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28 Quotable Quotes 1 HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL SUMMER 2020 Name _______________________ Harlan Park Bapst Church 1895 Dave Ward Drive, Conway, AR 72034 www.harlanparkbapst.com

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Page 1: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Quotable Quotes






Name _______________________

Harlan Park Baptist Church 1895 Dave Ward Drive,

Conway, AR 72034 www.harlanparkbaptist.com

Page 2: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2 Introduction/Mission & Disciple Process 3 Going Where? Growth Challenge 4 Explore the Bible & Growth Challenge 4 Bible Reading Plan, Study Help, & Prayer 5 Weekly Bible Study Focus 6 Bible Memory Verses 7 Disciple Group Format 8 God’s Good News 9 7 Up Daily Devotion Plan 10 Family Groups/HPBC Info/Leadership 11 Weekly Study Sheets 12-25 Prayer Lists 26-27 Quotable Quotes 28



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Page 3: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves



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This SUMMER our GOAL is to again make disciples of Jesus who then choose to make disciples. We believe consistency in God’s Word and prayer are foundational to growing and learning as believers.

This Disciple Guide will provide some tools for your ongoing spiritual journey. We desire to be doers of God’s Word. Our goal is to be a church family that is focused on growing and learning in the same direction. We desire love for God, love for each other,

love for community, consistency, accountability, and obedience to God’s Word.

Our Mission & Discipleship Process

Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves doing these things outlined below. If you commit yourself to this process, there is a high likelihood you will

grow in faith and become more committed as a follower of Jesus.

Based on Matt. 22:37-40; 28:18-20

LOVE GOD Commit to Sunday morning worship and daily times of

loving God with all your heart.

LOVE OTHERS Commit to active Family Group Involvement. on Sunday mornings

and loving neighbors during the week.

GROW DEEPER Commit to grow as an obedient believer

with the daily spiritual disciplines of Bible reading and prayer.

SERVE & GIVE Commit to serve at least one place for one year in our church family.

Serve IN our church family. Serve OUT in our community. Be a giver of your time, talents, and treasures.

Page 4: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Where are we going?

This summer we will be asking all to join us on the journey of exploring who we are in Christ and where we are seeking to go as a church family. We will consider

together our vision, mission, values, and strategy. We will review what it means to be saved, baptized as a believer, experience the Lord’s Supper, and consider the

part God would have us play in church membership.

We are also seeking to help each person assess their personality and spiritual gifts so each can get involved and begin to SERVE IN and SERVE OUT as God leads.

We are hoping to use the summer time to prepare for relaunching many of our ministries this fall.


Level 1: Commit to our Discipleship Process (Page 3)

Commit to daily Bible reading and prayer. Develop and use a personal journal each day.

Level 2: Seek to read all the Bible through in 2020.

Practice Scripture memory each week. Pray for one person to come to Christ this year

through your witness. Be a regular tither and giver of your time,

talents, and treasures. Expand relationships to at least one mentor,

one peer, and one protégé.


Week 14: September 6-12, 2020 Topic: Roadmap for the Journey/Maturity Key Passage: 1 Cor. 2:12-3:3 Truths I Want to Remember: Natural Spiritual Carnal/Worldly Write out this week’s memory verse below:

Page 5: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 13: August 30-September 5, 2020

Topic: Maturity in Christ

Key Passage: Eph. 4:11-26

Truths I Want to Remember:




Utter Dependence

Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Bible Reading Plan 2020 “Our Daily Bread” devotional booklets can be picked up in our

church Welcome Center, or downloaded as a free app. A yearly “read the Bible” plan is included. If you miss a day of reading, don’t worry, just begin reading at the current date.

Bible Study Help (SOAP Method) Purchase a journal of some kind and use these principles in

your personal study.

SCRIPTURE—In your journal, write out the one verse that

spoke to you the most.

OBSERVATION—What captured your attention as you read

this passage? Did God speak to you as you were

reading? What did you learn?

APPLICATION—What part of this Scripture can you apply to

your life? What will change if you do?

PRAYER—Ask God to give you a clear understanding of this

Scripture. Ask Him to help you apply it to your life.

Pray the Scripture over yourself.

Prayer Help

Find a place in your personal journal to make two columns.

On the left column place a date and then list specific requests.

Use the right hand column to record answers to prayer.

Draw a line through answered prayers and praise God. Keep

praying until God answers yes, no, wait, or something else!

When your journal is full, write dates of use on the outside

cover and start another journal ASAP!

