r f n w phones big cut price new 5ll i popular sheet music j 3...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SATURDAY OCTOBER 29 1910 3 r 7 SANDERS STAYMAN CO 1327 F Street N W Phones 37253726 I Big Cut Price in Popular Sheet Music lOc Copy for any of the following it Unntmmmmummmm uttuummmUtttuuUtttuuuWUtmtmmmumuummmmmmuunun- Hi i- D a c n H- I i- it ti II Lj II Silver Bell song and piano solo In Dear Old Tenn All That I Ask Is Love Honolulu Rag Winter new aons Vale of Dreams Meet Ie Tonight In Dreamland Sweet Rod Roses That Rag song That Italian Rag Love Is Greater than the World You Cant Jolly Molly Any More That Fussy Rag ii H it Funn Dancing Starlight new rr Ill Lend You verthing Ive Got II Indian- S ty i Rag Bag book containing 9 latest rags Play That Barber Shop Chord Chanticleer Rag Call Mo Up Some Rainy Afternoon Chicken ReeL Dixie Bell new and good Cavalier Rustlcan Rag Casey Jones Who Tied Your Tie Think It Over That Dreamy Italian Waltz Youre Gwlne to Get Something You Dont That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn Tune CUte That Soul Kles Rubber Necking Moon Moon Grizzly Bear Any Little Girl o I Love It Love Dreams Now Shes Anybodys Girt Just Plnln for You Garden of Roses In All My Dreams o Take With You Cutey When a Boy From Old N H Loves a Girl From Tenn Adieu Beloved Adieu Storm Cloud H L nln t it t t- Im 1 n a V < 2 and hundreds of others which are on our popular counter prices on loiiowing- S Princeton Triangle Score 50o Famous Compositions 40o Tho Most Popular Edition of Folios 50c each g- S Teachers will find our stock of standard works one of the most complete in S and our a- H prices as low as any other dealer H 8 We also carry a complete stock of both the Century and McKinley lOc Edition Catalogues j furnished on request g If there is anything you want in the music line and cannot get in for it drop us a postal or telephone and we wilt gladly deliver it H I SANDERS STAYMAN CO K27Fst I a l S HuuiuuuummnsnsmnnnngKmsstmntmtmnmm H also special p i a nmmmmuu ummnuttttU F the U C EDUCATIONAL HALLNOYES SCHOOL and Applied CbemiMrr Physics Bookkcepinz- a courses PRANCES MANN HALL A M Prfftdjxd Phone Main 3877 221 E nw An Education Which Counts- Is the only kind the future money earner ehouU bother with The edu cation you get at Strayers can be converted Into dollars and cents In any office in this country Its right to the point practical sufficient Phone for catalogue STRAYERS BUSINESS COLLEGE Old Masonic Temple 9th and F Sis Accountancy Instruction Preparing for C P A degree and professional career Wiz ioaton School of Accountancy conducted br Y M C A Institute solicits personal conference with rropectire students IndlTidual Instruction plan per- mits enrolments at any time Address Director YASHIXGTON SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTANCY 1T36 G t U 311 EAST CAP ST Twewtjflia jean racceu- ahorthawi typewriting book ktejdDg and all commercial 1fMIchifc al or lend for e tak ue TeL LiacoJa 38 UNITED STATES COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SURGEONS 22 O NW WASHINGTON 1 e Rated Clan A by U S Government SEVENTEENTH SESSION OPENS SEPT 15 MM- Lares and clinic New building ana snipped operating and dinkal roomv and clinical libon ad lecture reona WRITE FOR CATALOG POTOMAC UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 1SS1 THIRD ST N V PRIVATB STUDENTS IN ANY 8UBJ1CT by skilled iofomatieB given by F1SK TBACHBRS AGBNCV JO Pa ave MRS ROSS WHITMAN PIano School 205 a l Kt no Mis IBilnn Prank Assistant HOTELS HOTEL RICHMOND American European 100 rooms SO baths Rates reawnaWe Phone 258 fliflcrd M Lewis ISIIINOTON D C 147 Halladay Third street nw European Plan 1100 American Plan 00 Take taxi from Station at our expense I The People Say COKE is O K J It Is not only the cheapest fuel to use for cooking but It Is the best We supply coke at these prices tt S BuUwis tares Coke deHrered J2M- t to Duibels Law Coke delivered J3TO- X 60 Bushels Largo Coke deUraed 13- 0n Bu b U Orath d Coke dcHrend J300 Ji to auahels Crushed Coke redHU t CO Bmbels Crushed Coke delivered 50 WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO J S TENTH STREET NW ttJ JIJJ- JIUERGWTILE SOCIETY 1206 GStWW Patrons have borrowed from us and immediately deposited the loan in a savings bank The low costs they charge to expense for learn ing to save 2000 for one month costs but 50 cents Try it yourself While you think ot it ilephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent a word Day and night 1Underxien Com rete rtprt1Ofl fer College admitll- at1fe t lrencb Jft14J1 Omenl c lid Catal gu Ill I U COMMERCIAL SCHOOL tonal E W T- ed teachers Jams European House- D mmUt nnummu I oj H- t tl 1 fi u U U s f H n M to college azy Cethte I U J J compLetely a Free St II I deb 4 ¬ > ¬ < < ¬ ROOSEVELT AGAIN ASSAILS MURPHY Devotes Six Addresses to Tirade on Tammany t QUOTES NEWSPAPER OPINIONS Colonel Complete DusT Day by Making Two Speeches at Ilocliea Where Main Point IB the Charge that Murphy and Tammany Controlled Dixi NominatIon Rochester N Y 2S Tho complete and utter denunciation of Mr Dlx Tam- many Hall and everybody connected with them goes on relentlessly There Is no respite Mr Roosevelt will not let up He went at them all hammer and tongs today Here where the Democrats nominated Mr Dlx the colonel held forth at two big meetings tonight There was a cer- tain interest attached to the fact that a convention of the opposition did the things that appear to Mr Roosevelt to be sinis- ter in the highest degree His extended references to Room 212 and the use of other catch phrases amused them amaz- ingly tonlght They gave the colonel a- very glad hand Mr Roosevelt was so busy with the reparation of a letter to Judge Baldwin- of Connecticut today that ho did not offer much that was novel In his assault upon Dix and tho Democratic ticket He repeated what he has boon saying right along but he repeated it with a facility that caught the ears of his audiences quicker than heretofore Rochester turned out a big crowd to greet the colonel upon his entrance to town early this evening The police worked hard at the railroad station More than 2000 people who Jammed Into the hall cheered for five minutes when the colonel took the platform Again Attacks Murphy Tho main point that tho colonel tried to bring out before his audience was that Mr Murphy did control the convention and that Mr Dix is only a creature of Mr Murphy Ho quoted from the New York newspapers of the opposition forces to prove his point It was Mr Murphys convention shouted Mr Rosevelt and you do not have to take my word for I will read you what three of the newspapers which are now the most ardent supporters of- Mr Murphy nominee saM of the Roch- ester convention Here is the Evening Post for example Its correspondent in Rochester reported on September 29 Murphy is the domi nant factor in the situation He Mc Cdoey and Fitzgerald Connors control The correspondent of the Evening Sun had this to say The situation lay absolutely In Murphys hands The New York Times correspondent described the situation in those words Never before has Tammany Hall been In such unquestioned