racism comments

Ashley Morgan Racism Comments Racism comments can be found in almost all forms of social media including TV, magazines, the internet, and more. After watching The Angry Eye experiment I became more aware and realized the racial comments that my friends made and I even made. After watching only one episode of Family Guy I heard many racial comments and references to a certain group due to stereotypes. The racist and stereotype comments from Family Guy include: 1. Refering to their friend as “Mort the Jew.” 2. Saying that all Europeans are stupid. 3. All Jews have the last name Goldman meaning they are small business owners and hypochondriacs. 4. “I assure you he is a priest he has molested me many times.” 5. All Berlins have fat wives. 6. Many people in the army/air force are homosexual. After watching The Angry Eye experiment I started paying more attention to what my friends say and one time a black girl was speaking louder than she normally did and one of her friends asked her why she was being loud and said it must have been the black coming out in her.Sometimes, even when we are talking to our friends we make racial comments and don’t realize that they hurt. We need to become more aware of what we say to one another and stop making judgments about a person because of their ethnicity, race, hair color, or anything else.

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Racism comments

Ashley Morgan

Racism Comments

Racism comments can be found in almost all forms of social media including TV,

magazines, the internet, and more. After watching The Angry Eye experiment I became more

aware and realized the racial comments that my friends made and I even made. After watching

only one episode of Family Guy I heard many racial comments and references to a certain group

due to stereotypes.

The racist and stereotype comments from Family Guy include:

1. Refering to their friend as “Mort the Jew.”

2. Saying that all Europeans are stupid.

3. All Jews have the last name Goldman meaning they are small business owners and


4. “I assure you he is a priest he has molested me many times.”

5. All Berlins have fat wives.

6. Many people in the army/air force are homosexual.

After watching The Angry Eye experiment I started paying more attention to what my friends

say and one time a black girl was speaking louder than she normally did and one of her friends

asked her why she was being loud and said it must have been the black coming out in

her.Sometimes, even when we are talking to our friends we make racial comments and don’t

realize that they hurt. We need to become more aware of what we say to one another and stop

making judgments about a person because of their ethnicity, race, hair color, or anything else.