raaío eoíngs - americanradiohistory.com...tery serial, "the haunted house of kil- dare,"...

Raaío Eoíngs Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. New York Office Los Angeles Office San Francisco Office J. \V. HASTIE IIORW OOD PUB. CO. H. H. CONGER CO. 155 East 42nd Street 407 East Pico Street 929 -30 Hearst Bldg. Vanderbilt 4661 \VEstmore 1401 Garfield 8990 CLOYII MARSHALL, JR., Editor GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Business Manager K. G. ORMISTON, Technical Editor DOROTHY HUMMEL, Studio Editor Copyright, 1930, by Ilorwood Publishing Co. RADIO DOINGS, June 7, 1930. Issued weekly at 407 East Pico, Suite 400, Los An- geles, Calif. Volume 16, No. 24. Subscription $3.00 a year. Entered as second class matter, Nov. 25, 1922, Los Angeles, Calif., Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1879. CONTENTS Radio Topics of the Day 9 The Majestic Chicago Trip 14 Studio News 11 A Page from the Life of Ray Paige 15 Questions and Answers 13 Timely Trade Topics 46 -47 DIRECTORY OF DETAILED PROGRAMS Call Letters Location Freq. Page Call Letters Location Freq. Page KDYL.. Salt Lake City.... 1290 44 KJR.... Seattle 970 39 KECA.. Los Angeles 1430 23 KMIC ... Inglewood 1120 32 KELW..Burbank 780 29 KMPC.. Beverly Hills 710 26 KEX....Portland 1170 37 KMTR.. Hollywood 570 22 KFI Los Angeles 640 17 KNX....Hollywood 1050 20 KFOX.. Long Beach 1250 29 KOA....Denver 830 45 KFRC.. San Francisco.... 610 34 KOL....Seattle 1270 38 KFSD...San Diego 600 31 KOMO.. Seattle 920 40 KFSG ...Los Angeles 1120 30 KPO....San Francisco.... 680 33 KFVD.. Culver City 1000 22 KQW ... San Jose 1010 36 KFWB.. Hollywood 950 21 KSL.... Salt Lake City.... 1090 43 KFX111.. San Bernardino 1210 32 KTAB.. San Francisco.... 560 35 KGB.... San Diego 1330 27 KTBI... Los Angeles 1300 31 KG EF ...Los Angeles 1300 35 KTM....Los Angeles 780 28 KGER.. Long Beach 1360 30 KVI.....Tacoma 760 41 KGFJ...Los Angeles 1200 27 KYA....San Francisco.... 1230 36 KGO....Oakland 790 33 Columbia Broadcasting System 18 KGW... Portland 620 42 National Broadcasting Co. 16 KHJ.... Los Angeles 900 19 University of So. California 26 iO4 í04 }=4 1.0. i=X íQ { íO4 FQ t 0 Yoa will appreciate RADIO DOINGS, the up- to- the -minute station and program guide, delivered to your home each week. There is no trouble or worry on your part; simply enclose a $3.00 check with this coupon and RADIO DOINGS will 0 begin at once for a whole year. Na Ad HERE IS YOUR STATION DIRECTORY! me dress Mail to 407 East Pico St., Los Angeles, Calif. I'QiiOtíOiíQ{íQi>f0{}0=01fO{ www.americanradiohistory.com

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Raaío Eoíngs Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

New York Office Los Angeles Office San Francisco Office J. \V. HASTIE IIORW OOD PUB. CO. H. H. CONGER CO.

155 East 42nd Street 407 East Pico Street 929 -30 Hearst Bldg. Vanderbilt 4661 \VEstmore 1401 Garfield 8990

CLOYII MARSHALL, JR., Editor GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Business Manager K. G. ORMISTON, Technical Editor DOROTHY HUMMEL, Studio Editor

Copyright, 1930, by Ilorwood Publishing Co.

RADIO DOINGS, June 7, 1930. Issued weekly at 407 East Pico, Suite 400, Los An- geles, Calif. Volume 16, No. 24. Subscription $3.00 a year. Entered as second class matter, Nov. 25, 1922, Los Angeles, Calif., Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1879.

CONTENTS Radio Topics of the Day 9 The Majestic Chicago Trip 14

Studio News 11 A Page from the Life of Ray Paige 15

Questions and Answers 13 Timely Trade Topics 46 -47


Letters Location Freq. Page Call

Letters Location Freq. Page KDYL.. Salt Lake City.... 1290 44 KJR.... Seattle 970 39 KECA.. Los Angeles 1430 23 KMIC ... Inglewood 1120 32 KELW..Burbank 780 29 KMPC.. Beverly Hills 710 26 KEX....Portland 1170 37 KMTR.. Hollywood 570 22 KFI Los Angeles 640 17 KNX....Hollywood 1050 20 KFOX.. Long Beach 1250 29 KOA....Denver 830 45 KFRC.. San Francisco.... 610 34 KOL....Seattle 1270 38 KFSD...San Diego 600 31 KOMO.. Seattle 920 40 KFSG ...Los Angeles 1120 30 KPO....San Francisco.... 680 33 KFVD.. Culver City 1000 22 KQW ... San Jose 1010 36 KFWB.. Hollywood 950 21 KSL.... Salt Lake City.... 1090 43 KFX111.. San Bernardino 1210 32 KTAB.. San Francisco.... 560 35 KGB.... San Diego 1330 27 KTBI... Los Angeles 1300 31 KG EF ...Los Angeles 1300 35 KTM....Los Angeles 780 28 KGER.. Long Beach 1360 30 KVI.....Tacoma 760 41 KGFJ...Los Angeles 1200 27 KYA....San Francisco.... 1230 36 KGO....Oakland 790 33 Columbia Broadcasting System 18 KGW... Portland 620 42 National Broadcasting Co. 16 KHJ.... Los Angeles 900 19 University of So. California 26

iO4 í04 }=4 1.0. i=X íQ { íO4 FQ t


Yoa will appreciate RADIO DOINGS, the up- to- the -minute station and program guide, delivered to your home each week. There is no trouble or worry on your part; simply enclose a $3.00 check with this coupon and RADIO DOINGS will


begin at once for a whole year.





dress Mail to 407 East Pico St., Los Angeles, Calif. I'QiiOtíOiíQ{íQi>f0{}0=01fO{


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Los Angeles


June Radio Doing.+ 9

Weekly Review of adío News- 2houq/iíand Opinion


South Africa has only three broad- casting stations and these operate on low power and thus serve small areas, Consul Cecil M. P. Cross, of Cape Town, has reported to the Department of Com- merce. The stations are located at Durban, Cape Town, and Johannesburg, and all are owned by a single company.

Most of the broadcasting is in Eng- lish although parts of every program are given in Afrikaans, which is the language most widely used in the farm- ing communities. Talent is limited and phonograph records are still largely relied upon.

The stations are financed largely by license fees on the receiving sets. Ad- vertising forms only a small portion of the income and consists chiefly in the reading of announcements.


The Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia is in effect a Super -Radio Commission, whose decisions in radio matters are administrative rather than judicial and not subject to review, the United States Supreme Court held in dismissing the Commission's appeal in the WGY case.

A hint of the attitude of the Supreme Court had been given several months previously when the Justices declined to bear argument of the General Elec- tric counsel on the ground that it was unnecessary. This was the first opin- ion the court has rendered concerning the regulation of radio.

This view of the Appellate Court has already been incorporated in the Cou - zens Bill for the creation of a Commu- nications Commission. A provision in the measure specifies that only in mat-

ters of law can radio cases be carried higher than the District Court.

The opinion, written by Justice Van Devanter, closes one of the most nota- ble and longest radio cases on record. It dates back to the first general re- allocation order of the Radio Commis- sion in November, 1928. WGY was then reduced to limited time on the 790 kilo- cycle channel, on which Station KGO, of Oakland, Calif., also a General Elec- tric station, was placed on full time. The Schenectady station took an ap peal to the Court of Appeals, which re- versed the Commission's decision.


Instead of leaving the Radio Editors "high and dry ", as is frequently the case when radio stations make late changes in their schedules, Station WAIU announcers at Columbus, Ohio, explain on the air that it is not the fault of the press when the printed an- nouncements and the actual program do not agree. When a change that is too late to get in the papers is made, the following announcement is placed on the air:

"Because of an emergency, WAIU has been forced to make a change in its schedule as announced to the press, and therefore, it is through no fault of the Radio Editors that this station's schedule appears incorrectly.

Western Broadcasters please note.


The Milwaukee Journal, which now operates Station WTMJ, has applied to the Federal Radio Commission for au- thority to erect a television station as well. The application specifies the 2800 kilocycle channel in the continental short wave band.


Io Radio Doings June 7

The New faicK

Note the beautiful rich walnut finish, and design of this modern cabinet. Dimensions 173 in. x 1434 in. x 9% in.

the ore

The chassis of the Falck Model 77 is unusually sturdy, and completely shielded, with all wiring insuloted, and the transformer well ventilated and cooled.


Complete with Tubes


$5950 Never before has such a high -

grade set as this Model 77 FALCK, complete with tubes and Dynamic Speaker, sold for a price anywhere near as low as $59.50.

It is a set that will blend with its surroundings and that anyone should be proud to own. The cabi- net, in beautiful rubbed walnut, is of a striking modern design.

Here are the specifications: 1. Completely licensed under RCA, Hazeltine, and La Tour patents. 2. Complete with all A. C. tubes. 3. Equipped with full Dynamic Speaker. 4. Illuminated kilocycle reading dial. 5. Unusually sturdy, completely shielded chassis.

Don't fail to see this fine set be- fore buying a radio.

ADVANCE ELECTRIC CO. Established 1915

1260 West 2nd St. Los Angeles, Calif.


June 7 Radio Doings 11

The melodious voices of the Dare Sisters are not the only attractive things about these two KMTR artists, as you will quickly see by glancing at our cover this week. Dorothy and Mary Dare have been singing lilting melodies for quite some time over local broad- casting stations and for the last eight months exclusively over KMTR. You may enjoy these entertaining young la- dies every Sunday evening between 9 and 10; Saturday nights on the Mickey Mouse program; Thursday evening at 8, and other times, not on regular sched- ule, over the Hollywood station.

KFWI, San Francisco, announces the removal of its studios to the Bellevue Hotel, Geary and Taylor Streets, San Francisco. KFWM, also of the north- ern city, recently changed its call let- ters to KRONA', retaining former fre- quency, power and location.

To all Charlie Hamp fans -we have it on good authority that the "'cello - voiced" radio entertainer is leaving Cali- fornia for Cleveland, where he has signed a long term contract with a Cleveland station.

The new Russian Gypsy Orchestra, under the brilliant leadership of Greg-

. ory W. Golubeff, formerly concert mas- ter of the Imperial Russian Balalaika Orchestra, will be heard each Sunday evening from KYA between the hours of 5 and 6.

KHT announces that Anthony Euwer, the distinguished poet, artist, lecturer and radio personality, will talk a little about most everything to the air audi- ence daily, 7:30 to 7:45 a. m. Mr. Eu- wer gained radio recognition as the Bard of the Air and Philosopher of the Cross Roads on the old ABC chain. He has a rare power of description gilded with humor; his approach to the world is entirely human and sympathetic. On Sundays, Mr. Euwer's chat is scheduled for 8:45 in the morning:

The Happy Chappies, dressed identi- cally, debonair, and with the undefin- able poise born of long years on the stage, have joined the featured artist ranks of KFI -KECA. They are Nat Vin- cent and Fred Howard, song writers, singers and pianists. Two numbers on- ly from the hundreds of hits which they have written are sufficient to endear them to the hearts of the radio public. "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" and "When the Bloom is on the Sage."

It is not too late to get the gist of the inhuman and supernatural new mys- tery serial, "The Haunted House of Kil- dare," by Gene Homer Griffith, which is being given over KMPC every Tuesday night at 9.

Dick Dixon purveys some brilliant or- gan melodies six nights a week at 11 p. m. over KGER, Long Beach. This is known as the "Quiet Time Tunes" and as such carries no announcements except the station call letters.

Seymour Hastings, well known in all fields of radio in Southern California, is now conducting a series of interest- ing talks entitled "Seeing Southern California." His schedule is as follows: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday over KNX at 9:10 a. m.; KFWB, 10:45 a. m.; KECA at noon; KFI, 12:30; and KFOX, 3:45 p. m.

If your interest is intrigued by oddi- ties, you will be entertained by KOL's Friday night program. It is called "Would You Believe It ?" and the time is 7:30 p. m.

The Tuesday Noon Club of KYA brings Tex Frolich to the microphone with thrilling tales of adventures in the air. Out of 10,000 flying hours which Tex has to his credit, approximately 3000 of them were obtained during the World War. Flying enthusiasts as well as lovers of thrilling stories will enjoy these talks by a man who thoroughly knows his subject.


12 Radio Doings

H-A--M June 7




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.inne î Radio Doings

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QUESTION -1 notice that some sets advertise an "automatic volume con- trol." Will you explain what is meant by this, and does it eliminate the usual volume control knob?

H. T., Los Angeles. ANSWER -This is a method of con-

trolling the grid bias on the RF ampli- fier tubes, by means of an additional tube. In operation, it has two advan- tages. The first is that it prevents local stations from blasting in with very heavy volume when you pass over one with the volume control set for a weaker station. For example, assume that you live near Los Angeles. You are listen- ing to KPO, and then want to tune up to KFSD. As you pass over KFI, it is unnecessary to touch the volue control, because, automatically, KFI will have no greater volume than KPO and KFSD. And as you run up and down the dial, practically all stations will come in with the same volume. The sensitivity of the set is automatically reduced when you strike a strong local signal, and in- creased when you come to a weak sig- nal. The second advantage is that it eliminates fading to a large extent. You have noticed how semi -distant or dis- tant stations fade in and out while you are listening to them, without your touching the set at all. This is a natu- ral phenomena, due to a shifting of the Heaviside Layer, and until now there was nothing that could be done about it, unless you kept your hand on the volume control and kept pace with the fading by raising and lowering the vol- ume. With the automatic volume con- trol, however, this is done automatically, so that the signal is reproduced with an even volume. When the signal has a tendency to fade below the volume for which you adjusted the set, the sensi- tivity will automatically increase just as though you had manually turned up the control, and will again decrease when the signal surges hack strongly.

Of course, when the fading is so bad that the signal fades out entirely with the volume control wide open, the auto- matic feature will not bring it back

any more than you could build up an inaudible signal after your manual vol- ume control is already wide open.

QUESTION -Will you please explain what is meant by "Tone Control" as in- corporated in radio receivers?

H. T., Los Angeles. ANSWER -This is a variable filter

circuit connected in the audio amplifier channel which serves to suppress either the high end of the frequency range or the low, as the case may be. It enables the set operator to thus alter the overall frequency characteristics of the set, to produce music of a nature pleasing to his particular ear. It is based on the assumption that there is a variation in the human ear in its re- sponse to music frequencies, and that, therefore, the matter of personal taste enters into the question of tone fidelity. In other words, does the listener want reproduction, which is as nearly accurate as it is possible to make it, or does he want what best suits his own ear and his own conception of how the music should sound. Some manufacturers take the former stand, and some provide the tone control which, by the turn of a knob, causes either the high or low fre- quencies of the music to predominate. This knob can be adjusted for the nor- mal full -range reproduction, of course, when desired.

NBC Acquires KTAR Outstanding stars of the radio world

will be heard by the radio audience, Sunday, June 8, when station KTAR of Phoenix, Ariz., becomes associated with the National Broadcasting Company.

"Arizona on NBC Parade" is the gala program arranged in celebration of the inaugural in which New York, Chicago and the Pacific Coast divisions will par- ticipate.

Broadcast through the nation -wide network of NBC stations. The pro- gram will begin promptly at 7:15 PST, and continue until 8 o'clock.


14 Radio Doings

The Majestic Chicago Trip By K.

Chicago, Ill. -Two special trains, snaking their way speedily over moun- tains and across deserts, plains and fer- tile valleys, brought to Chicago 250 Ma- jestic radio dealers from Southern Cali- fornia and Arizona. It was the second annual pilgrimage, sponsored by Ungar & Watson, Majestic distributors, and Grigsby -Grunow Company of Chicago, manufacturers.

With joy rides at Salt Lake City and Cheyenne, pajama parades at Ogden and Omaha, with the band and serenaders, the movies each night, the entertain- ment provided by the inimitable Harry James, etc., the boys had a wonderful time. In fact, Sheriff Hatfield was kept mighty busy trying to prevent the lads from taking some of the towns to pieces along the way. As it was, the second train, known as the "Bill Bouldin Spe- cial," arrived in Chicago just two hours late for some undetermined reason. Pos- sibly they sidetracked at Cicero, in or- der to finish a game of dominoes!

The dealers were the guests of Grigs- by-Grunow Company at the Lake Shore Athletic Club, where the Sales School

June 7

G. O. was conducted. Here they attended seven sessions of instruction, where they heard lectures on every phase of radio merchandising. They saw the new Majestic models for the coming season and the Majestic Power Refrigerator. They were instructed in everything, from the technical and engineering standpoints, to the best methods of win- dow dressing. They took notes on every lecture; they sang at every session; they played and worked and slept (a little), and finally were examined. Those who passed, first as men, then as sales- men, and finally as Majestic salesmen, were awarded the red Majestic ring, which is the identifying symbol, making its wearers welcome when he "pulls" your doorbell.

The lads went through the (great plants where 5000 Majestic receivers are manufactured daily; they witnessed a baseball game at the Cubs home field; they dined at the famous "Terrace Gar- den;" they saw Chic Sales, of "The Spe- cialist" fame, in "Hello, Paris;" they shook Bill Grunow by the hand; they

(Continued on Page 47)

IkCAtikadiola MADE BY THE MAKERS OF THE RADIOTRON Call or telephone today one of the authorized

dealers listed below for a demonstration




643 S. Hill St. TRinity 0746


Richardson's Music Store 730 W. Seventh St. TRinity 0194

AUTHORIZED RADIOLA DEALERS AND SERVICE STATION Bring your radio troubles to us to solve. Prompt, efficient, reasonable- all work guaranteed.

Our service department is under the supervision of a technician who was trained for years in the R. C. A. Laboratories.

Telephone CRestview 4607 J. M. ROUSH 134 Wilshire Blvd.

Beverly Hills, Calif.


June % Radio Doings 15

A Page from the Life of Ray Paige By DICK CREEDON

A rigid baton directed by a flexible brain occupying the skull of Raymond

Paige, Musical Di- rector of KHJ, has accomplished what has been called impossible in the past. Heaven, to the manager of a radio station, is a place where radio orchestras can play symphonies, grand operas, musical

RAYMOND PAIGE comedies, jazz and popular ballads

with equal facility. Probably every major station has experimented hope- fully with orchestras and directors in the hope of creating such a heaven on earth. But Raymond Paige, if the records of radio history are complete and accurate, is the first mortal to make the splendid little idea work smoothly. Therefore, Mr. Paige auto- matically becomes an immortal -al- though he is still subject to colds, chill - blains, stomach aches and the various disappointments of life. Let us be very blunt about the whole matter: The KHJ orchestra, when directed by Raymond Paige, can play all types of music with equal facility. And what are you going to do about it? Tune in, possibly.

William S. Paley, chief of the Colum- bia Broadcasting System, was deeply impressed by the really glaring virtues of Los Angeles on his recent visit. But the shock from which he is now recov- ering came when he discovered that the same orchestra and director which he had heard playing a Lohengrin Opera Miniature at eight o'clock one evening was batting out a hot, fast dance broadcast at nine the same night -with convincing distinction in both cases. According to Mr. Paley, it really isn't being done in the East.

Although Mr. Paige would win the musical decathlon at the Olympic games, he insists that there are direc- tors who would break the tape first in any single event. It is just too bad that the leaders of the great symphony orchestras -many of them, at least - can't even get off their marks when it comes to playing even the light clas- sics, let alone jazz and musical comedy.

And it is equally sad for the managers of radio stations that our geniuses of syncopation give up when confronted by anything cooler than 175 degrees fahren -let's say, centigrade -easier to spell -or born before 1910.

For all this, there's a reason. You might as well know the whole truth now. When little Raymond was 14 years old, Chicago thought it saw through its smoke another fiddle genius. The lad was clever with the bow. One night, in a fairly conspicuous recital, a four -year -old Russian with large ears was pushed in on a kiddie kar and made our boy look like a ham without mustard. For six weeks, Raymond didn't feel like eating. Then he made a second discovery: That the four - year -old had, in turn, been completely outclassed by a Bulgarian, age three and three -quarters. Immediately, this being an age of specialization, the fu- ture musical director of KHJ deter- mined to specialize in generalizing. He wandered or ran from one field of music to another and with his tremen- dous power of absorption, unusual phy- sical and mental vitality, an amazing enthusiasm, gathered experience. Play- ing in symphony and grand opera orchestras; attending hundreds of re- hearsals under the great conductors of grand opera and symphony; learning musical comedy at the feet of Victor Herbert and going on the road as con- cert master of a musical comedy show; headfirst into the show business; mak- ing the Orpheum and Pantages circuits; in charge of routing, revision, coach- ing acts for the Publix houses; drilling dancing and vocal choruses, preparing jazz band novelties; learning dance music from the big jazz boys and con- ducting his own bands in big hotels and theaters; and finally into the lap of radio and KHJ. Musically speaking, Raymond Paige has been everywhere and is at home everyplace. He is a glutton for experience and saves and catalogues everyone of them for future use. In radio, future use means to- night or tomorrow at the latest. Six nights a week, KHJ draws heavily upon his knowledge of symphony music. musical comedy, jazz and showmanship. Raymond Paige is a rare leader, a demon for any form of punishment, a

(Continued on Page 44)


16 Radio Doings June 7 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

National Broadcasting Co., Inc. PACIFIC COAST NETWORK


Howard Mllholland Program Director

Jennings Pierce Chief Announces


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:30 a. m, -The Chanticleers. 7:45 a. m. -Aunt Jemima's Boy. 8:00 a. m.- Financial Sarvice. KGO. 8:00 a. m. -Tap Dancing Lessons. 8:30 a. m.-Cross Cuts of the Day. KGO. 9:00 a. m. -Meet the Folks. KGO.

10:30 a. m.- Woman'a Magazine of tha Air (except Thursday).

11:30 a. m. -NBC, Philharmonic Organ (excapt Thurs- day). KGO.

11:45 a. m. -The Hour of the Canny Cook. 7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy.

11:00 p. m.- Laughner -Harris Hotel St. Francis Danca Orchestra (except Thursday and Saturday). KGO.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 9:00 a. m. -Bibla Stories.

10:00 a. m. -Arion Trio. 11:00 a. m.- Friendly (lour, J. Stanley Durkee, speaker. 12:00 noon -National Sunday Forum, Ralph W. Sock -

man. 1:00 p. m.- Twilight Reveries, Dr. Chas. Godell. 2:00 p. m.- Catholic Hour. 3:00 p. m.- Sunday Concert brings classical music. 4:00 p. m. -Enna Jettick Melodies, Mixed Quartet. 4:00 p. m.- Muslcal Musketeers. KGO. KECA. 4:15 p. m.-- Collier's Radio Hour; story, music, and

speaker. 5:00 p. m. -News Service. 5:15 p. m.- Atwater Kent Hour, Gilbert & Sullivan

Melodies. 5:15 p. m.- Candia Light Silltouettes. 5:45 p. m. -Tha Olympians, Male Quartet. KGO. 5:45 p. m. -In the Tima of Roses, Women's Octet,

tanor and orchastra. 6:15 p. m.- Studebaker Champions, Jean Goldketta's

Orchestra. 6:45 p. m.- Sunday at Seth Parkar's -informa], semi-

religious. 7:15 p. m. -KTAR Inaugural program. 8:00 p. m. -World Wanderings -St. Mark's Cathedral,

Vanice. 8:30 p. m.- Gunnar Johansen. pianist. 9:00 p. m.- Borden program -Selactions from "Rosa

Marie." 9:30 p. m. -The Readar's Guide.

10:00 p. m.- Concert Jawels presents " Finlandia" by Sibellus,

11:00 p. m.- Musical Musketeers. MONDAY, JUNE 9

9:30 a. m. -Radio Ramblings. 10:15 a. m.- Josephlna B. Gibson, Food Talk. 12:00 noon -Rembrandt Trio. 1:00 p. m.- Musical Musketeers. 2:00 p. in.- Mormon Tabernacla Choi' and Instrumcn-

tal and ('boral Music. 2:30 p. m.- Pacific ('oast School of the Air. 3:00 p. m.- Matinee Time. 3:15 p. m. -Tha World Today, Jas. G. McDonald. 3:30 p. m. -Boxy and his Gang -Mildred Hunt, con-

tralto. 4:30 p. m.- Musical Echoes. 4:45 p. m. -Newa Service. 5:00 p. m.- Maytag Orchestra, popular music. 5:30 p. m.- General Motors Family l'arty. 6:00 p. m.- Stromberg- Carlson program; Paul \\bite

conducts 50 -pleca orchestra. 6:30 p. m.- Empira Builders, with Harvey Hayes, the

old timer. 7:00 p. m.- Latin- American Concert with 100 musi-

clans. 7:45 p. m. -John and Ned. 8:00 p. m. -ltudy Seiger's Shell Symphonists. 8:00 p. m.- Musical Musketeers. KGO, KECA. 8:45 p. m.-Talk by Krishnamurti, llindu poet.

9:00 p. nt. -Voica of Firestone. 9:30 p. rn. -Ilarp Harmony, Melodies of Italy.

10:00 p. m.- llouse of Myths. "The Potency." 10:30 p. m. -Hot Spot of Radio, requests.


9:30 a. m.- William Don. 9:45 a. m. -The Entartainers.

10:15 a. m. -Color Harmony program. 12:00 noou- Pacific Vagabonds, featuring Univ. of Cal.

sung. 1:00 p. m. -The Novelty Five. 1:30 p. m.-Pacific ('oast School of the Air, Harold

G. Stonier of American Inst. of Banking. 2:00 p. m. -Rlark and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:30 p. m.- Hotel Paramount Orchestra. 3 :00 p. m. -Mary Mc('oy with String Trio. 3:15 p. m.- Heroes and Patriots- "The banished men

who caused an Indian war." 3:30 p. m.- Lew White Organ Recital. 4 :00 p. nt. -Hotel St. Francis Salon Orchestra. 4 :45 p. m. -News Service 5:00 p. m.-Eveready program. 5:30 p. m. -happy. Wonder Bakers -rite Victor Her-

bert waltzes. 6:00 p. m.- Westinghouse Salute -focal and instrumen-

tal music. 0:30 p. m.- Radio- Keith- Orpheum llour-stars from

saudeville. 7:011 p. m.- Golden Gents -new transcontinental pro-

gram featuring Elsie Baker and Theodore Webb. 7 :45 p. m.-Speiry Sweethearts. 8 :00 p. m.- I'acilic National Singers. 9:00 p. m. -Tha Magic Crystal-Harry Da Sousa, Euro-

pean magician. 9:30 p. m.- Musical Musketeers.

10:00 p. m. -Gems of tha Drama. WEDNESDAY,JUNE II

9:30 a. m. -Betty ('rocker Gold Medal Home Service Talks.

9:45 a. m.- Morning Glories. 10:00 a. m. -The Recitalists. 10:15 a. m. -\tar Hale Martin's Household Period. 12:00 noon - Rembrandt Trio. 1:00 p. m.- Series of Talks. 1:15 p. m. -Braes and De Rose. 1:30 p. m. -Tea Timers. 2:00 p. m. -Bernie Cummins and his Hotel New York-

er Orchestra. 2:30 p. m. -John B. Kennedy Talk. 2:35 p. m.- Bernie Cummins and his Hotel New York-

er Orchestra. 2:45 p. m.- Musical Musketeers, 3:30 p. m. -Back of the News in Washington. 3:45 p. m.- Vincent Lopez and Hotel St. Regis Orch. 4:00 p. m. -East of Cairo. 4 :45 p. m. -News Service. 5:00 p. m.- Halsey, Stuart program -The Old Conn-

sailor. 5:30 p. m.- Palmolive Hour features "Lady Be Good." 6:30 p. m. -Coca Cola program with Grantland Rice. 7:00 p. m. -Tha Hot Spot of Radio. 7:45 p. m.- Saralt Kreindler. violinist. 8:00 p. m. -Let's Gat Associated. 8:00 p. m.- Parisian Quintet with Gail Taylor 8:30 p. m. -Hill Billy Boys. 9:00 p. m.- Nights In Spain -Instrumental and

Spanish music. 9:30 p. m.-Miniature Biographies -Story of Samuel

Pepys. 10:00 p. m.- Cotton Blossom Minstrels- Blacktaee,

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 9:30 a. m. -The Entertainers. 9:45 a. m.- Safeguarding tha Nation's Food and Drug

Supply. 10:00 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of the Air. 11:00 a. m. -N`BC Organ Recital. 12:00 noon -The Novelty Five.