control of a State convention Never before has any Tam many boss been enthroned as the State leader In the unlimited way in which Murphy is recognized today The con- vention is In the hollow of his hand Makes Six Speeelie Mr Roosevelt mnde six speeches to day He left Utica at 11 oclock this morning and over to Rome Sen- ator Davenport drove his automobile and burned up the roads In such fashion as to land the colonel in Rome a little ahead of the scheduled hour The first meeting was out of doors to the workingmen When Mr Roosevolt THE HOUSE OF ILLLUCK Are you fond of good fiction Ye Then do not miss tho opening chapters of The House of 111 by Blanche Eardley In next of The Washington Herald It will hold Interest from day to day and give many hours of keen wholesome enjoy- ment If you are not a regular sub scriber better one now and have the delivered at your door bright and early every morning Telephone Main 3300 f t ter lUll It motored oct succes- sor ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ reached the Lyric Theater he found It less than half full an experience that was new to him The committee had roped ort tho pit so that only the elect might enter But at the colonels orders to the Rome policemen the ropes wore cut and the populace poured into the auditorium Tho labor record of Mr Dix furnished a theme here Mr Roose- velt repeated his charges made last night that Mr Dlx employed his mon more than eight hours a day and that It was a gross outrage He spoko of Olney again They said at Rome that Mr Olney was an inhabitant of their town but tho mention of his name did not create much of a stir Charles H fetEs one of Lyons lead ing1 citizens had charge of things at the next stop In the opera house Mr Betts presided and eulogized the colonel just as hard as he could until the audi- ence roared for Teddy Then Mr Betts goodnaturedly ceased Mr Roosevelt took up the personal registration plank In the Democratic platform and de- clared that it would result in a virtual disfranchisement of a considerable por tion of the farmers He also spoke of ME Hupptich In an unfriendly way Says lies No Menace The colonel got to talking once more about the charge that he is a menace to business prosperity In the first place he said laughing I am not running for anything After election day I am going home to Oyster Bay and I am going to stay there I wont menace anything that men- ace me Ho roared that the statement that he controls Stlmaon is perfect nonsense It la like the statement that I want to be king said the colonel If you followed the recent event at Saratoga you would flnd that I had my hands full in trying to be temporary chairman He thought once more that Mr Dlx la too innocent to bo trusted to the ex- cessively wldo awake atmosphere of antI wondered what his senior partner Mr Murphy would do with for and about him The colonel came from Lyons late this afternoon He loft Rochester at 11 oclock and will speak tomor- row In Kingston on the way home In New York he will hold forth some more and will work his way down to Oyster Bay speaking along the line He Intends to rest at Sagamore Hill over Sunday On Monday he will come back to New York to make his whirlwind tour of the city And then he goes out West again COLONEL ANSWERS BALDWIN lloosevelt Refuses li Apologize 0 Democratic Cnntlirfaic Rochester N Y Oct 3S The corre spondeneo between Roosevelt antI Judge Simeon E Baldwin the Demo- cratic nominee for governor of Connecti- cut has gone one step further Tonight the colonel mailed a long letter to the judge It contained no apology Since Col Roosevelts previous letter was sent the colonel has received Judge 3aldwlng epistle and found that the ab- stracts from newspapers were not wholly correct So he desired to make himself clear He appeared to be undisturbed by the reports of a libel suit This is part of what Col Roosevelt wrote Personally I feel that it f n the highest degree retrogressive or If you prefer the terms bourbon and to take tho view that the fellow servant rule as you set forth has worked most cruel Injustice The doctrine you sot forth is exactly the kind of retro- gressive doctrine to which I object and to which as I hold all realty progressive men who have the welfare of working men and therefore the welfare of all our citizens at heart must object I cannot imagine what definition could be given of the word retrogressive How can a judge of a State court deny the Imperative obligation of a Federal statute on any occasion in his court Before he can lawfully assume the duties as such State judge he la bound by In obedience to the express requirements o the Constitution to support the Con stltulion of the United States Federal laws are not dependent upon the Judicial courtesy of State courts to be enforce- able in tho courts of some States and to OHCV are the supreme law of the land and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby Again I hold that this severe crit icism of your position by the Committee- on the Judiciary of the Senate Is tully justified by the facts and most warrants the use of the term retrc- groealve as applied to your position Plre Sweeps Village Johnstown Pa Oct 28 The town of Bovwell about twenty miles south of hors was almost completely wiped out by fire early this morning The blaze which was of unknown origin consumed the Merchants Hotel August Bros clothing store tho Boswell Livery Stable the Opera House and at least a dozen residences The loss is estimated at 100000 Boswells population is 1500 doe nt 1 Cot reaction- ary bt refused enforcement In others certain A- ny tonight < out h ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PINCHOT OUTLINES NEEDS OF PEOPLE Former Forester Presents New American Platform FAVORS DIRECT NOMINATIONS Progressive Views Acquired by with Voters in All Parts of the Country Changing Conditions Require Forward Step by Leaders Political Unrest Well Diagnosed Detroit Mich Oct 28Glfford Plnchot former Chief Forester outlined a platform for the American people this afternoon- at a luncheon given by tho Detroit Board of Commerce at tho Hotel Pontchartraln Mr PInchot has been from Maine to has been In touch with the people and Is as fully acquainted with conditions aa probably any other promi nent American His views naturally coincide with those of the most progressive members of the party They represent the leadership In the present political unrest He epenka both for himself and for the American peoplo as he found them In part ho spoke as follows Since early In Tune I have been travel Ing almost continuously and have had a fair chance to come In contact with and estimate public sentiment In all the great divisions of our country Using the In formation thus secured from contact with men of many occupations and varIeties of political belief in many localities I have tried to write down an estimate of the composite opinion of the voters of all parties in the East the South the Missis- sippi Valley and the Pacific Coast on cer- tain public questions What I have writ- ten makes no pretense to be complete And the task is not without difficulty Opinions fiercely hold in some parts of the country in