r packages davor cubranic scarl, dept. of statistics

R Packages Davor Cubranic SCARL, Dept. of Statistics

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Page 1: R Packages Davor Cubranic SCARL, Dept. of Statistics

R Packages

Davor CubranicSCARL, Dept. of Statistics

Page 2: R Packages Davor Cubranic SCARL, Dept. of Statistics

Warmup questions

• Who here uses packages?• Which ones?• How do you know you’re using a package?– Had to install it– Had to load it

• What happens when you load it?– Functions– Data– Help pages

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• So package is a bundle of “stuff”• But, (next slide)• It’s a structured bundle of…

Page 4: R Packages Davor Cubranic SCARL, Dept. of Statistics

What is a package?

• Structured, standardized unit of:– R code– documentation– data– external code

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Why use packages (talking points)• Installation & administration is easy

– Finding, installing, compiling, updating…• Validation

– Package checks• Distribution mechanisms

– CRAN, Bioconductor, Github• Documentation

– Bundle examples, demos, tutorials• Organization

– Especially useful for the programmers:– Self-contained (names)– Declare and enforce dependencies on other packages

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Why use packages

• Installation & administration• Validation• Distribution• Documentation• Organization

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• Knowing how packages work and how to use them effectively will make you more effective R analyst, even if you don’t develop new packages

• But you should consider developing packages even if you don’t write the next ggplot

• Packages for your own stuff:- Analyses you frequently repeat and/or share with

others- Publication: create a package containing the

publication as a vignette, and bundle the code and data with it

Page 8: R Packages Davor Cubranic SCARL, Dept. of Statistics

Handling packages

• Load with library(name)

• Package-level help:– library(help=name)

• Unload with detach(package:name)

– You shouldn’t have to do this

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Handling packages with RStudio

• See the packages tab in Rstudio• Checkmark to load• Some are already loaded!!• Click on the name for help

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What happens when you load a package?

• When you start R you have an empty workspace

• But there is also all this other “basic” R stuff (matrix, plot)

• So it’s more like we have two boxes, your workspace and “core” R

• Actually, it’s more like a whole bunch of boxes: see search()

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So what happens when you load?

• New package gets inserted near the front of the list

• It can pull additional packages (dependencies)• But notice that each package is its own bundle

(box)• We’ll talk how you create these bundles next

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• What makes package a package is that it follows a prescribed structure of files and directories

• If you tell R to treat this as a package, it will• You can create it by hand, but we’ll use a

shortcut: package.skeleton()

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• Convenient for turning a set of existing functions and scripts into a package

• Let’s do it with the anova.mlm code that we wrote earlier

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• New project:– [email protected]:~scdemo/pkg

• source(‘anova.mlm.R’)• package.skeleton(“anovaMlm”, ls())

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• The only required part of a package• Name, author, license, etc.

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• Directory for R code• package.skeleton creates one file per function• This is not a rule, you can put as many

functions into a single file

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• Help files

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• Defines which objects are visible to the user and other functions

• Public vs. private to the package

• The default is to make everything visible that starts with a letter

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Command-line tools

• Check• Install• Build

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• Let’s install our package• R CMD INSTALL anova.mlm• Delete the “man” directory – (it’s optional and we’ll recreate it later)

• Redo INSTALL• Restart R studio• library(“anova.mlm”)

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• Really important!!!• Finds common errors, non-standard parts• CRAN requires no ERRORS or WARNINGS

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Optional contents

• man/: documentation• data/: datasets• demo/: R code for demo purposes• inst/: other files to include in the package (PDFs,

vignettes)• tests/: package test files• src/: C, C++, or Fortran source code• NEWS: history of changes to the package• LICENSE or LICENCE: package license

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DESCRIPTION• Depends:– packages used by this one– and loaded as part of its loading– i.e., visible to the user

• Imports:– packages used by this one– but not loaded– i.e, not visible to the user

• Suggests:– used in examples or vignettes– non-essential functionality

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• exportPattern(“^[[:alpha:]]”)• export(anova.mlm, est.beta)

• S3method(print, anova.mlm)• S3method(plot, anova.mlm)

• import(MASS)• importFrom(MASS, lda)

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• Let’s re-generate the documentation files• promptPackage(“anova.mlm”)• prompt(anova.mlm)

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• Description: Compute a (generalized) analysis of variance table for one or more multivariate linear models.

• Arguments:– object: an object of class '"mlm”’– ...: further objects of class '"mlm"’.– force.int: Force intercept

• Value: An object of class “anova” inheriting from class “matrix”

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Help files for methods

• \usage{anova.mlm(…)}• For S3 methods:– \usage{\method{print}{anova.mlm}(….)}

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• .rnw extension• Written in Sweave– similar to knitr

• Latex + R code• Produces a PDF available in the installed

package• vignette()• vignette(‘Sweave’)

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Help on writing packages

• Lots of tutorials on the Web– many of them are not necessarily correct– NAMESPACES, Imports, etc.

• Authoritative guide: Writing R Extensions• R-devel mailing list