r» t0jisnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031312/1929-09-04/ed-1/seq-7.pdflion at the b o kinney...

M^ii r*fc>F: rrTTzzr ii •" ii. yasiiiaaaTi^^ ^a^ -1 '*'£> £#M&i. i = s a a SfinSI V*. * . V. WtOHgSPAV. t r r t M a W t 4, ->*-\ w -BRIEF PERSONAL MENTION MflLK street frieaas froai Katar- tfefts woe*. Mrs. A- T Raadall and •ad ita Water- ? Mrs. IN. J: - Mr. aa* Mr*. £aarte* Leveille of ftyracaee wart sjueeis here over f itae was* sad vita fronds. Ura. Tfcoaaaa Jooea of Haiksboro -la at tae Hepburn bo* pi tat at 0% Aeasbura; for apecial treatment. .Mr and Mrs. S J. Baraum of II loa spent last sreek at at 73 Partar street. .* # Mrs. at. L. Fortune and &OD Siau ley risited Mrs. Fortun**'* mother, la Syracuse tae past %w*k j Mr. aad Mrs, Jaiur* Parker of ike Branch road aptui t>uuday »Hh Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Goo to t Mrs. Charles Kane of Johnstown street aas returned to Lucerne to resume ber position in tne public schools. Miss Mildred Bo*art and Miss DsUfbt Coals oi John street art apeadia* two weeks at firanrille aad New York city Miss Shirley Sprm* of Rowley street left Saturday for Harrison. K. Y. where she has been engaged to teach la the second grade. Miss UUlan DeMarse has entered the training school for nurses at the St. Lawrence State Hospital at Oa> densburg Misses Beatrice Burr and Mar- Jorie Woodcock returned the past week after spending the summer at Wanakena. Joseph B o u l H -smd- l*m?rhnB Bur jger returned Saturday after spend- teg a week with friends in Athens. Ont. Miss Helen Hyde has renlgned her position as bookkeeper at the JE. C. Leahy store to accept * posi lion at the B O Kinney drug sto^e Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Ryan and daughter Aileen of Rochester were week-end guests of their parents here Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green of^Wil UUs street left Tuesday for Tort Edward and Lake George where they will visit friends and relatives lor a week. H F. Fortune of Jamestown and Mrs. J. W. Davis and children of 8C Jonnsville were guests of -t*4r parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fortune of McKean street last week Mr. and Mrs Ray Hurst am! son George and Geo. Thraves. Sr.. were guests last week of Geo Thraves v ^ Jr., and family at Sy- racuse. Kennexh Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs- C. W. Fuller returned Snmlay to his position as physical iaairuc- tor at Jeffersonvi 13e. Callicoon. and Youngs vi lie r Mr. and Mrs. DeanJa Fitxgerald left the past week for Ottawa. Onu U <* Kin* of Atlantic City. fts (he guest of friends in town. Clifford A leer. Willis Muiitn, Charles VanDusee, aad Doosid La vack sill this week enter Roch rater Electrical school for a course of study. Mm C M Suts of New York Cily u »pt-tiding a few days in town tifcirfug her parents. Mr and Mrs. John Browu They entertained at luncheon at the Red Brick Tavern their home -+*»i W*d»*ed*y w< ^3 Mr and Mrs Wesley Bo wen of Miss Minerva Taylor refWned Tuesday evening (rota aa extended auto tour through Massachusetts, Connecticut aad Vermont. Mr and Mrs. William Leedom, daughter Catherine, and SOB Billy, of Schenectady, and Mrs. Mary Latnpkin of Watertown mere «ees> enO guests of of Mrs Anue Bon let of Prospect street Miss Beulah Mullin left Monday] for Glens Falls where she will sup- j ply tor ten weeks after which she win enter Potsdam Normal to coin i plete ber course. 1 Miss Patience Seaker left Man [ day for Canajoharie, and Misa Alls' Youngs left Sunday for Youngaville ( to jesurne their respective posi . tions. I Mass Grace McCombs of Deer, River, a teacher in the Carthage! schools, waa a week-end guest at' BJL 4VM.3. Carpenter * «on*n«d nt thai anwnt t0 JiS - ^Sh#iUff ll ^eSC Iv« tokitnout smuraoct o n #Vwrt|chin<). * CJeiitVA. Mrs. Amelia Kilburn and Mi** Marjorie Lyng of Watrrtowu and Mrs Joseph Bo wen of <k>u\«-r- a^ur called ou Mr and Mrs. Mat-| the home of Mr. and Mrs, N K ihew Frewley last Saturday J Brown, in West Barney street. Mr and Mrs. Houry Curtis, sr.. j Mr. and Jsfrs Clark Brikwith and of Prospect street enteruined over I Mr and Mrs. Roy Brckwiih and the week-end Mr and Mrs Aime H.'two children of I'tlc-a. *f»em the Manegre. Mis»» Aurura Mauegre and ; week end •ith^Afrw (IsrV Be<k- Mr snd Mrs Sinieou l^v*Ilte uf'withs sister. Mrs (\ I> (rtile and , Utail). Mr and Mrs A H Williams and daughter Kster a:ifl Mr and Mrs R Yaiibrooks and two daughters Auburn wrre week end guests I Mr *nd Mrs F. K fiashnaw, [ mmEwuLE. .Mr. aad Mrs. Barry Hill mat. Mich.. Mr. aad Mrs, Arris Bsgarei of Sai-agaarWs aad Mr. aad Mrs. Herhert Carpeater of Ooueerneur were dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Ralph Bigarel Tnas- day evening. 4 Everett Jenne and Wilbur Daunt of Cincinnati. O.. who have been spending s week with Mr. and Mra. WUllam Jean* left Friday morning for Watertown where they expect Lojaisit Mr and Mrs W Button aaVw days. J ecent visitors at Alfred Mcin r» were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A Id rich of Rensselaer Falls and Mr. and Mrs. William Muir of Ro- chester Mr. and Mra. Alfred Mc Intosh. Mr and Mrs. Burt Donald? son and .daughter Agnes and Mr. and Mra. William Muir visited Al exandria Bay Sunday Mrs Helen Bigarel entertained Mr* Cecil Rice from Chub Friday BRASBE CORNERS! The many friaaaa aad reUtlvea' of Mrs. Loaisa Sayer were grieved | to hoar she pass ad away Sunday a. as. t Seat. lat. 8he had not been so well for the past week. She leaves tw» sons William of Liver- pool mad Everett with whom she has made her home eince her hus- band died. She was a faithful member of the Wesleyaa church and will he greatly missed by all as she waa a friend to young aa well aa old Besides her son she leaves two granddaughters, Mrs. Eart Taltt and Mra. Cart Huttoa and one grandson. Chesley Sayer and six great grandchildren and a hose of friends. The funeral will he held Tuesday at her late home and ahe will be laid to rest beside her husband in Oldsville cemetery Mr and Mrs. Claude Mitchell of Ogdensburj sad Harold Mitchell of Morrlstown spent the week end st wO.xi mam OLW W. 8BTXKAV0Z j D. M. HAZELTON IFVNKIIAL WRtCTOR .