others have not yet risen to the surface as public Issues The un- derlying fact as I found it everywhere- was deepseated powerful indignation over the inequality or opportunity known to exist and the firm de- termination to put an end to It sombow and that soon If we could hear the voice of all the people upon current issues It woul I think declare itself in substance as follows Control of Legislatures I believe the people should directly nominate elect control and recall theta own legislative representatives I believe In publicity of campaign con trlbutions and expenses both before and after election and in strictly limiting by- law the amount that may be spent and the manner of spending I believe that it should be unlawful for any lawmaker or other public servant lo- bo employed by or to receive oompansa- tlon from any interstate or public service corporation or for any public servant appointed and not elected to office to officer in any political party or organ ixation or to attend any political eon ventlon I believe It should be unlawful for any lobbyist or other representative of any interest to advocate or oppose any mona lo say legislator or legislative com- mittee Without tint publicly registering his name the nature of his compensation- and the name of his employer I believe that the moat pressing pairi- otic duty of today is to revise popular government by driving the special inter eats out of politics and that complete publicity of all the affairs of every inter- state and public service corporation is necessary to that end I believe that corporations have cer lain rights that should be respected but they have no political rights powers or duties and they should have no repre- sentatives in Congress in the Cabinet or on the bench IIIU Special IntcrcMtA- s believe that the special interests through their control of politics and bue moss and principally b meson of the tariff are mainly responsible toe the ex orbitant cost of living I believe that the PaynoAldrteh tar- iff was made by tIM servants of special privilege for the benefit and according to the ordors of their masters and that when Congress and the President enacled and approved it over the just protest of the progressives they broke faith with tho people I believe that the credit for good laws recently passed in Congress belongs to the progressives of both parties who amended bad bills In the public Interest rather than to the administration which drafted and advocated the bad bills I believe that the old party ties are clipping off that the progressives In both parties are the true representatives of their parties and of the people and that the public welfare has become a stronger motive with the people than partisan success I believe that the people have lost con fldanee in Congress because Congress s a whole no longer represents tin people who elect It but the special in terests who control Sees End l f Cnmumlsm- I believe that Cannon and Aldrich and all they represent are passing rat Idly away and that a better time is coming when the people will control I bellexeJJio people must protect them- selves against the special interests and nation alike that they can bet protect themselves by the power of the nation against corporations operating across State lines and that the great special interests must not be jiermilted to take refuge from all control by spac- iously raising the Issue of States rights I believe that our laws and Institutions should be planned made and changed solely as the necessities advantages difficulties of the people require and not for tho benefit of the special Interests I believe that Presidents cabinets lawmakers ofllciale and judges are all servants of the people that they hold olllce for the benefit of no special class cr political party but solely for the justly be held responsible by the peopl- es what they do I believe that our local State and national governments can and should be run as honestly and efficiently as well managed private business that they THE WLHELMINA f FOOT TREATMENT Cures Feet as Bad as 1 This There is nothing on earth like it It Is entirely and all cases We do not care how things you bare tried that bare failed this one will cure you Remember- we i r all troubles that the feet sad all foot troubles Examinations free NATIONAL 1MPRESSIONCO 720 11th Street N W Phone Male 7C8 Cal- Ifornia me It be- an It in- State ani benefit of the people and that may an myanienl ICmethilg that M pcs1t1rc in anf sassy come I Con- tact every- where are they and is rem ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 OCLOCK TONIGHT GIRLS J None Worth Under 650 Childrens Stylish Coats in fine broadcloths golf cloths serges heavy cloakings fine corduroys all shades red navy blue Copenhagen gray brown myrtle fancy mixtures grays These coats are lined throughout and have metal buttons 2 to 6 year sizes not a coat in the lot worth under worth much more All at 395 MISSES 2000 SUITS A Q Handsome and Stylish Serge Suits for misses 12 7 If vJ to 18 years and small women in brown navy blue black Copenhagen mixtures coats lined with guaranteed satin the skirts in the latest pre vailing fashions Every suit worth 2000 GIRLS 300 DRESSES Girls Stylish Dresses in fine white checks navy blue with white dots plaid wool chambrays mixed cloths and wool galateas Every dress a 300 value GIRLS 798 COATS Cr Girls Coats in heavy cloths all blue UU brown Copenhagen all stylish mixtures in the buttontotheneck styles semifitting coats in the doublebreasted style 6 to 14 years selling at 798 In this sale at 500 GIRLS gl50 DRESSES Girls Extra Wellmade Dresses in fine wool plaids madras percales and other materials all sizes 4 to 14 years all neat new styles and sold everywhere at 150 Childrens Outing Gowns CHILDRENS SOFT AND WELI MAPE j Flannel Gowns In all sizes rolors are pink and blue Gowns sell usually at 39o today they are to be on at 2Sc Misses g8 Skirts MISSES FINELY TAILORED SKIRTS of s panamas voiles In navy blue and blak the newest models and strictly up to date Every skirt is a real JS value si 515- 5ll 7T T COATS 3 95 650some till 95 Vool black nd shadesnavy gJ 95c 5 ser For sale j a I iC Outing These ¬ sbould be free from partisan political in- terference and that more should be done by the people acting through the govern- ment for their own protection Instruc- tion and assistance rather than lees I believe that th people of the United States have the right sad can be trtwted to decide and direct how their own property and their own affairs shall be handled I believe that the people have rights In all natural resources even when pri- vately owned and that these resources must bo managed and used not for pri vate advantage alone but likewise so a to promote and not to endanger the com- mon good Those which still remain in the of tbe people should be kept there and should be developed Mid beneitt of tu all I believe that no man has right to or freely monopolise any necesaary of life like coal oil timber or and that the people have the right and the duty to prevent the wasteful or destructive use of any natural resource Duty of the People I believe that this generation of