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r THE JhOTD ii SVIl AJLJ E DAI wrna: 0LU31E XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1861 NUMBER 251 lOUISVOE JOURNAL riiiTTMD mo DuamtD nr MIAL OinCl BUILDING, GESEN SIES1I, BBTWFPN THIRD AN1 FOURTH. Dally.dettvered In th elv....t10 00 Puy. by mail. In advance A ilO a'nfintry da'ly ... fw f) Wskly, in advance, single copy 0l In clubs of five or over I ho ftwnittfciwji fay mt to registered letters mt oar 4TP8 OF ADVERTISING IN TTIW. LOtMSVILLI JOURNAL FOR REGULAR ADVERTISERS. sqnare, changeable weekly. pr annum $40 00 J do 3 time is arweek, per unnnm.. 60 00 flo do Mimes flo do loo 00 Fyn additional square, one-ha- tlie abov price. Advertisements publishM at intervals! lor first and fio rents for each subsequent one. Announcing candidates, $1 per week for each name. Yww advertisers pay uuarterly, 'all others in ad- - Real tat and atwamhoat advertisements, sheriffs' nd oom eatet patent medicine, theatrical, irens, or similar advertising, not published hy the year. Advertisement for chftrit&hl institutions, fire compa-ranie- s, ward and other public moetingis, and such like. Da If price. Rditorial noHww and com ronnlcar ions. Inserted in ed- itorial wIijodi and intended to promote private inter-fi- . tent pr line- - these only inserted at the discre- dit Of thC J !(. No ommunicationn wi!l oe nerted onle aeeom- - a by the real name of the author. Steamboat advertisements 26 cent for the first in per- son and 12 cents fur each continuance; each change Considered a new advertisement. Advertisement inerted only In the Evening Bnlletin Will be charged hxlf the above prices: if inserted in Daily Journal and continued, after first insertion, id the Even-O-f Bulletin, h the above prices. Advertisements keption the inside of the Journal rw barged an extra price. AnvRRTisme IUtw In Wf kly JournaL Each sqnare 10 line or less), first insertion... $1 00 ch con tin nance 60 Written notice mnst be given to take out and stop of yearly advertisers befnro tho year ex- pire, otherwise we ahull charge till done. No contract of yearly advertisements will be diaeon-nne- d wlthont previous notice to us, nor will any charge made for lees than one year at the yearly rate. MEDICAL. I?? r ..j ML Cincinnati Venereal Hospital, FMiLbllahed In tfs rear 1 S50, FOB THR CURE OF PRIVATB DISr.A3B3. ftnd under the oonol of two f the most eminent Phy- - ftclftni In the word. H. F. PON A PA from Indon and Pr1 Hopl-- I tVn. nfl for the pept ten ream of the :iocinnatt TrfTMl Honpltal. end Dr. K. B. lute of Nw Vtrk. This 1p the only otftco In thfl city wlmre a cure of private diep rivn be ootehipd without be oee mercury or rhnnr ol diK GAuorrhoan cured to 4 honr. Gleet cured In S 10 dan. Strirruref wred in 1 to R weekff. Nortumel embvioi' stopped In I to fi dftyi. SpmnSl wenknew" niod in 2 tfl 8 weekj. rVphtllin in Iti rrmary ptj?ep cured in S dnr". flcond-t- t vmt't'wns wired in 1 t 3 weeii. Skin diepafet re in 1 to B week. Iro potency - icT reetorod In 1 r 4 werV. All diatee of a rrirntn nature treated with onrarMlM uccesa, ma'e r feraale. rr. lnapart'B grent work on pi rtlea?, the guide to Ip beneflrt.! to all, male aud If Mtle: the old and youne should read thtp hook. It will nliirhten thote who grope in dark new. Price 2fioent, tent by mail. Or. Bonarar'p Cl"bcwted PrvptiHra never haF nr never wll fnil inarried ladies too feh1e to brar except at the hanard of life, phonld tt in X'H6aioD thin invention. PHce reduced to tftfi. Or. B"nKparte'e French Tatnt Male Safe! It f 7 tate; and never failp to give satisfaction. !t Is the o'y afe and sure preventive acainjt pregnancy and I'teate, The price ef th French Patent Male Safe 1 l the single one, if 4 per hal Idor-en- , $7 per doseiL Sent by mall. tVMadame IOcter Female Monthly PI Hi are a safe nd reliable remedy for suppressions and all female Ladiee should not ute them during pregnancy, thy will produce Diiscarnaite. Price $i per box ltrafine 5 sen! to any addreee by mail. Yn. B. A R. are the men to consult, thoy are y acknowledged to be the champion and and king f venereal diseases, and the only Doctors who receive Monthly Reports from the old world; thoy have beu from an early ae of youth to witness the o dtseee wti-- h Ballet mankind, and to watch the fcogrew. through a lnn career ot profewional study, in very sphere of hf from the humble abode of poverty to the mansions of the wealthy, and ha vine ascertained nyond a doubt the vast suffering of humanity. th?y ro eelert the generative svtm as tnelr sTudv, and to devote their whole attention to the :leviaion of the diseases of these important functions. No tetters will be answerad unlets thej oO&taln remit tfcnc or a postage itamp. Uall, or address 1k. HONAPARTH A Rr.VNOT.08, o. 1SI Bj caowre street, tM. Ffrth and Sixth, east side, ClncJonari, O. Offtcf hnnra. A. M. to 9 P. M. flolor4pdly Diftolution. 'HE heivtotore existiug h'tw.'en the uii-- l dersictied. uudT the firm name ot TAIT. ANIlKK-SO- A IO., was difolvf l on the. mst. by mutual consent. Tho-- e indebted tu tha bim w ill plea-- call at once and make payment, as it is inipii taut to them as well as the euhci'iberm. The books, accouut. and notes will remain lor a short time at the ft jib oi' Tait, Sou, it Co., l4o ftHirLU ctrct.1, tut scttlenieru. .lOUN TAIT. Kl.Y I. ANOKR30N, Aug. 27, liL GK(I. W, TAIT, MR. ANjil'.RSON having withdrawn from the late of" Tait, Audubon. A Co.. the undesigned will coutiuue. the hmiiue.--t at the old stand. No. 14u Fourtn street, under the name ol TAIT, SON', CO. JOHN TAIT, t;KO. W. TAIT. Aug 2V,1H1, Oommis-io- n and Produce Merchants. IN retiring from the late tiiTo of Tait, Anderson, A Co , take pleasure iu recommencing my late partners and succo'sorB O the patr in and public for a continu- ance of the patronage eo liberally hestiwt-- upon thm. aiffdlDi F.I.Y U. ANDE RSv'N. koticb to sniprnns. IROM an earneat desi;-- to act lntellip-iuly- , and to to the wa-l- d of all parts o- Kentucky, I hereby request that, all parlies in the southern part of Kentucky, embracing Wacreu county and the cum ties below, who desire uppliei trom lo.ifville, will their application to me tlirouti V. C. Durham. a citizen and Inspct'T of BowliDg-Grp.'- Ky., and I will at upon his eugeestir-n-. J'urtheiiiiore, 1 dem it utcoa-sar- y to gi e notic-iha- t all goods horeafter arr ving at Bowling-tiree- without a permit from this olli:e, will there be dttaiued lor uiveitiyation. CliAH. B. COTTON, anW dtf Ruwevor of 'natoms. Obanee of Firm. T8HANK3 A CO. have esociatwl W. A. OAIL- - with their firm, and purchased the stand Of SMITH At OMEK, on south tide ot Market street, below Floyd, where they will conduct the WIIOLB-BAL- and BTAII flKOCKKY and PRODL'CK busi- ness. Onm-cTe- d with their house they have a good WAOON-YAR- with ample accommodations for horses, wagons, and other vehicles, and would be glad V) see their old friends. T. HHANKH, H. T. HORD, JnlylS. isgo. fltf W. A. GAU.BRATTH. SBIOrRI33X nEKWALD, Flo. 31 1 Fourth u, bet. IHarkrt outl JrfTerson, MANUFACTURKR AND JOBBKR OF EVERY Fine Diamond Mount-Ing- e and all the new styles of Fine Hairsrork Ornaments executed in the nast sure ir style, of the best material. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old gold taken ntrhnfS nimU lilr STAHCni 0XARCH! r.Al BOXKS l'KARL bTARt:H, maiinfae- - JJf tured by the Madiou Poail dtrch Compauy, for fale lev in lot by A. V. PU PONT A CO.. sole Agents in thin city, "7 4 Man. -- t. M0LA&K6 Plantation Molaseen; Wl bbls St. James Sugar-llous- e d'. ; In store and for sale by fi ANO'W BUCHANAN A CO. IOVKRINfJ'S 8C;ARS-K"h- blf Loverins'a Crushed, Granulated gn?Hrs in it i h ana foi saUhv l AND'VP M(iCH A.MAN A iV . SHKET1NG8 3 bales Peno Mill and Anchor per teanhoat Florence and foraale by JNO. F. HOWARD & CO , Agent? for Manufacturer, '93 Min. hetwwn Third and Kotirfh ts. CUAMPAGNK-3- ft boxes asorte1 (quarts, pints, and and for sale iow by tnl2 WM. C1AV. IISU 75 half bbls Lake Fish for sale by i ml TAIT. ANDKKSON, A CO.. 140 Fourth st WUGAR--4- hhds prime received per steamers Mageo C5 ta and B. J. Adams and for sale by miK raw-jon- Tnrm cn 1R1ED FRLTT 76 Dried Pea-h- in store Jl w and for sale hv ImC HIRItlKT A ftON. 10TTON BATTING 200 nale Pittsburg Batting in store and for sale by .TNO. V. TIOWARO CO. 'PHE RKBKULION REtlOKD. A Diary of Ameii- - I cn KvpuM. J hr e mon' til v parts; enh f" t HOLT'S ADOKFES IN L"i loviHiBinDUc'iTKH TO ,J. V. SPEKD. 10 cte. EVKRKIT'S FOUKTH OF JULY ORATION IN NEW YORK. 16 ct. a" L. A. C1V1LL rf"OFFF.K 300 bags good to prims Rio Ccfle in store and lor sale by ANO'W BUCHANAN A CO IAVA COFFEE, in poclteta, received thia day and foi by W. t 11. Ul RKHAKDT, IISIi A large aosoi t neut of Mackerel In store and sal by ALT. FN. MOORF. A HAORN. jVJEW pnlNI'S--- e brrt new styl- Prints tor ll fall trade just recoived and for sale c"ienp f"t cash hv r17 T A H. PLKVIN A CAIN. ANTON FLANNELS 10 casej Cautoa Flaontls juet received and for eals cheat for ca:h by aI7 T 4 R bLKVIN A 'AIN SIKt'P W packap" BaltimTS erY9 (OLDEN whole and ball bbis and k?s. In store and for sale by LailJ AHU'W bLCjiANAN :Q. AZIN S CAMPHOR ICR, f chipr"1 tvindv Bfi Jl' Ac .or sale hv lUi P. OAWRS. WHOUL' AM) UAMb 3 lo casks Shoutd-r- s; 6 do Sli ys Ilarus; Id store and for sale by jya W. A H. BURKHAROT. 4H Market st. OFFKE 30 pockets Java Coffee mst received and J for mU hr Itvl RINFR A CO (V1A1L3 AND SflAiiO-ir- K 600 kegs Nails: 60 do Spikes; Id store and or sale by W, wAPfWAT.T, WAT.WFRT CO. O ICR 5 tierces prime Rice on consignment and foi A sale by ANO'W BUCHANAN A CO rASTOK OIL-K- 1 bhui Blow's No. I Castor Oil L store and for eale by ,n AND'W BTTCFNN A CO rpHH BANNER Illustrated by J Darley ?6tent. a8 L. A. clVILL CAPS i0,WKi G. D.'s for sale by PERCUSSION SLGAR--C- 0 bble A Now York REFINED in store and for sale by ma WM. OAT. AVA COFFER lw mats choice old Java Id store O and for sale by RAWBON, TODD A CO. CANDLES 5,W0 Hams, Sides, and Shoulders in for sale by Dt.su BIBBITTASON. MEDICAL. Xt. XX J. Xj Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THR PLAN OF THR DOSPITAL DES VENERIEN3, PARIS, W'n inifcrET WH KRB fflicted with any x rorm oi rrivaie Disease can receive prompt treatment without risk or exposnre, vis: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Glet, Strictures, Ulcers, Tumors, Cancer, Secondary, and Constitu- tional Syphilis, Diseases of the Kid- ney, etc. By this system it is roved that the veuerial complaint K as entirely under the control of medicine as is a common cold or simple fever: and, while insufficient persons are daily sending away theii patients in hopelessness, and giving them np only from their own incompetency, complete and cures are constantly being efWctod at this Infirmary. YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.-- Dr. IL devotes much of his time to the treatment of those caees caused hy a secret habit which ruins both bodv and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual for either business or society. The sad effect of these early habits, or the excels of riper years, are to weaken and debilitate the constitution, destroy the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel- ings, and exhaust the vital energies of manhood; the a ii res of life are marred, the ohiect of marriage and existence itself rendered a term of unceas- ing misery and regret. Such persons, especially tho contemplating marriago, should lose no time in making immediate application, as Dr. U., by his new treatment. Is enabled to insure a speedy and permanent cure. DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL P1LL8--N- article of medicine intended for the exclusive use of females has ever yet been introduced that has given sncb oniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc- tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy. Price, per mail, $1 and one postage stamp. Patient living at a distance can be cured at home by sending a description of their disease and inclosing a stamp. Medicine sent to any address. HFortice No. llrt Jefferson street, between First and Second. Othce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. dJdtf L. HALL, H. D. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by the Legislature of Ky. For the Care of all Prirate Diseases, A XXSSIOAX. hbpout, Containing THIRTY Jine Plate and Bwrravingi 0 (Ad Anatomy and Phytrtoloov xf the Sexual in a state of Health and DiseaM. PRICR ONLY TEN CENTS. 9WBm frae of postage to all parti of the Union. ON A NEW METHOD of treat- ing Syphilia, Gonorrhea, Stric- tures, Gleet, Sexual Debility. Female Diseases, and all affections of the reproductive sys f j I ft- -, tem of both sexes, the infirmities 1 1. A ?i of youth and maturity arising 44!t ''r;'tV"from the secret follies Of norn n m 4' s.'tA&ite with full treatise on f.ykWAh SELF-- BUS AND SKMINAL WEAKNESS, Its deplorable con-'- f sequences upon the mind and pointing Out tne aur.nors of treatment, the only ra tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re port, of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contain pi atin marriace who entertain doubts of thir physical condition. Sent to any address In a ealod wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or N COIMKS FOR ONK DOLLAR. Thope afflicted with any of the above diseases before placing Ihomfolves under the trearaent of any onfl. should first rad this invaluable book. BThe Consult in? burgeon may be consulted daily from 9 A. M toi I. M., on all d leases ot whirli theanove work treats; and patients at a distance, bv sending a statement of their symptoms, can have medicine aent to any part, of the count rv tree from damage or detec- tion. For pHiticuhirs wend for our Blank Chart, con- taining a list of question, our term, tc. All letters promptly answered, and communications considered conti'teiitml. DR. DKWFE3' FEMALE MOXrUbi s safe and certain remedy for Obstructions, Irregulari- ties, Ac, and is the only reliable 'preventive oi preg-- mey." ;(ttom. These piUs should not be taken during PaFXiNANnv, a they are sure to produce MienaRRiAOE. Piire !fl per box, and niav he sent hv mail. tJTCAIl'.N'S IlKAO DISPENSARY ie the only in- stitution of its kind in the United States that has been recognized hv indicia! authority. Charter perpetual. Office 314 Firth street, between Market ana Jefferson, west side. All letters for Books or Medicines should he directed to DR. GALEN'S DISFENSARk, mavS4i11vAwow tstp I,onlvlile. Kv, PROPOSES TO TRK.4T FISTULA 11 r, FKINOIPLK OK NO NO PAY. In every instance ioney will be refunded it tlie cure is not completed. Fifty dollars (50) is th e. From two to eight wck is as long a time as the doe tor requires to pei form a cre. Scrouila. Secondary Syphilis, Piles, and all Chronic Diseases treated by Dr. Price. No charge for medicines or attention if placed under hie chage united a cure is performed. We, the undersigned, from personat knowledge, are able to state that Dr. Price can certainly and surely re- lieve the honrid effects cf Onanism or aud perform a speedy cure In all of the diseases enume- rated above. We have seen certificates from respecta- ble persons ceftif'ing to the eurea enumerated hy Dr. Pr.ce. We have ua doubt of his ability to do all ho propotfes- WILMAM S. D. MEGOWAN, Late Sheriff of Jefferson county, Ky. LOVEL H. ROUSSEAU, autKdAw Col Commanding Keufucv Rrijrade. DR. LAOK6Ii'fl PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 360 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. WPRICE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.1 IVdent free of pottage to all parts of the Union.sT ON the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the se- cret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervous- ness, deprejion of spirit, palpi- tation of the heart, suicidal im-- , aginations, involuntary blush- - tugs, detective memory, Indigei u'W-'-iJ- i Stion, and lassitude, Ac., compris-Tiq'i,a- 35U pages, and illustrated V V Tj'iiivJn-it- upward-o- f one hundred and vXT&v-- r f.'.Vi.rhirtr engravings. It ie a truth- - who entertain secret doubt or their physical condition, and who are ccnecisua of having hazarded the health, happinees, aud privileges to which every human being i entitled. With Confessions of a Boarding School Mies, a College Student, and a Young Married Lady, full of romance and thrilling interest. Young men who are troubled with weakness, general- ly caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forget fulneas, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with metancnoly, may be cured bv the author's NtW PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We have for the greater part of the past year, devoted our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re- searches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgons in Europe and on the Continent such men as C1V1ALE, LENOIKE, RICORD, bRECUKTEAU, ACTON, and CURLINGS, of the French and English hospitals. Our tour extended through France. Italy, Germany, Hol- land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visiting in our route the principal hospitals in Paris, London, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac., Ac. We have been amply repaid by the additional knowledge we have acquired in the treatment of various diseases to which we have directed our attention. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the puhlic may rust assured of the same r.eal, assiduity, 3ECRKCY, and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore as a Physician iu our P ECU LI Ait department of profes- sional practice. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or CaDadas, by patients communicating their s mi tome hy letter. Business correspondence strirtly confidential. fTDr. L.'s Office is still located as established: nnder the name of DR. LA CROIX. rTo Insure safotv to all letters simply address "TUB JjA CH' 'IX MEPICAJL INSTITUTE," p4 dAwti No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. V. 3US. 308. FOR GOOD MATTRESSES, UPHOLSTERY WORK, AND WINDOW-SHADE- OF SUPERIOR STYLE, QO TO MARCELLUS A LENTSCH'S, jBTTEBflntf 6TBUT, HORTH KIDB, Between Third and Fourth. r"AW'iNG GOODSof every stvle sn1 quality I" AWNINGS made and put up to order. Dont t fvr rt Mo. ;tOH. I .11 MIh GEORGE T. SHAW DICK PuBTEB. "JIOUND THE CORNER" SALOON AND RESTAURANT, Corner Sixth Street and Court Tlace, OPPOSITE THE CITY COURT ROOMS, Ijcmisville, Ky- - BBAW At rOHTBR, rroprietom, MFM-- at a!! hours of th day and neht Out s supplied with Fi?b. Meat. Poultry, Game, and OrsWs, the be-- in 'he market, Tp our Saloon are to he found imported Wiuee, Liquors, and Cigars ol the Choicest Brands. Sole agpnt" in Ktn'kvfor J. J Sands's celebrated Chicago and Milwatkie X. XX, nuA XiX Pale Cieam and Stock Al; wholesale, la barrels and half barrels, or hs- the bottle. Call "ROUND TflE CORNFR." nl3 M&Jtf WATINEVS. Ac-- k3 a caree Cadef Satinets; lu do aoi'tf'd Jeani; do PIidC'ton; Received aud for sale cheap by T. A R. ST.FVIN A f'MN. SUNDRIES Cotton Yarn, assorted no tubers; li0 balB No. 1 Batting; fro do Extra do; 7h do No. i do; hi) bags wb'te Carpet Chain; 3f do colored do do; li'O do Candle-Wir- M do Wrapping ao; iot sa:e ny JARDNF8 CO. Y, ISLAND C'OTT(NS Wl hales aborted brands Sea lelaud Cottons received aud for eale tor cash by SUGAR luo obis BalUiuore U oolt REFINED received Ton A ro 1 AVA COFFEE as pocketa superior old Java Coffee in store and for sale by Nov T oris Heaper. hand NEW YORK KAFEKS-- in store and for ON Dy HUGH BRENT A CO., j5 Second st., between Mam and River. W. II. STOKES, (SUCCF8SOBTOB- - IMPOltTER -- A.1STT3 IN COACH AND SADDLERY lIAllDWAEE, Saddlery Warehonse, No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, Xiouisvillo, JELyrm "Mewhants and Mannfaetnrers wonld And It to their interest to examine my stock heljire making therpnr sham, and orders from a distance will be attended to as if made in person. deowAweowtf MISCELLANEOUS 1 reserve the Hair I STRATTAN' SKATII AIRON, For Preserving', Rflstoring, and Beaa-tify- the Hair. A JUSTLY CELEBRATED ARTICLE 19 d in the Citv or Lonavn-i.it- , at the Capitol Drug Store, and the proprietor claims t hat it im superior in many respects to any preparation of the kind now in use, and warrants that it will give complete satisfaction. I to virtues have been fully tested, and numberless testi- monials can be produced as to its etlicaey. Orders from the country sol .cited. Wholesale price $1 60 per dozen. Retails at 25 cents per bottle. o. H. STKATTAN, Manufacturer. June4 dtf Opposite the Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Goods, See AVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED A LARGE of Handkerchief Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, and Fancy Goods, which I am selling at ex- ceedingly low rates. I intend to cater to the want o( my friends and patrons in every particular, and trust they will continue former favors. O. U. STRATTAN, Apothecary, Jnne4 dtf Opposite the Grayson Springs, Ky. undersigned having the entire control of James THE interest in thi establishment, will open the same for the reception of visiters on the l"th of June, with a promise to keep a plain and nutintautial Kentucky Hotel, including al the b"t supplies the country will atlord, aud solicits patronage. Terms or Board: Board per day $ 1 35 Do. " week 7 (Kl Do. " month 85 IK) Children and servants and half price. Horse a 60 V week. j3 tf M. P. CLARKSON. CASH! CASH! Great Sacrifice of LACES, EMBROI DICKIES, FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, LINEN CAM- BRIC, JACONETand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT INGS, JACONET, SWISS, and LACE FLOUNCINGS. and in short our entire stock, comprising the most beau- tiful designs and styles. Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladies will do well to cat! at once and secure the greatest and most desirale BARGAINS of thpsason, ;kkuakt a- - f :aisno. mT Via Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall. 0LMSTK1D& OT0W0R (Successors to Jo. Rt, DBAX-TUT- n IN riTTBBTTTTa AND rfllTONA CAN N 35 U COA., Aud Sole Agents foi th romoroy OoJ. ORDERS for av of the abovo, Col reppertfuBr soli promptly filled at the lowest maiket prices. Constantly on bat?d a large svpplof th "FFVTONA CANNEL" and 'TFACOCK' ffMPROY COALS which for kitchen, parlor, or chamber nse have no an perior, Offlces No. 3M Tbirfl street, between Market and Jef- ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. 3U2, southwest corner Brook and Market streets. jeD dtf HINZEN,R0SEN,&C0, FM3-FI8- II umumm Market Street, North side, between Sixth and Seventh, LOUISVILLE, KY. tWA!ways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. sep'J dly MiU-i- T iim HOPS t'or Salo. Cash paid lor JIarlcy AT Till KENTUCKY MALT HOUSE, SOUTH SIDE MAKKIIT STRKET, Between SUth and Seveth. JanWdtf JOHN ENOFLN A CO. POWDERED AND OKANI LATED SUGARS Powdered Sugar; 33 bbli do Granulated uo; Landing fiom mail boat and for sale by ANDREW BUCHANA NA CO., . a28 Corner Second and Washmgtou streets. COFFEE-lt- io bags prime R o Coffee landiug per mailhoataud for sale hy AN1VW BUCHANAN A CO. TABLE SALT by it) bbla hue Table Salt in stare aud ANO'W BUCHANAN OH. N O. MOLASSK3-3U- U hbld pnme llntatioQ d in store and foi sale by I ANO'W HITCRANAN A CO. Louisiana Money Wanted. LOUISIANA Itauk Noies wanud hy AND'W BUCHANAN & CO., aJl Second and Washington mtw. WHISKY extra Rectified Whisky: a i bbls double f xtri do; 7S hhls copper distilled do; 60 bbls fine old Bourbon do; 4V bbls fine old Kye do; la store and for sale by airi MARSnALL UALnFfVr A CO. WINE-S- O Madeira Wine; lu casks Port do; 10 cask Muscat do; 36 DhlF Malaga do; In store and for sale by aifi MARSHAIJ H Af,PFRT A CV BRANDY Ilochelle Brandy; i$ pipes (Hard, Dunuy, A Co. Brandy; lo 4 do A. Seiguette do; 35 ' do Cognac tto; 25 bbls Nw York do; In store and lor sale hy aa.i MARHHALL HALBPRT A CO. 1-- BALES blue, grav. and red Flannel, suitable f for uniforms, to which we invite the attention of Union Companies formiug in the fcttate, lust received and for sale hy J a M KS LOW A K , .' and iUi west side Suth st. D'pflolntion. 'IHP flrm of L. A. CIVIL! A WOOD - thi. day dts- solved hy rcutual consent of th- parties. The busincr-- of the late firm will be settled by aud with L. A. Civil!, who continues the business. L. A. CIVILL, June 2f, IMI. L. A. WOOD CIVILL, S. STATIOIffEBY. & WAU PflfEB BOOK AND JOB IJrlJtat ox- - Binrtei 4,11 Maiu el., etweeu Fourth and Fifth, LOUISVILLE, KY. F" LOOKING-GLASSE- and FANCY GOODS at tpLOUR-- Si bbls A No. I Family Hour for wle by GAKDNKR A CO. WtTNDRIF8- - ;h Brand, Gin. Rum. Ac: Ss.rdines fiO raes boxea Kaiaiiis 4'm pkg? and who1 boxes; (Mire Oil, Macaroni. Vermicelli, c ; In store and for sale by ANTHONY AHONP A Rf "N. 11" Fttth st.. helow Main. MACKFREL- - Prime new Fish in whole and V bhs also No. 1 Salmon iu bbls aud kits, in tor aud for sale by id w . h niTRKHARrvr 117 Marks WINE- - 2" caV.s Pott Wfn- - 2 do Madeira Win; 3 do flherry d. 3 do Clare d: ft do pure Malaga Wine; In store and for -- ale bv n.ll .? MOV 8 RIO ( OFFEE - Ul bags prime Rio Coffee lauding per and for sate hy AND'W BUCHANAN A CO., ai7 Corner Stcoud and Washington st. Wl'GAR-s- s hhds prime N. t. Sugar from steamer O Louisville via Louisville and Memphis Kaihoad audforealeby Ijluj GARDNER A CO. CLEAR SIDES t,lKHI clear sides for sale by W. AJtl. BLKK.I1ARDT, jpt 417 Maiket street. REFINED SUGAR-H- NJ bbls Lovering's Crushed. and Powdered iust received and for sale by a- - ALLEN, MOO RE, A HADEN. WOODEN WARE Buckets and Half Buckets.Tttbs, Churus, aud buckeye and Poplar Bonis loreaieby Uyi") GARDNER A C(j OFT t:BUSHF,D BUOARS-K- m' bbls Baltimore A A n gun viikucu ousjbit mst reci ea ano ior saie ny m21 AND'W BUOHANAA A CO. U BOXES PRIME W R. CHEEaE just received pjr maiiooat and tor sle by a4 M4RHI WAT PFRT fO CHKESE oil boxes Wuum Kwe'.ve and Hambuig ifccnved per railroad and 'or ve by alo JNO. F. HDWA KD 4 C 20 riPFS SIGNETTE BRANDY; lo!B piutM Cti4.mpage do; 20 H di Cognac do; 15 do Kcchelle it ; 35 barrels N. Y. do; In store and Ui sale by 7I0 MARSHALL H ALBERT A CO. W. H. 8TOKFS), MISCELLANEOUS. Split -- bottom Chairs. ARK AGENNS FOR THE SALE OF KEN-tuck- y WE Penitentiary Chairs, aud have in store for sale a large lot of all sizes. A. L. SHOTWIiLL A 80N. je23dtf Wall street AUX 3 COULEURS, L. 8. B. de CKETY....(B. RABY, Agent), 't2S (irrs'n nireft, adolnnir the Jovrnal Orlle ysr-Ha- s in store and for sale in nuantitu I XJf" Ito suit purchasers a fine assortment of jyywiNES and LIQUORS, such as BOKDEA (IX. BOri-ON- I MJ At Bordnaux; Poniard; Bordeaux; De Medoc; Frontignan; Lnnel; St. Estopbe. Volney. Laugiiedoc Moselln, Vin de Tokay, Armagnae, and Cordials. mar4 dly ELUS HOW, jr., and S. II. R0PEITS THE MOST RKOKNT IMPROVED Shuttle SewingMachine FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75. Warranted the Best in the Market; Fine finished, strona and durable: wheel feed of great power; exceedingly simple in construction; not a wire about It; all its parts are most admirably and lugentons-l- y arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, because everything is permanently adjusted; none so easily and operated, and sews the moot beautiful titch ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tai- lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best fversent to this vie initv. All are cordially in- vited to examine it. . T. JOHNSTON, n dly JI 9 Fourth street. LOSRILLARD'S SNTJFF (In bottles and bulk) FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO JOBBERS BY R. A. ROBINSON & CO., may 17 d4m Wholesale Druggists, 51fi Main st. Crab Orchard Springs. HIS CFLKBRATKD WATERING-PLAC- will I be opened for the reception of visitors oq 10th of line neit. Invalids will b rroeived at any time, mple made tor the arcommodation of a kree companv. JNO. H. ALDWELL, Agent. Crab Orchard Ky.. Ma 1H. Wl. j 13 dim J. O. JACK, E W. JACK, Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK k I) Ii OTHER, Wholesale Grocers, rBOnSIIIHCOIMimUERCBAKTS, No. noith plde Main st., between Thlid and Fourth, I,4TISVIJ,K, KY. SOOAH. COFFFE, AND M OLA 88 KB PI im" N. O. Sugar: )") bas prime Kio CofV; to b''ls Ctshdi Pov dred and GianuJstM Sugar; Vnt do Plantation Mtasses; jbbls do do; 30 Njbhls Golden Sirnp: 30 kegs Golden Sirnp: la store and for tele hv JACK A BROTHER, H Mala st. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO Miseouri Tohacno: do . KMtF do do; Mi do 8 winner do do; 1"D do Va. and Kr. do. various brands; In stole aud for sale by JAJ;K A BROTHER, M8 Main st. FANS AND LINSEYS-H'- O bales Negro Jeans and Linseys best brand-- ) in store and for nale hy JACK A BRO THER, 61s Main it. KANAWHA 8ALT 3.IHK) bhls Kanawha Salt, besl in store ami tor sale bv JACK A BROTHER;. 618 Main it O 40 hall cheats Gunpowder Tea: 1" do do R ark do; fro doT,t-- Shaker 5ro-- ; 7 do fjincy wire tied do; In.) do painted buckets; 2". nesl- - d" Tub- - 76 do7,"u Zinc Wa?b-Boar- frii coilp ioiton Rope, all "tr.ei SO do H.rop do, d0; 10i hoee 8 tar Caudies; 4F. do 8'anh; 7i do Ii'ain S'ap; Bo do F:'lm do; m d" German ?rtpr a" bagn I t ion y( tll a attcibrt; t do Cm i pot Chain; biilr-- HMt'Ug; 30 d'l Candle-Wirtr- ; & do Wrappiug Twin; 1 hag" 8pire; b do Pepper; ll" mats i inuanion; S raaes Madias and Manilla In.fl.iio S casks Madder; 10 bhls Alum. h An Sulphur; to casks Newcastle 8od; . I case Nutmegs: 80tt.tM.Ni G. D. and 8. B. Caps: 75 gross Matches; 175 do Mason's large and small Blacking; Ito boxes assorted Candy; 40 bble Cider Vinegar; R'Mj kegs Nails, assorted nnmbers: On hand aud for sale by mWdte JACK A BROTHER. Main st New and Important Books at Civill's. CARTHAGE AND HEK REMAINS. Eicavations, a: SEASONS WITH THE Sporting Ad- - venture, tec iMu'raied. ifi io. FRAMLEY PARSONAGE. By Trollope. Illustrated. 1. OBJKCT LESSONS FOR TEACHERS AND PA RK NTS. VI. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD. Parti 40c. ABBOTT'S HlaTOKY OF MARGARET OF ANJOU. hi. HARPER'S GREEK AND LATIN TEXTS-CVs- ar, vicero, Liucieiius. n.acn ux. lt L. A. CIVILL. Main st. MOLASSES 100 hhls choice Plantation received by and Pevtona .tid for .ale hu '7 H. W. COOD. SHKETINGS Sheetings; 25 do u Mill do; ao do Banner do: Received per steamboat Ida May and for ale by JNO. r . HOWARD A C Agents for Manufacturers, alJ Main, between Third and Fou th sts. CEI)Alt FAUCETS S grov Cedar, Locust, and Faucets just received and for sl low by ORKIN KAWSON, jy;U .'"J1! hetween Thlid and Fourth. IANCY PRINTS -I- Mi cajcs Sprague's and American aud lor sale by JAMES LOW A CO., a oA nd 211) w..t aide flWth W H1TE WINE 6 hhls tlaut Sauterue in store and fm1-.- WM. OAV ENTUCKIw LARD 30 kegs prime family Ird (or nl h- - fcn tllRRITT SON IDER VINEGAR l,0(Hi gallons pure Vinegar, of s our Own manuiacture, for sale by - W. H HCRKH A HOT. 417 Market t. Y'lt, l r; PEACH BRANDY in store and for tale a W. A H BURKHARDT. 4t7Markt,st lIilitary Bookft- - fIEIVS HAND-BOO- FOR ACTIVB SERVICE A Pracirl Book. i THE Ml Ll'l IAMA V A MANl'AT, AND SWORD- - PLAY EXt RC1SKS. Ac, including DriH. 25. WIUCOVS RlrLK AND RIFLE PRACTICE; with deeci lotions of Hides. Ar. HAND Book OF ARI ILLCrtY FOR UNITED STATE SERVICE l. MA J. HUBERT ANDURi?nNS EVOLUTH)N3 OF HIXD BATTKhlKU. 1 ii. aH I, A. CIVILL. WUNPR1F- R- hi bote No. Famtty Soap; 13 di No, G"in d"; 11 do No 1 Palm M do No. 1 Fanry do; htt do N. 8ar Cflidle.- US do and v.hnxs Tallo" Cnd'; alao a t?w loTea pataWne do: At sod 8arch; fr sa' by 1 i firiiHiT T A BON. AOK, Ar J l' cases aiaoitod ( ottonadei; 4 do i am'et Jeans; R do Farmers' Doll-- do Negro Plaids and Stilpea; halfs Denims: Rervived aud for sale cheap by T F SLFVtN A ItAIN. Save l7irr Fruit! A LARGE SITLLY OF V MASONS FRUIT CANS; WJLLOUOHBY " N V WM AN'S ' KEYSTONE " " " rxcEueiioR BPFCIF. ' For at panic prices. mS4 . rAWFtt A V AV WW. OUGAR HOI SE MOLASSES 75 bbls St. James 8u-- 5 ear House Molasses in s'ore a!!-- foi sale by a4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. t L' M K ot Oillcieut bian-Js- , all w sit anted IAMlLx salo by att rvith pprrn, Matn t. EW ORLLANiJ SUGAR 50 hhd-pri- tor sale by ALLEN. MOOKFh AHADF.N. 'JLANTATl'tN MoLASafcd-c(- Hi bbls prime, extra cooperage, in store and for sale by a ALLEN. MOOKF. WATMfN y BARRELS EXTRA KECTH'IED WHISKY: ' O 41' do Double Fulia Reclined WhUky; f0 do d Whisky: "h do Fiu-0:- Pouibou Whisky; ;io do Rye Whisky; In stoi'toand for sale by vh M ARSHAT Jy HAT. PERT C( V CIVILL ! WAR ! ! 4 NEW LARGE MAP OF THF 8F AV OF WAR a. u- published. Ma'ir small places, made promi- nent ju-- t now. appear on tin map. Price plain, do cits- cntored, "ii ceui. Will be maHed on receipt of ptice iyl9 L A. IV1LL. YARNS Idl bags Pittsburg Eacle Cotton tOTTON received per steam b. at and for saie by JNO. r. HOWAnD A MJ., Agcnta for Manurscturers. b.15 Main, bet w een Third and Fourth sts. AR 10 bbls Carolina Tar, in prime order, just re- ceived and for sale by OARONFR A OO. OLAN'f ATION MOLA6SES W bbls in store and for sale by ALLEN, MOORF. A HAOWM SUGAR 64 bbls New aora Yellow Sugar YELLOW and for sale by jy26 H. W. COOD. I LOUISVILLE JOURNAL Funeral of General Lyon at his Nativ Place Oration by tiik Hon. Galusha A. Grow. The remains of Gen. Nathanel Lyon were committed to their final resting place in his native town of fcafltford, Conn., on Thursd y lust, Not less than 20,000 people visited Kastford to witness the ceremonies. The Hon. Galusha A. Grow delivered the oration, and addresses wore made by Gov. Buckingham, Cleveland, Gov. Sprain, Jude Carpenter, Jude Colt of Missouri, the Hon. Richard Busteed of New York, and others. Mr. Grow, who is a native of East-for- d, in the course of his oration, said: War was not the greatest calamity that could hefal a nation degradation and loss of national manhood were the greatest, for their inlluence extended through untold generations, carrying misery and woe in their train. We are called upon y to defend a principle of Govern- ment against a world in arms. v vour lownsman fills and v the Hag whiuta'was watered by our forefathers' blood is dishonored on the soil by men born within the shades of Washington; and we were called upon to vindi- cate our national exigence by all the obligations to our Maker and to a common humanity. The boom of cannon on the plains of Lexing- ton shook a continent and bore an obscure militia colonel from the shades of Mount Vernon to the highest pinnacle of earthlv glory, to stand forev- er on that proud pedestal, peei less among men, while it called Stark from his granite bills, J'ut-na- from his plow, and Green from bis black- smiths forge to immortal tame. The iron hail heating against the walls of Sumpter ogain shakes the continent, and the genius of historv is recording the names of those who were born not. to die. Let the bier pass on; mourn not for the dead Since to all men on this earth Death cometh soon or late, itow then can a man die better Tli n facing a fearful odds For the ajhes of his father" And the temples of his God .'" No man lives in vain or for himself dies loo awn who falls defending the liberties of his country or the rights of mankind. So long as the Mississippi rolls from the mount- - amn to theae its waters will murmur a requiem to the departed. And though his ashes sleep amid Ihe stenes his infancy loved so well, his tomb is Ihe hearts of his countrymen, his monu- ment the granite hills of a nation rejoicing in freedom. Fortunate in life be is duubly