r lj j r sale of sales - university of...

Sr S lS p SB > a T q 71 7 L p i I < V xr- OCALAEVININQ I J 4 rjz j c r F I p J r vSiJKVi I r ifAH f HORSDA iE TEM8EfM0> 1d lt1- t = h = r A 1 EVENING STAR- C r L Bitting and ftft CarrHf Editors and Publisher r N f C L BITTINQER E4iUr- R fl CARROLL Busn M Manager 4 t HEBREWS OBSERVING r THEIR NEW YEAR The Hebrew citizens of Ocala than whom there are no better people any ¬ where have been diligent today in ob ucrving their New Year They clos ¬ ed their stores last night at 9 oclock and the same will be open for busi- ness ¬ tonight at 6 p m This morning religious services were held in the synagogue Mr L Schwerin being the reader Then followed a good dinner and social pleasures for this Is a day 4 of rejoicing i The Hebrews who closed their t places of business were M Fishel Son Solomon Thrilling B Goldman Marcus Frank Charles Peyser Jake Klein Rhelnauer Co Joe Malever Jake Brown and N L Gottlieb The 4 r closing of these business houses made the town look decidedly funereallike today and in thinking over the pros ¬ pect it presented we were reminded ot- a story told by John R Dewey of the late Drexel the Philadelphia banker some years ago Drexef had a surplus of wealth and was looking for a place for Invest ¬ ment He had just taken a trip thru I Mexico and was greatly Impressed I with Its future possibilities in the construction of new lines of railroad making an outlet for its production of raw material With this thought in i mind on his return home he sum moned one of his trusty lieutenants- and ordered him to proceed to Mexico spend a year there and give that country his undivided attention The employo did as he was bid and In due season returned and said he was ready to report His first state ¬ ment said that there were no He ¬ brews in Mexico and that lone was- a sufficient reason for him to report adversely on the plan for Mr Drexel- to invest his millions In Mexico However the conditions on the sur- face ¬ as seen by Mr Drexel to enter- tain ¬ such a project This statement made Mr Drexel remarked You need proceed no further I now see it as you do and we will drop the mat ¬ ter When we reflect what theHebrews named in this notice have been to- t Iff 1 Ocala in all Its Interests of heart and head and hand we would indeed be sorry to have them close their places of business for good and though this I much abused race have received at w the hands of many people unjust treatment they are surely coming Into their own and In no place that we know of are there a more public c spirited and representative class than the Hebrews of Ocala Word was received here today of the death of Mr and Mrs Walter I Rays little son who has been des ¬ perately III for a week This Is the second child to die in the family in two weeks In the great grief and sorrow that has come to this family I the Star extends Its sympathy- Mr k A M Hunter bookkeeper for the Istachatta Phosphate company at Istachatta who was brought to Ocala I Sunday for medical attention and placed in the home of Mr Reynold- sat the foot of North Main street died this morning and his remains are now at the Mclver MacKay undertaking parlors awaiting the arrival of the mother of the deceased from Mount k i Pleasant Tenn where the remains c will be taken His brother is expect- ed > tonlght Mr Hunter was about 30 years of age single and a most esti- mable ¬ H young man whose sudden death- is greatly deplored I I Mr John Rogers the Lynne turpen tine operator was in today today and reported his brother Charles down 4I with fever and that his father Col R P Rogers has been assisting Rev I I Newton Plummer at Anthony In a great revival meeting at that place Mr and Mrs W D Gamble and Miss Maggie Hood came up this fore- noon ¬ I in their auto to witness the game of ball this afternoon Mr Gamble protests against the manner in which the public roads are kept He said they were fairly littered and blocked with trees and have been for a month- or more J W Davis of Summerfleld who was in town today corroborates- Mr Gambles statement and they call on Commissioner Proctor to see that I the roads ace repaired- Mr E B Savage has just returned I from a trip to folk county to look af ¬ ter land matters He said his father r was so well pleased with his new po- sition ¬ as assistant editor of the Bar tow Record and be and Mr George Mathews the editor were doing well Mr Savage expects to go to Salt Springs In a few days and resume the running of Mr R S Halls saw mill at that place I Mr Simmons the harness repairer- at TompkIns Cobba stables has I added greatly to the Idoks and com ¬ fort of his home on North Main street by the addition of a porch and paint- ing ¬ tho building etc ¼ Mr J A Grumbles of Dunnellon IsI k Just completed the finest res- ident ¬ p in that city Messrs Mclver MacKay of this city ate building the z house which will be completed and turned over to the owner inside of a week Mclver MacKay have Messrs- M C Dosh Filyaw and others of al f their decorative force there working- on the Interior of the building This sign in the Commercial Bank window Is very suggestive Special 1 corn prizes money is up This re- fers ¬ s to the prize money offered by Dr JC Boozer for the