* - Day aiai NiaM AmhaUaawe ftarvlat t t o r s »hofaa Miajht Call . **3»W 146-R ; FURNITURC CUT FLOWERS GOUVCRNEUR GRANITE •' AND MARBLE WORKS A Larae Steak of American 4 Orsnrta usnatawtiy on hand J. WALTER M OLE AN I William at* feovamayr, hL Y. btpeadabls Stack Cam pan lea ~' VETERINARIAN CHAS. %. MoCOY. O. V. M. Day and Ni^jht Calls Hospital Service Phoite 15 as a OR: Mrs. Nellie Paddock of Syracuse is the guest of Mrs A C Smith. Howard street On Sunday Mrs. Smith's M>I> Wayne of Syracuse \ol w*a litr gue*»t. Wayne has recent-! of Ivishjhodcomebllttl conclusion last v*«k JVCAR. Pi I UXLS aiol€f\^^ ly accepted s posinou City Bank a Trust Co with the! Row ley street. 1 l>r Hiid Mrs Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Blair and Wm A Smith and ! N n ^ / ew Era C Power Over Djirkneas family of Niagara Falls and Mr. family spent last week in S y r a c u s e ! an«I Mr* A E Shaver and Miss attending the Stale Fair. Mr. j Beverly Shaver of Ouawu. Can.. ftlair purchased a first prize pr D| *w re«-ent guests of I>r ar:«l Mrs ; A ^ ^ ^ of Rhode Island Reds. H^ sou. , II < NaiiAllen. I anrieal Ur nf the ^baloVew li, Meao- l^eRoy. before returning home I Miy* Aivne Finneitan re'urned la*r , pouuils onder ttie >i4nf ausitTces visited friwids at West Barry. Pa. (meek to her dtttie* as dietftiaH i:» | of the British museum and the Col- Miss Isabelle McFalU of Austin; the Westches'er Hospital at Mt. ! rersity of I* .iwylvuni. sre oil street has as her gue*t* for_ Lake. Will Ingram's. Their mother. Mrs I Fannie Mitchell mho has been Tennyson Mcintosh spent last i spending the past week with them Sunday at Newton Falls ~i returned to her home. t M'* Fay A. Wright and daugh | Mr and Mrs. Eric Brasie are en ter Dorothy of Carthage visited | joying a trip to Detriot. Mich., and her brother and family, Mr. and ^ athex parts this week. Mr. and, Mrs Burt Donaldson recently . j Mrs. Lawrenceto , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sheen at Mr and Mrs Lawrence Partridge tended the auto races st Syracuse! are the proud parents of a baby i J. R. TREMLETT Vete'iaariaf 18 South Street H06PrTAL61aHV[CE **DAT AND NIOHT CALLS t GEORGE M. FORMAN a\ CO: f»ual»c Utilitiaa Real Eatatt Bonds GEORGE P. LEAK. RapresenUtivt Sand far Circtttars twoiKis<*o. after a month's vacation | u mD< of brum if m ^-•-••— ,, .II^M t, •-••- - -*• -w^tmmmf^m *r« l ^ «• M i l l Ifl U W I J L 0 tXt*TTftg (S* Mr and Mrs P weeks, the Mfsses Nanry and Emy | with her parents. Mr ano .virs r , Dear | j 4 #t xHi >e«rs hefure Clirisf. re- Lou Ftrund of Chicago Miss Mc-j J- Finnegan I fe allng a civill/jifioa older than Falls returned Sunday Horn arveri.1 ' Mr and Mrs. Garth Sheldon and' that of Europe weeks spent at Bolder Point Camp [ three children of NVwaj-k. N. J Wed Fair Saturday. On Saturday night they listened to a program by the' U S Indian Band that played at the inauguration of President sst»ver. and Vice-President Curtis, last April at -Washington. This 1 Band played at Keith/a theatre dtrr ing Fair W*ek at Syracuse. Mr. an *nd y.n Sheen also visited rela-' tires at Rome Rttaday. M rs Fern Goodison and child- rep Ft-artce*. Fnixabeth and Rose-' n»ary <»f Ros*i#» have been spending , a f»w davs with Mrs. William Jenne boy born Wednesday, Aug tS. nam ed Lawrence Alton. Jr Dr. D. M Mills was the attending physician and Mrs. Myrtle Fleming ia the nurse „ __. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrey. Mr and Mrs Claude Hut ton and Ed- ward Hut ton and friend attended the state fair last week. DURHAM FAMILY REUNION HELD SUNDAY. AUGUST 24 ou Rainbow Lake Mrs. Joseph Wooster of Prospect .Htreet. left Thursday for Kingston. Can., via Alejaudna Ray and steam- er Kingston She met her sister. Mrs Ida Bickneli. at Kingston, and they will visit the Toronto fair for . a week before returning. laiwrenc-e Babco< k. Forrest Web ster of this village. John Evans and Frank Moore of Philadelphia returned this week to resume their studies at Pierce School of Busi- ness Administration at Philadel- phia. Pa were in town Tuesday and nesday renewing old acquaintanc- es. Mr Sheldon is a former resi dent of this village leaving here about 22 years ago. He is now electrical engineer at the Essex County Court House at Newark MEAR—BRYAN A very pretty wedding occurred at Rome when Miss Jessie Bryan became the bride of Glen A. Mear Mis* Bryan and Mr Mexr v*»re married Saturdajr. August 31st. at Mr -an? J *B^/ 7 3raTO_e* T TttrTT5u7Tf the Metbodiat 'Episcopal church of New Rochelle. N. Y . who were guests rjjf past week of his sister Mrs Wil.iam Marshall, returned home last Saturday. They made the trip to .Gouverneur b> the way of :he \\T\ite Mountains and the Adirondack s. Mrs. Julia Fosgate and Mrs j at Rome, the ceremony being per 'formed at 12 o'clock noon. h> the • K**v CX Dale King. The bride had i as- her maid of honor. Miss Gladys J Mudge of Rome while Krnest j Bryan, brother of the bride, was J best man. The brid*- was becom hngly attired in blue georgette. *Thua, however far rmck we arv permit red to peep into die dim pssL" the leader. 51 r Patterson, said, -when riutu. with tt\e sanar as ture and feelings as we. lived, worked and died, we find him fac- ing iht saute problems as we do tiv dar. In M*ekinu to rvgulale tt»e llarhr of duy which eniere<] bis buildings, and supplen»ent It at nighfjaa ef- fe<1lvehy ss his knowledge' would permit. "But from 4.<M> yf*nrs before Christ to l**» A. !