Americans are the heirs of the pat and the trustees of the future and that they are In honor and in duty bound to leave this country to their children better than they found it I believe that this should be a govern- ment by men for human welfare and not a government by money for profit and that It is better to help a poor man make a living gum to help a rich man make more money The foregoing statement is not my own confession of belief I concur in it- but it does not cover all the ground of my political creed For example I be- lieve in the principle of the initiative and referendum but in my judgment the people of the United States have not yet reached conclusion upon that point So with the short ballot the commission form of government for cities and many otbea questions I have not attempted lo state my own platform but rather the portion which I believe the largest voters throughout the country hold today WILL MYSTEBY DEEPENS Portion Cut Oft Ilcturiieil Six Months Hefore Ileiunimlcr- Wllkesbarre Oct 2S Another revela- tion in the mystery surrounding the dis- apucranco of the will of Charles D Fos- ter a millionaire was made this morn ing when Judge Garman the adminis- trator of the estate declared that the portion of the will cut off the last page bad been sent to him from Allentown last April and that in June h received a letter apparently from the same per- son threatening to kill Isbn He does not know the writer Judge German says he made n men- tion of getting the clipped portion of the will because he hoped the person having- it would return It to hiss The will stolen thirteen months ago from Fosters safe was returned mysteriously last Monday- It was then found that a section of the tost page had been cut oft FLORENCE BURNS GUILTY Hold with HrooUs for Working Biulgrer Onnie Now York Oct 2S Florence Burns WlWeck and Edward H Brooks who have been on trial before Judge Grain In General Sessions charged with extor tion were found guilty this afternoon The jury was out tifteen minutes Both Broods and tho woman wore re- manded by Judge Grain for sentence on Wednesday The maximum penalty is ten years Florence Burns and Brooks worked the badger game on Charles H Hurlbut a young lawyer He charged that Florence Bums enticed him to a room and that Brooks entered forcibly and robbod him Cnimdlnim Cheer for Roosevelt Toronto Oct 28 A groat outburst of cheering for Roosevelt suddenly aroused into a state of great excitement the meeting tonight of the International Y M C A which Is attended by nearly 2000 American delegates J A McDon- ald editor of the Toronto Globo asked his American hearers what all thIs in the tops of the juniper trees meant Is every man under the Stars and SUipos getting a fair deal he asked If so why this Insurgency movement which is sweeping the States from East to West and from North to South It is not tho voice of the insurgent leader- It Is not the voice of Rosavelt This was the signal for a great outburst of cheering and waving of handkerchiefs hands I rdf the a a noise ad- ministered waste water- power ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE PERILST- he yellow peril came and went and didnt scare me worth- a cent A peril then of darker hue was held up as a bugaboo When Johnson sent the white mans hope up against the rope alarmists said The end has come Now watch the ebon peril hum And still I went my joyous way and howled a cheery roundelay and wore my patent duplex grin until the coppers ran me in Oh perils pink and perils green are dished up by each magazine and yellow journals pant and about the perils at our door muckraking gentlemen produce fresh perils reeking in their juice no man in all this land can be so poor he command or be so tight a peril for his humble board With perils here and perils there and perils raging everywhere ones bosom should be full of fears ones eyes should be twin founts of tears ones hair should al- ways stand on end and yet I must confess my friend that all the world looks good to me Im mashed on everything I see I whoop and sing my song of cheer until the peelers CfclWiis hr Gears M th r AMLV WALT MASON ADVERTISING TALKS WRITTEN BY WILLIAM C FREEMAN 1 careening I roar hiring cant interfere- r i a ¬ What sort of HONOR must there be back of a business insti- tution that will permit the fol lowing practices to prevail A Newark house that pretends- to be reputable and reliable has been selling coffee at loc per pound and made a specialty of it for a long time They have also been selling a womans skirt at 175 Recently they held a SPE SALE and in this special sale put the price of 15c cof- fee UP to 17c PER POUND and announced it as very special and the 175 skirt was raised this special sale to 250 and an- nounced as a very special thing The sale continued for several days and a great many pounds- of coffee were sold at 17c and a great many skirts were sold at 250 IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SPECIAL SALE was over the former prices were re sumed and the same coffee can be bought today for 15c and ditto the same skirt at 175- I have known of stores in my time who have REDUCED STANDARD PRICES on occa- sions when they were offering special inducements but I never heard before of a store raising prices on its merchandise and then advertising a special sale I On a recent ip to Rochester- I met two ladies wives of friends of mine who spoke of their in creasing doubt as to the RE LIABILITY of houses that were Take Census of Beavers Albany Oct SS With the idea of de- termining how the effort to restock woods with the little furbearing ant mitts was sueeeding Commissioner Aus tin and Deputy Burnbam have been di- recting the fish and game protectors in the Adirondacks in the collection of a census of the beaver This hear progressed sufficiently already to Indicate a great Increase since the plan to re- stock was adopted in 190L the for thc census ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ constantly advertising special salesOne of the ladies told of aa experience she had She bought a suit from one of the supposedly reputable business in Rochester It did not just right and she brought it back to the store to have some further alterations made While she was in the store an other lady a stranger to her the same quality as her own only- a different color and asked the owner of the store the price of the suit Instead of quoting the price openly he a pad from his pocket and wrote down on a slip of paper the price at which he would sell the suit to the other The lady who was getting her suit altered looked that in cident as a direct insult to her and caused her to feel that she could not depend upon the prices quoted by that she made up her mind that never ag ain she buy anything in thf e There seems toji clear the business CUSTOM hJ apply the wo to men of of so NESS If andy ference street whj the mercll steals fron REPRESB like to kno Dirt Ki Lancaster P nlngor a voun- ningrr a farmer picked up a sup kitrhen a enteenycartM 1 trigger TIE the charge ont re causing death Largest Morni houses fit I in and picked out a suitc iad stores will t b 10 I td the came apj1 ill Sot s t ¬ ¬ >