best patch of corn i raised by the boys and farmers of Marion county to be displayed at the forthcoming county fair and we trust r when the times comes there will be- t such an array of contestants as will gladden the heart of considerate and progressive Dr Boozer- A drummer was In town today who recently visited the towns of Sanford Orlando Miami Tampa St Peters- burg ¬ h and Leesburg and said eight out of every ten merchants in those cities were north on pleasure and business trips which makes it em ¬ barrassing for the drummer c Congressman Frank Clark is not a Rarey He was driving pomefriends to the depot the other day jpaines vllle behind his high stepping equine and the horse just stopped and would not go another step though the M C 1iid all big persuasive eloquence rv i j t i r t HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that can ¬ not be cured by Halls Catarrh Care P J Cheney Co- Toledo O- We the undersigned have known- F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all busines transactions and financially- able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Waldlng KInnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern ¬ ally acting upon the blood and mu- cous ¬ surfaces of the system Testi- monials ¬ sent free Price 7Sc per bot- tle ¬ Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation- THE COLORED PERSON WAS ALSO THERE The latest report about the pole was given to the Associated Press by Mathew Henson Pearys colored ser- vant ¬ He says that Peary himself Henson and four Eskimos reached the pole and slept there one night KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER- A merciless murderer is appendicitis- with many victims But Dr Kings New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach liver and bowels preventing that clogging- that invites appendicitis curing con ¬ stipation biliousness chills malaria headache and Indigestion 25c at all druggists SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE- A 140 scholarship in the Stanley Business College of Thomasvllle Ga for sale for 10 Apply at the Star officeCASTOR JOT Infmti aidChildren ThKidYNHrnAlwaysBiugktB- ears the- Slpature of HIPPITY HOP Are you Just barely getting around by the aid of crutches or a cane Un ¬ less you have lost a limb or have M deformity your trouble is rheuma- tism ¬ lumbago sprain stiff joints or anything of like nature use Ballarda Snow Liniment and in no time you can throwaway your crutches and be as well as anyone Price 25c 50c and Jl Sold by all druggists FURNISHED COTTAGE AT LAKE WEIR For rent a completely furnished small cottage on east side of Lake Weir Apply at Star office TESTIFIES AFTER FOUR YEARS Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhan writes About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles- of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to stae that I have never had any return of those symptoms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will do the same for you Sold by all druggists SPECIAL EARLY BREAKFASTS Those wishing extra early break ¬ fasts can get same at Jhe Elk Cafe as IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought Id lose my leg writes J A Swenson Watertown WIs Ten years of eczema that 15 doctors could not cure had at last laid me up Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured It sound and well Infallible for skin eruptions eczema salt rheum boils fever sores burns scalds cuts and piles 25c at all druggists WHAT EVERY RAN KNOW- SJCANDIES r IWt every wo ow EhM 7 the et JbJgrI L Her first cholceher last choiceand her choice at all times MY FAVORITES JIIIT7ID oncpum 00 aae exceioaI tt rd For Sat b- yTWTROXLER F t 116 The Proof is in the BREAD If you ate not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN C > 7 p W f a THE SOUL KISS- A Caustic Criticism by Albert M Williamson- Just as the name would Imply The Soul Kiss is an absolutely immoral- and Indecent play For all the swindles we have ever seen on a Jacksonville stage well have to throw the lime on this But the modern craze for something com- mon ¬ and vulgar was fully satiated at the Duval Theater at those two per ¬ formances yesterday matinee and night Such degen racy Is truly appalling If we ever went to Pat Chappels- negro dive on Bridge street we might expect such depravity but confess we did not believe anyone could have the brazen effrontery to stage such a thing for the delectation of the young boys and fourteenyearold girls of a civilized community Why of course they wre there We mean the audience the house was literally packed and all sorts and con ¬ ditions of men and women too were there Little girls and old maids and all the rest The Savannah News of yes- terday ¬ in Its roast of this play says The scene of Maxims in The Merry Widow has been regarded by many as a rather daring piece of bus- iness ¬ But because is it artistic it is a Sunday school tableau as compared- with that thing called The Soul Kiss But why blame these poor unfor- tunate ¬ women for the low sordid thievery and corruption of men who place them In such plays to rob and swindle our people Florldian A BURGLAR IN TOWN Ills name is bad cough He doesnt care for any gold or silver