fortunate in death ior if there hp. on thin earthlv sphere A boon--- an oftei ing Heaven hold Uiar, 'Tin the lant libation L lieny draw From Ihe heart that hlted- and break io her raue." Gen. Lyon has left three brothers and three sisters. He himstlf was never married. Two of Ihe brothers live in Kastford and one in New Yoik Stale. One of the filters lives in New York Stale, one in Massachusetts, and the U.4 at Ash-for- Conneclicut. CiT The Boslon Shoe and Leather Reporter :.ay8 that the South bad a good stock of Northern- - made show at the commencement of the war, which is not j el exhausted, and that of the six thousand tanneries in the United State.) to thousand are in the slave States, their full pro- portion, considering for how many other uses than shoes leather is consumed in the Northern States. of the shoemakers in the foiled Statee were also in the ila e Slates. Ou the whole, the Reporter sayF: So far as shoes and most of the manufactures of leather are concerned, we reach this conclu-fei- o n, that, although the facilities of the Soul hern people are limited, ill. with a proper husband- ing of their resources, there is no cccaeion for any immediats bu fieri np, and that it is the part of wisdom for us to calculate that they will nol be brought to their knees during the present year in consequence of a dtliciency in the supply of leather. The Attempt on Garibaldi's Lin.. The last foreign arrival brought intelligence of a new attempt to assassinate Garibaldi. The particu- lars of the plot are fully given in a letter to the Genosse paper, II Movimento, written by the Si cilian hero's friend and guest, Vecchi: Cai'KI-.ka- , August 1S Last night three arrived here. They had heard a rumor that two illfavored in dividuals had landed on Capi era. That appeared to us mere idle gossip; they took their leave and we went to supper. Then Slagneli and 1 took a troll with our cigars till eleven o clock, and went to bed. About three in the morntnc I heard the do-'- bark and iump out of their kennels. lmmMUteVv after 1 fell again. AKuit live o'clock 1 was tip and ifHWthe gens dannis, who related to me what had happened during the night. When we went to supper they had gone to the rocks which commanded Mir courtyard and Btreuhed themselves out at a short distance from each otbar. At three o'clock they heard the sound of footsteps, ard saw two men passing be- fore them through the darkness, about a pistol shot pfV. The guard cried out, Who goes there'" They answered him bv a shot. The soldiers then pursued them, shouting, "Stop, in the King's name!" A voice replied in a volley of obscenities. The gens d'armes fired again, and heard one of the rascals cry out, '"Holy Virgin!" Then both of them scampered off with the utmost speed. Coming up to the place where these nnserables had been, I be soldier found their mket balls buritd in a rock, and several prints of bloody handn on the granite. There was a bloody track running some distance along the road, a blood- stained handkerchief and a powder-hor- From the fact that the wounded men cried, "Jesus Maria! Giuseppe!" as they tied, therms d' amies concluded tint they were foreign assas- sins, and not bandits of the island. After the General had taken his bath, we in formed him of what bad happened. With hia or- dinary indifference he made light of the matter, said that he had seen the men on the rock?, beg- ged the yens d' anues not to frighten the popula- tion of Magdalena by spreading Ibe story, and then went off to lo k at the little vineyard of his with a friend. But the soldiers, by their report to the author- ities, had startled the whole country; exaggera- tions of it grew from mouth to moutb; the wo- men shrieked from their windows that the Gen- eral was killed; aod everybody ran to the harbor to take refuge in a vessel. All the ollicials rin armed into the piazza, and I seemed to be lock- ing at the esplanade of the Palace of Caserta, at the period when we were having the honor to protect there the country s unity. Everybody hud in bis mind one single idea, the protection of that life which is the most noble iu Laly and Ihe most necessary lo her existence. Two Government sloop-of-w- started off on a reconnoitering expedition around the island. One of them reported having .seen a boat put oft from the Giglio toward the island. Efforts are now making to rind out the crew who sailed in it. This is all we know at present. INTERESTING (.'OBKBSI'ONDENt.'F. (riN y. 111., Sept. ; ere. William A. Michurdsvn, (uttny, Hi. Dkak Sih: I hope ou will not deem me im- pertinent or officious in the attitude of a "Peace man," hoping for "Peace'' only through the dread ordeal of war, while I solicit vour views as a Democrat and a patriot, touching the cause and remedy to be adopted by such in the present cri- sis, as an unconditional Union man united with all patriots who are in favor of the Union, the Constitution and the enforcement of the laws and eppecially of "freedom of speech and the press," and the right to question the policy of all patriots in the present emergency. You will, I triHt, oblige me by an expression of your views, with liberty lo use Ihe same before Ihe public, ou Ihestuiup or in the press. Respectfully, yours, C. A. WARREN. (ijim v, September .", 1 SKI . Pr.AH Sin: I am in receipt of your favor of thij dale, aod in reply thereto, have to say, Ihe s of our country are such 3 to losve but In tie hope (Indeed 1 see none) of a peaceful ad- justment of them, I was among those who hoped that civil war would be avoided by compromise. I think a compromise could have been made with- out national or indidvidual dishonor. But the time for compromise is gone and we must adapt our action to things as thev are, and act upon reali- ties. It is the duty of all good citizens to siippo: t the Constitution, as that is the bond of the Union of the States. Preserve the Constitution and the Union is perpetuated. Overthrow the Constitu- tion, and the I nion is destroyed. For one 1 would not 1 consent to a dissolution of the Union, or consider terms of separation." With thube in re- bellion against the Government, I "have no com- promises lo make no terms to ofter, tther than an unconditional Htbmiion bv them to Ihe Union, tbe Constitution, and the laws.'' To maintain tbe Constitution and te Union, and fcr nothing else, 1 am fur a vigorous pitjecu-lio- n of the war until all the people in ail the S'ates shall submit to them. For this purple, and no other. 1 am ready and willing to give tbe President all the men and money he msv require. Civilisation and Christianity demand that e should accompany the sword wi.h propositions of peace. Let that proposition h submit to Ihe "Union, tbe Constitution, and the laws." The "freedom of speech" aud tbe "freedom of the press" are guaranteed by the Constitution to eve- ry American freeman, and, when 1 declare myself for the Constitution, I hare declared for "each and all of the provisions in favor of the same. Planting ourselves rir.nly upon the Constitu- tion, the Union, and tbe laws, we invite the co- operation of all who are for them; and it ii our duty to resist all who oproie them. We know the fact to be, that there are those who are for the prosecution of the war for other purposes than the maintenance of the Constitution. Let them take the responsibility of dividing the sentiment and action of our people, if it should be divided. ( am opposed to all unions of parties, where the basi3 of that union ie spoils. I am m favor of a union upon the Constitution, the Union, and the laws. A union upon this basis will save the Gov- ernment. Afunion for spoils would aid in its de- struction. I hope you will excuse this hasiily written re- ply U your inquiries. I have given you my views frankly, at least, if not in good style or taste. I am trulv, vour friend. "W. A. RICHARDSON. Hon. C. A. Wakrkn. How THE S)0 T II P.KN AltMV pKitVlRU Votl A UtsroftY oi 13 Co.MMtViAiii.vT Tun Err kiencicof A C"Mt'AN. Tlie editor of the Rich- mond Examiner is a recMes.s sort of fellow, and insists upon grumbling in hue .style in epite of the robol despotism and tho censorship of tbe prees. He is an undoubted r, aod a clasfi-ca- ll v educated de. perado. Our readers have heard of him John M. Imiel;, late Minister to Sar- dinia. We tind (he following iu his paper of Au gust o): We have naid in the beginning of this war, and we repeat it, that "behind every victory or defeat stalks the ghost of a commissary." Whatever the fortune of particular battlei, that of the cam- paign will ba mainly decided by the hcuUh of Ibe arm v. The neunv-wise- .. txund foolish nnlii v which we have witnessed in the transactions of the furnishing depjiimeut u as ral to the spirit of the South as it i to its needs. Food rendered unpalatable and unwholesome hy the neglect of procuring suitable Uiilora and then by the absence of bakers and cooks in a country where they abound, is one cbi-i- f permanent cau.se of ill heiltb in our camp ; anuther is inuuflicient protection from the inclemencies of I lie weather. So many tents without let tbe rain spatter through and wet everything. Surely tar, at least, might, have been found to make them water-proo- Finally, the neglect of cleanliness, alike personal and public, and the facility with which w hisky is circulated through our camps, concur to swell the frick liH. m A company of volunteers, encamprd within a few hours' j mrney of their respective homes, during a period of six weeks in midsummer, had never fre-- meat or vegetables allow d them. Tbey had but one axe in camp, and uneold hatch- et no hammers, saws or other necessary tools, not even nails not, a pot in which to b il or stew, until tho writer borrowed one for them of his own motion from a neighboring farmer. Thev had not a tingle large fnrk, spoon, or ladle, but one common meat knife no chopper, no or sbovl, no pot hook only four wooden travs of tbe smallest si.e jf buckets, about one of the common size, painted insida, to a dozon men and of basins still fwer about half as many tin cups and plate.", knives, and forks as there are mon in (he company. Many were with- out a change of clot hen for weeks together. Thev had not a matrhsufe r tinderbor, no serviceable lantern, or lamps. Not ovens or pans enough to cook r whole meal et a lime no washerwomen, as allowed hy the "Rgul'i!innK," nor other ser vants wlutsoever. Their meat was nearly all fried, and their rations, wastefully prepared and w retched y cooked, hardly ever went round with out some one's being shared out. No wood was ever brought but puch a:i the cooks dragged from the forest near by. 1 he only tune the men were allowed to bal be was immediately after sup per. I hey were tlv:erel by a e3t Point Captain, and all their otlicers were gentle men of rernied culture, who kept thir own servant', their own Initio, and mnored as much ai possible the vi:dnce of tbe men when off duty. 'J heir 'iurlerma ;(er snd Commissary, who, for Ihe com pin, are one person, was as U5usl a sergeant, who, as is cmtomary, evaded in mikh os possible the duties of tbe c irnmi iariit. this state of things occasioned great discontent - the camp was always grumbling, but no member f the companv ever lirok upon himself to obtain, or een demnod'.'d radie or grievan e:j. A few deserted more would, tbey daril diw frac- tion with the service was general. Treated wtr-- than any nurj lver, they ;uil among them- - selv-- : "Whit if the Smith whip, we die, lb whites will get nothing by it." Tbey rtaid rnin.h worne thm this, fot they were virtually by their position, and thev hal not culture or reason enough to understand the compara' tve ad van tag which even the poor- est w hue man in (he South eni pys, in consequent of a system which checks foreign emigration and keepn arable land) always open to his industry. 1 his company, whkh contained a fair proportion of intelligence and manhood, mbmitled passively lo the privations above mentioned within hail of (heir own homes. hat, then, c in bo expected of soldiers far away from home, and placed under physical ae well ai moral disabilities? Here thev re camped ma very helihv location, and too few iu oi niher to vitiate Ibe air. 'i he waters within ghol abound in Ib.h. There wa.s every- thing to tatitali.e, lo provoke the exnhsion of individual energies but lb very idea that thev wr soldiers paralyzed Ihetu. hen Ihe writer, VHiting lh csmp. represent ed its wan's to its captain, be was InM that the Comniissirv loparlmenl had refud tofurni-- h more than we have mentioned, and afterward). at aaolher place, tbe only ad Iition- - made were of rice and mo;a-e-- , gome sheet-iro- n camp ketlles, half full of hole.3. and some little a.xes, besides what tbe captaia purchased for the company out of his own pocket. The experience of tbii company u s'm verv favorable, on the whole, as ccnipaied with a great many othu'i we could name. ?)"' ill to I Ii" rii"-"loi- t (Vni'ijrii i.iJ.J W.v.min'ji on, Syt. I '1. The profound ipiiet of Wa, liiiiu'ton iiyei un broken hv anv po.'itiv e icjis of a rebel attack. 1 bis loim del iv nidin.es tqxwujal 'hh h it regard is aa ling reinforcement t from McCul-loug- h. Pillow, , Co. idding the Southern army of tbe West lo that of the Potomac. Hut if Beau regard can't, take Washington by strategem, he cannot bv numbers. fhe fortifications of Baltimore proceed rapidly. Traitors hereabouts begin to rind themselves checkmated in unexpected quarters. Ihe troops are remarkably healthy. Aiticmit or Rki;i;i. Sailoks t ('ai icks a Suit. The ship Resolute, Capt. '1 nomas F Freeman, arrived this morning from Liverpool with the n hole crew in a state of mutiny. The circumstances in this (ase are of Ihe most aggra vating character, and ehow how far 8csasin principles have been engrafted up n the feelings of many of th'we who have been brought under its influence. The crew of the Resolute left New- - Orleans some months ago to avoid being drafted into the military organi. ilion then forming in that city. They came to Liverpool in a South- ern ship and then left her. JJuring their stay in Liverpool they talked freely and louJIvuf "sesesh and its glories, and when their means were ex hausted Ihev shipped on board the Risdute, with the determination, it is alleged, of either captur- ing the ship themselves, or in the event of fall- ing in with a privateer to take such measures as would result in the ship falling into the hands of tbe pirates. They kept their plans secret until they were well at sea, and then began to talk deliantly and openly avo-- their pympalhy with the secession cause. Everyday their corddct became more aud more threatening, until at lal they made their boast u that they would take the ship when they thought proper. Captain Freeman became alarrmd for the safety of his vesael, and made preparations lo resist them should they attempt to take the ship. Ihe painengfti. wete informed of the condition of affiirs. and to a man resolved to stand by the captain and officers of the ship. Shortly aftr her anchor was let go, Sergeant Holland, of tbe harbor police, boarded her and found the entire crew tin tied into I r berths, re- fusing even to furl the sail i. He immediately obtained tbe facts from tbe Captain us atmve sta- ted, and then ordeid the to get up ar d dres Ihern-?lvc- 5 as qukk'y as possible, ard prepare to go on shore. Thev then ironed and convened to Ihe United States Martihala office to be examined be- fore a Uni'ed S'ates commispioner. 