>.. dose to 6*00l' veers, that knowledge u*>k him n*> further than the use of s wick dipped in oil. ur leter. of the candle made fn*m n;itura! oil and fats. Bur with the beginning of the last cen tury a new era began, dn era In FOWLER REUNION T.'ie *iiiiiiia' i«-i'n:rn o f fhe d«* M-Hk!ji!ts of Alniina Fairbanks ^mith and their friends was held Sunday a: tht hi>t!ie of Mrs Lydia Ihirham tt (icert; Corners. Those iprt-sfut were Mrs Lvdia Durham. Thp third anirual reunion of the Mr. and Mrs Harold Rounds and Jtn-es Fowler family was held at SO ii Harlow. Mrs. Fred Sova and the home of Mrs. Robert Bickford Wallace Bancrt>ft. Hanisville; Mr. Sunday, Sent. 1st. It w as Mrs. ccd Mrs. Glenn Whitford and two Bickford s birthday and she re* daughters. F>Jwards; Mr. and Mrs. j oived some nice gifts. Her sister. Frank Durham and daughter Bes- ' Mrs W Backus made the hirthday sie. Miss Bernlce Durham |cake which was decorated in pink gre+n and yellow A picnic dinner wa* S»TM><1 about 2 o'clock. The aftermKiH was pleasantly spent in Yisiting Those present were Mr. and Mrs James Fowler and son on Mi and Mrs. George Fow- and daughter. Dorothv. and - [^* u< £ Fowlf r - Mr - " d Mrs. Ar- whtch <hn\!»ed.«»e noaslbfUt.t~oT'an-' i xni ^ Poller and four children and limited Hg»n during u»e hours of ! ^ r *Etl Mrs. W. F Backus, all of M natural durkne^s." Snakes in Captivity Turn Into Cannibals where--Mr. Fiugeraid has accepted -'•Fosgate. a position with the Schulte chain store. Mrs. Anna M a s o n ^ i s * Mary Ma son and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mason were guests last week of Mrs. Anna . 0 # # K . Wn ^^ ^ K ^- rv~>~.«, tMmmJZ'm -i-»^^ \i~ fiir#„»k.. „, at the home of her parents. Mr. w!2? iJu^' Mf8 GiU€atherrat and Mrs. Joseph Simmonds. of West Rutlsnd. - , Vaile gtM>€l George Seaker of Park is spending two weeks at Mrs. street Bridgeport, Conn., the gueat of her tm j ^pent some time with friends parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ziron. in New York and J e r s e y <*ity 8T * •.•-.• ... . They were sccompanied by Mrs. Leeson's father. James Hocey. who visited his daughters. Mrs Irving Ferris, Port Chester, and Mrs. Wal- Adam Fosgate tod a s their gue«t* : wiln hal to match, while the maid over \h. week end. Mr. and Mrs . of nonor wore lJin eeorrisU< ,. The Ldward ^huuk Mrs i.eorge , young couple are well known here j Make antJ MJss Hattie \\ eber^of ^ BrTan regirJ ^ al Gouver . | Pythons, uu.uy „f ti^m i;, feet liuoalo Mrs- HUke ri-d Miss n ^ u r f or fix moving with her- »<>og\ who are aimmg the gut^ts of Veia?r are^s.sttrs of Mi> Adam i ^ ^ 1 Xo Rom ^ thi# :. MnU B^, j the London I/K,. s ,^ud m.at| of their j While here she was associated >»nie submerged in the waier oi the H E. O'lhinnell of Pittsburg. Pa.. { with the Hanev Tea Room in West ! I,M> «1 »uronndlng the enc h»sure. .A ha* »>een s e n d i n g a few days the) Main street; also at the Interna- f * w o f r *»* inhabitnma of The park Wfl week visiting bis write Mrs. | tioM , i^^ r0 rn P anv plant She is O'Donnel and little son Harold Jos- thf , daughter of Mr" and Mrs. Silss cph are spending the summer b^re [ B ryai j Mr. Mear is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mear of Ka tural Dam and has spent practical- M J? J i ?. wa _ rd . L ^ e J floD *S?^ il ?-L J i;{ | 5 r w * entire life in that vicinity. Antwerp and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bickford and four children. The thtte of the reunion was not decid- ed on_for ^93* but will probably oT*field oc some one o ft he rj*-m Jher's birthdays. and fiiend ajid Miss Helen Bigness GouvernVur; Mr snd ,Vr. William Crapenter. Watertown: Mrs. Bruce Ferris. I*aw rer.ee Rice. Ed and Mil- dred Finley. South Edwanls. Ow- inr to the Ulntss of Mrs. H. G. Whitford and Mrs. William Wat- s/ n and their families were un- able to be- present. A picnic dinner waa nerved at noon and the day passed quielriy in j renewing old friendships. ANNOUNCEMENT WORDEN-PRAY esf»eclally tlte cohras. become can ] 5 ., 0 iThe At thf -urgent request of many'. voters of this tow n^ I h a v e finally : consented to allow my name t o g o , before the voters as a candidate' ^ . ( for Superintendent of Highways \ T*-r fttarnrcY . ofHgnVier ' JoTTii—' nr lhf ^hTXr*TeTIir*'" Sh^u1a r 1 he Worlen of Heuveton and -Miss ^l^^ct*^ *n>' services will not costv flkorothy Pray of Lisbon occurred i tDe town over $1,500 per year. < Dated. Gouverneur. N. Y. . J Quality "•STORES OF QUALITY- Service Cleanliness FINEST | CRIAMKEY ( BUTTER lb. 53c PURITAN MALT EXTRACT lar^e can 49c HERSHXY'S COCOA .„..•-..—r^-.« 2 cans 25c TACK FR0ST0ONTECTI0ERY SUGAR 3 boxes 22c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 19c OCTAGON LAUNDRY S O A P . . 5 bars 27c OCTAGON SOAP POWDER 3 boxes 19c BERMA 0OI7EE . . . lb. tins 49c POC0N0 COFFEE lb. 46c DARMA COFFEE lb. 41c FINEST BLEND GREEN TEA _„:._..:_ 2 lba. 78* TEAPOT TEA ^z . _-_ y, lb. S5c TEAPOT rtA „ . . „ „.„ y 4 lb. 19c SALT PORK—Dinner Plate Special . . . 5 lbs. 95c BOLOGNA „ „ : ; _ „ ^ _ r r lb. 28c NIAGARA SLICED HAM _ . . . L lb. 55c CANADIAN BACON .J. !•._. „ . . lb. 55c DRIED BEEF MEAT LOAF FRANKFURTS BANANAS BY BUNCH OR DOZEN VEGETABLES AND FRUITS FRESH DAILY FRUIT JARS CERTO CAN RUBBERS Stowell motored to New York j U nO^ last spring when he went to s - u Callers at the Syndicate Farm Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John ' Cook of the Edwards road and Mr. mad Mrs. William Goings and son DeJbert of Old DeKalb Rev. V. O. Boyle and Mrs. Boyle Ml by motor on Monday for Port' Cotborne, Ont., where Mr. Boyle will assist mt the marriage of his sister, Miss Dorothy Boyle. ; John F. Kates of Rochester, past. -alasv chief ranger of the Indenpen- 4eat Order of Foresters In the state of New York, visited the Foresters' state office in Gouver Saturday. «^ y n street aad Mr. aad Mrs. R. M. Per- <±rai of JBast Mala street aeft Tlhoradsy for New York city where wSB spend tea days visiting They retorn- ter Locke. Penmont ed home last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott have returned to their home on Wall street after a month's vacation They, visited at the homes of their three daughters. Mrs. Victor An- Clair, at Genera; Mrs. Jessie Reed. Newport. R. I.; and Mrs. William D. Eddy, at Jamestown. R. 1. They returned vis the Berk shires. Green Mountsins snd Adirondack*, ac- companied .by . Mra. JBddy_ and daughter. and Mrs. Canfleld'a mother. Mrs. Susan Murphy, of Chicago are the guevts of Mr. Canneld's mother. Mrs. Catherine Canfteld. Park t i afreet. On Wednesday evening Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Bockus re*' they .