Page 6: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Weekly Bible Study Focus Week Topic Passage Jun 7-13 People Work Romans 16 Jun 14-20 Is the Bible reliable? 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Jun 21-27 Are you saved? 1 Jn 5:13 Jun 28-Jul 4 Eternal Security Matt. 7:22-23 Jul 5-11 Consequences of Sin Psalm 51 Jul 12-18 Spiritually Clean 1 John 1 Jul 19-25 Dealing with the Enemy John 8:44 Jul 26-Aug 1 Model Praying Matt. 6:9-13 Aug 2-8 Positive Principles 1 Corinthians Aug 9-15 Doing God’s Will Jer. 29:11 Aug 16-22 Dealing with Temptation 1 Cor. 10:12-13 Aug 23-29 Second Coming of Christ 1 Thes. 4:13-18 Aug 30-Sep 5 Maturity in Christ Eph. 4:11-26 Sep 6-12 Roadmap for the Journey 1 Cor. 2:12-3:3


Week 12: August 23-29, 2020 Topic: Second Coming of Jesus Key Passage: 1 Thes. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15 Truths I Want to Remember: Evidence Events Return Resurrection Rapture Reunion Write out this week’s memory verse below:

Page 7: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 11: August 16-22, 2020 Topic: Deal with Temptation Key Passage: 1 Cor. 10:12-13 Truths I Want to Remember: Subjects Sources Sites Seasons Victory Plan Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Bible Memory Verses

Memorize or review Bible verses weekly. 2 Tim. 3:16 “All Scripture is inspired by God…”

Jun 7-13 All Have Sinned Isa. 53:6 Jun 14-20 Sin’s Penalty Rom. 6:23 Jun 21-27 Sin’s Penalty Heb. 9:27 Jun 28-Jul 4 Christ Paid Penalty Rom. 5:8 Jul 5-11 Christ Paid Penalty 1 Pet 3:18 Jul 12-18 Not by Works Eph. 2:8-10 Jul 19-25 Not by Works Titus 3:5 Jul 26-Aug 1 Must Receive Christ John 1:12 Aug 2-8 Must Receive Christ Rev. 3:20 Aug 9-15 Assuring Salvation 1 John 5:13 Aug 16-22 Assuring Salvation John 5:24 Aug 23-29 His Spirit 1 Cor. 3:16 Aug 30-Sep 5 His Spirit 1 Cor. 2:12 Sep 6-12 His Strength Isa. 41:10

Page 8: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Disciple Group Format

These section is for a small group of three or four people to gather weekly

to encourage, share, build up, and sharpen one another.

1 Thes. 5:23 “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely,

and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the

coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Accountability Questions


1. Have you spent daily time in Scriptures and prayer?

2. Are you fully obedient to what God is teaching you there?

3. Are you progressing towards Christ-likeness as a disciple?

4. How many times have you shared the Gospel and with whom?

5. How many spiritual conversations or church invitations given?

6. Who are the people you are “discipling”?

What is your approach and how is that going?


1. Have you spent quality relationship time with family and friends?

2. Have you done your 100% best in your work?

3. Have you told any half-truths or outright lies,

putting yourself in a better light to others?

4. Have you allowed any person or circumstances

to rob you of your joy?


1. Have you taken care of your body through daily physical exercise

and proper eating and sleeping habits?

2. Are there things you need to change in this area to better honor God?

3. Is there any area where you are currently disobedient to God?

4. Have you lied on any of your answers today?


Week 10: August 9-15, 2020 Topic: Doing God’s Will Key Passage: Jer. 29:11 Truths I Want to Remember: Plan & Purpose Scroll vs. Blueprint Promised to Reveal Aspects of God’s Will Positives and Negatives No Preference Write out this week’s memory verse below:

Page 9: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 9: August 2-8, 2020 Topic: Positive Principles Key Passage: 1 Corinthians Truths I Want t o Remember: Expedience 1 Cor. 6:12 Enslavement 1 Cor. 6:12;10:23 Example 1 Cor. 8:8-13 Edification 1 Cor. 10:23 Exaltation 1 Cor. 10:31 Evangelism 1 Cor. 10:32-33 Write out this week’s memory verse below:


God’s Good News

Your heart tends to run from God and rebel against Him.

The Bible calls this “sin.” Romans 3:23

Yet God loves you and wants to save you from your sin,

offering you a relationship with Him. John 10:10

To give you this gift of salvation, God sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the

penalty for your sins. Romans 5:8

You can receive this God-given gift by faith alone. Ephesians 2:8

Faith involves trusting that God alone can save you and and help you

turn away from a life of sin. Romans 10:9; Mark 1:15

If you want to trust that Jesus died for your sins and receive new life

through Him, pray a prayer similar to that expresses your heart change

(repentance) and faith in Him:

“God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus, in love, died to pay for my

sins. Today I turn from my sin and choose to accept Your offer of

eternal life. Thank You for Your love for me and for Your forgiveness.

Thank You for my new life. From this day forward, help me live for You!

* * * * * * * * * *

If you have trusted Jesus as Savior, please share your decision with a

Christian friend or pastor. If you are not already attending church,

find one in which you can worship and grow in your faith.