1:00 p. m.- Saries of Talks. 1:15 p. m. -Breen and De Rose. 1:30 p. m. -John and Ned. 1:45 p. m. -Tea Timers. 2:00 p m. -Black and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:30 p. m. -Phil Spitalny's Music frmt Hotel Penn-

sylvania Grill. 3:00 p. m.- Matinee Time. 3:30 p. m. -"A Half flour in the Nation's Capital." 4:00 p. m.- Fleischmann Hour.

(Continued on Paga 41)


June 7 Radio Doings 17

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KFI Los Angeles, Calif. -640 Kc.

5000 WATTS -468.5 METERS Radio Central Super-Station of Earle C. Anthony, Inc.

1000 S. Hope. Phone WE. 0331. Alter 5 P. M., WE. 0337

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:30 a. m.- Opening Market Quotations by E. A. Pierce & Co. 7:30 a. m.- Leslie Brigham. bass (except Friday and Saturday). 8.00 a. tn. -Shell Navvy Time. from KYO. 9:45 a. m. -Tbe Iris Girl (except Saturday).

12:00 noon. -C. C. Department of Agriculture. 12:15 p. m.- Federal and State Market Reports. 4:15 p. m. -KFI News Bureau (except Saturday). 4:30 p. m. -Big Brother (except Saturday). 5:00 p. m. -Baron Keyes. the Story Man. Union Oil (except Saturday). 5:45 p. m. -Stock Market Reports by E. A. Pierce & Co. (except Wednesday).

10:30 -12:00 midnight -Max Fisher Cafe Orchestra (ex. Wednesday).

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 9:45 a. m. -Nancy (:ay. ballads; Mahe! Lewis, ace.

10:00 a. m. -The Lure of India, Annette Doherty. 10:15 a. m.- Grace Mead. ballads; L. Isbell, ace. 10:35 a. m.- \lutual Realty lniestment talk. 11:30 a. nl. -Helen Guest, hallads. 12:00 noon.-Violin recital by Purceli Mayer. 12:30 p. m.-NBC, Temple of the Golden Hour; Virginia

Flohrl, Jas. Burroughs and Concert Orchestra. I:30 p. nt.- Sylvia's Happy Hour. 3:00 p. m. -Kenmorent String Trio; Karl Brandenburg,

ballads. 3:30 p. m.-- "Advanced Thought," Leila Castherg. 4:00 p. m. -NISC. Enna lettick Melodies. 4:15 p. m. -NBC, Collier'a Radio Hour. x:15 p. m. -NBC. Atwater Kent Hour. 5:45 p. m. -Geo. Campbell String Sextette. - N I SC, Studebaker Champions. 6:45 p. nt.- Violin recital. Purcell Mayer and Gleteheu

Garrett, soprano. 7:55 p. m. -Frank Kneeland, hai(tone. 4:00 p. m. -11.1 Ihursaker, tenor. 8:0 p. m. -Sarah Padden Players. 8:45 p. m. -Arno and Oscar. 9:00 p. ul. -Ni1C. Borden Milk program. 9:30 p. nl.- Evertor Stidham, haritone.

1000 p. 111. -Wally Perrin's Packord Dance Orchestra. with Mart and Lill, duets.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 6:45 a. m.- Chester Foster Rand. tenor; Karl Branden-

burg. ballads; L. Isbell, accompanist. 9:00 a. m.- llerbie Scharlin song and patter. 9:30 a. m. -Ccrmau Lesson, Annette i)oherty.

10:00 a. In.- Frances lioncock, Mental Exercises. 10:15 a. m. -NBC, Josephine Gibson, Food Talks. 10:30 a. m. -NBC, \Vcmlalt's Magazine of the Air. 11:30 a. m. -Jules Gorrisou, 'The Passer By." 11:45 a. m.- Spanish Lesson, Annette Doherty. 2:15 p. in.- Winnie Fields Moore, Travelogue. 2:30 p. m. -NBC. Pacific Coast School of the Air. 3:00 p. m. -1.os Angeles Public Library Book Review. 3:30 p. m. -Besa Kilmer's Helpful (lints to Housewives. 4:00 p. m.- Better America Federation. 5:30 p. m.- l'uritas program. 6:00 p. m. -NBC, Stromberg- Carlson. 6:30 p. m.- NBC, Empire Builders. 7:00 p. m.-Cafe Max Fisher. 7:30 p. m.- Purcell Mayer Trio. 8:00 p. In. -NBC, Shell program. 9:00 p. m.- "Soiree Intime," with Virginia Flohri, so-

prano: Duri DeKerekjarto, violinist; Robert Hurd. Tenor, and %hay Clark, harpist.

10:00 p. m.- Virginia Flohri, program of songs.


9:00 a m. -Bess Kilmer's helpful (lints to Housewives. 0:00 a. m.-- Beatrice Mable," beauty talk.

10:00 a. m.- -English Lesson, Annette Doherty. 10:15 a. m. -NBC, Bass Rueter Paint Co. 11:30 a. m. -Sadye Nathan. 11:45 a. m. - -Grace Mead, ballads. 12:30 p. m.- Seeing Southern California. 2:IS p. m.- Winnie Fields Moore, Travelogue.

Copyright 1930 by Earle C. Anthony. Inc. See Page 16 Tor NBC Program

2:30 p. m.- -Grace Hamilton and Jack Stern. 3:00 p. m.- Leonard \'an Berg, popular tenor, ballads. :5:15 p. m.- -Wedgwood Nowell. 4:20 p. m.- Dr. John T. Miller, Human Nature Around

the World. 3:30 p. m.- American Chiropractic Assn. 6:00 p. m. -Earl Kass, baritone. 6:15 p. m. -Anna and Oscar. 6:30 p. m. -Pitch and Putt-Joe Wells and Joe Blake. 7 :00 p. m.- Arthur Lang and Concert Ensemble. 7:30 p. m. -Cafe \lax Fisher, remote control. 8:00 p. m. -Adohr Opera of the Air.


6:45 a. m.- -Chester Foster Rand, tenor, with Karl Brandenburg, hallad,, and Leila Isbell, accompanist.

7:30 a. m. -- Franklin Bldg. and Loan. 9:00 a. m. -Boss Kilmer's Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:30 a. m. -NBC, Betiy Crocker's Cold Medal Home

Service Talk. 10:00 a. m. -Kaai Hawaiian Trio. 10:15 a. m. -NBC, Mary hale Martin, talk. I1:30 a. m. -N. Jules Garrison, "The Passer By." 11:45 a. m.-French Lesson by Annette Doherty. 12:30 p. m.-Seeing Southern California.

2 :30 p. m.- Sylvia's Ilappy Hour. 3:30 p. m.- Noreen Gammill. 3:45 p. m. -Eddie Armstrong, popular crooning tenor. 4 :00 p. m.- Eddie Geldmacher, symphonic jazz pianist. 5:30 p. m. -Dr. iI. Edw. Myers, care of the teeth. 6:00 p. m. Remote control from Cafe Max Fisher. 6:30 p. nh.- Sierra Male Quintette. 7:00 p. m.- Bob and \Tonte, "Buggyride" program. 7 :30 p. m.- Oscar Seaholm, baritone. 8:00 p. m.- NBC, "Lot's (:et Associated." S:30 p. In.- KI'I Syntphonette and Toso Terris. Vaga-

bond Movie Director. 9:30 p. m.- E. Olivoti, J. Burroughs and orche-tra.


6:43 a. m.--- Gertrude Gussell. blues, with "Armand," ballads; Brandenburg; Leila Isbell, accompanist.

9:00 a. nt. -Herh Scbarlin, song and patter. 9:30 a. m.= English Lesson, Aryta Drew.

11:00 a. m.- Sylvia's Happy Hour. 11:45 a. m. -Dr. 11. Edw. Myers, care of the teeth. 2:10 p. m.- -Christian Science lecture. 2:30 p. m. -I.. A. Fire Department Orchestra. 3:30 p. nh.- Sylivá s happy (Tour. 5:30 p. m.- Will E. Wing, Hollywood. 6 :00 p. ni.- NB(', Radio Victor Hour. 7:00 p. m.- NBC, The Speedway of Happiness. 7:30 p. m.- Fellpe Delgado, Spanish haritone. 7:45 p. m. -NBC, Standard Symphony ]lour. 8.45 p. m.- Arthur Lang and concert ensemble. 9:00 p. nt. -North American Bldg. & ]man Assn. 9:15 p. m. -Three Skippers. 9:30 p. m.- Packard Concert Orchestra; Robert Hurd.

10:30 p. m.- Remote control from Cafe Max Fisher. FRIDAY, JUNE 13

6:45 a. m.-- Chester Foster Rand, tenor, with Karl Brandenburg, hallads.

7:30 a. m.- Leslie Brigham, basa, (Continued on Page 281


139 N. Larchmont Blvd. HEmpstead 5i110




Radio Doings June 7

Columbia Broadcasting System PACIFIC COAST NETWORK

845 Madison Ave., New York William S. Paley

President Henry A. Bellows

Vice -President



8:00 e. m.- Columbia Revue (except Saturday). 9.30 a. m.- -Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies.


8:30 a. m.- London Broadcast. S:45 a. m.- The Gauchos. 9:30 a. m. The Columbia Grenadiers.

10:00 a. m.- Ballad Hour. 11:00 a. m. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 11:30 a. m.- Conclave of Nations. 12:00 noon -Cathedral Hour -Sacred Musicale.

1:00 p. m.- Joint Recitai. Toscha Seidel, violinist, and Barbara Maure], contralto.

2:30 p. m.- Columbia String Symphony. 3:00 p. m. -The Globe Trotter. 3:30 p. m. -The Crockett Mountaineers. 3:45 p. m. -The World's Business, Dr. Julius Klein

from Washington. 4:00 p. m.- Maybew Lake and his Band. 4:30 p. m.- Jesse Crawford, Poet of the Organ. CRS. 3:00 p. m.- Majestic Theater of the Air. ('BS. 6:00 p. m.- Will Rogers for Squibb's. ('BS. 7:00 p. m. -Back Home hour from Buffalo. 8:00 p. m.- ('oral Islanders. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies.


9:30 a. m.- Harold Stern and Ambassador Orchestra. 10 :00 a. m. -The Honoluluaas. 10:30 a. at. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 11:00 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble. 11:30 a. m.- Columbia Educational Features- Women's

Forum. 12:00 noon -U. S. Navy Band.

1:00 p. m.- Dancing Troubadours. 1:4.5 p. m. -Aunt Zcicna. 2 :00 p. m. -Harry Tucker and his Hotel Barclay Oreh. 2:15 p. m.- The Crockett Tfountainecrs. 2:30 p. m. -WGHP Captivators from Detroit. 3:00 p. m.- Current Events, H. V. Kaltenborn. 3:45 p. m.- Bernhard Levitow and his Hotel Commo-

dore Orcbestra. 6:00 p. m.- Columbia Male Chorus. 0:30 p. m.- -Jase Crawford, Poet of the Organ. CBS. 7:00 p. m.- Dance Carnival -Six Famous Dance Bands.


9:30 a. m. -Savoy Plaza Orchestra. 10:00 a. m. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 10:30 a. m. -The Azteca. 11:00 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble. 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information. 12:00 noon -U. S. Army Band. 1:00 p. m.- Rhythm Kings Dance Orchestra. 1:30 p. m. -Bert Lown and his Biltmore Orchestra. 2:00 p. m. -New World Symphony. 2:15 p. m. -The Crockett Mountaineers. 2:30 p. m.- Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra. 2:45 p. m.- National Security League Broadcast. 3:00 p. m.- Little Church Around the Corner Hour. 3:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival - Famous Dance Bands. 4:30 p. m.- Romany Patteran. 5:00 p. m. Mardi Gras -Domenic Savino. CBS. 6:00 p. m. -"Joe and V1," Claire Briggs characters,

presented by Grayhar Electric Co. 6:30 p. m.- Thompson's Malted Milk. 8:00 p. m -Dance Carnival- Famous Dance Bands.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 9:30 a. m. -Harry Tucker and Hotel Barclay Arch.

10:00 a. m.- Syncopated Silhouettes. 10:30 a. m. -Grace Hyde, soprano. and Columbia Little

Symphony. 11:00 a. m.- ('olumhla Ensemble. 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information.

12 :00 noon. -Musical Album -Columbia Symphony Or- chestra with soloists.

I:00 p. m. -The Columbia Grenadiers. 1:15 p. m.- Footnotes. 1:45 p. m. -Aunt Zelena. 2 :00 p. m. -"Bill Schudt's Going to Press." 2:15 p. m. -The Crockett Mountaineers. 2:30 p. m.- -Dance Carnival- Famous Dance Bands. 3:45 p.m.-Adventures of Col. E. Alexander Powell. 4:00 p. in.- Manhattan Moods. 5:00 p. m.- In a Russian Village. 7:00 p. m. -Dance Carnival. 7:30 p. m.- Melodies from California- -theme songs,

motion picture stars. etc.


9:30 a. m.- Harold Stern and Ambassador Orchestra. 10:00 a. m. -Quiet ]Harmonies. 10:30 a. m. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 11:00 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble. 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information. 12:00 noon -U. S. Navy Band.

1:00 p. m. -The Book Parade, Harry Hansen. 1:15 p. m. -Bert Lown and bis Biltmore Orchestra. 2:00 p. m.- -Hotel Shelton Orchestra. 2:15 p. m.- Crockett Mountaineers. 2:30 p. m. -Civic Repertory Theater. 4:00 p. m.- "lnternational Sidelights," Dr. Arthur

Torrence. 4:15 p. m.- Political Situation in Washington Tonight,

Frederic W. Wile. 4:30 p. m. -U. S. Marine Band. 5:00 p. m.- Arabesque. 5:30 p. m. -The Columbiana. 6:30 p. m.- National Radio Forum from 'Washington. 7:00 p. m. -Dream Boat. 7:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival. 9:00 p. m.- Eastman Kodak Hour.


9:30 a. m. -Savoy Plaza Orchestra. 10:00 a. m. -The Aztecs. 10:30 a. m. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 11:00 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble. 11:30 a. m. -Today in History. 11:32 a. m.- Columbia Educational Features. 11:45 a. nn. -"Race Problem a, Seen by an Anthropolo-

gist," Dr. Fay Cooper- Cole. 12:00 noon -Light Opera Gems. 12:30 p. m.- Thirty Minute Men. 1:00 p. m. -WGHP Captivators from Detroit. 1:45 p m. -Aunt Zelena. 2:00 p. m. -The Melody Musketeers. 2:15 p. m. -The Crockett Mountaineers. 2:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival -Famous Dance Bands. 3:45 p. m. -Ben Pollack and his Castilian Royal Orch. 4:00 p. m.-Nit Wit Hour. 4:30 p. m. -U. S. Army Band. 6:00 p. m.- Quaker State 011 Co., at the Sign of the

Green and White. 6:30 p. m. -Gold Medal Fast Freight. 7:00 p. m.- -Dance Carnival- Famous Dance Bands. 9:00 p. m. -True Story hour, Adventures of Mary and

Bob. Dramatized true story.


S:00 a. m.- Adventures of Helen and Mary-Drama for children.

9:00 a. m.- -Yoeng's Restaurant Orchestra. 9:30 a. m. -Harry Tucker and Hotel Barclay Oreh.

10:00 a. nn. -Ann Leaf at the Organ. 10:30 a. m.- Dominion Male Quartet. 11:00 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble. 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information. 12:00 noon- -The Aztecs. 12:30 p. m.- French Trio.

1:00 p. m.- Huston Ray and his Manhattan Towers Orchestra.

1:45 p. nn. -Dr. Thatcher Clark's French Lesson. 2:00 p. m. -Hotel Shelton Orchestra. 2:30 p. m. -Ted Ilusing's Sportslants. 3:00 p. m. -Melo Maniacs. 4:00 p. m. -Dr. Arthur Torrence. "Exploring the Jun-

gle for Science." 4:15 p. m.- "Romance of American Industry." 4:30 p. m.- -Dixie Echoes. 5:00 p. m. -Hank Simmons' Show Boat - Melodrama. 7:00 p. m. -Dance Carnival- Famous Dance Bands.


June 7 Radio Doings 19 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KHJ Los Angeles, Calif. -900 Kc.

1000 WATTS -333.1 METERS Don Lee Bldg., 7th and Bixel Sts. Owned and operated by Don Lee,

Calif. Dis. for Cadillac and LaSalle. Phone VA. 7111 Glenn Dolberg, Manager Raymond Paige, Musical Director

Stuart Buchanan Program Director Lindsay MacHarrie Production Manager C. M. C. Raymond Commercial Director

Harold Peery Chief Engineer Dick Creedon

Director of Features Ernest G. Underwood

Technical Director

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.- Records. 7:30 a. m.- Anthony Ewer. talk;. 8:30 a. nr. -N. Y. Stock Exchange Quotations. 8:40 a. m.- Yoeng's Orchestra. C'BS. 9:30 a. m.- Feminine Fancies, KFRC.

12:00 noon. -L. A. Biltmore Hotel Orchestra. 12:30 and I0:00 p. m. -News Items, courtesy of L. A.

Times (except Monday). 1:30 p. m. -Times Forum. 2:00 p. ni.- Happy-Go -Lucky flour, KFRC (ex, Sat.). 4:45 p. m. -World -wide News (except Monday). 4:55 p. m. -Town Topics.

10:05 p. m. -Earl Burtnett's Biltmore Hotel Orchestra. 11:30 a. m.- Normalizer (ex. Sat.) (Mon. I1:45 & m.). 11:45 a. m.- Better English (except Saturday). 12:00 midnight. -Organ program by Wesley Tourtellotte.


7:30 a. m.- Iecordings. 8:00 a. m.- Records. 8:45 a. m.- Anthony Ewer. talks. ('BS. 9:00 a. m.- Pacific States Savings & Loan Concert.

11:00 a. m. -First M. E. Church of Los Angeles. 12:30 p. m.-- Cathedral ¡tour, ('BS.

1 :00 p. m. -CAF. 1:30 p. m.- Whittier Heights Memorial Park. 2:30 p. m. -CBS. 3:00 p. m. -Prof. Lindsley and organ. 3:30 p. m.- Colonial Dames. 3:45 p. m. -Dr. Julius Klein, CBS. 4:00 p. ni-Tea Time Three (from KFI1C). 4:0 p. tn. -Rahhi Edgar Magnin, Inspiration Talk. 5:00 p. m.- Majestic program. CISS. 6:00 p. m. -Will Rogers, for SQuihh. CBS. 6:30 p. m. -i.os Angeles Brewing Co. 7:00 p. m. -Don Lee Symphony. 7:30 p. m.- Melody Hour (from IíFR('). S:00 p. m.- Cadillac LaSalle Orch. (troto KFRC). 9:00 p. m. -Val Valente Orchestra (from KFRC).

11:00 p. m. -Organ Recital. MDNDAY, JUNE 9

8:00 a. m.- Columhia Revue. CIIS. 9:15 a. m.- Rlchardson's Music Lovers' Shop.

10:30 a. m. -Leigh Ilarline and Ted White, songs. 11:00 a. tn.- Schaefer Hat Works- Recordings. 11:15 a. m.- Scientific Laboratories. 11:30 a. m.- Recordings. 11:45 a. m.- Normalizer. 12:45 p. m. -U. S. Navy Band.

1:00 p. m.- Dancing Troubadours. CBS. 3:00 p. m.- ('olonlal Dames Corp. 3:15 p. m. -Girl Scouts of America. 3:30 p. m.- Matthew Murray. "Home Prohlems." 3:45 p. m. -II. M. Robertson, talk on dogs. 4:00 p. m.- Viennese Quintet. 4:00 p. m.- Studio program. 5:30 p. m. -13oh Swan. for Blvd. Furniture Co. 6:00 p. m. -Don I.ee Concert Orchestra.

6:30 p. m. -Jesse Crawford, CIIS. 7:00 p. m.- Inglewood Park. 7:30 p. m. -Don I.ee Symphony. 8:00 p. m.- Fiftieth Anniversary of U. S. C.

10:00 p. m. -Ted Florita's Orchestra. 11:00 p. m.- Biltmore Orchestra.


8:00 a. m. -CBS. 9:00 a. m.- Scientific Laboratories. 9:I5 a. m.- Washington Blvd. Furniture Co.

10:30 a. m. -Leigh Marline. 10:45 a. m. -Agnes NITrite, Mome Economies. 11:00 a. m. -Agnes White. 11:15 a. m.- Columbia Ensenihle, CBS. 12:43 p. m.- Advertising Cluh Luncheon, from Biltmore. 3:00 p. m.- "Happiness Man." 3:30 p. m.- Midnight Mission. 3:45 p. m. -U. S. C. Period. 4:00 p. m.- Studio program. 4:30 p. m.- Western Air Express. 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -CRS. 7:00 p. m. -The Padded Cell -Revue. 7:30 p. m.- PeIton Motor Co. program. 8:00 p. m. -Ice Carnival (from KF'RC). 8:30 p m. -KFRC program.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 8:00 a. m. -('BS Revue, ('BS. 9:00 a. m.- Young's Orchestra, CBS. 9:15 a. m.- Richardson's.

10 :30 a. m. -Agnes White. 10:45 a. m. -Log Cabin Bread, Agnes White. 11:00 a. m. -Red Cross Shoes (to ('BS). 11:15 a. m.- Frances White. 12:45 p. m.--- Optimist Club. 3:00 p. m. -Fred C. Mc\ahh Garden Talk. 3:30 p. m.- "Happiness Man." 3:41 p. m. -L. A. Public Lihrary. 4 :00 p. m.- Studio program. 5:00 p. m. -Mona Content. pianist. 5:15 p. m.- Police Commissioner Thorpe. 5:30 p. m. -Blvd. Furniture Co. with Boh Swan. 6:00 p. m. -Peggy Hamilton, Romance of Fashions. 6:30 p. m. -Prof. Chas. Lindsley and organ. 7:00 p. m.- Ballad Crooners. 7:30 p. m.- Melodies from California (to ('BS). 8:00 p. m.-- Standard Oil Co., "Days of '49." S:30 p. m. -Mood Pictures. 9:00 p. m.- Itaymond Paige presentation. 9:30 p. m.- Musical Suggestions.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 a. m.-Columbia Revue, CBS. 9:15 a. m.- G -orgia (f. George.

10:30 a. nr.- Thttex (to Coast Unit). 10 :45 a. m. -Agnes 1Vhite, Home Economics. 12:45 p. m.- Junior Chamber of Commerce. 3:00 p. m.- Walter Brown Murray. 315 p. ni-U. S. ('. Trojan Period. 3:30 p. m. -Y. M. C. A. 3:45 p. m.- Vagabond Virginian. 4:00 p. m.- Studio program. 4:15 p. m.- Frederick Wm. \ \'i]e, ('BS. 4:30 p. m.- Washington Blvd. Furniture Dealers. 5:00 p. m.- Pacific States Savings & Loan Co.. organ

recital. 5:30 p. m. -Ted White. 5:45 p. m. -Coast Investor. 6:00 p. m.- Concert Orchestra. 6 :30 p. m.- Arrowhead Springs I3everage Company. 7:00 p. m.- Forest Lawh Memorial Park.

(Continued on l'age 39) See Page 18 for CBS Program I Z.

l,filh ate J z WATSON RADIO CO. Ax..ape iSRt -- --- 4411 5° Broadwau.

Pleasant 4092 - 8558 So. Broadway


20 Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:45 a. m.- "Earlybirds" exercises, Dr. P. M. Seizes. 7:15 a. m. -"Pep and Ginger" exercisea. 7:45 a. m. -"Home Folks" exercises Dr. P. M. Seizes. 8:00 a. m.- Inspirational talk and morning prayer. 8:15 a. m.- Musical program of popular recordings. 9:00 a. m. -Time signals from 'Washington, D. C. 9:30 a. m.- Itadio Shopping News.

10:00 a. m. -"Be Young and Be Happy." Eddie Al- bright's Ten O'clock Family.

10:30 a. m. -Home Economica talk given by Kate Brew Vaughn, director of Household Economics Dept. (ex- cept Saturday).

11:00 a. m.- Natlonai Canners Association, Kate Vaughn (except Friday and Saturday).

11:30 a. m.- "Miss Iris," songs (except Fri. and Sat.). 12:00 noon, 7:00 and 10:00 p. m. -Time Signals. 12::10 p. m.- 1'1'ß's Musical program.

I :00 p. m.-Off the Air. 1:30 p. m. -Eddie Albright's reading of late fletiou. 2:00 p. m.- Program, courtesy L. E. Evening Express

(except Saturday). 3:30 p. m. -Lost and Found and stock market (3:00

Monday_; 4:00 Wednesday). 4:30 p. m.- CPIt's musical program. 5:00 p. m. -E. C. Griffith's talk on "Travel." 5:15 p. m. -"Big Brother Ken's Kiddie Hour." 5:45 p. m. -Town Crier's Timely Amusement Tips.

10:00 -12:00 midnight -Hotel Ambassador; Johnny Hamp and his Kentucky Serenaders. (10:45 Friday).

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 10:00 a. m.- "Pyrol Tenor," courtesy Kip Corp. 10:30 e. m. -Chet Mittendorf, musical program. 11:00 a. m. First. Presbyterian Church of Hollywood. 12:30 p. m.- Louise Johnson, astro- analyst. I:00 p. m.- International Bible Student., association. 2:011 p. m.- City I'ark Board, musical program. 4:00 p. m.- Roberts Golden State Band. 4:30 p. m.- First Radio Church of the Air. 5:30 p. m.- Scriptural Research Bureau. 0:0t p. m.- Dr. Ernest Holmes. 6:30 p. m. - -Dr. Theo. Curtis Abel. 7:00 p. m.- Symphony, dir. by Scott Bradley: I.ois

Chambers, soprano; Norman Bennett, tenor. 8:00 p. m.- First Preshyterian Church of Hollywood. 9.00 p. ni. LubuwIski Trio; Theodore Kittay, tenor.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 8:30 a. m.- Thirty minutes of interesting information. 9:00 a. nn.- Organ Program given by Lucie Lee.

11:15 a. m. -"Miss Iris" iu popular songs. 11:30 a. m.- 1'yrol Tenor, Norman Bennett, and Marie

Golden. accompanist. 11:45 a. m.- -Beauty secrets given by Georgia Fifleld. 12:00 110011. Tom Wallace. 1:30 p. m.- P Idle Albright's reading of late fiction. 2:30 p. m.- Musical program of popular recordings. 3:05 p. m.- Organ program given by Lucie Lee. 4:00 p. m.-"Home Builders." 6:00 p. m. Organ program given by Lucie Lee.

KNX Hollywood, Calif. -1050 Kc.

6000 WATTS -285.5 METERS -Los Angeles Evening Express Evening Express

Paramount -Lasky Studio, 5555 Marathon "The Voice of Hollywood"

Phone HEmpstead 4101

Naylor Rogers Director -Manager Pierre Mellonino

Program Director Charles H. Gabriel, Jr.

Publicity Director N. D. Garver

Technical Engineer

6:30 p. m.- Hungarian Ensemble. 7:00 p. m.-- "Under the Make Up." 7:30 p. m.- -The KNX Symphony. S:00 p. m. - -One -act playlet directed by Georgia Fifleld. 5:30 p. m.- Luhoviski Violin Choir; Claire Meilonino,

1 ianlst, 9:00 p. m. -- Rio Grande Male Quartette; the Piano

Twins, Marie Golden and Ethel Kay. 9:30 p. m. --- Radio Detective."

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 S:30 a. m.- Clinic of the Air. 9:10 a. m.- "Seeing Southern California."

12:00 noon.- Norman Bennett, the Pyrol Tenor, and Marie Golden.

12:15 p. m. -Talk on " Belco" given by H. F. Allen. 2:30 p. m.- Fireman's Orch. of the City of Las Angeles. 5:00 p. m.- "Fliram and Simpson" at Yapp's Crossing. 6:00 p. m.- Rev. Ethel Duncan. 6:30 p. m. -Lucie Lee at the Wurlitzer organ. 7:00 p. m.-- "Popular Science" talk by Dr. Mars

Baunigardt. 7:30 p. m.- -Hap and Sap, the Royal Vagabonds.. 5:00 p. in.- Pyrol Orch.; Bill Hatch's Quintette. 9:00 p. m.- - "The Nomads." 9:30 p. m. - Walter V. Ferner, 'cellist; Rosalie Barker

Frye. contralto; Marie Golden, accompanist. WEDNESDAY, JUNE II

8:30 a. m.-- Thirty minutes of interesting information. 9:10 a. m.- "Seeing Southern California." 9:20 a. in.- Musical program.