^together with Miss Margaret to Newark the past week. Canfteld of New York City, who after spending several day a at the spent the summer vacation period » of Mr. Bockus' parents. Mr. Mrs. Van C. Bockus, East Main Sir. and Mrs. Edward Yovng re- Sunday to their home at Heights. N. J. after the summer vaaction with her parents. Mr. a n d J*rs,R-J. Ranaail here, and Miss Elisabeth Callahan were dinner guests of Mrs. Anna Mason at the Red Brick Tavern Miss Rhena M. Forney, daugh ter of Mrs. Leon Forney, who re- cently lived on Barnes street. this village, has hsan called a s a Dexter, and then to Rome. After, .^^ a wedding dinner served at the] zSJtZZ hofiae of tbe bride's parents. Mr. j and Mrs. Mear left on a weddingi trip, stopping at Gouverneur and \ Natural Dam. where they have ai "host of friends who extend to them hearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Mear *4U make their home at Rome. nlhals. ttnd attack und <)CVOIK noi only various Jiarmless spei-le*. but also some of their most poisonous relations. Even pufT adders bars been recorded aa falling victim t o f the cobras' vicioosneas and vo- racity. Mr. PitzSlmmons, the can- tor of the Port Elisabeth museum. that a cobra versus puff- adder contest may last at long aa an hour, tn^ that the latter docs not gire in to bis mora agile adver- sary until the effects of the Inject Thursday afternoon. August » . at I *t the Methodist parsonage, i i-eremonv was performed bv i 5m' ,^' Barrett, pastor. They, will reside at Heuvelto'n __ September 4. 1 9 » . Robert D. Taylor. TRIBUNE PRESS ADS BRING RESULTS AflYertiae Tribune-Pr^ss. A OREAM doced complete paralysla Not sgo a keeper in the course of Ing some of the snakes In the en- closure was bitten on the hand by a large puff-adder. A special kept etf^be premlaea was diately injected into tbe victim, aad hia life saved. Way Get nte«? ~ 7* At Camp Grant, during the war. tbe officers had difficulty In getting the proper salute Truro the men. Lecture followed lecture, hat ap- Knowing from many years ex- perience the generosity of the newa paper world. I am askiag s little space that I may express, or rather make s faint attempt to express my thoughts upon that wonderful oTT D i s p l a y of Mr. and Mrs M rls d a ,e r^am' ! **"**' «° » • ,vl!L 1. I. n UUle corner of He^en.f ^ ^ ^ n ^ where men forget all the little ~ Howdy , ^ n Followed a long tirade from the captain on the correct -amy to aav i lute. The hock private listened la , m . ^ L silence, scratched his head, aad I felt that I waa in the presence 1 fin^H, gsid' of a Wonderful Being that Great; -La^y boss. If Ah'd thought Artist, and that here I was view ; Jim ^ ^ lfte ^ ^ ^ 9bont it bickerings and small things to a higher plane. For a moment I stood in silence foolishness of the mind soars ing a most marvelous collection of Ab wouldn't of spoke to you a-talt' inspired by the Dt^ineT a finer display Missionary to Porto Rico, went to, i bsve traveled much in this! S l W Y ° ? °IX Thursday. Aug^»., country, and through Europe, and' Mr. John C. Belts, aad Mrs WU- S h ^ a^J^-T* ^T and Mrm , ^ aave never seen a nn*r di.ni.vl i Mar. of North T | a s e i ^ were ^ n o fth^TW Pp.j^j^. w h ^ ; mUb a Waaabnra of West Barney to thank Mr and Mrs. ~w. «^« * ^ u . ^, Martlndale for their very courteous ahe will take up tter work Miss , reception, and I feel very grateful ll?? 7 ? X *?P* tbe ^ Cr ~ k t0 th * Tribune^Press for calling my Bible school last year. f attention through . the invitation ^ = ^ = = g =^^ printed in their last issue Any one who has missed this has missed a race treat- Very truly yours. W H ADAMS, Detroit FRUIT MARKETS TRINITY EP1*CO»AL CHU*CN Rev. V A,. B D O. Boyle. M Rector latb Ruaday after Trinity Sept. * #6 a. m.. Hoiy ltaa a. mi- ll ae a. m . Morniag Prayer. S aa p. BV. Service at Piae Tl>e blrda tluit live on insects In the East go to Cdha and the West ! Indies or to Central and S**utb i A merit* fn the winter. The hobo- 1 link at this *e**n« will sing J a ' S«»uth Aiueri<*n fteida. ' Plm-er and snfcpe sre credited' v\:;h the rnoar extensive migrations, j S«>me ar«e«»e« breed within the Are- tic r\n-i* and go to the seat hem end of S<«otb Amerirn fwr the winrer Tbe sviarTow*. robins snd hloehirtla I snd many of rhe berry eaters spend s tbe winter fnm the Middle state* to the Golf at Mexico, la the West the migratory birds go to MesJea,— Ksnsas <ltv *'»r ^f l I " I " ' * Times Change I NEW ARRIVALS j LADIES'DEPARTMENT MAIM now -•' ; . - ••' ,.••". 200 Ladie*'Fall CoaU in all the wanted styles and materials. Tailored m the latent modes and jruarauteed to give satisfaction. They come in a wide ranjre of prices, each of which will prove extra values for the amount invest ed. The Prices range as follows: $9.75, $12.75, $14.75, '$17.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.00, $39.75 —: S Extra QuaKty Oiiting^--- White. colored and strips, one of the .bi^jrest value-* \rt? have evet offered, "i7 inches wide, at only Only 10c Per Yard J. BIG LINE Girls'School Dresses All sizes and include heavy materials at only 98c Girls' Rain Coats' .'l Aftes 6 to 18 year* •" .". -*". . - Ladies 9 Rain " . at only $4.95 UPSTAIRS BARGAIN DEPARTMENT 8XC0ITD FLOOK TOM S A I T T B AMD XAYKXB 2TKW LDnE OF METTS AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS' in Worsteds and Caaaimeres. A special purchase of dei^ndable merritiandiae whx*h.ve are offennr is 34 to 46 siae^ at oahr $12.00 ^GIRLS* SCHOOL SHOES Both higfe and knr. All *iw*. 9to2 at __- $1.95 ^: 4 to S st _ LADIES' SHOES m all ibf Taat«d «ctvte* and .shad«» at $1.95 >nd $2^5 .We have jost jmrchmt+d a i^tock which rochxif* a>5»: 5V' pt«e« of Ladie*' f>rww** in SSlk aad tiinrhacL O i i k i m ^ Coats ajad Ham CoaU. These hare frf^c placed c-a ooe big table ai>d will all $ro at WASHABLE SUITS f orl>oy».' rafa€f np to S5.(X). aD jco at OHL8' AKD MIDDY BLOUSES Vt hit/ *tit Mne aerjre triimnr^L valoe> op to $4.00« **rh prK#*J at SOL KAPLAN CLaNTDN STREET