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Post on 24-Apr-2018




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SANDERS STAYMAN CO1327 F Street N W Phones 37253726 I

Big Cut Pricein Popular Sheet Music

lOc Copyfor any of the following

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Silver Bell song and piano soloIn Dear Old TennAll That I Ask Is LoveHonolulu RagWinter new aonsVale of DreamsMeet Ie Tonight In DreamlandSweet Rod RosesThat Rag

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Love Is Greater than the World

You Cant Jolly Molly Any MoreThat Fussy Rag


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Rag Bag book containing 9 latestrags

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DontThat Mesmerizing Mendelssohn



That Soul KlesRubber Necking Moon

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Just Plnln for YouGarden of RosesIn All My Dreams oTake With You CuteyWhen a Boy From Old N H Loves

a Girl From TennAdieu Beloved AdieuStorm Cloud

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Old Masonic Temple 9th and F Sis

Accountancy Instruction Preparingfor C P A degree and professional career Wizioaton School of Accountancy conducted br Y MC A Institute solicits personal conference withrropectire students IndlTidual Instruction plan per-

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Lares and clinic New building anasnipped operating and dinkal roomv

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Mis IBilnn Prank Assistant


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1206 GStWWPatrons have borrowed from us

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Devotes Six Addresses toTirade on Tammany


Colonel Complete DusT Day byMaking Two Speeches at Ilocliea

Where Main Point IB theCharge that Murphy and TammanyControlled Dixi NominatIon

Rochester N Y 2S Tho completeand utter denunciation of Mr Dlx Tam-many Hall and everybody connected withthem goes on relentlessly There Is norespite Mr Roosevelt will not let upHe went at them all hammer and tongstoday

Here where the Democrats nominatedMr Dlx the colonel held forth at twobig meetings tonight There was a cer-tain interest attached to the fact that aconvention of the opposition did the thingsthat appear to Mr Roosevelt to be sinis-ter in the highest degree His extendedreferences to Room 212 and the use ofother catch phrases amused them amaz-ingly tonlght They gave the colonel a-

very glad handMr Roosevelt was so busy with the

reparation of a letter to Judge Baldwin-of Connecticut today that ho did notoffer much that was novel In his assaultupon Dix and tho Democratic ticket Herepeated what he has boon saying rightalong but he repeated it with a facilitythat caught the ears of his audiencesquicker than heretofore

Rochester turned out a big crowd togreet the colonel upon his entrance totown early this evening The policeworked hard at the railroad station

More than 2000 people who Jammed Intothe hall cheered for five minutes whenthe colonel took the platform

Again Attacks MurphyTho main point that tho colonel tried

to bring out before his audience was thatMr Murphy did control the conventionand that Mr Dix is only a creature ofMr Murphy Ho quoted from the NewYork newspapers of the opposition forcesto prove his point

It was Mr Murphys conventionshouted Mr Rosevelt and you do nothave to take my word for I will readyou what three of the newspapers whichare now the most ardent supporters of-Mr Murphy nominee saM of the Roch-ester convention

Here is the Evening Post for exampleIts correspondent in Rochester reportedon September 29 Murphy is the dominant factor in the situation He McCdoey and Fitzgerald Connors

controlThe correspondent of the Evening

Sun had this to say The situation layabsolutely In Murphys hands

The New York Times correspondentdescribed the situation in those wordsNever before has Tammany Hall been

In such unquestioned control of a Stateconvention Never before has any Tammany boss been enthroned as the Stateleader In the unlimited way in whichMurphy is recognized today The con-vention is In the hollow of his hand