11:30 a. m.- Dorothy Chase and the Charts Players. 11:45 a. m.- Beauty Secrets given by Georgia btitleid. 12:00 noon. -Norman Bennett, the Pyrol Tenor, and

Marie Golden, accompanist. 12:15 p. m. -Talk on "Belco," given by H. F. Allen.

2:30 p. m.- -Talk by Major Mott, 2:4.5 p. m.- Musical program of popular recordings. 3:05 p. m.- -Organ program hyLucie Lee. 4 :00 p. m. -"Home Builders." 6:00 p. m.- Lucie Lee, organ. 6:30 p. m.- Hungarian Ensemble. 7:00 p, nt.- Mr. and Mrs. Radio Skit. 7:30 p. ni.-"Sargon Cycle of Songs." 5:00 p. m.- "The Airdales" and Bert Butterworth. 5:30 p. m.- AM(IRC College presents the A*IORC

Symphony. 9:00 p. m.-- "Famous Sporting Events." 9 :30 p. m.- Bundy & Albright presenting the Sherman

Oaks Sextette. THURSDAY, JUNE 12

R:13 a. m.- The Hollywood Breakfast Club. 9:15 a. m.- Records.

11:30 a. m. -"Old Witch Ammonia." 11:45 a. ni. -An interesting talk on Health. 12:00 noon. -- Norman Bennett. Pyrol Tenor and Marie

Gobie. 2:30 p. ni.- Professor Edgard Loon Os ilia French les-

sons. 3 :00 p. m. -Organ program given by Lucie Lee. 3:35 p. nn.- Louise Johnson, astro- analyst. 4:00 p. ni. The Nutcracker." 6:00 p. m. -Fred Forrest's talk on "Human Interest." 7:00 p. m.- -Theodore Kittey. tenor. 7:30 p. m.- -"Royal lI! lalgo.." S:00 p. ni.- Pyrol Symphony of twenty musicians. 0:00 p. m. -"Five Minute *Men and the Musical Mus-

keteers_" 9:15 p. m.- Ernest Charles arlgiani songs. 9:30 p. m.- KNX Ensemble. 9:43 p. m. -"ln Days of Olde."

(('onanued on Page 37)


Expert Radio Service Call GR 4876




June % Radio Doings 21 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KFWB Phone HO. 0315

Gerald L. King Manager

H. P. Sampson Program Arranger

Leslie Hewitt Chief Technician

Hollywood, Calif. -950 Kc.


8:30 a. m.- Orpheum Sextet and Feature Trio (except Wednesday).

10:30 a. m. -Jean Cowan and the Dixieland Synco- pators (except Wednesdays).

12:30 p. m.- Variety Serenaders (except Wednesday). 2:00 p. m.- Baseball game from Wrigley Field, Oscar

Reichow at microphone (except Monday). 6:00 p. m. -KFWB Salon Orchestra. 6:30 p. m. -Harry Jackson and Entertainers. 7:00 p. m. -Ceci and Sally. '(The Funniest Things." 8 ;00 p. m. -Time Signals. Bulova Watch Co.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 S:30 a. tn. -The Funny Paper Mau. 9:00 a. m. -Late Recordings. 9 :30 a. m. -Mutal Building & Loan Association.

10:30 a. m.- Program. courtesy of Dr. Darts. Optical Dspts,

11:00 a_ m. -Late recordings. 12:00 noon. -Program. courtesy Donaldson Auto Ioans. 12:30 p. m.- Spanish program of music from Moreno

Highlands. 1:30 p. m.- Doubleheader baseball game, Holly-wood is.

Lus Angeles. After Game -Program. courtesy of the Guaranty Build-

ing & Ioan Association. 6:30 p. m. -Harry Jacksou and bis Pig'n Whlstie En-

tertainers. 7:00 p. m. -Burr McIntosh. the Cheerful Philosopher. 7:30 p. m.- -Dale Jones' Hollywood Revelers. 8:00 p. m. -First National Hour; First National Stars

and Players in person. 9:00 p. m.- Roswell Sisters; Ted Dahl's Baud.

MONDAY. JUNE 9 10:00 a. m.-Horne Economics Talk by Prudence Penny

of the Examiner. 11:30 a. m. -Billy Van. courtesy of the May Company. 12:00 noon. -KFWB Concert Orchestra; Nelson Case.

soloist. 2:30 p. m. -Ann Grey, popular songs, accompanied by

Dort Warner. 3:00 p. m. -Art and Artig in popular songs. 3:30 p. m. -Don Warner and Ron Wilson, 2 -plano

numbers. 4:00 p. m.- -Varieties Ensemble with Gus Mack. soloist. 7:10 p. m. -507 Orchestra; Buster Dees. tenor. 7:30 p. In. -Jean Leonard, "Wizard of the ivories." 7:45 p. m. -Talk on Dogs by Douglas Hertz. 8:00 p. m.- KF\VIt Orchestra, direction of Ray Mar-

tinez; Emma Kimmel, soprano. 5:30 p. m.- George Olsen and his Music. - 9:00 p. m.-Lewis Meehan. tenor; Cecil Crandall's

Concert Ensemble. 10:00 p. m.- luring Aaronson and his Commanders by re-

mote control from the Blossom Room of the loose- sell Hotel. In Holly-wood.

11:00 p. m. -Dance music, by remote control from the Montmartre Cafc.

11:30 p. m.--- Irving . %arnn =on and his Commanders. TUESDAY. JUNE 10

10:00 a. m.-Wade Hamilton at the console of the Forant Theatre organ.

10:45 a. m. Seeing Southern California with Seymour Ilastings.

11:30 a. m. -KFWlt String Orchestra; Nelson Case. soloist.


Warner Brothers' Theater. 6425 Hollywood Boulevard

7:10 p. m. -Ted Dahl's Band and Buster Dees, cour - tesy of Donaldson's Auto Loans.

7:30 p. m.-Program presented by Edward Murphy. S:00 p. m.- KF \\'ll Concert Orchestra; Emma Kimmel,

soprano; Wenuet Rickard, tenor. 9:00 p. m.- -The Edgeworth Plantation Club. 9:30 i'. ni.-Main bout from the Olympic Auditorium.

Los Angeles. 10:30 p. m.- Irving Aaronson and his Commanders from

the hotel Roosevelt. 11:00 p. m.- George Olsen and his Music from his club

in ('silver City. WEDNESDAY, JUNE II

8:00 a. m. -The Breakra.st Club, by remote control. 10:00 a. m.- Prudence Penny of the Examiner. 10:30 a. m.- Orpheus Sextet and the Feature Trio. 10:45 a. m.- Seeing Southern ('ali:ornia. 11:30 a. m.- hilly Van, courtesy of the May Company. 12:00 noon.- KFWB String Orchestra; Nelson Case,

soloist. 12:30 p. m. -Jean Cowan and the Dixieland Syncopators. After Game.- Varieties Sextet. 7:10 p. m.- Julius K. Johnson at the console of the

Vitaphone Recording organ, located ou Warner Bros. Motion Picture Studio lot.

7:30 p. m. -Duke Atteberry and Kenneth Gillum. 8:00 p. m.- George Olsen and his Music. 8:30 p. m. -David Percy, baritone: Ted Dahl's Band. 9:00 p. m.- "Rainbow Trail to l'olorland." 9:30 p. m.- "Etchings in Jazz"-continuity program.

10:00 p. m.- lrving Aaronson and his Commanders. 11:00 p. m. -Dance Music from the Montmartre ('ate.

THURSDAY. JUNE 12 10:00 a. m. -Wade Hamilton at the console of the

Forum Theatre organ. 11:30 a. m. -KFWB String Orchestra; Nelson lase.

soloist. 7:10 p. m. "Dancing Through the Years." 8:00 p. m.- Saldaua's Caxtilliaus and Canuelita,

soprano. 9:00 p. m. -The Southlanders and Vernon Rickard,

tenor. 11:00 p. m.- Dance \rosie direct from Moutmarte Cafe.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 10:00 a. nt-Prudence fenny of the l;xaiii iuer. 10:45 a. m.-- Seeing Sottthent California. 11:30 a. in.-Billy Van. courtesy of the May Company. 12:00 noon. -- KFWB String Orchestra; Nelson Case.

soloist. 7:10 p. m.- Program, courtesy of the manufacturers of

'Gusto. 7:30 p. m -:107 Orchestra. 7 :45 p. m. -Mack and AL 8:00 p. m. -Billy Van. 8:30 p. m.- -The National fife Dance Orchestra. 9:00 p. m.-Sports lnteniew by Mark Kelly. 9:30 p. m.- Hollywood ltccelers.

10:00 p. m. -lning Aaronson and his Commanders. 10:30 p. m. -Dance Music direct from Montmartre Cafe.

SATURDAY. JUNE 14 10:00 a. m.-Wade Hamilton at. the console of the

Forum Theatre organ. 11:30 a. nt. -KF\\B String Orchestra: Nelson Case,

soloist. 7:10 p. m.- Julius K. Johnson at the console of the

Vitaphone Recording Organ. 7:30 p. nt.- Ted Dahl's Baud. 8:00 p. m.- Mona\fotor Oilers; Lewis Meeker, tenor. 9:00 p. m.- Sigmund Sachs and Sam Mcsscvhelmer,

popular program. 9:30 p. nn.- Continuity program.

11:00 p. m. -Dance Music direct from the Montmartre 11:00 p. nn.- Dance Music directf rom the Montmartre

Cafe. 11:30 p. nt. Wade Hamilton at the console of the

Forum Theatre organ. '9.00 n m George Olsen and his Music.

CUSTOM WOODWORKING SHOP Woodturning, Bandsawing, Jigsawing, Shaping, Detail Molding, Grilla,

Cabinet Work, Golden Bear Speakers. M. J. CARLS, 1929 South Los Angeles Street WEstmore 2712





Radio Doings June 7

KMTR V. G. Freitag

General illanager Harry Geise

Program Director Ray Bailey

Musical Director Eugene Inge

Press Relations Tom Schalt,

Day Announcer C. L. Whitney

Technical Director CEPT SUNDAY

6:00 a. m. -The Discoiery Hour. 7:00 a. m. -New Idea Man's Wholesome Food Break-

fast flub. 8:00 a. m. -Early Stock Reports. 9:00 a. m.- Mildred Kitchen, Home Economics. 9:30 a. m.- Records.

10:00 a. m.- Louise Howatt. Happiness Girt 11:00 a. m.- Westlake String Ensemble. 11:45 a. m.- Puhllc and Civic Officials' Broadcast, direct

from City Hall. 12:00 noon.--"World in Review." News Bulletins. 12:15 p. m.- "Prosperity Hour," Truman Bradley. 1:15 p. m. -Banjo Boys. 2:15 p. m.- Popular program. 2:30 p. m.- Spanish program. 3:00 p. m.- Records. 4:00 p. m.- Popular program. 4:30 p. m.- Trading Post program. 5:30 p. m.- Selected Records.

10:00 p. m. -"The Ofd and the New." KMTR Orchestra (except Saturday).

11:00 p. m.- American League Professional Marathon. 12:00 midnight -"8 Ball" and Charley Lung.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 7:00 a. m.- Wholesome Food Breakfast Club. 9:00 a. m. -John Driscoll's Musical Revue.

12:00 noon. -- Symphony Orchestra. 1:30 p. m.- Dixieland Four. 2:00 p. m. -Songs of a Few Years Ago. 3:00 p. m.- Wendall Hall. 4:00 p. m.- Jimmie Rogers. 5:00 p. m.- Southern Songs. 6:00 p. m.- "Timely Topics." 0'30 p. m.- Novelty Rhythm Makers. 7:00 p. m. -Dare Sisters.

Hollywood, Calif. -570 Kc. 500 WATTS -526 METERS

KMTR Radio Station, 1025 N. Highland Ave. H011y 3028. The Official Broadcasting Station of the

Los Angeles Evening Herald 7:30 p. m. -M. R. Haigh, violin: D. Compton, piano. 8:00 p. m. -"From Behind the Footlights." 9:00 p. m.- "Vihrant Melodies," KMTR Orchestra. 9:30 p. m.- Preston Sedwick's Xlyophone Specialties.

10:00 p. in. -"The Old and the New," KMTR Orchestra. MONDAY, JUNE 9

10:30 a. m. -Tom Mitchell. 6:30 p. m.- Popular Ballads. 7:00 7:30 7:45 S:00 9:00 9:30


D. m. -Talk, Chamber of Commerce. p. m. -KMITR Orchestra. p. m.- "Dances of Nations." p. m.- "Talking Picture Song Hits," Orchestra. p. m.- "Serenaders." p. m.- "Happy Harry and Rusco Pete."

TUESDAY, JUNE IO 6:05 p. m. -Talk on Traffie -Judge Valentine. 6:30 p. m.- "Novelty Five." 7:00 p. m.- Evening Herald Travel Talk. 8:00 p. m.- "Light Opera." 9:00 p. m.- "Moss- Covered Melodies," Orchestra. 9:30 p. m.- Miniature Salon Orchestra.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 10:30 a. m.- Torn Mitchell.

7:00 p. m.- American Tunes. 8:00 p. m.- "Talking Picture Song Hita;' Orchestra. 8:30 p. m. -KMTR Orchestra. 9:00 p. m.-Inez Small & Little Syncopateors. 9:30 p. m.- "Happy Harry and Rusco Pete."

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 7:00 p. m.- Travel Talk. 7:55 p. m.- Fishing Taik -Jack Boag. 8:00 p. m. -"Dot and Mary " -plano and 8:30 p. m. -"On With the Dance," Ray

sisal Masquers. 9:30 p. m.- Recreated Prize Fights.

FRIDAY. JUNE 13 10:30 a. m. -Tom lliitchell. 6:30 p. m.- "Mickey Mouse" program. 7:00 p. m.- Mhtlature Salon Orchestra. 3:00 p. m.- "Specialties." 9:00 p. m.- -- "Gems from Broadway." 9:30 p. m.- "Happy Harry and Rusco Pete."

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 6:30 p. ni. -"Jane and Jean." 7:00 p. m.- "Specialties." 8:00 p. m. -Nat Winecoff, tenor. 9:00 p. m. -"Book Review." 9:15 p. m.- Palais Ballroom Orchestra- Reanote.

aongs. Balley'a Mu-

KFVD EMplre 1171

Culver City 4517

John W. Swallow Vice -Pres. & Gen. Mgr.

Paul Myers Advertising Announcer

Al Welnert Berton Bennett

Announcers M. S. Adams

Chief Technician

Culver City, Cal. -1000 Kc.

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:00 a. m.- Spanish program. 7:00 a. m. -Hal Roach Happy-Go -Lucky Trio.

11:00 a. m.- Beauty Hour. 12:00 noon. -The Lonely Troubadours. 1:00 p. m. -G. Allison's Radio Home program. 2:30 p. m.- Peptomist. 3:00 p. m. -Auburn Half Hour 3:30 p. m. -Pan- American Spanish program. 5:20 p. m.- Health Talk. 5:45 p. m.- Timely Topics.

10:00 p. m. -Tom and Wash. 10:15 p. m. -Organ Recital; J. Newton Yates. 11:00 p. m.- Popular Recordings. 12:00 midnight -Organ Recital, J. Newton Yates.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 8:00 a. m. Popular Recordings. 9:00 a. m.- Button Bennett and Geo. Redman, piano

and song.


Hal E. Roach Motion Picture Studios 10:00 a. ni.- "The Lonely Troubadour" and Joe Black. 11:00 a. m.- Harmony Hawaiians. 12:00 noon. -Dance Band.

1:00 p. m.- "Inspiration." the Magazine of the Air. 2:00 p. m.- Sacred hail Hour. 3:00 p. m. -Light Classics on the Organ. 4:30 p. m.- Popular Recordings --De Witt Hagar. 9:15 p. m. -Lloyd S. Nix -City Prosecutor. 9:40 p. m.- Community program.

11:00 p. m.- l'ipe Organ Recital. MONDAY, JUNE 9

9:00 a. m.- Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:30 a. m. -Waves of Happiness.

12:45 p. m.- Grace hale. TUESDAY, JUNE IO

9:00 a. m.- Beauty Hints. 12:45 p. m. -Diet Question Box.

WEDNESDAY. JUNE II 9:30 a. fn.-Waves of ftappine+s.

12:45 p. m.- -Grace Hale. 9:15 p. ni.- Tlappy-Go -Lucky Trio.

THURSDAY. JUNE 12 9 :00 a. m.- Beauty hints.

10::10 a. m.- Helpful flints to Tousewives. 12.45 p. tn.- Diet Question Box.

FRIDAC, JUNE 13 9:30 a. m. -Waves of TTappive -s.

12:45 p. m. -Grace Hale. 2:00 p. m.- 1Telrful ]lints to Housewives. 9:15 p. m.- Audition Contest.

SATURDAC, JONE 14 9:00 a. m.- Beauty Hints.

12.45 p. m. -Grace hale.




June 7 Radio Doings 23 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KECA Carl Haverlin

Commercial Manager Robert Hurd

Program Manager

Los Angeles, Cal. -1430 Kc.

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7 :1 ; a. m. -Lout: Rueb, Health Exercises. 7:45 a. m. -NBC, Aunt Jemima Boy.

11:45 a. m.- -Mabel Lewis, Musical Memories (except Thursday and Saturday).

7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy, for Pepsodent Co. SUNDAY, JUNE 8

2:00 p. m. -NBC. Catholic Services. 3:00 p. m. -Three Skippers. 3:30 p. m. -Helen Clare Dudley, concert pianist. 4:00 p. m. -XBC, Musical Musketeers. 5:00 p. m. -Manly P. Hall, "Psychology." 5:30 p. m. -Dr. Walter Raymond, Pastor Unity Chris-

tian Church. 6:00 p. m.- Jimmie West and his Campus Orchestra. 7:00 p. m.- Margaret Ruth Kernan, songs. 7:30 p. m. -Grace Hamilton and Jack Stern. 8:00 p. m. -KECA Symphonette with Rain Bennett. 9:00 p. m. -KECA String Ensemble with Lenore Kil-

lian. 10:00 p. m. -NBC, The Gay Classics.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 12:00 noon. -Antone Chris and guitar. 3:00 p. m.- Jerome Powers, pianist ; Katherine Span-

gler. whistler, and Paul McNally, guitar. 3 :30 p. m. -Billy Burton, popular violinist ; Leonard

Van Berg, ballads; P. G. Hall, accompanist. 4:15 p. m.- Weldronov, "Pianist." 4:30 p. m. -Dr. Hirsch -Talk on Good Talk. 5:00 p. m. -NBC, The Maytag Orchestra. 5:30 p. m. -NBC, General Motors Family Party. 6:00 p. m.- Buster Wilson Orchestra. 6:30 p. nh. -Elton Hey's Virginia Ballroom Orchestra

and Two Shades of Blue. 7:15 p. m.- Yellow Cab Quartette. 7:45 p. m. -Jack and Jill, Gene Lewis and Bebe. 8:00 p. m. --NBC, Musical Musketeers. 9:00 p. m. -Ray Van Dyne Orchestra.

10:00 p. m.- Trlolian Trio. 10:30 p. m. -Louis Rueb-Health Exercises.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 11:45 a. m. -Mabel Lewis, Musical Memories. 12:00 noon.- Secing Southern California. 3:15 p. m. -NBC. Dean Gleason L. Archer. 3:30 p. m.- Frederick V. Bower. 4:00 p. m.- Carmey Ray, popular ballads. 4:30 p. m.-- Winslow Allen's Six Clouds of Joy. 5:00 p. m.- Winifred Donaldson, soprano; Elmer Ilerl-

ing. baritone. 5:30 p. m. -NBC, happy Wonder Bakers. 6:00 p. m. Nile. Westinghou.e Salute. 6:30 p. m. -NBC, R -K -O Hour. 7:00 p. m.- Golden State Quartette. 7 :4 1 p. m. -NB(', -Sperry Sweethearts." 8:00 p. m.- Aeolian Organ Recital. 8:45 p. nr. -Nick Harris program. 9:40 p. m. -Ray Van Dyne's Orchestra and Jean Dunn.

10:00 p. m. Three Minstrelettes and Tim Garrett. 10:30 p. m. -Louis Rueh-- llealth Exercises.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 12:00 noon. -Seeing Southern California. 3:00 p. m.- Jerome Powers. pianist 3:15 p. m.- Oerman Lesson. Annette Doherty. 3:30 p. m. -NBC, Back of the News In Washington,


1000 South Hope St. WEstmore 0331

3.45 p. m. -Eddie Geldmacher, symphonic jazz pianist. 4 :00 p. m.-Elmer Herling, baritone ; I'. G. hall, ace. 4:15 p. m. -Billy Burton, popular violinist. 4:30 p. m.- Winslow Allen's Six Clouds of Joy. 5:00 p. m. --NBC, Halsey -Stuart 5:30 p. m. -NBC, Palmolive Hour. 6:30 p. m. -NBC, ('oca Cola program. 7:00 p. m. -Della Curley, ballads; Polly Grant hall,

accompanist 7:15 p. m. -Yellow Cab program. 7:45 p. m. -Jack and Jill, Gene Lewis and liebe. 8:00 p. m. -NBC, Parisian Quintette. 8:30 p- m. -Julie Kellar, harpist 8:45 p. m.- Winnie Fields Moore, Travelogue. 9:00 p. m. -KECA String En >emble; Julie Kellar,

harpist. 10:00 p. in.- George Smith, saxophone quartet. 10:43 p. m.- Health Exercises, Louis Rueb.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 9:45 a. m. -NBC, Safeguarding the Nation's Food and

Drug Supply. 3:00 p. m. -Jerome Powers. pianist 3:15 p. m.- Marcella Burke, "Hollywood Chatterer." 3:30 p. m. -NBC. Half Hour in the Nation's Capitol. 4:00 p. in. -\HC. Flel'hmann Sunshine Hour. 5:00 p. m. -Arco Birthday Party. 5:30 p. Melodies. 6:00 p m.- Buster Wilson's Orchestra. 6:30 p m. -Lydia Aldrich, popular soprano, and Elmer

Herling. 7:00 p. m.- Wedgwood Nowell. 7:45 p. m. -Bob and Monte. 8:00 p. m. -NBC, Lucky Strike. 9:00 p. m.- Memory Lane. 9:30 p. m. -Eddie Armstrong, ballads.

10:00 p. m.- Felipe Delgado, Spanish baritone. 10:30 p. m. -Louis Rueb- Health Exercises.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 12:00 noon. -Seeing Southern California. 12:15 p. m. -Helen Guest, ballads. 3:00 p m.-- Armand, baritone. popular ballads. 3:30 p. m. -California Cotton Pickers' Orchestra. 4 :00 p ni.- Ballads on Approval. 5:00 p. nn. -NBC. Interwoven Pair. 5:30 p. m. -NBC, Armour Hour. 6:00 p. m. -Harry Webb and Entertainers with Bob

Hope. R -K -O. 6:30 p. m. -NBC, Raleigh Relive. 7:00 p. m. -NBC, The Elgin program. 7 :15 p. m.- Pierre Bros -Otto Platz, ilia. song:. 7:55 p. m. -Jack and Jill, Gene Lewis and Bebe. 8:00 p. m. -Jolly Leighton Chefs. 8:30 p. m. -June Snow, Bridge lesson. 8:45 p m. -Anna and Oecar. 9:00 p m.-- Winifred Donaldson, contralto; L. Isbell. 9:15 p. m. -NBC, Kodak Week -end program -S. F. 9:45 p, m.- Catherine C. Dixon, concert pianist.

10:00 p. m.- Russian String Ensemble. 10:30 p. m.- Ilealth Exercises -Louis Rueb.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 3:00 p m. -Art Mellinger and Art Schwartz. 3:30 p. ni.- NBC, The Fuller Man. 4:00 p, m.- -Paul McNally and Dolly McDonald, popu-

lar ballads. 4:30 p. m. -Max Mellinger, ballads; P. G. Hall, ace. 4:45 p. m.- Ilelen Guest, ballads. 5:00 p. m.- Winifred Donaldson, contralto. 5:30 p. m. -NBC. General Electric flour. 6:00 p. m. -Los Angeles Fire Department Oreh. 7:00 p. m. -.lack Parker, ballads. 7:45 p. m. -NBC, Sperry Hoteakes. 8:00 p. m. -NBC, Pacific Serenaders. 8:30 p. m. -Helen Guest, ballads. 8:45 p. m.- Eddie Armstrong. popular crooning tenor. 9:00 p. m. -Will Rounds' String Ensemble: Arthur

Lang. soloist. 10:00 p. m. -NBC. Spotlight Review.

See Page 16 for detailed NBC Program

SPECIAL POWER TRANSFORMERS Manufactured for All Circuits

CRITTENDEN TRANSFORMER WORKS 8114 South Central LAfayette 0561





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26 Radio Doings June 7 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KMPC Beverly Hills, Cal. -710 Kc.

Glen Rice Manager

John McIntyre Margaret Macdonald

Announcers Ray Howell Teebn lcf an

K. G. Ormiston Technical SuperWsor

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m. -Up and at 'em exercises, Ilaydon Pythian. 7:30 a. m. -Pot O' Gold. 8:00 a. m.- Sooner Birds Exercises- Ilaydon Pythian. 8:30 a. m.- Classl0ed. 9:00 a. m.- itolllcking Radioliers.

10:00 a. m.- Recordings. 10:15 a. m. -Dan Maxwell -the King of Scotland. 10:45 a. m. -llob Bunny and Junior. 11:00 a. m.- Southern Melodies. 11:30 a. m.- Studio program. 12:00 [coon. -Modes and Fashions.

1:00 p. ni. -The Genes - Half Hour of Piano. 2:10 p. m.- Classical and Semi -Classical Recordings. 5:00 p. m. -Just Kids Club. 5:45 p. m.-Classified. 6:00 p. m.- College Song. 6:16 p. m. -At Sunset

10:00 p. m.- Beverly Ií111 Billies (except Mon.). 11:00 p. m. -Ray Howell "And How" Macmillan pro-

gram (Monday, 10:00 p, m.). SUNDAY, JUNE 8

9:00 a. m.- Standard Motors Popular program. 12:00 noon -Noonday Melodies. 1:00 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 1:30 p. m. -Pipe Organ Recordings. 3:00 p. m.- Church of Latter Day Saints. 4:00 p. m. -Fred Bowers. popular song writer. 4:30 p. m. -Red Seal Recordings. 5:00 p. m. -Church of the Full Gospel. 6:00 p. m.- Sunset Melodies. 6:30 p. m. -Frank Sehastian's Orchestra. 9:00 p. m. -Two Genes -Iiano Duet. 9:30 p. m. -Light and Cook.

10:00 p. m.- Beverly Hill Billies. MONDAY, JUNE 9

500 WATTS -422.3 METERS Operated by Macmillan Petroleum Co.

Crestview 3101. Wilshire Blvd. at Camden Drive 6:30 p. tn.-Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 9:00 p. m.- University of So. Calif., lectures.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 12:45 p. m. -Melha Toast program.

1:30 p. m. -A. T. Hull, the Young Adventurer. 2:00 p. m. -Dr. Coulter, talk on care of pets. 3:00 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 3:30 p. m.- Playlet. 4 :30 p. m. -Band music. 6:30 p. m. -Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 8:30 p. m. -Lido Isle program, 9:00 p. m.- Mystery Play. 9:30 p. m. -Big Bear Orchestral program.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 8:30 a. m.- Ladies' Wear Distributors popular program.

12:45 p. m. -Melba Toast program. 1:30 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 2:00 p. m.- Afternoon Musicale. 3:00 p. m.-University of So. Calif., lectures. 5:30 p. m.- Cuckoo Clock. 6 :30 p. m. -Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 9 :00 p. m.- University of So. Calif., lectures. 9:30 p. m. -J. N. Pyle, True Detective Stories.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:30 a. m. -The Ad- VLsor.

10:30 a. m. -George Francis. 11:00 a. m. -Ilob, Bunny and Junior. 12:45 p. m. -Melba Toast program.

1:30 p. m. -A. T. Hull, the Young Adventurer. 2:00 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 3:00 p. m. -Pipe Organ Recital. 3:30 p. m.- Muslcal Comedy. 4:00 p. m. -Music of the Past. 4:30 p. m.- Studio program. 6:30 p. m. -Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 9:00 p. m. -John TeGroen's Orchestra. 9:30 p. m.- Marmon Melodists.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 8:30 a. m.- Ladles' Wear Distributors program.