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Page 1: r» t0JiSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031312/1929-09-04/ed-1/seq-7.pdflion at the B O Kinney drug sto^e Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Ryan and daughter Aileen of Rochester were week-end

M^ii r*fc>F:

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i • = s a a — — SfinSI V * . * . V. WtOHgSPAV. t r r t M a W t 4, ->*-\ w


fr ieaas froai Katar-tfefts woe* . Mrs. A- T Raadall and

• a d ita Water-

? Mrs. IN. J:

- Mr. a a * Mr*. £aar te* Leveil le of ftyracaee w a r t sjueeis here over

fitae w a s * s a d v i t a f r o n d s . Ura . Tfcoaaaa Jooea of Haiksboro

-la at t a e Hepburn bo* pi tat at 0% Aeasbura; for apecial treatment.

.Mr and Mrs. S J. Baraum of II l o a spent last sreek at a t 73 P a r t a r street .

. *


Mrs. at. L. Fortune and &OD S iau ley r is i ted Mrs. Fortun**'* mother , l a Syracuse tae past %w*k j

Mr. aad Mrs, Jaiur* Parker of ike Branch road aptui t>uuday »Hh Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Goo to t

Mrs. Charles Kane of Johnstown s treet aas returned to Lucerne to resume ber position in tne public schools .

Miss Mildred Bo*art and Miss DsUfbt Coa l s oi John street a r t apeadia* two w e e k s at f iranri l le aad New York city

Miss Shirley S p r m * of Rowley street left Saturday for Harrison. K. Y. where s h e has been engaged to teach la the second grade.

Miss U U l a n DeMarse has entered the training school for nurses at the St. Lawrence State Hospital at Oa> densburg

Misses Beatrice Burr and Mar-Jorie Woodcock returned the past week after spending the summer at Wanakena.

J o s e p h BoulH -smd- l*m?rhnB Bur jger returned Saturday after spend-teg a week with friends in Athens . Ont.

Miss He len Hyde has renlgned her posit ion as bookkeeper at the JE. C. Leahy store to accept * posi l ion at the B O Kinney drug sto^e

Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Ryan and daughter Aileen of Rochester were week-end g u e s t s of their parents h e r e

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green of^Wil UUs street left Tuesday for Tort Edward and Lake George where they will visit friends and relat ives lor a week.

H F. Fortune of Jamestown and Mrs. J. W. Davis and children of 8 C Jonnsvi l le were guests of -t*4r parents . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fortune of McKean street last week

Mr. and Mrs Ray Hurst am! son George and Geo. Thraves. Sr.. were g u e s t s last week of Geo Thravesv^ Jr., and family at Sy­racuse.

Kennexh Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs- C. W. Fuller returned Snmlay to his posit ion as physical iaairuc-tor at Jeffersonvi 13e. Callicoon. and Youngs vi lie r

Mr. and Mrs. DeanJa Fitxgerald left the pas t w e e k for Ottawa. O n u

U <* Kin* of At lant ic City. fts (he guest of fr iends in

town. Clifford A leer. Wi l l i s Muiitn,

Charles VanDusee, aad D o o s i d La vack s i l l this week e n t e r Roch rater Electrical school for a course of study.

M m C M S u t s of N e w York Cily u »pt-tiding a few days in town tifcirfug her parents. Mr and Mrs. John Browu They entertained at luncheon at the Red Brick Tavern

their home -+*»i W*d»*ed*y w< ^3 Mr and Mrs Wesley Bo wen of

Miss Minerva T a y l o r refWned Tuesday even ing (rota aa extended auto tour through Massachuset ts , Connecticut aad Vermont.

Mr and Mrs. William Leedom, daughter Cather ine , and SOB Billy, of Schenectady , and Mrs. Mary Latnpkin of Watertown mere «ees> enO gues t s of of Mrs Anue Bon let of Prospect street

Miss Beulah Mullin left Monday] for Glens Fal l s where she will sup- j ply t o r ten w e e k s after which she w i n enter Potsdam Normal to coin i plete ber course. 1

Miss Pat ience Seaker left Man [ day for Canajoharie, and Misa A l l s ' Youngs left Sunday for Youngaville (

to j e surne their respect ive posi . t ions. I

Mass Grace McCombs of Deer , River, a teacher in the Carthage! schools , waa a week-end guest a t '

BJL 4VM.3. Carpenter *

«on*n«d n t thai anwnt

r» t0JiS -^Sh#iUffll^eSC Iv« tokitnout smuraoct

on #Vwrt|chin<). * CJeiitVA. Mrs. Amel ia Kilburn and Mi** Marjorie Lyng of Watrrtowu and Mrs Joseph Bo wen of <k>u\«-r-a^ur called ou Mr and Mrs. Mat- | the home of Mr. and Mrs, N K ihew Frewley last Saturday J Brown, in W e s t Barney street.

Mr and Mrs. Houry Curtis, sr.. j Mr. and Jsfrs Clark Brikwith and of Prospect street e n t e r u i n e d over I Mr and Mrs. Roy Brckwiih and the week-end Mr and Mrs Aime H . ' t w o children of I'tlc-a. *f»em the Manegre. Mis»» Aurura Mauegre and ; week end •ith^Afrw (IsrV Be<k-Mr snd Mrs Sinieou l^v*Ilte u f ' w i t h s sister. Mrs ( \ I> (rtile and

, U t a i l ) . Mr and Mrs A H Will iams and

daughter Kster a:ifl Mr and Mrs R Yaiibrooks and two daughters

Auburn wrre week end g u e s t s I Mr *nd Mrs F. K fiashnaw, [

mmEwuLE. .Mr. a a d Mrs. B a r r y Hil l

m a t . Mich.. Mr. a a d Mrs, A r r i s Bsgarei of Sai-agaarWs a a d Mr. aad Mrs. Herhert Carpeater of Ooueerneur were dinner gues t s of Mr. and Mra. Ralph Bigarel Tnas-day evening. 4 Everett Jenne and Wilbur Daunt of Cincinnati . O.. w h o have been spending s week with Mr. and Mra. WUllam Jean* left Friday morning for Watertown where they expect Lojaisit Mr and Mrs W Button a a V w days .

Jecent vis i tors at Alfred Mcin r» were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

A Id rich of Rensse laer Fal ls and Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Muir of Ro­chester Mr. and Mra. Alfred Mc Intosh. Mr and Mrs. Burt Donald? son and .daughter Agnes and Mr. and Mra. Wil l iam Muir visited Al exandria Bay Sunday

Mrs Helen Bigarel entertained Mr* Cecil Rice from Chub Friday

BRASBE CORNERS! T h e many friaaaa aad r e U t l v e a '

of Mrs. Loaisa S a y e r w e r e grieved | to hoar she pass ad a w a y Sunday a. as.t Seat . lat . 8 h e had not been so well for the past week. S h e leaves t w » s o n s Wil l iam of Liver­pool mad Everet t with whom she has made her home eince her hus­band died. She was a faithful member of the W e s l e y a a church and will he greatly missed by all as she waa a friend to young aa well aa old Bes ides her son she leaves two granddaughters , Mrs. Eart Taltt and Mra. Cart Huttoa and one grandson. Chesley Sayer and six great grandchildren and a hose of friends. The funeral will he held Tuesday at her late home and ahe will be laid to rest beside her husband in Oldsvil le cemetery

Mr and Mrs. Claude Mitchell of Ogdensbur j s a d Harold Mitchell of Morrlstown spent the week end s t


IFVNKI IAL W R t C T O R .* -Day aiai N i a M AmhaUaawe ftarvlat

t to rs »hofaa Miajht Call . **3»W 146-R ;


• GOUVCRNEUR GRANITE •' AND MARBLE WORKS • A Larae Steak of American 4 Orsnrta usnatawtiy on hand • • J . WALTER M OLE AN • I Wil l iam a t * feovamayr, hL Y.

b t p e a d a b l s Stack Cam pan lea ~'


Day and Ni^jht Calls Hospital Service Phoite 15

• a s a • OR:

Mrs. Nell ie Paddock of Syracuse is the guest of Mrs A C Smith. Howard street On Sunday Mrs. Smith's M>I> Wayne of Syracuse \ol w*a litr gue*»t. Wayne has recent-! of

I v i s h j h o d c o m e b l l t t l conclusion las t v * « k

JVCAR. P i I UXLS aiol€f\^^

ly accepted s posinou City Bank a Trust C o

with t h e ! Row ley street. 1 l>r Hiid Mrs

Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Blair and Wm A Smith and !

