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Vol: 20 02/2015-16 NEXT MEETING *Day and Date: * Saturday – July ( No meeting on Wednesday, 08 Jul Program : Tree Plantation

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Vol: 20 02/2015-16

NEXT MEETING*Day and Date: * Saturday – July 11, 2015

( No meeting on Wednesday, 08 July Program : Tree Plantation

Venue: Gajera Global school, Pal (Adajan- Hazira Road)

Time:- 08 : 30 AM SharpSpouses & Annets are welcome

Note:- Change in Day, Date & Time

Forthcoming Club Preograms* Wednesday, 15 th July Program: AG Rtn. Dharmesh Chorawala’s visit cum Club AssemblyVenue :- Ruby Hall, Gateway Hotel, Time:- 08.45 PM* This meeting is open for Rotarians only.

Birthday GreetingsRtn. Sanjay Bajpai ---------------------------------------July Ann Jigna Dhiren Dave --------------------------------July

AnnouncementPlease arrange to pay semi-annual period 1 st 2015

Installation Ceremony of Rtn. Tinish Mody as PRESIDENT Rotary Year 2015-16… Sunday, 05 th July 2015

Installation of Rtn. Tinish Mody as President by Police Commissioner Mr Rakesh Asthaana and Outgoing President Rtn. Bhavesh Shah

5 New Members inducted Address by Chief Guest Mr Rakesh Asthaana, Police Commissioner, Surat

Our club Board of Directors for the Rotary year 2015-16

Rotary Surat West family.. Happy family—bubbling with enthusiasm*************

Sunday, July 05 morning will go down in our club’s history as a landmark day with the immaculate proceedings of the Installation Ceremony of 21st

in the Pearl hall of Gateway Hotel with Pomp, Dignity and Grace for which RCSW Clan is known in the District. Our fellow Rotarians dressed in jacket and tie, lovely ladies in Sarees made the atmosphere colourful adding ambience to the venue. President Tinish and first lady Ann Hem were at the entrance to personally welcome all those who took the time out.Rtn. Nirmal Mandlewala took care of Registration table. Our Reception committee comprising PP. Hitendra Mody and PP Bankim Sitwala ensured that all Guests are seated at their designated place. The welcome drink helped everyone to cool themselves and enjoy fellowship.The ceremony was attended by Chief Guest Shri Rakesh Asthana ( Commissioner of

Police, Surat) PDGs., Bharatbhai Solanki, Prafulbhai Bhatt, District Secretary Rtn. Murari Saraf, AG Dharmesh Chorawala, Bhupendra Jariwala and Presidents/Secretaries of Rotary clubs of Surat & adjoining areas. Dr. Kanubhai Vaidya, from Sant Sri Ranchoddas eye Hospital, had come all the way from Vansda to give blessings. SGCC Nilesh Mandlewala was also present to give his wishesAround 11.30 Am, the stage was set to commence the proceedings of the crowning event as Master of Ceremonies Ann Shivani Rakesh Mandlewala invited Sgt-At-Arms (2014-15) Rtn. Nilesh Shah to call the meeting to order. And to invoke almighty’s blessings, Ann Sunitaji set the tone of the meeting with melodious prayer invoking the blessings of almighty with the support of orchestra.Followed by outgoing President Bhavesh Shah extending a cordial welcome to one and all. Chief guest Shri Rakesh Asthana (Commissioner of Police, Surat) and all PDG’s and district officers were greeted with flowers.Hon. Secretary (2014-15) Rtn.Dheeraj Gupta presented Annual Activity Report by presenting highlights of major activities and projects done during Rotary year 2014-15. It was then time for outgoing President Bhavesh to say “good Bye” through his Farewell address in which he thanked Rotary Surat west family for their unflinching support.After which, PP. Ashit Kothari introduced the incoming president Tinish Modysolid rotary background. He described him as a dynamic, jovial, level headed & a Rotarian with hands on approach.MOC Ann. Shivani Mandlewala introduced the Board of Directors for the Rotary year 2015-16 and each one of them stood up on their seats.PP.Hitendra Mody introduced the chief guest Shri Rakesh Asthana, Police Commissioner of Surat. He said that despite being a Police commissioner, he is a very simple person and easily approachable. He had worked with several high profile cases in his long and illustrious career, namely Purulia arms drop case, Fodder scam, etc.Then the moment that we all were waiting for arrived as our chief guest Shri Rakesh Asthana put on the presidential pin on President Tinish Mody and the outgoing President Bhavesh exchanged the presidential collar with President Tinish amidst thunderous applause from appreciative audiencePP.Setu Gandhi read out his message from our PDG Devendrabhai Shastri (who is in Australia). In his message he had conveyed his best wishes and wished President Tinish and his