but he will steal your health away If he appears In your house arrest him at once with Ballards Horehound Syrup It may mean consumption If ypu dontA cure for all coughs colds and cliest trou ¬ bles Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottle Sold by all druggists TERRIBLE WRECK- IN TENNESSEE Eight Railroad Men Killed in a Head On Collision Nashville Sept 1GAg a result ot- a headon collision between a pas ¬ senger train and a fast freight train- on the Nashville Chattanooga and St Louis railway west of Pegram station yesterday eight men were killed and another seriously injured Others are reported to be more or less injured- No passengers were killed The dead are all trainmen Shortly after the wreck the cars caught fire HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orlno Laxative for Indigestion stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and is pleasant- to take Sold by all druggists BELLE VIEW An Ocala Man Imitates the Foolish Virgins Z D Haines of OMo passed a few days at the home of his daughter- Mrs Louis Weihe Some twentyfive young people passed a very pleasant evening on the 10th at the home of Marie Weihe There were games music sindn Ice cream etc The fact that Miss Wolhe became 17 on the 9thwas not known to the young people after they assembled at her home Sam Barrett and family who left Bellevlew to engage in the lettuce business at Sanford have moved back to Belleview Barrett Intends raising lettuce etc In Summerfield He says this county is good enough for him Frank Washburn and his mother Mrs Washburn who have been quite sick in Ocala spent the Sabbath in Belleview There Is no more health- ful ¬ place In the state than Belleview with its pure air and beautiful oaks There Is a decided change in public opinion about hogs running at large Many whites and negroes that for ¬ merly favored their doing so have changed their opinion and will change their vote when the proper time comes provokes a man to plant a crop and fid 10 or 15 hogs in his field eating the crop that has caused him- so much labor and expense O M Gale returned on the 12th from a three weeks business trip in the north The L T L Temperance Ladies gave a sociable party to its young members on the 15th The Belleview ball club are to play the Levon club at BeHeview on the 18thWe are informed that there Is some sickness among those living on ham ¬ mock land west of town The writer does not know of a case of sickness- In the corporate limits of the town- or among those living in the piney woods The land is rolling and there- is no stagnant water- It is said a certain Ocala man who owns a fine automobile a few even- ings ¬ ago imitated the foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamps by try ¬ ing to run his auto without gasoline Result hot bearings a stop half a mile east of the railroad station la- dies ¬ entertained at a farmers house until a messenger could from the still telephone to Ocala and have I another auto bring gasoline and al ¬ low the stalled auto to proceed on its way to Lake Weir H I I NEAR DEATH IN BIG POND- It was a thrilling experience to Mrs Ida Soper to face death For years- a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering she writes and several times nearly caused my death All remedies failed and doctors said I was I incurable Then Dr Kings New Dis ¬ covery brought quick relief and a cure I so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years Mrs So ¬ per lives in Big Pond Pa It works wonders In coughs and colds sore lungs hemorrhages la grippe asth- ma ¬ croup whooping cough and all bronchial affections 50c and 51 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬ gists KENTUCKY HURSES FOR SALE- I will have a car of choice Kentucky- bred horses at my place at Erinston Fla for sale after Aug 20th I have spent two months around my old home at Lexington Ky selecting this stock from the farms This stock has been I carefully selected and bought for spot cash direct from the stock raisers I I am in position to save money to pur ¬ chasers of good horses Address L I H Willis Jr Evinston Fla ICE MAN WANTED Wanted an engertic man to drive Ice wagon deliver and collect Apply to Florida Packing Ice Co city < > l1 v J 1 < TIC = 11P 1 f 1- r > i ti H ro Jt L u- ni J tT 4- q 1 a rw t f WHERE YOU WILL BE P TREATED I I1T 1 w 4 t1 liI i c r i 1tm fJi f- of 1 t 1- J e F I r r1 lj ll0U J > OCALA ft 1- a > J h- r > t 1- r 1 LRID4A- 1111The J 1- A = Sale of Sales t- t f T t r THE BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE taagvrafe here Monday 1 13fl1ij is in every sense The Sale of Sales in our fcistory It opened up with o e ol iI J f- c best days trade that we have ever enjoyed 4 a similar occasion Our only is that on the opening day we did not have sminclent help to wait upon our iJ l- as prompily as we should like to have do however this has now been obviated- as we now have plenty ot clerks to wait on everybody promptly We wanlIoeau t your attention to a few Specials of the SPECIAL SALE that may have c J E your notice in our last advertisement i- l f t r < r Dry Goods l iU H re And There I ii 1 Yard wide Tafetta Silk assorted colors 125 quality n1 V- IEaionHurlbuts at only 69C J P Coats Spool