N n ^ / ew Era C Power Over Djirkneas

family of Niagara Falls and Mr. family spent last week in Syracuse ! an«I Mr* A E Shaver and Miss attending the Sta le Fair. Mr. j Bever ly Shaver of Ouawu. Can.. ftlair purchased a first prize p r D | * w re«-ent gues t s of I>r ar:«l Mrs ; A ^ ^ ^ of Rhode Island Reds. H ^ sou. , II < NaiiAllen. I anrieal Ur nf the ^baloVew li, Meao-l^eRoy. before returning home I Miy* Aivne Finneitan re'urned la*r , p o u u i l s onder ttie >i4nf ausitTces vis i ted friwids at West Barry. Pa. (meek to her dtttie* as dietftiaH i:» | of the British museum and the Col-

Miss Isabelle McFalU of Aust in; the Wes tches ' er Hospital at Mt. ! rersity of I* . iwylvuni . s r e oil street has as her gue*t* for_

L a k e . Will Ingram's. Their mother. Mrs I Fannie Mitchell mho has been

Tennyson Mcintosh spent last i spending the past week with them Sunday at N e w t o n Fal ls ~i returned to her home. t

M'* Fay A. Wright and daugh | Mr and Mrs. Eric Brasie are en t e r Dorothy of Carthage vis i ted | joying a trip to Detriot. Mich., and her b r o t h e r and family, Mr. and ^ athex parts this week. Mr. and , Mrs Burt Donaldson recently . j Mrs. Lawrenceto ,

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sheen at Mr and Mrs Lawrence Partridge tended the auto races s t S y r a c u s e ! are the proud parents of a baby i

J. R. T R E M L E T T Vete'iaariaf

18 South Street H 0 6 P r T A L 6 1 a H V [ C E


GEORGE M. FORMAN a\ CO: f»ual»c Utilitiaa Real Eatatt

Bonds GEORGE P. LEAK. R a p r e s e n U t i v t

Sand far Circtttars

twoiKis<*o. after a month's vacation | u m D < o f brum if m ^-•-••— ,, .II^M t, — •-••- - — -*• -w^tmmmf^m *r« l ^ «• M i l l Ifl U W I J L 0 tXt*TTftg (S* Mr and Mrs P weeks , the Mfsses Nanry and Emy | with her parents. Mr ano .virs r , D e a r | j 4#txHi >e«rs hefure Clirisf. re-

Lou Ftrund of Chicago Miss Mc-j J- Finnegan I f e a l l n g a civill/jifioa older than Falls returned Sunday Horn arveri.1 ' Mr and Mrs. Garth Sheldon a n d ' that of Europe weeks spent at Bolder Point Camp [ three children of NVwaj-k. N. J

W e d

Fair Saturday. On Saturday night they l istened to a program by t h e '

U S Indian Band that played at the inauguration of Pres ident sst»ver. and Vice-President Curt is , last April at -Washington. T h i s 1

Band played at Keith/a theatre dtrr ing Fair W*ek at Syracuse . Mr. an *nd y.n Sheen also vis i ted rela-' t ires at Rome Rttaday.

M rs Fern Goodison and child-rep Ft-artce*. Fnixabeth and Rose- ' n»ary <»f Ros*i#» have been spending

, a f»w davs with Mrs. Wil l iam Jenne —

boy born Wednesday, Aug tS. nam ed Lawrence Alton. Jr Dr. D. M Mills was the attending physician and Mrs. Myrtle F l eming ia the nurse „ __.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrey . Mr and Mrs Claude Hut ton and Ed­ward Hut ton and friend attended the state fair last week.


ou Rainbow Lake Mrs. Joseph Wooster of Prospect

.Htreet. left Thursday for Kingston. Can., via A l e j a u d n a Ray and steam­er Kingston She met her s ister . Mrs Ida Bickneli. at Kingston, and they will visit the Toronto fair for

. a week before returning. laiwrenc-e Babco< k. Forrest W e b

ster of this vi l lage. John E v a n s and Frank Moore of Phi ladelphia returned this week to resume their s tudies at Pierce School of Busi­ness Administration at Philadel­phia. Pa

were in town Tuesday and nesday renewing old acquaintanc­es . Mr Sheldon is a former resi dent of this vi l lage leaving here about 22 years ago. He is now electrical engineer at the Essex County Court House at Newark


A very pretty wedding occurred at Rome when Miss Jessie Bryan became the bride of Glen A. Mear Mis* Bryan and Mr Mexr v*»re married Saturdajr. August 31st. at

Mr -an?J*B^/73raTO_e* T TttrTT5u7Tf the Metbodiat 'Episcopal church of New Rochelle. N. Y . who were gues t s rjjf past week of his s is ter Mrs Wil. iam Marshall, returned home last Saturday. They made the trip to .Gouverneur b> the way of :he \\T\ite Mountains and the Adirondack s.

Mrs. Julia F o s g a t e and Mrs

j at Rome, the ceremony being per ' formed at 12 o'clock noon. h> the • K**v CX Dale King. The bride had i as- her maid of honor. Miss Gladys J Mudge of Rome while Krnest j Bryan, brother of the bride, was J best man. The brid*- was becom h n g l y attired in blue georgette.

*Thua, however far rmck we arv permit red to peep into die dim pssL" the leader. 51 r Patterson, said, -when riutu. with tt\e sanar as ture and feelings as we. lived, worked and died, we find him fac­ing iht saute problems as we do tiv dar. In M*ekinu to rvgulale tt»e llarhr of duy which eniere<] bis buildings, and u» supplen»ent It at nighfjaa ef-fe<1lvehy s s his knowledge' would permit.

"But from 4.<M> yf*nrs before Christ to l**» A. !>.. d o s e to 6*00l' veers, that knowledge u*>k him n*> further than the use of s wick dipped in oil. ur leter. of the candle made fn*m n;itura! oil and fats. Bur with the beginning of the last cen tury a new era began, dn era In


T.'ie *iiiiiiia' i«-i'n:rn o f fhe d«* M-Hk!ji!ts of Alniina Fairbanks ^mith and their friends was held Sunday a: tht hi>t!ie of Mrs Lydia Ihirham tt (icert; Corners. Those

iprt-sfut were Mrs Lvdia Durham. Thp third anirual reunion of the Mr. and Mrs Harold Rounds and

Jtn-es Fowler family was held at SOii Harlow. Mrs. Fred Sova and the home of Mrs. Robert Bickford Wallace Bancrt>ft. H a n i s v i l l e ; Mr. Sunday, Sent. 1st. It w as Mrs. ccd Mrs. Glenn Whitford and two Bickford s birthday and she re* daughters. F>Jwards; Mr. and Mrs.

j o i v e d some nice gifts. Her sister. Frank Durham and daughter Bes-' Mrs W Backus made the hirthday s ie . Miss Bernlce Durham | c a k e which was decorated in pink

gre+n and yellow A picnic dinner wa* S»TM><1 about 2 o'clock. The aftermKiH was pleasantly spent in Yisiting Those present were Mr. and Mrs James Fowler and son

on Mi and Mrs. George Fow-and daughter. Dorothv. and

- [ ^ * u < £ F o w l f r- M r - " d Mrs. Ar-whtch <hn\!»ed.«»e noaslbfUt.t~oT'an-' i x n i ^ P o l l e r and four children and limited Hg»n during u»e hours of ! ^ r *Etl Mrs. W. F Backus , all of


natural durkne^s."

