHS and engineering classes,joining organization activities,and participating in teambuilding activities and culturaltrips.


On November 24, 2017, the MapuaUniversity through its SOCIP Office, heldthe 10th Community Conference with thetheme “Unity in Diversity” at OneTagaytay Place in Tagaytay City. Theactivity was hosted by the council ofChairman Emilia Enriquez of Barangay 833Zone 91, Pandacan, Manila.

The community conference is a yearlyactivity of Mapua-SOCIP that aims to buildstronger linkage with the community onthe area of outreach programs of Mapua.For 2017, Mapua focused on givinginsights and guided the barangayparticipants on how to make a projectproposal for the community. Guidelineswere given by Mapua to properly addressissues concerning their barangays.

For 2017, the ComCon activities consistedof teaching the community on how toprepare a project proposal and teachingthe community about the bandagingtechniques for first aid.

The activity ended with the symbolicChristmas Tree lighting. Each chairmanwas given a star where they can writetheir pledge of support to Mapua. Thestars were placed in the Christmas Tree.



Members of the studentorganization, Honor Societyof Mapua (HSM) held anoutreach activity entitled“Interactive Tutorial” for thekids of Barangay 657 inIntramuros, Manila lastJanuary 2017.

The HSM members taughtthe children basicmathematical skills that canhelp them improve theirknowledge on certainmathematical problems.HSM also took theopportunity to promote theimportance of good studyhabits and the importanceof good moral behavior tothe kids.


The class of CWTS02 M-01 handled byKevin D. Diaz, RN conducted a Basic First-Aid under Disaster Preparedness Trainingfor the children of Pandacan, Manila. Theactivity aims to use the youth to provideprompt and effective basic care in orderto minimize morbidity and mortality indisaster situation. Children ages 7 to 12years old participated in the projectimplementation.


Greening the environment by planting different kinds of plants in the different areas ofPandacan, Manila is one of the top priorities of Mapua. Students were deployed to thebarangays to help in the greening project. Student activities involve transferring of soil andplants to the pots and improving the botanical garden of the barangay.


The CWTS02 students from sections B1 and M-01 conducted an educational project, TheLittle Einstein's – A Science Experiment for youth guided by their facilitator, Kevin D. Diaz.These experiments are a fun way to introduce children of all ages to basic scientific concepts.Critical thinking skills are enhanced during such activities. And with these experiments,children can ask the why, how and what questions.


RADIANCE 2017Joyrence Mervin Q. AgasDirector

Alma A. CanlasTechnical Assistant

Victor S. HilarioSocial and Community Relations Officer

Roy Vincent E. BelarminoRecords Management Officer

Percival C. ParungaoSocial Worker, EHLSDS

Jhon Paul C. BinagSystems Management and Special Projects Coordinator

Karen D. BernedoSocial Worker, SCSDS

Office for Social Orientation and Community Involvement Programs (SOCIP)

Headquarters, NSTP and the Mapúa-ROTC Unit (Mapúa-NSTP)

Mapua National Service Reserve Corps School Directorate Office (Mapúa-NSRCSDO)