Thread all slzes aWa spoil for 2c L 46inch Mohair assorted colors 75c quality at a Gold iEjf Needles at per paper ooJ1 j f 3 e 1 only 49c I 1 Guitar or Banjo Strings at only 3 for 5c Su sine Silk assorted colors sells for 47 12c sale r < Box Papers for i c price only 29C t- i300page Brown Dress Linens good grades at upward from 14C Pencil Tablets for 3c A large asortement of White Dress Goods suitable Corl i SfempnTstoV copying Pencils at 6 for 25C Waists and Suits that sold for nearly double to g9 OMaraRteedAlarm Clocks for v u 7g at upward front 7C 72inch Mosquito Bars iron frame for 98c 1f 30Inch White Linen Lawn worth 40c at only 21c i1 jfnchjfpsquito Bars iron frame for only 119 36inch White Linen Sultings worth 50c going at JE j only 24c c t1 jfTooa qualify Window Shades at JipwaVd from 24c T tsi 6 SOinch Linen Sheeting suitable for ladles sults at qI B JS Percale Shirt Waists well madefand worth 5eron- ly 84c at only 01 2T t r Colored Dress Lawns that sold up to 15c going in this IYI t ttJ fd sale at 6C Dress Lawns in assorted colors going at upward from v 31204- tTinch I Mens Clothing White Lawn good quality 15c value at only 10 it 36inch Percales in the newest shades fast colors 1 V < a r 4 1 4 c Wj- r only 7 tgc Vc Have smpycu < t this line clean to the < boneO i t 4 < inchY Ite Lingerie very nice worth 25c at line of clotbinginut goovt with this sale lMce the 4 J i h only if 14C prices are tempting White Cross Barred Nainsooks good quality at only 8c Our special is a lot of suits thatwd have selling up UlJ i Colored Madras suitable for childrens dresses at V to 998 which gointhisysale for > > 4t > 98 a only gc Arnold Colored Satines known as broadcloth worth Another good lot is all wool worsted suits made upln r 20c at only JQc the very latest style the kind that we have been get¬ Simpsons and American 34 Percales the best made ting 1500 for only t 998 worth 8c at i 1 c 5C 01 If t r t p 28inch Unbleached Sheeting worth 5c at only 4c J fl t j I Yardwide Unbleached Sheeting good weight 8c values I l t at only 5 l2c- 33inch M en S Pants Unbleached Sheeting very nice quality I6c 1 t o w s i rl j ln goodsaf t fr34c r 3 SRirUineIn these goods is complete Jaad wecaah1ltyoa5 Ji Yard Bleached Sheeting no starch lOc quality at L aabigsay1ag onlY 8c I Sk t i l tI t te 4 Amqskeag Ginghams good for aprons 8c Quality at h OuT sPecial for this sale is a lot of pants that wehave Ii only < b 7 u v 5 1Sc i st rDeen selling r up to 398 which wijl go at 198 o Xpron Ginghams thin but serviceable Cc goods at tergood lot Is some all wool pants nlade up Into 1 only 7 4 l4c very style full peg belt strap llapssldci 94 Unbleached Sheeting sells for 25c at only 19 < t brickies and wen worth up to 5 all go in this sale 04 Bleached Sheeting 33c goods in this sale only 23e at I < 298 WE HAVE A LARGE LINE OF DRESS GOODS AND IN THIS SALE THE PROFITS HAVE BEEN ALMOST ELIMINATED r v- irf I t s z > We want to take this opportunity to thank the i ogfafortheir liberal patronage during the Sale < as well as before it began The short notice given of this Sale is proof conclusive that the public has learned to know that when we say SPECIAL SALE it really melDS that we have reduced ouJL price to rock bottom for the occasion 1 t f Ii 1 Come z in and look over tne stdckyf Itll cost you nothing i It- i j iI i T 1 1 I r I t r- ij > t- prj FRAS I J t f3t k rJ fJ 1- r f i- V jH4 I t UMl pp I FLORIDA < W jIr- W 4 fc II I T 4 iIJ 1 n f 1 > SEEDS New crop of garden and flower seeds just received Wm Anderson druggist and seeasman Ocala Fla HOUSE FOR RENT- A splendidly located sixroom house near high school in good condition bath and electric lights Apply at Star office Belle Meade Sweets Sugar Fruit aid Chocolate THATS All These Delicious Candies Can be Had Only at the Court Pharmacy I AN AMERICAN GIRL HAS BOUGHT A PRINCE Edinburgh Sept 16 Tulloch Cas- tle ¬ Dingwell was the scene yesterday of the wedding of Miss Anita Stewart- the only daughter of Mrs J Henry Smith anti niece of Mr and Mrs An ¬ thony Drexel to Prince Miguel of Ernganza son of the legitimate pre- tender I to the Portuguese throne The wedding was as quiet as was com- patible ¬ I with the bridegrooms rank It is reported that vast sums have been given the prince in advance of the wedding to enable him to satisfy the I most pressing of his creditors and i that he will receive a large fortune I from the brides family for future ex- penditure ¬ I I HAVE YOU A BABY I Then watch It closely And above 1 all things dont let it suffer for any length of time with wormsthat If fatal If its complexion gets yellow arid pasty If it is listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with flatu- lence ¬ give Whites Cream Vermifuge The only cure that never fails and has tao bad effects Sold by all druggist I If = A g I f a iJ- ltiVh r I i a M J- J II z The Brush Runabout r j- If you are interestedin or are thinking of purchasing a small THiwboal car there is nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing such hillclimbing and sandpulling as the Brush You can get dejwcip V live catalogues rcalUng on or writing d < R R CARROLL AGENT FOR MARION COUNTY OCALA FLA 4 t- ij i or- J tj- J < I J r i- IS l- I t J t r 1i rr >