'ihe fallow- ing is a list of the priuoueit-- Name. Ait. Nalivilv. Edward Daio ''li United States. John Hanson " " George Maar ' 11 David Ariel i2 V " .lobn Enriftht Ireland. John Clark if: UniUd Wm. oM Ireland. James Cain b Nova Scotia. hrederick Osborne I Ireland. John Rosa Scotland. Wm. Alien .' Uni'ed titatea. .anieo A. Hughe.) J' " " Francis Moran " " There if but bltl- - that if it had nol I n fcr far of the pa,vngrs taking srUegamst them tbeepnatej would have captured tbe chip, lun her lo the southward, and delivered hor up aB a prizo lo the rebel authorities. A. F. Omi. .Ur , ith. Frow UK Sui'i n w knt We have informa- tion which we rely upon, from Sprmghcld, a.i lae as Thursday last, io the ettf t, that McOul-loug- h way then reported to be at Fort Smith, and that bis troops were at Mount Vernon, Law- rence county, on Friday, the ;0lh it It , intending next day to take up Uieir line of march lo I heir old quarters, Eirl Walker, in Arkansas. Noth- ing certain was known of McCulb'Ugh's f.iture movement aid intention, but it was supposed I hat he and his troops rtouid remnn ne-- the line, readv to act id concert TUt-- hiij Missouri allies as occasion m.iv r?wuire. Something oer two v.eeka az Kstns moved with his upon an crpedition against tort Scott, in Kaneas. where Line and M..nt-roine- ry have posted, themtflvey. hen within about thirty miles of that place, he hick for mnfor- - enie'nt?. i hereupon, G-- n. I'm e w ent with hie w hole command, including portion of Wi Bride s men. 1 he united fon ei were, it sup- posed, ti 'Minor .,(J'"I men. Lane was represent- ed to have I ""0. When lift beard from. Price was about lift een miles diaiant from Fort Stvtt, and it wan r iutidenilv experied that a battle would take place on Tuesday of last week. If this be reliable, as we etippose it is, there has been no battle between Rains and Lane, as heretofore reported. We give th number of Price's army, as understood at Springlield; but no doubt recruits had gone to pin him in large numbers, and it is quite probable that hts forces had been nearly doubled. Gov. Jackson was in Spnngtield nn bunaay, the 1st. with one hundred and nfty men, wh were acting ai a sort of b.lv guaid. i'bev had come wnh him from Memphis. Among bis at- tendants was Mr. Charier, Sims, v ho foi:nerly re- sided in Car county. Wo., and was a leader of tbe Benum partv m the House of Iiepiesentatives he removed to e. since in IboK Several years Sims addressed the people of bpringtield at some length. Jackson left to join the Suite forces on Sunday eight. On Thursday last there wa- - at Springteld a regimtnt under Col. Taylor, which was stated to command. This was all be a part of Mc Bride's (he force left there. Ii is pr .bible thit we shib soon hear or an en- gagement at Fort Scott. St. Louis Htp , lUrA. THE ARMY of thcUNITED STATES AflO Radway's Ready Relief. INFORMATION FOK TUB WAH UCrAKTMENT. Tlmo,r of Field Ofrleer.l empmfiy Officers, nnd entire KenhnentH In lavr of tbe GREAT fKEVKXTIVB AND RESMATIVF. We propone to offer, In'a few brief pnrarnpttn, bucIi proofs of the efficacy of RADWAY'S RKAPY RBLIKF M ft preventive of and cure for tbe diseases to which bodies of ii n acclimated men are peculiarly mibject iu warm latitudes fti cannot fall to command the atten- tion of a Paternal Government anxious to proteet the health aud llree of the tem of tbonsaudi of brave and patriotic citizens who have left and are daily leavinjt thir hotuet, tlielr families, aud their buslueas to tight In Its defence. According to the of eminent military men, of army aurjeoua of high it and in in the profession, and thou-and- e of private soldiers. RADWAY'S READY KKLIKF has already been of Immense benefit to the sick among our gallant volunteer soldiery in CAMP, IN TIIK BIVOUAC, AND ON THE MARCH. The euhjoiued sttmnjarr of facts, which we respect- fully Invite the Government to rerify hy application to tbe parties named, includes but a small portion of the voluminous testimony to the eame effect received by in' within a few weeks from various heartuuarters of regi- ments and detnehmenta in tbe service of the United States: TESTIMONIAL NO. I. From the Ninth Regiment N.,Y. Volunteers (Zouave), Col. Bush Hawkins, of this regiment (now quartered at Newport News), writes us bertowlng the strongest en- comium on the Rri.ikp, and recimniendlns It, from tbe epTlence of tiim)f and officers, m 'a most valuable addition to the army medicine cheat." TESTIMONIAL NO. I. Major Linnltl, Guard, prououotes the au "excellent medicine" for the army. TE3TIMONIAL NO. a. Col. fleorge Lyons, of the Eighth Regiment N. Y. S. M., all hl ofticere, nnd 301) privates, endor the Relief in the tnot. emphatic term, and ic it tQtneHste introduction into the medical stores of every branch of the service. TESTIMONIAL NO. 4. Surgeon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phelps, of Ihe First Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, warmly ap- prove the Relief, and the regiment has tkeo with It to the field a sufficient supply for present use. TESTIMONIAL NO. . Captiin John Wbltlock. Co. I California Regiment, UMoned at Camp Yates, SUteo Inland, savs that, on the bth of June, he adrolnislred the Relief to v men of his company who were laboring under severe attacks of diftiihea and dysentery; that Its remedial effects were immediate; and that a majority of the sick RFprtRTr-.- nut oniy thk e&HR AFTrBiooN. He there fore recommends iU addition to the mediral store ot the i eg I men t as a measure of tha '"highest importauct."1 TESTIMONIAL NO. . The military editor of the New York SuudiF Atlas (estifis, on behntf of members of the Seventy first. Fifth, Suth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty ninth Kegl meuts. to tbe beneficial ts of the Relief tn "dozens l rapes of snn stirkw." As a protective eex)nst nit remedr fr dKrrbea, fever end ague, bilious, yellow, and other fe- vers, end of the effects of miasma, onwhoteeonte water, ami ectslve hent; as a geneial ind restora- tive; and also as an external application far reducing the inflammation of wounds, the Relief is infallible. When adnrinitred internally H instantly arrests pain. TO THE PUBLIC AT HOME. Tbe use of Hidwny Kadr Relief (sol eaual impor- tance lo the domestic circle. Every family should keep a supply of it In the house. It can be used for so many complaints and ailments, and will lu alt cases give ease and comfort to the sufferer. TAKEN INTERNALLY, it will in a few minutes relieve the most terete pains orcisioned by OIAKHiltlA, UDOLEItA MORBUS, COLIC, FE- VER AND AOUE, SICK HEADACHE, HUART-RTRN- CRAMPS. BFA3MS, PAIN3 IN THE STOM ACH AND ROWELS, PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, GIDDINESS, MELANCHOLY. HYSTERICS. BILIOUS C'lLlC, WEAKNESS, 3 OF SPIRITS. SICKNESS AT fcTMACH, and will, with a few times using, cure the most ob'tluate cases. ATPLIED LX.TERNALLY, it immediately relieves, and will in a few days euro R31XMATISM and a'd RHEUMATIC affections. GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDEN COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, DIPTHE-R- l A, 1N1UEN,A, HEADACHE, CA- TARRH, PLEURISY, TIGHTNESS OK THE CIJKBT, RirP,3 AND STlNGr OF MUSKET03 and other PAINS IN THE J'1NT3, HARD SWELL-1NO- U M0AGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN IN TUB KIDNEYS, WtjMB, SPINE, & , MPRAJNS, SPRAINS, WOUNDS, SCALDS, aud BURNS. Let Rad'var's Readp Relief be applied or taken internally on the first warning given of sickness, end no matter whit may bn the character of the threatened disease, the Ready Relief will break up and arrest the progress of Ihe disease. A mass of evidence so direct and conclusive as the above, emanating from military men who volunteer it o earnestly, and who testily from personal experience, can scarcely he disregarded at Washington; and we cannot doubt that the Government, on looking Into the facts, will deem It eipedieut to supply tbe stetiouary military hospitals and all regiments in the field with a protective and remedial preparation of such inapprecia- ble value and utility. RAD WAY A CO., JOHN STREET, New York. XL. XL. XL. IMPORTANT TO THOSR AFFLICTED WITH CHRONIC SCROFULAS AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT 13 THE MOST PERFECT CURB FOR S"RE3 SKIN ERUPTIONS, ULCERS, FEVER SORES, SALTRH EL M, FRY81PELAS (IN ALL ITS FORMS', SORE HEAD, CANK- ER, AND ALL CHRONIC DIS- EASES KNOWN TO MEDI- CAL SCIENCE. IN A FEW WEEKS. Tbo.e ho take Radway's Reuovtting Resolvent will have rich, pure, and HEALTHY BLOOD coursing through their veins. PURE SKIN CLEAR COMPLEXION.-T- he d use of Reri'vay't Renovating Resolvent lor twe or three weeks will change a rough, sallow, discolored, and unhealthy skin to a clear end healthy complexion. Infants and children afflicted with Red Gum, Sore , Eruptions, and Rreaklngs Out, Cancers. Ac, will derive Immediate benefit by the use of the Resolv- ent. RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT IS A GREAT LUNG AND STOMACH REMEDY. Fed ('.ough, Hwkiug Dry Coueh. Stltchine or Wrench ine Fin in the Side, Sudden Pains around the Heart, Shortness of Breath. Had Breathing, Sharp Pains whpn taking a Long Breath, and ell other painful symp- toms are quickly removed bp the Renovating Resolvent. BRONCHITIS SPITTING OF BLOOD. In all ca-- of Broochitis that we have known the Resolvent lo be need for It has quickly cured the pa- tient -- it never (ails. Likewise in Hemorrhege from the Looks or Throat R R. Resolvent is the most safe and p rompt stj ptic in use. Those atrllcted with Dyspepsia of long standing are especially recommended to it as a nevei failing rerofdy. Fiice of R, R. Rceclvent ts 9!j-e- i bottle. Bold hi diuggtete and dealer? every wbete. KADN AY'S KE(.1'L1TI.U FILLS HOUSEHOLD BLESSING NO. 3. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS are the "IvV-- g etahle forf al"mel, Merruiy, Antimony, Qui- nine, and tbei kindred mluaial poisons in uss. Rgiilattnc P" are elerantly eotd with Mndicat'd G'l-- thtrip Pills in each box dose fiom one to six Hartauted to operate iu six hours. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS ARE THE MST PERFKC PILLS IN I 3K. aud the only PiHs thAt anr new m1icinAl pni.erti-- s or rerouting that have been discovered dunug the piesent ctm-ui- THE WEAK GROW STRONG. The first doe of Radw-av'- Pills rows the sued of health tu the m k snd disea-- svstscn. snd in fifteen mioutpfl attr a dne. is swallowed will 'tck th pro-re- of dif a; in six hours an evacuation from the bowels will follow, whwn ihe ptieut will giow fwttr: every dav the rit'nt mil pain strenrth. The sick health c and the feeble st long, every 0'n tn the oifeapfrt hodv is resuscitated with new life and vtgm, and hiMh aud rexularity will reUn throunhont the whole system The liver w( be renlaT in secreting bile the 'kin rerulur in its function, and the hea't res-ul- r tn its baaMiis. the pule" resnlar in It motions, vi the howhf repilai', at a regular hour. In discharging their extents. Let all who have occasion to take i bpsic take a dose of Radway's Pills If your system iso.it of tvo or three cf Radway's Pi !s will estblieh regularity. 1h t ;1lowin ailments Rad-s- PMU will Tilck'v cure and iree the svstem fiom all irritating bum"! nd leave every oiifn of the body in a natural and healthy contlltton: Constipation of th PowpIs, livsteria, Inrlil'tuDtti 'ti "f the B"w-1b- , Whts, InrUminaf ion ot the Kidneys, Inttueuza, Ilaiiiu-ne- Nervous, Hadacbe, bick, Kidney Comr'slnt., Meaels Bladder templaints, Small-Po- liidigestlo,i. Dropsy, Scarlet Cosflvene-s- , (Typhus Fever, Pleunsy, Dvspfi-sia- , IBiltous Irregularity, Heart Disease, nNBRi,TBr URMrte. Lose of Arret it, Lose of Memory, Loss of Energy, and Loss oi Direniu. IMPORTANT TO LADIES sufWing troro Irregularities, Monthlv Surrrea-slone- . Retentions. Ac, should take one or two f Rad- way's Kegula1og Pills every night for one week before the period. They will remove all diseased ob- struction and in ure a healthy discbarge at the proper time. Price of Radway's Pills S5 cents cer box (coated with pleaeaut to tAke: 30 pills in each box- - Sold by Bmi): l.u MarcbanU evury where, BAD WAY A CO., 33 JOHN STREET, New York. E. WILDER, Acent. Louisville, aiaa dUUeoJAwlamt'f AUCTION SALES. t ZZuJLnt S. Henry V Oo, A Vi TtONP'nS ANDroMKlBSION MPlK-pHT- l mo"nt j5nC' a to OS t tr W ar-- a a'1 m"e reir to ett R,al M.vHaP. ov Constable's Ba SjSrtM Furnltnre. Ac. oo terms satisfactory to sel7n. ty RI' COYVV.- bars Rio Coffee, fair to prime. In tore and tor sale bv ANDREW BUCHANAN A CO . JJM J.orner Second and Wmhlnrton st. MOLASSES - I Plantati.to Molasses: .SI b). Is prii-i- .St. Jamas Sugai-Uous- Molasses-I- store aud tor sal by " and'W nnrnAMAi A no I OV KINO'S SI GARH- -: bbls Lovt d j lowmrea ana oin'-iit- ! Sugars bi store ann or ate by 'Ml AND'W BUCHANAN CO. YrINFf - ' b .CCr t;iirt Winw; Jii'l It hautfine do" ho do (!.; :i cjiH-.- f t laret dr :;n bbls winto o. Jh yhx sheti v do V do rt do; In store and for sale bv ANTHONY ZA NONP A SOW, Fifth street below Main. Lt RANDIES-- I" pVg- - French Brandy for sale bv A.NTIIONV 7.ANON.M. anM 1,1 Filth st.. bel-.- Main. NDKIPS mi cases and boxes Saldino: rJ bt't.s Olive Oil ji"i bbls r dimmed Whluky; 4 pipes Rnltsnd Ciu i Rum .lamai-- a and St Cro'i: Forsaleby ANTHONY Z A NONE A SON, sli Fifth si., h- -t Mln. 1? RANDY AND T INI , CASKS suHahU for ' atawba 1 for sale by AN I HON Y ZANuNK SON, ly Kiiili st.. bMow Main. T1U 1TARY BOORS at 1A CIVILIS. M,!n mi REBUL'jIoN RECORD jirts) at CTVILL'3. AHEKICAM FLAG, illustrated, at CIVILLd. CoLLLRD'd LATIN ACCIDENCE at CIVILL'S. 1ARR M'AY'S CHEMICAL HIP'IK V CIVILL'S. 0" A ADVENTURLrt IN THE BOl 1H FAJt It", hp a CI VILL'S. MAUAN'3 CI IL ENGINEERINt; at CIVILL'S. MENIFEE'S MliCUANlCAi. uRAWING CIVlLL'd. at J'MMON'B GEOLOGY at UVILL'f. WUHOOL BOOKS cbap at i:iVlLL'S. 7iA.SOltltlfQ. 'IMlf. heretofore e tsMn bet - een the 1 imdprplgnrt, undT tbfinno IAC 4 BBJ"I H ER, is hi v disoiv-- J. O. .lack havW mrchamnf the entire lUre In the s'n k ! a.wet. g nt,) to rpt.ti Uie part nershh' husinee eni to us the name ol (lie flioi f i th pur prise. .1 i; lAi K, ED WD W, JACK. Lvuiiulle. Ky., Aug. I 1! 'iHC undr.igne! rontlnn th- -V Ru! PPALP I liKt ICERY ani COMMISSION at the stand, No, 3i.i Main street, between lb"d and Fo.irt!. J, G. JA'.R. L"ui-- i)lp, Anjr. 17. 11 f Kcntiicli 4 8 the eao!' hs arr'v-- d oi making Cider, and 0-- J- - ciorof Anlse abundant. I am asuin rrept ed to furnish this popular CIDCK-MILL- - At tin- - are baf-- and money s.. ftTia. we (el cootideut nt no farm? vhi bus apples will allow Idem to rol en t tie ground when be can foi o small pro- me a M ill by i tKh h can turn ins into ta and it ion t having a'Twstt las of ci'Ut evry to help drive away tbe troubles of thpHtn. W wan a nt TBI" Mux o nn Itghtfr. grind fal, anl press lutider tbsn any other Mill now nfteicii fn Hie public, Hfire puiriia'to call aud examine It. C. V. HAJIIhW, No. iSA Maiu st. A!? (he Upnliuky Fff! -- iQHer. We ha-- ni.1 add'fionitl lnprovei"nts to 0'ir No. 8 EKD-- i I T I tilcb usk it run much lighter for than any otnnr machine tn the In othei rcepci ta it is lo) well knuwu to need any de- - cmiOoii. THRI'SHING MAC" I v' rf of nil Mo-ls- . ORAIM DRILLS. PLOWS, CI-- n A I'OKH, t E' P. NT, PLArtTt,R. LIME, SND. Tl RN1P SEED, and all kinds of (JAKI)LN SEI.D.i. G. W. BASHAW. a '4 dim Ni- iJ M1nsf. Kanawha Cannci Coal Oil HOUSE. n A VING, as or th KANAWHA CAN. NEC COAL MINING AND OIL MiNlEAC-TUR1N- COMPANY. pmchaetHl the entire stnra of LAMPS and LAMP HXTURE. M WM. V SIM R ALL, K. 4'ix M m strfl, f..in(h '-r ! of Fourth, Iimv1p, K it i my puipot" tn k.i a -- 'tppl r f FINE Hi KNING OIL. hy this mnr'-J''- , ronftft'itlr e"n hand, al 'i'b"t,st" and rts". a' of w hirh wit! be guai Hu(,ed to be ejuil f nil supt nr to anr at ( ul n'auntai tuied lu he coti" 'y. Oui OM ? niiiutrtM ! from pu'- - t'annel Co!, anil nrne i't her t 'It be oil jre-- t to out cn tnits. In a few flai e U b prp;.a,red to Ml oroers for LUHRH:a TING OIL. of as Eood inality as any lu the coootry. st from to i. j renta rr gatlou. R .I.Cawnnn in the emptor of Wm. V. Snurnll) hIII condui t th hnstnse oi ttie House for tn, aud letters addressed to him or the uudeiigued at Lou- isville will t tccivu prompt alteuti'm. A. O. HODGES, n'fi 'lm Tra. K. T. O. M OM Mn. f'o. Tltree learJterrulls Haoled for the Rojular Ariuy. Recruiting Rendezvous Front street, Jeflersourllle. Ind A UNMAKPIE" pKTtSikv M EN, between the ane of l a ,?sKrV',n'! '"frs, are wanton for the ptfr Muetevnth Regiment of V. S. Infauti y. By recent act" of Congress the tf nn of has ben reduced to three feats, the bounty has ben m,id euuat to that lor oluQteri-s- the pay ban been increaaerl two dollars por month, and pro bss been made to promote deeer vim! PTiva- t- to c"iumti--ioo-- ortieers. Two Dollars will be paid to any one bruigiug an For further information or lor enlist ment, apply at tbe recruiting Rendezvous. K. DELAVAN M rSSE Y. Captain lAh V. 8 Intantrv. aH dim Rorniftln Othce'. Mutual Life Insurance. 'PHR NRW KN.CANI MCTI'41. IJFE 1 tiLltaNi.U COMPANY. No. 8tU atreet. Rot-to- insures lives oo the mutual principle. Net Aecumulatfon exceeding I.Vit.(M0, and in- creasing, for the benefit of menilyra, pret-n- t and fu- ture the hole safely aod advantageoos'y Invested. '1 be business conducted exclusively for tbe benefit of th1 p- rson" insured. The areat est risk tak-- o on e Il'e S.YUo. Sutl'lus dstrihutd among the n"p'lM;rs evry fifth year, from December I, 1 tfettled In cah or bp a.dt-ti- c to policy. Prenjlums may be ps'i quarterly or semi anQnallj-- , where desn-ed- . and amount not too small. Forms of sppHraticii and pa'ph't? of th Csnpsu aid it reports t" b" had ot Its "unts at th ortico of tle Companj-- , or ioiwar-is'- d by njatl, if written for roit paid. DtKLVTORQ: Marhsll P. Wild r, 1 .ppan. i harlcs F t:Mti, William B KeypoM", '1'hoiiMs A. Dftr, t.orre H. Fotger, Charles Hubbard. A. W.Thatter, Francis C. Lowi .Uniee Ptnrgt. WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. Bw!AMi F. Ptfvecb, te?retry. W. W M aLND, M D, Consulting Fhyeielen. an1 dl v THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE SrROULE & MANUEVILLE Are uow recDivmg Iheir laige stock of o Us o t 11: x jv o All! luriiisliing Cjt oods. M'HIULE k ailMEVfLLG9 er. S. E. corner fourth and Msln streets. 1ST 3D W O Z 1liio Clothing. J. 2V1. AKM8TRONQ. On Main, opposite tbe Mfttlona! Hate!, Is n?w receiving a por tiers cf M; fi'cck -- FINE DRESS Bl ITS: FINE HI 'SI NFS i PI HV: SUPER OVER-CO- ft: DRESS AND FANCY P4N1: PRffSS ANO FANCY VF3TS; Also plHRTS, HOH'PV, and UNDERWEAR; with a sjp-- r stick Y"! 'TH? d LHIU PIO-N'- :Ln MINO flue stork of Lo HS, t and VLSHNCS, for ah'rh ordtre are solicit- ed PRICES VERY LOW FACIA 81V ELY FOR CASH. 8 S. MARK. G F. DOWNS. npt'Hraa ?frpe. his dav a suial! !ct cf RECEIVED b'atk M'Hfn r- !- La'ns-- : 4 black Frooch Merinref. 1 er ie i low prices r MARK A DOWNS. IIS Mate st. (lOFFPF. l'i b.gs prime Rio Coffea Just received MO GARMNKR CO Hell's Bneach? for 1be 1,000,000, Comv'.ctP Etttlon, cjH'atntPt: AiI-,-ee- to the i Troops at Camp "Jo 'JHE The Address delivered at Lnuhu ill- - Jul V H. ial The Addrwa iu i p'v to Hon. W. IVir at Osage. N.Y The Address iu reply to tu lluilalQ jijj m 1 tee at Nl agaa Kails. Will he matted to any sddres on receipt of two Hiree-cen- t rtamp. Price by the dwn u cnta. or by maM oi cent. Trice by the huudred 'J or by mall ;.u. HOLT'S LETTERS UPON THE I'OLI' Y OP THE GOVERNMENT. THE ITMD1NG REVOLUTION, TBI' Dl I Y OK KENTCCKY, Ac.. wip orHred with the above, will b furoi-he- d for one t t stamp; hv the wzu is or by mtl ty cct. by the hun-dr- 3L or by mail sji. L. A-- CIVILL, Main st . tiV w1d Iytrvil. Kr. SALT 8u bbU cut Table Bait, packed in 7tb TABLE for sale by . ., s3 Coraer'Sessnd and WMgtn ttaeerta. Ol"FF E - 3 ,n bags prims RiiCoff e Just recel tsS per railroad and for salt by H. W. COOD. PR BUCKETS 7ft dozen Butter and Sugar BUTT just reived an! KRAW80N, si 33r Main st., between Fourth and I uTh.