12:45 p. m. -Melba Toast program. 1:30 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 3:00 p. m. -Band Recordings. 4:00 p. m. -Fred C. McNabb, Garden talk. 6:30 p. m.- Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 9:00 p. m. -Lido Isle program,

music. 9:30 p. m. -Light and Cook.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 8:30 a. m. -The Ad- Visor. 1:30 p. m. -A. T. hull, the Young Adventurer. 3:00 p. m.- Saturday Afternoon Hoops and Jingles

8:30 a. m.- Ladies' Wear Distributors program. Jamboree. 2:00 p. m.- Macmillan Hawaiian program. 5:00 p. m. -The Ad- Visor. 2:30 p. m.- Afternoon Musicale. 5:30 p. m.- Cuckoo Clock. 3:00 p. m.- University of So. Calif., lectures. 6:30 p. m. -Frank Sebastian's Orchestra. 5:30 p. m.- Cuckoo Clock. 9:00 p. m.- Junior Chamber of Commerce program.

Radio Correspondence Education Division KMPC University of Southern California

MONDAY, JUNE 9 3:00 p. m.- Musical program, Adelaide Spencer Dono-

van, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Gould. 3:30 p. m.- -Economically Budgeted Wardrobe, Doro-

thy J. Gilliland, courtesy J. W. Robinson Co. 4:00 p. m.- Wonders of the Deep, Dr. Francis M.

Baldwin. 4:30 p. m.- Public's Business, Mr. Gordon Whitman,

dtrectcr- manager City Planning Commission. 9:00 p. m. -The Philippines: Should They Be Inde -

wndent? Mr. James Mussatti.

9:30 p. m. -Merry Moments with Martha, Martha Bar- nett.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 3:00 p. m.-Our Helen In Magic Storyland, Helen

Birdsall. 3:30 p. m.- Interpretations, Laura Crozier and Eugene

Perrine, School of Speech. 4:00 p. m.- Leisure and Its Use. Mr. Clarence L.

Glenn. Board of Education, Is Angeles. 4:30 P. m. -Open. 9:00 p. m.- College of Music. Variety, under the di-

rection of Prof. Horatio Cogswell.


HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. GLadstone 5781 Just Three Blocks West of Western Avenue

Radio Service in All Parts of California Write Us About Our Special Mail Order Serviee to

All Outside Points


DIO TRADES ASS'N. We Use the Supreme Diagnometer

In All Service Work We Maintain a Special Division of

Our Service Dept. for Dealers


June 7


Radio Doings 27

KGFJ Los Angeles, Calif. -1200 Kc.

Ben S. McGlaehan Owner

Duke Hancesk Assistant Manager Thelma Kirchner

Publicity John Smithson

Technician Wm. Miller Nite Owl Phone:

WEstmore 7788

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 12:00 midnight -Mosby's Dixieland Blue Blowers

Apex Night Club. 1:00 a. m. -Night Owl program. 6:00 a m.- Gedunkers' Club. 7:00 a. m.- Madame Lawrye's Goodwill program. 8:30 a. m.- Gordon Smith's Shopping Guide. 9:30 a. m. -Dr. Dean Clinics.

10:00 a. m.- Ifarmony Hawaiian Quartet. 11:00 a. m. -The Health Man. 11:30 a. m.- Spanish program. 12:00 noon. -Japanese Radiotising Service. 12:30 p. m. -The Yellow Jackets from Oaks Tavern.

1:30 p. m. -The Peptontists. 2:00 p. m.- Studio program. 3:00 p. m.- Gainsborough Beauty Shop. 4:00 p. m.- 31ildred Shry, blues singer. 4:30 p. m.- Recordings. 5:00 p. m.- Markets Reports; Announcements; Ei

Patio Grill. 5:15 p. m.- Gordon Smith's Radiotising Service. 6:00 p. m. -Glenn Edmonds' Orchestra from Elks Club. 7:00 p. m.- Studio program. 8:00 p. m. -The Yellow .facets Orchestra from Oak's

Tavern. 8:30 p. m- -String Quintet. 9:30 p. m.- Mosby's Dixieland Blue Blowers from Apes

Night Club.

100 WATTS -249.9 METERS J. V. Baldwin Bldg., 15th and Figueroa Ste. "Keeping Good Folks Joyful 24 Hours a Day"

10:30 p. m. -The Two Bobs. li :00 p. m.- ltecordb,gs. SUNDAY. JUNE 8

12:00 midnight - -Nite Owl program. 7:00 a. m.- Recordings.

10:00 a. m.- Organ Recital by Arch Fritz from Musi- cians' Club.

11:00 a. m. -KGFJ Concert Orchestra: Hale Hooper, bal- lads; Blanche Cooper, pianist.

1:00 p. ni.- -Unique String Quintet; Gladys Parish, vo- calist; Blanche Cooper.

3:00 p. m.- Harmony Hawaiian Quartet. 5 :00 p. m.- Organ Recital by Arch Fritz from Must -

sians' Club. from 6:00 p. m. -Glenn Edmonds' Orchestra from Elks Club.

7:00 D. m.- Record i(us. 9:00 p. m. -- Mosbys Dixieland Blue Blowers.

10:00 p. m.- Recordings. MONDAY, JUNE 9

5:15 p. m. -KGFJ Concert Ensemble; Gladys Parish, vocalist.

10:30 p. m.-Bob White. guitar. TUESDAY, JUNE 10

4:00 p. m.- Mildred Shry, blues; organ selections. 5:15 p. m. -KGFJ Concert Ensemble; Gladys Parish,

vocalist; \Vat. Sahranslp', pianist. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11

5:15 p. m.- Gladys Parish, vocalist; Win. Sabransky. pianist.

10:30 p. m.- -Bob and itib. guitar and vibraphone. THURSDAY, JUNE 12

2:00 p. m. -Les Hite and his Famous Emancipators. 5:15 p. ni.- -KGFJ Concert Ensemble.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 4:00 p. m.- Mildred Shry, blues and piano. 5:15 p. m. -KGFJ Concert Ensemble; Gladys Parish, - vocalist.

SATURDAY. JUNE 14 5:15 p. m. -KGFJ Concert Ensemble; Gladys Parish,

vocalist; Win. Sabransky, pianist. 10:30 p. m.- Bob and Bib. guitar and vibraphone.


KGB Robert G. Binyon

Manager Luther L. Putnam

Studio I)irector Lilas Johnson

Program Director Fred Stone

Studio Accompanist Lloyd Snow Announcer

Willis F. Farnum Chief Technician

Ralph R. Williams Technician

San Diego, Calif. -1330 Kc.

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7 :00 a. m.- Popular recordings. 8:30 a. m. -Who's Who. 9:00 a. m. -June Specials.

10 :00 a. m.- Recordings. 2:30 p. m.- Recordings. 2:45 p. m. -News. courtesy San Diego Sun. 3:00 p. m.- Recordings (ex. Mon., Tues. & Sat.). 4:30 p. m. -U. S. Dept. of Agriculture -Farm Talk

(except Sat.). 5:00 p. m. -"Air Castles," Baron Keyes. 5:15 p. m.- Merchants' Air Service. 6:00 p. m. -Lost and Found, and Merchants Air Serv. 6:30 p. m.- Vanity Fair Birthday Party. 6:45 p. m. -Put & Jake.

10:00 p. m.- Studio program.


8:00 a. m.- Through the Comics with Uncle Si. 9:00 a. m.- Classical Recordings.

10:00 a. m.- Watchtower program. 11:00 a. m.- Recordings and Theater Announcements.

5:00 p. m. -Old Time Gospel Hour. 5:30 p. m.- Classical Recordings. 6:00 p. m.- Church of Jesus Church of L. D. S.

225.4 METERS -250 WATTS Pickwick Terminal Hotel- Franklin 6151 -2 -3


7:00 m. -Lucky Four. 8:00 m.- String Quintet with Iuella Pirtle. 9:00 m. -The Real Mexico.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 3:30 p. m.- Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. 6:00 p. m.- Sponsored Spanish program. 7:15 p. m. -Dr. Babienco, bird imitator .

7:30 p. m. -Ralph Kellogg and Carl Beyer. 8:30 p. m.- Belasco Trio. 9:00 p. m.- Highway Highlights.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 3:00 p. m.- Studio program. 3:30 p. m.-Alolia Boy. Duo. 7:16 p. m. -Burns Sisters and Fred Stone. M:00 p. m.- l'ortuee,e program. 9:00 p. m.- "Rhythm and Romance."


7:15 p. m. -Piano Improvisations. 7:30 p. m.- Concert Quartet with Chas. Sloan. 8:30 p. m.- Community Chest program. 9:00 p. m.- Beiasco Trio.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 4:00 p. m.- Parent -Teacher Assc,clatlon. 7:15 p. m. -Aloha Boys Trio. 8:00 p. m.- highway Highlights. 9:00 p. m.- Mexican Serenaders.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 3:30 p. m. -Aloha Boys Duo. 7:15 p. m.- Calaste Conand Hudson and Banjo Boys. 8:00 p. m.- Arkansas Old Timers. 9:00 p. m.- ('iassical Interpretations with Elizabeth


D. P. D.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 3:00 p. m. -KGB Movie Club. 3:30 p. m.- Roseieaf\lelaney with Nyla Brown. 4:00 p. m. -Maude Holcomb Lydick. piano recitai. 7:15 p. m. -Minor Twins and Bill Rossi. 8:00 p. m. -KGB Frolic.




Radio Doings June 7

KIM Glenhall Taylor

Manager Frank Gage

Program Director Don Allen

A >st. Program Director t'hie( Announcer Marlllah 011ney



6:00 a. m. -The Eye Opener program. 7:00 a. m. -KTM Ranch Hour. 8:00 a. m.- Danceiand Melodies. 8:30 a. m.- Netson'a Novelties. 9:00 a. m. -Bert's Request program.

10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m.-Silent. 1:00 p. m.- -I ur tas Rater program; Dorothy Dee,

organist. 2:00 p. m.- Popular Melodies. 2:30 p. m. -The Health Man. 3:30 p. m.- Cambria Pines program. 4:30 p. m. -KTM Date Book. 5:00 p. m. to 8:00 p. m.- Silent.

10:00 p. m.- Organ. 12:00 midnights- Spizzerin1Aum Cluh.

Los Angeles, Cal. -780 Kc.


8:00 a. m. -The Eye Opener. 19:00 a. m. -I. B. S. A. Watch Tower program. 1:00 p. m. -Organ Echoes. 1:30 p. m.-Spanish program. 2:30 p. m. -Santa Monica Band. 3:30 p. m.- Sacred program hy Stuart Blair, haritone;

Arthur Shaw, tenor. 4:00 p. m.- Weaver Jackson Concert Trio. 8:00 p. m. -Santa Monica Band and Lew Gordon. 9:00 p. m. -Organ Classics and Earl Cass. 9:30 p. m.- Litevinne, concert pianist.

10:00 p. m.- Swanfelt program. 11:00 p. m.- Iìeaders' Hour. 12:00 midnight- Spizzerinktum Cluh.


2:45 p. m.- Popular Waltzes. 2:00 p. m. -Don Allen's Request program. 4:00 p. m. -Organ Echoes. 8:00 p. m.- Interesting Interviewa. 8:30 p. m. -Leo Manu's City Slickers. 9,00 p. m.- Highway Highlights.

10:00 p. m,- Readers' Flour.


1:30 p. m.- Household Hints hy Laura Scudder. 1:45 p. m, -Organ Echoes. 3:00 p. m.- Spanish Trouhadours. 4:00 p. m. -Dance Melodies. 4:45 p. m.- Solving Your Problems, hy Walter Brown

Murray. 8:00 p. m. -Santa Monica Band. 8:30 p. m. -F. A. G. Moth program. 8:45 p m. -Blue Ridge Mountain Duo. 9:00 p. m.- Pickwick Securities program.

10:00 p. m.- Readers' Hour. 10:30 p. m.-Et Patio. 11:00 p. m. -Lanf McIntyre's Hawaiians.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 2:45 p. m.- Popular Fox Trots. 3:00 p. m. -Santa Monica Band. 4:00 p. m.- Popular Melodies. 4:25 p. m.- Better Business Bureau Talk. 8:00 p. m. -Santa Monica Band. 9:00 p. m,- Twilight Memories, Loyce Whiteman. 9:30 p. m.- Killian Sisters.

11:00 p. m. -Lanf McIntyre's Hawaiians.


4:00 p. m.-- Popular Melodies. 4:30 p. m. -Organ Recital. 8:00 p. m.- Highway Highlights, foaturing Killian


1000 WATTS-384.4 METERS Transmitter in Santa Monica, Calif.

Los Angeles Studio: 3636 Beverly Blvd. EXposition 1341

Pickwick Broadcasting Corporation Henry A. Hohman, General Manager

Clarence B. Jueau, Chief Transmission Engineer

9:00 p. m. -KT11 Little Theater. 9:30 p. m.- Franky and Johnny.

11:00 p. m. -Lani McIntyre's Hawaiians. FRIDAY. JUNE 13

1:30 p. m.- Household Hints by Laura Scudder. 1:45 p. m.- Organ. :1:00 p. nl.- Spanish Troubadours. 4:00 p. m.- Danceland Melodies. 8:00 p. m.- Evenings on the Ranch. 9:00 p. m. -Organ Echoes. 9:30 p. m.- Novelty Quartet. 9:30 p. m.- Spanish program.

10:00 p. m.- Little Readers' Hour. 10'60 p. m. -El Patio. 11:00 p. m. -Lan! McIntyre's Hawaiian.


3:00 p. m.- Children's Playground Hour. 8:00 p. m. -Frank Gage and his gang. 9:30 p. m. -Cyril Godwin's Trio.

10:00 p. m. -Organ Echoes. 10:30 p. m.- Little Readers' Hour.

KFI Program

(Continued from Page 17)

9:00 a. m. -Bess Kilmer'a Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:30 a. m. -NBC, Betty Crocker Gold Medal Home

Service talk. 10:00 a. m. -Grace Meade, hallads. 10:15 a. m. -NBC, Josephine Gibson Food talk. 11:30 a. m. -Sadye Nathan. 11:95 a. m.- Spanish Lesson- Annette Doherty. 12:30 p. m.- Seeing Southern California.

2:15 p. m.- Winnie Fields Moore, Travelogue. 2:30 p. m. -Grace Hamilton and Jack Stern, hallada. 3:15 p. m.- Wedgwood Nowell -"Playgoers' Memories." 4 :00 p. m. -Dr. Kim, "Building China's Future." 5:30 p. m. -Talk on Gardening. 6:00 p. m. -NBC, Armstrong Quakers. 6 :30 p. m.- Bernice Morrtsson, Poet of the Plano. 7:00 p. m. --Cafe Max Fisher, remote. 7:30 p. m. -Paul Roberts and Schonberger Trio. 8:00 p. m. -Gwen Evans, soprano, and Martin Jacklin,

hallads. 8:30 p. m. -Two Shades of Blue, Mart and Lil. 8:95 p. m. -NBC, Tone Pictures. 9:15 p. m. -Three Co -Eds. 9:30 p. m. -Jane Green and Ron Wilson.


6:45 a. m.- Getrrude Gussell, ballads, with Paul Mc- Nally and guitar.

7:30 a. m.- Autonne Chris and guitar. 9:00 a. m.- Kaai Hawaiian Trio. 9:30 a. m.- Mental Exercises, Frances Hancock. 9:95 a. m. -NBC, National Farm and Home Hour.

10:30 a. m. -NBC, Del Ray Fine Foods feature. 10:50 a. In.-NBC, Woman's Magazine of the Air. 11:30 a. m. -Jules Garrison, The Passer By." 11:45 a. m.- French Lesson by Annette Doherty.

2:15 p. m. -Alma and Adele Howell, duets. 2:45 p. m. -Kelly Alexander, baritone. 3:15 p. m.- Masked Minstrels' Hour. 3:45 p. m. -Eddie Armstrong. ballads. 4:00 p. m. -Dolly McDonald, blues. 4:30 p. m. -Paul McNally and guitar. 4:45 p. m.- Two Shades of Blue. 5:00 p. in. -Will E. Wing. 5:30 p. m. -A. Malverne Christie, tenor. 6:00 p. m.- NBC, General Electric Hour. 7 :00 p. m.- Forest Lawn Memorial Park program. 8:00 p. m. -NBC. Gilmore Circus. 8:30 p. m.- Robert Hurd. tenor, with Packard Orch. 9:00 p. m.- NBC, Del Monte Coffee Co.

:1200 rouafestra.ff 12:011 midnight- -EH, Midnight Frolic.


June î Radio Doings 29 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KFOX Long Beach, Cal. -1250 Kc.

"Where Yew- Ship Comes I n" 1000 WATTS -239.9 METERS -HANCOCK OIL STATION

Telephone No. 672 -81

2:09 p. m. -Seth Parker. 2:30 p. m. -Kaai Hawaiians. 3:00 p. m.-On With the Show. 4 :00 p. m. -"A Moment with Patriarchs of Old. 4:15 p. m. -Organ Recital; Vera Graham. 4:30 p. m.- N :verett ltoaclsnd Troubadors. 5:30 p. m.- Hollywood Girls. 0:00 p. m. -"Em and Clem." 6:30 p. m. -Zadah Stoker and Her Kiddies. 6:45 p. m.- Foster and Doris. 7:00 p. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 7:30 p. m.- Hollywood Girls. 8:00 p. m. -First Church of Christ, Scientist. 9:00 p. m.- Purity Bread Capers.

12:00 noon. -Records. 1:00 p. m. -The Knight Fox.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 11:45 a. m.- Steinway Duo -Art. 12:00 noon.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 12:45 p. m.- Musical Moments.

1:00 p. m. -Bill and Coo. 5:00 p. m. -Organ Recital. 5:30 p. ni.-Sunset (toys. 6:30 p. m.- The Kaai Hawaiian Trio. 8:00 p. m.- Tavern Club Orchestra. 8 :30 p. m. -- Organ -Vera Graham. 9:00 p. m.- Faster and Doris. 9:30 p. nt.- Texas Cowboys.

12:00 noon.- Studio program. TUESDAY, JUNE 10

1:00 p. m.- Kiwanis Luncheon. 3.41 p. m.- Seein^ Southern California. 6:30 p. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 6:45 p. ni.-Dr. Robert Williams. 8:00 p. m. --The Gossipers. 8:30 p. m.-- Cherrio Boys. 8:45 p. m. -Polly Ann. 9:00 p. m.- Foster and Doris. 9:15 p. m.-- Organ -Vera Graham.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 1:00 p. m.- Rotary Luncheon. 3'41 p, m. Seetne Southern California. 8:00 p. m. -Seth Parker Singing School. 8:30 p. m.- -Tavern Club Orchestra. 9:00 p. m.- Foster. Doris and Cene.

THURSDAY. JUNE 12 7:30 p. m. -Vest Pocket Minstrels. 7:45 p. m.- Cherrio Boys. 8:00 p. m.- lienuie Light & Mark Cook. 9:00 p. m.- Foster and Doris. 9:15 p. m.- Organ -Vera Graham.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 11:45 a. m.- ltolUwood Girls.

1:00 p. m.- Masonic Luncheon. 3 41 p. m. Seeine Southern California. 5:00 p. m.-Hollywood Girls. 6:30 p. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 6:45 p. nr.- The Three Vagabonds. 9:00 p. m.- The Song Story. 8:15 p. m.- .The ('herrio Boys. 8:30 p. m.- Campus Nights. 9:00 p. m.- Foster and Doris. 9:15 p. ro. -Organ -Vera Graham.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 1 :00 p. ro. -Bill & ('oo. 1:30 p. m.-- barrio Boys. 8:00 p. m.- Tavern Club Orchestra. 8:30 p. m.- Three Vagahonds. 9:00 p. m.- Foster and Doris. 0:15 p. m.- Organ- -Vera Graham.

Owned and Operated by

Nichols & Warriner, Inc. 220 E. Anaheim St.

Hal G. Nichols Clarence Crary Foster Rucker

Cecil Fry Heini Donner Announcers

L. W. McDowell Chief Technician


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 1:00 -3:00 a. m. -The Knight Fox. 5:00 a. m. -The Early Bird. 7:00 a. m.- Hello, Everybody. 7:30 a. m.- Early News Items. 7:45 a. m.- Novelty Slusical Numbers. 7:50 a. m.- Bright and Early Hour. 8:20 a. m.- Music. S:30 a. m.- Ileaith and Efficiency. 8:40 á. m.- Recordings. 9:00 a. m.- Beauty Talk 9:10 a. m.- Phonograph Music.

10 :00 a. m.- Music. 10:30 a. m.- Organ Recital by Vera Graham. 11:00 a. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 11:30 a. m. -News Reports by Frank P. Gons. 12:45 p. m.- Musical Moments.

1: ::0 p. m.- Cheerio Boys. 1:50 p. m. -Dr. Iiarhottle, Clarence and Doris. 2 :20 p. m. -Holly Wray. 2:30 p. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 3:00 p. m.- Campus Sweeties. 3:15 p. m.-Today in history. 3:30 p. m. -Organ Recital. 4:00 p. m. -Late News Report, Press -Telegram. 4:15 p. m. -Holly and Gene. 4:30 p. m.- Violet's Tiny Tots. 4:45 p. m. -Jones Harmony Four. 6:00 p. m.-Ern and Clem. 6 :15 p. m. -Percy at the Phone. 6:45 p. m. -The Three Vagabonds (except Tuesday). 7:00 p. m.- Buttercream School Kids.

10:00 p. m. -Young Folks at Home. 11:00 p. m.- Majestic Ballroom Orchestra.

DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY 11:45 a. m.- Hollywood Girls. 5:00 p. m.- Hollywood Girls. 6:30 p. m.- Sunset Harmony Boys. 7:15 p. m. -Ezra & Abe. 7:30 p. m. -Vest Pocket Minstrels. 7:45 p. m.- Cheerio Boys. 9:30 p. m.- Everett IToagland's Trouhadors from Ren-

dezvous at Balboa. 12:00 midnight -Everett Hoagland Troubadors.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 n6 a. m. The Early Bird.

7 :00 a. m.- Music. 8:00 a. m.-- Family Circle Hour. 8:30 a. m.-- ('lover Leaf program. 9:00 a. m.-Old Time Music.

10:00 a. m.- Angeles Abhey Organ Recital. 11:00 a. m.- St. Luke's Episcopal Church. 12:30 p. m.- Musical program for Rirkel Music Co. 1:00 p. m. Hollywood Girls -Novelty Trio.


KELWBurbank, Calif. -780 Kc. MAGNOLI A PARK -500 WATTS -384.4 METERS

"The White Spot of the San Fernando Valley" Phones: Burbank 1601- 11RanIte 3193

H. Wadsworth Cole Manager

Dave Ward Asst Manager

Stuart Wainwright Chief Engineer

Dave Ward Harry Moodie Announcers

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 10:00 a. m. -Frank and What's His Name. 11:00 a. m. -Mr. Rango. the Zodiac Man. 11:30 a. m.- Announcements and Records. 12:00 noon -Coos Ilay. 5:00 p. m. -The Story of Mortimer Park. 5:30 p. m.- Recordings. 6:00 p. m. -Roy L. Medcalfe at the Fox Alexander

Theater organ. 7 :00 p. m. -Paris inn Cafe. La Vida. remote control


30 Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KGER Herbert R. Connor Assistant Manager

Frank C. Bliss Publicity Director

Dick Dixon Program Manager

Jay Tapp Chief Engineer Fritz Martin Jerry Purcell Jack Strock Announcers

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.- lteveler's Dance Orchestra. 7:30 a. m.- Brentwood Revelers. 8:00 a. m. -Foot Comfort Talks. 9:00 a. In. -Home Makers' Hour.

10:00 a. m.- Records. 10:45 a. m.- Beauty Talk. 11:00 a. m.- Varieties. 11:45 a. m.- HiNoon, Ili -Jinks (Rhythm Makers). 12:00 noon.- Rhythm Makers. 12:15 p. m.-Silent. 2:00 p. m.- String Trio, soloists and talks. 2:30 p. m.- -Long Beach Band (except Monday). 4:00 p. In.- -Studio. 4:30 p. nL- Organ. 8:00.7:00 p. m.- Silent. 9:00 p. m.-News Bulletin -Long )teach Sun.

11:00 p. m.- -Quiet Time Tunes; Dick Dixon. SUNDAY, JUNE 8

8:00 a. m.- Comrades of the Air. 9:30 a. m.- Taubman's Men's Blhle class.

11:00 a. m. -First Presbyterian Church. 12:00 noon.- Studio music. 1:00 p. m.- Records. 2:00 p. m.- Studio. 2:30 p. m. -Long Beach Municipal Band. 4:00 p. m.- Through Cathedral Windows. 5:00 p. m.- Studio program. 6:30 p. m.- Aristocrat of the Supper Table. 7:00 p. m. Serenaders String Trio and Vocali t. 5:00 p. m.- Silent. 9:00 p. m.- Reverie Hour.

10:00 p. m.- Weekly Frolic. 11:00 p. m.- Frolic continued.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 11:00 a. tn.- Studio Variety. 1:00 p. m.-Nature Study Talk; Organ. 4:00 p. m.- Studio. 4:30 p. m.- Organ. 5:00 p. m. -Organ and String Trio. 7:30 p. m. Senoritas String Ensemble.

Long Beach, Cal. -1360 Kc. 1000 WATTS -220.4 METERS

935 Pine Avenue Phone 632.75 C. Merwin Dobyns, Owner and Director. Bill Ray, Manager.

8:00 p. m.- Orchestra and Soloists. 9:15 p. m.- Planistic Moods.

10:00 p. m.- Senoritas. 10:30 p. m. -Song; of the Islands.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 0:15 a. m. -Organ 9:00 a. m.-Sally's Home Hour.

10:00 a. m.- Records. 10:43 a. m.- Beauty Chat. 11:00 a. m.- Studio Diversities. 1:00 p. m. -Dolly Day Dreams. 1:30 p. m.- Studio. 5:00 p. m. -Organ and String Trio. 7:30 p. m.- Senoritas String Trio. 8:00 p. m.- String Ensemble and Vocalist. 9:30 p. m.- Olymplc Fights, Los Angeles.

10:00 p. ni.- Eerenaders String Trio; Charlotte Morgan. WEDNESDAY. JUNE II

10:00 a. m.- Records. 11 :00 a. m.- Varieties.

1 :00 p. m.- Studio Novelties. 2:30 p. m. -Long Beach Municipal Band. 5:00 p. m. -Organ and String Trio. 7:30 p. m.- Senoritas Dance Band. 8:00 p. m. -String Ensemble in Light Classics. 0:00 p. m.- Fights, Wilmington Bowl.

10:00 p. m.- Rhythm Makers' Dance Orchestra. THURSDAY. JUNE 12

11:00 a. m.- Studio Variety. 1:00 p. m.- Popular Songs. 1:30 p. m.- Auditions. 5:00 p. m. -Organ asid String Trio. 7:30 p. m.- Studio String Trio and Vocalist. 8:00 p. m.-Earl Judy. piano and organ; orchestra. 9:00 p. in.- Pacific Coast Club Musicale.

10:00 p. m. -"Big Boy" Williams; Serenaders String Trio FRIDAY, JUNE 13

1:00 p. m. -Dolly Day Dreams. 1:30 p. m.- Studio. 5:00 p. m. -Organ and String Trio. 7:30 p. m.- Senoritas Dance Orchestra. 8:00 p. m.- String Ensemble. 8:30 p. ni.-KGER Players. 9:15 p. m. --Ole and His Gang. (Frolic).

10:00 p. m.- Rhythm Makers' Dance Orchestra. SATURDAY, JUNE 14

1:00 p. m.- Popular Music, Soloists, Vocal and Instru- mental.

5:00 p. m. -Organ and String Trio. 7:30 p. m.- String Ensemble. 0:00 p. m.-Melodies of Bygone Days. 4:30 p. m.- Spotlight Revue. 9:00 p. m.- Orchestra and Soloists.

10:00 p. m.- Rhythm Makers Dance Orchestra.


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.- Family Altar Hour.

10:00 a. m.- Sunshine Hour. 11:00 a. m.- Noonday Musicale (except Monday).

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 0:00 a. m.- Sabbath Sunrise Hour. 9:00 a. m.- Symphony Orchestra.

10:30 a. m.- .Sunday Morning Worship. 2:30 p. m.- Dispensational Message.

KFSG Los Angeles, Calif. -1120 Kc.

Aimee Semple McPherson Founder -resident

Roderick H. Morrison Station Director Noland Tucker

Announcer Maurice E. Kennedy Technical Director Eule Blnkley Locy Program Manager

500 WATTS -267.7 METERS Angelus Temple, Echo Park. EX. 1141

"Four Square Gospel"

8 :30 p. m.- Angelus Temple Silver Band. 7:00 p. m.- Musical Hour. 0:00 p. m.- Revisal Service.

10:00 p. m. -Music Lover's Hour. WEDNESDAY, JUNE II

2:00 p. m. -L. 1. F. E. Band Concert. 2:30 p. m. -Dhine Healing Service. 4:30 p. m. -The Memorial Hour.