Snakes in Captivity Turn Into Cannibals

where--Mr. F i u g e r a i d has accepted -'•Fosgate. a position with the Schulte chain s tore .

Mrs. Anna M a s o n ^ i s * Mary Ma son and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mason were gues t s last week of Mrs. Anna . 0 # # K . Wn^^ ^ K^- rv~>~.«, M» tMmmJZ'm -i-»^^ \i~ f i i r # „ » k . . „, at the home of her parents. Mr. w ! 2 ? i J u ^ ' M f 8 G i U € a t h e r r a t and Mrs. Joseph Simmonds. of W e s t Rutlsnd. - , V a i l e g t M > € l

George Seaker of Park is spending two weeks at

Mrs. street Bridgeport, Conn., the gueat of her t m j ^pent some t ime with friends parents . Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ziron. i n N e w York and Jersey <*ity

8T* • . • - . • . . . . T h e y were sccompanied by Mrs. Leeson's father. James Hocey. who visited his daughters . Mrs Irving Ferris, Port Chester, and Mrs. Wal-

Adam Fosgate tod a s their gue«t* : w i l n h a l to match, while the maid over \h. week end. Mr. and Mrs . o f n o n o r w o r e l J i n e e o r r i s U < , . The

Ldward ^ h u u k Mrs i .eorge , young couple are well known here j Make antJ MJss Hatt ie \ \ eber^of ^ B r T a n r e g i r J ^ a l G o u v e r . | Pythons, uu.uy „f t i^m i;, feet l iuoalo M r s - HUke ri-d Miss n ^ u r f o r fix moving with her- »<>og\ who are aimmg the gut^ts of Veia?r a r e ^ s . s t t r s of Mi> Adam i ^ ^ 1 Xo R o m ^ t h i # : . M n U B ^ , j the London I/K,. s , ^ u d m.at| of their

j Whi le here she was associated >»nie submerged in the waier oi the H E. O'lhinnell of Pittsburg. Pa.. { with the H a n e v Tea Room in West ! I,M>«1 »uronndlng the enc h»sure. . A

ha* »>een s e n d i n g a few days the ) Main s treet ; a lso at the Interna- f * w o f r*»* inhabitnma of The park Wfl week visiting bis write Mrs. | t i o M , i^^ r 0 rn P anv plant S h e i s O'Donnel and little son Harold Jos- t h f , daughter of Mr" and Mrs. S i l s s cph are spending the summer b^re [ B r y a i j

Mr. Mear is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mear of K a tural D a m and has spent practical-

M J ? J i ? . w a _ r d . L ^ eJ

f l o D *S?^ i l ?-L J i ; { | 5 r w * entire life in that v ic ini ty .

Antwerp and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bickford and four children. T h e thtte of the reunion was not decid­ed on_for ^93* but will probably oT*field oc some one o ft he rj*-m Jher's birthdays.

and fiiend ajid Miss Helen Bigness GouvernVur; Mr snd , V r . Wil l iam Crapenter. Watertown: Mrs. Bruce Ferris. I*aw rer.ee Rice. Ed and Mil­dred Finley. South E d w a n l s . Ow-inr to the Ulntss of Mrs. H. G. Whitford and Mrs. Wil l iam Wat-s/ n and their famil ies were un­able to be- present.

A picnic dinner waa nerved at noon and the day passed quielriy in j renewing old friendships.



esf»eclally tlte cohras. become can ] 5 . , 0

i T h e

At thf -urgent request of many'. voters of this tow n^ I have finally :

consented to a l low my n a m e to g o , before the voters as a c a n d i d a t e '

^ .( for S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of H i g h w a y s \ T*-r fttarnrcY . ofHgnVier ' JoTTii—'nr l h f ^hTXr*TeTIir*'" Sh^u1ar 1 he

Wor len of H e u v e t o n and -Miss ^l^^ct*^ *n>' s erv i ce s will not costv flkorothy Pray of Lisbon occurred i t D e town over $1,500 per year. <

Dated. Gouverneur. N. Y. . J

Quality "•STORES OF Q U A L I T Y -

Service Cleanliness

FINEST | CRIAMKEY ( BUTTER lb. 5 3 c PURITAN MALT EXTRACT lar^e can 49c HERSHXY'S COCOA .„. .•- . .—r^-.« 2 cans 25c TACK FR0ST0ONTECTI0ERY SUGAR 3 boxes 22c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 19c OCTAGON LAUNDRY S O A P . . 5 bars 27c OCTAGON SOAP POWDER 3 boxes 19c BERMA 0 O I 7 E E . . . lb. tins 49c POC0N0 COFFEE lb. 46c DARMA COFFEE lb. 41c

FINEST BLEND GREEN TEA _ „ : . _ . . : _ 2 lba. 78* TEAPOT TEA ^ z . _-_ y, lb. S5c TEAPOT rtA „ . . „ „ . „ y4 lb. 19c

SALT PORK—Dinner Plate Special . . . 5 lbs. 95c BOLOGNA „ „ : ; _ „ ^ _ r r lb. 28c NIAGARA SLICED HAM _ . . . L lb. 55c CANADIAN BACON .J. ! • . _ . „ . . lb. 55c DRIED BEEF MEAT LOAF FRANKFURTS



Stowel l motored to New York j U nO^ last spring when he went t o

s • - u Callers at the Syndicate Farm

Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John ' Cook of the Edwards road and Mr. mad Mrs. W i l l i a m Goings and son DeJbert of Old DeKalb

Rev. V. O. Boy le and Mrs. Boyle M l by motor o n Monday for Port ' Cotborne, Ont., where Mr. Boyle wi l l ass i s t mt the marriage of his s i s ter , Miss Dorothy Boyle . ;

John F. Kates of Rochester , pas t . -alasv chief ranger of the Indenpen-4 e a t Order of Foresters In the s t a t e of N e w York, visited the Fores ters ' s ta te office in Gouver

Saturday. « ^ y n

s treet aad Mr. aad Mrs. R. M. Per-<±rai of JBast Mala street aeft Tlhoradsy for N e w York city where

wSB spend t e a days vis i t ing

They retorn-ter Locke. Penmont ed home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott have returned to their home on Wall street after a month's vacation They, visited at the homes of their three daughters . Mrs. Victor An-Clair, a t Genera; Mrs. Jess ie Reed. Newport. R. I.; and Mrs. William D. Eddy, at J a m e s t o w n . R. 1. They returned v i s the Berk shires. Green Mountsins snd Adirondack*, ac­companied .by . Mra. JBddy_ and daughter .

