rachel fix.docx

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  • 7/29/2019 Rachel fix.docx


    Scenario 4 : (Ward: Post Operative)

    The Appendices Surgery has already finished , after the patient is conscious and

    delivered to ward, nurse observes and checks the patient first such as consciusness

    level , vital sign , peristaltic sound etc., nurse explains the mobilization technique in

    the following day of Rachel care in this ward.

    Five days after the surgery procedure , Rachel is given permission to come back in

    her daily activities and nurse gives the discharge planning , regarding Rachel


    Players :

    Father : Eko Anugrah KahayantoMother : Filia Sofiani Ikasari

    Rachel : Aprilia Ayu Widiarti

    Jessica : Alpi Rahmah

    Nurse1 : Devi Magdalena Siagian

    Nurse 2 : Ermawati Rohana

    Nurse 3 : Sitti Aminah Malawat

    Receptionist and : Jannatur Rahmah


    Doctor : Ahmad Ridhani

    Rachel's have surgery in the operating room. Mean while her father, mother and

    Jessica waited in the operating room.

    Mom : "Dad, How is Rachel? I am so worry. "

    Dad : "Dont worry, everything will be fine. Now we have to pray for

    Rachel successful operation. "

    Jessica : "Yes auntie, it's better now we pray. I believe Rachel's operations

    will be successful."

    Mom : "Amen, I hope Rachel gets successful operation."

    Two hours later, there is a sound of the door chime operating room, the doctor

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    came out with an expression that can not be guessed.

    Mom : "Doctor...doctor, how is our daughters condition doc? Is the

    Operation success?"

    Doctor : "Be calm Maam,I've tried as much as possible."

    Dad : "What do you mean doc? Is my daughter okay? Our daughter is

    Fine right Doc? "

    Jessica : "My best friend is fine right Doctor?"

    Doctor : "Well, calm down Sir, Maam, Miss, Rachels surgery well done,

    Now Rachel was able to be moved to the ward." (Smile)

    Mom : "Thankfully, our daughter is fine."

    Dad : Thank you very much doctor.

    Jessica : "Yeah Doctor, thanks for trying so hard."

    Doctor : You are welcome, i have to go.

    After Rachel had surgery and came out of anesthesia, she was transferred to the

    ward by a nurse 1 on duty in the ward, then the nurse observe and check the

    condition of Rachel.

    Nurse1 : "Good morning.You are Rachel, right? "

    Rachel : Alright, nurse.

    Nurse1 : "Introduction, my name is Nurse Rosalie and besides me is nurse

    Esme.Today, we will check your condition. Then, nurse Esme and

    me, will measured your blood pressure and body temperature by use

    some tools.Are you ready, Rachel? "

    Rachel : "Yes I am ready nurse. But, does it hurt nurse? "

    Nurse 2 : "Oh calm down Rachel, it is not going to hurt."

    Nurse 1 : "Have you any complaints, Rachel?"

    Rachel : "My head is a bit headache nurse."

    Mom : "Last night she vomited nurse."

    Nurse 2 : "Oh, dizziness and vomiting usually happen after the surgery, it

    will be okay by the time, Maam."

    Mom : "Ohh, I see nurse."

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    Nurse 1 : "Now, how is your condition, Rachel?"

    Rachel : "The nausea was mild nurse."

    Nurse 1 : "Oh, I see."

    Nurse 2 : "Well, now we just begin the examination."

    Rachel : okay, nurse.

    After observing and checking the condition of Rachel, the two nurses went to the

    nurse's room, where they met with the head room nurse (nurse 3).

    Nurse : "Good morning, nurse." (Synchronously)

    Nurse 3 : "Good morning, how the results of the patient named Rachel?"

    Nurse 1 : "Rachel's condition had improved nurse."

    Nurse 3 : "Oh yeah? Where's the data? "

    Nurse 2 : "These data from observation and examination, nurse." (Provide data

    to nurse 3)

    Nurse 3 : "Hmm, yes, good observations, for the next task to take care of

    Rachel I leave to both of you until the doctor allows Rachel to go


    Nurse : "Okay nurse." (Synchronously)

    That night, doctors and nurses 3 headed for Rachel to check her condition.

    Doctor : "Night nurse."

    Nurse 3 : "Night doc."

    Doctor : "How is the condition of patient's post-operative named Rachel?"

    (Thrusting data)

    Nurse 3 : "The situation continues to progress doc, this is the data."

    Doctor : Oh, okay.

    Arriving at Rachel's room, doctors and nurses 3 check on Rachels condition.