2:00 p. m.- Pasadena Hour. 3:00 p. m.- Bethesda Hour. 4:00 P. m.- Twillght Hour. 8:00 p. m. -Water Baptismal Service. 9:30 p. m.- Foursquare Conservatory and Symphony

Orchestra. FRIDAY, JUNE 13

2:00 p. m. -Music Master's Hour. 3:00 p. m.- Bethesda Hour. 4:00 p. m.- Brother .lack and the Kiddies' Hour.


0:00 p. m.- Divine Healing Service. 9:30 p. m. -Back Horne )tour.


Lunt' Radio Doings 31 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 8:45 a. m. --Good Cheer program. 9:00 a. m.- Morning Musical.

10:00 a. m. -Amy Lou Shopping Hour. 11 :00 a. m. -Service Hour. 12:00 coon. -James Erickson at Console of Fox Calif.

Theatre. 12:30 p. m.- Studio program.

1:00 p. m. -KFSD Matinee Hour. 2:00 p. m.-Story Time (except Saturday). 2:30 p. m.- Balboa Park Organ (except Mouday). 5:90 p. m.- Nightly Musical Review. 6:00 p. m. -Late News; Weather Reports.

10:00 p. m.- Bradley -Woolman Chapel of the Chimes. 11:00 p. m.- Douglas Night Club.


9:30 a. m.- Studio program. 10:30 a. m.- Studio program. 11:45 a. m.- Studio program. 12:00 noon.-Old Time program.

2:00 p. m.-Ballads. 2:30 p. m. -Organ Recital from Balboa Park; Dr.

Humphrey J. Stewart_ 7:30 p. m. -North American Ensemble. 8:30 p. m. -Hotel del Coronado.


2:30 p. m.-Opera program. 6:15 p. m.- Feature program. 6:55 p. m.- Charles Gurley of the Better Business Bu-

reau. 7:00 p. m.- Thearle's Music Hall. 8:00 p. m.- Hawaiians and Helen Kirkham. 9:00 p. m. -Mood Pictures.

KFSD Leslie Adams

General Manager Walter B. Neill

Advertising Manager Glen Litton

Chief Technician Gene Perry Announcer

Leah McMahon Program Director

San Diego, Calif.-600 Kc. 1000 WATTS -199.7 METERS The Air Capitol of the West"

Telephone Franklin 6353


3:30 p. m.- French Lesson by Madam Bremont. 4:45 p. m.- Popular program. 4:45 p. m.- Seeing San Diego with Cora Babbitt John-

son. 7:00 p. m.- Douglas Stompers. 8:00 p. m.- Feature program. 9:00 p. m.- Quintette, assisted by Mildred Marini and


3:30 p. m.- Classical program. 6:15 p. m.- Brunswick Brevities. 6:55 p. m.- [Safety program. 7:45 p. m. -Leah McMahon. 8:00 p. m. -North American Ensemble. 9:00 p. m.- Hawaiian program.


3:30 p. m.- French Lesson by Madam Bremont. 4:00 p. m.- Popular program. 6:15 p. m. -Your English. 6:30 p. m.- Manuel Dehesa, Spanish Serenader. 7:00 p. m.- Cramer's Trio and John Wells, baritone. 8:00 p. m.- Brunswick Brevities. 8:30 p. m.- Easley Players. 9:00 p. m.-- Feature program.


3:30 p. m. -Child Psychology by Mrs. Craw. 4:00 p. m. -Somi- Classical program. 6:15 p- m. -Your English. 6:30 p. m.- Caliste Conant Hudson: 7:00 p. m.- Program by remote control from Thearlé s

Music Hall. 8:00 p. m. -Dan Parker's Old Time program. 9:00 p. m.- Quintette, assisted by Janet Stanley and

Bailey Warren. SATURDAY. JUNE 14

3:30 p. m.- "Echoes from the Penn," by Miss \Vixfe \ \'1x.

4:00 p. m.- Classical program. 6:15 p. m. -Your English. 6:30 p. m.- Orpheus Quartette. 7:30 p. m.- Feature program. 8:00 p. m.- Fanchon -Marco program from Fox Theatre 8:30 p. m.-Blanche Wood, oricinal girl baritone. 9:00 p. m.- Popular program.

KTB I 1000 Watts -230.6 Meters -1300 Kc. -Blbie Institute of L. A HARRY P. HERDMAN. Announcer. Phone MA. 1611

HOWARD C. WILSON, Technician GORDON E. HOOKER. Accompanist


8:00 a. m. -uncle Harry's Bible Story. 8:15 a. m.- Devotional Hour. 9:15 a. m. -Radio Bible Course.

10:35 a. m. -Dr. John C Page. 12:00 noon -Noonday Chimes. 2:00 p. m.- Visiting Pastor.

Los Angeles, Calif. -1300 Kc.


6:00 p. nt. Studio Vesper Senlce. 8:00 p. m.--- Church of the Open Door. 9:00 p. m. -Bible Institute After Church Service.


8:45 a. m. -Res. Stanley H. Balles. 9:45 a. m. Messages from the Best Books.

11:30 a. m. -Verna ¡temple. soprano. 1:00 p. m.- Aghavni llargopiau and Dorothy 1:13 p. m.- Faculty Music Hour. 7:00 p. m.-The President's Half Hour. 7:30 p. m. -Rev. Milo .Jamison. 8:00 p. m.- Spanish Gospel Service. 9:00 p. m. -Dr. David L. Cooper.


8:45 a. m. -News of Christian Work. 9:45 a. m. -Bible Question Box.

11:30 a. m. -Dr. W. E. Edmonds.


1:00 p. m.- Hazel Shisely and Gordon Hooker. 1:30 p. m. -Book Messages.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 8:45 a. m. -Rev. Stanley H. Balles. 9:45 a. m. -Prof. H. W. Kellogg.

11:30 a. m. -Dr. J. E. Jaderqulst. 1:00 p. m.- Musical H alf Flour. 1:30 p. m. -Rev. John A. Hubbard.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:45 a. m.- Announcer's Hour. 9:45 a. m.- Missionary }lour.

11:30 a. m.-- Pastoral Talks on Heart Problems. 1:00 p. m.- Gordon Hyde. tenor. 1:15 p. m.- Missionary Biographies.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 8:45 a. m.- Correspondence ('atrse Bible Lesson. 9:45 a. m.-- \lessagcs in Song.

11:30 a. m. -Dr. J. E. Jaderquist. 1:00 p. m. -Jack Wells, baritone, 1:15 p. m. -W. R. Hale, Supt. of Men. 7:00 p. m.- international Sunday School Lesson. 8:00 p. m.- Evening School Lecture. 9:00 p. m.- Program of Gospel Music.


32 Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent .s by the stations


KMIC V. G. Freitag

Manager Tel. TH. 1121

Inglewood 1927 Frank Bull

Cliff Howell Announcers

Lowrey Hester Musical Director Charles Whitney


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:00 a. m. -Uncle Bim and Andy. 8:00 a. m.- Popular Records. 9:00 a. m. -Roll call for 1930 Super Marathon. 9:55 a. m. -News Flashes.

12:00 noon. -American Legion Briefs -News Flashes. 12:15 p. m.- Records. 12:30 p. m.- Loyola University, Educational (ex.

1:00 p. m.- Popular Records. 5:00 p. m. -News Flashes -Request Record& 6:00 t'. m. Organ Recital (except Wednesday).

12:00 midnight -Request Records. SUNDAY, JUNE 8

12:30 p. m.- Records. 4 :30 p. m.- Selected records.

11:00 P. m.- Marathon. MONDAY, JUNE 9

2:00 p. m.- Records. 6:30 p. m.- Armstrong Music Memory Contest. 7:00 p. m.- "Cinema Suggestions." 7:30 p. m. -"The Album of Popular Classics." 8:00 p. m. -The Pepiters. ri:30 p. m.- Loni McIntyre Harmony Hawaiians. 9:30 p. m.- Piano Moods. .

Inglewood, Calif. -1120 Kc.


500 WATTS -267.7 METERS Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Inglewood, Calli.

Owned and Operated ey Dalton's, Ina. 10:00 p. m. -"Dot and Dash." 11:00 p. m.- Marathon.

TUESDAY, JUNE IO 2:00 p. m.- Popular records. 6:30 p. m.- "Sweethearts' program." 7:00 p. m.- "Three- Minute Men in Scotland." 8:C0 p. m.- Loni 'McIntyre and Hawaiians. 7:30 p. m. -"Hits of Yesterday." 9:00 p. m.- -Lloyd S. Nix. City Prosecutor.

10:00 p. m.- Popular records. 11:00 p. m.- Marathon.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 6:00 p. In.- Rudolph Friuli program. 6:30 p. m.- "Cinema Suggestions." 7:00 p. m. -Organ Recital. 7:30 p. m. -"Haif Hour of Pep." 8:00 p. m. -Lanl McIntyre Harmony Hawaiians. 9:00 p. m.- Magazine of the Air. 9:30 p. m.- Switts Palais Ballroom.

10:30 p. m.- Records. 11:00 p. m.- Marathon.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 6:30 p. m.- "Popular Hits of Today." 7:00 p. m.- "Songs Mother Used to Sing."

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 6:30 p. m.- Musical Mixture. 7:00 p. m. -Love Songs -Serenaders. 7:30 p. m.- "Hawaiians." 8:30 p. m.- "Around the World in Dance." 9:00 p. m.- "Campus Cutups." 6:00 p. m. -Organ Rectal.

10:30 p. m.- Records. 11:00 P. m.- Marathon.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 6:30 p. m. -Salon Players. 7:30 p. m.- "Cinema Suggestions." 7:30 p. m.- "Footlight Favorites."

10:30 p. m.- Marathon.

KFXM J. C. and E. W. Lee


Frank Pierce Program Director

Bob Ford Advertising

E. F. Kiernan Technical Director


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 8:00 a. m. -Old Time program (ex. Wed.) and 9:30 a. m.- Late Recordings.

10:00 a. m.- concert program. 10:30 a. nr.- Selected Recordings. 11:30 a. m. -Al Fair's program. 12:00 noon -Fox California Organ Recital. 1.2:30 p. m.-Citizens Service program. 5:00 p. m.- Merchants Air Service. 5:30 p. m.- Hunt's Theater Night Ball News. 5:45 p. m.- Recordings. 6:15 p. m.- S. B. Sun -News. 6:30 p. rn.- Concert program (ex. Friday).

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 3:00 p. m.- Band Concert program. 4:00 p. m.- Vesper Scrcices, ]rev. Olson. 3:00 p. m.- -Alhum Hour.

MONDAY. JUNE 9 9:00 a. nr.- A. (1. Joues, Ye Fresh Poste Shop. 7:00 p. m. -De Soto Instrumental Trio. 7:30 p. m. -O. L. ('Owen Radio Party. 8:30 p. m.- Sunkist harmony. 9:00 p. m. -Good Luck Hour.

10:30 p. m.- Bob Hatfield and Eddie Beal.

San Bernardino. -1210 Kc.


100 WATTS -247.8 METERS California Hotel, Fifth and E. Streets. Phone 4761

The Voice of the Sunkist Valley


9:00 a. m.- Campton's Shoe Co. 7 :00 p. m. -The Troubadours, Fire and Police. 8:30 p. m.- Hollingsworth -Dodge Bros. 9:00 p. m. -De Soto Trio. 9:30 p. m.- Jessie Argo's Hawaiians.

10:00 p. m. -Bob Kelly and Marjory Whiteloek. WEDNESDAY, JUNE II

8:00 a. m.- Sunshine Hour. 9:00 a. m.- News Reports and Recordings.


9:00 a. m.- Spanish program. 7:00 p. m.- Ray -o- Vision Corporation. 8:00 p. m.- Cooiey Hardware Co. Novelty Trio. 8:30 p. m. -Dance Orchestra. 9:15 p. m.- Defiance Tire Co. 9:30 p. m. -half Hour on the Campus.

10:30 p. m.- llawaiian Blue Boys. FRIDAY, JUNE 13

9:00 a. m.- Campton's Ye Fresh Posie Shop. 6:30 p. m. -New Idea Man, KMTR. 7:30 p. m.- Victor flour. 8:30 p. m.- Federal Outfitting Co. 9:30 p. m.- Angelus Pictrola Trio.

10:00 p. m. -Dance Orchestra. SATURDAY. JUNE 14

9:00 a. m.- Spanish program. Dare Russek. 6 :30 p. m.- Purple Sash Orchestra. 7:30 p. m. -Nip and Tuck. 8:00 p. m.- Sunshine Girl. 8:30 p. m.- Lido Isle Concert Orchestra. 9:00 p. m.- Kansas Kai. Old Time Orchestra.

10:00 p. m.- Malahinie Trio. 10:30 p. m.- Frolic. 11:00 p. m.- Organ Recital. Fox California Theatre 12:00 midnight -Tramps of the Air.


June 7 Radio Doings 33

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KPO San Francisco, Calif. -680 Kc.

Phone Kearney 0704

J. W. Laughlin Managing Director

Curtis Peck Technical Director

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.- Health Exercises. with Professor Bob. 8:00 a. m. -Shell Happy Time, Hugh Dobbs. 9:30 a. m. -Daily Chat with IValter W. Cribbins.

10:30 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of the Air (except Thursday). NBC.

11:30 a. ni. -Juli Hayes: in Helpful Hints to House- wives (except Saturday).

11:55 a. m.- Scripture Reading, Weather Reports. etc. 12:05 p. m. -Snap Shots. Programs in Miniature. 2:30 p. m. -The Auburn Girl (except Monday). 2:40 p. m. -Ye Town Crier (except Monday). 2:45 p. m. -Play by play report of baseball games

except Monday). 4:50 p. m. -E. A. Pierce. stock reports. 4:30 p. m.-- Children's Hour. 5:30 p. m. -The Date Book. 5:45 p. m. -News Digest, with Scotty Mortland (except

Thursday). 6:00 p. m.- -KPO Masters of Music. 6:45 p. m.- Cecil and Sally. 7:00 p. m. -North Americans.


9:00 a. m.- Chronicle Comics of the Air. 9:30 a. m.- Floyd Wright -Organ Recital.

10:30 a. nt -Church Services. 12:00 noon. -National Forum, NBC.* 12:30 p. m.- Temple of The Golden Hour. KFl. 1:30 -5:45 p. m. -NBC. 6:15 p. m.- William Powers. tenor. 6:30 p. m.- Kathryn Julye Trio and KPO Mixed Quartet 7:15 p. m. -KTAB Inaugural program. 8:30 p. m. -Itudy Seiger's Fairmont Hotel Concert Orcb. 9:00 p. m. -Alias String Quartette. with Allan Wilson

10:00 p. m. -News Digest. -Scotty" Moreland. 10:30 p. m. -Joe Wright's Silver Slipper Dance Orch.


1:00 p. m. -Ann Warner's Home Making Chat. 1:30 p. m.- Harold Small -Book Review. 1:50 p. m. -E. A. Pierce Stock Reports. 2:00 p. m.- Mormon Tabernacle. NBC. 2:30 p. m.-Pacific Coast School Broadcast. NBC. 3:00 p. m. -Helen Gordon Barker Art Talk. 3:15 p. m.- California State Chamber of Commerce. 3:30 p. m.- Matinee Musicale. 5:20 p. nt -E. A. Pierce Stock Reports. 6:00 p. m. -Shell Symphoniste program. NBC.

See Page 16 for


"The Voice of San Francisco"

9 :00 p. m. -The Toreadors. 10:00 p. m. -Jesse Stafford's Palace Hotel Dance Orch.

TUESDAY. JUNE 10 1:00 p. m.- Novelty Fire. XBC. 1:30 p. m.- Pacific Coast School Broadcast, NBC. 2:10 p. nt- Califonila Crooners. 5:20 p. nt -E. A. fierce & Co.'s Stock Market Quota-

tions. 8:00 P. m. -('y Trobbe's Scrap Book program. with

Allan Wilson, tenor. 5:30 p. tn.-Musical Capers. 9:00 p. m.- MeeUug in The Tavern. 9:15 P. m.- Roland C. McIntosh, in "Plane Journeys." 9:30 p. m. -Earle C. Anthony "Packard program."

NBC. 10:00 p. m. -Joe Wright's Silver Slipper Dance Orel'.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 1:00 p. w. Ann Warner's Home Making Chat. 1:30 p. m. -Jerry Jermaine. balladist.

2:00 p. m. -Doug. Richardson. 8:00 p. m. -Let's (:et Associated. 5:30 p. m.- Topoy's Roosters. 9:00 p. m.- Nathan Abas. t'Ioliu Recital. 9:30 p. m. -Eerie C. Anthony "Packard program."

NBC. 10:00 p. ei. -Jesse Stafford's Palace Hotel Dance Orch. 11:00 p. m. -Joe Wright's Silver Slipper Dance Orch.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 10:00 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of the Air, NBC. 11:00 a. m. -NBC. program.

1:00 p. m.- Shrine Luncheon Broadcast from Palace Hotel.

2:00 p. m. -Dee and Dee. 2:45 p. m. -Get Associated wtih Baseball. 5:45 p. m.-- Federal Business Association Talk. 8:00 p. m,- -Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra. NBC. 9:00 p. nt -KPO Salon Orchestra 9:30 p. m. -Earle C. Anthony "Packard program."

NBC. 10:00 p. m. -Joe Wright's !Cher Slipper Dance Dreh.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 12:45 p. m.- Commonwealth Club Luncheon at Palace

Hotel. 2:00 p. m.- California Crooners. 8:00 p. m.- Caswell Musical Episode. 8:30 p. et -Out West. 9:00 p. m.- Meeting in The Tavern. 9:15 p. m.- Maurice Guusky. popular ballalist. 9:30 p. m.-Earle C. Anthony "Packard program."

NBC. 10:00 p. m. -Jesse Stafford's Palace Hotel Dance Orch. 11:00 p. m. -Joe Wright's Silver Slipper Dance Orch.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 10:00 a. m.- National Home and Farm Hour, NBC.

2:00 p. m. -The Sequoiaus. 8:00 p. m. -The Gilmore Circus. NBC. 8:30 p. m. -KPO Salon Orchestra with Eva De Vol. 9:30 p. m. -Earle C. Anthony "Packard program,'

NBC. 10:00 p. m. -Jesse Stafford's Palace Hotel Orchestra. 11:00 p. m. -sloe Wright's Silver Slipper Dance Orch.

KGO Oakland, California -790 Kc.


Phone Frultvale 5980. 557 Hotel St. Francis See Page 16 for Detailed Program of KGO

SELECTIVE POSITIVE AERIAL - SUNSET GROUND These modern aids to efficient radio reception are used and endorsed by thousands of DX enthusiasts all over the country. If the champion DX fans use them for maximum results, you also should be Sunset equipped. The Aerial, $5.00; The Ground, $2.25.


1114 No. Sycamore Ave. GRanite 0401 Los Angeles, Calif.


34 Radio Doings June 7 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KFR San Francisco, Calif. -610 Kc. Dwned and Dperated by Don Lee, Cal. Dist. for Cadillac & LaSalle

1000 WATTS -491.5 METERS 1000 Van Ness Telephone Prospeet 0100

Harrison Holllway Manager

Edwin Wilson Commercial Director

Alan N. Corwack Technical Director

Frank Moss Musical Director


7 :00 and 7 :30 a. in,- "Simply Fitts" from Seal Rocks. 8:00 a. m. -CBS. 8 :30 a. m. -New York Stock Exchange. 8:30 a. ni.-Yoeng's Orchestra. CBS. 9 :00 a. m. -S. F. Call -Bulletin's News. 9:15 a. m.- Yoeng's Orchestra, CBS' (ex. Wed.). 9:30 a. m.- Feminine Fancies (except Saturday).

10:30 a. m. -Wyn's Dally Chat (except Saturday). 12:00 noon. -Sherman Clay Concert. i :00 is. m. -('BS. 2:00 p. m.- Happy-Go -Lucky Hour (except Saturday). 4:95 p. m. -S. F. Call -Bulletin's News Items and Town

'. 001 cs. 12:00 midnight -Dance music.


8:00 a. m.- Sunday Morning Serenaders. 8:30 a. m.- Chapel of Memories. 9:00 a. m.- "Horne Sweet Home," Pacific States Sav-

ings & Loan Company. 12:00 noon- Sherman & Clay Noonday Concert.

1:00 p. m. -Jean Wakefield, "Jean and her Shadows." 2:00 p. m. -The Blenders, Male Quartet. 2:30 p. m.-Columbia String Symphony, CBS. 3:00 p. m.-Classical Concert. :3:40 p. m.- The 1Vorld's Business, CBS. 4:00 p. m. --Tea Time Recital. 4::3(1 p. in.- Inspirational talk. Dr. Newman. 5:00 p. nt.- 1M1aJestic Theatre of the Air, CBS. 6:00 n. m.- Squibb's program, featuring Will Rogers,

l'BS. 6:30 p. m. -The Cecellans. 7:00 p. m.- Melody flour, Rollt. Olsen, Melody Sextet. 7 :30 p. m. -Salon Orchestra with Lorelei Trio. 8:00 p. m.- Cadillac -LaSalle Concert. 9:00 p. m. -Val Valente and his Roof Garden Orch.

11:00 p. m. -Organ Recital.


7:45 a. m.- Lincoln Finance Corp., recordings. 11:00 a. m.- Mary Lewis Haines, Domestic Science. 11:30 a. m.- Marcus LeSolne, "Heroines of Fiction." 11:45 a. m. -Noon auditions.

1:00 p. m. -The Trorhadours. CBS.* 1:45 p. m. -Three Dainty Misses. 3:00 p. m.- Current Events. CI3S. 3:30 p. m.- Western Air Express. Aviation talk, 3:45 p. m.- -Bernhard Levitow's Commodore Ensemble,

CBS. 4:00 p. m.- .Studio program. 5:00 p. m.- California Dairy Council. 5:30 p. m.- Walter Kelsey, violinist: Eleanor Allen.

pianist. 0:00 p. m. -Bobs, noted sports authority. 0:15 p. m.- "Your Financial Problems." George P.

Edwards of Coast Investor. 6:30 -R:00 p. m. -CRS. 0:00 p. m.- Golden State Blue Monday Jamboree.

10:00 p. m. -Coll Wright, "Little Poison Oak Him- self.

10:15 p. m. -Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra. 11:00 p. m. -Earl Iturtnett's L. A. Biltmore Orch.


9:15 a. m.- Georgia O. George. 11:00 a. m. -Mary Lewis Haines. 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information, CBS.` 1:00 p. m. -CBS. 3:00 p. m.- Beauty Talks. 3:25 p. m.- Something about Everything. 3:30 p. m.- Huston Ray's Manhattan Towers Orches-

tra, CBS.* 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -CRS. 7:00 p. m. -Edna Fischer, "Plano Moods." 7:15 p. m. -The Joy Boys.

7:30 p. m. -KFRC Dance Band, 8:00 p. m. -Ice Carnival. 8:30 p. m.- Lights and Shadows. 9:00 p. m.- Studio program.

10:00 p. m.- "Frank Watanabe," Eddie Holden. 10:10 p. m. -Val Valente and his Roof Garden Orch.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 7:45 a. m.- Recordings, Lincoln Finance Corp.

11:00 a. m, -Red Cross Shoe program. 11:15 a. m.- Dorothy l'hase and the Charls Players. 11:30 a. m.- Glidden So -a -tone. 11:45 a. m.- Barbara Gould broadcast, Beauty Talk.

1:00 p. m.-Columbia Grenadiers, CBS. 1:15 p. m.- Footnotes, CBS. 1:45 p. m.- Heroines of Fiction. 3 :00 p. m. -The Observer about New Books. 3:30 p. m.-- Something about Everything. 3:35 p. m.- Your English, electrical transcription. 3:45 p. m.- Adventures of Col. Powell, CBS. 4 :00 p. m.- Manhattan Moods, CBS. 9 :30 p. m. -Three Dainty Misses. 5:00 p. m. -ln a Russian Village, CBS.* 5:30 p. m.- KFRC Dance Band. 6:10 p. m. -Seth Thomas Clock Co, program, electri-

cal transcription. 6:15 p. m.- Shaler Co. program (So -a- tone). 6:30 p. in. -Prof. Lindsley. play. 7:00 p. m.- "Dance Carnival," CBS. 7 :30 p. m.- California Melodies. 8:00 p. m.- "Romantic Forty -niners." 8:30 p. m. -KFRC Dance Band. 9:00 p. m.- Concert Orchestra from KILL 9:30 p. m. -Ted White, Night Club.

10:00 p. m.- Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra. 11:00 p. m. -Earl Burtnett's L. A. Biltmore Orch.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 9:15 a. m.- Georgia O. George.

11:00 a. m. -Old %Vitrh. 11:15 a. m.- ('olumbla Ensemble, CBS." 11:30 a. m. -For Your Information, ('BS.

1:00 p. m. -The Book Parade, Harry Hansen, CltS. 1:15 p. m.- -Bert Lown's Biltmore Orchestra, CBS. 3 :00 p. m.- Walter Brown Murray, Psychology, 3:15 p. nr.- Beauty Talks. 3:30 p. m. -KFRC Dance Band. 4:00 -4:55 p. m. -CBS.* 5:00 p. m.- Pacific States Organ. 5:30 p. m. -The Columbians, CBS. 6:30 p. m.- National Radio Forum from Washington,

D. C., ('BS. 7:00 p. m.- -Edna Fischer, "Piano Moods." 7:15 p. m. -The Mission Joy Boys. 7:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival, CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Violet Ray Merrymakers. 9:00 p. m.- Eastman Kodak. 9:30 p. m. -Organ and Singers from KHJ.

10:00 p. m. -Frank Watanabe, Eddie Holden. 10:10 p. m. -Val Valente and his Roof Garden Orch. 11:10 p. m. -Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra.

FRIDAY,JUNE 13 7:30 a. m. -Capt. Vacation.

11:00 a. m. -Mary Lewis Haines. 11:30 a. m.- Hollywood Gossip. 11:45 a. m.- Auditions. 1:00 p. m. -The Captivators, CBS. 1:45 p. m. -Three Dainty Misses. 3:00 p. m.- "Dance Carnival." CBS. 3:30 p. m.- Something about Everything. 3:45 p. m. -Ben Pollack's Castilllan Royal Orchestra,

CBS. 4:00 p. m. -Nit Wit Hour, CBS. 4:30 p. m.- Studio program. 4:55 p. nt. -Town Topics. 5:00 p. m. -Custo Revue. 5:30 p. m. -Joe Mendel and his Pep Band. 6:00 p. m. -"At the Sign of the Green and White,"

CBS. 0:30 p. m. -Gold Medal Fast Freight, CBS. 7:00 p. m.- Redwood Estates, 7:30 p. m.- "Mac and Al." 7:45 p. m.- "Musical Forget -Me- Nots." 8:00 p. m.- Veedol Vodvil- Dangers of Desdemona. s:30 p. m.- Beklns Californians. 9:00 p. m. -True Story Hour, CBS.

10:00 p. m. -Cecil Wright, "Little Poison Oak Him- self."

(Continued on Page 38) See Page 18 for CBS Program


June 7 Radio Doings 3.5 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KTAB Bob Roberts

General Manager Walter J. Rudolph

Musical Director Helen O'Neill

Program Director


6:30 a. m.- Studio program, Frank Wright. 7:30 a. m. -lied Hat program. 8:00 a. m. -Town Crier (except Mon., Tues. & Sat.). 9:00 a. m.- Morning Prayer Services. 9:30 a. m. -Talk by Doctor (ex. Mon., FrL & Sat.).

10:00 a. m.- Household Hour with Alma LaMarr (er - cept Saturday).

10:30 a. m. -Dr. Corley. 11:00 a. m.- Studio program. 1:00 p. m.- Chapel of Chimes. 1:45 p. m. -Dr. Wade Forrester. 2:30 p. m.- Recordings (ex. Mon.). 2:40 p. m.- Baseball from Recreation Park (ex. Mon.). 4:45 p. m.- Records. 5:00 p. m. -The Story Man and His Air Castle. 5:15 p. m.- Brother Bob's Frolic. 6:00 p. m. -Date Book program. 6:15 p. m.- Studio program. 6:30 p. m.- Chapel of Chimes.

10:30 p. m. -Dance Orchestra from Sweet's Ballroom (ex. Mon.).

