qustion 2 a2

2. How effective is the combinatio n of your main pr oduct and ancilla ry texts?

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Page 3: Qustion 2 a2

I believe it is very important for the ancillary to reflect the video to some extent to show some coloration between that artist style in genre and the image that is being portrayed through the album cover. The combination between the two must be complimentary, with a house style in colours and themes. The combination of both my ancillary task and music video is quiet effective, as the main theme and style are embed in both the poster and digipak, the vintage, rusty washed out ancient feel to the videos colour and colour channels can be see in my didgipak with the aging brown paper in the background, and the bolding washed down colour of the face. My didgipak is an abstract original oil drawing of the artist which then I manipulated it as you can tell from the original at the side. However un like the music video my didgipak contained brighter bolder colour this is still effective as it looks digitally artistic and add edge to the artist image.

Page 4: Qustion 2 a2

Effective use of artist that appeared in close ups in the video also has a drawing of his face close-up in the digipak and poster.