    Doctor : "Good evening Rachel."

    Nurse 3 : "Good evening Rachel."

    Rachel : Evening, doc, nurse.

    Doctor : "Introduction, my name is Charlie and She is nurse Alice, We come

    here to check Rachels condition."

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    Rachel : Yes, doc.

    Doctor : "Rachel, how do you feel now?"

    Rachel : "My stomach has recently felt pain doc."

    Doctor : "Oh, well let me check, excuse me, would you open your shirt,


    Rachel : "Yes doc."

    Doctor : "Well, I will write a prescription for Rachel." (Write a prescription

    and then handed it over to Rachel's father).

    Dad : "Thanks doc."

    Nurse 3 : "You can make up for it at the pharmacy drug's Hospital."

    Dad : "Yes, nurse."

    Doctor : "Well, Rachel, sir, Maam, I and nurse Alice have to go."

    Nurse 3 : "I hope get well Rachel." (Doctor and nurse 3 left Rachels room)

    After obtaining a prescription from a doctor, Rachel's father went to the pharmacy to

    pick up medication. However, after searching for 30 minutes in the . Hospital

    Rachel's father also did not find a pharmacy.

    Dad : "Well, I can not find where the pharmacy. Well, there is

    receptionist, I'll ask around. "

    Receptionist : "Excuse me Sir, what I can do for you?"

    Dad : "Yes miss, well, I want to go to the pharmacy but I could not find

    where it is, Could you show me the direction?"

    Receptionist : "Oh, of course sir. Well, from this way you just straight, there will be

    an intersection, turn right and go straight on then go up the stairs and

    you find an intersection on second floor then turn left. The pharmacy is

    in front of of obstetric clinic, sir. "

    Dad : "Oh, well thank you miss. By the way, why the big hospital like this

    do not have signage miss? "

    Receptionist : "Yes sir, you are welcome. In fact there are signs the pack but is

    being renovated, but we have the map, it is at the entrance. "

    Dad : "Oh, I see. Thanks miss, . "

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    Receptionist : "You're welcome, sir, please."

    After receiving instructions from the receptionist Rachel's father arrived at the


    Dad : "Excuse me miss, I want to pay for healthcare, this is the recipe."

    Pharmacist : "Well sir, you please wait in the waiting room to wait in line, yes


    Dad : "Yes miss."

    Twenty minutes later ...

    Pharmacist : "Miss Rachel ..."

    Dad : Yes, miss.

    Pharmacist : "This is a cure, there are three types. That is anti-pain, pain when

    taken alone, yes sir, this vitamin drink 1 a day and this antibiotic

    medications taken 2 times a day. Be sure to routine antibiotics and

    should be taken out, yes sir. In total 200 thousand rupiah. "

    Dad : "Well miss, is the money, thank you."

    Pharmacist : "You're welcome, sir."

    The next day in the room, only accompanied by Jessica Rachel because Rachel's

    mother and father could not leave his office job.

    Jessica : "Rachel, how do you feel? Does it hurt? "

    Rachel : "I'm feeling better. By the way while I was in hospital, there is

    homework in school? "

    Jessica : "Yeah, there is. Mathematics homework by Mr.Edward, and you

    know, the questions was really hard to be solved. "

    Rachel : "Really? Oh no, I would have left behind a lot of lessons. "And about

    your learning problems, I can help you to pursue your miss class."

    Jessica : "Do not worry Rachel, all teachers have understand your situation

    Rachel : "Ohhh, you're really my best friend. Thanks Jess. "

    Jessica : "You're welcome Rachel."

    Suddenly there was a knock doors,nurse Rosalie and nurse Esme came to mobilize


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    Nurse 1 : "Good morning, Rachel and Jessica."

    Nurse 2 : "What are you talking about girls? It looks interesting. "

    Jessica : "Yes nurse, Rachel asks about homework and I told her about our

    homeworkthat we have to finish."

    Rachel : (smiles)

    Nurse 1 : "Rachel, we came here to teach you how to move your body, because

    it was two days you're just lying."

    Rachel : "Yes nurse, my body also feels stiff."

    Nurse 2 : "Well, then lets begin the procedure."

    Rachel : (nods)

    After the nurse Rosalie and nurse Esme teach nurses mobilization...

    Nurse 1 : "Rachel, we had finished helping to move your body, now how do

    you feel?"

    Rachel : "I've felt better, nurse, thank you very much."

    Nurse 2 : "With pleasure, Rachel."