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Post on 25-Aug-2020




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Page 1: r THE JhOTD SVIl E DAI wrnanyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73vm3m/data/0377.pdf · wred in 1 to R weekff. Nortumel embvioi' stopped In I to fi dftyi. SpmnSl wenknew" niod in 2 tfl 8 weekj





Dally.dettvered In th elv....t10 00Puy. by mail. In advance A ilO

a'nfintry da'ly ... f wf)Wskly, in advance, single copy 0l

In clubs of five or over I hoftwnittfciwji fay mt to registered letters mt oar


J do 3 time is arweek, per unnnm.. 60 00flo do Mimes flo do loo 00

Fyn additional square, one-ha- tlie abov price.Advertisements publishM at intervals! lor first

and fio rents for each subsequent one.Announcing candidates, $1 per week for each name.Yww advertisers pay uuarterly, 'all others in ad- -

Real tat and atwamhoat advertisements, sheriffs'nd oom eatet patent medicine, theatrical,irens, or similar advertising, not published hy the year.

Advertisement for chftrit&hl institutions, fire compa-ranie- s,

ward and other public moetingis, and such like.Da If price.

Rditorial noHww and com ronnlcar ions. Inserted in ed-itorial wIijodi and intended to promote private inter-fi- .

tent pr line- - these only inserted at the discre-dit Of thC J !(.No ommunicationn wi!l oe nerted onle aeeom- -

a by the real name of the author.Steamboat advertisements 26 cent for the first in per-

son and 12 cents fur each continuance; each changeConsidered a new advertisement.

Advertisement inerted only In the Evening BnlletinWill be charged hxlf the above prices: if inserted in DailyJournal and continued, after first insertion, id the Even-O-f

Bulletin, h the above prices.Advertisements keption the inside of the Journal rw

barged an extra price.AnvRRTisme IUtw In Wf kly JournaL Each sqnare

10 line or less), first insertion... $1 00ch con tin nance 60Written notice mnst be given to take out and stop

of yearly advertisers befnro tho year ex-pire, otherwise we ahull charge till done.

No contract of yearly advertisements will be diaeon-nne- d

wlthont previous notice to us, nor will any chargemade for lees than one year at the yearly rate.


I?? r ..j


Cincinnati Venereal Hospital,FMiLbllahed In tfs rear 1 S50,

FOB THR CURE OF PRIVATB DISr.A3B3.ftnd under the oonol of two f the most eminent Phy- -

ftclftni In the word.H. F. PON A PA from Indon and Pr1 Hopl-- I

tVn. nfl for the pept ten ream of the :iocinnattTrfTMl Honpltal. end Dr. K. B. lute of NwVtrk. This 1p the only otftco In thfl city wlmre a

cure of private diep rivn be ootehipd withoutbe oee mercury or rhnnr ol diK GAuorrhoan cured

to 4 honr. Gleet cured In S 10 dan. Strirrurefwred in 1 to R weekff. Nortumel embvioi' stopped InI to fi dftyi. SpmnSl wenknew" niod in 2 tfl 8 weekj.rVphtllin in Iti rrmary ptj?ep cured in S dnr". flcond-t- t

vmt't'wns wired in 1 t 3 weeii. Skin diepafetre in 1 to B week. Iro potency - icT reetorod In 1

r 4 werV. All diatee of a rrirntn nature treated withonrarMlM uccesa, ma'e r feraale.rr. lnapart'B grent work on pi rtlea?, the

guide to Ip beneflrt.! to all, male aud IfMtle: the old and youne should read thtp hook. It willnliirhten thote who grope in dark new. Price 2fioent,

tent by mail.Or. Bonarar'p Cl"bcwted PrvptiHra never haF nr

never wll fnil inarried ladies too feh1e to brarexcept at the hanard of life, phonld tt in X'H6aioD

thin invention. PHce reduced to tftfi.Or. B"nKparte'e French Tatnt Male Safe! It f 7

tate; and never failp to give satisfaction. !t Is theo'y afe and sure preventive acainjt pregnancy andI'teate, The price ef th French Patent Male Safe 1

l the single one, if 4 per hal Idor-en- , $7 per doseiL Sentby mall.

tVMadame IOcter Female Monthly PI Hi are a safend reliable remedy for suppressions and all female

Ladiee should not ute them during pregnancy,thy will produce Diiscarnaite. Price $i per box

ltrafine 5 sen! to any addreee by mail.Yn. B. A R. are the men to consult, thoy are y

acknowledged to be the champion and and kingf venereal diseases, and the only Doctors who receive

Monthly Reports from the old world; thoy have beufrom an early ae of youth to witness the o

dtseee wti-- h Ballet mankind, and to watch thefcogrew. through a lnn career ot profewional study, invery sphere of hf from the humble abode of poverty

to the mansions of the wealthy, and ha vine ascertainednyond a doubt the vast suffering of humanity. th?y

ro eelert the generative svtm as tnelrsTudv, and to devote their whole attention to the

:leviaion of the diseases of these important functions.No tetters will be answerad unlets thej oO&taln remittfcnc or a postage itamp.

Uall, or address1k. HONAPARTH A Rr.VNOT.08,

o. 1SI Bj caowre street, tM. Ffrth and Sixth, east side,ClncJonari, O.

Offtcf hnnra. A. M. to 9 P. M. flolor4pdly

Diftolution.'HE heivtotore existiug h'tw.'en the uii-- l

dersictied. uudT the firm name ot TAIT. ANIlKK-SO-A IO., was difolvf l on the. mst. by mutual

consent. Tho-- e indebted tu tha bim w ill plea-- call atonce and make payment, as it is inipii taut to them aswell as the euhci'iberm. The books, accouut. and noteswill remain lor a short time at the ft jib oi' Tait, Sou, itCo., l4o ftHirLU ctrct.1, tut scttlenieru.


Aug. 27, liL GK(I. W, TAIT,

MR. ANjil'.RSON having withdrawn from the lateof" Tait, Audubon. A Co.. the undesigned

will coutiuue. the hmiiue.--t at the old stand. No. 14uFourtn street, under the name ol TAIT, SON', CO.


Aug 2V,1H1, Oommis-io- n and Produce Merchants.

IN retiring from the late tiiTo of Tait, Anderson, A Co ,take pleasure iu recommencing my late partners

and succo'sorB O the patr in and public for a continu-ance of the patronage eo liberally hestiwt-- upon thm.

aiffdlDi F.I.Y U. ANDE RSv'N.

koticb to sniprnns.IROM an earneat desi;-- to act lntellip-iuly- , and to

to the wa-l- d of all parts o- Kentucky, Ihereby request that, all parlies in the southern part ofKentucky, embracing Wacreu county and the cum tiesbelow, who desire uppliei trom lo.ifville, willtheir application to me tlirouti V. C. Durham. acitizen and Inspct'T of BowliDg-Grp.'- Ky., and I willat upon his eugeestir-n-. J'urtheiiiiore, 1 dem it utcoa-sar- y

to gi e notic-iha- t all goods horeafter arr ving atBowling-tiree- without a permit from this olli:e, willthere be dttaiued lor uiveitiyation.

CliAH. B. COTTON,anW dtf Ruwevor of 'natoms.

Obanee of Firm.T8HANK3 A CO. have esociatwl W. A. OAIL- -

with their firm, and purchased the standOf SMITH At OMEK, on south tide ot Market street,below Floyd, where they will conduct the WIIOLB-BAL-

and BTAII flKOCKKY and PRODL'CK busi-ness. Onm-cTe- d with their house they have a goodWAOON-YAR- with ample accommodations forhorses, wagons, and other vehicles, and would be gladV) see their old friends. T. HHANKH,

H. T. HORD,JnlylS. isgo. fltf W. A. GAU.BRATTH.

SBIOrRI33X nEKWALD,Flo. 31 1 Fourth u, bet. IHarkrt outl JrfTerson,MANUFACTURKR AND JOBBKR OF EVERY

Fine Diamond Mount-Ing- e

and all the new styles of Fine Hairsrork Ornamentsexecuted in the nast sure ir style, of the best material.All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Old gold takenntrhnfS nimU lilr

STAHCni 0XARCH!r.Al BOXKS l'KARL bTARt:H, maiinfae- -JJf tured by the Madiou Poail dtrch Compauy,

for fale lev in lot byA. V. PU PONT A CO..

sole Agents in thin city,"7 4 Man. -- t.

M0LA&K6 Plantation Molaseen;Wl bbls St. James Sugar-llous- e d'. ;

In store and for sale byfi ANO'W BUCHANAN A CO.

IOVKRINfJ'S 8C;ARS-K"h- blf Loverins'a Crushed,Granulated gn?Hrs in it i h ana foi

saUhv l AND'VP M(iCH A.MAN A iV .

SHKET1NG8 3 bales Peno Mill and Anchorper teanhoat Florence and foraale

by JNO. F. HOWARD & CO ,Agent? for Manufacturer,

'93 Min. hetwwn Third and Kotirfh ts.

CUAMPAGNK-3- ft boxes asorte1 (quarts, pints, andand for sale iow by

tnl2 WM. C1AV.

IISU 75 half bbls Lake Fish for sale byi ml TAIT. ANDKKSON, A CO.. 140 Fourth st

WUGAR--4- hhds prime received per steamers MageoC5 ta and B. J. Adams and for sale by

miK raw-jon- Tnrm cn1R1ED FRLTT 76 Dried Pea-h- in storeJl w and for sale hv ImC HIRItlKT A ftON.

10TTON BATTING 200 nale Pittsburg Batting instore and for sale by


'PHE RKBKULION REtlOKD. A Diary of Ameii- -I cn KvpuM. J hr e mon' til v parts; enh f" t

HOLT'S ADOKFES IN L"i loviHiBinDUc'iTKHTO ,J. V. SPEKD. 10 cte.


a" L. A. C1V1LL

rf"OFFF.K 300 bags good to prims Rio Ccfle in storeand lor sale by


IAVA COFFEE, in poclteta, received thia day and foiby W. t 11. Ul RKHAKDT,

IISIi A large aosoi t neut of Mackerel In store andsal by


jVJEW pnlNI'S--- e brrt new styl- Prints torll fall trade just recoived and for sale c"ienp f"t cashhv r17 T A H. PLKVIN A CAIN.

ANTON FLANNELS 10 casej Cautoa Flaontlsjuet received and for eals cheat for ca:h by


SIKt'P W packap" BaltimTS erY9(OLDEN whole and ball bbis and k?s. In store andfor sale by LailJ AHU'W bLCjiANAN :Q.

AZIN S CAMPHOR ICR, f chipr"1 tvindv BfiJl' Ac .or sale hv lUi P. OAWRS.

WHOUL' AM) UAMb3 lo casks Shoutd-r- s;

6 do Sli y s Ilarus;Id store and for sale by

jya W. A H. BURKHAROT. 4H Market st.

OFFKE 30 pockets Java Coffee mst received andJ for mU hr Itvl RINFR A CO

(V1A1L3 AND SflAiiO-ir- K600 kegs Nails:

60 do Spikes;Id store and or sale by


O ICR 5 tierces prime Rice on consignment and foiA sale by


rASTOK OIL-K- 1 bhui Blow's No. I Castor OilL store and for eale by


rpHH BANNER Illustrated byJ Darley ?6tent. a8 L. A. clVILL

CAPS i0,WKi G. D.'s for sale byPERCUSSION

SLGAR--C- 0 bble A Now YorkREFINED in store and for sale by

ma WM. OAT.

AVA COFFER lw mats choice old Java Id storeO and for sale by


CANDLES 5,W0 Hams, Sides, and Shoulders infor sale by



Xt. XX J. XjLouisville



W'n inifcrET WH KRB fflicted with anyx rorm oi rrivaie Disease can receive

prompt treatment without risk orexposnre, vis: Syphilis, Gonorrhea,Glet, Strictures, Ulcers, Tumors,Cancer, Secondary, and Constitu-tional Syphilis, Diseases of the Kid-ney, etc. By this system it isroved that the veuerial complaint

K as entirely under the control ofmedicine as is a common cold orsimple fever: and, while insufficientpersons are daily sending away theiipatients in hopelessness, and giving

them np only from their own incompetency, completeand cures are constantly being efWctod atthis Infirmary.


IL devotes much of his time to the treatment ofthose caees caused hy a secret habit which ruins bothbodv and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual foreither business or society. The sad effect of these earlyhabits, or the excels of riper years, are to weaken anddebilitate the constitution, destroy the physical andmental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel-ings, and exhaust the vital energies of manhood; the

a ii res of life are marred, the ohiect of marriageand existence itself rendered a term of unceas-

ing misery and regret. Such persons, especially thocontemplating marriago, should lose no time in makingimmediate application, as Dr. U., by his new treatment.Is enabled to insure a speedy and permanent cure.


article of medicine intended for the exclusive use offemales has ever yet been introduced that has given sncboniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills.They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc-tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy.Price, per mail, $1 and one postage stamp.

Patient living at a distance can be cured at home bysending a description of their disease and inclosing astamp.

Medicine sent to any address.HFortice No. llrt Jefferson street, between First and

Second. Othce open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.dJdtf L. HALL, H. D.

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Chartered by the Legislature of Ky.

For the Care of all Prirate Diseases,

A XXSSIOAX. hbpout,Containing THIRTY Jine Plate and Bwrravingi 0

(Ad Anatomy and Phytrtoloov xf the Sexualin a state of Health and DiseaM.


9WBm frae of postage to all parti of the Union.

ON A NEW METHOD of treat-ing Syphilia, Gonorrhea, Stric-tures, Gleet, Sexual Debility.

Female Diseases, and allaffections of the reproductive sys

f j I ft- -, tem of both sexes, the infirmities1 1. A ?i of youth and maturity arising

44!t ''r;'tV"from the secret follies Of nornn m 4' s.'tA&ite with full treatise onf.ykWAh SELF-- BUS AND SKMINAL

WEAKNESS, Its deplorable con-'- fsequences upon the mind and

pointing Out tne aur.norsof treatment, the only ra

tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report, of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the marriedand those contain pi atin marriace who entertain doubtsof thir physical condition. Sent to any address In aealod wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or N

COIMKS FOR ONK DOLLAR.Thope afflicted with any of the above diseases before

placing Ihomfolves under the trearaent of any onfl.should first rad this invaluable book.BThe Consult in? burgeon may be consulted daily from9 A. M toi I. M., on all d leases ot whirli theanovework treats; and patients at a distance, bv sending astatement of their symptoms, can have medicine aentto any part, of the count rv tree from damage or detec-tion. For pHiticuhirs wend for our Blank Chart, con-

taining a list of question, our term, tc. All letterspromptly answered, and communications consideredconti'teiitml.

DR. DKWFE3' FEMALE MOXrUbis safe and certain remedy for Obstructions, Irregulari-ties, Ac, and is the only reliable 'preventive oi preg--

mey.";(ttom. These piUs should not be taken during

PaFXiNANnv, a they are sure to produce MienaRRiAOE.Piire !fl per box, and niav he sent hv mail.

tJTCAIl'.N'S IlKAO DISPENSARY ie the only in-

stitution of its kind in the United States that has beenrecognized hv indicia! authority. Charter perpetual.

Office 314 Firth street, between Market ana Jefferson,west side.

All letters for Books or Medicines should he directedto DR. GALEN'S DISFENSARk,

mavS4i11vAwow tstp I,onlvlile. Kv,


NO PAY. In every instanceioney will be refunded it tlie

cure is not completed. Fifty dollars (50) is th e.From two to eight wck is as long a time as the doe

tor requires to pei form a cre.Scrouila. Secondary Syphilis, Piles, and all Chronic

Diseases treated by Dr. Price.No charge for medicines or attention if placed under

hie chage united a cure is performed.

We, the undersigned, from personat knowledge, areable to state that Dr. Price can certainly and surely re-

lieve the honrid effects cf Onanism oraud perform a speedy cure In all of the diseases enume-rated above. We have seen certificates from respecta-ble persons ceftif'ing to the eurea enumerated

hy Dr. Pr.ce. We have ua doubt of his abilityto do all ho propotfes-

WILMAM S. D. MEGOWAN,Late Sheriff of Jefferson county, Ky.

LOVEL H. ROUSSEAU,autKdAw Col Commanding Keufucv Rrijrade.


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.360 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.