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Page 1: r lj J r Sale of Sales - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03273/00431.pdf · 2009-05-12 · Mr J A Grumbles of Dunnellon IsI ... 1iid all big persuasive

Sr S lSp SB > a Tq 71 7L p i I < V xr-



J 4 rjz



Ip J r vSiJKViI

r ifAH fHORSDA iE TEM8EfM0> 1d lt1-t = h= r A




L Bitting and ftft CarrHfEditors and Publisher




R fl CARROLL Busn M Manager




The Hebrew citizens of Ocala thanwhom there are no better people any¬

where have been diligent today in obucrving their New Year They clos ¬

ed their stores last night at 9 oclockand the same will be open for busi-ness


tonight at 6 p m This morningreligious services were held in thesynagogue Mr L Schwerin being thereader Then followed a good dinnerand social pleasures for this Is a day

4 of rejoicingi The Hebrews who closed their

t places of business were M FishelSon Solomon Thrilling B GoldmanMarcus Frank Charles Peyser JakeKlein Rhelnauer Co Joe MaleverJake Brown and N L Gottlieb The

4 r closing of these business houses madethe town look decidedly funerealliketoday and in thinking over the pros ¬

pect it presented we were reminded ot-a story told by John R Dewey of thelate Drexel the Philadelphia bankersome years ago

Drexef had a surplus of wealth andwas looking for a place for Invest ¬

ment He had just taken a trip thruI

Mexico and was greatly ImpressedI with Its future possibilities in the

construction of new lines of railroadmaking an outlet for its production ofraw material With this thought in

i mind on his return home he summoned one of his trusty lieutenants-and ordered him to proceed to Mexicospend a year there and give thatcountry his undivided attention

The employo did as he was bid andIn due season returned and said hewas ready to report His first state ¬

ment said that there were no He¬

brews in Mexico and that lone was-a sufficient reason for him to reportadversely on the plan for Mr Drexel-to invest his millions In MexicoHowever the conditions on the sur-face


as seen by Mr Drexel to enter-tain


such a project This statementmade Mr Drexel remarked Youneed proceed no further I now see itas you do and we will drop the mat ¬

terWhen we reflect what theHebrews

named in this notice have been to-

tIff 1 Ocala in all Its Interests of heart and

head and hand we would indeed besorry to have them close their placesof business for good and though this

I much abused race have received atw the hands of many people unjust

treatment they are surely coming Intotheir own and In no place that weknow of are there a more public

c spirited and representative class thanthe Hebrews of Ocala

Word was received here today ofthe death of Mr and Mrs Walter

I Rays little son who has been des ¬

perately III for a week This Is thesecond child to die in the family intwo weeks In the great grief andsorrow that has come to this familyI the Star extends Its sympathy-


A M Hunter bookkeeper forthe Istachatta Phosphate company atIstachatta who was brought to Ocala

I Sunday for medical attention andplaced in the home of Mr Reynold-sat the foot of North Main street diedthis morning and his remains are nowat the Mclver MacKay undertakingparlors awaiting the arrival of themother of the deceased from Mount

k i Pleasant Tenn where the remainsc will be taken His brother is expect-

ed>tonlght Mr Hunter was about 30years of age single and a most esti-mable

¬H young man whose sudden death-

is greatly deplored

I IMr John Rogers the Lynne turpen

tine operator was in today today andreported his brother Charles down

4I with fever and that his father Col RP Rogers has been assisting Rev


INewton Plummer at Anthony In agreat revival meeting at that place

Mr and Mrs W D Gamble andMiss Maggie Hood came up this fore-noon


I in their auto to witness the gameof ball this afternoon Mr Gambleprotests against the manner in whichthe public roads are kept He saidthey were fairly littered and blockedwith trees and have been for a month-or more J W Davis of Summerfleldwho was in town today corroborates-Mr Gambles statement and they callon Commissioner Proctor to see that

I the roads ace repaired-

Mr E B Savage has just returnedI from a trip to folk county to look af¬

ter land matters He said his fatherr was so well pleased with his new po-sition


as assistant editor of the Bartow Record and be and Mr GeorgeMathews the editor were doing wellMr Savage expects to go to SaltSprings In a few days and resume therunning of Mr R S Halls saw millat that place