team a year full of fellowship and service.President Tinish moved the motion putting on record outstanding services rendered by Rtn. Bhavesh Shah as President (2014-15) and support given by first lady Sonal ShahThe motion was cheered by giving standing ovation to our club’s first couple of the year 2014-15. President Tinish in his acceptance speech said that enviable fellowship, team spirit and harmony are hallmarks of our club and appealed to Rotary Surat west family to share their suggestions for better functioning of the club and get involved in Projects and activities to be undertaken during the year.It was time to induct new members to the Rotary fold. The club inducted 5 new members, four new members and one former member were inducted. Assistant Governor Rtn. Dharmesh Chorawala was the inducting officer.Our Chief Guest Shri Rakesh Asthana was full of praise for various activities and projects being undertaken by our club and said that the world and our city needs NGOs like Rotary to help the down trodden in our community.After Birthday and Wedding anniversary greetings, President Tinish presented memento to Chief Guest Shri. Rakesh Asthana. Hon. Secretary PP.Ashit Kothariwith details of next meeting and the meeting came to a close after Vote of Thanks by Rtn. PP. Geeta Mody.The meeting was adjourned by Sgt-At-Arms (2015-16) Rtn. Jay deputy.Ann. Shivani Mandlewala served with distinction as master of Ceremoniesmuch grace and dignity to the function. The Meeting was followed by enlivening fellowship and delicious Lunch which was relished by all present.Rtn. Nirmal Mandlewala was in charge of attendance register records.The best part of the function was that the proceedings were flawless and truly adhering to the spiritMore photograph of the meeting can be accessed by pasting following link; couple Photographs, Please paste following link;

RI President's Monthly Message - July 2015

We in Rotary aspire to great deeds. We admire those who gave great gifts to humanity: gave the gift of human dignity to the downtrodden; Mother Teresa, who gave the gift of compassion to the forgotten; Mahatma Gandhi, who gave the gift of peaceful change to the oppressed. Their very lives became gifts to the world.

We can be inspired by their example. We can be inspired to ask, how can I, in the life that I liveneglecting the responsibilities that are so dear to me – how can I, too, become a gift to the world? my theme, I thought of the lessons I have learned through my Hindu faith. I thought especially of the story of Sudama.

Sudama was a poor child and a bosom friend of Krishna, who was born in a royal lineage as an avincarnation of the divine. As the two boys grow up, they drift apart, and while Krishnaand king of great repute, Sudama remains a humble villager.

The years go by and Sudama's poverty deepens. Finally, he lacks even food to feed his children. His wife reminds him of his childhood friendship with Krishna: Perhaps it is time to go to the mighty ruler for help.

Reluctantly, Sudama agrees, but resolves that he will not go empty-handed. He gathers together a few handfuls of rice – all the food his family has left – and wraps them in a piece of cloth as a gift for his friend.

When Sudama enters the palace, he is overwhelmed by the grandeur and by Krishna's gracious welcome. His meager gift, so carefully prepared, seems a humiliating reminder of his poverty. Krishna embraces Sudama, who hides the hand holding the rice behind his back. Krishna asks what he is holding

Far from being disdainful, Krishna accepts the rice with gratitude and consumes it with joy as the two sit and talk together. Hours pass, during which the pleasures of their rekindled friendship push all thoughts of his desperate plight from Sudama's mind. When evening falls, Sudama sets out for home – and only then realizes that he has neglected his task. He is returning with nothing, and Krishna has eaten his family's last grains of rice

Sudama steels himself to return to his hungry children. But standing before his gate, as dawn begins to break, he sees that the hut he left yesterday has become a stately home, and waiting to greet him is his own family: well-dressed, and well-fed by the baskets of food that appeared in their kitchen as Krishna ate each grain of Sudama's rice.

Krishna understood what Sudama had brought him: everything he had to give. In return, Krishna gave him everything he needed. It is never the material value of a gift that matters – it is the love that comes with it. Just as Sudama's gift to Krishna became a gift to Sudama, what we give through Rotary becomes a gift to us. And we all have a choice: whether to keep our gifts to ourselves or give them to others, andWorld.

We have only one chance at our lives. And we will have only one chance at this new Rotary year. This is our time. Let us grasp it. Let us Be a Gift to the World.

K R "Ravi" Ravindran RI President 2015 - 16

Rotary in South Asia as on 30th June, 2015Country No of Clubs Rotarians Variance from 01 July



India 3,423 132,441 110

Pakistan 156 2,816 -24

Bangladesh 290 8,286 65

Sri Lanka 76 2,085 16

Nepal 88 3,020 Nil

Afghanistan 2 31 -1Bhutan 1 12 Nil

Maldives 1 38 Nil

Total      4,037 148,729 166

Definition of Rotary How do you describe the organization called "Rotary"? There are so many characteristics of a Rotary club as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. There are the features of service, internationality, fellowship, classifications of each vocation, development of goodwill and world understanding, the emphasis of high ethical standards, concern for other people and many more. In 1976 the Rotary International Board of Directors was interested in creating a concise definition of the fundamental aspects of Rotary. They turned to the three men who were then serving on Rotary's Public Relations Committee and requested that a one-sentence definition of Rotary be prepared. After numerous drafts, the committee presented this definition, which has been used

ever since in various Rotary publications: "Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world.'Those 31 words are worth remembering when someone asks,

Awards bagged by our club for the Rotary Year 2014-15 At District Awards ceremony held on 29

Congratulations to PP. Shilpa Shah, IPP Bhavesh and his team

Quote of the weekEach one of you here is a pillar of wisdom, and we need more of these torch bearers of wisdom in the world today. The world is sinking into depression. the coming decade in the world will be depression. And again, to bring people out of depression, only wisdom can help. 

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Rotary Wisdom“What binds Rotarians together is a unity of desire and a unity of purpose to serve society and to serve mankind…in diversity.”-C.P.H. Teenstra President(1965-66), Rotary International

Points to Ponder

Events of the week New Year Rotary Resolution