WPRICE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.1IVdent free of pottage to all parts of the Union.sT

ON the infirmities of youthand maturity, disclosing the se-

cret follies of both sexes of allages, causing debility, nervous-ness, deprejion of spirit, palpi-tation of the heart, suicidal im--,aginations, involuntary blush- -tugs, detective memory, Indigei

u'W-'-iJ- i Stion, and lassitude, Ac., compris-Tiq'i,a-

35U pages, and illustratedV V Tj'iiivJn-it- upward-o- f one hundred and

vXT&v-- r f.'.Vi.rhirtr engravings. It ie a truth- -

who entertain secret doubt or their physical condition,and who are ccnecisua of having hazarded the health,happinees, aud privileges to which every human beingi entitled. With Confessions of a Boarding School Mies,a College Student, and a Young Married Lady, full ofromance and thrilling interest.

Young men who are troubled with weakness, general-ly caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of whichare dizziness, pains, forget fulneas, sometimes a ringingin the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lowerextremities, confusion of ideas, loss of memory, withmetancnoly, may be cured bv the author's NtW PARISAND LONDON TREATMENT.

We have for the greater part of the past year, devotedour time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re-

searches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgons inEurope and on the Continent such men as C1V1ALE,LENOIKE, RICORD, bRECUKTEAU, ACTON, andCURLINGS, of the French and English hospitals. Ourtour extended through France. Italy, Germany, Hol-land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visitingin our route the principal hospitals in Paris, London,Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac., Ac. Wehave been amply repaid by the additional knowledge wehave acquired in the treatment of various diseases towhich we have directed our attention. Those who placethemselves under our care will now have the full benefitof the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich we are enabled to introduce into our practice, andthe puhlic may rust assured of the same r.eal, assiduity,3ECRKCY, and attention being paid to their cases,which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore asa Physician iu our P ECU LI Ait department of profes-sional practice.

Medicines with full directions sent to any part of theUnited States or CaDadas, by patients communicatingtheir smi tome hy letter. Business correspondencestrirtly confidential.

fTDr. L.'s Office is still located as established: nnderthe name of DR. LA CROIX.rTo Insure safotv to all letters simply address

"TUB JjA CH' 'IX MEPICAJL INSTITUTE,"p4 dAwti No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. V.






Between Third and Fourth.

r"AW'iNG GOODSof every stvle sn1 qualityI"AWNINGS made and put up to order.

Dont t fvr rt Mo. ;tOH.

I .11 MIh



SALOON AND RESTAURANT,Corner Sixth Street and Court Tlace,


Ijcmisville, Ky- -

BBAW At rOHTBR, rroprietom,

MFM-- at a!! hours of th day and neht Outs supplied with Fi?b. Meat. Poultry, Game,

and OrsWs, the be-- in 'he market, Tp our Saloon areto he found imported Wiuee, Liquors, and Cigars ol theChoicest Brands.

Sole agpnt" in Ktn'kvfor J. J Sands's celebratedChicago and Milwatkie X. XX, nuA XiX Pale Cieamand Stock Al; wholesale, la barrels and half barrels,or hs- the bottle.

Call "ROUND TflE CORNFR." nl3 M&Jtf

WATINEVS. Ac-- k3a caree Cadef Satinets;

lu do aoi'tf'd Jeani;do PIidC'ton;

Received aud for sale cheap byT. A R. ST.FVIN A f'MN.

SUNDRIES Cotton Yarn, assorted no tubers;li0 balB No. 1 Batting;

fro do Extra do;7h do No. i do;hi) bags wb'te Carpet Chain;3f do colored do do;

li'O do Candle-Wir-

M do Wrapping ao; iot sa:e nyJARDNF8 CO.

Y, ISLAND C'OTT(NS Wl hales aborted brandsSea lelaud Cottons received aud for eale tor cash by

SUGAR luo obis BalUiuore U ooltREFINED received Ton A ro1 AVA COFFEE as pocketa superior old Java Coffee

in store and for sale by

Nov T oris Heaper.hand NEW YORK KAFEKS-- in store and for

ON Dy HUGH BRENT A CO.,j5 Second st., between Mam and River.



Saddlery Warehonse,

No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,Xiouisvillo, JELyrm

"Mewhants and Mannfaetnrers wonld And It to their interest to examine my stock heljire making therpnrsham, and orders from a distance will be attended to as if made in person. deowAweowtf


1 reserve the Hair ISTRATTAN' SKATII AIRON,

For Preserving', Rflstoring, and Beaa-tify-


in the Citv or Lonavn-i.it- , at the CapitolDrug Store, and the proprietor claims t hat it im superiorin many respects to any preparation of the kind now inuse, and warrants that it will give complete satisfaction.I to virtues have been fully tested, and numberless testi-monials can be produced as to its etlicaey.

Orders from the country sol .cited.Wholesale price $1 60 per dozen. Retails at 25 cents

per bottle. o. H. STKATTAN, Manufacturer.June4 dtf Opposite the

Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Goods, SeeAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED A LARGE

of Handkerchief Extracts, Toilet Soaps,Brushes, and Fancy Goods, which I am selling at ex-

ceedingly low rates. I intend to cater to the want o(my friends and patrons in every particular, and trustthey will continue former favors.

O. U. STRATTAN, Apothecary,Jnne4 dtf Opposite the

Grayson Springs, Ky.undersigned having the entire control of JamesTHE interest in thi establishment, will

open the same for the reception of visiters on the l"thof June, with a promise to keep a plain and nutintautialKentucky Hotel, including al the b"t supplies thecountry will atlord, aud solicits patronage.

Terms or Board:Board per day $ 1 35

Do. " week 7 (Kl

Do. " month 85 IK)

Children and servants and half price.Horse a 60 V week.j3 tf M. P. CLARKSON.


BRIC, JACONETand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, JACONET, SWISS, and LACE FLOUNCINGS.and in short our entire stock, comprising the most beau-

tiful designs and styles.

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladies will do well to cat! at once and secure the

greatest and most desirale BARGAINS of thpsason,;kkuakt a-- f :aisno.

mT Via Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall.

0LMSTK1D& OT0W0R(Successors to Jo. Rt,


Aud Sole Agents foi thromoroy OoJ.ORDERS for av of the abovo, Col reppertfuBr soli

promptly filled at the lowest maiketprices.

Constantly on bat?d a large svpplof th "FFVTONACANNEL" and 'TFACOCK' ffMPROY COALSwhich for kitchen, parlor, or chamber nse have no anperior,

Offlces No. 3M Tbirfl street, between Market and Jef-ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. 3U2, southwestcorner Brook and Market streets. jeD dtf


FM3-FI8- II umummMarket Street,

North side, between Sixth and Seventh,

LOUISVILLE, KY.tWA!ways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. sep'J dly

MiU-i-T iim HOPSt'or Salo.

Cash paid lor JIarlcyAT Till


Between SUth and Seveth.



33 bbli do Granulated uo;Landing fiom mail boat and for sale by

ANDREW BUCHANA N A CO., .a28 Corner Second and Washmgtou streets.

COFFEE-lt- io bags prime R o Coffee landiug permailhoataud for sale hy



it) bbla hue Table Salt in stare aud


N O. MOLASSK3-3U- U hbld pnme llntatioQ d

in store and foi sale byI ANO'W HITCRANAN A CO.

Louisiana Money Wanted.LOUISIANA Itauk Noies wanud hy

AND'W BUCHANAN & CO.,aJl Second and Washington mtw.

WHISKY extra Rectified Whisky:a i bbls double f xtri do;7S hhls copper distilled do;60 bbls fine old Bourbon do;4V bbls fine old Kye do;

la store and for sale byairi MARSnALL UALnFfVr A CO.

WINE-S- OMadeira Wine;

lu casks Port do;10 cask Muscat do;36 DhlF Malaga do;

In store and for sale byaifi MARSHAIJ H Af,PFRT A CV

BRANDY Ilochelle Brandy;i$ pipes (Hard, Dunuy, A Co. Brandy;

lo 4 do A. Seiguette do;35 ' do Cognac tto;25 bbls Nw York do;

In store and lor sale hyaa.i MARHHALL HALBPRT A CO.

1-- BALES blue, grav. and red Flannel, suitablef for uniforms, to which we invite the attention of

Union Companies formiug in the fcttate, lust receivedand for sale hy J a M KS LOW A K ,

.' and iUi west side Suth st.

D'pflolntion.'IHP flrm of L. A. CIVIL! A WOOD - thi. day dts-

solved hy rcutual consent of th- parties. Thebusincr-- of the late firm will be settled by aud withL. A. Civil!, who continues the business.

L. A. CIVILL,June 2f, IMI. L. A. WOOD


BOOK AND JOBIJrlJtat ox- - Binrtei

4,11 Maiu el., etweeu Fourth and Fifth,LOUISVILLE, KY.


tpLOUR-- Si bbls A No. I Family Hour for wle byGAKDNKR A CO.

WtTNDRIF8- -;h Brand, Gin. Rum. Ac:

Ss.rdines fiO raes boxeaKaiaiiis 4'm pkg? and who1 boxes;(Mire Oil, Macaroni. Vermicelli, c ;

In store and for sale byANTHONY AHONP A Rf "N.

11" Fttth st.. helow Main.

MACKFREL- - Prime new Fish in whole and V bhsalso No. 1 Salmon iu bbls aud kits, intor aud for sale by

id w . h niTRKHARrvr 117 Marks

WINE- -2" caV.s Pott Wfn- -

2 do Madeira Win;3 do flherry d.3 do Clare d:ft do pure Malaga Wine;

In store and for --ale bv n.ll .? MOV 8

RIO ( OFFEE - Ul bags prime Rio Coffee lauding perand for sate hy

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.,ai7 Corner Stcoud and Washington st.

Wl'GAR-s- s hhds prime N. t. Sugar from steamerO Louisville via Louisville and Memphis Kaihoadaudforealeby Ijluj GARDNER A CO.

CLEAR SIDES t,lKHI clear sides for sale byW. AJtl. BLKK.I1ARDT,jpt 417 Maiket street.

REFINED SUGAR-H- NJ bbls Lovering's Crushed.and Powdered iust received and for

sale by a- - ALLEN, MOO RE, A HADEN.

WOODEN WARE Buckets and Half Buckets.Tttbs,Churus, aud buckeye and Poplar Bonis

loreaieby Uyi") GARDNER A C(j

OFT t:BUSHF,D BUOARS-K- m' bbls Baltimore A An gun viikucu ousjbit mst reci ea ano ior saie ny


U BOXES PRIME W R. CHEEaE just receivedpjr maiiooat and tor sle by


CHKESE oil boxes Wuum Kwe'.ve and Hambuigifccnved per railroad and 'or ve by

alo JNO. F. HDWA KD 4 C

20 riPFS SIGNETTE BRANDY;lo!B piutM Cti4.mpage do;

20 H di Cognac do;15 do Kcchelle it ;

35 barrels N. Y. do;In store and Ui sale by


W. H. 8TOKFS),


Split -- bottom Chairs.ARK AGENNS FOR THE SALE OF KEN-tuck- yWE Penitentiary Chairs, aud

have in store for sale a large lot of all sizes.A. L. SHOTWIiLL A 80N.

je23dtf Wall street

AUX 3 COULEURS,L. 8. B. de CKETY....(B. RABY, Agent),

't2S (irrs'n nireft, adolnnir the Jovrnal Orlleysr-Ha- s in store and for sale in nuantitu

I XJf" Ito suit purchasers a fine assortment ofjyywiNES and LIQUORS, such as

BOKDEA (IX. BOri-ON- I MJ AtBordnaux; Poniard; Bordeaux;De Medoc; Frontignan; Lnnel;St. Estopbe. Volney.

LaugiiedocMoselln, Vin de Tokay, Armagnae, and Cordials.

mar4 dly


Shuttle SewingMachineFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE $75.

Warranted the Best in the Market;Fine finished, strona and durable: wheel feed of greatpower; exceedingly simple in construction; not a wireabout It; all its parts are most admirably and lugentons-l- y

arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, becauseeverything is permanently adjusted; none so easily

and operated, and sews the moot beautifultitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tai-

lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the bestfversent to this vie initv. All are cordially in-

vited to examine it. . T. JOHNSTON,n dly JI 9 Fourth street.

LOSRILLARD'S SNTJFF(In bottles and bulk)


R. A. ROBINSON & CO.,may 17 d4m Wholesale Druggists, 51fi Main st.


I be opened for the reception of visitors oq 10th ofline neit. Invalids will b rroeived at any time,mple made tor the arcommodation of akree companv. JNO. H. ALDWELL, Agent.Crab Orchard Ky.. Ma 1H. Wl. j 13 dim

J. O. JACK, E W. JACK,Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La.



No. noith plde Main st., between Thlid and Fourth,I,4TISVIJ,K, KY.


)") bas prime Kio CofV;to b''ls Ctshdi Pov dred and GianuJstM Sugar;Vnt do Plantation Mtasses;

jbbls do do;30 Njbhls Golden Sirnp:30 kegs Golden Sirnp:

la store and for tele hvJACK A BROTHER, H Mala st.


do . KMtF do do;Mi do 8 winner do do;

1"D do Va. and Kr. do. various brands;In stole aud for sale by

JAJ;K A BROTHER, M8 Main st.

FANS AND LINSEYS-H'- O bales Negro Jeans andLinseys best brand-- ) in store and for nale hy

JACK A BRO THER, 61s Main it.

KANAWHA 8ALT 3.IHK) bhls Kanawha Salt, beslin store ami tor sale bv

JACK A BROTHER;. 618 Main itO 40 hall cheats Gunpowder Tea:

1" do do R ark do;fro doT,t-- Shaker 5ro-- ;7 do fjincy wire tied do;

In.) do painted buckets;2". nesl- - d" Tub- -76 do7,"u Zinc Wa?b-Boar-

frii coilp ioiton Rope, all "tr.eiSO do H.rop do, d0;

10i hoee 8 tar Caudies;4F. do 8'anh;7i do Ii'ain S'ap;Bo do F:'lm do;m d" German ?rtpra" bagn I t ion y( tll a attcibrt;

t do Cm i pot Chain;biilr-- HMt'Ug;

30 d'l Candle-Wirtr- ;

& do Wrappiug Twin;1 hag" 8pire;

b do Pepper;ll" mats i inuanion;

S raaes Madias and Manilla In.fl.iioS casks Madder;

10 bhls Alum.h An Sulphur;

to casks Newcastle 8od; .I case Nutmegs:

80tt.tM.Ni G. D. and 8. B. Caps:75 gross Matches;

175 do Mason's large and small Blacking;Ito boxes assorted Candy;40 bble Cider Vinegar;

R'Mj kegs Nails, assorted nnmbers:On hand aud for sale by

mWdte JACK A BROTHER. Main stNew and Important Books at Civill's.CARTHAGE AND HEK REMAINS. Eicavations,

a :SEASONS WITH THE Sporting Ad- -

venture, tec iMu'raied. ifi io.FRAMLEY PARSONAGE. By Trollope. Illustrated.





vicero, Liucieiius. n.acn ux.lt L. A. CIVILL. Main st.

MOLASSES 100 hhls choice Plantation received byand Pevtona .tid for .ale hu

'7 H. W. COOD.

SHKETINGS Sheetings;25 do u Mill do;ao do Banner do:

Received per steamboat Ida May and for ale byJNO. r . HOWARD A C

Agents for Manufacturers,alJ Main, between Third and Fou th sts.

CEI)Alt FAUCETS S grov Cedar, Locust, andFaucets just received and for sl low by

ORKIN KAWSON,jy;U .'"J1! hetween Thlid and Fourth.

IANCY PRINTS -I- Mi cajcs Sprague's and Americanaud lor sale by

JAMES LOW A CO.,a oA nd 211) w..t aide flWth

W H1TE WINE 6 hhls tlaut Sauterue in store andfm1-.- WM. OAV

ENTUCKIw LARD 30 kegs prime family Ird (ornl h- - fcn tllRRITT SON

IDER VINEGAR l,0(Hi gallons pure Vinegar, ofs our Own manuiacture, for sale by- W. H HCRKH A HOT. 417 Market t.

Y'lt, l r; PEACH BRANDY in store and for talea W. A H BURKHARDT. 4t7Markt,st


A Pracirl Book. i



deeci lotions of Hides. Ar.HAND Book OF ARI ILLCrtY FOR UNITED



WUNPR1F- R-hi bote No. Famtty Soap;13 di No, G"in d";1 1 do No 1 PalmM do No. 1 Fanry do;htt do N. 8ar Cflidle.-US do and v.hnxs Tallo" Cnd';

alao a t?w loTea pataWne do:At sod 8arch; fr sa' by

1 i firiiHiT T A BON.

AOK, ArJ l' cases aiaoitod ( ottonadei;

4 do i am'et Jeans;R do Farmers' Doll--

do Negro Plaids and Stilpea;halfs Denims:

Rervived aud for sale cheap byT F SLFVtN A ItAIN.



" "rxcEueiioRBPFCIF. '

For at panic prices.mS4 . rAWFtt A V AV WW.

OUGAR HOI SE MOLASSES 75 bbls St. James 8u-- 5

ear House Molasses in s'ore a!!-- foi sale bya4 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

t L' M K ot Oillcieut bian-Js- , all w sit antedIAMlLx salo byatt rvith pprrn, Matn t.

EW ORLLANiJ SUGAR 50 hhd-pri- tor sale byALLEN. MOOKFh AHADF.N.

'JLANTATl'tN MoLASafcd-c(- Hi bbls prime, extracooperage, in store and for sale by


y BARRELS EXTRA KECTH'IED WHISKY:' O 41' do Double Fulia Reclined WhUky;

f0 do d Whisky:"h do Fiu-0:- Pouibou Whisky;;io do Rye Whisky;

In stoi'toand for sale byvh M ARSHAT Jy HAT. PERT C( V


4 NEW LARGE MAP OF THF 8F A V OF WARa. u- published. Ma'ir small places, made promi-nent ju-- t now. appear on tin map. Price plain, docits- cntored, "ii ceui. Will be maHed on receipt ofptice iyl9 L A. IV1LL.

YARNS Idl bags Pittsburg Eacle CottontOTTONreceived per steam b. at and for saieby JNO. r. HOWAnD A MJ.,

Agcnta for Manurscturers.b.15 Main, bet w een Third and Fourth sts.

AR 10 bbls Carolina Tar, in prime order, just re-ceived and for sale by


OLAN'f ATION MOLA6SES W bbls in store andfor sale by


SUGAR 64 bbls New aora Yellow SugarYELLOW and for sale byjy26 H. W. COOD.