Makes Six SpeeelieMr Roosevelt mnde six speeches to

day He left Utica at 11 oclock thismorning and over to Rome Sen-ator Davenport drove his automobile andburned up the roads In such fashion asto land the colonel in Rome a little aheadof the scheduled hour

The first meeting was out of doors tothe workingmen When Mr Roosevolt


Are you fond of good fictionYeThen do not miss tho opening

chapters of The House of 111by Blanche Eardley In

next of TheWashington HeraldIt will hold Interest fromday to day and give many

hours of keen wholesome enjoy-ment

If you are not a regular subscriber better one nowand have the delivered atyour door bright and early everymorning

Telephone Main 3300



ter lUll

















reached the Lyric Theater he found Itless than half full an experience thatwas new to him The committee hadroped ort tho pit so that only the electmight enter But at the colonels ordersto the Rome policemen the ropes worecut and the populace poured into theauditorium Tho labor record of MrDix furnished a theme here Mr Roose-velt repeated his charges made last nightthat Mr Dlx employed his mon morethan eight hours a day and that It wasa gross outrage He spoko of Olneyagain They said at Rome that MrOlney was an inhabitant of their townbut tho mention of his name did notcreate much of a stir

Charles H fetEs one of Lyons leading1 citizens had charge of things atthe next stop In the opera house MrBetts presided and eulogized the coloneljust as hard as he could until the audi-ence roared for Teddy Then Mr Bettsgoodnaturedly ceased Mr Roosevelttook up the personal registration plankIn the Democratic platform and de-clared that it would result in a virtualdisfranchisement of a considerable portion of the farmers He also spoke ofME Hupptich In an unfriendly way

Says lies No MenaceThe colonel got to talking once more

about the charge that he is a menaceto business prosperity

In the first place he said laughingI am not running for anything After

election day I am going home to OysterBay and I am going to stay there Iwont menace anything that men-ace me

Ho roared that the statement that hecontrols Stlmaon is perfect nonsense

It la like the statement that I wantto be king said the colonel If youfollowed the recent event at Saratogayou would flnd that I had my handsfull in trying to be temporary chairmanHe thought once more that Mr Dlx latoo innocent to bo trusted to the ex-cessively wldo awake atmosphere of

antI wondered what his seniorpartner Mr Murphy would do withfor and about him

The colonel came from Lyons late thisafternoon He loft Rochester at 11oclock and will speak tomor-row In Kingston on the way home InNew York he will hold forth some moreand will work his way down to OysterBay speaking along the line He Intendsto rest at Sagamore Hill over SundayOn Monday he will come back to NewYork to make his whirlwind tour of thecity And then he goes out West again


lloosevelt Refuses li Apologize 0Democratic Cnntlirfaic

Rochester N Y Oct 3S The correspondeneo between Roosevelt antIJudge Simeon E Baldwin the Demo-cratic nominee for governor of Connecti-cut has gone one step further Tonightthe colonel mailed a long letter to thejudge It contained no apology

Since Col Roosevelts previous letterwas sent the colonel has received Judge3aldwlng epistle and found that the ab-stracts from newspapers were not whollycorrect So he desired to make himselfclear He appeared to be undisturbedby the reports of a libel suit This ispart of what Col Roosevelt wrote

Personally I feel that it f n thehighest degree retrogressive or If youprefer the terms bourbon and

to take tho view that the fellowservant rule as you set forth has workedmost cruel Injustice The doctrine yousot forth is exactly the kind of retro-gressive doctrine to which I object andto which as I hold all realty progressivemen who have the welfare of workingmen and therefore the welfare of all ourcitizens at heart must object I cannotimagine what definition could be given ofthe word retrogressive

How can a judge of a State court denythe Imperative obligation of a Federalstatute on any occasion in his courtBefore he can lawfully assume the dutiesas such State judge he la bound byIn obedience to the express requirementso the Constitution to support the Constltulion of the United States Federallaws are not dependent upon the Judicialcourtesy of State courts to be enforce-able in tho courts of some States and to

OHCVare the supreme law of the land andthe judges in every State shall be boundtherebyAgain I hold that this severe crit

icism of your position by the Committee-on the Judiciary of the Senate Is tullyjustified by the facts and mostwarrants the use of the term retrc-groealve as applied to your position

Plre Sweeps VillageJohnstown Pa Oct 28 The town of

Bovwell about twenty miles south ofhors was almost completely wiped outby fire early this morning The blazewhich was of unknown origin consumedthe Merchants Hotel August Brosclothing store tho Boswell Livery Stablethe Opera House and at least a dozenresidences The loss is estimated at100000 Boswells population is 1500

doe nt




bt refused enforcement In others






out h


















Former Forester PresentsNew American Platform


Progressive Views Acquired bywith Voters in All Parts of

the Country Changing ConditionsRequire Forward Step by LeadersPolitical Unrest Well Diagnosed

Detroit Mich Oct 28Glfford Plnchotformer Chief Forester outlined a platformfor the American people this afternoon-at a luncheon given by tho Detroit Boardof Commerce at tho Hotel PontchartralnMr PInchot has been from Maine to

has been In touch with thepeople and Is as fully acquainted withconditions aa probably any other prominent American

His views naturally coincide with thoseof the most progressive members of theparty They represent the leadership Inthe present political unrest He epenkaboth for himself and for the Americanpeoplo as he found them In part hospoke as follows

Since early In Tune I have been travelIng almost continuously and have had afair chance to come In contact with andestimate public sentiment In all the greatdivisions of our country Using the Information thus secured from contact withmen of many occupations and varIeties ofpolitical belief in many localities I havetried to write down an estimate of thecomposite opinion of the voters of allparties in the East the South the Missis-sippi Valley and the Pacific Coast on cer-tain public questions What I have writ-ten makes no pretense to be completeAnd the task is not without difficultyOpinions fiercely hold in some parts ofthe country in others have not yet risento the surface as public Issues The un-derlying fact as I found it everywhere-was deepseated powerful indignationover the inequality or opportunity

known to exist and the firm de-termination to put an end to It sombowand that soon