IMr Simmons the harness repairer-

at TompkIns Cobba stables hasI added greatly to the Idoks and com ¬

fort of his home on North Main streetby the addition of a porch and paint-ing


tho building etc¼

Mr J A Grumbles of Dunnellon IsIk Just completed the finest res-


p in that city Messrs MclverMacKay of this city ate building the

z house which will be completed andturned over to the owner inside of aweek Mclver MacKay have Messrs-M C Dosh Filyaw and others of

al f their decorative force there working-on the Interior of the building

This sign in the Commercial Bankwindow Is very suggestive Special

1 corn prizes money is up This re-


sto the prize money offered by Dr

JC Boozer for the best patch of corni raised by the boys and farmers of

Marion county to be displayed at theforthcoming county fair and we trust

r when the times comes there will be-t such an array of contestants as will

gladden the heart of considerate andprogressive Dr Boozer-

A drummer was In town today whorecently visited the towns of SanfordOrlando Miami Tampa St Peters-burg


h and Leesburg and said eightout of every ten merchants in thosecities were north on pleasure andbusiness trips which makes it em ¬

barrassing for the drummer

c Congressman Frank Clark is not aRarey He was driving pomefriendsto the depot the other day jpainesvllle behind his high stepping equineand the horse just stopped and wouldnot go another step though the M C1iid all big persuasive eloquence

rvi j t

ir t


We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of catarrh that can¬not be cured by Halls Catarrh Care

P J Cheney Co-

Toledo O-

We the undersigned have known-F J Cheney for the last 15 years andbelieve him perfectly honorable In allbusines transactions and financially-able to carry out any obligations madeby his firm

Waldlng KInnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo 0

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern ¬

ally acting upon the blood and mu-cous


surfaces of the system Testi-monials


sent free Price 7Sc per bot-tle


Sold by all druggists Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation-


The latest report about the polewas given to the Associated Press byMathew Henson Pearys colored ser-vant


He says that Peary himselfHenson and four Eskimos reached

the pole and slept there one night


A merciless murderer is appendicitis-with many victims But Dr KingsNew Life Pills kill it by preventionThey gently stimulate stomach liverand bowels preventing that clogging-that invites appendicitis curing con ¬

stipation biliousness chills malariaheadache and Indigestion 25c at alldruggists


A 140 scholarship in the StanleyBusiness College of Thomasvllle Gafor sale for 10 Apply at the Star

officeCASTORJOT Infmti aidChildren


ears the-

Slpature of

HIPPITY HOPAre you Just barely getting around

by the aid of crutches or a cane Un ¬

less you have lost a limb or have M

deformity your trouble is rheuma-tism


lumbago sprain stiff joints oranything of like nature use BallardaSnow Liniment and in no time you canthrowaway your crutches and be aswell as anyone Price 25c 50c and JlSold by all druggists


For rent a completely furnishedsmall cottage on east side of LakeWeir Apply at Star office


writes About four years ago I wroteyou that I had been entirely cured ofkidney trouble by taking two bottles-of Foleys Kidney Remedy and afterfour years I am again pleased to staethat I have never had any return ofthose symptoms and I am evidentlycured to stay cured Foleys KidneyRemedy will do the same for you Soldby all druggists

SPECIAL EARLY BREAKFASTSThose wishing extra early break ¬

fasts can get same at Jhe Elk Cafe as


All thought Id lose my leg writesJ A Swenson Watertown WIs Tenyears of eczema that 15 doctors couldnot cure had at last laid me up ThenBucklens Arnica Salve cured It soundand well Infallible for skin eruptionseczema salt rheum boils fever soresburns scalds cuts and piles 25c atall druggists




IWt every wo ow EhM

7 the et JbJgrI LHer first cholceher last

choiceand her choiceat all times

MY FAVORITESJIIIT7ID oncpum 00aae exceioaI tt rd

For Sat b-



t 116

The Proof is in theBREAD

If you ate not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala



> 7 pW




A Caustic Criticism by Albert M


Just as the name would Imply TheSoul Kiss is an absolutely immoral-and Indecent play

For all the swindles we have everseen on a Jacksonville stage wellhave to throw the lime on this Butthe modern craze for something com-mon


and vulgar was fully satiated atthe Duval Theater at those two per ¬

formances yesterday matinee andnight

Such degen racy Is truly appallingIf we ever went to Pat Chappels-

negro dive on Bridge street we mightexpect such depravity but confess wedid not believe anyone could have thebrazen effrontery to stage such athing for the delectation of the youngboys and fourteenyearold girls of acivilized community

Why of course they wre there Wemean the audience the house wasliterally packed and all sorts and con ¬

ditions of men and women too werethere

Little girls and old maids and allthe rest The Savannah News of yes-terday


in Its roast of this play saysThe scene of Maxims in The

Merry Widow has been regarded bymany as a rather daring piece of bus-iness


But because is it artistic it isa Sunday school tableau as compared-with that thing called The SoulKiss

But why blame these poor unfor-tunate


women for the low sordidthievery and corruption of men whoplace them In such plays to rob andswindle our people Florldian