I LOUISVILLE JOURNALFuneral of General Lyon at his Nativ

Place Oration by tiik Hon. Galusha A.Grow. The remains of Gen. Nathanel Lyonwere committed to their final resting place in hisnative town of fcafltford, Conn., on Thursd y lust,Not less than 20,000 people visited Kastford towitness the ceremonies. The Hon. Galusha A.Grow delivered the oration, and addresses woremade by Gov. Buckingham, Cleveland,Gov. Sprain, Jude Carpenter, Jude Colt ofMissouri, the Hon. Richard Busteed of New York,and others. Mr. Grow, who is a native of East-for- d,

in the course of his oration, said:War was not the greatest calamity that could

hefal a nation degradation and loss of nationalmanhood were the greatest, for their inlluenceextended through untold generations, carryingmisery and woe in their train. We are calledupon y to defend a principle of Govern-ment against a world in arms. v vourlownsman fills and v the Hag whiuta'waswatered by our forefathers' blood is dishonoredon the soil by men born within the shades ofWashington; and we were called upon to vindi-cate our national exigence by all the obligationsto our Maker and to a common humanity.

The boom of cannon on the plains of Lexing-ton shook a continent and bore an obscure militiacolonel from the shades of Mount Vernon to thehighest pinnacle of earthlv glory, to stand forev-er on that proud pedestal, peei less among men,while it called Stark from his granite bills, J'ut-na-

from his plow, and Green from bis black-smiths forge to immortal tame. The iron hailheating against the walls of Sumpter ogainshakes the continent, and the genius of historvis recording the names of those who were bornnot. to die.

Let the bier pass on; mourn not for the deadSince to all men on this earthDeath cometh soon or late,itow then can a man die betterTli n facing a fearful oddsFor the ajhes of his father"And the temples of his God .'"

No man lives in vain or for himself dies loo awnwho falls defending the liberties of his country orthe rights of mankind.

So long as the Mississippi rolls from the mount- -amn to theae its waters will murmur a requiemto the departed. And though his ashes sleepamid Ihe stenes his infancy loved so well, histomb is Ihe hearts of his countrymen, his monu-ment the granite hills of a nation rejoicing infreedom. Fortunate in life be is duubly fortunatein death ior

if there hp. on thin earthlv sphereA boon--- an oftei ing Heaven hold Uiar,'Tin the lant libation L lieny drawFrom Ihe heart that hlted- and break io her raue."Gen. Lyon has left three brothers and three

sisters. He himstlf was never married. Two ofIhe brothers live in Kastford and one in New YoikStale. One of the filters lives in New YorkStale, one in Massachusetts, and the U.4 at Ash-for-


CiT The Boslon Shoe and Leather Reporter :.ay8that the South bad a good stock of Northern- -made show at the commencement of the war,which is not j el exhausted, and that of the sixthousand tanneries in the United State.) tothousand are in the slave States, their full pro-

portion, considering for how many other usesthan shoes leather is consumed in the NorthernStates. of the shoemakers in thefoiled Statee were also in the ila e Slates. Ou

the whole, the Reporter sayF:So far as shoes and most of the manufactures

of leather are concerned, we reach this conclu-fei- o

n, that, although the facilities of the Soul hernpeople are limited, ill. with a proper husband-ing of their resources, there is no cccaeion forany immediats bu fieri np, and that it is the partof wisdom for us to calculate that they will nolbe brought to their knees during the presentyear in consequence of a dtliciency in the supplyof leather.

The Attempt on Garibaldi's Lin.. Thelast foreign arrival brought intelligence of a newattempt to assassinate Garibaldi. The particu-

lars of the plot are fully given in a letter to theGenosse paper, II Movimento, written by the Si

cilian hero's friend and guest, Vecchi:Cai'KI-.ka- , August 1S

Last night three arrived here.They had heard a rumor that two illfavored individuals had landed on Capi era. That appearedto us mere idle gossip; they took their leave andwe went to supper. Then Slagneli and 1 took atroll with our cigars till eleven o clock, and

went to bed.About three in the morntnc I heard the do-'-

bark and iump out of their kennels. lmmMUteVvafter 1 fell again. AKuit live o'clock 1 wastip and ifHWthe gens dannis, who related to mewhat had happened during the night.

When we went to supper they had gone to therocks which commanded Mir courtyard andBtreuhed themselves out at a short distance fromeach otbar. At three o'clock they heard thesound of footsteps, ard saw two men passing be-

fore them through the darkness, about a pistolshot pfV. The guard cried out, Who goesthere'" They answered him bv a shot. Thesoldiers then pursued them, shouting, "Stop, inthe King's name!" A voice replied in a volleyof obscenities.

The gens d'armes fired again, and heard one ofthe rascals cry out, '"Holy Virgin!" Then bothof them scampered off with the utmost speed.

Coming up to the place where these nnserableshad been, I be soldier found their mket ballsburitd in a rock, and several prints of bloodyhandn on the granite. There was a bloody trackrunning some distance along the road, a blood-stained handkerchief and a powder-hor-

From the fact that the wounded men cried,"Jesus Maria! Giuseppe!" as they tied, thermsd' amies concluded tint they were foreign assas-sins, and not bandits of the island.

After the General had taken his bath, we informed him of what bad happened. With hia or-dinary indifference he made light of the matter,said that he had seen the men on the rock?, beg-

ged the yens d' anues not to frighten the popula-tion of Magdalena by spreading Ibe story, andthen went off to lo k at the little vineyard of hiswith a friend.

But the soldiers, by their report to the author-ities, had startled the whole country; exaggera-tions of it grew from mouth to moutb; the wo-

men shrieked from their windows that the Gen-

eral was killed; aod everybody ran to the harborto take refuge in a vessel. All the ollicials rinarmed into the piazza, and I seemed to be lock-

ing at the esplanade of the Palace of Caserta, atthe period when we were having the honor toprotect there the country s unity. Everybodyhud in bis mind one single idea, the protection ofthat life which is the most noble iu Laly and Ihemost necessary lo her existence.

Two Government sloop-of-w- started off ona reconnoitering expedition around the island.One of them reported having .seen a boat put oftfrom the Giglio toward the island. Efforts arenow making to rind out the crew who sailed init. This is all we know at present.

INTERESTING (.'OBKBSI'ONDENt.'F.(riN y. 111., Sept. ;

ere. William A . Michurdsvn, (uttny, Hi.Dkak Sih: I hope ou will not deem me im-

pertinent or officious in the attitude of a "Peaceman," hoping for "Peace'' only through the dreadordeal of war, while I solicit vour views as aDemocrat and a patriot, touching the cause andremedy to be adopted by such in the present cri-

sis, as an unconditional Union man united withall patriots who are in favor of the Union, theConstitution and the enforcement of the lawsand eppecially of "freedom of speech and thepress," and the right to question the policy of allpatriots in the present emergency. You will, I

triHt, oblige me by an expression of your views,with liberty lo use Ihe same before Ihe public, ouIhestuiup or in the press.

Respectfully, yours, C. A. WARREN.

(ijim v, September .", 1 SKI .

Pr.AH Sin: I am in receipt of your favor of thijdale, aod in reply thereto, have to say, Ihe s

of our country are such 3 to losve butIn tie hope (Indeed 1 see none) of a peaceful ad-justment of them, I was among those who hopedthat civil war would be avoided by compromise.I think a compromise could have been made with-out national or indidvidual dishonor. But thetime for compromise is gone and we must adapt ouraction to things as thev are, and act upon reali-ties. It is the duty of all good citizens to siippo: tthe Constitution, as that is the bond of the Unionof the States. Preserve the Constitution and theUnion is perpetuated. Overthrow the Constitu-tion, and the I nion is destroyed. For one 1 wouldnot 1 consent to a dissolution of the Union, orconsider terms of separation." With thube in re-

bellion against the Government, I "have no com-promises lo make no terms to ofter, tther thanan unconditional Htbmiion bv them to IheUnion, tbe Constitution, and the laws.''

To maintain tbe Constitution and te Union,and fcr nothing else, 1 am fur a vigorous pitjecu-lio- n

of the war until all the people in ail theS'ates shall submit to them. For this purple,and no other. 1 am ready and willing to give tbePresident all the men and money he msv require.Civilisation and Christianity demand that eshould accompany the sword wi.h propositions ofpeace. Let that proposition h submit to Ihe"Union, tbe Constitution, and the laws." The"freedom of speech" aud tbe "freedom of thepress" are guaranteed by the Constitution to eve-ry American freeman, and, when 1 declare myselffor the Constitution, I hare declared for "eachand all of the provisions in favor of the same.

Planting ourselves rir.nly upon the Constitu-tion, the Union, and tbe laws, we invite the co-

operation of all who are for them; and it ii ourduty to resist all who oproie them. We knowthe fact to be, that there are those who are forthe prosecution of the war for other purposes thanthe maintenance of the Constitution. Let themtake the responsibility of dividing the sentimentand action of our people, if it should be divided.( am opposed to all unions of parties, where thebasi3 of that union ie spoils. I am m favor of aunion upon the Constitution, the Union, and thelaws. A union upon this basis will save the Gov-ernment. Afunion for spoils would aid in its de-

struction.I hope you will excuse this hasiily written re-

ply U your inquiries. I have given you myviews frankly, at least, if not in good style ortaste. I am trulv, vour friend.

"W. A. RICHARDSON.Hon. C. A. Wakrkn.

How THE S)0 T II P.KN AltMV pKitVlRU Votl

A UtsroftY oi 13 Co.MMtViAiii.vT Tun Errkiencicof A C"Mt'AN. Tlie editor of the Rich-

mond Examiner is a recMes.s sort of fellow, andinsists upon grumbling in hue .style in epite ofthe robol despotism and tho censorship of tbeprees. He is an undoubted r, aod a clasfi-ca- ll

v educated de. perado. Our readers have heardof him John M. Imiel;, late Minister to Sar-

dinia. We tind (he following iu his paper of Au

gust o):

We have naid in the beginning of this war, andwe repeat it, that "behind every victory or defeatstalks the ghost of a commissary." Whateverthe fortune of particular battlei, that of the cam-paign will ba mainly decided by the hcuUh of Ibearm v. The neunv-wise- .. txund foolish nnlii vwhich we have witnessed in the transactions ofthe furnishing depjiimeut u as ral to the spiritof the South as it i to its needs. Food renderedunpalatable and unwholesome hy the neglect ofprocuring suitable Uiilora and thenby the absence of bakers and cooks in a countrywhere they abound, is one cbi-i- f permanent cau.seof ill heiltb in our camp ; anuther is inuuflicientprotection from the inclemencies of I lie weather.So many tents without let tbe rainspatter through and wet everything. Surely tar,at least, might, have been found to make themwater-proo- Finally, the neglect of cleanliness,alike personal and public, and the facility withwhich w hisky is circulated through our camps,concur to swell the frick liH. m

A company of volunteers, encamprd within afew hours' j mrney of their respective homes,during a period of six weeks in midsummer,had never fre-- meat or vegetables allow d them.Tbey had but one axe in camp, and uneold hatch-et no hammers, saws or other necessary tools,not even nails not, a pot in which to b il or stew,until tho writer borrowed one for them of hisown motion from a neighboring farmer. Thevhad not a tingle large fnrk, spoon, or ladle, butone common meat knife no chopper, no

or sbovl, no pot hook only four woodentravs of tbe smallest si.e jf buckets, about oneof the common size, painted insida, to a dozonmen and of basins still fwer about half asmany tin cups and plate.", knives, and forks asthere are mon in (he company. Many were with-out a change of clot hen for weeks together. Thevhad not a matrhsufe r tinderbor, no serviceablelantern, or lamps. Not ovens or pans enough tocook r whole meal et a lime no washerwomen,as allowed hy the "Rgul'i!innK," nor other servants wlutsoever. Their meat was nearly allfried, and their rations, wastefully prepared andw retched y cooked, hardly ever went round without some one's being shared out. No wood wasever brought but puch a:i the cooks dragged fromthe forest near by. 1 he only tune the men wereallowed to bal be was immediately after supper. I hey were tlv:erel by a e3t PointCaptain, and all their otlicers were gentlemen of rernied culture, who kept thir ownservant', their own Initio, and mnored asmuch ai possible the vi:dnce of tbe men whenoff duty. 'J heir 'iurlerma ;(er snd Commissary,who, for Ihe com pin, are one person, was asU5usl a sergeant, who, as is cmtomary, evaded inmikh os possible the duties of tbe c irnmi iariit.this state of things occasioned great discontent -the camp was always grumbling, but no member

f the companv ever lirok upon himself to obtain,or een demnod'.'d radie or grievan e:j. A fewdeserted more would, tbey daril diw frac-tion with the service was general. Treated wtr--than any nurj lver, they ;uil among them- -selv-- : "Whit if the Smith whip, we die, lb

whites will get nothing by it."Tbey rtaid rnin.h worne thm this, fot they werevirtually by their position, and thevhal not culture or reason enough to understandthe compara' tve ad van tag which even the poor-est w hue man in (he South eni pys, in consequentof a system which checks foreign emigration andkeepn arable land) always open to his industry.1 his company, whkh contained a fair proportionof intelligence and manhood, mbmitled passivelylo the privations above mentioned within hail of(heir own homes. hat, then, c in bo expectedof soldiers far away from home, and placed underphysical ae well ai moral disabilities? Here thev

re camped m a very helihv location, and toofew iu oi niher to vitiate Ibe air. 'i he waterswithin ghol abound in Ib.h. There wa.s every-thing to tatitali.e, lo provoke the exnhsion ofindividual energies but lb very idea that thevwr soldiers paralyzed Ihetu.

hen Ihe writer, VHiting lh csmp. represented its wan's to its captain, be was InM that theComniissirv loparlmenl had refud tofurni-- h

more than we have mentioned, and afterward).at aaolher place, tbe only ad Iition- - made were ofrice and mo;a-e-- , gome sheet-iro- n camp ketlles,half full of hole.3. and some little a.xes, besideswhat tbe captaia purchased for the company outof his own pocket.

The experience of tbii company u s'm vervfavorable, on the whole, as ccnipaied with a greatmany othu'i we could name.

?)"' ill to I Ii" rii"-"loi- t (Vni'ijrii i.iJ.J

W.v.min'ji on, Syt. I '1.

The profound ipiiet of Wa, liiiiu'ton iiyei unbroken hv anv po.'itiv e icjis of a rebel attack.

1 bis loim del iv nidin.es tqxwujal 'hh h itregard is aa ling reinforcement t from McCul-loug- h.

Pillow, , Co. idding the Southern armyof tbe West lo that of the Potomac. Hut if Beauregard can't, take Washington by strategem, hecannot bv numbers.

fhe fortifications of Baltimore proceed rapidly.Traitors hereabouts begin to rind themselves

checkmated in unexpected quarters.Ihe troops are remarkably healthy.

Aiticmit or Rki;i;i. Sailoks t ('ai icks aSuit. The ship Resolute, Capt. '1 nomas F

Freeman, arrived this morning from Liverpoolwith the n hole crew in a state of mutiny. Thecircumstances in this (ase are of Ihe most aggravating character, and ehow how far 8csasinprinciples have been engrafted up n the feelingsof many of th'we who have been brought underits influence. The crew of the Resolute left New- -Orleans some months ago to avoid being draftedinto the military organi. ilion then forming inthat city. They came to Liverpool in a South-ern ship and then left her. JJuring their stay inLiverpool they talked freely and louJIvuf "seseshand its glories, and when their means were exhausted Ihev shipped on board the Risdute, withthe determination, it is alleged, of either captur-ing the ship themselves, or in the event of fall-

ing in with a privateer to take such measures aswould result in the ship falling into the hands oftbe pirates.

They kept their plans secret until they werewell at sea, and then began to talk deliantly andopenly avo-- their pympalhy with the secessioncause. Everyday their corddct became moreaud more threatening, until at lal they madetheir boast u that they would take the ship whenthey thought proper. Captain Freeman becamealarrmd for the safety of his vesael, and madepreparations lo resist them should they attemptto take the ship. Ihe painengfti. wete informedof the condition of affiirs. and to a man resolvedto stand by the captain and officers of the ship.

Shortly aftr her anchor was let go, SergeantHolland, of tbe harbor police, boarded her andfound the entire crew tin tied into I r berths, re-

fusing even to furl the sail i. He immediatelyobtained tbe facts from tbe Captain us atmve sta-ted, and then ordeid the to getup ar d dres Ihern-?lvc- 5 as qukk'y as possible,ard prepare to go on shore.

Thev then ironed and convened to IheUnited States Martihala office to be examined be-

fore a Uni'ed S'ates commispioner. 'ihe fallow-ing is a list of the priuoueit--

Name. Ait. Nalivilv.Edward Daio ''li United States.John Hanson " "George Maar ' 11

David Ariel i2 V ".lobn Enriftht Ireland.John Clark if: UniUdWm. oM Ireland.James Cain b Nova Scotia.hrederick Osborne I Ireland.John Rosa Scotland.Wm. Alien .' Uni'ed titatea..anieo A. Hughe.) J' " "Francis Moran " "

There if but bltl- - that if it had nol I nfcr far of the pa,vngrs taking srUegamst themtbeepnatej would have captured tbe chip, lunher lo the southward, and delivered hor up aB aprizo lo the rebel authorities.

A. F. Omi. .Ur , ith.

Frow UK Sui'i n w knt We have informa-tion which we rely upon, from Sprmghcld, a.i

lae as Thursday last, io the ettf t, that McOul-loug- h

way then reported to be at Fort Smith, andthat bis troops were at Mount Vernon, Law-

rence county, on Friday, the ;0lh it It , intendingnext day to take up Uieir line of march lo I heirold quarters, Eirl Walker, in Arkansas. Noth-

ing certain was known of McCulb'Ugh's f.ituremovement aid intention, but it was supposedI hat he and his troops rtouid remnn ne-- the line,

readv to act id concert TUt-- hiij Missouri allies asoccasion m.iv r?wuire.

Something oer two v.eeka az Kstns moved

with his upon an crpedition againsttort Scott, in Kaneas. where Line and M..nt-roine- ry

have posted, themtflvey. hen withinabout thirty miles of that place, he hick for

mnfor- - enie'nt?. i hereupon, G-- n. I'm e w entwith hie w hole command, including portion of

Wi Bride s men. 1 he united fon ei were, it sup-

posed, ti 'Minor .,(J'"I men. Lane was represent-

ed to have I ""0. When lift beard from. Pricewas about lift een miles diaiant from Fort Stvtt,and it wan r iutidenilv experied that a battlewould take place on Tuesday of last week. If

this be reliable, as we etippose it is, there has been

no battle between Rains and Lane, as heretoforereported. We give th number of Price's army,as understood at Springlield; but no doubt recruitshad gone to pin him in large numbers, and it is

quite probable that hts forces had been nearlydoubled.

Gov. Jackson was in Spnngtield nn bunaay,the 1st. with one hundred and nfty men, wh

were acting ai a sort of b.lv guaid. i'bev had

come wnh him from Memphis. Among bis at-

tendants was Mr. Charier, Sims, v ho foi:nerly re-

sided in Car county. Wo., and was a leader of

tbe Benum partv m the House of Iiepiesentativeshe removed to e.sincein IboK Several years

Sims addressed the people of bpringtield

at some length. Jackson left to join the Suiteforces on Sunday eight.