11:30 p. m. -Dance Records. SUNDAY, JUNE 8

9:00 a. m. -Dr. B. L. Corley. 10:10 a. m. -Bible Class. 11:00 a. m. -Tenth Ace. Baptist Church. 12:30 p. m.- Chapel of Chimes, organ numbers. 1:00 p. m.- Church of Latter Day Saints. 1:30 p. m.- Masters Album, classical records. 2 :30 p. m.- Novelty Records. 3:00 p. m. -Jerk Riley, guitar and songs. 3:30 p. m.- Studio program. 4:00 p. m.- Musical Appreciation Hour. 5:00 p. m.- rbapel of Chimes, organ period. 6:00 p. m.- Brunswick Hour. 6:30 p. m.- Tindall Lecture, John Tindall. lecturer. 7:00 p. m. -Joan Bays contralto; Jane Sargent Sands.

pianist. 7:30 p m.- Chapel of Chimes, organ period. 7:45 p. m. -Tenth Ace. Baptist Church. 9:13 p. m.- Chapel of Chimes. organ period. 9:30 p. m.- Elbert Bellows, tenor: John S. Sands, acc.

San Francisco -560 Kc. 1000 WATTS -535.4 METERS

Official Pickwick State Station Owned and Operated by the Associated Broadcasters, Inc.

Pickwick Terminal Hotel, Fifth and Mission Sts. Telephone Garfield 4700

10:00 p. m.- Studio program. 10:30 p. m.- Sweet's Ballroom Orchestra.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 8:30 a. m. -Towne fryer, studio program of dance

records. 9:30 a. m.- Household Flints. 2 :30 p. m.- Musical Appreciation Hour. recordings. 3:00 p. m. -Alice Blue, "Organ Echoes "; Mabel Payne.

soprano. 3:30 p. m.- Novelty Records. 4:30 p. m.- Studio program. 7 :00 p. m. -Alice Blue. piano numbers. 7:30 p. m.- Madeleine O'Brine. soprano; Jane S. Sands

pianist. 8:00 p m. - "Poem Pictures," John Teel, baritone. 9:00 p. m.- "FIFRbway Highlights."

10:00 p. m.- "Organ Echoes" with Alice Blue. 10:30 p. m. -Dance records.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 8:00 a. m.- Masters Album, classical records. 8:30 a. m. -Dr. W. G. Keys. 7:00 p. m.- Studio program. 7:30 p. m.- Cotton Bond. 7 :45 p. m.- "Would You Believe It " 8:00 p. m.- "Flashlights," program of light opera. 9:00 p. m.- Melody Quintet Orchestra,

10:00 p. m.- "Organ Echoes" with Alice Blue. WEDNESDAY, JUNE II

7:00 p. m.- Recordings. 7:15 p. m.- Iecordings. 7:30 p. m.- ".Memory Bouquet," Alice Blue and others. 8:30 p. m.- "Pepper Box" program.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 7:00 p. m.- Studio program. 7:30 p. in.-Walter J. Rudolph, concert pianist; Doro-

thy Nichols. 'cellist. 7:45 p. m. -"In the Days of Old." 8:00 p. m.- "Highway Highlights." 9:00 p. m.- Melody Quintet.

10:00 p. m.- "Organ Echoes" with Alice Blue. FRIDAY, JUNE 12

7:00 p. m.- Recordings. 7:30 p. m.- Cotton Bond. 7:45 p. m.- "Organ Echoes" with Alice Blue. 8:00 p. m.- "Miniatures." 9:00 p. m.- Cotton Bond's Brevities. 9:30 p. m.- Melody Quintet.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 8:00 a. m.- Masters Album, classical recordings. 9:30 a. m.- Household Hints with Julia Hayes. 6:30 p. m.- Chapel of Chimes, organ numbers. 7:00 p m.- Studio program. 7:30 p. m.- Walter J. Rudolph, concert pianist. 8:00 p. m.- Dorothy Nichols, 'cellist. 8:30 p. m.- Melody Quintet; Carl Tobin, soloist. 9:30 p. m.- Melody Makers, Alice Blue.

KGEF C. C. Hooper

Manager J. Dale Stenti

Announcer M. 1, Hankins


Los Angeles, Calif. -1300 Kc. 1000 WATTS -230.6 METERS



8:30 a m.- Morning Watch Quartet. 9:30 a. m. -Radio Sunday School.

10:00 a. m.- Claude L. Heskett. 10:45 a. m.- Trinity Church. 12:00 noon.- Signing off. 2:00 p. m. -Tower Class, alternating with Alhambra

Baptist Church. 2:30 p. m. -Free Methodist Church of Santa Monica,

alternating with South West Conservatory of Music. 3:30 p. m. -W. W. Newberry. 4:00 p. m.- Lutheran Churches of Southern California. 4:30 p. m.- Dorothy Hankins and Associated Artists. 5:00 p. m.- Vesper Hour. 6:00 p. m.-Sliming off. 7:00 p. m. -John Brown of Arkansas.


6:00 p. m. -Yette Barber Studio. 6:20 p. m. -John Untried, Radio Evangelist. 7:00 p. m.- Woman's Civic Flour. Mrs. Stentz. 7:30 p. m. -John Brown of Arkansas.

9:00 p. m. -South Park Christian Church Bereans. 9:30 p. m.- Torrance Methodist Church.

10:00 p. m. -Jess Blankenship. Old -Time Fiddlers. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11

0:00 p. m.- Mother Hubbard. 6:40 p. m.-J. E. Moore, soloist. 7:00 p. m.- Conrey Bible ('lass and Union Rescue Mis-

sion. 7:30 p. m. -John Brown of Arkansas. 9:00 p. m. ---Old Songs Quartet.

10:00 p. m.- Volunteers of America. THURSDAY, JUNE 12

6 :00 p. m.- Trinity Church Ensemble. alternating with Mrs. Tom Murray.

7:00 p, m. -Dr. Fredus Nelson Peters. 7:30 p m. -John Brown of Arkansas. 9:00 p. m. -The Hired Man. 9:. "O p. m.- Devere Nicholson and Martha Spangler

Nicholson. 10:00 p. m. -South Nest College of Musio, alterating

with Maude Burnette Studio. 10:30 p. m.- Hawaiians.




Radio Doings .lf(frr'

San Francisco, Cal. -1230 Kc. 243.8 METERS -1000 WATTS

Theatre of the Air -Fox Theatres Studies 983 Market St. San Francisco Prospect 3456

6:00 p. m.- Popular Recordings. 6:3l0 p. nt. -Fox and \Varfleld Theatres popular record -

uge. 7:00 p. tn.-Pacific Artists Trio. 8:00 p. m. -Old St. Mary's Church Services. 9:00 p. m.-- Calendar of the Air.

10:00 p. m. -Dance Recordings. 12:00 mldnlght- 311dnight Cabaret. Request Recordings.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 10:00 a. m. -Mrs. S. S. Abrams of the P. -T. A. 10:15 a. m.- Charles Beauty Salon program. 10 :45 a. m. -Dr. Harry G. Bond. 6:15 p. m. -Metro and l'osmo. 7 :30 p. m. -1640 Boys -Tom Monroe and Bch Allen. 8:00 p. m.- Musical Parade.

10:00 p. m. -Dance Recordings. TUESDAY, JUNE 10

10:15 a. m.- Popular Recordings. 10 :45 s. m. -Dr. A. E. Bowrtng.

6:00 p. m. -Song Recital, Nona Campbell and Claire Upshur.

7:30 p. m.- Newsacting -Pop Question- Harmonettee. 7:30 p. in.- "College Daze." with Toby and Baba.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 12:15 p. m.- Commutdty Chest Talk. 3:00 p. m. -Short Story Courue. by Samuel B. Dickson 6:00 p. m.- Matthew W. Brady. talk on Crime Preven-

tion. 6:15 p. m. -Metro and Cosmo. 8 :30 p. m.- Calendar of the Air. 9:30 p. m.- George Nickscm Virginia Spencer, Yvonne

Petersen, Freddie Reward and Dud \\'tlllamson. THURSDAY, JUNE 12

10:45 a. m. -Dr. May C. Crichton. 6:00 p. m.-"What's in the Sky." 7:45 p. m.- "College Daze." with Tohy and Babe. 7:55 p m.- -Summer Safety Campalging Talk. 8 :30 p. m.- Sargon Song Cycle.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 10:45 a. m. -Dr. Harry G. Bond.

3:00 p. m.- Cabbages and Kings, by Samuel B. Dickson 6:15 p. m. -Metro and Cosmo. 7:30 p. m. -1640 Boys -Tommy Monroe and Bob Allen.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 7 :30 p. m.- Newsacting -Pop Question -Ha rnsonette. 7:45 p. m.- "College Daze." with Tohy and Babs. 9:00 p. ni. Marvelous Marin Entertainers.

Clair E. Morrison Manager

T. B. Palmer Chief Technician

Liborlus Hauptman Director of Music


9:00 a. m.- Charles J. Dean, loc., Recordings. 9:30 a. m.- Fox- Warfield Theatres Program.

10:00 a. m.-Charles Beauty Salon (Mon. 10:15). 11:00 a. m.-- California Sunshine Hour. 12:00 noon- Newscastlrrg. 12:15 p. m- Popular Iecordings. 1:00 p. m.-Classical Recordings. 2:00 p. m.- Bridge Party (except Wednesday). 3:30 p. m.- Popular Recordings, 4:30 p. m.- Sunset Hour. 5:30 p. m.- Records. 6:30 p. m.- Fox -Warfield Theatres Program. 7:00 p. m.- Embassy Program with George Taylor. 8:00 p. m.- Calendar of the Air (ex. Wed.). 9:00 p. m. -Paul Kelli's Lido Cafe Orchestra and Solo-

ists (except Wednesday and Saturday). 10:00 p. m.- Pacific Artists Trio (ex. Mon. and Sat.). 11:00 p. m. -Dance recordings. 12:00 midnight- Midnight Cabaret, request records.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 9:00 a. m. -Chas. J. Dean, lie., recorded program. 9:30 a. m. -Fox and Warfield Theatres recorded grog.

10:00 a. m.- "Charles" -Art Hairdresser program. 10:15 a. m.- Recordings. 10:45 a. m.-Old St. Mary's Church Services. 12:00 noon. -Program of Musical Vagabonds. 1:00 p. m.- Popular Recordings. 1:30 p. m.- Operatic Recordings. 3:30 p. m.- Popular Recordings. 4:00 p. m.- Sunset Hour. 5:00 p. m -Gregory Golubef and his Russian -Gypsy



KQW San Jose, California -1010 Kc.


9 :00 a. m.- Market Basket. 9:30 a. m.- Weather Report. 0:35 a. m.- Helpful Hour.

11:00 a. m. -Bank Credits Service program. 11:45 a. m.- Records. 12:30 p. m.- Market Report and Weather from S. F.

1 :08 p. m.- Hart's Half -Hour. 1:30 p. m. -The Friendly Hour. 2:30 p. m.- Musical program. 4:30 P. m.- Chdren'a program. 5:00 p. m. -Baron Keyes Air Castle (ex. Saturday). 5:15 p. m.-Music. 530 p. m. San Jose Radlonlca Institute. 6:00 p. m. -U. B. D. A. Farm Flashes (ex Sat.). 6:10 p. m. -Farm Topic (except Saturday). 6:55 p. m. -KQW Market Reports. 7 on p. m.- Weather Reporta. News


10:15 a. m.- Sunday School Lessons by Fred J. Hart. 11:00 a. m.- Morning Services First Baptist Church. 7:30 p. m. --Evening Services First Baptist Church.


FRED J. HART, Manager

MONDAY, JUNE 9 11:55 a. m.- ('ohcert Iecordings. 6:20 p. m.- Regulation of 5111k & Cream Buying -Rus-

sell. 7:15 p. m. -Silas and Susie. 7:30 p. m. -Farm Bureau Evening Radio News. 8:00 p. m.- Orchestra program. 9:00 p. m. -San .lose Pacific Little Symphony.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 2:30 p. m. -Songs from the Shows. 6:20 p. m. -Why Grain Dockage Is Unprofitable-Jef-

fers. 6:45 p. m.-Farm Reporter. 8:00 p. m. -"You Never Can Tell' program.

WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11 2:30 p. m.- Audition. 6:20 p. m.- Mediterranean Fruit Sltuation- rfackie. 6 :45 p. m. -Farm Reporter. 8:00 p. m.- Studio programs.

THURSDAY. JUNE 12 6:20 p. m.- Prison Made Products in Calif. Markets -

Casey. 6:45 p. m. -Farce Reporter. 8:00 p. m. -Songs of the Old Church Choir. 9 :00 p. m.- Legends of King Arthur. 9:15 p. m.- Studlo programs.

FRIDAY. JUNE 13 11:55 a. m. -Old Favorite Recordings.

6 :20 p. m. -Black Juice Grape Varieties- Beasley. 6:45 p. m.- 31ercury- Herald Sport Review. 8.00 p. m. -KQW Minstrels. 9:00 p, m.-- Sanloce Mettle Little Symphony.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 6:50 p. m. -KQW Market Place. 7:00 p. m.- Weather Reports. 7:15 p. m.--.San Jose Better Business Bureau. 7:45 p. m.- Studio program. 8:45 p. m.- Italian program.


June 7 Radio Doings The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

Portland, Oregon -1180 Kc.


KEX Owned

Grey U. Munjar Station Manager


Member of Northwest Broadcasting System, Ina 6:00 p. m.- Around the World with Capt. Salisbury. 6:15 p. m.- Popular Concert. 6:30 p. m.- DuBois Motor Playmates. 7:00 p. m.- Ifarpers Corners. NBS. 7:30 p. m.- Thirty Minutes with the Masters. NBS.' X:00 p. m.- Silent Period. 9:00 p. nt.- Datuski's Neapolitans. NHS.'

10:15 p. m. Novelty Recording Orchestra. SATURDAY, JUNE 14

9:00 a. m.- Ronald Buck, piano recital. 9:45 a. m.- Devotional Service. 2:00 p. m.- Classic Song Recital. 6:30 p. nt. -Blue Streaks. NITS. 7:00 p. m,- Silent Period. 6:00 p. m.- Enchanters Male Quartet. NBS. 8:30 p. m. -Song Birds: Stonewall Jackson, NUS. 9:00 p. m. -The Gondoliers, ;BS.

10:15 p. m.- Novelty Recording Concert.


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:00 a. m.- Morning Serenaders. 8:00 a. m. -The Clock and Oregon Journal News. 9:45 a. m.- Devotional Service (ex. Tues.).

10:00 a. m.- Castle Organ Recital. 10:30 a. m. -KEX Shopping Service. 12:05 p. m. -Happy Hour Girls 1:05 p. m.- Newscasting and Piano (ex. Mon. & Sat.). 1:30 p. m.- Castle Organ Recital. 2:00 p. nt- Dental Lecture (except Saturday). 2:30 p. m. -The Bookworm (except Monday). 3:00 p. m.- Afternoon Matinee. 5:15 p. n,. -Baron Keyes' Air Castle (ex. Saturday). 5:30 p. m. -KEX Bulletin.

10:30 p. m. -Jack and Jill Tavern Orchestra. 11:30 p. m. -Time, Weather, News. 11:40 p. m. -KEX Midnight Matinee.


12:00 noon -Castle Organ Recital. 1:00 p. m.- Popular Concert. 2:00 p. m.- Silent Period. 4:30 p. m. -Lyric Trio, NBS. 5:30 p. nt. -Bits of Harmony, NBS. 6:00 p. m. -Hour on Broadway. NUS. 7:00 p. m.-Hometowners Orchestra, NHS, 8:00 p. m.- Imperial. Grand Orchestra. NBS. 9:00 p. m. -Los Gauchos Argentine, NBS.

10 :00 p. m.- Angelus Ensemble, NBS. 11:00 p. m.- Harmony Aces; Eulala Dean, blues, NUS.


9:00 a. m.- Novelty Recording Concert. 11:30 a. m.- Billy's Hawaiians.

1:05 p. m.- Piano Recital. 2:30 R m. -Band Concert. 4:30 p. m.- Popular Song Recital. 6 :15 p. m.- Mualcal Musketeers. 6:30 p. m.- Fashion Bootery's Hometowners Orches-

tra, NBS. 7:00 p. m. -Song Contest. 7:30 p. m. -Silent Period. 9:00 p. m.- Neapolitans; Henri Damaki, director,

10:15 p. m.- :Novelty Recording Orchestra. TUESDAY, JUNE IO

9:00 a. m. -Plano Concert by Ronald Buck. 4:30 p. m. -Negro Melodies. 6:15 p. m.- Popular Orchestra. 6:30 p. m.- DuBois Motor Playmates. 7:00 p. m.- Silent Period. 6:00 p. m. -Popular Dance Concert. 9:00 p. m.- Musical Comedy Hour, NUS.'

10:15 p. m.- Novelty Recordings. 11:30 p. m. -Time, Weather. Police Reports. Journal

News. 11:40 p. m.- Midnight Matinee. 2:00 a. m. -Sign off.


11:30 a. m.- Billy's Iawaiians. 4:30 p. m. -Hill Billy Song Recital. 6:15 p. m. -All Artists Trio, NUS. 6:30 p. m.-Home Warners Orchestra. NUS. 7 :00 p. m.-Williams Oil-o -Matte Harmony Aces. NUS. 7:30 p. m. -Silent Period. 9:00 p. m.- Damakl's Neapolitans Orchestra. NBS.


9:00 a. m. -Plano Concert by Donald Buck. 6:30 p. m.- Silent Period- Homeowners Orchestra; Ed

Sheldon, banjo. 7:00 p. m. -Silent Period. 6:00 p. m. -Hits of Yesterday, NBS. 9:00 p. m. -Hour with the Operas. NUS.

10:15 p. m.- Novelty Recording Concert. FRIDAY, JUNE 13

11:30 a. m.-Billy's Hawaiians. 4:30 p. m.- Musical Comedy Song Recital.

KNX Program (Continued from l'age 20)


1:15 a. m. Musical program of recordings. a :30 a. m. Interesting information. 9:10 a. m.- "Seeing Southern California."

10:30 a. m.- Musical program of popular recordings. 10:45 a. m.- Norman Bennett, tenor, and Marie Golden.

accompanist. 11:00 a. m. -First Radio Church o fthe Air. 11:30 a. m.- Glidden Paint Company courtesy program. 11:41 a. in. Marmots 3lwicians. 2:30 p. m. -KNX Players, directed by Georgia Ftfleld. 3:00 p. m. -Talk by Major Lawrence Mott. 3:15 p. m. -Joyce ('oad, little movie star. 3:30 p. m.- Federation of Women's Clubs program. 4:00 p. m. -"Home Builders." 6:00 p. m. -Rev. Ethel Duncan, Questions and Answers. 6:30 p. nt. -KNX Symphony. 7:90 p. ni.- "Seth Thomas' Historical Cameos." 7:00 p. m.- Country Jane, vocalist; Stove l'oker En-

semble. X:00 p. m. -The Royal Order of Optimistic Do -Nuts. 9:00 p. ht.- "The Lion Tamers." 9:45 p. m. -Main event from Hollywood Legion

Stadium. SATURDAY, JUNE 14

g :30 a. nt-Bundy & Albright, courtesy program. 9 :00 a. m. -Organ program given by Lucie Lee.

10:30 a. m. Records and "Jay" the Jingle Man. Il :00 a. m Norman Bennett, the Pyrol Tenor. 11:15 a. nt. -KNX Little Symphony and Marjorie Healy. 12:00 noon. Frank ìtraidenock International Playboy.

1:00 p. m. -First Radio Church of the Air. 2 :00 p. m. -Organ program given by Lin ie Lee. 2:30 p. m.- Presenting an Opera (recorded). 6:110 p.m. Paramount Publix Hour. CilS.' 7:00 P. m. -The Western Ensemble. 7:15 p. m. -The KNX Ensemble. 7:30 p. m.- Featurlug the Musical Calangis Family. 6:00 p. m.- Musical Comedy Hour. 9:00 p. m.- Aunouncements of Church Services. 9:05 p. m. -The Luhoviski Trio; Cahoon Luboviskl,

master violinist : Claire Mellonino, pianist: Walter V. Ferner. 'cellist.

9:45 p. m.-"Musical Contrasta."


Warner Brothers Pictures Corpora- tion, of Hollywood, Calif., has been granted special authority by the Fed- eral Radio Commission to use an ex- perimental short wave radio channel in connection with the filming of a new talking movie.


38 Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KOL Seattle, Washington -1270 Kc.

1000 WATTS-236.I METERS Operated by THE SEATTLE BROADCASTING CO., INC. Northern Life Tower, Seattle. Phone, MAIn 2312

Mr. E. M. Doernbecher, President John W. Snarling, Gen. Mgr. Grace Moeger,

Traffic Manager Frances L. Whiting

Studio Director L. F. Van Schuck

Commercial Manager Dick Rickard

Chief Announcer Paul B. Gale

Engineer Stan Splegle

Public Relations

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7 :00 a. m. -Time Signals. 8:00 a. m.- Columbia Revue. CBS. 8:30 a. m.- Yoeug's Restaurant Orchestra, CBS. 9.00 a. m.- Thrift flume of the Air.

10:00 a. m.- Studio program. 11:0(1 a. m.- Canilval Hour.

2:00 p. m.- Happy-Go -Lucky Hour (except Saturday). 4:30 p. m. -Mr. Fixtt and News Items. 5:00 p. m.- Service Period. 5:30 p. m.-- Studio program. 5.45 p. m. -Show News (except Tuesday).

11:00 p. m. -Earl Whaley's Mississippi Syncopators (ex. Monday and Saturday).


5:00 a. m.- Majestic Theater of the Air, CBS. 6 :00 p. m.-Will Rogers. CBS.

10:00 p. m.-Val Valente. 11:00 p. m. -Organ Recital


9:45 a. m.- Household Hints. 10:30 a. m.- Cynthia Grey. 12:00 -2:00 p. m. -CBS. 3:00 p. m.- Current Events, ('BS. 3:45 p. nu.- Bernhard I.evitow's Commodore Ensemhle,

CBS. 4:00 p. m.- Studio program. 6:00 p. m.- Columbia Male Chorus, CBS.* 6:30 p. ni. -Jesse Crawford -Poet of the Organ, (.'IBS. 7:00 p. ni.-"ltudolph & Adolph." 7:15 p. m. -Dance Carnival, CIiS. R:00 p. nu.- Washington Home Towners. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies, CBS.* 9:00 p. m.- -Blue Monday Jamboree.

10:00 p. m.- Darby's Orchestra. 11:00 p. nu.- Earl Burtnett's Biltmore Hotel Orchestra.


9:30 a. m.-- Studio program. 9:45 a. m.- Rhyme & Reason.

10:30 a. m.- -Jo Cur. 10:35 p. m. Household Hints- Vivian MacBraun. 12:00 noon. -U. S. Army Band. CRS. 12:30 p. 1n.- Kiwanls Club Luncheon. 1:30 p. nu. -Bert Lown and His Biltmore Oreh., CBS. 3:00 p. ni. -CBS. 3:30 p. m.- CIiS. 0:00 p. nu. -Mr. and Mrs., CBS. 6:30 p. m. -Grand Opera Concert, CBS. 7:00 p. m. -The Washington home Towners. R:00 p. m.- Baxter's Boys. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies, CBS. 9:00 p. m.-William Coburn's Orchestra.

10:11 p. m. -Val \'a1ente's music.


10:30 a. m. -Rhyme & Reason. 12:00 noon. -M uvical Album, CRS. 12:30 p. tn.- Rotary Club Luncheon. 1:45 p. m. -Aunt Zelena. CBS. 3:00 p. m. -Dance Canilval. CBS. 3:30 p. m.- Seattle ('hlcf of Police. 3:45 p. m.- Adventures of Col. Powell, CBS. 4:00 p. m.- Manhattan Moods. CBS. 7:00 p. m. -The Washington Horne Towners. 7:30 p. m.- -Dance Carnivel, CBS. R:00 p. m.- Jimmie ltigclow's Dance Band. 9:00 p. m. -DLIIS program.

10:00 p. m.- parry's Playland Dance Band.


9:30 a. m. -Rhyme & Reason. 9:45 a. m.- Feminine Fancies (Ghirardelli).

10:30 a. m.- Tintex program. 12:00 noon. -U. S. Navy Band, CBS. 12:30 p. m.-Shrine Luncheon.

1:30 p. m. -Bert Iown's Biltmore Orchestra. CBS. 4:00 p. m.- "International Sidelights," CBS. 4:15 p. m. -"The Political Situation in Washington

Tonight," Frederic \ \'m. Wille, CBS. 6:00 p. m.- William Coburn's Orchestra. 7:00 p. m. -The Washington Home Towners. 7:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival, CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Violet Ray Merrymakers. 9:00 p. m.- Midweek Kodak Hour. 9:30 p. m. -DUBS program.

10:11 p. m. -Val Valente's music.


10:30 a. m. -Jo Cur (Scott Howe Bowen, Inc.). 10:35 a. m. -Rhyme & Reason. 12:00 noon. -Light Opera Gems, CBS. 12:30 p. m.- Chamher of Commerce Luncheon. 1:45 p. ni. -Aunt Zelena. CBS. 3:00 p. m. -Dance Carnival, CBS. 3:45 p. m, -Ben Pollack's Castilllan Royal Orch., CBS. 4:00 p. m. -Nit Wit Hour, CBS.' 5:30 p. m.- Studio program. 6:00 p. m. -At the Sign of the Green & White, CBS. 6:30 p. m. -Gold Medal Fast Freight, CBS. 7 :00 p. m.- "Rudolph & Adolph." 7:15 p. m.- Aplets. 7:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival, CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Veedol Vodvil. 8:30 p. m. -Ray Daughters & Variety Quartet. 9:00 p. m. -Mary & Bob, CBS."

10:00 p. m.- Darby's Playland Dance Rand.


8:00 a. nu.- Adventures of Helen & Mary, CBS.* s:30 a. m.- Saturday Syncopators, CBS. 0:00 a. m. Rhyme & Reason.

10:30 a. m. -Rhyme & Reason. 10:45 a. m.- Studio program. 12:00 -4:30 p. m. -CBS. 12:30 p. m.- French Trio, CBS. 6:00 p. m.- Paramount- Puhlix Hour, CBS. 7:00 p. m.- Dance Carnival, CBS. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies, CBS. 9.00 p. m.- Chasin' the Blues.

10:00 p. m.- Darby's Playland Dance Band. 11:00 p. tn. -Val Valente and His Orchestra.

KFRC Program (Continued from Page 34)

10:15 p. m. -Ted Fiorita's Hotel Mark Hopkins Orch. 11:00 p. m. -Val Valente and his Roof Garden Orch.


7:30 a. m.- ('apt. Vacation. 9:15 a. m.- Georgia O. George. 9:30 a. m.- Junior Artists program.

10:00 a. m. -Song Recital from KHJ. 11:00 a. m.- Auditions and Church Announcements.

1:00 p. m.- Huston Ray's Manhattan Towers Orches- tra. CBS.

1:45 p. un.- Recordings. 2:00 p. m. -Hotel Shelton Orchestra, CBS. 2:30 p. m. -Edna Fischer and Norman Nielsen. 3:00 -4:45 p. m. -CBS. 5:00 p. m. -Hank Slmmon's Show Boat, CBS. 0:00 p. m.- Paramount Puhlix Radio Hour, CBS. 7:00 p. m. -Edna Fischer, "Piano Moods." 7:15 p. m. -The Mission Joy Boys. 7:30 p. m. -Anson Weeks' Hotel Roosevelt Oreh., CBS. R:00 p. m.-Williams Ott -o- Matie. R:30 p. m.- Musical Cocktails. 9:00 p. m.- Chasin' the Blues.

10:00 p. m.- "Frank Watanabe," Eddie Holden. 10:10 p. m. -Ted Fiorita's Hotel Mark Hopkins Orch. 11:10 p. m. -Earl Burtnett's Orchestra.


June Radio Doings 39 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations



DAILY EXCEPT 7:00 a. m.- Music, News. 8:00 a. m. and 11:00 p. m. -Time Signals. 9:00 a. m.- Morning Devotioual Services (ex. Wednes-

day and Friday). 9:40 a. m.- United Team, Sally Jo and Grant.

10:00 a. m. Staff Artists. 10:15 a. m.- Beauty Talk. Helen Andrews 12:00 noon. -World in Review (except Tuesday).

1:00 p. m.- Musical Program. 2:00 p. m.- Arcweld Entertainers. 2:45 p. .m.- Baseball Game (ex. Mon.). 5:15 p. m.- Aircast]es in the Land of

(ex. Sat.). 5:30 p. m.-Market Reporta (ex. Sat.). 5:50 p. m.- Garden Talk.

10:00 p. m. -Ken Stuart, Sunshine Hour (ex. Mon.). 10:30 p. m.- Whirlwinds (ex. Mon.). 11:00 p. m. -Vic Meyers' Club Victor Orchestra. 12:00 midnight to 3:nn a m.- Midnight Revelers.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 8:00 a. m.- Musical program. 8:00 a. m. -Gruen Guild Watch Time.