If we could hear the voice of all thepeople upon current issues It woulI think declare itself in substance asfollows

Control of LegislaturesI believe the people should directly

nominate elect control and recall thetaown legislative representatives

I believe In publicity of campaign contrlbutions and expenses both before andafter election and in strictly limiting by-

law the amount that may be spent andthe manner of spending

I believe that it should be unlawful forany lawmaker or other public servant lo-bo employed by or to receive oompansa-tlon from any interstate or public servicecorporation or for any public servantappointed and not elected to office to

officer in any political party or organixation or to attend any political eonventlon

I believe It should be unlawful for anylobbyist or other representative of anyinterest to advocate or oppose any mona

lo say legislator or legislative com-mittee Without tint publicly registeringhis name the nature of his compensation-and the name of his employer

I believe that the moat pressing pairi-otic duty of today is to revise populargovernment by driving the special intereats out of politics and that completepublicity of all the affairs of every inter-state and public service corporation isnecessary to that end

I believe that corporations have cerlain rights that should be respected butthey have no political rights powers orduties and they should have no repre-sentatives in Congress in the Cabinet oron the bench

IIIU Special IntcrcMtA-s believe that the special interests

through their control of politics and buemoss and principally b meson of thetariff are mainly responsible toe the exorbitant cost of living

I believe that the PaynoAldrteh tar-iff was made by tIM servants of specialprivilege for the benefit and according tothe ordors of their masters and thatwhen Congress and the President enacledand approved it over the just protest ofthe progressives they broke faith withtho people

I believe that the credit for good lawsrecently passed in Congress belongs tothe progressives of both parties whoamended bad bills In the public Interestrather than to the administration whichdrafted and advocated the bad bills

I believe that the old party ties areclipping off that the progressives In bothparties are the true representatives oftheir parties and of the people and thatthe public welfare has become a strongermotive with the people than partisansuccess

I believe that the people have lost confldanee in Congress because Congress

s a whole no longer represents tinpeople who elect It but the special interests who control

Sees End l f Cnmumlsm-I believe that Cannon and Aldrich

and all they represent are passing ratIdly away and that a better time iscoming when the people will control

I bellexeJJio people must protect them-selves against the special interests

and nation alike that they can betprotect themselves by the power of thenation against corporations operatingacross State lines and that the greatspecial interests must not be jiermiltedto take refuge from all control by spac-iously raising the Issue of States rights

I believe that our laws and Institutionsshould be planned made and changedsolely as the necessities advantagesdifficulties of the people require and notfor tho benefit of the special Interests

I believe that Presidents cabinetslawmakers ofllciale and judges are allservants of the people that they holdolllce for the benefit of no special classcr political party but solely for the

justly be held responsible by the peopl-es what they do

I believe that our local State andnational governments can and should berun as honestly and efficiently aswell managed private business that they



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benefit of the people and that may


myanienl ICmethilg that M pcs1t1rc in anf









and is




















GIRLS JNone Worth Under 650Childrens Stylish Coats in fine broadcloths golf cloths serges

heavy cloakings fine corduroys all shades red navy blue Copenhagen

gray brown myrtle fancy mixtures grays These coats are lined

throughout and have metal buttons 2 to 6 year sizes not a coat in thelot worth under worth much more All at 395

MISSES 2000 SUITS A QHandsome and Stylish Serge Suits for misses 12 7 If vJ

to 18 years and small women in brown navy blue black Copenhagenmixtures coats lined with guaranteed satin the skirts in the latest prevailing fashions Every suit worth 2000

GIRLS 300 DRESSESGirls Stylish Dresses in fine

white checks navy blue with white dots plaid wool chambrays mixedcloths and wool galateas Every dress a 300 value

GIRLS 798 COATS CrGirls Coats in heavy cloths all blue UU

brown Copenhagen all stylish mixtures in the buttontotheneckstyles semifitting coats in the doublebreasted style 6 to 14 yearsselling at 798 In this sale at 500

GIRLS gl50 DRESSESGirls Extra Wellmade Dresses in fine wool plaids

madras percales and other materials all sizes 4 to 14 years all neatnew styles and sold everywhere at 150


Flannel Gowns In all sizes rolorsare pink and blue Gowns sell usually at39o today they are to be on at 2Sc


of s panamas voiles In navy blueand blak the newest models and strictly up todate Every skirt is a real JS value


7T T

COATS 3 95650some

till 95Vool black nd

shadesnavy gJ


5serFor sale





sbould be free from partisan political in-

terference and that more should be doneby the people acting through the govern-ment for their own protection Instruc-tion and assistance rather than lees

I believe that th people of the UnitedStates have the right sad can be trtwtedto decide and direct how their ownproperty and their own affairs shall behandled

I believe that the people have rightsIn all natural resources even when pri-

vately owned and that these resourcesmust bo managed and used not for private advantage alone but likewise so ato promote and not to endanger the com-

mon good Those which still remain inthe of tbe people should be keptthere and should be developed Mid

beneitt of tu allI believe that no man has right to

or freely monopolise any necesaaryof life like coal oil timber or

and that the people have the rightand the duty to prevent the wasteful ordestructive use of any natural resource

Duty of the PeopleI believe that this generation of

Americans are the heirs of the pat andthe trustees of the future and that theyare In honor and in duty bound to leavethis country to their children better thanthey found it

I believe that this should be a govern-

ment by men for human welfare andnot a government by money for profitand that It is better to help a poor manmake a living gum to help a rich manmake more money

The foregoing statement is not myown confession of belief I concur in it-

but it does not cover all the ground ofmy political creed For example I be-

lieve in the principle of the initiativeand referendum but in my judgment thepeople of the United States have not yetreached conclusion upon that point Sowith the short ballot the commissionform of government for cities and manyotbea questions I have not attemptedlo state my own platform but ratherthe portion which I believe the largest

voters throughout the countryhold today


Portion Cut Oft Ilcturiieil Six MonthsHefore Ileiunimlcr-

Wllkesbarre Oct 2S Another revela-

tion in the mystery surrounding the dis-

apucranco of the will of Charles D Fos-

ter a millionaire was made this morning when Judge Garman the adminis-

trator of the estate declared that theportion of the will cut off the last pagebad been sent to him from Allentownlast April and that in June h receiveda letter apparently from the same per-

son threatening to kill Isbn He doesnot know the writer

Judge German says he made n men-tion of getting the clipped portion of thewill because he hoped the person having-it would return It to hiss The will stolenthirteen months ago from Fosters safewas returned mysteriously last Monday-It was then found that a section of thetost page had been cut oft


Hold with HrooUs for WorkingBiulgrer Onnie

Now York Oct 2S Florence BurnsWlWeck and Edward H Brooks whohave been on trial before Judge GrainIn General Sessions charged with extortion were found guilty this afternoonThe jury was out tifteen minutes

Both Broods and tho woman wore re-

manded by Judge Grain for sentence onWednesday The maximum penalty isten years

Florence Burns and Brooks worked thebadger game on Charles H Hurlbut a

young lawyer He charged that FlorenceBums enticed him to a room and thatBrooks entered forcibly and robbod him

Cnimdlnim Cheer for RooseveltToronto Oct 28 A groat outburst of

cheering for Roosevelt suddenly arousedinto a state of great excitement themeeting tonight of the International YM C A which Is attended by nearly2000 American delegates J A McDon-ald editor of the Toronto Globo askedhis American hearers what all thIsin the tops of the juniper trees meant

Is every man under the Stars andSUipos getting a fair deal he askedIf so why this Insurgency movement

which is sweeping the States from Eastto West and from North to South Itis not tho voice of the insurgent leader-It Is not the voice of Rosavelt

This was the signal for a great outburstof cheering and waving of handkerchiefs



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he yellow peril came and went and didnt scare me worth-a cent A peril then of darker hue was held up as a bugabooWhen Johnson sent the white mans hope up againstthe rope alarmists said The end has come Now watch theebon peril hum And still I went my joyous way and howleda cheery roundelay and wore my patent duplex grin until thecoppers ran me in Oh perils pink and perils green are dishedup by each magazine and yellow journals pant and aboutthe perils at our door muckraking gentlemen produce freshperils reeking in their juice no man in all this landcan be so poor he command or be so tighta peril for his humble board With perils here and perils thereand perils raging everywhere ones bosom should be full of fearsones eyes should be twin founts of tears ones hair should al-

ways stand on end and yet I must confess my friend that allthe world looks good to me Im mashed on everything I see Iwhoop and sing my song of cheer until the peelers

CfclWiis hr Gears M th r AMLV WALT MASON











What sort of HONOR mustthere be back of a business insti-

tution that will permit the fol

lowing practices to prevailA Newark house that pretends-

to be reputable and reliable hasbeen selling coffee at loc perpound and made a specialty of itfor a long time They have alsobeen selling a womans skirt at175Recently they held a SPE

SALE and in this specialsale put the price of 15c cof-fee UP to 17c PER POUNDand announced it as very specialand the 175 skirt was raisedthis special sale to 250 and an-

nounced as a very special thingThe sale continued for several

days and a great many pounds-of coffee were sold at 17c and agreat many skirts were sold at250IMMEDIATELY AFTER

THE SPECIAL SALE wasover the former prices were resumed and the same coffee canbe bought today for 15c andditto the same skirt at 175-

I have known of stores in mytime who have REDUCEDSTANDARD PRICES on occa-sions when they were offeringspecial inducements but I neverheard before of a store raisingprices on its merchandise andthen advertising a special sale I

On a recent ip to Rochester-I met two ladies wives of friendsof mine who spoke of their increasing doubt as to the RELIABILITY of houses that were

Take Census of BeaversAlbany Oct SS With the idea of de-

termining how the effort to restockwoods with the little furbearing antmitts was sueeeding Commissioner Austin and Deputy Burnbam have been di-

recting the fish and game protectors inthe Adirondacks in the collection of acensus of the beaver This hearprogressed sufficiently already to Indicatea great Increase since the plan to re-stock was adopted in 190L















constantly advertising specialsalesOne

of the ladies told of aaexperience she had

She bought a suit from one ofthe supposedly reputable business

in Rochester It did notjust right and she brought it

back to the store to have somefurther alterations made

While she was in the store another lady a stranger to her

the same quality as her own only-a different color and asked theowner of the store the price of thesuit Instead of quoting the priceopenly he a pad from hispocket and wrote down on a slipof paper the price at which hewould sell the suit to the other

The lady who was getting hersuit altered looked that incident as a direct insult to herand caused her to feel that shecould not depend upon the pricesquoted by that she madeup her mind that never ag ainshe buy anything in thf e

There seems tojiclear the business

CUSTOM hJapply the woto men ofofsoNESS

If andyferencestreet whjthe mercllsteals fronREPRESBlike to kno

Dirt KiLancaster P

nlngor a voun-ningrr a farmerpicked up a supkitrhen aenteenycartM 1

trigger TIEthe charge ont recausing death

Largest Morni



in and picked out a suitc









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