and Mrs. Canfleld'a mother. Mrs. Susan Murphy, of Chicago are the guevts of Mr. Canneld's mother. Mrs. Catherine Canfteld. Park

t i afreet. On Wednesday evening Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Bockus re*' they .^together with Miss Margaret

to Newark the past week . Canfteld of N e w York City, who after spending severa l day a at the spent the summer vacation period

» of Mr. Bockus ' parents . Mr. Mrs. Van C. Bockus , Eas t Main

Sir. and Mrs. Edward Yovng re-Sunday to their h o m e at

Heights . N. J. after t h e summer vaaction

with her parents. Mr. a n d J * r s , R - J . Ranaai l

here , and Miss Elisabeth Callahan were dinner gues ts of Mrs. Anna Mason at the Red Brick Tavern

M i s s Rhena M. Forney, daugh ter of Mrs. Leon Forney, who re­cent ly l ived on Barnes street . th i s v i l lage , h a s hsan cal led a s a

Dexter , and then to Rome. A f t e r , . ^ ^ a wedding dinner served at t h e ] zSJtZZ hofiae of tbe bride's parents . Mr. j and Mrs. Mear left on a w e d d i n g i trip, stopping at Gouverneur and \ Natural Dam. where t h e y h a v e a i

"host of friends who extend to t h e m hearty congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Mear *4U make their h o m e at Rome.

nlhals. ttnd attack und <)CVOIK noi only various Jiarmless spei-le*. but also some of their most poisonous relations. Even pufT adders bars been recorded aa falling v i c t i m to f the cobras' vicioosneas and vo­racity. Mr. PitzSlmmons, the c a n ­tor of the Port Elisabeth museum.

that a cobra versus puff-adder contest may last a t long aa an hour, tn^ that the latter docs not gire in to bis mora agi le adver­sary until the effects of the Inject

Thursday afternoon. August » . at I *t the Methodist parsonage, i i-eremonv w a s performed bv i

5 m ' , ^ ' Barrett, pastor. T h e y , will reside at Heuvelto'n _ _

September 4. 1 9 » . Robert D. Taylor. TRIBUNE PRESS ADS BRING RESULTS

AflYertiae Tribune-Pr^ss.


doced complete paralys la Not sgo a keeper in the course of Ing some of the snakes In the en­closure was bitten on the hand by a large puff-adder. A special kept e t f ^ b e premlaea w a s diately injected into tbe victim, aad hia life saved.

Way Get n t e « ? ~ 7 * At Camp Grant, during the war.

tbe officers had difficulty In getting the proper salute Truro the men.

Lecture followed lecture, hat ap-

Knowing from many years ex­per ience the generos i ty of the newa paper world. I am a s k i a g s l i t t le space that I may express , or rather make s faint a t t e m p t to express my thoughts upon that wonderful

oTT Display of Mr. and Mrs

M r l s d a , e r ^ a m ' ! **"**' «° » • , v l ! L

1. I. n UUle corner of H e ^ e n . f ^ ^ ^ n ^ where men forget all the little ~ H o w d y , ^ n

Followed a long tirade from the captain on the correct -amy to aav

i lute. The hock private l istened la , m . ^ L • silence, scratched his head, aad I felt that I waa in the presence 1 fin^H, g s i d '

of a Wonderful Being that Great; - L a ^ y boss. If Ah'd thought Artist, and that here I was v iew ; Jim ^ ^ l f t e ^ ^ ^ 9bont i t

bickerings and small th ings to a higher plane.

For a moment I stood in s i lence

fool ishness of the mind s o a r s

ing a most marvelous collection of Ab wouldn't of spoke to you a-talt'

inspired by t h e Dt^ineT

a finer display

Miss ionary to Porto Rico, went t o , i bsve traveled much in t h i s ! SlW Y ° ? °IX Thursday. A u g ^ » . , country, and through Europe, a n d '

Mr. John C. Be l t s , aad Mrs WU- S h ^ a ^ J ^ - T * ^ T a n d M r m , ^ aave never seen a nn*r d i . n i . v l

i Mar. of North T | a s e i ^ were ^ n o fth^TW P p . j ^ j ^ . w h ^ ; m U b

a Waaabnra of Wes t Barney

to thank Mr and Mrs. ~w. «^« * ^ u . ^, Martlndale for their very courteous ahe will take up tter work Miss , reception, and I feel very grateful ll??7 ?X*?P* t b e ^ C r ~ k • t 0 th* Tribune^Press for calling my Bible school last year. f attention through . the invitat ion

^ = ^ = = g = ^ ^ printed in their last i ssue Any one who has missed this

has missed a race treat-Very truly yours.

W H ADAMS, Detroit



Rev. V A,. B D O. Boyle . M Rector

l a t b Ruaday after Trinity Sept. * #6 a. m.. Hoiy

l t a a a. mi­l l ae a. m . Morniag Prayer.

S aa p. BV. Service at Piae

Tl>e blrda tluit live on insects In the East go to Cdha a n d the West ! Indies or to Central and S**utb i A merit* f n the winter. The hobo- 1

link at this *e**n« will s ing J a ' S«»uth Aiueri<*n fteida. '

Plm-er and snfcpe s r e c r e d i t e d ' v\:;h the rnoar extensive migrations, j S«>me ar«e«»e« breed within the Are-tic r\n-i* and go to the seat h e m end of S<«otb Amerirn fwr the winrer Tbe sviarTow*. robins snd hloehirtla I snd many of rhe berry eaters spend s tbe winter fnm the Middle state* to the Golf at Mexico, la the West the migratory birds go to MesJea,— Ksnsas <ltv * '»r f

l I " I " ' *

Times Change I


LADIES'DEPARTMENT • M A I M n o w -•';. - ••' ,.••".

200 Ladie*'Fall CoaU in all the wanted styles and materials. Tailored m the latent modes and jruarauteed to give satisfaction. They come in a wide ranjre of prices, each of which will prove extra values for the amount invest ed. The Prices range as follows:

$9.75, $12.75, $14.75, '$17.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.00, $39.75 — : S

Extra QuaKty Oiiting^---White. colored and strips, one of the .bi^jrest

value-* \rt? have evet offered, "i7 inches wide, at only

Only 10c Per Yard J.

BIG LINE Girls'School Dresses

All sizes and include heavy materials at only


Girls' Rain Coats' .'l Aftes 6 to 18 year* •" .". -*". . -

Ladies9 Rain " . at only




METTS AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS' in Worsteds and Caaaimeres. A special purchase of dei^ndable merritiandiae whx*h.ve are offennr is 34 to 46 siae^ at oahr


Both higfe and knr. All *iw*.

9 to 2 at __- $1.95 ^: 4 to S st _ LADIES' SHOES

m all ibf Taat«d «ctvte* and .shad«» at

$1.95 >nd $2^5 .We have jost jmrchmt+d a i tock which rochxif*

a>5»: 5V' pt«e« of Ladie*' f>rww** in SSlk aad tiinrhacL O i i k i m ^ Coats ajad Ham CoaU. These hare frf^c placed c-a ooe big table ai>d will all $ro at

WASHABLE SUITS f orl>oy».' rafa€f np to S5.(X). aD jco at


MIDDY BLOUSES — Vt hit/ *tit Mne aerjre triimnr^L valoe> op to $4.00«

**rh prK#*J at