A BURGLAR IN TOWNIlls name is bad cough He doesnt

care for any gold or silver but he willsteal your health away If he appearsIn your house arrest him at once withBallards Horehound Syrup It maymean consumption If ypu dontA curefor all coughs colds and cliest trou ¬

bles Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottleSold by all druggists


Eight Railroad Men Killed in a HeadOn Collision

Nashville Sept 1GAg a result ot-

a headon collision between a pas ¬

senger train and a fast freight train-on the Nashville Chattanooga and StLouis railway west of Pegram stationyesterday eight men were killed andanother seriously injured Others arereported to be more or less injured-

No passengers were killed Thedead are all trainmen Shortly afterthe wreck the cars caught fire


Cosmetics and lotions will not clearyour complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleys Orlno Laxativefor Indigestion stomach and livertrouble and habitual constipationCleanses the system and is pleasant-to take Sold by all druggists


An Ocala Man Imitates the FoolishVirgins

Z D Haines of OMo passed a fewdays at the home of his daughter-Mrs Louis Weihe

Some twentyfive young peoplepassed a very pleasant evening on the10th at the home of Marie WeiheThere were games music sindnIce cream etc The fact that MissWolhe became 17 on the 9thwas notknown to the young people afterthey assembled at her home

Sam Barrett and family who leftBellevlew to engage in the lettucebusiness at Sanford have moved backto Belleview Barrett Intends raisinglettuce etc In Summerfield He saysthis county is good enough for him

Frank Washburn and his motherMrs Washburn who have been quitesick in Ocala spent the Sabbath inBelleview There Is no more health-ful


place In the state than Belleviewwith its pure air and beautiful oaks

There Is a decided change in publicopinion about hogs running at largeMany whites and negroes that for¬

merly favored their doing so havechanged their opinion and will changetheir vote when the proper timecomes provokes a man to plant acrop and fid 10 or 15 hogs in his fieldeating the crop that has caused him-so much labor and expense

O M Gale returned on the 12thfrom a three weeks business trip inthe north

The L T L Temperance Ladiesgave a sociable party to its youngmembers on the 15th

The Belleview ball club are to playthe Levon club at BeHeview on the18thWe are informed that there Is somesickness among those living on ham ¬

mock land west of town The writerdoes not know of a case of sickness-In the corporate limits of the town-or among those living in the pineywoods The land is rolling and there-is no stagnant water-

It is said a certain Ocala man whoowns a fine automobile a few even-ings


ago imitated the foolish virginswho had no oil in their lamps by try ¬

ing to run his auto without gasolineResult hot bearings a stop half amile east of the railroad station la-


entertained at a farmers houseuntil a messenger could from thestill telephone to Ocala and have I

another auto bring gasoline and al ¬

low the stalled auto to proceed on itsway to Lake Weir H



It was a thrilling experience to MrsIda Soper to face death For years-a severe lung trouble gave me intensesuffering she writes and severaltimes nearly caused my death Allremedies failed and doctors said I was I

incurable Then Dr Kings New Dis ¬

covery brought quick relief and a cure I

so permanent that I have not beentroubled in twelve years Mrs So ¬

per lives in Big Pond Pa It workswonders In coughs and colds sorelungs hemorrhages la grippe asth-ma


croup whooping cough and allbronchial affections 50c and 51 Trialbottle free Guaranteed by all drug ¬


KENTUCKY HURSES FOR SALE-I will have a car of choice Kentucky-

bred horses at my place at ErinstonFla for sale after Aug 20th I havespent two months around my old homeat Lexington Ky selecting this stockfrom the farms This stock has been I

carefully selected and bought for spotcash direct from the stock raisers I I

am in position to save money to pur ¬

chasers of good horses Address L I

H Willis Jr Evinston Fla

ICE MAN WANTEDWanted an engertic man to drive

Ice wagon deliver and collect Applyto Florida Packing Ice Co city <

>l1 v

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Sale of Sales t-

t f T t rTHE BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE taagvrafe here Monday


13fl1ijis in every sense The Sale of Sales in our fcistory It opened up with o e ol iI J


best days trade that we have ever enjoyed 4 a similaroccasion Our onlyis that on the opening day we did not have sminclent help to wait upon our iJ l-as prompily as we should like to have do however this has now been obviated-as we now have plenty ot clerks to wait on everybody promptly We wanlIoeau


your attention to a few Specials of the SPECIAL SALE that may have c J E

your notice in our last advertisement i-


t r < r

Dry Goods l iU H re And There I ii 1Yard wide Tafetta Silk assorted colors 125 quality n1 V-


at only 69C J P Coats Spool Thread all slzes aWa spoil for 2c L46inch Mohair assorted colors 75c quality at a Gold iEjf Needles at per paper ooJ1 j f 3e 1

only 49c I 1

Guitar or Banjo Strings at only 3 for 5cSu sine Silk assorted colors sells for 47 12c sale r <