    Nurse 1 : "Then we'll excuse me yes, then when you need something you can

    press the bell was there or you can ask your friends to call us at the

    nurse room."

    Rachel : "Okay nurse."

    Jessica : "Ready, nurse!"

    A few minutes after Nurse Rosalie and Nurse Esmecame out, the doctor come in

    andbrings a happy news.

    Doctor : "Good morning, Rachel. How are you? "

    Rachel : "Morning doc. Now I feel better than tomorrow. The pain that I felt

    in the stomach also does not feel pain anymore. "

    Jessica : "Yeah doc, she was able to laugh and joke with me."

    Doctor : "Oh, good then. Today, I came to check out your situation, if you are

    willing, Rachel? "

    Rachel : "Yes, please doc."

    Doctor : (examination)

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    Doctor : "Well, your situation has greatly improved, as is improving and you

    are allowed to go home tomorrow and be treated the way."

    Rachel : "Really doc? I'm glad to hear it. "

    Doctor : "Yeah right."

    Jessica : "Whoa, congratulations Rachel, finally you may go home."

    Rachel : "Yes Jess, what a good news!"

    Rachel : "Thank you very much doc." (With a face beaming)

    Doctor : "Well, excuse me please."

    Rachel : "Yes doc."

    Soon the Rachels father and mother came.

    Dad & Mom : "Good morning, dear."

    Rachel : "Morning, mom, dad! Rachel got a good news. "

    Mother : "Oh yeah? Whats the good news, dear? "

    Dad : "Yeah what's the news?"

    Rachel : "Tomorrow ...... is .... I can go home!"

    Mom : "Really? Thanks God. We should celebrate it."

    Dad : "Well, congratulations dear, it was really a good news, thats mean

    you've recovered."

    Rachel : "Yes pap, mam."

    The next day at 9 am, when Rachels father and mother busy to tidy the clothes and

    belongings they had brought from home, Rachel and Jessica was busy joking and

    when Rachel wanted to go to the toilet ...

    Rachel : "Wait me Jess, I need to go to the toilet first." (Brisk walking)

    Jessica : Okay.

    Suddenly Rachel slipped because there was no drinking water is spilled on the front

    of the toilet.

    Rachel : "Ouuuuuch!!! (Fell and his head hit the door algae and bleed, then

    Rachel was unconscious)

    Jessica : (Running towards Rachel) "Rachel, Rachel, why did it get like

    this?"(Crying) (Mom and Dad ran up to Rachel)

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    Mom : "Oh my God, Rachel ... Dad, please call the nurse." (Panic)

    Dad : "Yes mom."

    Soon the nurses and doctors came.

    Nurse 3 : "Sorry sir, ma'am, miss, please come out first, we will check Rachels


    Mom : "yes nurse." (While crying)

    Dad : "Patience dear." (Crying)

    Jessica : (just cry)

    Ten minutes later, the doctors and nurses out of the Rachels rooml.

    Mom : " Rachel is fine right, doc?"

    Doctor : "Sorry sir, ma'am, Rachel ...." Rachel suffered bleeding in his brain,

    and now she unconscious ...."

    Jessica : "Rachel, how is her condirion?" (Crying)

    Doctor : "Sorry, we've tried as much as possible, but ...her head was hit so

    hard that injure the brain."

    Mom : "What?! It's impossible. "(came into the Rachels room)

    Dad : "Do not joke doc! Please tell me that was a lie. "

    Doctor : "I'm sorry sir, but that's the reality. "

    Jessica : "No way, no way." (Go to Rachel's room)

    A few days rachel has not regained consciousness, his mother's father always faith-

    fully accompanied rachel in the hospital even though the state has not improved and

    rachel unconscious.

    Father : " patient ma`am, surely rachel soon regained consciousness, we

    should alwayspray for healing rachel. "

    Mother : (with a sad look on his face) "ok, i`m trying patiently".

    Suddenly electrocardiography devices installed on rachel began to show a decrease

    in heart rate, rachel father began to panic and immediately called the nurse and

    doctor. When the doctor headed for Rachel, the tool shows heartbeat stopped rachel.

    Mom Rachel : (crying, hugging her daughter). "Surviving Rachel the doctor is

    coming soon".

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    When the doctor arrives, and Rachel`s father ..

    Father : "Help my child doc", (while crying) ..

    Doctor : " I'm sorry sir, ma`am, your child could not be saved anymore".

    So that, it turns out though Rachel has recovered after an appendectomy, destiny has

    its own story. Finally, Rachel`s family and jessica are mourn.