12:00 noon -Classical Program. 2:00 p. m.- Emmanuel Tabernacle. 3:00 p. m. -Chet Cathers, baritone; Marjorie Robil-

lard, piano. 4:30 p. m. -Lyric Trio: Jan Naylor. 'cello;

Meyer, violin; Hubert Graf, harp; George M tenor; Walter Resehurg, basso.

5:30 p. m. -Bits of Harmony. 6:00 p. m. -Hour cn Broadway. 7:00 p. m.- Hometowners Orchestra. 8:00 p. m. -Home Savings & Loan Association 9:00 p. m. -Los Gauchos Argentine.

10:00 p. m.- Angelus Ensemble. 11:00 p. m. -Gruen Guild Watch Time. 11:00 p. m.-Harmony Aces: Eulala Dean.

singer; Ukelele Bob. MONDAY, JUNE 9

1:45 p. m.- Elmore Vincent, tenor; Marjorie lard, piano.

3:15 p. m.- Stonewall Jackson, guitar. G:00 p. m.- Harpers Corners. 6:30 p. m.- Hometowners Orch. ; Glen Eaton. 7:00 p. m.- Kelpine Twins; Ivan Ditmars. pian 7:30 p. m.- Washington Firemen -The Old Fire

and his Band. 8 :00 p. m.- FIarmony Aces: Ukelele Bob. 5:30 p. m.- Enchanters Male Quartet. 9:00 p. m.- Damski's Neapolitans. 9:30 p. m.- Tllton's Wrestling Mateh Ken Stuart

announcer. 10 :30 p. m. -Bits of Harmony. 11:00 p. m.- Whirlwind Orchestra and Soloists.

TUESDAY, JUNE IO m.-Classical 11:00 a. m.-Classical program.

1:00 p. m.- Musical program. 1:45 p. m.- Marjorle Rohillard, piano; Chet Cathers,

haritone. 6:00 p. m.- Mandolins at Sunset. 7:00 p. m.- Orpheus Ensembie. 8:00 p. m. -Gold and Silver Ensemble. 9:00 p. m.- Musical Comedy Hour; Sydney Dixon,


1:45 p. m. -Glen Eaton, tenor; Marjorie Rohillard. plano.

6:00 p. m.- American Institute of Banking. 6:15 p. m. -All Artists Trio. 6:30 p. m.- Seaboard 011's Hometowners: Ragnar

Saildin, accordion. 7:30 p. m.- Ringlette Captivators; Eulala Dean, blues


Seattle, Washington -970 Kc. 309.1 METERS-5000 WATTS

Northwest Broadcasting System, Inc. Thomas F. Smart, Manager i. Schaefer. Press Relations

Studio Telephone. Seneca 1515-Office Main 2495 Hove Savings Building

Henri Damskl Musical Director

John Pearson Al Schuss

Thomas F. Smith Chief Announcer

Fark Coombs Ken Stuart

Announcers J. N. Cope

Technical Director SUNDAY

Make -believe

Sam addox.



tenor. o.


8:00 p. m.- Harpers Corners. 8:30 p. m.- Spanish Knights Orchestra; Elmore Vin- cent, tenor.

9:00 p. m.- Neapolitans: Betty Anderson, soprano; Jan Russell, violin; Jean Kantner. baritone.

THURSDAY. JUNE 12 6:00 p. m.- Hometowners Orchestra; Ed Sheldon, hanjo. 7:00 p. m.- Kelpine Twins; Ivan Ditmars, piano. 7:30 p. m. -Dream Melodies; Betty Anderson, soprano;

Sydney Dixon, tenor; Jan Naylor. 'cello. 8:00 p. m. -Hits of Yesterday. 9:00 p. m.- -Hour with the Opera.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 6:00 p. m. -Vic Meyers' Recording Orchestra. 7:00 p. m.- Harpers Corners. 7:00 p. m. -Thirty Minutes with the Master Harold

Strong. piano; Sydney Dixon, tenor. 8:00 p. m. -Goid and Silver Ensemble; Ernest Giil,

violin; J. E. Drain, speaker. 9:00 p. m.- Damski's Neapolitans: Betty Anderson. so-

prano; Sydney Dixon. tenor; Signor Merrigioli. flute; Sam Meyer, violin.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 1:15 p. m. -Uncle Frank's Kiddies' program; Kelpine

Products Company. 2:30 p. m.- Matinee program. 5:05 p. m. -Labor talk. 5:15 p. m. -West Coast Air Transport talk. 6:00 p. m. -Blue Streaks; Eulala Dean. blues singer:

Chet Cathers, baritone; Happy Harris, hanjo; Ukelele Bob.

8:00 p. m.- Enchanters' Male Quartet. 8:30 p. m. -Song Birds; Stonewall Jackson, guitar;

Ivan Dittmar, piano. 9:00 p. m. -Zae Kalbach, saxophone; Elmore Vincent.


KHJ Program (Continued from Page 19)

8:00 p. m. -Gen. Petroleum Violet Ray Merry Makers. 9:00 p. m.- Eastman Kodak, CBS.* 9:30 p. m. -Organ Recital. with KHJ Singers.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 9:15 a. m.- Richardson's.

10:30 a m. -June Parker, Elvin Allman and Nell Larson.

10:45 a. m. -Agnes White for Greco Canning Co. 11:00 a. m.- Scientific Lahoratories. 11:15 a. m.- Motion Picture Magazine. 12:45 p m.- California Home Extension. 1:00 p. m. -WGHP Captivators, CBS. 3:00 p. m.- "Happiness Man." 3:15 p. m.- School program. 3:30 p. m.- Council of International Relations. 4 :00 p. m. -Nit Wits, CBS. 4:30 p. m.- Studio program. 5:00 p. m.- ('unto program from KFRC. 5:30 p. m. -Blvd. Furniture Co. 6:00 p. m.- Quaker State Oil. CBS. 0:30 p. m. -Gold Medal Fast Freight. CBS.' 7:00 p. m. -Blvd. Furniture Dealers' program. 7:30 p. m. -Don Lee Symphony. 8:00 p. m.- Veedol Vodvil (from KFRC). 8:30 p. m.- Bekins Van & Storage Co. 9:00 p. m -True Story Hour, CBS.


8:00 a. m.- Adventures of Helen and Mary. 9:15 a. m.- Georgia O. George. 9:30 a. m. -Harry Tucker's Orchestra, CI1S. 9:45 a. m.- Recordings.

10:00 a. m. -Song Recital. 11:00 a. m.- Records. 11:15 -7:00 p. m. -CBS. 7:00 p. m. -Don Lee Symphony. 7:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival. CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Williams Oil- O- Matics. 8:30 p. m.- Musical Cocktails. 9:00 p. m.- "Chasin' the Blues."


40 Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KOMO Seattle, Wash. -920 Kc.


Telephone Elliott 5809 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY

7:25 a. m.- Inspirational Services. 7:30 a. m. -Y. M. C. A. Health Exercises. 7:45 a. m. -Aunt Jemima Boy, NBC. 8:00 a. m. -Shell Happy Time.

10:30 a. m. -NBC, Woman'a Magazine of the Air (except Tbursday). 11:45 a. m. -The Hour of the Canny Cook (except Friday and Saturday). 1.2:00 noon -U. S. Farm Talk (except Saturday). 12:15 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters and Prudence Penny. 12:30 p. m. -Orchestra and Soloists. 7:00 p. m.- Garden Patch Children's program (except Tues. and Sat., Fri. 7:15). 7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy.

12:00 midnight -Fox Firth Avenue Theater program.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 9:00 a. m. -Fox 5th Ave. Theatre Organ RecitaL

10:00 a. m.- International Bible Students Assn. 11:00 a. m.- Friendly Hour, NBC. 11:15 a. m.-Plymouth Congregational Cburcb Service. 12:15 -5:45 p. m. -NBC. 5:45 p. m.- Artistic Ensemble and Vocalist. 0 :15 p. m. -NBC. 7 :15 p. m.- Garden Patch Children's program. 7:45 p. m. -Vocal Ensemble. 8:00 p. m. -First Church of Christ, Scientist. 9:00 p. m.- Borden Milk program, NBC. 9:30 p. m.- Reader's Guide, NBC.

10:00 p. m.- Concert Jewels, NBC. MONDAY, JUNE 9

9:00 a. m. -Julia Hayes' Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:30 a. m. -Fox 5th Ave. Theatre Organ Recitai.

10:00 a. m. -Way to a Man's Heart. 10:15 a. m.- Josephine Gibson Food Talk, NBC. 11:30 a. m.- Hawaiian Orchestra.

1:00 p. m. -Concert Orchestra. 1:30 p. m.- Musical Musketeers, NBC. 2:00 p. m. -Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir, NBC. 2:30 p. m.- Pacific Coast School of the Air, KPO. 3:00 p. m.-Old Time Orchestra. 4.00 p. in.-Artistic Ensemble. 4:45 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters, Stock Quotations. 5:00 -8:00 p. m. -NBC. 8:00 p. m. -Shell Symphoniste. 9:00 p. m. -Voice of Firestone. NBC. 9 :30 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters, News Flashes. 9:45 p. m. -Harp Harmonies, NBC.

10 :00 p. m.- University of Washington Hour. 10:30 p. m.- Popular String Orchestra. 11:00 p. m. -Tiny Burnett's Dance Orch.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 9:00 a. m.- Gordon and Mary. 9:15 a. m.- Artistic Ensemble. 9:45 a. m.-Old Witch program.

10:00 a. m. -Way to a Alan's heart. 10:15 a. m. -Bass Hueter Paint Co.. NBC. 11:30 a. m. -Banjo Duo. 1:00 p. m.- Novelty Orchestra. 1:30 p. m.- Pacific Coast School of the Air. 2:00 p. m. -P. S. Navigation Co., Popular Orchestra. 2:30 p. m.- Concert Orchestra and vocalist. 3:15 p. m.- Founding a Nation, NBC.* 3:30 p. m. -Old Time Orcbestra. 4:00 p. m. -Song Recital. 4:30 p. m.-Out of a Clear Sky. 5:00 -8:00 p. m. -NBC. A:00 p. nr.- Sargon Cycle of Song. 8:30 p. m. -Uncle Hank from Ciderville Center. 8:45 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters, News Flashes. 9:00 p. m. -Gold Shield Little Symphony Hour.

10:00 p. m. -Gems of the Drama. NBC. 11:00 p. m.- Popular Orchestra.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 9:00 a. m. -Julia Hayes' Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:30 a. m. -Gold Medal Home Service Talk, NBC. 9:45 a. m. -Way to a Man's Heart.

10:00 a. m.-Hawallan Trio. 10:15 a. m. -Mary Hale Martin Hour. NBC. 11:30 a. m.- Dorothy Chase and Charts Players.

1:00 p. m.-Totem Broadcasters, Talk, NBC. 1:15 p. m.- Concert Orchestra. 2:00 p. m.- Orchestral program of Old Time Music. 2:30 p. m.- Aluslcal Comedy selections. 3:00 p. m.- Artistic Ensemble. 3:30 p. m. -Back of the Newa in Washington, NBC.

See Page

3:45 p. m.- Popular Orchestra and vocalists. 4:15 p. m.-Out of a Clear Sky. 5 :00-7 :00 p. m. -NBC.* 7:45 p. m.- Artistic Ensemble. 8:00 p. m. -Let's Get Associated, NB('. 8:30 p. m.- Contract Bridge Lesson. 9:00 p. m. -The Olympians, NBC.* 9:30 p. m.- Fisber's Blend Hour.

10:30 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters. News Flashes. 10:45 p. m.- Pacific Fruit and Prod. Co., Banjo Duo. 11 :00 p. m. -Tiny Burnett's Dance Orchestra.


9:00 a. m.- Gordon and Mary. 9:15 a. m. -Song RecitaL 9 :30 a. m.- Gllden Paint Co. programd. 9:45 a. m: -Way to a Alan's Heart.

10:00 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of the Air, NBC 11:00 a. m.- Cfandard School Broadcast, NBC. 1:30 p. m. -P. S. Power & Light Co., Italian m 2:00 p. m.- Popular Orchestra. 2:30 p. m.- Artistic Ensemble. 3:00 p. m. -Julia Hayes' Helpful Hints to Housewives. 3:30 p. m.- Saxophone Quartet. 4:00 -7:00 p. m. -NBC. 7:45 p. m.- Standard Symphony Hour. NBC. 8:45 p. m.- Mozart Concert Hour. 9 :45 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters. News Flashes.

10:00 p. m.- Associated Dance Hour. 11:00 p. m.- Fulop's Hour.


9 :00 a. m. -Julia Mayes' Helpful Hints to Housewives. 9:40 a. m. -NBC. 9:45 a. m. -Way to a Man's Heart.

10:00 a. m. -Song Recital. 10:15 a. m. -NBC. 11:30 a. m.- Novelty program. 11:45 a. m.- Barbara Gould. 12:00 noon -Radio Visit to Pac. Northwest Dairymen 1:00 p. m.Artistic Ensemhle. 1:30 p m.- Program of Old Time Music. 2:00 p. m.- Concert Orchestra and vocalists. 3:00 p. m. -Song Recital. 3:15 p. m.- Universal Safety Series, NBC. 3:30 p. m.-Out of. a Clear Sky. 4:00 -7:45 p. m. -NBC. 7:45 p. m.- Artistic Ensemble. 8:00 p. m. -News Reei Theatre of the Air. 8:30 p. m. -"Alac and Al." 8:45 p. m. -Tone Pictures, NEC. 9:15 p. m. -Kodak Week End program, NBC.' 9:45 p. m. -Latin Nights.

10:45 p. m. -Totem Broadcasters, News Flashes. 11:00 p. nn. -Tiny Burnett's Dance Orchestra.


9:00 a. m.- Gordon and Mary. 9:15 a. m. -Fox 5th Ave. Theatre Organ Recital.

10:15 a. m.- Fisher Flouring Mills Co., vocal recital. 11:30 a. m.- Associated Oil Co., Popular Orcbestra.

1:30 p. m. -Tea Timers, NBC.* 1:45 p. m.- Popular Orchestra. 2 :30 -4 :30 -p. m. -NBC. 4:00 p. m. -New Business World, NBC. 4:45 p. m. -Song Recital. 5:00 -8:30 p. m. -NBC. 8:45 p. m. -Nunn Busb program. 9:00 p. m.-Dei Monte Coffee program. NBC. 9:30 p. m.- Playlet.

10:00 p. m.- Spotlight Revue, NBC. 11:30 p. m.- R.K.O. Theatrical Frolic.

16 for NBC Program



June 7 Radio Doings 41 The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KVI Willis Hidlay

Manager and Chief Edward J. Jansen

Announcer P. G. Gal.

Engineer in Charge DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY

7:00 a. m.- Recordings. 8:00 a. m.- Columbia Revue. CBS. 8:30 a. m.- Yoeng's Orchestra. 9:30 a. m.- Feminine Fancies.

11:15 a. m.- Columbia Ensemble, CBS. 2:00 p. m.- Happy-Go -Lucky Hour. 7:45 -8:00 p. m. -Sllent period.

12:00 midnight -Organ Recital SUNDAY, JUNE 8

8:30 a. m.-Organ Recital. 9'30 a. m. -CBS.

12:00 noon. Reading of the Funnies. 12:45 p. m. Cathedral }lour. CBS.

I:00 p. m.- Toscha Seidel, violinist. and Crane ('alder. baritone. CIlS.

1:30 p. m.- To he announced. 2:30 -4:45 p. m. -CBS. 4:45 p. m.- Recordings. 5:00 p. m.- Majestic Theatre of the Air. 6:00 p. m. -E. R. Squibbs Co- Will Rogers. 6:30 p. ni. -To be announced. 7:110 -9:00 p. m. -CBS. 9:110 p nr. -To he announced. 9:30 p. ni. -Val Valente's Rood Garden Orchestra.

11:00 p. m. -Phil Baxter and his Texas Tommie,. 12:(R) midnight. Slumberbusters.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 10:30 a. nr.- Recordings. 11:15 a. m. -2:00 p. m.- -CBS. 3:00 p. m.- Current Eweiits. CRS. 3:30 p. m.- Recordings. 3:45 p. m.- Bernhard Lcvitanv's Hotel Commodore

Orch. CBS. 4:00 p. m. -To be announced. 6:00 -5:00 p. m.- ('BS. 8:30 p. m.- W'ahitgtou Ilome Towners' program. 9:00 p. m. -Blue Monday Jamboree.

10:00 p. m. -Ted Florita's Hotel Mark Hopkins Oreh. 11:00 p. m. -Earl Bmtuetes I,. A. Biltmore Orch.

TUESDAY, JUNE 10 8:00 -10:00 a. m. -CBS.

11:15 a. m. -2:00 p. m. -CBS. 3:00 p. m. -The Little Church Around the Corner.

CBS. 3:30 p. m. -Dance Carnival. 3:45 p. m. -Dance Carnival. 4:00 p. m. -To be announced. 5:307:00 p. m.- -CRS. 7:00 p. m.-Washington Home Towners. 7:30.9:00 p. m.- ('BS. 9:00 p. m.- Don Lee Concert Orchestra. 9:30 p. m.- Ballad Crooners.

10:00 p. m. -Val Valente's Roof (Carden Orchestra. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11

11:15 a. m. -2:00 p. m. -CBS. 3 :00 p. m. -Dance Carnival. CBS. 3:40 p. m.- Recordings. 3 :43 p. m.- Adventures of Col. Powell. CBS. 4:00 p. m.- 3lanhattaii Monts. CBS. 4:30 p. m.- Recordings. 5:00 p. nr.- Bi a Russian Village. CBS. 3:30 p. m.- To be announced. 7:00 p. m.- Washington Homo Towners. 7:30 p. m.- Dance Carnival. C'1tS. 9:00 p. m. -To be announced.

10:00 p. m. -Phil Baxter's Texas Tommie:. I1:00 p. m. -Earl Burtnett's L. A. Biltmore Oreli.

THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 a. m.- Breakfast Club.

11:15 a. m. -2:00 p. m. -CBS. 3:00 p. m.- To he announced. 4:00 -6:00 p. m.-CBS. 6:011 p. m. -To be announced. 6:30 p. m.- ('BS. 7:00 p. m.- Washington Home Towners. 7:40 p. m. -Dante Carnival. CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Violet Ray Merrymakers. 9:00 p. m.- Midweek Kodak Hour. CBS. 9:30 p. nr. -Tales of King Arthur's Round Table. 9:45 p. in.- Studio.

10:00 p. m. -K -6 Dude Ranch Idea. 11:00 p. m. -Hotel Mark Hopkins Orchestra.

See Page 22 for Columbia Program.

Tacoma, Washington - 760 Kc. 1000 WATTS -394.5 METERS

PUGET SOUND BROADCASTING CD.. INC. Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma Broadway 4211. Tacoma

E. M. Doerenbecker, President


11:45 a. iii - "Race 1'robluus as Seen by pobigist. "

12:1102:00 p. in. -CBS. 3:110 p. In. -Dance Carnival. CBS. 3:311 p. nr. Recordings.

:1:43 p. ni. --lien Pollack's Castllliari Royal Orch. ('llS. 4:01) p. nr. Nit Wit (lour. lItS. 7:00 p. ui. -OIe Peterson In Novelty program. 7:13 p. m.- Dance Carnival. l'BS. 5:011 p. m.- \'c'ctlol \'ahil. 8:30 p. m.- Midnight Melodies. ('BS. 9:00 p. in. :Mary and Itoh Trite Story Hour. CBS.*

10:15 p.m.-Ted }'iorita's Mark Hopkins Orchestra. 11:00 p. ni. Val Valente's Roof Garden Orchestra.

SATURDAY. JUNE 14 S:00-9:43 a. ni.- CBS.-

11:15 a. m. -9:00 p. in. CBS.* 9:00 p. iii. -To be announced. 9:30 p. nr.- lintel Mark Hopkins Orchestra.

11:00 p. ni. Earl Burtnett's I. A. Biltmore Orchestra. 12:00 midnight. li.K.t). Midnight Vaudeville Frolic.

ara .(nthro-

NBC Program (Continued from Pace 11:1

5:00 p. in. .Arco Birthday Party with Clifford Now -

dall. tenor. 6:011 p. m. -RCA Hour Sladame Ernestine Schumann -

Ileink. 7:00 p. in. -Tile Speedway to Ilappiness -two -piano

numbers. 7:45 p. ni. -- Standard Syurphory Hour -Selections from

"%Midsummer Nights Dream." 8:00 p. m.- B. A. Rolfe and his Lucky Strike Dance

Orchestra. 8:45 p. m. Park Sisters. 9:00 p. m. Memory Lane-Picnic in Goshen Center. 9:30 p. m.- Tho Olympians Male Quartet.

10:00 p. m.- National Concert Orchestra Standard nit- deal selections.

FRIDAY, JUNE 13 9:30 a. m. -}tome Senice Talks. 9:45 a. m. Morning Glories. KGO.

10:13 a m.-Josephine It. Gibson. Food Talk. 12:00 noon -Pacific Feature }lour, classical music.

1:00 p. ni.- -Itentbrandt Trio. I:30 p. nr. Hotel St. Francis Salon Orchestra. 2:00 p. m. -Black and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:15 p. ni.-"The World in Music." by Pierre Key. 2:30 p. ni. -Don Bigelow and his Hotel Park Central

Orchestra 3:00 p. m. -Gamic Zielinska. 3:15 p. m.- Universal Safety Series. 3:30 p. m. Matinee Time, 3:45 p. m. -News Service. 4:00 p. m.- Cities Senice Concert Orchestra, Jessica

Ilragonette and the Cavaliers. 5:00 p. m.-Interwoven Pair -songs, patter and non-

sense. 5:0 p. m.- Armour program - -30 musical minutes. 6:00 p. m.- Armstrong Onakers -Lois Bennett, soprano. 6:30 p. m.- Raleigh Revue- Elliott Shaw. soloist; pi-

ano duo. 7:00 p. m.- Elgin program -dramatic sketch and music 7:15 p. nr.- Evening Reveries. 7:43 p. na. -\-ßl' Concert Favorites. 8:00 p. m.--(fie and the Girls-Swede comedian. S:15 p. m. -Piano Paintings -classical. 3:45 p. m. -Tono Pictures- -"The Rounders." ,tale

Quartet. 9:15 p. m. -Kodak Weekend Hour. 9:45 p. m.- John and Ned.

10:00 p. ni.- 3lystery Serial -the plot thickens. 0:30 p. m.- Pacific Nomads -classical. instrumental

music. SATURDAY, JUNE 14

9:30 a m. -Eddie Bernard. 9:45 a. m.- National Farm and Home Hour.

12:00 noon -The Novelty Five. 1:00 p. m.- Dixie Dandles. 1:311 p. m.- Tea Timers. 1:45 p. m.- Captain "lull" Boyle.

(Continued on Page 43)


42 Radio Doings June î The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations


KGW Paul R. Heitmsyer


Jane Burns Program Director

Abe Burkovltz 1irector of Musio

Vern Haybarksr Chief Engineer

Portland, Oregon -620 Kc.

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 6:45 a. m.- Devotiouai Exercises. 7:00 a. m.- Bagdad Theatre Organ. 7:45 a. m. -Aunt Jemima, NBC. 8:00 a. m. -Shell Happy Time, NBC (ex. Tuesday). 9:00 a. m.- Columbia National Bank. 9:06 a. m. -Town Crier.

10:30 a. m.- Woman'a Magazine of the Air, NBC (ex. Thursday and Saturday).

11:45 a. m. -IIour of the Canny Cook, NBC (except Friday and Saturday).

12:00 noon. -Powers' Pied Piper. 12:30 p. m.-Grand Central Marketeers. 2:00 p. m.- Baby's Boudoir Organ (except Monday). 2:15 p. m. -Among Ourselves (except Monday). 7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy, NBC.

10:00 p. m. -Cecil and Sally (except Monday).


8:30 a. m. -Organ Recital. 9:30 a. m.- American Legion program.

10:00 a. m.- International Bible Students. 11:00 a. m. -7:45 P. m.- NB('."

7:45 p. m.- Itaker's Enna Jetticks. 8 :00 p. m.- ('evil and Sally. 8 :15 p. m.- Violin Recital. 8:30 p. m.- Edwards Home Furnisher. 9:00 p. m.- Borden Milk program, NBC.* 9 :30 p. m. -Vocal and Instrumental.

10:00 p. m.- Little Symphony Hour. 11:00 p. m.- Organ Recital.


10:15 a. m. -Heinz Fond Talk, NBC. 10:30 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of Air, NBC. 11:30 a. m.- Glidden program. 12:00 noou.- Powers Pied Piper. 12:30 p. m. -Grand Central Marketeers. 1:45 p. m. -Julia Hayes. 2:00 p. m.- -Organ Recital. 2:15 p. m.- Mormon Tabernacle, NBC. 2:30 p. m.- School of the Air, NBC. 3:00 p. m.- Masterworks. :3 :30 p. m.- Movie flub. 4:00 p. m.- Marian Miller. 4:15 p. m. -Roxie and his gang, NBC. 4:30 p. m.- Palace Laundry Teatimers. 5:00 -7:45 p. m. -NBC. 7:45 p. m.- Studio. 8:00 -10:00 p. m. -NBC.

10:00 p. m.- Selling's Boys. 11:00 p. m.- Olympic Hotel Orchestra.


8:00 a. m.- Portland Breakfast Club. 10:15 a. m.- Bass- Hanter program, NBC.

1:30 p. m.- School of the Air, NBC. 2:45 p. m. -Hotel Paramount Orchestra, NBC. 3:00 p. m.- Voters' Service, NBC. 3:30 p. m.- \iusical Masterworks. 4:00 p. m.- Marlan Miller. 4:15 p. m. -Hotel St. Francis Orchestra. NBC. 5:00 -8:45 p. m. -NRC. 8:45 p. m. -Nunn Bush program. 9:00 p. m. -Don Amaizo, the Wizard. 9:30 p. m.- NB('.

10:15 p. m. -KGW Slumber Hour. 11:00 p. m. -Puget Sound Navigation Company.


"Keep Growing Wiser"

10:15 a. 11:30 a.

1:30 p. 1:45 P. 2:4.5 p.

3:30 p. 3:45 p. 4:00 p. 4:15 p. 4 :30 P. 5:00 P.

5:30 p. 6:30 p. 7:00 p. 8:00 P.

9:00 p. 9:15 P. 9 :30 P.

10:15 p. 10:30 p. 11:00 p.


m. -Mary Hale Martin, NBC.' m.- Dorothy Chase and Charis Playe m. -Julia Hayes. m. -Tea Timers, NBC. m.- Masterworks. m. -Back of the News. NBC.` m.- Vincent Lopez Orchestra, NBC. m.- Marian Miller. m. -Hotel St. Francis Orchestra, NBC m.- Palace Laundry Features. m.- Halsey Stuart, NBC. nu.- Palmolive program, NBC. m. -Coca Cola program, NBC. m. -Franz Children's Hour. m. -Let's Get Associated, NBC. m.- Concert Favorites, IrBC. m.- Montag Melodians. m.- Fisher's Bleud Hour. m.- Fisher Mills program. m.-Cotton Blossom Minstrels. m.- Multnomah Club Dance.



9:45 a. m.- Barbara Gould. 10:00 a. m.- Woman'a Magazine of Air, NBC. 11:00 a. m.- Standard School Broadcast, IBC.

I:30 p. m. -Julia Hayes. 2:45 -3 :15 p. m. -NBC. 3:15 p. m.- Marian Miller. 3:30 p. m.- Palace Teatimers, 4:00 p. m.- Fteischmann Sunshine Hour, NBC. 5:00 p. m.- Palace Laundry Features. 5:30 p. m.-Maxwell House Melodies, NBC. 6:00 p. m. -RCA Hour, NBC. 7:00 p. m. Songs of Itomance. 7:45 p. m.- Standard Symphony Hour. NEC.* 8:45 p. m. -Mac and Al. 9:00 p. m.- Memory Lane, NBC. 9:30 p. m. -Tommy Luke's Flower Girls. 9:45 p. m. -Boyer the Society Perfumer.

10:15 p. m.- Associated Dance Band. 11:00 p. m.- Fulop's program.


9:30 a. ni. -Betty ('rocker, NBC. 9:45 a. m. -Town Crier.

10:00 a. m. -I uBarry Talk, NBC. ln:l5 a. m. -Heinz Food Talk, NBC. 11:30 a. m.- Masterworks. 1:30 p. m. -Air Transport Talk. 1:45 p. m.- Rembrandt Talk, NBC. 2:45 p. m.- Masterworks. 3:15 p. m. -Marian Miller. 3:30 p. m.- Palace Laundry Features. 4:00 -7:15 p. m. -NBC.' 7:15 p. m. -"On to Oregon" program. 8:00 p. m. -Seth Thomas Clock program. 8:15 p. m. -Walk Over Strollers. 8:45 p. m.- Tone Pictures, NBC. 9:15 p. m. -Kodak Week End program, ABC. 9:45 p. m.- Froskist Ice Cream Comanpy.