Box Papers for i cprice only 29C t-i300pageBrown Dress Linens good grades at upward from 14C Pencil Tablets for 3c

A large asortement of White Dress Goods suitable Corli SfempnTstoV copying Pencils at 6 for 25C

Waists and Suits that sold for nearly double to g9 OMaraRteedAlarm Clocks forv

u 7gat upward front 7C 72inch Mosquito Bars iron frame for 98c 1f30Inch White Linen Lawn worth 40c at only 21c i1 jfnchjfpsquito Bars iron frame for only 11936inch White Linen Sultings worth 50c going at JE jonly 24c c t1 jfTooa qualify Window Shades atJipwaVd from 24c

T tsi 6

SOinch Linen Sheeting suitable for ladles sults at qI B JS Percale Shirt Waists well madefand worth 5eron-ly 84c at only 01 2T t r

Colored Dress Lawns that sold up to 15c going in this IYI t ttJ fdsale at 6C

Dress Lawns in assorted colors going at upwardfrom v 31204-

tTinchIMens ClothingWhite Lawn good quality 15c value at only 10 it36inch Percales in the newest shades fast colors 1 V < a r 4 1 4 c Wj-

ronly 7 tgc Vc Have smpycu< t this line clean to the<boneO i t

4 < inchY Ite Lingerie very nice worth 25c at line of clotbinginut goovt with this sale lMce the 4 J i honly if 14C prices are temptingWhite Cross Barred Nainsooks good quality at only 8c Our special is a lot of suits thatwd have selling up UlJ i

Colored Madras suitable for childrens dresses at Vto 998 which gointhisysale for > > 4t > 98a only gcArnold Colored Satines known as broadcloth worth Another good lot is all wool worsted suits made upln r

20c at only JQc the very latest style the kind that we have been get¬

Simpsons and American 34 Percales the best made ting 1500 for only t 998worth 8c at i 1 c5C

01 If t r t p

28inch Unbleached Sheeting worth 5c at only 4c J fl t j I

Yardwide Unbleached Sheeting good weight 8c values I l tat only 5 l2c-

33inchMen S Pants

Unbleached Sheeting very nice quality I6c 1 t o w s i rl j lngoodsaf t fr34c r 3 SRirUineIn these goods is complete Jaad wecaah1ltyoa5 JiYard Bleached Sheeting no starch lOc quality at L aabigsay1ag

onlY 8c I Sk t i l tI t te 4

Amqskeag Ginghams good for aprons 8c Quality at hOuT sPecial for this sale is a lot of pants that wehave


only< b 7 u v 5 1Sc i st rDeen sellingr

up to 398 which wijl go at 198oXpron Ginghams thin but serviceable Cc goods at tergood lot Is some all wool pants nlade up Into 1

only 7 4 l4c very style full peg belt strap llapssldci94 Unbleached Sheeting sells for 25c at only 19 < t brickies and wen worth up to 5 all go in this sale04 Bleached Sheeting 33c goods in this sale only 23e at

I< 298


r v-


t s z >

We want to take this opportunity to thank the i ogfafortheir liberal patronage during the Sale <as well as before it began The short notice given of this Sale is proof conclusive that the public haslearned to know that when we say SPECIAL SALE it really melDS that we have reduced ouJL priceto rock bottom for the occasion

1 t f Ii


Comezin and look over tne stdckyf Itll cost you nothingi It-


j iIi


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New crop of garden and flowerseeds just received Wm Andersondruggist and seeasman Ocala Fla


A splendidly located sixroom housenear high school in good conditionbath and electric lights Apply atStar office

Belle Meade Sweets

Sugar Fruit aid Chocolate


These Delicious Candies Can be HadOnly at the

Court Pharmacy



Edinburgh Sept 16 Tulloch Cas-



Dingwell was the scene yesterdayof the wedding of Miss Anita Stewart-the only daughter of Mrs J HenrySmith anti niece of Mr and Mrs An ¬

thony Drexel to Prince Miguel ofErnganza son of the legitimate pre-


to the Portuguese throne Thewedding was as quiet as was com-


I with the bridegrooms rank Itis reported that vast sums have beengiven the prince in advance of thewedding to enable him to satisfy the

I most pressing of his creditors andi that he will receive a large fortuneI from the brides family for future ex-




I Then watch It closely And above1 all things dont let it suffer for anylength of time with wormsthat Iffatal If its complexion gets yellowarid pasty If it is listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with flatu-


give Whites Cream VermifugeThe only cure that never fails and has

tao bad effects Sold by all druggist I


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The Brush Runaboutr j-

If you are interestedin or are thinking of purchasing a small THiwboalcar there is nothing for the money so powerful reliable and possessing suchhillclimbing and sandpulling as the Brush You can get dejwcip Vlive catalogues rcalUng on or writing d <


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