On Thursday last there wa- - at Springteld a

regimtnt under Col. Taylor, which was stated tocommand. This was allbe a part of Mc Bride's

(he force left there.Ii is pr .bible thit we shib soon hear or an en-

gagement at Fort Scott. St. Louis Htp , lUrA.



Tlmo,r of Field Ofrleer.l empmfiy Officers,nnd entire KenhnentH In lavr of tbe


We propone to offer, In'a few brief pnrarnpttn, bucIi

proofs of the efficacy of RADWAY'S RKAPY RBLIKF

M ft preventive of and cure for tbe diseases to which

bodies of ii n acclimated men are peculiarly mibject iu

warm latitudes fti cannot fall to command the atten-

tion of a Paternal Government anxious to proteet thehealth aud llree of the tem of tbonsaudi of brave andpatriotic citizens who have left and are daily leavinjt

thir hotuet, tlielr families, aud their buslueas to tightIn Its defence.

According to the of eminent military men,of army aurjeoua of high it and in in the profession,and thou-and- e of private soldiers. RADWAY'S READYKKLIKF has already been of Immense benefit to thesick among our gallant volunteer soldiery in CAMP,IN TIIK BIVOUAC, AND ON THE MARCH.

The euhjoiued sttmnjarr of facts, which we respect-fully Invite the Government to rerify hy application totbe parties named, includes but a small portion of thevoluminous testimony to the eame effect received by in'within a few weeks from various heartuuarters of regi-

ments and detnehmenta in tbe service of the UnitedStates:

TESTIMONIAL NO. I.From the Ninth Regiment N.,Y. Volunteers (Zouave),

Col. Bush Hawkins, of this regiment (now quarteredat Newport News), writes us bertowlng the strongest en-

comium on the Rri.ikp, and recimniendlns It, from tbeepTlence of tiim)f and officers, m 'a most valuableaddition to the army medicine cheat."

TESTIMONIAL NO. I.Major Linnltl, Guard, prououotes the

au "excellent medicine" for the army.


Col. fleorge Lyons, of the Eighth Regiment N. Y. S.M., all hl ofticere, nnd 301) privates, endor the Reliefin the tnot. emphatic term, and ic it tQtneHsteintroduction into the medical stores of every branch ofthe service.

TESTIMONIAL NO. 4.Surgeon E. K. Seaborn and Colonel Phelps, of Ihe

First Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, warmly ap-

prove the Relief, and the regiment has tkeo with It tothe field a sufficient supply for present use.


Captiin John Wbltlock. Co. I California Regiment,UMoned at Camp Yates, SUteo Inland, savs that, on

the bth of June, he adrolnislred the Relief to v

men of his company who were laboring under severeattacks of diftiihea and dysentery; that Its remedialeffects were immediate; and that a majority of the sickRFprtRTr-.- nut oniy thk e&HR AFTrBiooN. He therefore recommends iU addition to the mediral store otthe i eg I men t as a measure of tha '"highest importauct."1


The military editor of the New York SuudiF Atlas(estifis, on behntf of members of the Seventy first.Fifth, Suth, Seventh, Twelfth, and Sixty ninth Keglmeuts. to tbe beneficial ts of the Relief tn "dozens

l rapes of snn stirkw."As a protective eex)nst nit remedr fr

dKrrbea, fever end ague, bilious, yellow, and other fe-

vers, end of the effects of miasma, onwhoteeonte water,ami ectslve hent; as a geneial ind restora-tive; and also as an external application far reducingthe inflammation of wounds, the Relief is infallible.When adnrinitred internally H instantly arrests pain.

TO THE PUBLIC AT HOME.Tbe use of Hidwny Kadr Relief (sol eaual impor-

tance lo the domestic circle. Every family should keepa supply of it In the house. It can be used for so manycomplaints and ailments, and will lu alt cases give easeand comfort to the sufferer.

TAKEN INTERNALLY,it will in a few minutes relieve the most terete painsorcisioned by




OF SPIRITS. SICKNESS AT fcTMACH, andwill, with a few times using, cure the most ob'tluatecases.

ATPLIED LX.TERNALLY,it immediately relieves, and will in a few days euroR31XMATISM and a'd RHEUMATIC affections.GOUT, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SUDDENCOLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, DIPTHE-R- l




U M0AGO, INFLAMMATION AND PAIN INTUB KIDNEYS, WtjMB, SPINE, & , MPRAJNS,SPRAINS, WOUNDS, SCALDS, aud BURNS. LetRad'var's Readp Relief be applied or taken internallyon the first warning given of sickness, end no matterwhit may bn the character of the threatened disease,the Ready Relief will break up and arrest the progressof Ihe disease.

A mass of evidence so direct and conclusive as theabove, emanating from military men who volunteer ito earnestly, and who testily from personal experience,

can scarcely he disregarded at Washington; and wecannot doubt that the Government, on looking Into thefacts, will deem It eipedieut to supply tbe stetiouarymilitary hospitals and all regiments in the field with aprotective and remedial preparation of such inapprecia-ble value and utility.











Tbo.e ho take Radway's Reuovtting Resolvent will

have rich, pure, andHEALTHY BLOOD

coursing through their veins.


use of Reri'vay't Renovating Resolvent lor tweor three weeks will change a rough, sallow, discolored,and unhealthy skin to a clear end healthy complexion.

Infants and children afflicted with Red Gum, Sore, Eruptions, and Rreaklngs Out, Cancers. Ac,

will derive Immediate benefit by the use of the Resolv-



Fed ('.ough, Hwkiug Dry Coueh. Stltchine or Wrenchine Fin in the Side, Sudden Pains around the Heart,

Shortness of Breath. Had Breathing, Sharp Painswhpn taking a Long Breath, and ell other painful symp-

toms are quickly removed bp the Renovating Resolvent.


In all ca-- of Broochitis that we have known theResolvent lo be need for It has quickly cured the pa-

tient -- it never (ails. Likewise in Hemorrhege from theLooks or Throat R R. Resolvent is the most safe andp rompt stj ptic in use. Those atrllcted with Dyspepsiaof long standing are especially recommended to it as a

nevei failing rerofdy.Fiice of R, R. Rceclvent ts 9!j-e- i bottle. Bold hi

diuggtete and dealer? every wbete.



etahle forf al"mel, Merruiy, Antimony, Qui-

nine, and tbei kindred mluaial poisons in uss.Rgiilattnc P" are elerantly eotd with

Mndicat'd G'l-- thtrip Pills in each box dose fiomone to six Hartauted to operate iu six hours.

RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS ARE THEMST PERFKC PILLS IN I 3K. aud the only PiHsthAt anr new m1icinAl pni.erti-- s or rerouting

that have been discovered dunug the piesentctm-ui-

THE WEAK GROW STRONG.The first doe of Radw-av'- Pills rows the sued of

health tu the m k snd disea-- svstscn. snd in fifteenmioutpfl attr a dne. is swallowed will 'tck th pro-re-

of difa; in six hours an evacuation from thebowels will follow, whwn ihe ptieut will giow fwttr:every dav the rit'nt mil pain strenrth. The sick

health c and the feeble st long, every 0'n tn theoifeapfrt hodv is resuscitated with new life and vtgm,and hiMh aud rexularity will reUn throunhont thewhole system The liver w( be renlaT in secretingbile the 'kin rerulur in its function, and the hea't res-ul- r

tn its baaMiis. the pule" resnlar in It motions,vi the howhf repilai', at a regular hour. In discharging

their extents. Let all who have occasion to takei bpsic take a dose of Radway's Pills If your systemiso.it of tvo or three cf Radway's Pi !s willestblieh regularity.

1 h t ;1lowin ailments Rad-s- PMU will Tilck'vcure and iree the svstem fiom all irritating bum"! ndleave every oiifn of the body in a natural and healthycontlltton:Constipation of th PowpIs, livsteria,Inrlil'tuDtti 'ti "f the B"w-1b- , Whts,InrUminaf ion ot the Kidneys, Inttueuza,Ilaiiiu-ne- Nervous,Hadacbe, bick, Kidney Comr'slnt.,Meaels Bladder templaints,Small-Po- liidigestlo,i.Dropsy, ScarletCosflvene-s- , (Typhus Fever,

Pleunsy,Dvspfi-sia- , IBiltousIrregularity, Heart Disease,

nNBRi,TBr URMrte.Lose of Arret it, Lose of Memory, Loss of Energy, andLoss oi Direniu.

IMPORTANT TO LADIESsufWing troro Irregularities, Monthlv Surrrea-slone- .

Retentions. Ac, should take one or two f Rad-

way's Kegula1og Pills every night for one week beforethe period. They will remove all diseased ob-

struction and in ure a healthy discbarge at the proper

time.Price of Radway's Pills S5 cents cer box (coated with

pleaeaut to tAke: 30 pills in each box- - Sold byBmi):

l.u MarcbanU evury where,


33 JOHN STREET, New York.

E. WILDER, Acent. Louisville,

aiaa dUUeoJAwlamt'f


S. Henry V Oo,A Vi TtONP'nS ANDroMKlBSION MPlK-pHT- l

mo"nt j5nC' a to OS ttr W ar-- a a'1 m"e reir to ettR,al M.vHaP. ov Constable's Ba SjSrtMFurnltnre. Ac. oo terms satisfactory to sel7n. ty

RI' COYVV.- bars Rio Coffee, fair to prime. Intore and tor sale bvANDREW BUCHANAN A CO .

JJM J.orner Second and Wmhlnrton st.MOLASSES -

I Plantati.to Molasses:.SI b). Is prii-i- .St. Jamas Sugai-Uous- Molasses-I-

store aud tor sal by" and'W nnrnAMAi A no

I OV KINO'S SI GARH- -: bbls Lovt dj lowmrea ana oin'-iit- ! Sugars bi store ann orate by 'Ml AND'W BUCHANAN CO.

YrINFf -' b .CCr t;iirt Winw;

Jii'l It hautfine do"ho do (!.;:i cjiH-.- f t laret dr:;n bbls winto o.Jh yhx sheti v doV do rt do;

In store and for sale bvANTHONY ZA NONP A SOW,

Fifth street below Main.

Lt RANDIES-- I" pVg- - French Brandy for sale bvA.NTIIONV 7.ANON.M. anM

1,1 Filth st.. bel-.- Main.

NDKIPSmi cases and boxes Saldino:rJ bt't.s Olive Oil

ji"i bbls r dimmed Whluky;4 pipes Rnltsnd Ciui Rum .lamai-- a and St Cro'i:

Forsaleby ANTHONY Z A NONE A SON,sli Fifth si., h- -t Mln.

1? RANDY AND T INI , CASKS suHahU for ' atawba1 for sale by AN I HON Y ZANuNK SON,ly Kiiili st.. bMow Main.



AHEKICAM FLAG, illustrated, atCIVILLd.








WUHOOL BOOKS cbap ati:iVlLL'S.

7iA.SOltltlfQ.'IMlf. heretofore e tsMn bet - een the1 imdprplgnrt, undT tbfinno IAC 4 BBJ"I HER, is hi v disoiv-- J. O. .lack havW mrchamnfthe entire lUre In the s'n k ! a.wet. g nt,)to rpt.ti Uie part nershh' husinee eni to us the nameol (lie flioi f i th pur prise. .1 i; lAi K,

ED WD W, JACK.Lvuiiulle. Ky., Aug. I 1!

'iHC undr.igne! rontlnn th- - V Ru! PPALPI liKt ICERY ani COMMISSION at thestand, No, 3i.i Main street, between lb"d and Fo.irt!.

J, G. JA'.R.L"ui-- i)lp, Anjr. 17. 11 f

Kcntiicli4 8 the eao!' hs arr'v-- d oi making Cider, and 0--

J- - ciorof Anlse abundant. I am asuin rrept ed tofurnish this popular CIDCK-MILL- - At tin- - are baf--and money s.. ftTia. we (el cootideut nt no farm? vhibus apples will allow Idem to rol en t tie ground when becan foi o small pro- me a M ill by i tKh h canturn ins into ta and it ion t having a'Twsttlas of ci'Ut evry to help drive away tbe

troubles of thpHtn. W wan a nt TBI" Mux o nnItghtfr. grind fal, anl press lutider tbsn any otherMill now nfteicii fn Hie public, Hfire puiriia'to callaud examine It. C. V. HAJIIhW,

No. iSA Maiu st.

A!? (he Upnliuky Fff! -- iQHer.We ha-- ni.1 add'fionitl lnprovei"nts to 0'ir No. 8EKD-- i I T I tilcb usk it run much lighter for

than any otnnr machine tn theIn othei rcepci ta it is lo) well knuwu to need any de- -cmiOoii.

THRI'SHING MAC" I v' rf of nil Mo-ls- . ORAIMDRILLS. PLOWS, CI-- n A I'OKH, t E' P. NT,PLArtTt,R. LIME, SND. Tl RN1P SEED, and allkinds of (JAKI)LN SEI.D.i.

G. W. BASHAW.a '4 dim Ni- iJ M1nsf.

Kanawha Cannci Coal Oil



COMPANY. pmchaetHl the entire stnra ofLAMPS and LAMP HXTURE. M WM. V SIMR ALL, K. 4'ix M m strfl, f..in(h '-r ! of Fourth,Iimv1p, K it i my puipot" tn k.i a -- 'tppl r fFINE Hi KNING OIL. hy this mnr'-J''-

,ronftft'itlr e"n hand, al 'i'b"t,st" and rts". a' ofw hirh wit! be guai Hu(,ed to be ejuil f nil supt nr toanr at ( ul n'auntai tuied lu he coti" 'y.

Oui OM ? niiiutrtM ! from pu'-- t'annel Co!, anilnrne i't her t 'It be oil jre-- t to out cn tnits.

In a few flai e U b prp;.a,red to Ml oroers forLUHRH:a TING OIL. of as Eood inality as any lu thecoootry. st from to i. j renta rr gatlou.

R .I.Cawnnn in the emptor of Wm. V.Snurnll) hIII condui t th hnstnse oi ttie House for tn,aud letters addressed to him or the uudeiigued at Lou-isville will t tccivu prompt alteuti'm.

A. O. HODGES,n'fi 'lm Tra. K. T. O. M OM Mn. f'o.

Tltree learJterrulls Haoled forthe Rojular Ariuy.

Recruiting Rendezvous Front street, Jeflersourllle. Ind

A UNMAKPIE"pKTtSikv M EN, between the ane of l a,?sKrV',n'! '"frs, are wanton for theptfr Muetevnth Regiment of V. S.Infauti y.

By recent act" of Congress the tf nn of hasben reduced to three feats, the bounty has ben m,ideuuat to that lor oluQteri-s- the pay ban been increaaerltwo dollars por month, and pro bss been made topromote deeer vim! PTiva- t- to c"iumti--ioo-- ortieers.

Two Dollars will be paid to any one bruigiug an

For further information or lor enlist ment, apply attbe recruiting Rendezvous.

K. DELAVAN M rSSE Y.Captain lAh V. 8 Intantrv.

aH dim Rorniftln Othce'.

Mutual Life Insurance.'PHR NRW KN.CANI MCTI'41. IJFE 1

tiLltaNi.U COMPANY. No. 8tU atreet. Rot-to-

insures lives oo the mutual principle.Net Aecumulatfon exceeding I.Vit.(M0, and in-

creasing, for the benefit of menilyra, pret-n- t and fu-

ture the hole safely aod advantageoos'y Invested.'1 be business conducted exclusively for tbe benefit of

th1 p- rson" insured.The areat est risk tak-- o on e Il'e S.YUo.Sutl'lus dstrihutd among the n"p'lM;rs evry fifth

year, from December I, 1 tfettled In cah or bp a.dt-ti- c

to policy.Prenjlums may be ps'i quarterly or semi anQnallj-- ,

where desn-ed- . and amount not too small.Forms of sppHraticii and pa'ph't? of th Csnpsu

aid it reports t" b" had ot Its "unts at th ortico oftle Companj-- , or ioiwar-is'- d by njatl, if written forroit paid.

DtKLVTORQ:Marhsll P. Wild r, 1 .ppan.i harlcs F t:Mti, William B KeypoM",'1'hoiiMs A. Dftr, t.orre H. Fotger,Charles Hubbard. A. W.Thatter,Francis C. Lowi .Uniee Ptnrgt.

WILLARD PHILLIPS, President.Bw!AMi F. Ptfvecb, te?retry.W. W M aLND, M D , Consulting Fhyeielen.an1 dl v


SrROULE & MANUEVILLEAre uow recDivmg Iheir laige stock of

o Us o t 11: x jv oAll!

luriiisliing Cjt oods.M'HIULE k ailMEVfLLG9

er. S. E. corner fourth and Msln streets.

1ST 3D W O Z

1liio Clothing.J. 2V1. AKM8TRONQ.

On Main, opposite tbe Mfttlona! Hate!,Is n?w receiving a por tiers cf M; fi'cck --




with a sjp-- r stick Y"! 'TH? d LHIUPIO-N'- :Ln MINO flue stork of Lo HS, t

and VLSHNCS, for ah'rh ordtre are solicit-ed



npt'Hraa ?frpe.his dav a suial! !ct cfRECEIVED

b'atk M'Hfn r- !- La'ns-- :4 black Frooch Merinref.

1 er ie i low pricesr MARK A DOWNS. IIS Mate st.

(lOFFPF. l'i b.gs prime Rio Coffea Just receivedMO GARMNKR CO

Hell's Bneach? for 1be 1,000,000,Comv'.ctP Etttlon, cjH'atntPt:

AiI-,-ee- to the i Troops at Camp "Jo'JHEThe Address delivered at Lnuhu ill- - Jul V H. ialThe Addrwa iu i p'v to Hon. W. IVir at Osage. N.YThe Address iu reply to tu lluilalQ jijj m 1 tee at Nl

agaa Kails.Will he matted to any sddres on receipt of two

Hiree-cen- t rtamp. Price by the dwn u cnta. or bymaM oi cent. Trice by the huudred 'J or by mall


HOLT'S LETTERS UPON THE I'OLI' Y OP THEGOVERNMENT. THE ITMD1NG REVOLUTION,TBI' Dl I Y OK KENTCCKY, Ac.. wip orHred withthe above, will b furoi-he- d for one t t stamp;hv the wzu is or by mtl ty cct. by the hun-dr-

3L or by mail sji.L. A- - CIVILL, Main st .

tiV w1d Iytrvil. Kr.

SALT 8u bbU cut Table Bait, packed in 7tbTABLE for sale by . . ,

s3 Coraer'Sessnd and WMgtn ttaeerta.

Ol"FF E - 3 ,n bags prims RiiCoff e Just recel tsS perrailroad and for salt by


PR BUCKETS 7ft dozen Butter and SugarBUTT just reived an! KRAW80N,

si 33r Main st., between Fourth and I uTh.