10:15 p. m.- Studio. 10:30 p. m. -Hoot Owls.


11:30 a. m.- Masterworks. 11:45 a. m. -O. M. Plummer. 1:30 p. m. -Tea Timers, NBC. 1:45 p. m.- Captain Bill Royal, NBC. 2:45 p. m.- Masterworks. 3:15 p. m.- Marian Miller. 3:30 p. m. -The Fuller Man, ABC. 4:00 p. m. -New Business World. NBC.' 4 :30 p. m.- Palace Laundry Tea Timers. 5:00 p. m.- General Electric, NEC.* 6:00 p m. -Lucky Strike Hour. NBC. 7:00 p. m. -First National Bank. 7:45 -10:00 p. m. -NBC.

10:15 p. m.- Spotlight Review, NBC. 11:00 p. m. -Hi links.


June 7 Radio Doings 43

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KSL Earl J. Glade

Managing Director

Shipley D. Burton Program Director

Douglas Nowell Richard Evans

Ted Rogers Announcers

Salt Lake, Utah -1090 Kc.


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 5:30 a. m.- Sports Talk. 6:00 a. m. -"Top O' the Morning." 6:45 a. m. -"Start the day right." 7 :00 a. m. -17tah Oil Refining. 7:30 a. m. -Z.('. 1.1. Signal. 7:45 a. m. -"Aunt Jemima Pancake Boy." 8:00 a. m.-NBC, "Dobbsie" and Ship of Joy. 9:00 a. m. -Home Economics program, directed by Miss

Lula Boyes. 9:30 a. m.- Program of interest to Housewives.

10:00 a. m. -"A visit with Mrs. Jennie Lee." 10:15 a. m.- Musical Varieties. 11:00 a. m. -Mid -day Melange. 11:10 a. m.- Weather Forecast, Agricultural Economics. 11:20 a. m.- Livestock Review. 11:30 a. m. -Sego Milk. 11:45 a. m. -NBC, Hour of Canny Cook. 12:00 noon. -Radio Broadcasters, Inc. program. 1:00 p. m.- Out -of -Town Period. 2:00 p. m. -Radio Matinee. 3:00 p. m. -"The Royal Gang." 3:30 p. m. -Town Cryer. 7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy.

11:00 p. m.- Vagabond of the Air. SUNDAY, JUNE 8

7:00 a. rn.- Iuformal program. 9:00 a. m.- "Sunny Side Up." 9:30 a. m. -..BC, National Light Opera Company.

10:00 a. m.-NBC, Metropolitan Echoes. 10:30 a. m. -NBC, Concert. 11:00 a. m. -NBC.

1:00 p. m.- Services from the Tabernacle. 2:30 p. m. -Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble. 3:00 p. m.- Studio program. 3:30 p. m.-NBC, William's Oilomatics. 4:00 p. m.-NBC, "Enna Jettick Melodies." 4:15 p. m.-NBC, Collier's Hour. 5:15 p. m.-NBC. AtRater Kent Hour. 7:00 p. m. -First Presbyterian Church Services, Jesse

H. Baird. 7:30 p. m. -Mons. Hunt, Roman Catholic Discourse. 9:00 p. m.- L.D.S. Church Services. 8:45 p. m.- "Television" Concert, Criterion Quartet. 9:00 p. m. -IBC, Borden's Concert Hour. 9:30 p. m. -Utah Hour.

MONDAY, JUNE 9 10:30 a. nt -ABC, Helen Webster, Helpful Hints for

the Housewife. 11:45 a. m. -\BC, Hour of Canny Cook. 2:00 p. m.-NBC, Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir & Organ 3:30 p. m. -"Ye Olde Towne Cryer." 5:00 p. m. -NBC, Maytag Orchestra. 5:30 p. m.-NBC, General Motors "Family Party.I" 0:30 p. m. -NBC, Great Northern Railroad program. 7:00 p. m.- Program of diversified musical selections -

-Western Hour." 7:45 p. m.- "Jewel Box." 8:15 p. m.-NBC, Shell Symphony. 9:00 p. m.-NBC, "Voice of Firestone."

10:00 p. m. -Organ Recital; violin presentations. 10:30 p. m. -NBC, "House of Myths."


11:10 a. m.- "Women's Magazine of the Air." 11:45 a. m. -NBC, Hour of Canny Cook. 5:00 p. m. -NBC, Eveready Hour. 5:30 p. m.-NBC, "Happy Wonder Bakers." 6:00 p. m.-NBC, Westinghouse Salute. 6:30 p. m. -I\BC. Radio -Keith -Orpheum. 7:45 p. m.- Musical.

10:15 p. m. -Drama Period.

5000 WATTS -275.1 METERS Pacific Standard Time Given

Studios In the Vermont Building "The Voice of the Inter -Mountain Empire"

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 9:30 a. m. -"The Household Institute."

10:15 a. m. -NBC, "Favorite Recipes." 10:30 a. m.- Flelen Webster. 11:45 a. m. -NBC, Hour of Canny Cook.

4 :30 p. m. -NB('. Mohiloil Concert. 5:00 p. m. -NBC, "The Old Counsellor." 5:30 p. m. -NBC, Palmolive Hour. 6:30 p. m. -NBC, Cocoa -Cola Sportscasts. 7:45 p. m.- Musical. 8:00 p. m.- Variety Ensemble, William Peterson. 9:00 p. m.- "Romance of Gems." 9:15 p. m.- Variety program. 9:30 p. m.- Newsacting. 9:45 p. m.- Popular Recordings.

10:00 p. m.- Harmony Night Hawks. THURSDAY, JUNE 12

10:00 a. m. -NBC. "Seafood Dainties." Pioneer ('lama 11:45 a. m. -NBC. Hour of Canny Cook.

2:00 p. m. -Radio Broadcaster Reviews. 4:00 p. m. -AB('. Fleischmann "Sunshine." 5:30 p. m.- Maxwell House Coffee ('o. program. 6:00 p. m. -NBC, Victor Radio program. 7:00 p. an.- NBC,Conoco Adventurers. 7:45 p. m..-Musical. 8:00 p. m. -NBC, American Tobacco. 9:00 p. m. -Organ Recital.

10:00 p. m.- Informal Musical program. 10:15 p. m. -Dance Melodies.


10:00 a. m.- NBC. Richard Hudnut program -Beauty Talk.

10:50 a. m. -NBC, "M. J. B. Features." 11:45 a. nt.- Newscasting.

4:00 p. m.- NB('. "Cities Service." 5:00 p. m. -NBC, "The Happiness Boys." 5:30 p. m. -NBC, Armour Ensembles. 6:00 p. m.-NBC, Armstrong Quakers. 6:30 p. m. -\BC. Italeigh Revue. 7:00 p. m. -NBC, "Elgin dour." 7:45 p. m.- Musical. 8:00 p. m. -Utah Hour. 8:45 p. m.- Scowcroft flour. 9:00 p. m.- Eastman Kodak.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 10:30 a. m. -A Visit with Mrs. Jennie f.ee. 11 :30 a. m. -Sego Milk.

2:30 p. m. -"The Royal Gang." 4:30 p. m. -NBC, "The Fuller Man." 4:00 p.,m. -IBC, "Merle Thorpe." 5:00 p. m. -NBC, General Electric Hour. 6:00 p. nt -Blue Blaze Fireside Entertainers. 7:00 p. m. -Male Quartette and Ensemble. 7:45 p. m.- liresical. 8:00 p. m. -Jack Frost program. 9:00 p. m.-NBC, Del Monte program.

10:00 p. m. -Dance Music.

NBC Program (Continued from Page 41)

2:00 p. m. -Black and Gold Room Orchestra Tuneful Melodies.

2:30 p. m. -Hotel Governor Clinton Orchestra. 3:00 p. m.- Twilight Voices. 3:15 p. m.- William Don. 3:30 p. m. -The Fuller Man. 4:00 p. m.-Salon Singers - sixteen vocalists. 4:30 p. m. -Sang of the Harp. 4:45 p. m. -News Service. 5:00 p. m. General Electric Hour. 6:00 p. m. -B. A. Rolfe and his Lucky Strike Orch. 7:00 p. m. -Voice of Pan -flute and plano. 7:45 p. m.- Sperry Hotcakes. 8:00 p. m.- Paciflc Serenaders. 8:00 p. m.- Gilmore Circus. 8:30 p. m.- Melody Memories. 9:00 p. m. Del Monte program. 0:30 p. in.-Golden legends -Silas Warner.

10:00 p. m.- Spotlight Review- comedy.


JJ Radio Doings June 7

The essential features of these programs are identical with those sent us by the stations

KDYL John M. Baldwin

Technical Director Charles R. Hanson

Musical Director George D. Snell

Announcer Tom Barton) Announcer

Victor P. Vetter Technical Announcer

Salt Lake City -1290 Kc.


DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 12 :00 noon -Noonday Rhythm. 3:00 p. m.- Matinee Dance Hour. 3:30 p. m.- t'ncie Ben and the Kangaroo Club. 4:30 p. n1. -The Day's Popular Tunes. 5 :00 p. m.- Dinner Hour Varieties (et.' Wed.. Thurs.). 8:45 p. m. -CBS. Midnight Melodies (ex. Thurs.).

11:00 p. m. -Ali request program.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 8:00 a. m. -"Good Morning." 8:05 a. m.- Sunday Morning Review.

11:00 a. m.- Burnham Novelties. 11:15 a. m. -Qutsh Varieties. 11:30 a. m. -CBS conclave of Nations. 12:00 noon. -CRS cathedral Ilour.

1:00 p. m.- ('BS. 1:30 p. m. -Blue Rhythm. 2 :00 p. m.- Ballads and light classical music. 2:15 p. m. -Watch Tower program. 2:30 -4:00 p. m. -CBS. 4:00 p. m.- Melody Moments. 4:30 p. m. -Jesse Crawford. Poet of the Organ. CBS. 4:45 p. m.- Musical Shower. 5:00 p.m.-CBS, Majestic Theater of the Mr. 6:00 p. m. -CBS, Will Rogers. 6:30 p. m.-Thirty Minutes with the Great Masters. 7:00 p. m.- Lauren W. Gihhe Orchestra. 7:30 p. m.- Around the World with Sam and Bill's

International Orchestra. 8:00 p. m. -('HS. Coral islanders. 8:30 p. m. -CBS. Midnight Melodies. 9:00 p. m.- Beehive Salon Orchestra. 9:30 p. m. -Song Hits.

10:00 p. m.- Varieties. 10:30 p. m. -The Dance Parade.


11:00 a. m. -3:00 p. m. -CBS. 5:03 p. m.- Dinner Hour Varieties. 6:30 p. m.- Raaehall Results. 5:33 p. m.- Popular Recordinits. 6:00 p. m.- Sargon Cycle of Songs. 6:30 p. m. -CBS. Jesse Crawford. 7:00 p. m. -Mt. Olympus Shoe Hits. 7:30 p. m. -CRS, Dance Carnival 6:30 P. m.-Winnie and Wayne. Harmony Duo. 9:09 p. m.-- Johnny Rosell's Orchestra. 9:30 p. m. Song and Dance Review.

10:00 p. m. -Vocal Varieties. 10:30 p. m.- "Rhythms."

TUESDAY. JUNE IO 11 :00 a. m. -CRS.

1:00 p. m.- (IIS. 1 :30 p. m.- Afternoon Jazz Skit. 2:00 p. m. -CBS. 2:30 p. m.-- Popular Period. 3:00 p. m. -The 1.11110 Church Around the Corner. 5:00 -7:00 p. m.- ('BS. 7:00 p. m. -Earl Ness. tenor. "Wanderer of the Air." 7:15 -9:00 p. m. -CRS. 9:00 p. m.- Melody Moments. 9:15 p. m. -The Gypsies. 9:45 p. m.- Varieties.

10:15 p. m. -Organ Recordings. 10:30 p. m. -Bita of Modern Music.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE II 11:01) s. tn.- -CBS. 12:30.3:30 p. m.- ('BS.

1000 WATTS -232.5 METERS S. S. FOX, General Manager

PHILIP G. LASKY, Station Director KENNETT LARSON. Program Director

Pacific) Standard Time Given

5:03 p. m.- Dinner Hour Varieties. 5:25 p. m.- Baseball results. 5:30 p. m.- Popular recordings. 6:00 p. m. -Modern Bits of Music. 6:15 p. m.- Shaler Five Minute Men. 6:30 p. m. -Milt Taggart's Dance Orchestra. 7:00 p. m.- Orchestra and Nunn -Busb singers. 7:15 p. m. -The Republican Club. 7:30 p. m. -CBS Dance Carnival. 9:00 p. m.- Beehive Salon. Ensemble. 9:30 p. m. -Song and Dance Hits.

10:00 p. m.- Muatcal Parade. 10:30 p. m. -Dance Novelties.


11:00 a. m. -CBB. 12:30 -3:00 p. m. -CBS. 5:00 p. m. -C BS. 5:30 p. m.- Popular recordings. 5:45 p. m.- Classic Sketches. 6:15 p. m. -Radio Forum. 6:30 p. m.- Defiance program. 6:45 p. m.- Program featuring Bob and Monte. 7:00 -8:00 p. m. -CBS. 8:00 p. m.- Kangaroo Kapers. 8:30 p. m.- Momenta of Melody. 9:00 p. m. -CBS, Mid -week Kodak Hour. 9:30 p. m.- Musical Review.

10:00 p. m.- Favorite recordings. 10:30 p. m.- Musical lilts of the Day.


11:00 a. m. -CBS. - 4:30 p. m. -The Day's Popular Tunes. 5:00 p. m. Stock Reports. 5:03 p. m.- Dinner Hour Varieties. 5:25 P. m.- Basebail results. 5:-0 p. m.- Rhythms. 6:00 p. m.-CBS.- 7:00 p. m.- Vesper Trio and soloist. 7:30 -10:00 p. m. -CBS.

10:00 p. m.- Varieties. 10:15 p. m.- Playhouse Frolic. 10:30 p. m. -The Melody Parade.


11:00 a. m. -CBS. 12:30 p. m. -CBS. French Trio. 1:00 p. m. -CBS. 1:45 p. m.- Afternoon Jazz Skit. 2:00 p. m. -CBS, Hotel Shelton Orchestra. 2:15 p. m. -CBS. The Crockett Mountaineers. 2:30 p. m.- Popular Period. 5:00 -9:00 p. m. -CBS. 9:00 p. m. -"The 79ers." Old Time Dance Orcb. 9:30 p. m. -The Ramblers.

10:00 p. m. -Organ Melodies. 10:30 p. m.- Varieties.

Raymond Paige (Continued from page 15)

spouting fountain of ideas and, as far as KHJ is concerned, is the pink pearl of radio. He believes that all the hard knocks and handsprings which experi- ence has dealt him in the past have merely been smoothing off the rough edges and preparing him for radio. His ambition is to be musical director of KHJ -but a bigger and much better musical director of a bigger and much better KHJ.





June 7



Radio Doings J5

Denver, Colorado -830 Kc. ,2.500 WATTS -361.2 METERS. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.

Pacific Standard Time. Telephone York 5090 "Rocky Mountain Broadcasting Station"

Program Furnished by the National Broadcasting Company DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY

6:00 a. m.- Morning Revelers (except Thursday and Saturday). 7:45 a. m. -Aunt Jemima Pancake Boy. 0:00 a. m. -The Luncheon Five (except Wednesday). 9:00 a. m.-Three Little Maids (except Thursday and Saturday) .

9:30 a. m. -As Heard Over the Telephone. 9:45 a. m.- National Farm and Home Hour. NBC., (including Saturday).

I0:45 a. m.- Weather. Stock and Market Reports (except Monday). 1I:00 a. m. -Organ Recital, Ogden Theatre (except Monday and Saturday). 11:45 a. m.- National Canners' Association (except Friday). 7:30 p. m. -Amos 'n' Andy (including Saturday).


9:55 a. m.- alontvlew Boulevard Presbyterian Church. 11:15 a. m.- l'osmcpolitan Luncheon (lour. 12:00 noon -3:00 p. m.- NR('. National Sunday Forum. 3:00 p. m. -El Tango Romantic. 3:30 p. m.- Williams (oilomatics. 4:00 -7:15 p. m. -NBC. Enna Jettick Melodies. 7:15 p. m.- Russian Cathedral Choir. 7:41 p. m. -Sam Herman. 0:00 p. m. -The Pilgrims. 0:45 p. m.- Everett E. Foster. baritone. 9:00 R m.- Borden program. 0:30 p. m. -The Reader's Guide.

10:00 p. m.- Concert Jewels.


7:00 a. m. -The Recitalists. 10:30 a. nt- Woman's Magazine of the Air. 11:30 a. m.- Chicago Serenade. 12:00 noon. -Organ Recital. 1:0.2 p. m.- Bouquet of Flowers. 1:45 p. m.- "Àdrenturme in Gem Hunting." 2:00 p. m.- Mormon Tahernacle Choir and Organ. 2:41 p. m. -Radio Calendar. 3 :00 p. m.- Rosalie Wolfe. 3:15 p. m. -The World Today. 3:30 p. m. -Boxy and tits Gang. 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -NBC. 6:30 P. m.- Empire Builders. 7:00 P. m. -Farm Question Box. g:00 p. m.- Supreme Serenaders. 5:30 p. m. -Hotel Governor Clinton Orchestra. 9:30-11:00 p. m.- N'BC.


7:00 a. m.-Your Child. 7:15 a. m -Radio Calendar 7:30 a nn. -The Recitalists.

12:00 noon. -Pacific Vagabonds. 1:00 p. m.- Cosmopolitan Luncheon Hour 1:30 p. nn. -Tea Timers. 2:00 p. m.- Black and Gold Room firth 2:30 p. m.- Paramount Hotel Orchestra. 3:00 p. m.- American Chiropractic Assoc' 3:15 p. m.-Lucile Fowler. Contralto. 3:30 p. m. -Lew White Organ Recital. 4:00 P. m.- Troika Bells, 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -NRC. 7:00 p. m.- Golden Gems. 0:00 p. m. -Dance Orchestra. 0:30 p. nt. Pacific National Singers. 9:00 p. m. -Magic Crystals. 9 :30 p. m. Musical Musketeers.

10:00 p. nt. -Down Through the Years

WEDNESDAY. JUNE II 7:00 a. tn. -Radio Calendar. 7:15 a. m.- Colorado Sunaltiners. 7:30 a. m. -The Recitalists. 9:00 a. m. -The Twelve O'Clock Trio. R:15 a. m. -The Luncheon Fire. 9:15 a. m. Home Songs.

10:15 a. m. -Mare Hale Martin's Househol od. 12:00 noon. -Radio Guild.

1:00 D. m. -Talk. 1:30 p. m. -Tea Timers. 2:00 p. m.- Ilotel New Yorker Orchestra. 2:30 p. m. -Talk. John B. Kennedy. 2:35 p. m. -Hotel New Yorker Orchestra. 2:45 p: m.- Whyte's Orchestra. 3:00 p. m. -WEAF Sttudlo. 3:15 P. M. The lonesome Cowhoy. 3:30 it in. Rack of the News in ' Wash



d Peri


3:45 p. m. -Hotel St Regis Orchestra. 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -NBC. 7:00 p. m.- Extension Service. Colorado Agri. College. 9:00 p. m. -Koa Koons. R:30 p. 111. -Hill Billy Boys. 9:00 p. nt- Denver Concert Orchestra: Male Quartet.

10:00 p. m.- Cotton Blossom Minstrels.


7:00 a. m. -The Poet's Corner. 7:15 a. m. -The Clever Co-Eds. 7:30 a. nt -Radio Calendar.

10:20 a. m.- Woman's Magazine of the Air. I1:30 a. m.- Chicago Serenade. 12 :00 noon. -The Merrymakers. 12:30 p. m. -The Lady Next Door.

1:00 p. m. -Talk. 1:54 p. m. -Tea Timers. 2:00 p. m. -Black and Gold Room Orchestra. 2:30 p. m. -PhD Spitalny's Music. 2:45 p. m.- -Ralph Freese, tenor. 3:30 P. m. -Half Hour in the Nation's Capital. 5:00 -7:00 p. m. -NBC. 7:00 P. m.- Conoco Adventurers. 0:00 p. m. -Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra. 9:00 p. m. -The Cellar alystery. 9:30 It m. -The Three Boys.

10:00 p. m.- National Concert Orchestra.


6:00 a. m.- Morning Revelers. 7:00 a. m.-Blue Streaks. 0:00 a. m.- Network program. 0:15 a. m-On Wings of Song

12:00 noon. Pacific Feature hour. I:00 p. m. -A Recipe a Day. 1:02 p. m.- Matinee String Ensemble. I:45 p. m. -Iris Pavey Gilmore in "The llappy Prince." 2:00 p. m -Slack anti Gold Room Orchestra. 2:15 p. m. -The World of Music. 2:00 p. m.- Fitzsimons Friday Frolic. 3:00 p. m. -Genta Zlelinska. 3:15 P. m.- Universal Safety Series. 4:00-7:15 p. m. NBC. 7:15 P. m.- Columbine Quartet 9:00 p. nt. -Dance Orchestra. 9.00 p. m. -Ralph Mansell. xylophonist 9:15 p. m. -Kodak Week End. 9:45 p. m. -John and Ned.

10:00 p. m.- Mystery Serial.


(:1111 a. nl. The Nianhattetn. 7:00 a. nn. -The Recitalists. S:45 a. nn. -The Children's Hour Organ Itccital.

10:30 a. nt. Keystone Chronicle. 11:00 a. m. --The Marionettes. 11:30 a. nn.- Chicago Serenade. I2:00 neon. -Merry Makers.

1:00 p. m. -The lady Next Door. 1.30 p. in. Tea Timers. 2:00 p. m. -Black and Gold Room (orchestra 2:30 p. m. Hotel Governor Clinton Orchestra. 3:15 p. m. -The Fuller Man. 4:00 p. m. -The New Business World. 4:30 p. m. -The Silver Flute. 4:45 p. m. -M. J. B. Gossipers. 5:00 p. m.- General Electric Hour. 6:00 p. m. -Lucky Strike Orchestra. 7:00 P. m. Slumher Music. 9:30 P. m.- Preview of Sunday School Le son. 9:00 I'. in. Del Monte program.

10:00 p. nt.- Spotlight Settee*.


4Ó Radio Doings

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June 7

Ralph E. Hetzel, formerly in charge of production of the Zaney -Gill Cor- poration, manufacturers of the "Music Box" and then in charge of production for the Davison -Haynes Corporation, manufacturers of the "Angelus," is now in charge of engineering and produc- tion for the Keller -Fuller Manufactur- ing Company, who manufacture the popular "Radiette."

Mr. Hetzel has installed all the necessary equipment, benches and ma- chinery to manufacture in excess of 100 sets a day and expects to reach this quota within a very short time.

Mr. Fritz Falck, president of the Ad- vance Electric Company, is now in San Francisco visiting the trade and mak- ing plans to get additional distribution in the Northern California territory.

According to reports the Advance Electric Company have more than tripled their production and are look- ing forward to a very busy season.

The entire sales force of the Los Angeles house of Kierulff & Ravens - croft have been on a vacation during the last week. Many of the boys have spent their time trout fishing in the High Sierras.

Mr. Al Ravenscroft, president of the company, is expecting plenty of pep from his salesmen after they get back from their vacation.

Mr. Paul V. Parker of the Radio Electric Shop, 3834 Main street, Culver City, breezed in the other day looking very happy and contented with his lot in life. He said that he was enjoying a nice business and was selling lots of Radiola 33's and, best of all, he was keeping his customers satisfied.

A post card came in the other day from Niagara Falls, New York, from Barrie Bloedon, the Eastern represen- tative of the Zaney -Gill Corporation of Los Angeles. Mr. Bloedon reported an excellent trip so far and that his faithful Chevrolet sedan had carried him East without a mishap.

He will be in Atlantic City during the week of the R. M. A. Convention and then intends to start West, arriv- ing in Los Angeles some time in July.

C. W. Smith of the Griffin -Smith Manufacturing Company, manufactur- ers of the Royal Portable and Mantle sets, has just returned from ten days in San Francisco and Northern Cali- fornia. Mr. Smith reports that he was able to arrange very satisfactory sales outlets in Northern California and ex- pects to do a large volume of business in that territory.

Mr. James Dean of Prest and Dean of Long Beach, left with the Majestic dealers for Chicago to attend the Grigsby -Grunow Company's dealer con- vention.

Jimmie is an expert saxophone player and is one of the main stays of the Majestic band. We hope that he and all the other dealers not only have a good time on this trip but will come back full of pep and optimism.

Another one of the Los Angeles radio fraternity who is now in the East is Mr. Harry Keller of the Keller -Fuller Manufacturing Company. Mr. Keller will not only attend the R. M. A. con- vention in Atlantic City but expects to visit all the large cities in the East and Middle West before returning to Los Angeles.

Radio Financing ROBERT E. HOPKINS & CO.

417 South Hill St. Los Angeles Mutual 6282


June 7 Radio Doings 47

Breakfast Club June 12 The Radio and Music Trades Asso-

ciation members and guests will gather on June 12th at the Breakfast Club, Riverside Drive, Los Angeles, for their monthly get -together. This Thursday meeting, which was postponed from June 2nd, is sponsored by the Radio Broadcasters, with Naylor Rogers, Man- ager- Director of KNX, as chairman. Pierre Mellonino, Program Director of KNX, will again display his genius for providing the best in the way of enter- tainment, by presenting the following outstanding radio personalities: From KNX, Margit Hegedus, Hungarian vio- linist, will do the honors; KIIJ will be represented by Elvia Allman, Nelle Lar- sen and Gene Byrnes, in the character of Standard McWebster. Tom Terris, the Vagabond Movie Director from KFI, The Ranch Band from KTM, Bennie Light and Mark Cook from KMPC, and a Dance Orchestra from KGFJ, will all be there to out -do themselves in the way of entertaining.

Mr. Sol 'Laney, president of the Zaney -Gill Corporation of Los Angeles, is now in the East in attendance at the R. M. A. convention. Zaney -Gill has a booth at the show and will exhibit their latest models of Music Box Clar- ions.

Since the midget manufacturers have been installing dynamic speakers in their receivers, Mr. C. E. Flynn, South- ern California representataive for the Magnavox Company, has been kept busy getting shipments of their famous dynamic speaker out of the Oakland plant and on the way to Los Angeles. Both Magnavox and Mr. Flynn deserve their excellent business as the speaker is exceptionally well made, and Mr. Flynn is a tireless worker.

The Sunset Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of the popular Sunset Aerial and Ground, have moved their plant and sales offices to 1114 North Sycamore Avenue, telephone number GRanite 0401.

Mr. Fred J. Vondenbosh is now man- aging both the production and sales.

Mr. Ray Stolle, of the Flint Radio Company, is now in the East visiting his sources of supply and expects to get everything in shape to do an unprece- dented business in Flint Radios this sea- son.

Mr. Stolle expects to be in Atlantic City during the week of the R.M.A. con- vention.

The new compact Rola dynamic speaker has "clicked" with the midget manufacturers and is in great demand, according to Mr. Lloyd E. Holten, sales manager of the Rola Company. "We expect to do an enormous business on this type of speaker during the coming year and have equipped our factory to take care of the demand," said Mr. holten.

The AIa jestic Chicago Trip (Continued from Page 14)

rode in the Majestic hydroplane; and .. .. watta time they had!

The vision of a manufacturer and dis- tributor who pulls a stunt like this can only be rewarded in a vast increase in business, not only because of the in- creased efficiency of the dealer organ- ization, but also to the unshakable deal- er confidence and enthusiasm which is bound to result. These dealers have seen the factory and have been inspired by the magnitude of the thing, they KNOW Bill Grunow, the dynamic fig- ure who is directly responsible for the tremendous success of Majestic, they know the engineers, the sales manager, the advertising manager, and they have been in close and friendly contact with the officials of their local distributing concern. Bill Wilson, who awards and cancels Majestic dealer franchises in the home territory, and had charge of one of the trains, is no longer the ogre behind the manager's desk, -he .is a friend!

The dealers left Chicago ou Decora- tion Day, encouraged a bull fight at Jaurez, and are now back on the job. We predict that this crowd of radio dealers are so strongly sold on Grigsby - Grunow Company, Ungar & Watson, Inc., themselves, and Majestic Radio, that nothing can stop 'em now!


Guaranteed Perfect Condition 220 N. Larchmont Blvd. FREEMAN LANG H011ywood 9035


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