Following Christ’s example, ask to be baptized by immersion

as a public expression of your faith.

Our pastor from HPBC would love to talk with you about your decision

and help answer any questions you may have.

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7 UP

Can you spare at least 7 to 10 minutes to start each day with

God? Try and give your relationship with Jesus the best time

of your day!

30 Seconds Pray and ask God to speak truth into your life.

3 Minutes Read the Scripture of the day from “Our Daily

Bread” (www.odb.org) or some other devotional


1 Minute Write a lesson or two God reveals in your journal.

2 Minutes Read the devotional reading for the day.

30 Seconds Pray for opportunity to live out what you are

learning during the day and share with others.

Pray for specific items on Your prayer list as time



7 Minutes Total

Try to develop daily discipline in Bible study. Add time as

desired and as your thirst grows for God’s Word and prayer.


Week 8: July 26-August 1, 2020 Topic: Model Praying Key Passage: Matt. 6:9-13 Truths I Want to Remember: Person Purpose Provision Pardon Protection Praise Write out this week’s memory verse below:

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Week 7: July 19-25, 2020 Topic: Dealing with the Enemy Key Passage: Jn. 8:44; Genesis 3:1-6 Truths I Want to Remember: Satan’s Deceit Gen. 3:1 Satan’s Defeat Rev. 12:9 Blood of the Lamb Word of their Testimony Complete Commitment Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Family Groups (FG) Sundays @ 9:45 a.m.

ON HOLD FOR NOW (Summer 2020)

Preschool Monica Christopher Room K5 K-3rd Grade Hannah Zirbel Room K2 4-6th Grade Brenda Mitchell Room K1 Youth (Gr. 7-12) Room C1 College & Career Zach Zirbel Room FH 1 Younger Adult Jerry Borden Room FHall Older Adult Jim Davis/Eric Meades Room O6 Ladies Jessica Meades Room FH5



Office (501) 327-6015

Like us on Facebook!

Sunday Worship is on Facebook Live!


Gary Mitchell (Pastor) [email protected]

Morgan Davis (Children) [email protected]

Office Team [email protected]

2020 Leadership Team Members

Pastor Gary Mitchell, Eric Meades, Tim Davis, Jerry Borden,

Virginia Roberson, Morgan Davis, Monica Christopher,

Minnie Woodard

Page 12: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 1: June 7-13, 2020

Topic: People Work

Key Passage: Romans 16

Truths I Want to Remember:

Personal Greeting

Words of Warning

Fellow Workers

Benediction of Praise

Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Week 6: July 12-18, 2020 Topic: Spiritually Clean Key Passage: 1 John 1:1-10 Truths I Want to Remember: Deceitfulness of Sin 1 Jn. 1:6-10 Destructiveness of Sin 1 Jn. 1:4 Disclosure of Sin 1 John 1:5 Holy Spirit conviction Legitimate Specific Redemptive Confess Continually Completely Confidently Write out this week’s memory verse below:

Page 13: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 5: July 5-11, 2020 Topic: Consequences of Sin Key Passage: Psalm 51 Truths I Want to Remember: Soil your soul Ps. 51:1-2 Saturate your mind. Psalm 51:3 Sting your conscience. Psalm 51:4 Sadden your heart. Ps 51:8, 12 Sicken your body. Psalm 51:8 Sour your spirit. Ps. 51:10 Seal your lips. Ps. 51:14-15 Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Week 2: June 14-20, 2020 Topic: The Bible as God’s Word Key Passage: 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Truths I Want to Remember: Scientifically accurate Historically accurate Unity Fulfilled prophesy Ever-living quality Transforming power Write out this week’s memory verse below:

Page 14: Quotable Quotes HPBC DISCIPLE JOURNAL · Our Mission & Discipleship Process Our mission as a church and our discipleship process are the same. We believe loving God well involves


Week 3: June 21-27, 2020 Topic: Be Saved and Know It Key Passage: 1 Jn. 5:13; Eph. 2:8-10 Truths I Want to Remember: Grace = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense Faith = Forsaking All I Trust Him Justified immediately in spirit Sanctified progressively in soul Glorified ultimately in body Write out this week’s memory verse below:


Week 4: June 28 to July 4, 2020 Topic: Matt. 7:22-23; Jn. 10:27 Key Passage: Eternal Security Truths I Want to Remember: Promise of the Bible Rom.8:38-39 Perfect Sacrifice Heb.10:14; Rom. 4:4-8 Perseverance of the Spirit Phil 1:6 Predestination of Saints Rom.8:28-30 Position of the Saved 1 Pet 3:18-22 Present Tense of Salvation John 5:24 Prayers of Jesus Jn 17; Heb. 7:25 Power of God 1 Pet. 1:3-5 Write out this week’s memory verse below: