quotes in academic essays - scca thompson€¦ · when writing across the disciplines, it’s...

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Page 1: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Quotes in Academic Essays


Page 2: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

When should I quote?

Drawings from: http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/05/disturbing-1919-drawings-for-an-edgar-allan-poe-story-collection/256813/

Page 3: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Key Points to Remember:

Quotes should only make up about 10% of your entire paper.

You should not use so many quotes that your own ideas get lost.

In fact, paraphrasing others ideas in your essay is sometimes prefered over quotes, since paraphrasing demonstrates your understanding of the original

author’s ideas or intentions.

When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations of the text, while papers

in the social sciences may have more paraphrasing, data, and statistics than quotations. Either way, students MUST remember to cite sources, even if they

are paraphrasing.

Page 4: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Discussing specific arguments or ideas.

Sometimes, in order to have a clear, accurate discussion of the ideas of others, you need to quote those ideas word for word.

You should quote when…

Page 5: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Giving added emphasis to a particularly authoritative source on your topic.

There will be times when you want to highlight the words of a particularly important and authoritative source on your topic.

In some instances, the words of the author deserve more exposure than a paraphrase could provide

You should quote when…

Page 6: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Analyzing how others use language.

This scenario is probably most common in literature and linguistics courses when the language of the text is the primary topic. You will need to provide examples of the

language you are discussing.

You should quote when…

Page 7: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Spicing up your prose.

In order to lend variety to your prose, you may wish to quote a source with particularly vivid language. Of course, the quotes

must relate to your topic and arguments.

You should quote when…

Page 8: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

How do I set up and follow up a quotation?

Page 9: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations



You can think of each quote as the filling (or meat) in a sandwich: it may be tasty on its own, but it’s messy to eat without some bread on either side of it. Your words can serve as the bread that helps readers digest each quote easily.

Your Words

Your Words




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Page 10: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Providing a context for each quotation.

It is your responsibility to provide your reader with a context for the quotation. The context should set the basic scene for

when, possibly where, and under what circumstances the quotation was spoken or written.

You set up a quote by…

Page 11: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Attributing each quotation to its source.

Tell your reader who is speaking. Make sure your readers know where your quotations begin.

Avoid getting into the “he/she said” attribution rut! There are many attributive verbs that can replace “said.”

You set up a quote by…

Page 12: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Explaining the significance of the quotation.

Once you’ve inserted your quotation, along with its context and attribution, don’t stop! Your reader still needs your assessment

of why the quotation holds significance for your paper.

You follow up a quote by…

Page 13: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Providing a citation for the quotation.

All quotations, just like all paraphrases, require formal citation. In general, you should remember that the

parenthetical reference or footnote/endnote number comes after, not within, the closed quotation mark.

You follow up a quote by…

Page 14: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

How do I embed a quote into a sentence?

Page 15: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Key Takeaways:

Avoid leaving quotes as sentences unto themselves.

“Floating quotes” do not have a clear connection to the sentences that surround them, so you must make sure to

embed quotes into your own language.

Page 16: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Leading into the quote with a colon.

A colon announces that a quote will follow to provide evidence for the sentence’s claim.

You embed a quote into a sentence by…


Hamlet denies Rosencrantz’s claim that thwarted ambition caused his depression: “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space” (Hamlet2.2).

Page 17: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Introducing or concluding the quote by attributing it to the speaker. If your attribution precedes the quote, you will need

to use a comma after the verb.

You embed a quote into a sentence by…


Hamlet denies Rosencrantz’s claim that thwarted ambition caused his depression. He states, “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2).

Page 18: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Interrupting the quote with an attribution to the speaker. Again, you will need to use a comma after the verb, as well as a comma

leading into the attribution.

You embed a quote into a sentence by…


“There is nothing either good or bad,” Hamlet argues, “but thinking makes it so” (Hamlet 2.2)

Page 19: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Using the words of the quote grammatically within your own sentence.

You embed a quote into a sentence by…


When Hamlet tells Rosencrantz that he “could be bounded in a nutshell and count [him]self a king of infinite space” (Hamlet 2.2), he implies that thwarted ambition did not cause his depression.

Page 20: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

How much should I quote?

Page 21: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Key Takeaways:

You should select your quotes very judiciously

Only use the parts of your text that BEST support your argument. You may be tempted to select a very lengthy quote.

Quote only the most pithy and memorable parts of your sources

Page 22: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Excerpt fragments.

Sometimes, you should quote short fragments, rather than whole sentences. Look for redundancies in your text and avoid

them. Instead, focus on using key ideas or main points of sentences and use those.

How much should you quote?

Page 23: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Excerpt those fragments carefully!

Quoting the words of others carries a big responsibility. Misquoting misrepresents the ideas of others. Context

ALWAYS matters, so be sure to keep the context the same (or similar) when removing a piece of quote from one text

and inserting it into your own.

How much should you quote?

Page 24: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Use block quotations sparingly.

There may be times when you need to quote long passages. However, you should use block quotations only when you fear omitting any words will destroy the integrity of the passages.

How much should you quote?

Page 25: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

When do I use the ellipsis?

Page 26: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Key Takeaways:

Whenever you want to leave out material from within a quotation, you need to use an ellipsis

An ellipsis has THREE dots (not 15)

Page 27: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Be sure that you don’t fundamentally change the meaning of the quotation by omitting material.

When using an ellipsis…


“SCCA is located in Porterville, California, and it is an International Baccalaureate School.”

“SCCA is…an International Baccalaureate School.”

Page 28: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Do not use ellipses at the beginning or ending of quotations, unless it’s important for the reader to know that the

quotation was truncated.

When using an ellipsis…

Page 29: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Use punctuation marks in combination with ellipses when removing material from the end of sentences or clauses.

When using an ellipsis…


“The boys ran to school, forgetting their lunches and books. Even though they were out of breath, they made it on time.”“The boys ran to school. . . . Even though they were out of breath, they made it on time.”

“The red car came to a screeching halt that was heard by nearby pedestrians, but no one was hurt.”“The red car came to a screeching halt . . . , but no one was hurt.”

Page 30: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Is it ever okay to insert my own words or change words in a quotation?

Page 31: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Key Takeaways:

Sometimes it’s necessary for clarity and flow to alter a word or words within a quotation. These changes should

be made sparingly.

To alert your reader to the changes you are making to the quote, you should always bracket the altered words.

[bracketed words]

Page 32: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Changing verb tense or pronouns in order to be consistent with the rest of the sentence.

You should use brackets when…

Original Quote:

“Nobody understood me.”

Altered Quote:

Esther Hansen felt that when she came to the United States “nobody understood [her].”

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Including supplemental information that your reader needs in order to understand the quotation.

You should use brackets when…


“The principal of the school told Billy [William Smith] that his contract would be terminated.”

“We completely revised our political strategies after the strike [of 1934].”

Page 34: Quotes in Academic Essays - SCCA THOMPSON€¦ · When writing across the disciplines, it’s important to remember that essays discussing literature may rely heavily on direct quotations

Do not overuse brackets!

It is not necessary to bracket capitalization changes that you make at the beginning of a sentence.

You should use brackets when…